1 minute read

While Northeast Wilmington is fortunate to have significant park and open space amenities within walking distance of residents (including the Kingswood Community Park adjacent to the Kingswood Community Center, Brown-Burton Winchester/ Speakman Park and smaller parks and plazas including Brandywine Mills Park and Brandywine Mills Plaza), safety concerns and lack of consistent programming have limited the use of these open space resources. With programming and design improvements, the neighborhood’s open spaces can continue to bring a wealth of benefits including increasing adjacent property values, providing active recreation, supporting health and wellness, increasing opportunities for community cohesion, and improving the air and water quality.
The proposed open space network links existing with new open spaces that are connected via sidewalks and green streets that function for stormwater management.

stormwater wetland park waterfront park
Existing open space
Planned/Proposed open space
Green streets
Low tide wetlands
Walking path
Bike path
Gateway improvements
Enhance stormwater management through street tree planting and maintenance and investments in green infrastructure
Activate parks and open spaces with welcoming recreation town green kingswood fields and court
Green streets designed to manage storm water