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1.6 How to Use the Parks Master Plan

The 2017 PMP is intended to be used as a tool for planning and managing Fresno’s park and open space assets. The PMP is intended to be revisited and updated as necessary, with a 10 year near term planning horizon. Primary responsibility for implementing this Plan falls to three City departments, as summarized:

• Parks, After School, Recreation and Community Services (PARCS): Of 1023 acres of park land, PARCS maintains 966 acres (including some Fresno Metropolitan Flood Control District ponding basin land with recreation amenities). The remaining 57 acres are maintained by Public Works. The PARCS Department provides an array of recreational programs for people of all ages, and manages special events in parks. The Planned Maintenance

Division is responsible for maintaining and irrigating parks and undertaking park improvements. The Recreation and Community

Services Divisions run after-school recreation, job preparation and leadership programs at parks and school sites which involve thousands of children and youth in Fresno. The Division manages summer camps, youth and adult sports programs, and recreation, aquatics, and hot meal programs for seniors. Special Events staff oversees concerts, walks/runs, festivals, and sporting events in parks, as well as parades and other citywide events. PARCS will have primary responsibility for enacting park improvement and maintenance recommendations in the PMP, as well as recommendations related to programming.

• Development and Resources Management (DARM): The

Department has broad responsibility over land use planning and development in Fresno. DARM’s Development Services Unit reviews planning and building applications and issues permits.

The Neighborhood Services Unit focuses on improving property values and quality of life through code enforcement, housing rehabilitation, and distribution of federal grants. The Urban and

Neighborhood Planning Unit administers Fresno’s long-range planning efforts, including this PMP Update.

• The Public Works (PW) Department builds and maintains the

City’s infrastructure, including its streets, sidewalks, traffi c signals, trails, street trees, and landscaping. The Department also provides design services, construction and project management for public facilities, and maintains Community Facilities District parks. Park improvement projects and new park development recommended by the PMP will be Public Works’ responsibility to implement. The

PMP’s “urban greening” recommendations that have to do with the tree canopy, bioswales, and active transportation facilities will also fall to Public Works.

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