1 minute read
from Millbrae Downtown & El Camino Real Specific Plan / Broadway & El Camino Real Streetscape Plan
by wrtdesign
Enhance Millbrae’s character and reputation by creating vibrant places that bring community members together and draw visitors from the region.
Encourage Millbrae to remain an inclusive urban community with strong civic pride by improving and creating new public gathering spaces through public art, local landmarks, safety measures, and park or plaza improvements.
Nurture a sustainable urban environment.
Encourage walking, biking, and public transportation and reduce automobile dependence, noise, and harmful air pollutants. Strive to achieve Zero Waste and expanded electrical infrastructure, tertiary wastewater treatment, and urban forest. Promote the efficient use of natural resources including water, energy, and land, to reduce impacts on regional watersheds.
City Services
Provide all residents with excellent, equitable, and efficient city services. Protect the health and safety of residents and support a high-quality living environment by maintaining infrastructure, services, and programs that meet the needs of the community. Support increased use of technology to improve the equitable, transparent, and timely delivery of City services.
Economic Development
Promote a robust local economy. Foster economic growth by cultivating a diversity of businesses based on innovation, technology, and local entrepreneurship that provide highpaying jobs and increase the tax base. Emphasize the highest and best use of land for economic development, business retention, entrepreneurship, and growth in life sciences, retail, local services, other technology sectors.