1 minute read
from Millbrae Downtown & El Camino Real Specific Plan / Broadway & El Camino Real Streetscape Plan
by wrtdesign
The North El Camino Real Neighborhood, just north of the Community Anchor, will be a predominantly residential district with ground floor retail at key intersections. This area serves as a transition zone between the Community Anchor and the Neighborhood Anchor.
The western side of El Camino Real lends itself to fine grain low- to medium-intensity infill development, such as townhomes and five to seven story multifamily residential that is compatible with adjacent singlefamily residential neighborhoods.
The eastern side of El Camino Real can accommodate larger footprints and is suitable for high-intensity development, such as hotels, mixeduse residential, or limited office commercial. Active ground floor uses such as small offices and other neighborhood-serving uses including co-working spaces, a fitness use, and eating and drinking establishments are appropriate for this district.
Neighborhood Anchor
The Neighborhood Anchor is a compact concentration of neighborhood-serving uses such as retail, eating and drinking establishments, fitness uses, studios, small offices, and other neighborhood services. In the future, the district will build on the existing character, with some dense residential uses planned to complement the commercial areas. Small public spaces in the form of courtyards, parklets, and widened sidewalks will encourage more pedestrian activity and provide community gathering space for nearby neighborhoods.

DISCLAIMER: This image is for representation purposes only. It is a conceptual massing model, not a final built-out model.