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from Millbrae Downtown & El Camino Real Specific Plan / Broadway & El Camino Real Streetscape Plan
by wrtdesign
Well-designed streetscape and public realm are key contributors to a strong sense of place and economic development in a community, as they attract private investment and future residents, workers, and visitors. The Specific Plan proposes a network of a variety of public open spaces that are connected with safe pedestrian paths along the key circulation routes and key connector streets. The types of public spaces envisioned are downtown plaza, parklets, paseos, mews, and courtyards. The Plan Area will have a well-designed, cohesive streetscape with functional and safe street furniture, lighting, signage, consistent street planting, and other landscape elements that create a unique identity for downtown Millbrae and for El Camino Real.
Downtown Plaza
A plaza in the heart of Downtown would be a vibrant public place that offers the community a space for social gathering and temporary programming such as outdoor music, art fairs, food festivals, etc. It will also serve as a place for downtown employees, shoppers, and visitors to take a break, enjoy an outdoor lunch, and other passive recreational activities. It will showcase Millbrae’s unique spirit and be the pride of the community.
Downtown and the Community Anchor districts provide the most opportunity for including paseos to serve as pedestrian linkages between various uses, improving walkability. Paseos will also serve as outdoor dining spaces and hang-out spots, protected from the elements. Features such as public art, interesting lighting and creative landscape can enliven the paseos and create a unique experience. Paseos introduced between El Camino Real and Broadway Avenue will create additional pedestrian connectivity to downtown drawing more foot traffic to support downtown businesses.