2 minute read
from Millbrae Downtown & El Camino Real Specific Plan / Broadway & El Camino Real Streetscape Plan
by wrtdesign
Height And Intensity Standards
DS-1.1: All new development in the Plan Area shall comply with the maximum allowed building heights illustrated in Fig. 5.2.
• The Specific Plan proposes taller heights on parcels along El Camino Real for appropriately scaling buildings to the width of El Camino Real and to allow for higher intensity development on the corridor. The Plan proposes to step down heights of buildings or portions of buildings fronting Broadway Avenue, and on along the eastern edge of the Plan Area.
DS-1.2: In mixed-use buildings with non-residential ground floor uses, minimum ground floor height from finished floor to finished ceiling shall be 14’.
• Recommended height of nonresidential ground floor is 18’-20’ to allow for high quality retail/ restaurants/office spaces and stacked parking behind active frontage.
• In buildings with residential use on the ground floor, the plinth shall be raised above street level by a minimum of 3’ and maximum of 4’ for providing privacy in ground floor units.
(*Raising the plinth above 5’ creates a blank facade at the pedestrian level, which is not desirable for creating an active street environment).
DS-1.3: Roof mounted equipment, solar panels, etc. shall be excluded from building height calculations, but shall be fully screened from view.
DS-1.4: Rooftop elements that may need to exceed maximum building height shall not exceed 15’ beyond the maximum height limit. Heights, including rooftop elements, must be compatible with the SFO ALUCP and must receive a Determination of No Hazard from the FAA.
DS-1.5: Architectural elements used for articulating building corners shall not exceed more than 10’ above maximum building height limit, subject to the maximum heights in the San Francisco International Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan.
Height And Intensity Guidelines
G-1.1: Buildings should be designed to provide adequate light, air and privacy for residential units in the project as well as on adjacent properties by providing a separation of minimum 15’ between buildings. Windows on building facades facing each other, should be offset to maximize privacy or located above eye-level.
G-1.2: Balconies should be avoided on facades that overlook backyards and single family homes.
G-1.3: Conducting shadow studies is strongly recommended during project design, to minimize shadows on adjacent lots and buildings, especially where taller buildings are adjacent to existing low-rise buildings.
G-1.4: If the adjacent property contains historic resources, the new development should be sensitive to it by maintaining consistency of proportions of architectural elements, facade articulations, and eaves and rooflines.
Height Categories
• The 45 to 60 foot height limit is consistent with Type V construction (wood frame and wood frame over Type I podium, with the lowest construction costs). It can accommodate 4 to 5 stories tall residential building or 3 to 4 stories tall commercial building.
• The 65 to 85 foot height limit allows for Type III modified (wood frame over Type I podium) can typically accommodate 6 stories residential building or 5 stories commercial building.
• Type I (concrete frame, where the top habitable floor level is less than 75 feet above grade, meaning fire ladders can reach them). The shift to Type I if the building is taller than eight stories typically requires additional fire safety measures, including electronic fire alarm signalization system. Type I (where the top habitable floor level is more than 75 feet above grade) is the most expensive construction type and represents the greatest jump in construction costs.
Building Height Transitions Transition to single-family neighborhoods
New buildings built across the street from existing single-family neighborhoods shall not exceed the building height derived by drawing a line at 45 degree angle starting 10’ from the building face.
Fig 5.5 illustrates this condition on parcels fronting El Camino Real with single family neighborhoods to the east.
Transition from ECR to Broadway
New buildings on parcels between El Camino Real and Broadway, shall step down in height facing Broadway to create appropriate transition to existing development and to maintain an optimal street width to building height ratio on Broadway.
Fig 5.6 illustrates this condition.