5 minute read
from Millbrae Downtown & El Camino Real Specific Plan / Broadway & El Camino Real Streetscape Plan
by wrtdesign
The Specific Plan sets vehicular parking maximums by use, but no minimums. Refer Appendix C: Parking Requirements, for detailed parking standards.
DS-5.1: All new development shall comply will the parking requirements in Appendix C: Parking Requirements.
DS-5.2: Surface parking lots shall not front on Broadway and El Camino Real.
DS-5.3: Entrances to both surface parking and parking garages shall be prohibited on Broadway and El Camino Real, unless no other street access is feasible.
DS-5.4: Parking podiums and garages shall be wrapped with active uses on the ground floor, especially those fronting Broadway and El Camino Real.
DS-5.5: Garage entries shall be maximum of 26 feet wide.
DS-5.6: Parking garage entrances shall be designed to minimize visual disruption of the overall built environment, by recessing them from the main building line and tastefully integrating them in the overall building design.
DS-5.7: All new development shall provide bicycle and scooter parking spaces in addition to vehicular parking, to encourage and support active transportation.
DS-5.8: Bicycle and scooter parking shall be separated from car parking and shall be located on the ground floor, in high-visibility area such as building entrances with clear signage.
DS-5.9: All development within the Plan Area shall provide EV charging stations in parking garages or parking lots, and shall comply with Millbrae Zoning Code standards.
G-5.1: For mixed use projects, it is strongly encouraged to consider sharing parking facilities between uses, as different uses have different peak-time needs for parking.
G-5.2: Portions of ground floor facade that are not wrapped with an active use, should employ other creative techniques to treat the facade to make it visually interesting and engaging from the street. Those could include murals, green walls, metal screens, landscaping, rich building materials and lighting.
Loading areas and access are necessary and important aspects to consider during site planning. It is important to locate them appropriately to minimize conflict with other circulation paths.
DS-6.1: Loading docks and service access shall not be located on Broadway and El Camino Real.
DS-6.2: Loading docks and service access sh be located at the back of the building.
DS-6.3: Driveways shall be located such that they minimize conflict with pedestrian circulation paths.
Successful placemaking strategies rely on two key components - design of “private realm” and design of “public realm”. The private realm is comprised of buildings and associated development which is addressed earlier in this chapter by way of objective design standards and guidelines. The public realm consists primarily of publicly-owned street rights-of-way and other publicly accessible open spaces such as parks, plazas, squares, parklets, sidewalks, and alleys. The Specific Plan envisions a vibrant downtown with spaces for the community to gather and create collective memories; and an El Camino Real corridor transformed into a grand boulevard - a lively complete street with shade trees and bustling with activity. The Plan envisions a network of enhanced streets and alleys that connect the downtown with El Camino Real and the station area.
Guided by the policies and the Public Space Framework in this Specific Plan, Appendix A: Broadway and El Camino Real Streetscape Plan, provides guidance on design and implementation of the Broadway and El Camino Real streetscapes including roadway geometry and improvements to the design character of pavement materials, furnishings, lighting, planting, wayfinding and public art. The public realm design guidelines described in this section, complement the design recommendations proposed in the Broadway and El Camino Real Streetscape Plan, and design guidelines for Open Space in Private Realm described later in this chapter. The public realm design guidelines are intended for use by staff and city agencies when implementing capital improvement projects. The guidelines prioritize creating a cohesive, attractive, and comfortable pedestrian environment that encourages a thriving social life and creates a sense of place. they can function as shared-use spaces accommodating pedestrian circulation or secondary access to retail and restaurant uses. Aesthetic enhancements to the alleys can greatly improve pedestrian comfort. min. 6’ or 50% of sidewalk width(whichever is greater)

DS-7.1: Sidewalk Zones. Sidewalks along El Camino Real, Broadway Avenue, and connecting streets between Meadow Glen Avenue and Millbrae Avenue should be designed to have three clear zones - Frontage Zone, Pedestrian Zone, and Public amenity Zone. These zones are conceptual and their dimensions may vary depending on the sidewalk width. Sidewalks with a minimum width of 14’ are better able to delineate the three zones, with a pedestrian zone of at least 6’. Narrower sidewalks are more challenging to work with.
1. Frontage Zone: Immediately adjacent to the building frontage which serves as a transition area and offers opportunity to incorporate outdoor seating, dining, landscaping, signage and building entrance elements. Features such as awnings, window treatments, entrance canopies, stairs and stoops should not extend beyond the Frontage Zone, and should provide adequate vertical clearance for pedestrian safety and visibility.
2. Pedestrian Zone: The middle zone should be dedicated for pedestrian movement, and should be clear of any encumbrances or encroachments. Where possible, a pedestrian zone should be 50% of the overall sidewalk width, or a minimum of 6’ wide (whichever is greater).
3. Public Amenity Zone: This is the outermost zone along the curb and should accommodate street planting including street trees, lighting, furnishings, way-finding signage, parking meters, bike stands or curb-side pick-up/dropoff activity.

• Trash receptacles should be clearly organized within the parcels and brought into the alley only for trash pick-up purposes.
• Loading and service areas opening onto the alley should be screened and gated for security and be clear of the right-of-way.
• Adequate lighting should be installed in the alleys for safety.
• Aesthetic improvements such as attractive and durable paving materials, landscaping, color or murals is strongly recommended.
A downtown plaza will serve as an important social gathering space for the community.

DS-7.2: Alleys
The alleys in downtown primarily provide service access to the businesses. But in some locations,
• The plaza should be designed for flexible use, serving multiple functions of passive recreation, urban retreat, and venue for temporary programs such as outdoor music and festivals.
• The design of the plaza should take into consideration adjacent streetscape, landscaping, and design of adjacent buildings.
• The plaza should be provided with necessary infrastructure such as electrical connections, drainage, water supply, and lighting to support outdoor programming such as food trucks, music events, etc.
• The plaza should be located such that it receives adequate sunlight most of the year and is screened from strong winds.
• Installation of public art is strongly recommended.
• If the plaza is surrounded by buildings, then ground floors of the buildings should be oriented towards the plaza for activation.
DS-7.4: Pedestrian Crossings
• Enhanced pedestrian crossings should be introduced along el Camino Real to include elements such as clearly marked crosswalks, pedestrian beacons, pedestrian signals, and lighting as appropriate.
• Minimizing crossing distance is strongly recommended, by using features such as sidewalk bulbouts or pedestrian refuge areas at the median (see Broadway and El Camino Real Streetscape Plan).
DS-7.5: Streetscape Elements should not obscure visibility of retail storefronts, way-finding signage, and illumination from street lights.
DS-7.6: Curb-side loading and unloading access for businesses should be clearly marked with curb colors and signs.
DS-7.7: Landscaping
Landscape enhancements and street tree planting should follow recommendations made in Appendix A: Broadway and El Camino Real Streetscape Plan.
DS-7.8:Green Infrastructure
The Design of all publicly accessible spaces, including plazas, paseos, and streets, should maximize opportunities to integrate green infrastructure as recommended in Appendix A: Broadway and El Camino Real Streetscape Plan.