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The Downtown and El Camino Real Specific Plan (DT&ECR Specific Plan) establishes the future for the Downtown district and the El Camino corridor, providing overarching policy framework and design standards in order to achieve that vision. The DT&ECR Specific Plan provides a road map for future growth, prioritizing transit-oriented mixed-use development, complemented by highquality public spaces and streetscape design that reinforce downtown Millbrae as a destination for residents and visitors; and transforms El Camino Real from an auto-oriented corridor to a multi-modal complete street that is livable, vibrant and attractive. It includes vision, policies and a set of standards that regulate land uses, urban form and public realm.

The following chapters of the Specific Plan provide relevant references for the Streetscape Plan:

Chapter 3: Vision Goals and Policies

This chapter presents the vision, guiding principles and policies for development within the Plan Area.

Chapter 4: Plan Concepts

This chapter identifies the overall planning concept for the Plan Area, including a conceptual planning diagram, and identifying three conceptual planning frameworks for the Plan Area: Urban Design, Public Space, and Circulation.

Chapter 5: Land Use and Community Design

This chapter establishes the physical urban form through associated development regulations and urban design guidelines of the Plan Area. This chapter also outlines the permitted and non-permitted uses for each of the land uses designations, and guidelines for public space improvements.



Circulation and Parking

This chapter describes circulation and parking within the Plan Area, with an emphasis on improvements to bicycle and pedestrian connectivity; and includes concepts for right-ofway design of El Camino Real and Broadway.

Chapter 8: Implementation

This chapter describes the regulatory framework that will be used to implement the Downtown and El Camino Real Specific Plan, and recommends development and public improvements phasing, financing, and implementation responsibilities.


Over the next 20 years, the DT&ECR Specific Plan Area will be a series of livable and vibrant districts, each with a unique character and an active public life. The Plan Area will offer a mix of regionally and locally serving uses, range of housing choices, small and large office spaces, retail, cultural amenities, and entertainment. The Plan Area will prioritize access to transit, state-of the art mobility choices, and safe, comfortable, and inviting streetscape for residents and visitors of all ages.

The Plan Area envisions a variety of safe and well-designed public spaces such as plazas, pocket parks, paseos to courtyards for social gatherings, festivals, and civic events connected to each other with a bike-ped network. The Plan Area will boast of high-quality buildings with good architecture, durable materials, and high-performing building systems.

Specific Plan Policies Relevant To The Streetscape Plan

Urban Design

Goal: Create districts with distinct character, connected with a network of public spaces and active mobility infrastructure.

UD-1: El Camino Real Experience. Transform El Camino Real into a safe and livable corridor with enhanced streetscape design, street planting and buildings with good architectural design, well-articulated facades and high-quality materials.

UD-2: Downtown Experience. Creating a unique experience in the downtown for residents and visitors by building on downtown’s fine-grain fabric and quant character, enhancing streetscape design, wayfinding, offering an outdoor dining experience, and social gathering spaces.

City Image and Programming

Goal: To enhance Downtown and El Camino Real sense of place to attract economic investment, improve quality of life, and promote the city as a desirable place to live.

CIP-1: Street Cleanliness. Improve and maintain the cleanliness of Downtown, including controlling litter, providing additional trash receptacles, and increasing frequency of waste pickup.

CIP-2: Consistent Branding Features. Support the development of consistent branding features in Downtown and along El Camino Real that define Millbrae’s image.

CIP-3: Festivals and Events. Support festivals and events in Downtown that draw residents, attract visitors, benefit local businesses, and evoke civic pride.

Circulation and Parking Policies

Goal: To provide a safe and wellconnected circulation network that promotes transportation mode choices, reduces vehicle traffic, and promotes healthy lifestyles.

CP-2: Parallel Parking on Broadway. Redesign Broadway to include parallel parking and widened sidewalks.

CP-5: Wayfinding Signage. Provide wayfinding signage along El Camino Real and in Downtown and the Station Area, particularly at major intersections.

CP-6: Pedestrian Crossings. Work with Caltrans to improve pedestrian crossings on El Camino Real to increase the predictability and visibility of pedestrians by providing complete sidewalk coverage, signal controlled crosswalks, minimizing the intersection footprint, reducing pedestrian crossing distances, shortening traffic signal cycle lengths, and using high-visibility treatments. These improvements shall focus on the intersection crossings along El Camino Real, and at Millbrae Avenue and the U.S. Highway 101 onramps.

CP-7: Bicycle Lanes on El Camino Real. Work with Caltrans to add separated bicycle lanes on El Camino Real to increase cyclist safety, enhance connectivity, reduce automobile reliance, and encourage active lifestyle choices.

CP-9: Bus Stops. Work with partner agencies to encourage improvements to bus stops and addition of amenities along El Camino Real (e.g., shelters, trash receptacles) that encourage transit use, contribute to sense of place, and improve the public realm.

CP-10: Micro-mobility. Provide micro-mobility options such as bike and scooter shares, and design streetscape to accommodate docking stations, bike parking, etc.

Open Space and Public Realm Policies

Goal: To establish a pedestrianoriented public realm that includes a network of public open spaces that are connected by safe pedestrian paths.

OS-1: Pedestrian-Oriented Public Realm. Enhance the public realm to promote an engaging, safe, and comfortable pedestrian experience. Improvements should include the addition of plazas, parklets, outdoor seating, consistent street planting and other landscape elements, wide sidewalks, sidewalk furniture, and public art.

OS-2: Network of Public Open Spaces. Provide a network of public open spaces, including outdoor plazas, parks, and parklets, that is connected by safe pedestrian paths.

OS-3: Sustainable Open Space and Parks. Require open spaces and parks to incorporate sustainability measures, such as including native plant species and drought tolerant plants that require minimal irrigation, permeable paving, solar-powered lighting, and other similar features.

OS-5: Public Art. Incorporate more public art Downtown and at major gateways to the City on El Camino Real, including sculptures and murals. Provide opportunities for “art for the public” that is fitting and relevant to the context. Establish a new public art ordinance and in-lieu fee to facilitate art in the Specific Plan Area.

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