3 minute read
from Millbrae Downtown & El Camino Real Specific Plan / Broadway & El Camino Real Streetscape Plan
by wrtdesign
The Millbrae Active Transportation Plan, adopted by the City Council on October 12, 2021, provides a citywide vision for walking and biking improvements. The plan emphasizes developing low-stress facilities that will allow people of all ages and abilities to comfortably walk or bike to destinations within the City and provide regional connections to neighboring cities and regional destinations. For the two facilities considered in the Streetscape Plan, the ATP includes the following recommendations:
El Camino Real (State Route 82)
Class IV separated bike lanes extending the length of El Camino Real (State Route 82) within the city limits. The plan also recommends an enhanced streetscape from Millbrae Avenue to Meadow Glen Avenue to support an environment that provides a more pleasant walking experience. The recommended enhancements include providing a buffer between the street and sidewalk, wide sidewalks, high-visibility crosswalks and curb extensions to shorten crossings, reallocating space for outdoor dining spaces, and evaluating changes to Frontage Road. In addition to these recommendations, the ATP also recommends improvements to signalized intersections to improve the experience for people walking and biking along or across El Camino Real.
Similar to El Camino Real, the ATP recommends an enhanced streetscape from Millbrae Avenue to Meadow Glen Avenue to support an environment that provides a more pleasant walking experience. The recommended enhancements include providing a buffer between the street and sidewalk, wide sidewalks, high-visibility crosswalks and curb extensions to shorten crossings, and reallocating space for outdoor dining spaces. In addition to these recommendations, the ATP also recommends a number of uncontrolled pedestrian crossing enhancements to facilitate walking and biking along and to Broadway from the surrounding neighborhoods.
El Camino Real Roadway Renewal
The El Camino Real Roadway Renewal covers a three-mile section of El Camino extending from East Santa Inez Avenue in San Mateo through Burlingame and ending at Millbrae Avenue in Millbrae. Caltrans has undertaken the study to evaluate potential multimodal improvements along the corridor including enhancing visibility at intersections, relocating utilities, rehabilitating the roadway surface, improving drainage, and a potential road diet, while preserving the unique character of El Camino Real. The study has completed its draft environmental document and will move into the project design phase in 2022.
Caltrans Jurisdiction And Policies
El Camino Real is a State highway under Caltrans jurisdiction (State Route 82). This will require any improvements along El Camino Real to proceed through the Caltrans project development process. Caltrans acknowledges and supports the Streetscape Plan’s objectives related to accessibility, connectivity, increasing transit mode share as well as pedestrian and bicycle mode share. These objectives align with Caltrans’ Strategic Plan goals and objectives.
Lead Agency
As the Lead Agency, the City of Millbrae is responsible for all project mitigation, including any needed improvements to the State
Transportation Network (STN). The project’s fair share contribution, financing, scheduling, implementation responsibilities and lead agency monitoring should be fully discussed for all proposed mitigation measures.
Equitable Access
If any Caltrans facilities are impacted by the project, those facilities must meet American Disabilities Act (ADA) Standards after project completion. As well, the project must maintain bicycle and pedestrian access during construction. These access considerations support Caltrans’ equity mission to provide a safe, sustainable, and equitable transportation network for all users.
In 2006, Caltrans and the CCAG signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) requiring that the number of through lanes be maintained on El Camino Real to allow for future traffic increases and a potential dedicated lane for bus rapid transit. Recently, cities in San Mateo County have begun discussions about revising the MOU to allow for a lane reduction. Cities throughout the county will need to dedicate resources to continuing this discussion and providing the necessary analysis. City of Millbrae will continue to work with Caltrans and CCAG to potentially allow for the reduction in the number of through lanes as described in this Streetscape Plan.
Grand Boulevard Multimodal Transportation Corridor Plan
The 2010 Grand Boulevard Multimodal Transportation Corridor Plan was developed by nineteen cities, San Mateo and Santa Clara counties, the VTA, MTC, Caltrans, the San Mateo County Transit District, and other public agencies, to “guide the transformation of El Camino Real into a pedestrian and transit-friendly, highperforming multimodal arterial.” This Streetscape Plan is consistent with the goals and guidelines of the Grand Boulevard plan.
Plan Area Character
Specific Plan Circulation Framework
Regional Connector Street
Streetscape Enhancements
Poten�al Pedestrian Connectors
Bicycle Facili�esExis�ng
Bike Facili�es - Proposed
Refer to the ATP
Under Study
Enhanced Signal Crossings
Enhanced Interchange Crossings
High- Visibility Crossings
Specific Plan Land Use
Downtown Mixed Use
Corridor Mixed Use
Commercial Mixed Use
Residential Focused Mixed Use
Commercial Preference Area
* General Plan Land Use Designations apply
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Millbrae City Limits
Downtown and El Camino Real Specific Plan Boundary