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The streetscapes within the plan area will support the broader goals of creating a lively, pedestrian-oriented downtown. The streetscapes will support higher density mixed-use developments by providing a generous public realm where multiple activities can take place, including gathering, commerce, multi-modal transit and active transportation.

Broadway will continue to function as Millbrae’s main commercial corridor, better supporting commercial activities with wider sidewalks. El Camino Real will be transformed into a grand boulevard lined with shade trees and bustling with activity. The streetscapes’ materials – paving, furnishings, lighting and planting – will create an identifiable sense of place, signifying to visitors and residents that they have arrived in a unique city.


Improve pedestrian and bicycle safety

• Safer crossings

• Protected bike lanes (on El Camino Real)

• Traffic-calming measures

Accommodate multi-modal transit

• Walking, biking, buses, and micromobility

Create an identifiable character

• Welcoming gateway, international destination

• Cohesive design and planting palette representing the distinctive character of Millbrae and a timeless quality

• Robust tree canopy for enhanced pedestrian comfort

Establish a dynamic and varied pedestrian experience

• Support adjacent commercial and residential land uses

• Support street activation

Integrate green infrastructure

• State-of-the-art stormwater management to included bioretention areas and subsurface infiltration zones

• Maximize soil volume to support large and long-lived tree

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