1 minute read


The Broadway corridor is a two-lane street with angled parking on both sides. The streetscape was improved with the installation of bulbouts at the intersections, raised planters containing the now iconic palm trees, brick paving in the crosswalks and pedestrian-level light fixtures at the intersections.

Despite those improvements, the streetscape is deficient in several ways: Given the right-of-way of 66 feet, the current configuration of the parking and travel lanes does not meet standard widths for angled parking. The sidewalks are too narrow to accommodate sidewalk seating. The mid-block lighting is provided only by vehicular level “cobra-head” light fixtures. The pavement and furnishings are due for replacement.

The Streetscape Plan recommends improvements to Broadway from Meadow Glen Avenue to Millbrae Avenue, including:

1. Widened sidewalks and narrowed curb-to-curb width

2. Replacement of angled parking with parallel parking

3. Replacement of sidewalk pavement with enhanced pavement

4. Retention of the existing palm trees and enlarging the raised planters

5. Additional street trees

6. Pedestrian-level pole-mounted light fixtures

7. New street furnishings including benches, bike racks, and trash and recycling receptacles

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