2 minute read
from Millbrae Downtown & El Camino Real Specific Plan / Broadway & El Camino Real Streetscape Plan
by wrtdesign
Corridor Configuration
Broadway is a small-scale retail corridor with one vehicular travel lane in each direction and angled parking on both sides. The existing parking and vehicular lane widths are sub-standard, making it difficult and potentially hazardous to drive, bicycle, and to exit parking stalls, especially for larger vehicles such as accessible vans. The sidewalks are 7 feet wide, which is inadequate to accommodate all but the smallest sidewalk seating where there are building setbacks. Parklets for outdoor dining have been installed in the parking lanes in several locations. Bulbouts at the intersections shorten the pedestrian crossing distances.
Pavement Condition
The cast-in-place concrete sidewalks are aging plain gray concrete and have been patched in many places. The crosswalks are constructed of brick paving. The asphalt in the roadway is in fair-to-poor condition.
Street Furnishings
There are no public seating or bike racks; street furnishings are limited to trash and recycling receptacles which were recently installed. The raised planters at the intersections are used for informal seating.
The intersection bulbouts are enhanced with raised planters containing tall Washingtonia, which are the corridor’s most distinguishing element. Between the intersections, street trees are sparse.
Light is provided by vehicular-height “cobra-head” fixtures at 200 feet spacing, except at the intersections where decorative, teardrop-style pedestrian-level light fixtures have been installed.
EL CAMINO REAL Corridor Configuration
The El Camino Real corridor study area comprises two distinct zones:
(1) The southern portion from Millbrae Avenue to Taylor Boulevard, which has a frontage road on the western side of the street; and (2) the northern portion from Taylor Boulevard to the North city limit, which does not have a frontage road. Throughout the study area, El Camino Real is a 6-lane street (3) lanes in each direction), with a median and left-turn lanes in the center of the roadway. There is parallel parking on both sides of the street, except at the frontage road where there is angled parking on the west side of the frontage road and parallel parking on the east side.
The configuration of the frontage road, with access from the side streets, creates an unsafe condition as pedestrians and vehicles have to negotiate multiple vehicular movements and points of conflict.
Pavement Condition
The sidewalks are generally 8 feet wide, with clear widths as little as 4 feet. The cast-in-place concrete lackluster and has been patched significantly over the years.
Street Furnishings
There is no public seating except at the bus stops. Trash receptacles are associated with the bus stops (see photos). These furnishings do not contribute positively to the character of the street environment. There are no bicycle racks.
At La Cruz Ave. and Chadbourne Ave. blocks, large Eucalyptus trees provide gateway experiences and are large enough to provide a sense of scale to the wide roadway. Except for these trees, the corridor is sparsely planted with undersized trees. Many of the medians contain redwoods that are in poor health. On the west side of the Hillcrest Ave. intersection, small groups of tall palm trees continue the theme from the Broadway intersections.
Lighting on El Camion Real is limited to tall, vehicular-oriented “cobra-head” fixtures spaced at 120’.