1 minute read
from Millbrae Downtown & El Camino Real Specific Plan / Broadway & El Camino Real Streetscape Plan
by wrtdesign
El Camino Real El Camino Real (SR-82) is a major six-lane arterial road which carries a high volume of traffic during peak time. The corridor feels wide, with few street trees and relatively low buildings. The corridor is auto-dominated with wide pedestrian crossings, narrow sidewalks, and almost no pedestrian amenities.
The frontage road provides a protected area that serves the ground floor businesses and also provides an opportunity for enhanced landscape treatment and outdoor seating. This frontage-road zone takes on a small-scale, interesting architectural character similar to Broadway and can be considered part of the downtown commercial core.
The large median trees portions of the corridor are striking and provide a notable gateway experience to the downtown portion of El Camino Real from both the north and south.