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Lively conversations and exchanges of ideas between the consultant team, project partners, city departments, and Tracy residents of all ages took place through meetings, activities, and events over the two-year planning process. The result is a shared vision for the future of a healthy, active, socially intertwined community. The vision and goals are summarized below. A total of 11 goals address parks, recreation and trails. Each goal is described in more detail along with corresponding strategies and policies in chapters 3, 4 and 5.


Tracy provides great recreational opportunities at parks, sports complexes, greenbelts, trails and open space that are diverse and connected, building quality of life now and for the future.

Tracy’s parks are inviting, well-maintained, safe, aestheticallypleasing and comfortable, with features to mitigate climate extremes and extend use.

Parks balance the need for programmed recreation and casual enjoyment. They include both state-of-the-art recreation facilities and features that make parks special and memorable.

Recreation programs offer something for everyone.

Tracy’s parks are linked with a trail system that provides active recreation opportunities and linked to preserved natural areas.

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