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Existing And Planned Trails
Tracy has some 23 miles of multiuse trails and 16 miles of walking paths outside of parks. Today, the backbone of the trail system is the northsouth trail along Sycamore Parkway, connecting to the east-west path along Eleventh Street.
Another trail runs along MacArthur Drive in the industrial northeast between the 11th Street Bridge and Pescadero Avenue, connecting to the Northgate Village retail area.
Over the years, the City has sought to extend the reach of these paths and build them into a more complete system. The City is currently in the process of updating its Bikeways Master Plan. The overaching goal of the Bikeways Master Plan is to provide an attractive environment that fosters biking for recreation and transportation. The plan’s key strategies may include (1) closing gaps in the existing bikeway system, (2) creating multi-use paths along railroad rights-of-way where feasible, (3) creating paths along canal easements and (4) requiring bike facilities in new developments.
Bikeways or greenway trails have also been included in plans for future development. The Cordes Ranch and Tracy Hills Specific Plans have established more detailed direction for multiuse trails along canal and utility rights-of-way.