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5A. Expanded Tree Canopy
Trees provide shade, seasonal color, natural character, and habitat. They reduce the urban heat island effect and create buffers from noise. The City will continue to develop the tree canopy in parks, guided by the Urban Forestry Management Plan.
5B. Shaded Amenities
Play areas, picnic areas, walking loops and spectator seating areas need shade to be usable throughout the year in Tracy’s hot summer climate. Providing shade, particularly in children’s play areas, reduces health concerns related to extended sun exposure. New parks and park improvements should increase shade in these areas by adding shade structures and/or trees. In particular, play areas should be substantially shaded from Day 1, with shading integrated into play equipment structures where possible.
5C. Water Features
The City will seek ways to add water to the experience of parks, with water features, splash pads, misters, and access to and along canals where resources and regulations allow.
Water features are considered highwater-use elements when calculating a landscape's water budget following the City's Model Water Efficient Landscaping Ordinance (MWELO). The City requires that splash pads be designed to recirculate water, and will be mindful of the need to conserve water, especially during drought years.
5D. Restrooms
Restrooms should be included in all community parks and at sports complexes, and should be provided in neighborhood parks with active recreational amenities that promote park users staying longer than 1 hour and placed in close proximity to playgrounds. The City will ensure that park restrooms have regular maintenance and should be selflocking whenever possible to reduce unauthorized use after hours.
See also Policy 3E. Park Restroom Safety.
5E. Lighting for Activation
Lighting is a key feature both for safety and to make parks usable during the shorter days of late fall through early spring. Pedestrianscaled lighting should be provided along all walking paths, street frontages, and amenity areas in parks. Lighting should be strategically added to recreation facilities to create more opportunities for active recreation (e.g. basketball, tennis, track, and field sports) distributed around the city.
See also Policy 3C: Lighting for Safety.
Shade is essential to making parks comfortable and attractive in Tracy. Veterans Park (facing page).