2 minute read

What is a wellbeing champion?

A wellbeing champion is simply anyone who promotes wellbeing to others; specifically in schools it is anticipated that pupil champions will promote the wellbeing of their peers. There are many different forms of peer support operating in schools and these can be known under many different names, e.g. peer mentoring, buddying or wellbeing ambassadors.

One broad definition of peer support is:

Using the knowledge, skills and experience of children and young people in a planned and structured way to understand, support, inform and help develop the skills, understanding, confidence and self-awareness of other children and young people with whom they have something in common. “ “

(Street and Herts, 2005).

Here at Compass BUZZ, we have a vision of pupils across North Yorkshire becoming wellbeing champions in their school communities. These individuals will champion positive cultural change in relation to wellbeing and become ambassadors for promoting a whole school approach to wellbeing. Our aim is for champions to make noise about wellbeing, raise the profile of this important agenda and bring an additional layer of energy and engagement to your school’s existing approach to mental health and wellbeing.

There are three basic models we advocate:

1 Wellbeing champions acting in an educational and promotional way to raise awareness about wellbeing and break down stigma by:

• Raising the profile of the wellbeing agenda • Reducing stigma by talking about feelings and emotions • Being a good role model and a good listener • Building awareness of sources of support • Promoting a healthy lifestyle, wellbeing and resilience • Being kind, caring and helpful towards others.

These wellbeing champions can use a variety of means to be able to do this such as: assemblies, presentations, PSHE lessons, newsletters, posters, display boards, stalls and events.

One example of this model is:

Peer Education Project

St Mary’s Roman Catholic Primary School

The role of the wellbeing ambassadors at St Mary’s is: 1) To spread happiness and peace throughout the school. 2) To welcome new children and staff to the school. 3) To be kind, caring and helpful towards others. 4) To always treat others as you would like to be treated yourself. 5) To promote and put into place the ‘Five Ways to Wellbeing’. (Connect, Take Notice, Give, Keep Learning and Be Active) 6) To always follow God’s word.

Our aim is for champions to make noise about wellbeing

2 Wellbeing champions who directly support other pupils with wellbeing issues.

Use either one-to-one or group sessions to: • Be a friendly and approachable person • Listen to and support their peers • Help other pupils with their problems and worries • Help other pupils with problem solving • Signpost other pupils to appropriate sources of support • Pass on safeguarding issues or concerns to the champion coordinator or trusted adult.

One example of this model is:

West Sussex Schools Peer Support Programme (Mentoring and Befriending Foundation, 2014)

15 primary schools and 5 secondary schools set up peer support projects. Of the primary peer supporters, 57% were in year 5, 16% were from year 6, 16% were from year 4, and the remainder were mostly from year 3.

Some of the models used were playground buddying and one-to-one support.

The most common issues the peer supporters helped with were friendships, behaviour and confidence.

3 Wellbeing champions who provide both options 1 and 2.

• To act in an educational and promotional way in relation to wellbeing • To directly support other pupils.

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