MKTSA Programme Brochure 2017-2018

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WELCOME Welcome to the Milton Keynes Teaching School Alliance (MKTSA), the professional learning community for primary schools in Milton Keynes.

The Milton Keynes Teaching School Alliance believes that every child is entitled to benefit from a world class education.

of SLEs and specialist staff provide school-to-school support within our community.

Through close collaboration with our partnership schools, we aim to make this dream a reality: starting with Initial Teacher Training all the way through to Headship and beyond.

But we believe there is even more that can be done, and with school-led improvement so high on the agenda, now is the time to step up and forge a new path where communities of schools truly collaborate to make the quality of education for our children the very best that it can be.

Our Initial Teacher Training is rated Ofsted ‘Outstanding’ and supplies exceptionally high-quality graduate teachers to our local schools. Our CPD provision helps staff and school leaders grow and develop in their careers and our highly skilled team

Emma Hollis Head of Teaching School

COST SAVINGS EXCLUSIVE BENEFITS Membership Subscription Offer Our subscription offer enables schools to join our Alliance and reap the rewards of a truly school-led system. Alliance schools benefit from participation in high-quality CPD for their staff, access to exceptional trainee teachers, bespoke school-to-school support models and dissemination of the latest initiatives and educational research findings. In return, we expect our schools to fully engage in the collaborative model of school improvement – working with us to identify future leaders for a world class education system. Join our Alliance today and reap the benefits of our exclusive network of schools striving for world class education.




Access to Trainee Teacher placements*

Newly Qualified Teacher programme*




Appropriate Body Service for NQTs*




Recently Qualified Teacher programme

1 free place

2 free places


Middle Leader programme

1 free place

2 free places


Free places on included CPD courses

1 free place

2 free places


Professional networking groups

Discounted places on ‘Special Events’

Cost per child in Reception or older

£4.00 per pupil

£5.00 per pupil

£6.50 per pupil

Minimum cost if cost per pupil total is lower




*Subject to availability. 10 working days notice of cancellation is required. Any delegates failing to attend without cancelling will incur a £40 cancellation fee, in addition to the course fee. Invoices will be issued annually at the start of the Autumn Term. Places on any programme will not be bookable until the invoice is paid in full.

BENEFITS • Exclusive, relevant and up-to-date training courses • Support network of like-minded professionals • New courses being added • Leadership development • School-to-School Support • Specialist Leaders in Education • Tailored CPD courses to meet current sector requirements • Bespoke training in own school • Rooms available for hire

Ofsted ‘Outstanding’ provider of school-based initial teacher training in Milton Keynes

COURSE LIST We recognise that having time out of the classroom and arranging cover is not always easy, therefore our courses and events are mostly on Wednesdays to make covering classes straightforward and predictable.

Developing Pupil Potential and Raising achievement through critical thinking (Creative Education) Free course using British Council funding

Continuous Provision with Chris Quigley from Chris Quigley

NQT programme

RQT programme

Middle Leader programme

Inspiring Leaders with Leadership Training Centre based at Shenley Brook End School

Greater Depth Maths with Alex Bedford from Chris Quigley

Mastery Questioning with Andy Mellor from Chris Quigley

Growing your TA workforce

Embedding and applying spelling strategies in writing KS2

Closing Gaps

New to EYFS

SEND Network with Anita Devi

Pupil Premium with Creative Education

Maths Subject Network

EYFS conference

EYFS Leader Network

English Subject Network

Writing SEF and School Improvement Plans with TT Education

Science Leader Network

EYFS Wellbeing and involvement

Analysing School Performance

Data Analysis

Applying phonics in writing KS1 with Jazz from Which Phonics

Continuous Provision in Phonics

Maths Mastery

Acing the phonics test

Strategies for TAs to raise children’s wellbeing

Greater Depth Maths

Mastery in English

Advanced Safeguarding

Inspiring Leadership

Visit our website for our full list of courses and to book your places.


Maths Mastery

20th March - Creative Education

11th January – TT Education

Focused and effective use of the pupil premium and raising attainment of those on FSM and from deprived backgrounds is an essential topic for all schools. This course will look at practical ideas and case studies to help you find the most effective ways of supporting those pupils on pupil premium, drive up standards, support aspiration and close the gap in attainment levels. Cost: • Free to subscription schools • £135 for all other schools

astery Questioning M 12th October Andy Mellor of Chris Quigley Education To advance pupils’ progress from good to great we must build their ability to think like a genius. This one day course will explore the role of questions and questioning techniques in helping pupils move from good to deep understanding in all areas of the Curriculum. Cost: • Free to subscription schools • £135 for all other schools

Experience a range of fun, stimulating and inspiring activities that focus on problem solving, reasoning skills and deepening learning in maths. Explore how to plan for conceptual understanding and procedural fluency, from planning effective lesson sequences and structures, to using effective representations of number. Cost: • Free to subscription schools • £135 for all other schools

Greater Depth Maths 13th March Alex Bedford of Chris Quigley Education The course will address: • What does greater depth in mathematics look like? • What do teachers need to do to secure greater depth in mathematics? • What sort of questions and activities will promote greater depth? Cost: • Free to subscription schools • £135 for all other schools

SIP / SEF day

Inspiring Leaders

20th June – TT Education

16th November - Leadership Training Centre

Bring your School Development Plan along to this interactive, comprehensive, realistic workshop and consider how to ensure that it is has an integral role in effective school improvement and financial management on a day-to-day basis. You will leave this course feeling confident and assured of your school’s direction. Cost: • Free to subscription schools • £135 for all other schools

Join the Leadership Training Centre based at Shenley Brook End for this cross phase conference. This is for aspiring Senior Leaders and those who are new in post and will look at strategies for managing change. Cost: • Free to subscription schools • £135 for all other schools

Mastery in English

Embedding spelling in writing in KS2

21st March – Bob Cox of Osiris Education

Date tbc - Jaz Ampaw-Farr of Which Phonics?

• How the mastery model can fuel progress in KS1 and KS2 • Rethink the differentiation to meet the tough demands of: – pupils’ needs – Ofsted

– the National Curriculum – SATs and teacher assessment

• Open the doors to mastery with: – ideas to boost original writing – advice on exciting reading journeys – quality visuals for unusual, high-class writing Cost: • Free to subscription schools • £135 for all other schools

Learn strategies to help children use the spelling knowledge you have taught them when they are writing. Cost: • Free to subscription schools • £75 for all other schools

Applying phonics in writing in KS1

Acing the phonics test in 10 weeks

Date tbc - Jaz Ampaw-Farr of Which Phonics?

Date tbc - Jaz Ampaw-Farr of Which Phonics?

Learn strategies to help children use the phonics you have taught them when they are writing.

How to accelerate the children’s progress in phonics before the phonics check this summer.



• Free to subscription schools

• £75 for all other schools

Accelerating progress in phonics using Continuous Provision 10th January Develop continuous provision to support children to make accelerated progress in phonics in EYFS and Year 1 Cost: • Free to subscription schools

New to EYFS 27th September Are you new to teaching in EYFS. This supportive course will help you understand your role and responsibilities. Cost: • Free to subscription schools • £75 for all other schools

• £75 for all other schools

TA workforce 29th November and 18th April Recent research guidance and reported findings have led schools to look closely at how to maximise the impact of their TA workforce on raising standards for children. This two afternoon course looks at current guidance and develops strategies to maximise the impact of Teaching Assistants. Delegates should attend both sessions. This course is suited to people who line manage TAs or have a strategic overview of the TA workforce in your school. Cost: • Free to subscription schools

• Free to subscription schools • £75 for all other schools

• £150 for all other schools

Children’s wellbeing (for Teaching Assistants) 8th Nov, 7th March and 13th June “There is a mental health crisis in our classrooms. 3 children in every classroom have a diagnosable mental disorder and 90% of school leaders have reported an increase in the last 5 years in the number of students experiencing anxiety, stress, low mood or depression.” (Young Minds website 2017). This series of courses is for Teaching Assistants and Learning Mentors and will give them strategies and activities to use with children to support their wellbeing. Cost: • Free to subscription schools • £100 for all other schools

EYFS Wellbeing and involvement 14th March How well are we engaging with children to support their wellbeing and learning? This course aims to enable practitioners to develop the knowledge, skills and confidence to effectively evaluate and improve the quality of children’s learning and provision in the setting through focusing on children’s wellbeing and involvement in their learning. Cost: • Free to subscription schools

• £75 for all other schools

I have thoroughly enjoyed the course at MKTSA. The opportunity to share outstanding practice has been incredibly valuable.

SPECIAL EVENTS Early Years Conference 19th April We are delighted to be hosting an exciting Early Years conference in 2018. The Early Years Hub: MK will be teaming up with Kirstine Beeley from Playing to Learn, putting on an inspirational conference for all Early Years Providers in Milton Keynes. Look out for more details in the Autumn Term Cost: Tbc

Developing Pupil Potential and Raising achievement through critical thinking 26th September and 5th December A 2-day course, fully funded by the British Council’s Connecting Classrooms Programme exploring the potential of critical thinking and problem solving techniques to challenge all learners. Without challenge and support learners are always at risk of becoming disengaged in lessons and achieving less than they are capable of. This extended 2-day course, fully funded by the British Council, will provide you a host of ideas to really stretch your students. Cost: Free to all schools

Continuous Provision 17th January – Chris Quigley of Chris Quigley Education Teacher workload is ridiculous...and there is one reason for it! Most of us have tried to do our part to reduce teacher workload, but it still remains a ridiculous burden. Attempts to reduce the workload include: • reduce the paperwork; • don’t mark every piece of work; • plan in the way that helps you teach rather than follow an expected format; • give Teaching Assistants ‘preparation’ tasks; take a bit of PPA time, etc. None of this has made much of a difference. That’s because those things that we took away from teachers were not the key reasons for unreasonable workload. The real reason comes down to one word: Lessons. That’s what is unreasonable. Expecting that learning can take place in forty five minutes to an hour is a very strange notion that doesn’t hold up to scrutiny. Did you learn to tie your shoe laces in forty-five minutes? Most teachers don’t ‘achieve’ learning in a lesson; they achieve ‘coverage’ of the curriculum. Coverage is not the same as learning. Here at Chris Quigley Education we define a lesson as: One area of provision designed to ADVANCE UNDERSTANDING (rather than to ‘achieve’ learning.) This is, in fact, the nature of a mastery curriculum. Objectives are not ‘achieved’ and ticked off. Instead, they need to be repeated over and over to gradually deepen pupils’ understanding of them Cost: • Free to subscription Schools • £135 for all other schools

This course has been thoroughly enjoyable and will have a lasting impact.

dvanced Safeguarding – Safeguarding for Designated Safeguarding Leads A 10th April The workshop meets the ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ requirement for two-yearly training for ‘Designated Safeguarding Leads’. Delegates will receive their own copy of the Safeguarding Handbook to take away: ‘The essential strategic guide for Designated Safeguarding Leads’ packed with up-to-date guidance, checklists and pro-formas, along with a download containing all the proformas and checklists from the Safeguarding Handbook ready to customise for your own school, saving hours of time. In addition, you will receive take away, ready-to-use materials in a training event for your own staff. Content: • Deeper understanding of the signs and symptoms of child abuse • The latest additional safeguarding concerns, including: • Female Genital Mutilation and Breast Ironing • Child Sexual Exploitation • Tackling extremism • Strategies to raise awareness in staff • Legislative framework and statutory compliance • Understanding safeguarding risks • Thinking the Unthinkable • Learning the lessons from Serious Case Reviews • Creating best practice systems and procedures • Key elements of a professional code of conduct • The role of the Designated Safeguarding Lead Cost: • £100 to subscription Schools • £195 to all other schools

NQT PROGRAMME INSPIRED NQTS: INSPIRING CHILDREN Professional Development programme for Newly Qualified Teachers, Wednesdays 1.30pm to 4.00pm Every teacher has the ability to be outstanding. The first few years of your career are the most crucial in terms of skills development. Our ‘Inspired NQTs: Inspiring Children’ programme is tailored to NQTs and will inspire them to develop their skills and strategies to enjoy teaching effectively. Cost: • Free to subscription members

• £550 for all other schools per NQT


Your NQT Year – Join other NQTs in Milton Keynes for an afternoon conference.


Time management and your own wellbeing – Part 1


Accelerated Learning Cycle


Behaviour Management and the classroom climate, including Growth Mindsets




Planning for Progression including pitch


Deployment of other adults




Effective Feedback


Writing reports and adding depth and challenge for learners


Time management and your own wellbeing – Part 2


Questioning & Talking


Closing Gaps and Raising Achievement


Subject Leadership

RQT Programme ENTHUSED RQTS: INSPIRING CHILDREN Professional Development programme for Recently Qualified Teachers Wednesdays 1.30pm to 4.00pm These training afternoons are aimed at teachers who have completed their NQT year and are in their first few years of teaching. Cost: • Free for Subscription schools • £150 per RQT for all other schools

29 November 2017

The Wellbeing of your classroom team

14 March 2018

Leading a subject successfully

04 July 2018

SEND – Dyslexia and ASD friendly classroom and SEND in the Primary Classroom

This course has made me think and reflect upon my own teaching in terms of experimenting with new teaching styles and techniques. It has had an impact on my own reflective practice and challenging others.

DEVELOPING MIDDLE LEADERS PROGRAMME Useful for:  Those who have just taken over leading a team, or those who are about to step up to a middle leadership role.

Modules:  1. Team member to Team leader (Autumn 1)  2. First time leadership (Autumn 2)  3. Staff engagement – the team leader’s role (Spring 1)

• To help participants understand what feeling engaged in their job feels like and the impact it can have on the quality of their work.  Module 4: Time management for team leaders  • To understand and apply the concept of SMART objectives.  • To describe the barriers that get in the way of effective time management.

4. Time management for team leaders (Spring 2)

• To understand some basic principles and techniques for prioritising.

5. Problem solving and decision making (Summer 1)

• To describe what makes effective delegation.

6. Coaching skills for team leaders (Summer 2)

• To recognise the principles of running effective meetings.

Key Learning Objectives:

• To make better use of their own (and others’) time!

Module 1: Team member to Team leader

Module 5: Problem solving and decision making

• To explore some of the challenges participants will face as a team leader and how to approach them with the right balance of ethics and pragmatism.

• To develop problem solving and decision making skills.

• To help participants understand the necessary changes they will need to make to their approach in school.

• To encourage analytical thinking.  • To consider a structured process in problem solving.  • To develop a process for problem solving.

• To encourage participants to identify an appropriate leadership style based on the individual they are dealing with, the role they are doing and what the team needs them to do.

• To understand techniques that will help an objective problem solving process.

• To give participants an opportunity to reflect on their current skill levels as a leader and use the information to create a plan of action.

• To understand how to apply objective decision making to typical workplace scenarios.

Module 2: First time leadership

• To ensure leaders have the skills to coach their staff to higher performance in the workplace.

• To understand the difference between leadership and management.  • To understand different leadership styles.

• To understand how to use a creative thinking technique to generate ideas.

Module 6: Coaching skills for team leaders

• To understand what coaching is and what it is not!

• To describe the skills and attributes of a good leader.

• To identify the skills that leaders will need to be an effective workplace coach.

• To understand the impact a leader can have on motivation and therefore performance within their team.

• To understand how to structure a coaching session with staff members.

• To reflect on their own role as leaders and areas for development within it.

• To understand how to coach for development and higher performance.

Module 3: Staff engagement – the team leader’s role


• To introduce leaders to the subject of staff engagement.

• Free for Subscription schools • £350 per delegate for all other schools

• To help leaders begin to understand why staff engagement is central to being a successful leader.  • To encourage leaders to identify what makes staff feel engaged.  • To help participants understand the sorts of things great leaders do to staff engagement and its impact on pupil outcomes.

PROFESSIONAL SUBJECT GROUPS Meeting other subject leaders to network, combined with focused CPD on current thinking and pedagogy in specialist areas, is crucial for the development of pedagogically sound practice in schools. Join us for events for leaders in:

Maths 27 September 2017, 31 January 2018, 25 April 2018

English 04 October 2017, 24 January 2018, 23 May 2018

Science 01 November 2017, 07 February 2018, 09 May 2018

Early years 11 October 2017, 24 January 2018, 18 April 2018

SEND (jointly run with the Leadership Training centre at Shenley Brook End) 03 October 2017, 06 February 2018, 12 June 2018  Cost • Free for Subscription schools • £300 per delegate for all other schools

SCHOOL-TO-SCHOOL SUPPORT Milton Keynes Teaching School Alliance has a proven track record of successful working partnerships with a range of schools. Our approach is collaborative; our support is bespoke and targeted. Our school-to-school support packages draw upon the recognised expertise and outstanding practice of middle and senior leaders in our schools, including Specialist, Local and National Leaders of Education. They include: • Pupil Premium Reviews

• Reviews of Governance

• Targeted safeguarding audits and action planning

• Inclusion audits and action planning

• Coaching and mentoring of recently appointed headteachers

• Leadership coaching

• Curriculum design and leadership

• Subject specific support

• Reviews of the quality of teaching, learning and assessment

• Successful data tracking and interventions

• Support for TAs

• Subject leadership support

• Staff inset/meetings in schools

We are able to offer a range of training and support in schools. Contact us to discuss your requirements.

APPROPRIATE BODY It is a statutory requirement that the induction of NQTs be quality assured by an ‘Appropriate Body’ (AB). Milton Keynes Teaching School Alliance are entering their 5th year of offering this service. All our memberships include Appropriate Body. Costs For schools who hold a subscription to the Milton Keynes Teaching School Alliance CPD programme, the Appropriate Body service and NQT development programme of CPD is free of charge. For schools who purchase our NQT development programme of CPD, which costs £550.00 per NQT, the Appropriate Body service costs £130.00 per NQT For the Appropriate Body Service only, the cost is £260.00 per NQT. What is included This charge will cover all the statutory obligations of the Appropriate Body, as outlined in the statutory guidance for the induction of NQTs, and will also specifically cover: • Registration of NQTs and processing of associated paperwork NQT Induction Tutor Briefing session NQT Briefing meeting Quality assurance of monitoring, support and assessment procedures for NQTs (termly) • Advice and support to schools in the event that an NQT may be at risk of not meeting the standards (as required) • Support for the school through a formal appeal (as required) • Support for NQTs at risk of not meeting the standards (as required) • The opportunity to request additional visits/observations (at extra cost)

If you wish to use MKTSA as the Appropriate Body, you will need to complete and return a signed service level agreement. Upon receipt registration forms will be emailed to you. Forms can downloaded from our website

HOW ELSE WE CAN SUPPORT YOU? Room Hire We recognise how difficult it can be to find a quiet space in school for meetings and strategic thinking time. Our meetings rooms would be ideal for a Senior Leadership ‘away-day’ for example for SEF and School Improvement Plan development or strategic meetings with other staff. We are pleased to be able to offer this support for your in-school development and the rooms are available for hire for £40 an hour for a minimum of 2 hours. Various catering options are available – see our website for details.

Bespoke in-school training Our team of experts enjoy training school staff and are happy to come to your school to deliver training for staff meetings or INSET days. Please contact us through our website and arrange to speak to one of us about your particular requirements.

MKTSA provide a great range of courses tailored to my school’s needs, the trainers are great and engaging, booking courses is simple and the location is easy to get to with lots of parking on site.

CONTACT US Join our network today to receive exclusive benefits and cost savings. Sign up to our membership subscription offer and benefit from being part of a forward-thinking Teaching School Alliance network with like-minded individuals; learning, sharing, inspiring and evolving. Visit our website to view our full range of courses, tailored to a variety of roles in schools and to every level of teaching and professional development.

Visit today and join our growing Alliance. Telephone: 01908 533284 Email:

Fantastic course, facilitators were excellent

Terms and Conditions All courses are subject to availability and places are secured on a first come, first served basis. Any delegates failing to attend without cancelling will incur a £40 cancellation fee in addition to the course fee. 10 working days’ notice of cancellation is required.

I have really enjoyed the course and have learnt lots to take back into the classroom.

For subscription schools, invoices will be issued annually at the start of the Autumn Term. Places on any programme will not be bookable until the invoice is paid in full. MKTSA retains the right to change the date of courses and will communicate in advance with delegates should the need arise.

Thank you for such a thought-provoking, inspiring course!

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Visit today and join our growing Alliance. Telephone: 01908 533284 Email:

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