Achieving Excellence Beyond Belief
Sixth Form Prospectus
Principal’s Welcome Achieving Excellence Beyond Belief
Sandy Upper School students now have a brighter future to look forward to, because of the dedication of the teachers and leadership tea m who have supported and guided us. Student quote
Principal’s Welcome Dear Parent/Guardian I am delighted to welcome you to our extremely successful, caring and happy school, where every individual is highly valued. At Sandy Upper School we are totally committed to academic excellence and we passionately believe that every child is entitled to a first rate education. We aim to ensure that every child is extremely well prepared to pursue their career aspirations and lead a highly successful, happy life. We combine the traditional values of good manners, exemplary behaviour and smart uniform, with the very best of modern teaching and learning and an innovative curriculum which provides opportunities for academic, technical, sporting and arts excellence. Our students are highly successful individuals, who have the desire and drive to succeed in the 21st century – as individuals, team players, active citizens and leaders in their chosen fields. Our students are smartly presented, kind, courteous and thoughtful and they know that, through hard work and determination, they can achieve anything and everything they set their minds to. We are extremely proud of our outstanding achievements and the remarkable progress we have made. We have ensured that our vision for an outstanding school has become a reality within record time, there has been “a complete transformation” (Ofsted, July 2014) into an exceptional school. We have made excellent progress in all aspects of school improvement and in July 2014, Ofsted judged the School and the Sixth Form as a high ‘Good’ with outstanding features, with the Ofsted report clearly outlining that the School is well on the way to becoming outstanding. Our students achieve exceptional examination results at GCSE, AS and A Level, proving that our innovative, student-centred and personalised approach is highly successful. In August 2015, with a pass rate of 82% GCSE A*-C with English and Maths, Sandy Upper School became the highest performing school in the whole of Bedfordshire and many nearby counties for a second year in a row, as well as one of the leading schools in the country for examination performance. Our Sixth Form results are equally impressive, with an overall pass rate of 99.3% and value-added graded as ‘Excellent’. Our results will place the School in the top 5% of schools nationally and enable our students to obtain admission to the very best universities. At Sandy Upper School we have created a unique team of students, staff and parents who work together as one united team to do whatever it takes to achieve success. Our staff team is made up of high-performing professionals who go ‘above and beyond’ to ensure our students receive the best possible education. We aim to provide fantastic life opportunities for our students and as a result our students are highly motivated, hard-working and successful. My team and I look forward to working in partnership with you to ensure your child has a highly successful and fulfilling future at Sandy Upper School.
K Hayward
MA , BA (Hons), NPQH Acting Principal
High Aspirations & Outstanding Achievement Our primary aim at Sandy Upper School Sixth Form is to provide the best possible education for all our students and equip them to move on to University, Further Education or employment. We want all our students to succeed and, therefore, set aspirational targets to motivate them to aim for the highest results possible.
A2 and BTEC Results: Sandy Upper School’s Best Ever Sixth Form Results! Results
A Level
Sandy 2013
A*-B A*-C A*-E Dist-Dist* Merit-Dist* Pass-Dist*
28% 56% 94%
Sandy 2014 46% 77% 99%
37% 67% 84%
77% 91% 100%
Sandy 2015 49% 81% 99.3% 78% 93% 100%
Additional Qualifications
A*-B% A*-C% A*-E%
80% 80% 100%
50% 50% 100%
70% 100% 100%
50% 50% 100%
100% 100% 100%
58% 75% 100%
Eng Lit
67% 100% 100%
50% 100% 100%
50% 100% 100%
54% 75% 92%
Further Maths
25% 63% 100%
0% 100% 100%
0% 50% 100%
100% 100% 100%
Product Design
The vast majority of our students study for additional qualifications with those in Year 12 taking the EPQ (Extended Project Qualification).
25% 50% 100%
The EPQ is recognised by top universities, carries UCAS points (including an A*/A), can reduce the offer requirements from universities, gives application preference over those who haven’t completed the EPQ, and develops the following key skills which Russell Group Universities feel some students lack:
10% 70% 100%
0% 100% 100%
• independent study skills
• extended writing
• thinking critically
• problem solving
• time management and organisation
Sandy 2012
Sandy 2013
Sandy 2014
Sandy 2015
A Level
7 Less than Satisfactory
7 Less than Satisfactory
4 Very Good
2 Outstanding
6 Below Average
7 Less than Satisfactory
3 Excellent
3 Excellent
Students in Year 13 study for the IFS Certificate in Financial Studies.
Future Prospects • 100% of our students were successful in obtaining University places in September 2015. • We run a weekly programme to support students with their UCAS applications and personal statements. • Form Tutors and the Sixth Form Team support students to prepare for life after Sixth Form.
Ofsted: Achievement Good (Grade 2) The Sixth Form has been transformed. • Better support and guidance, combined with stronger teaching, mean that Sixth Form students make good progress from their individual starting points. Standards are rising sharply.
By setting ambitious target grades in all • subjects and across all year groups, the aspirations of students and expectations of staff have been raised in one fell swoop.
Ofsted July 2014
The School is very supportive in the transition from GCSEs into studying A levels. Student quote
Ofsted: Teaching and Learning Good (Grade 2) • Teaching in the Sixth Form is good because teachers use their subject expertise well to plan suitably challenging work to extend and deepen students’ learning. • Teaching is typically good and there is now much outstanding teaching. • Teaching has improved beyond recognition since the last inspection. Inadequate teaching has been eradicated, strengths have been consolidated, and best practice has been recognised and extended. • Monitoring of teaching is systematic, rigorous and highly effective in improving classroom practice. • Students make exceptional progress when teaching is outstanding.
Ofsted July 2014
Studying in the Sixth Form has helped me to become more focussed on my future a mbitions. Student quote
Teaching and Learning
Possible New Courses for 2016
Excellent teaching at Sandy Upper School means planning and executing rigorous, engaging lessons, as well as using student data to assess students’ achievement. Great things come to those who work hard and at Sandy Upper School we have no shortcuts in ensuring that all of our students succeed. We aim to instil high standards of effort, attitude and endeavour within all of our students in all lessons. By developing a student’s independent skills we guide students on a journey to further and higher education or skilled employment. Our lessons encourage independent thinking, self-reliance and social responsibility. Students grow in confidence and are able to take responsibility for their learning outcomes. Moreover, the School works closely with parents and guardians to encourage their support and involvement in the development of the student’s unique talents and competencies.
• Textiles
Entry Requirements and Expectations
We aim to extend these students and provide them with the opportunity to visit Cambridge University and meet tutors who can guide them on what is expected at interviews and in personal statements.
• Advanced Level qualifications are demanding courses that require two years of full-time study after GCSEs. • Good GCSE results are essential to ensure that you are best placed to achieve at A Level. • We expect students to have achieved at least 8 A*-C grades including English and Mathematics with a B grade (or merit grade at BTEC) in the subjects they wish to study, or a related subject, before taking any Advanced Level course. In exceptional circumstances we may consider a lower combination of grades. • All students will study 4 AS and/or BTEC qualifications in Year 12 plus an EPQ. • All students will complete the Extended Project Qualification which broadens their educational experience and helps them to develop their independent research and organisational skills.
Level 3 Courses (A Level Equivalent) • We offer an extensive range of AS and BTEC courses to choose from. • Below are the courses offered in 2015-2016 although alternative courses may be provided, if there is sufficient interest. • A Levels and vocational BTEC subjects can be studied together to offer an alternative pathway to higher education and employment. • The subjects offered will be put into blocks and students will choose one subject from each of these blocks. However, we will do all we can to ensure that the maximum number of students can study their first choice subjects. • Each AS Level subject is taught for 5 hours which is higher than average with one additional hour of ‘guided study’ in which students complete subject related tasks. • Art
• Music
• BTEC Health and Social Care
• Biology
• PE
• BTEC Hospitality and Catering
• Business Studies
• Philosophy and Ethics
• BTEC Travel and Tourism
• Chemistry
• Physics
• Dance
• Product Design
• BTEC Sport
• Drama
• Psychology
• BTEC Performing Arts
• Economics
• Sociology
• English Literature
• Spanish
• Media
• Computer Science
Scholars’ Programme We run additional enrichment opportunities for students who are applying to Russell Group and Oxbridge Universities to ensure they meet the specific requirements of these Universities.
Students also have the opportunity to practise interview questions with a senior member of staff in preparation for interviews and they are encouraged to access on-line materials from Villiers Park Educational Trust, to apply for the Sutton Trust Summer School and to broaden their knowledge and experiences.
Extra Curricular and Enrichment Opportunities As part of our pledge to fully prepare you for the future we will provide access to a wide range of university open days and events. These will range from the Russell Group of Universities to more local universities and higher education learning establishments. Alongside these important events there will be opportunities to engage in extra-curricular sporting pursuits, shows and productions, as well as community projects and invitations to attend VIP events. All of these activities sit very well on a university supporting statement or CV and help to show future employers that you are a rounded, multi-skilled young person.
Sixth Form Induction Sixth Form Induction will take place in July 2016 at school and students who are joining the School in September will be invited to attend. Preparation for the start of AS courses will take place during Induction and home learning will be set for the summer so that students can start to bridge the gap between GCSE and A Level studying, therefore giving them a head start. Induction provides students with the opportunity to check that they have made the right subject choices as well as introducing them to the Year 13 students and Sixth Form life.
Pastoral Care, Guidance and Support Our pastoral care is a key factor for students joining the Sixth Form as we want all students to feel supported and enabled to study effectively. Students have their own Form Tutor who they meet daily and is there to provide advice and guidance. Form Tutors have a key responsibility for personal statements, UCAS applications, EPQ and are there to support you in the more challenging aspects of becoming an independent learner. The Sixth Form is an integral part of the School and house system, but also has a separate and unique identity and location. Sixth Form students have their own tutor groups but also play a significant role in the overall life of the School. Students see their tutors daily, unlike many sixth forms, to focus on all aspects to support future development. Mentoring and one-to-one tutor meetings will help you ensure that you fulfil your potential in all areas, equipping you with the skills needed in higher education and employment. The Sixth Form Team will help you through difficult situations, offering expert guidance and support. Our dedicated and experienced team will help you find the right university, review your options for the future and eventually find suitable employment.
Engagement With Parents We fully understand the importance of parental support for your learning. Every half term we will provide a progress report detailing academic progress and overall attainment. There will also be parents’ evenings and the opportunity to meet with tutors and subject staff during the year.
Attendance and Dress Code Our Sixth Form students are role models and young leaders, who contribute significantly to the whole school ethos. We believe that for our students to gain the greatest benefits from their education they need to aim for 100% attendance. We want to create a formal and positive working environment and expect all students to come to school in smart business wear as outlined below:
Male Students
Female Students
• Smart Trousers
• Trousers (full length)
• Collared Shirt
• Blouses/smart tops to waist
• Smart Shoes
• Skirts - knee height or below
• Jumper
• Dresses - knee height or below
• Jacket or suit (optional)
• Jumper/Cardigan
• Smart coat
• Smart shoes
• No denim material, logos or slogans
• Jacket or suit (optional)
• Caps (e.g. baseball) are not to be worn
• Smart coat
• Hair - only natural colours and no extreme hair styles
• No denim material, logos or slogans
• No facial piercings
• Hair - only natural colours and no extreme hair styles
• Subtle jewellery, make-up
• No facial piercings
Ofsted: Behaviour & Safety Good (Grade 2) Behaviour is good, and is often exemplary. • One notable feature of the School is the demonstrable way • that students of different ages get on with one another. The School has rightly focused on the implementation of • high standards of behaviour, and students have embraced the higher aspirations. Simple, but effective strategies such as smart uniforms, • seating plans and common rules have promoted not only a ubiquitously positive climate for learning but also a sense of pride, which, in turn, promotes better achievement and positive behaviour. Students are quick to recognise the improvements that • have taken place. They comply with the School’s higher expectations and appreciate the fact that staff ‘go the extra mile’ on their behalf. Increasingly, students are embracing and enjoying • new responsibilities. The School’s work to keep students safe and secure • is outstanding.
Ofsted July 2014
Ofsted: Leadership & Management Good (Grade 2) • Leadership of the Sixth Form is good. • The Sixth Form is good. Sixth Form students achieve well and are very well prepared for the next stage of their education and adult life. • Strong and effective strategic leadership, including governance, has transformed the School since the last inspection. • The Principal and senior team have transformed the School by focusing tirelessly on raising standards. In doing so, they have left nothing to chance, particularly in regard to establishing good behaviour, strengthening teaching and securing better achievement. • The micro-management by senior leaders has secured rapid improvement. • Staff at all levels have worked very effectively to meet the Principal’s relentless and uncompromising expectations. The upshot is that the School has become a ‘learning community’, wherein students and adults routinely talk about ‘progress’ and ‘levels’.
Ofsted July 2014
The courses I have taken have given me the grades to apply to my first choice university. Student quote
Staff Leadership There is a wide team of senior and middle leaders, form tutors and administrative staff who work with the Sixth Form students.
Student Leadership Sixth Form students play a key role in the work of the School and act as role models and leaders to our younger students. A new student leadership structure is in place with ‘Head Boy and Head Girl’ senior prefects who will work with the Sixth Form staff and senior leadership team in the development of the School. We want to encourage a wide range of students to take on leadership roles to develop them as individuals and enhance the progress and achievements of the whole school community.
Application Process To apply for a place in the Sixth Form at Sandy Upper please complete the school’s application form and return to the main office by 17th December 2015.
Who to Contact If you have any queries at all regarding how to apply or simply for more information please don’t hesitate to call 01767 680598 or email:
Sandy Sixth Form
Engayne Avenue, Sandy, Bedfordshire SG19 1BL E: T: 01767 680598