Winslow C of E School Prospectus

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Welcome to our School I am delighted to introduce myself as the Head Teacher of Winslow Church of England School. School should be a place of exciting discovery and opportunity, where all children flourish, are nurtured and inspired in their learning journey. All of us: staff, parents, carers, and governors, can make a real difference to the lives of the children at Winslow Church of England School as we work together to achieve outstanding outcomes for all. The rainbow logo is an expression of God’s promise to us, but also an image of how each one of us reflects that love as we let our light shine, showing care and respect to everyone. Our concern is to build a meaningful sense of community within the school, but also to help the children look outwards, to understand and appreciate their place in a richly diverse world. We would love you to join with us. Please don’t hesitate to contact me, or speak with any of the team, if we can be of help.

With best wishes,




Vision and Values … We believe that each child is unique and is a gift to us all, simply because of who they are and not just because of what they can do. The school values, chosen by the children, show different ways in which they can let their light shine. These underpin our behaviour policy and our weekly Child of the Week celebration.

• We are kind • We say sorry and we forgive • We are thoughtful • We listen • We care

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• We share • We are honest • We are respectful • We try our best • We love to learn!

Pupil s high l show e engag vels of emen t their learni in ng. OFSTE


Starting Out ‌ Your child may enter the school at two primary ages.

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Rainbows Nursery lf your child is 3 to 4 years old, they are ready to join our Rainbows Nursery. Led by a team of highly skilled and dedicated practitioners, it provides a caring, happy and stimulating atmosphere in which our young pupils thrive. The setting is safe, bright and engaging and benefits from a wonderful all-weather outdoor area of its own, which the children love! The children are also able to access all of our school facilities, which supports their smooth transition to the Reception class.

Reception Class A team of experienced and enthusiastic teachers and Learning Support Assistants leads our Reception classes. Great emphasis is placed on building self-esteem and confidence, sociability and acceptable behaviour. Our Early Years Curriculum is child led, driven by their needs and interests. The children learn through playing and exploring, being imaginative, creating and thinking critically. The children love to read and write, by themselves or with friends, and our wonderful Early Years outside environment is always a favourite place for new learning and discovery.

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Onwards and Upwards, Deeper and Wider Key Stage 1 and 2 At Winslow Church of England School, we believe learning is a life-long journey. We help the children to become independent and self-motivated, taking responsibility for their own learning. A positive ‘Growth-Mindset’ attitude is promoted throughout the school, which embraces challenge and encourages children to take risks, to make their own discoveries and deepen understanding.

Our Curriculum We offer a rich and varied curriculum, which allows all children to engage in memorable learning experiences. These include enrichment days, for example: Greek and Roman days, Science Fairs and a trip to the Space Centre. Our librarian and her team of volunteers run a well-stocked and dynamic library, which is used extensively to support the curriculum and to guide children’s reading progression. Each year, the whole school takes part in the National Gallery’s themed week, ‘Take One Picture’, designed to enhance the children’s enjoyment of the curriculum and culminating in an exhibition of work for parents and community to appreciate. We are privileged to have a wonderful and diverse outdoor area, which is used to enrich all areas of the curriculum and extend our children’s learning. This includes separate KS1 and KS2 playgrounds and large sports fields, which are regularly used for cricket, football, rounders, tag rugby and athletics. There are all-weather surfaces for tennis and netball, and an outdoor heated pool for swimming in the summer. Our Musical Woodland often provides a stimulus for cross-curricular learning, and the sensory garden is a lovely space for reflection.

Pupil Wellbeing and Safeguarding The mental health and well-being of our children is at the heart of all we do; we have a special team dedicated to their care and nurture. All our staff, governors and volunteers share our commitment to the safeguarding of our pupils and are regularly trained in Child Protection procedures.

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In Partnership At Winslow Church of England School, we appreciate the close relationships we have with all of our families and the local community. In particular, we would like to thank Bloor Homes, Winslow Town Council and Tesco for their substantial support.

Parents As parents, the help you give your child with homework, in ensuring good attendance and supporting our expectations of behaviour is invaluable. We build relationships with our parents through regular parent evenings, stay and play sessions and open days. Our Open Door Policy allows you to discuss any concerns relating to your child, with either a teacher or the Head Teacher.

FOWS (Friends of Winslow School) Our strong Parent Association (FOWS) organises many fundraising events including cinema afternoons, mufti days, quiz nights and our Christmas and Summer fêtes, which considerably enhance the children’s enjoyment of their learning. Projects have included Accelerated Reader, the Outdoor Trail, Writing Huts, Musical Woodland, Outdoor Stage, IT equipment and our Sensory Garden.

Church Links A strong relationship exists between the school and St Laurence, our local parish church, with both taking an active part in the life of the other. The vicar leads a Chaplaincy for the school, and makes regular visits in KS2 for ’Big Questions’ sessions, which have been well-received by the pupils. Each Friday, Collective Worship is led by the Director of Music, and parents are invited to join with us on the first Friday of each month.


Transition to Secondary School At the end of Year 6, pupils transfer to a variety of local secondary schools including Sir Thomas Freemantle School, The Cottesloe School, The Buckingham School, The Royal Latin School, Aylesbury High School, Aylesbury Grammar School and Sir Henry Floyd School. Transferring to secondary school is a time of change and great expectations, but can also be an anxious time for our children. A member of our Mental Health and Wellbeing team works closely with the children and parents, secondary schools and other specialist teams, to ensure our children are self-confident and happy as they move on and settle in quickly to their new schools.


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Lowndes Way, Winslow, Bucks MK18 3EN 01296 712296 •

Many thanks to

Lowndes Way, Winslow, Bucks MK18 3EN 01296 712296 •

for supporting our Sensory Garden

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