WELCOME Welcome to the Milton Keynes Teaching School Alliance (MKTSA) the professional learning community for primary schools in Milton Keynes. The Milton Keynes Teaching School Alliance believes that every child is entitled to benefit from a world class education. Through close collaboration with our partnership schools, we aim to make this dream a reality: starting with Initial Teacher Training all the way through to Headship and beyond. Our Initial Teacher Training is rated Ofsted Outstanding and supplies exceptionally high quality graduate teachers to our local schools. Our high-quality CPD provision helps staff and school leaders grow and develop in their careers and our highly skilled team of SLEs and specialist staff provide school-to-school support within our community.
But we believe there is even more that can be done, and with school-led improvement so high on the agenda, now is the time to step up and forge a new path where communities of schools truly collaborate to make the quality of education for our children the very best that it can be. Emma Hollis Head of Teaching School
COST SAVINGS EXCLUSIVE BENEFITS MEMBERSHIP SUBSCRIPTION OFFER Our brand new subscription offer enables schools to join our Alliance and reap the rewards of a truly school-led system. Alliance schools benefit from participation in high quality CPD for their staff, access to exceptional trainee teachers, bespoke school-toschool support models and dissemination of the latest initiatives and educational research findings. In return, we expect our schools to fully engage in the collaborative model of school improvement – working with us to identify future leaders for a world class education system. Join our Alliance today and reap the benefits of our exclusive network of schools striving for world class education.
Access to trainee teacher placements
Access to NQT interview panel
Unlimited places on NQT Programme
One free place per CPD programme*
• •
Two free places per CPD programme*
Unlimited places on CPD programmes* Free place on either ITP or OTP programme
• •
Three places on ITP or OTP Programme**
Six places on ITP or OTP Programme** One free Power of Coaching place ahead of any ITP training booked
Unlimited Appropriate Body Service
Free access to professional networking groups
Termly Partnership Meetings
Basic personalised school-toschool support package
Comprehensive personalised school-to-school support package Lesson Recorder
*Excluding ITP and OTP. Subject to availability (preferential rates for all members for additional places booked). **Places must be booked in groups of three on the same programme.
GOLD MEMBERSHIP Gold members are entitled to: •
Access to trainee teacher placements
Access to NQT interview panel
Unlimited places on NQT Programme
Unlimited places on CPD programmes*
Six places on ITP and OTP Programme**
One free Power of Coaching place ahead of any ITP training booked
Unlimited Appropriate Body Service
Free access to professional networking groups
Termly Partnership Meetings
Comprehensive personalised school-to-school support package
Lesson Recorder
Cost: £6.50 per pupil in Reception or older (minimum £650) As courses are oversubscribed, we request a 5 working day notice period to cancel attendance. Any delegates failing to attend without cancelling will incur a £40 cancellation fee. Invoices will be issued annually at the start of the Autumn Term. Places on any programme will not be bookable until the invoice is paid in full.
*Subject to availability (preferential rates for all members for additional places booked). **Places must be booked in groups of three on the same programme.
SILVER MEMBERSHIP Silver members are entitled to: •
Access to trainee teacher placements
Access to NQT interview panel
Unlimited places on NQT Programme
Two free places per CPD programme*
Three places on ITP or OTP Programme**
One free Power of Coaching place ahead of any ITP training booked
Unlimited Appropriate Body Service
Free access to professional networking groups
Termly Partnership Meetings
Basic personalised school-to-school support package
Lesson Recorder
Cost: £5.00 per pupil in Reception or older (minimum £500) As courses are oversubscribed, we request a 5 working day notice period to cancel attendance. Any delegates failing to attend without cancelling will incur a £40 cancellation fee. Invoices will be issued annually at the start of the Autumn Term. Places on any programme will not be bookable until the invoice is paid in full.
*Subject to availability (preferential rates for all members for additional places booked). **Places must be booked in groups of three on the same programme.
BRONZE MEMBERSHIP Bronze members are entitled to: •
Access to trainee teacher placements
Access to NQT interview panel
Unlimited places on NQT Programme
One free place per CPD programme*
Once place on either ITP or OTP programmes
Free access to professional networking groups
Termly Partnership Meetings
Lesson Recorder
Cost: £4.00 per pupil in Reception or older (minimum £400) As courses are oversubscribed, we request a 5 working day notice period to cancel attendance. Any delegates failing to attend without cancelling will incur a £40 cancellation fee Invoices will be issued annually at the start of the Autumn Term. Places on any programme will not be bookable until the invoice is paid in full.
*Subject to availability (preferential rates for all members for additional places booked).
Exclusive, relevant and up to date training courses
New courses being added
Leadership development
School to School Support
Specialist leaders in education
Bespoke training
Support Network of like-minded professionals
Ofsted ‘outstanding’ provider of school-based initial teacher training in Milton Keynes
Developing Strong Leadership in the Governing Body
The Art of Effective Leadership
Preparing for Deputy Headship
Primary Lesson Observations Using the Ofsted Inspection Framework
The Confident Teaching Assistant
Developing the TA - Teacher Partnership
Outstanding Learning and Progress for Pupils with SEND
Providing Effective Support for Students with ASD
Preparing for Inspection under the Updated Ofsted Framework
Growth Mindsets
Outstanding TAs
Outstanding Middle Leadership
How to Challenge and Extend Able Learners
Differentiation: Practical Strategies and Solutions
How to Account for Pupil Premium
Philosophy for Children
Footsteps to the Future – 3 Day Leadership Development Programme
Learning without Lessons
Creative Leadership – How to energise your school
SMSC Inspecting the ‘hidden’ Curriculum
Beyond the Classroom Door: Unlocking the potential of your school grounds
Raising Standard and Attainment in Writing
Behaviour Management for Busy Teachers
SPaG KS1 and KS2
Phonics KS1 and KS2
Spellings KS1 and KS2
Less marking, more impact
Creative/extended writing
Reasoning and Oracy
Science day launch
But my test isn’t fair! - Working scientifically with plants, animals and humans
Materials Magic - Working scientifically with materials including solids, liquids and gases
Science Networks
English Networks
English Launch Day
Maths Networks
Maths Launch Day
SEND Networks
SEND launch day
Using iPads Effectively in the Primary Classroom
Understanding the Computing curriculum
Basic computing in the classroom
Accelerated learning cycle
Raise online
KS1 Dashboard Training course
KS2 Dashboard Training course
More courses, networking events and workshops added throughout the year. Visit our website for more information
ITP PROGRAMME Designed by OLEVI and facilitated by experienced school leaders and teachers, the highly effective and motivating Improving Teacher Programme gives teachers who want to improve their practice, a set of skills and strategies to reach the next teaching level. Utilised in the London and City Challenge Projects and endorsed by the National College, the ITP has gained a national reputation for raising standards in teaching and learning.
The Improving Teacher Programme: •
Provides improving teachers with in-depth coaching, tailored to a self-assessment of their teaching. It provides opportunities to deepen their understanding of high-quality classroom practice and teaching and learning. Participants improve their teaching through facilitated practice, observation of colleagues and working with ‘live’ students
Supports a wider range of teaching activities, including: planning lessons, starter activities, plenary sessions, questioning techniques, engaging in learning, challenging learning, assessment and differentiation strategies
To enable teachers to: •
Provide their students with the best possible learning experience
Improve standards in their classrooms and schools
Supports the aims and implementation of school improvement plans and other national agendas
Increase their job satisfaction and quality of experience
Work more effectively as active members of their school team
Forms part of the professional development provision or entitlement for staff development within the school’s improvement plan
Builds confidence of staff to become used to class observations and adopt a positive “can do” attitude.
A key part of school-to-school support, which is helping to increase capacity and drive up standards in schools, the programme helps teachers deliver consistent high-quality lessons that have a positive measurable impact on student performance. Eligibility This programme is open to all teachers who want to improve their teaching practice and want to learn how to teach and facilitate consistently good lessons matching theory with application.
Impact The Improving Teacher Programme is having a significant impact on the performance of teaching staff and students in schools. For example, one primary school made so much progress, after having staff on the programme, that 46 pupils from a nearby primary applied to transfer to it.
Week 1
Ethos and expectations
Week 2
Challenge and engagement
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
High quality teaching & learning
OTP PROGRAMME Designed and facilitated by experienced school leaders and teachers, the Outstanding Teacher Programme gives good teachers a set of skills and strategies that enable them to become consistently and sustainably outstanding.
It helps them to:
Develop teachers’ higher order teaching and learning skills
Explore how to become a consistently outstanding teacher
Demonstrate a higher level understanding of teaching and improve learning for pupils
To refine own practice through observing others and reflection
Coach colleagues in their own school and in other schools to raise their performance
Enhance coaching and mentoring ability so that they can develop the practice of others
Create a proactive school culture where the quality of teaching and learning is observed, discussed and enhanced
Developing leadership potential in highly skilled teachers
Developing excellence ‘beyond’ the classroom
Increase their job satisfaction and create opportunities for further career progression
This programme:
Provides in-depth coaching to deepen teachers’ understanding of outstanding classroom practice. Participants improve through facilitated practice and structured opportunities to reflect on teaching approaches and their quality and impact
Introduces new knowledge and skills and focuses on what makes teaching outstanding
This programme is open to teachers with the potential to consistently deliver outstanding teaching and learning. Applicants need to demonstrate: •
Strong commitment to teaching and learning and show that they are inspiring individuals with strong interpersonal skills who are role models for pupils
At least three years teaching experience and value added data showing student progress and improving exam results
Requires learning triads to prepare and present at an outstanding level to the whole programme group for evaluation
External recognition (e.g. Threshold, Ofsted) that indicates that they have the ability to become outstanding teachers
Forms part of the schools’ professional development provision and supports the implementation of national agendas
A commitment to professional development and the ability to reflect their practice, including using student feedback to evaluate their teaching
Expectations for engagement are high, and participants must show their commitment by: •
Attending each of the 7 face-to-face modules (5 x Teaching and Learning, 2 x Coaching)
Being punctual
Presenting professionally in host school
Ensuring that during 2 x in-school practice sessions, they protect their time and focus appropriately.
Completing all ‘post session challenges’
Engaging actively in all sessions and activities
Being prepared to challenge and be challenged by your peers and the facilitators
Maintaining a personal ‘learning log’ for the duration of the OTP that will serve as a professional aide-memoir for them personally as well as the colleagues they aim to support and develop
Being pro-active in their own school in relation to: - Their own self determined targets - Being role models for the profession - Supporting and coaching colleagues.
Meeting regularly to engage professionally
Week 1
Half Day
Outstanding Teaching and Learning
Week 2
Full Day
Outstanding Teaching and Learning
In school practice week (focused tasks to complete)
Week 3
Week 4
Half Day
Outstanding Teaching and Learning
Week 5
Full Day
Coaching 1
Week 6
Half Day
Coaching 2 In school practice week (focused tasks to complete)
Week 7
Week 8
Half Day
Outstanding Teaching and Learning
Week 9
Half Day
Outstanding Teaching and Learning
NQT PROGRAMME Inspired NQTs: Inspiring Children Professional Development Programme for Newly Qualified Teachers Wednesdays 1:00 – 4:00pm (Arrive early and bring lunch) Every teacher has the ability to be outstanding. The first few years of your career are most crucial in terms of skills development. Our ‘Inspired NQT’s: Inspiring Children course is tailored to NQTs and incorporates your school-based teaching role, dedicating extra time to your development. Autumn Term 14th September 2016 21st September 2016
Your NQT Year MK NQT Launch Event in association with the Local Authority (2:00-4:00pm venue TBC)
5th October 2016
The Accelerated Learning Cycle
9th November 2016
Behaviour Management
23rd November 2016
‘What is assessment?’ & ‘Planning for progression’
7th December 2016
Time management – Plan for Success!
Spring Term 25th January 2017
Developing a Growth Mindset
8th February 2017
Mind the Gap: Supporting Pupil Progress
22nd February 2017
Closing the Gap: Observation Trios
8th March 2017
Closing the Gap: Observation Feedback
22nd March 2017
TAs Optimising Impact (bring your TA to training) No TA? We’ll arrange specific training just for you!
Summer Term 3rd May 2017
Raising Achievement and Closing Gaps
17th May 2017
Effective Feedback
14th June 2017
Action research – writing time!
28th June 2017
Developing and Using Assessment
12th July 2017
Action research – Feedback Celebration lunch
17 17
Module 2: First time leadership
Those who have just taken over leading a team, or those who are about to step up to a middle leadership role.
• To understand the difference between leadership and management.
• To describe the skills and attributes of a good leader.
1. Team member to Team leader (Autumn 1) 2. First time leadership (Autumn 2) 3. Staff engagement – the team leader’s role (Spring 1)
• To understand the impact a leader can have on motivation and therefore performance within their team.
5. Problem solving and decision making (Summer 1)
• To reflect on their own role as leaders and areas for development within it.
6. Coaching skills for team leaders (Summer 2)
Module 3: Staff engagement – the team leader’s role
Key Learning Objectives:
• To introduce leaders to the subject of staff engagement.
4. Time management for team leaders (Spring 2)
Module 1: Team member to Team leader • To explore some of the challenges participants will face as a team leader and how to approach them with the right balance of ethics and pragmatism.
• To help leaders begin to understand why staff engagement is central to being a successful leader. • To encourage leaders to identify what makes staff feel engaged.
• To help participants understand the necessary changes they will need to make to their approach in school.
• To help participants understand the sorts of things great leaders do to staff engagement and its impact on pupil outcomes.
• To help participants understand what feeling engaged in their job feels like and the impact it can have on the quality of their work.
To encourage participants to identify an appropriate leadership style based on the individual they are dealing with, the role they are doing and what the team needs them to do.
• To give participants an opportunity to reflect on their current skill levels as a leader and use the information to create a plan of action.
• To understand different leadership styles.
Module 4: Time management for team leaders
Module 6: Coaching skills for team leaders
• To understand and apply the concept of SMART objectives.
• To ensure leaders have the skills to coach their staff to higher performance in the workplace.
• To describe the barriers that get in the way of effective time management.
• To understand what coaching is and what it is not!
• To understand some basic principles and techniques for prioritising.
• To identify the skills that leaders will need to be an effective workplace coach.
• To describe what makes effective delegation.
• To understand how to structure a coaching session with staff members.
• To recognise the principles of running effective meetings.
• To understand how to coach for development and higher performance.
• To make better use of their own (and others’) time! Module 5: Problem solving and decision making • To develop problem solving and decision making skills. • To encourage analytical thinking. • To consider a structured process in problem solving. • To develop a process for problem solving. • To understand techniques that will help an objective problem solving process. • To understand how to use a creative thinking technique to generate ideas. • To understand how to apply objective decision making to typical workplace scenarios.
Developing the TA - Teacher Partnership Unlock the potential of classroom support staff to make a real difference to learning Suitable for: This course is suitable for both classroom assistants and teachers who have an interest in improving the success of their working partnerships in the primary or secondary classroom. It may also benefit middle and senior leaders with a responsibility for standards of teaching and learning and effective staff deployment. Overview: With almost a quarter of a million teaching assistants working in schools across the country, it is more important than ever to ensure that the working relationships in the classroom are as effective as possible. This course will help you to re-think the role of the TA and unlock the potential of a truly collaborative partnership for improving the outcomes of the pupils in your school. You will critically examine your current situation and go away with practical ideas and recommendations for future development based on robust research evidence.
Outstanding TAs Be fully equipped to take on greater roles and have a positive impact within the classroom and the whole school Learn techniques & strategies to become an Outstanding Teaching Assistant How TAs can make an outstanding impact on, individuals, small groups and the whole school Developing the right tools for one-to-one teaching, AfL and effective teaching techniques.
Developing Middle Leaders Programme Those who have just taken over leading a team, or those who are about to step up to a middle leadership role. Developing skills in: •
Team member to Team leader
Time management for team leaders
First time leadership
Problem solving and decision making
Staff engagement – the team leader’s role
Coaching skills for team leaders
But my test isn’t fair! - Working Scientifically with plants, animals and humans Come and explore ways of working scientifically when studying plants, animals and humans. Find out how to structure a variety of Scientific Enquiries linked to the Biology programmes of study at Key Stages 1 and 2. We will look at classification, observations, exploration, pattern seeking, fair testing and researching. There will also be opportunities to explore some different teaching approaches for Scientific learning Lots of practical ideas to take back to school and use in your classroom!
Using iPads effectively in the classroom This half day workshop is designed for staff new to or just starting to use iPads in the classroom. We will explore a set of apps which are applicable to both literacy and numeracy activities. More than a list of apps, we will have project based hands-on time to explore how the apps can be used to help students communicate their understanding and demonstrate their knowledge. iPads will be provided, loaded with the apps to use, but feel free to bring your own and you can download on the day.
Understanding the Computing curriculum A half day workshop to explore the new computing curriculum looking at Digital Literacy, Computer Science and Information Technology. During the workshop we will explore… •
Why we teach computing
What is new in the Computing curriculum
Understanding the process of Computational Thinking
Hands on with some software tools
Creating a personal plan of action
Materials Magic - Working Scientifically with materials including solids, liquids and gases Come and explore ways of working scientifically when studying properties of materials, changing materials and separating materials. Find out how to structure a variety of Scientific Enquiries linked to the Chemistry programmes of study at Key Stages 1 and 2. We will look at classification, observations, exploration, pattern seeking, fair testing and researching. There will also be opportunities to explore some different teaching approaches for Scientific learning. Lots of practical ideas to take back to school and use in your classroom!
Visit our website for our full list of courses
SCHOOL-TO-SCHOOL SUPPORT Milton Keynes Teaching School Alliance has a proven track record of successful working partnerships with a range of schools. Our approach is collaborative; our support is bespoke and targeted. Our school-to-school support packages draw upon the recognised expertise and outstanding practice of middle and senior leaders in our schools, including Specialist, Local and National Leaders of Education. They include: •
Pupil Premium Reviews
Reviews of Governance
Targeted safeguarding audits and action planning
Inclusion audits and action planning
Coaching and mentoring of recently appointed headteachers
Leadership coaching
Curriculum design and leadership
Subject specific support
Reviews of the quality of teaching, learning and assessment
Successful data tracking and interventions
Support for TAs
and much more…. Contact us to discuss your requirements.
APPROPRIATE BODY It is a statutory requirement that the induction of NQTs be quality assured by an ‘Appropriate Body’ (AB). Our Silver and Gold memberships include Appropriate Body Service, thus saving you the time and hassle. This will cover all the statutory obligations of the Appropriate Body, as outlined in the statutory guidance for the induction of NQTs, and will also specifically cover: •
Registration of NQTs and processing of associated paperwork
NQT Induction Tutor Briefing
NQT Briefing meeting
Quality assurance of monitoring, support and assessment procedures for NQTs (termly)
Advice and support to schools in the event that an NQT may be at risk of not meeting the standards (as required)
Support for the school through a formal appeal (as required)
Support for NQTs at risk of not meeting the standards (as required)
The opportunity to request additional visits/ observations at an additional rate.
LESSON RECORDER A filming and video management package which can be used for CPD in the classroom. It allows teachers to quickly and easily record their lessons and manage their own video content securely. The individual teacher can choose to review and reflect on their own videos or share with colleagues to gain feedback and develop their teaching skills. Many schools develop a suite of ‘best practice’ videos. Lesson Recorder kit includes two HD webcams, with USB extension cables and a USB conference microphone (which can be purchased from MKTSA, at a reduced rate for Alliance Members), to allow you to film your teaching from different areas of the classroom. These items are plugged in to your existing classroom desktop computer or laptop. From this, the lesson recorder software is operated. The software allows you to capture any programmes the teacher might be using on the computer as a teaching aid, such as PowerPoint slides. The recording process is simply a matter of checking the cameras and microphone are operational and then pressing ‘record’. Each teacher is a unique user with a username and password and schools can have as many user licences as they like.
Lesson recorder is included in all memberships
Benefits include; •
Increased effectiveness of lesson observations.
Teachers can use the system for self-reflection and control who can view the lesson.
Teachers can invite other teachers to observe the lesson.
Lessons can be observed live from another classroom or at a later time.
Observers can provide feedback to the teacher using time-linked notes, allowing a dynamic relationship between the teacher and their mentors.
Provides a secure online community where teachers can easily collaborate, either with other teachers within the school, or between schools and share best practice.
The mobile unit enables any classroom to become a lesson observation room.
Easy to use and, very quickly, teachers will become comfortable with recording their own lessons.
You can build a library of shared best practice which can be easily searchable.
CONTACT US Join our network today to receive exclusive benefits and cost savings. Sign up to our new membership subscription offer and benefit from being part of a forward-thinking Teaching School Alliance network with like-minded individuals, learning, sharing, inspiring and evolving.
Visit today and join our growing Alliance. Telephone: 01908 562262 Email:
Visit our website to view our full range of courses, tailored to a variety of roles in schools and to every level of teaching and professional development.
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