Linslade Prospectus

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PROSPECTUS 2017 – 2018

WELCOME FROM OUR YEAR 5 PUPILS Dear Year 4 pupils My name is Rosie Thompson and I am currently a Year 5 pupil at Linslade School! Year 4 seems so long ago now, I’m so sucked into the amazing Linslade life! Don’t be worried or nervous, I can assure you you’ll make lots of new friends. Everyone will look out for you, it’s so friendly here and all the teachers are lovely. There are sooo many clubs as well; dance, German, dodgeball, sign language and Lego! I promise you’ll love it here. I think that the library is the best part as I love reading. There’s even a rock climbing wall! There’s 27 rooms in total, not including the music room, science room, art room and much more! I hope to see you here... Good luck! Yours sincerely


It’s a brilliant school where you get a terrific education.



WELCOME TO LINSLADE Just four weeks into the school year, our new pupils in Years 5, 6, 7 and 8 have settled in well and are really embracing the opportunities available to them. I have just spoken to John who joined us in Year 7. He told me that he is really happy here and loves being able to learn in a calm environment and also being able to take part in so many different sports. At the end of our first full week, our new Year 5 pupils performed magnificently at their ‘Welcome Assembly’ and had signed up for a trip to the Roald Dahl Centre. At Linslade we pride ourselves on being more than just a school. A number of visitors remark upon the sense of community that exists here. Our pupils often speak of ‘The Linslade Family’ as they talk about the spirit of partnership and support that exists here. Much of this stems from our status as a Values Education School, which provides a strong foundation upon which learning can build – both inside and outside of the classroom. We are also very strong believers in the power of ‘growth mindset’ to open up minds and establish a sense of resilience and belief that anything is possible if you aim high and really try. Every day at Linslade is a busy day and one where relationships, learning and enjoyment are at the forefront of what we do. This year is the first year we have decided to go fully electronic with our prospectus – a sign that we are embracing the incredible opportunities technology can provide. We hope that by reading it, you will gain a sense of what learning at Linslade is all about. We realise you will have many questions in relation to choosing your child’s next school and hope that this e-booklet goes some way towards answering them. However, no prospectus is the same as coming to see us in action and we would really like to encourage you to come along to visit us in order to experience life at Linslade first hand. In the meantime, if you have any questions about our school, please do not hesitate to get in touch either by phone 01525 372640, in person or via email using our dedicated new intake email address With very best wishes.





THE JOURNEY TO MIDDLE SCHOOL At Linslade, we appreciate that changing schools is both exciting and – in some respects – daunting. The journey from lower to middle school at the end of Year 4 may well be the biggest change the children (and their parents/carers) will experience in their school life. The same can be said of the change of school at the end of Year 6. Many children will be ready for the change, whilst others will be nervous. We understand this and work hard to promote close links with our partner lower and primary schools in an effort to try to reduce any anxieties you and your child may have. Once you have made the decision to join us at Linslade, we will write to you and your child at regular intervals in order to support you as you continue your journey to middle school. We have already opened up a dedicated email address for you to make contact in the event of any questions or concerns. Pupils will be invited to our two transfer days in July. We also have schemes such as ‘Footsteps’ to support any children who may be especially anxious about taking their next step. The parents and carers of our prospective Year 5 pupils will be invited to an information evening in June, where they will receive a ‘Welcome Pack’ and have the opportunity to spend some time with their child’s new form tutor. We will also invite you to a ‘Welcome Assembly’ at the end of the children’s first full week with us. In the case of pupils joining us in other years, we will do all we can to make your transition as smooth as possible, including arranging taster mornings/days in order to help you to learn a little more about our school before you start in September. We will also invite you to come along to our two transition days.

You might be ‘nervous’ but someone will always be there to help you so you will be fine.



You have nothing to worry about. I took it in my stride and you can too.

PASTORAL CARE In June 2016, Ofsted judged Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare at Linslade as good. Each pupil is allocated to a tutor group with a form tutor whose principal aim is to know the children and their families well. Heads of Year are responsible for the academic and pastoral oversight of each year group. Our Head of Key Stage 2 stays with their year group for the two years of Key Stage 2, before handing over to a new Head of Year for Key Stage 3. BUDDY BE FRIENDS: At Linslade we run a Buddy Be Friends scheme where some willing Year 8s have training in supporting younger pupils. The Year 5s are then given the opportunity to have a Buddy to help them settle into the school. Other pupils joining us in different year groups are also offered a Buddy to help them as they find their feet with us. THE LINK AND THE HUB - PLACES TO FEEL SAFE: The Link is a small private room that offers children and their families somewhere to meet with our pastoral staff and other visiting professionals. It is a welcoming and comfortable space. The Hub is a larger interactive pastoral area where children can continue with school work and is also open at break times for pupils who need a calmer atmosphere. MRS TAIT - CHILD, SCHOOL AND FAMILY LINK OFFICER: Mrs Tait provides the connection between home, school, pupils and outside agencies. She supports pupils by offering small group or 1:1 sessions. Parents and carers can contact Mrs Tait to arrange a meeting should they have any concerns about their child’s well-being. YOUNG CARERS: We are very proud to have been among the very first schools to gain gold accreditation as a Young Carers’ School and to be part of the national media launch of the scheme. At Linslade we recognise the unique challenges Young Carers can face in their lives and are proactive in doing all we can to offer individual support according to each Young Carer’s own needs. STAYING HEALTHY: We are fortunate to have a dedicated first aid room at Linslade. This is where our Lead First Aider, Mrs Allen, is on hand to provide first aid and advice with regard to health related issues. We also work very closely with members of the School Nursing Team who visit the school on a weekly basis to offer health related advice. PREPARING PUPILS FOR THEIR NEXT STEPS: We are aware that, as a middle school, we are preparing our children to take the next step to upper school. Although most of our pupils transfer to Cedars, we work closely with both upper schools in the town in order to ensure a smooth transition at the end of Year 8.

The Year 8 Buddies are always there if you need them



OUR SCHOOL COMMUNITY Linslade School is a ‘Values Education School’. Each month we focus on a different value in assemblies, tutor time and lessons in order to support our aim of building a community where everyone is respected and valued. Values points are given for outstanding effort, excellent work and positive involvement in the life of the school. At the end of each month we ask tutors to nominate someone from their form who has really embraced the spirit of that value, prior to entering them into a draw for ‘Values Champion’. OUR HOUSE SYSTEM: Each pupil and member of staff is allocated to one of our four houses.





Each house is led by a House Leader who works together with our House Captains to organise competitions and charity fund raising events. Sports Day is our very popular inter-house competition, to which families and friends of the school are invited. CHARITY FUND RAISING: We also come together as a school to raise money for local and national charities. Last year, for the fifth year running, we filled the minibus with food for our local foodbank, and raised in excess of £2,500 which was split between Children in Need, Comic Relief, Save the Children and purchasing a defibrillator for our school. SCHOOL COUNCIL: Our School Council meets weekly and is involved in discussing key aspects of school life. More recently our School Council members have been discussing the changes to the times of the school day and how we organise tutor time. They also play an important part in the interview process for new staff joining the school and have been to governors meetings to discuss aspects of teaching and learning. YEAR 8 LEADERS: Almost all of our Year 8 pupils are involved in some form of leadership. Each year, our Year 8 leaders receive training for roles such as guides, sports leaders, art leaders, drama leaders and acting as ambassadors for our school.



Everyone at Linslade is part of the Linslade Family and treat each other like their family.

LEARNING AT LINSLADE Our curriculum is broad and balanced. There is a clear focus on the core subjects of English, maths and science, with opportunities for pupils to explore the arts, humanities, modern languages, technology and sport. We run a two week timetable with each week being divided into 25 x 1 hour lessons. THEMED DAYS: We also organise a series of themed days during the year. More recently these have included our festivals project at Christmas, our ‘Academic Challenge Days’ and our ‘Resilience Days’. We also use ‘Drop Days’ in order to focus on learning in a different way. Our next drop day will see Year 5 go to the Roald Dahl Centre, Year 6 using maths to solve a murder mystery, Year 7 will visit Warwick Castle and Year 8 will begin thinking about key life skills and managing change. ACTIVITIES DAYS: We believe in making the most of our learning opportunities so, rather than taking life easy at the end of the summer, we raise our game via our Activities Days. In July 2017, Year 8 spent three excellent days at Willen Lake testing their skills via a series of water sports, Year 7 went to Condover Hall in Shropshire, Year 6 went to Caldecotte Lake and Year 5 visited Woburn. Feedback from this year was so positive, we have already started planning events for 2018! SEX AND RELATIONSHIPS EDUCATION: This is currently delivered jointly within science and PSHE lessons. Parents/carers may remove their child from sex education and should contact the Headteacher in writing should they wish to do so. We also offer families the opportunity to come along to our ‘Growing Pains Evening’ where we look together at some of the questions children and adults have when talking about how we (and our bodies) change as adolescence approaches. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: This is an important subject at Linslade and one which is supported via our Festivals Project at Christmas and our biannual visits to the Life Exhibition at our local Baptist Church. Again, parents/carers have the right to withdraw their children from Religious Education and Collective Worship. Please contact the Headteacher in writing should you wish to do so.

The lessons are really fun and interesting.



Don’t be afraid to ask the teachers or other pupils for help.

SUPPORTING LEARNING LEARNING SUPPORT AT LINSLADE At Linslade we recognise that all pupils need support from time to time. The reasons for this can be linked to educational problems, behavioural or emotional needs, prolonged illness or health problems, difficulties in learning and remembering, or other causes. Such needs might be short-term or very specific. For others the problem is more long-term (e.g. having sight difficulties or finding it hard to keep new things in their mind long enough to write down or discuss). Miss Morgan Ellis is our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCo). She works together with a team of Teaching Assistants, Learning Mentor, class teachers and external agencies to make sure that our pupils have the best possible opportunities to succeed. Our Learning Support Team will be liaising closely with feeder lower schools to ensure as smooth a transition for our new pupils as possible. PUPIL PREMIUM AND YEAR 7 CATCH UP PREMIUM: This additional funding is used at Linslade to ensure we narrow the gap between ‘disadvantaged’ pupils and their peers. Our aim is to maximise the impact of this funding in order to allow all of our pupils the opportunity to participate, learn and achieve excellence. We do all we can to work closely with learners and their families to ensure this support is tailored to individual needs and circumstances. HIGH LEVEL ACHIEVING PUPILS 5 - 10% of pupils at Linslade may be identified as High Level Achievers who are ‘bright’ or ‘able’ in one of several ways: • they may be strong in all or most subjects taught • they may be outstanding in a number of areas in and beyond the curriculum • they may have special abilities in specific areas (notably, though not exclusively, in the arts, sports or music). Where possible we try to provide a wide range of opportunities for these pupils. This includes such features as: • visits (to or from the school) • demonstrations, master classes, or links with the upper schools/other institutions • extra-curricular opportunities e.g. specific clubs or projects • activities that feature such talents as sports, performances, arts, mathematical, linguistic and creative skills • extended work that allows pupils to access higher levels, challenge and attainment in the classroom. We currently have a number of pupils who compete in sport at county and regional level. A number of our pupils also take part in theatre and dance productions out of school.



Linslade is the best because if you need help, they can support you.

OUR FACILITIES WE ARE VERY PROUD OF OUR FACILITIES AND SPECIALIST ROOMS, WHICH INCLUDE: • Two Science Laboratories • A Design & Technology Workshop • A Food Technology Room • A Textiles Room • A Performing Arts Studio • A newly refurbished Art Studio • Two ICT Suites • A Music Room equipped with keyboards and facilities for recording work • A newly refurbished Library • Extensive Sports Fields, Netball and Tennis Courts



We have very good facilities and we like to win.

LEARNING BEYOND THE CLASSROOM Linslade is an inclusive school that aims to offer a range of different clubs and activities to support and challenge our pupils beyond the classroom. CLUBS: We have an impressive range of clubs, among them; photography club, cheer-leading club, robotics, British Sign Language club, art club, homework club, dance club, cookery club, choir, ukulele club and engineering club. SPORT: Extra-curricular sport is very important to us at Linslade and we are proud to be a Gold Sports Award School. We offer different sporting opportunities among them football, girls’ and boys’ rugby, netball, hockey, table tennis, dance, cricket and dodgeball. Our 10+ sports clubs take place before school, at lunchtime and after school. We play in a range of competitions and regularly reach County Finals. Last year we brought home no fewer than 8 County titles and were runners up in a further 7 County Championships. We were also winners of the District Athletics for the ninth year running. TRIPS AND VISITS: In 2016 – 17 Linslade pupils visited many different places and experienced a range of new challenges. These included: • A Year 7 residential visit to Condover Hall in Shropshire • Year 7 visit to Warwick Castle • Year 7 visit to the Science Museum • Our annual Year 6 summer camp to the Isle of Wight • Year 6 day trip to Caldecotte Lake • Year 5 visit to Woburn • Year 8 visit to the Globe in London • A Bright and Able trip to Wimbledon • A Key Stage 3 residential trip to the Christmas Market in Lille • Everyone going to church at Christmas to celebrate the season through music and readings • Our choir also sang at the Bedfordshire Fire Service Christmas Carol Service in Woburn Church.

I have loved all my time at Linslade and will always cherish the memories I have made.



THE ARTS: Pupils have the opportunity to take part in a range of arts based activities. Most individual music lessons are available via ‘Inspiring Music’. We currently offer a series of musical groups including recorder group, orchestral group, our ‘School of Rock’, singing, beginners’ brass, ukulele and guitar group. There are opportunities to take part in samba bands and it is our aim to make sure that all pupils are able to read music and master basic keyboard skills during the time they are with us. Our school productions in the recent past have included, ‘CATS’, ‘Honk’ and ‘Lion King Junior’. We are proud to announce that in March 2018 we will be performing ‘Annie’. We are also very proud of our highly acclaimed ‘Art Exhibition and Summer Spectacular’ which is performed each June to a packed auditorium.

WORKING WITH FAMILIES The transition from lower to middle school can be an anxious time for parents and carers as well as for their children. The years a pupil spends at middle school form a period when tremendous changes occur, physically, emotionally, socially as well as academically. As a school, we welcome the contribution families are able to make to ensuring we provide a learning experience that is truly memorable for our children. There are a number of ways you can get involved: • As a school governor • As a member of the Linslade School, Parents, Teachers and Friends Association (LSPTFA) • Volunteering to help with reading or to act as additional adult supervision on trips • Attending sports fixtures, musical and dramatic performances • Participating in a range of workshops e.g. our successful ‘Growing Pains Evening’, ‘It’s Tough being a Teenager Evening’. • Taking part in our termly ‘Parents’ Forum’ where you have an opportunity to contribute your ideas to key aspects of our work. WRAP AROUND CARE: Our normal school day is from 8.45 a.m. to 3.30p.m. However a number of pupils arrive at school earlier than this to take part in before school clubs or to enjoy breakfast at ‘Early Birds’. ‘Early Birds’ opens at 8.00a.m. and offers a range of breakfast snacks and beverages; all for the reasonable price of £2.00 per day. There is no need to book and everyone who would like to come along is very welcome. BLUEBELLS AFTER SCHOOL CLUB: Bluebells offers after school care until 6.00p.m. Based in the school’s dining room, Bluebells provides a safe and enjoyable environment for pupils who are not able to go straight home from school. Further details can be obtained through the school or by contacting Bluebells direct on: 07593 952769. VISITS TO THE SCHOOL: We are always happy to welcome visitors to our school and have scheduled a week of open mornings for the week beginning 13 November to allow you to come and see us during the course of a normal school day. Should you wish to visit us at other times, please contact the school to arrange an appointment. We will be delighted to show you around.

My lasting memory of Linslade will be all my sporting achievements, my hard work and the amazing times I have had with my friends.




Mentmore Road, Linslade, Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire LU7 2PA TEL: 01525 372 640 FAX: 01525 851 437 E-MAIL: WEB: Linslade Academy Trust. A charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 07621395.

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