Huntington School Sixth Form Prospectus

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Personal and Social Development

Our students’ academic achievements are only part of the picture. At Huntington School, our Sixth Formers are encouraged to develop a confident and outward-looking approach to life through a wide range of extra-curricular activities and extensive pastoral support. PASTORAL SUPPORT On entering the Sixth Form, each student is assigned a Form Tutor, who is responsible for the pastoral well-being of each student in their care. Students see their Form Tutor at least once a day and will have a formal interview with them at least every four weeks. In addition, the Head of Year, the Attendance Manager and Director of Sixth Form are available to discuss issues with parents and students.

THE PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME Every Wednesday afternoon our students are given the opportunity to develop their skills and talents outside the classroom through a range of extra-curricular activities. There are a huge range of activities including Music, Drama, Debating, Masterchef, Gardening, In Class Support, working with the elderly, Young Enterprise, environmental projects, Community Sports Leadership - to name but a few! It is a condition of entry that every student pledges to become involved in service to others

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during their time in the Sixth Form, thus ensuring that every single Sixth Former makes a positive contribution to the community. In addition, there are many other extra-curricular activities that take place throughout the year. These include paired reading, running the tuck shop, various sports, drama performances and the school-wide Charity Week.

CAREERS ADVICE AND WORK EXPERIENCE Throughout their time at Huntington Sixth Form, students are provided with advice and guidance on career options and work experience. All Sixth Formers not applying for Higher Education participate in a Careers Programme to help them find the most suitable career path. Similarly, we operate an extensive programme of preparation for Higher Education to enable all our students who wish to do so to prepare themselves for higher education, advising them on application procedures, student finance, interview procedures and university courses. We take this part of our pastoral care provision very seriously and seek to involve parents at every stage of this.

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