2022 Y E A R B O O K

The primary goals of the Western Sydney Academy of Sport can be identified as:
Provide opportunities and encouragement for talented junior sports people to achieve excellence in sport;
Provide these athletes with access to specialist support services including coaching, sports science and sports medicine;
Endeavour to develop athletes into outstanding sports citizens;
Promote Academy LGA's as a region of sporting excellence; and Play an active part in the sports development system within NSW and Australia, and assist in promoting sport and coach development at the grass-roots level.
A number of key strategies issues have been identified that will drive the Academy's planning and operations in the short term. These issues will emerge and dissipate over the next two years of development, consolidation and growth.
It is essential that the Western Sydney Academy of Sport maintains its position as an integral part of the process by which athletes are identified, developed and given the opportunity to progress to elite level representation. The Academy's ongoing consultative and communicative relationships with key stakeholders, including State Sporting Organisations (SSOs), is a major factor in presenting the Academy's athlete development training programs as "recommended and endorsed" by the relevant SSO.
To provide talented young athletes with the skills and knowledge to assist them in fulfilling their potential both on and off the sporting field
For the Academy to be in a position to provide meaningful and effective athlete development training programs, it is essential that the specific sport in which the athlete participates exhibits a clearly defined pathway for athletes to progress from Regional
The plan SOs and the abil ough to elite lev
National and State Sporting Organisations are progressing rapidly in respect of providing professional and efficient athlete development frameworks that offer clearly identifiable roles for Regional Academies SSOs are developing a more specific focus on desired outcomes and objectives associated with Academy partnerships, including national curriculum content, coach development and talent identification.
The Academy is an independent, not-for-profit association which has the capacity to generate independent income streams, whilst at the same time obtaining some benefits associated with its previous attachment to State Government. As a small NFP organisation, the Academy must compete for the corporate dollar against National level professional sporting organisations as well as the multitude of State and District sporting bodies all seeking to leverage corporate relationships within their spheres of activity. Therefore the Academy must define its position from a marketing perspective and focus its support attraction on an achievable and relevant level.
In seeking to provide development opportunities for talented athletes in Western Sydney, the Academy will consider the financial viability of each program - both existing and proposed. Athlete development programs must exhibit an ability to obtain funding from SSOs, athlete contributions and corporate support, as a means of ensuring the Academy's funds are distributed equitably and effectively across the desired number of sports
Every year the Academy engages over 200 young male and female athletes within its development programs, across a range of sports These athletes all reside within the Academy’s defined geographic boundaries of Western Sydney Our mission, To provide talented young Western Sydney athletes with the skills and knowledge to assist them in fulfilling their potential - both in and outside of the sporting arena
Over our initial 18 years of operation, we are proud to be able to showcase a number of graduates that have achieved significant success at the elite levels of their chosen sport, both on a National and International stage including triple Olympian Jessica Fox (Canoe Slalom), 2016 Rio Olympian Ian Borrows (Canoe Slalom) and 2012 London Olympian
Amanda Spratt (Cycling)
The talented young athletes that commit to an Academy Scholarship generally range in age from 13 to 18 years and - dependent on the sport - are at a relevant age to receive important technical, educational and personal development opportunities that will better prepare them for the rigours of elite level sport. Athletes coming into the Academy's program are aspiring to gain selection to the 2032 Brisbane Olympics.
As we leave the past year of 2022 behind us, it is a time for review and reflection Did we achieve what we set out to do? Did we deliver on our promises to our athletes to provide them with the foundations to drive their sporting careers along a journey that will provide them with the knowledge and training that helps them achieve their sporting goals Success is measured in many ways, the number of medals, the nomination to State & National Teams but the faces of our athletes always tell the same story, happy, engaged and dedicated to the love of their sport
We welcome in 2023, our 19th year as the Western Sydney Academy of Sport and with another cohort of athletes striving for State or National representation or even Olympic Gold, the WSAS is there to support these young talented athletes in achieving their dreams
I continue to be amazed at the quality of young athletes within our Academy Programs, developing and maturing into not only exceptional athletes but our future leaders both on and off the sporting arena
The Academy continues to nurture our relationships with State Sporting Organisations, NSWIS and the Office of Sport to ensure key alignment with the NSW FTEM Framework, providing Pathways to Sporting Success Our long-term goals now include Destination 2032 and our road to the Games of the XXXV Olympiad
As always, the WSAS Board is committed to focusing on our core objectives in developing high quality programs for our athletes and aligning with the NSW Government and the NSW Institute of Sport to continually develop key strategies for athlete development
During 2022 we have been able to support our 221 athletes across 11 programs & 9 different sports with amazing results from all athletes, coaches, volunteers and supporting staff Not to forget the huge commitment from the athlete’s parents who are as equally committed to the development and success of their children’s aspirations and dreams
From my perspective and that of our Board, we strive to deliver programs that are conducted in a collaborative manner and engage all our key stakeholders such as the NSW Government, Local Councils, State Sporting Organisations (SSOs), NSWIS and the AIS, and our corporate partners
It is important for us and our athletes to recognise these stakeholders at every opportunity as without them we would not exist. Accordingly, I would like to extend my sincere thanks to the Minister for Sport who has a strong interest in Regional Academy operations, as well as the executive and staff of the Office of Sport.
Our Academy programs are aligned and endorsed by each relevant State Sporting Organisation (SSO) who in turn provide financial/in-kind support for our programs and athletes. On behalf of all our Athletes, the WSAS Staff, Coaches, volunteers and our Board I would also like to thank these agencies for their continued strong support.
We are always in a continual process of learning and development of our Academy Programs to ensure the effectiveness of each program and the benefits they bring to our athletes. These are measured through key indicators such as athlete achievements and relevance of each programs content. I am delighted to advise that the WSAS can demonstrate considerable success both from an individual athlete perspective and program perspective.
We continue to deliver these athlete programs with the support of corporate sponsorship. The Corporate Athlete Sponsorship Program has allowed local businesses to get more involved with the young athletes within their region, gaining insight into their progress whilst allowing the athletes to engage at a business level, providing invaluable personal experiences in their development as young adults and future leaders.
The Board’s appreciation also goes to the Academy staff of CEO Martin Bullock, Athlete Program Manager Heather Smith and our Operations & Communications Officer Madeleine Haddad, who have worked tirelessly to ensure professional administration of the Academy’s activities.
A special thankyou also to Steve Hewson who has worked for seven years as our Program Manager, who is now enjoying his well-earned retirement With the support of my fellow Directors, we continue to hold confidence in the WSAS meeting its objectives in a collaborative and professional way, with the support of our stakeholders
To my fellow Board of Directors, I also extend my thanks and gratitude as they give their knowledge, experience, time and support on a voluntary basis to work with WSAS staff, ensuring effective governance and financial stability of the Academy’s operations
Finally, I wish to thank the many corporate partners the Academy has been fortunate to engage These partners have displayed confidence in the Academy programs and their strong desire to support the region’s talented young athletes I look forward to further success in 2023 through the participation and achievements of our athletes on the road towards 2032
ROD GLOVER ChairmanI am very pleased to advise that the 2022 calendar year proved to be a successful and enjoyable return to full operations for our athletes, coaches and staff, after having navigated through two years of major disruptions
My sincere appreciation goes to our wonderfully committed coaching and administrative volunteer staff who provide their expertise and energy relentlessly in the planning and execution of our athlete development programs
I would also like to recognise and thanks out major stakeholders in our Academy’s operations who are heavily invested in our objectives and provide valuable resources to enable our operations. These include the NSW Government through the Office of Sport, our local Councils, NSW Institute of Sport and the collective of Regional Academies across NSW.
The Academy’s role and purpose has continued to grow in recognition and significance amongst our many key stakeholders, with a comprehensive MOU agreed to with the NSW Institute of Sport, and identification and agreement to key deliverable program content with the NSW Office of Sport. Regional Academies across NSW continue to be recognised and aligned with elite athlete development pathways in both a strategic and practical capacity.
As these key strategic focal points are planned and implemented, the capability and capacity of the Academy must align with these requirements, which then places a strong focus on our operational and financial capacity. These factors are reflected in the collective Business Case submitted by the Academy collective on an annual basis seeking adequate funding from the NSW Government.
All Regional Academies continue to consult and collaborate with the NSW Government’s Office of Sport, the Minister for Sport and all local Members of Parliament to ensure a recognition of our financial position and seek much required increased levels of support to enable us to meet the rapidly growing expectations
The Western Sydney Academy remains at the forefront of the Academy collective, with our performance indicators reflecting a successful 2022 year during which our athletes displayed their growing technical talent, their knowledge and personal growth through a very long list of meritorious achievements – some outlined in this Yearbook
The 2022 operations snapshot featured in this report highlights our contribution and relevance to the athlete development pathway across our current sport programs
The Academy continues to consider and assess new program offerings, and although there is a desire to increase our program offering, our capacity is heavily linked to the level of funding the Regional Academies collective received from the NSW Government.
As I continue to mention, to achieve the level of quality we strive for the Academy is dependent on a great deal of support from our volunteers, families, community and corporate partners, as well as Local and State Government. Our principal partner the NSW Government provides tremendous financial and in-kind support through the Office of Sport, and through the advocacy and guidance of the Minister for Sport.
It is important to recognise the support provided to me by our volunteer Board of Directors, and in particular our Chairman Rod Glover who has embraced his role and continues to provide guidance and direction to the Board of Directors and myself.
I look forward to the 2023 year and the effective delivery of our vital services to the region’s talented young athletes.
MARTIN BULLOCK Chief Executive OfficerThe Academy was incorporated in June 2004 and commenced operations in July 2004 The inaugural Board of eight Directors was appointed under the Academy's Constitution for an initial term of two years with the ability to remain as Directors for a further two years
The Academy is an independent, incorporated association, governed by a ten member Board of Directors - comprising one interested representative, four community representatives, two independent representatives and three Local Government representatives elected from the Academy's Council Advisory Forum.
Board meetings are held bi-monthly and Council Advisory Forum meetings held quarterly. Academy Council partners act as hosts for meetings and athlete receptions. Each Director sits on one of the Academy's three sub-committees i.e. Finance & Governance, Sports and the Council Advisory Forum.
The Academy undertakes its role in full collaboration with local and State level sporting organisations, to ensure integration of skills and educational development initiatives which compliment programs that will be delivered at the higher levels
The Academy is active within the sports system at a variety of levels, maintaining links with local clubs, district associations and State bodies to ensure that talented athletes are provided with relevant essential and integrated program components during the period of their scholarship
Links are maintained through interaction with coaching and administrative staff, as well as ongoing consultation and promotion of the Academy's specific programs with the relevant State body
As the Academy's principal supporter, close operational and strategic links are maintained with the Office of Sport
One of the ultimate goals of the Academy's programs is to enhance the athlete's ability to progress to NSWIS and similar advanced development bodies - and the Academy's programs are also developed in consultation with relevant NSWIS sports consultations Program coaching staff also maintain links with NSWIS to obtain current coaching resources and advice
Our Academy is a member of the collective association of Regional Academies across NSW This enables effective strategic planning, collaboration and key initiatives to be undertaken in a collaborative manner
The Academy is fortunate to have the support of the Panthers Group, Penrith City Council and the NSW Government in providing our administration offices at Penrith Stadium These premises allow the Academy's administrative operations to be professional and focused for our athlete development programs, which are implemented at a variety of venues across the region
The Academy's operations and initiatives are constantly receiving a high level of attention and media coverage The Academy website and social media platforms have played a crucial role in promoting the Academy and profiling Academy athletes
During 2022 we saw a steady growth in social media engagement, reach and views Social media has become a key tool for the Academy considering it's high rate of users in today's society The Academy website was used to promote news stories on athlete achievements and results The website has provided stakeholders with regular up-to-date information on Academy athletes, programs and initiatives
The Academy has received a good amount of media coverage with local newspapers on Academy athlete's and their achievements throughout the year
The Academy's geographic catchment includes the eight Local Government areas of Blacktown, Blue Mountains, Fairfield, Hawkesbury, Penrith and The Hills Athletes residing in these LGAs have the opportunity to nominate for scholarship opportunities within the programs offered by the Academy on an annual basis - subject to criteria specific to each sport discipline
The NSW Government, through the Office of Sport, is the Academy's principal partner, providing an annual grant for the 2022 calendar year.
All seven Western Sydney Councils provided valuable financial support by way of an annual grant and in-kind support for the Academy
The Cycling Program features integral support from Cycling NSW and the NSW Institute of Sport, with Cycling NSW providing financial and venue support for the program.
As the development arm of Golf NSW, JNJG provides financial and resource support for the Golf Program including coach development, athlete video analysis and curriculum content for the program.
Netball NSW provides financial and in-kind support for the Netball Program assisting with selection processes, tournament development and implementation Netball NSW staff also provide program curriculum content and assist with coach and umpire development components and the overall integration of the program with NSWIS
Softball NSW provides financial and in-kind support for the Softball Program conducted at Softball NSW's home base at Blacktown International Sportspark
Triathlon NSW provides financial and technical support for the Academy's Triathlon program.
New South Wales Institute of Sport - The Academy's Pathway Partner, with collaboration guided by a collective MOU
Panthers Group - Major Partner
Your Local Club | ClubsNSW - Major Community Partner
Steadfast - Major Community Partner
Underwriting Agencies of Australia - Major Community Partner & Naming Rights Partner
Digital Realty - Naming Rights Partner of the Netball Program
Western Sydney University - Education Partner
Mode Media - Business Partner
Sydney West Sports Medicine - Business Partner
Tempo Living Homes - Business Partner
Western Sydney Business Access - Business Partner
AceIt - Business Partner
Elite Travel - Business Partner
Kelly & Partners - Business Partner
HardKaw Strength - Business Partner
Volleyball NSW - Program partner
Rowing NSW - Program Partner
The Rowers Nepean Rowing Club - Program Partner
Mizuno - Program Partner
Tarista Transport - Program Partner
Blacktown International Sports Park - Venue Partner
Twin Creeks Golf and Country Club - Venue Partner
The 19th Golf Driving Range - Venue Partner
St Marys Rugby League Club - Academy Ambassador
To be considered for selection into Academy's athlete development programs, the athlete must:
Reside within the Academy's catchment of the defined Local Government Areas;
Demonstrate a commitment and dedication to participation in the Academy's programs at all times;
Demonstrate a capacity to improve performance through applied coaching and educational opportunities
In addition to the criteria outlined above, each sport program may have additional specific selection criteria applied, which varies according to State and National performance measurement standards The relevant criteria is advised to all potential nominees at the time of seeking nominations through extensive nomination information packages made available to all applicants
The benefits of an Academy scholarship are identified as follows:
High level coaching by accredited and experienced coaching staff including NSWIS and AIS guest coaches;
Complete athlete uniform issue including training and casual apparel;
Access to specialist sports science testing and evaluation;
Access to specialist education services including drugs in sport, psychology, nutrition and presentation skills;
Exposure to fitness testing for athlete and coach assessment and feedback;
Exposure to high level competition participation including the Academy Games;
Opportunities to attend specialist coaching and education camps across NSWps across NSW
Coaching and training sessions form the major component of the scholarship program and the provision of quality coaching is the highest priority in each sport. Coaching staff design programs that emphasise individual development - concentrating on the strengths and weaknesses of the athlete, together with activities to improve the athletes knowledge and ability in tactical aspects of their sport.
Athletes are provided with introductory educational sessions in topic areas specifically selected to enhance the development of the athlete Education topics include nutrition, sports psychology, strength & conditioning, injury prevention & management, cyber safety and antidoping & ethics in sport
Academy squads compete in selected competitions during their scholarship program Competition is primarily against other Regional Academies, representative sides or local Association sides The opportunities are valuable to coaches in providing feedback on the progress of athletes and the effectiveness of the program
A key objective of the academy is to develop outstanding sports citizens Education and awareness sessions based on public speaking, drugs in sport, media and sponsor servicing are incorporated where feasible into the program In addition, athletes are exposed to social and promotional situations to develop their personal understanding of the breadth of sports administration and community interaction
Amelia Nicolaou
Erin Prince
Isobel Prince
Anna Dubier
Hannah Gianatti
Hannah Roots
Jessica Reeve
Joshua Moore
Cooper Finkbeiner
Alexander O'Shaughnessy
Liam Goltman
Athletes were selected through a comprehensive assessment process of the athletes nominated comprising of the Academy's coaching staff and AUS Cycling representative.
The Academy Program included specific skill components, testing and reporting procedures set by AUS Cycling. Together with education seminars including: nutrition, cyber safety, media skills, sport psychology and anti-doping & ethics in sport, as well as competition opportunities at a number of AUS Cycling road and track events, this assisted athletes to further progress in the cycling development pathway. The female athletes also attended an education session on women's health issues in sport.
The program is conducted at Dunc Gray Velodrome and enabled integrated pathway opportunities for Academy athletes
To provide opportunities for athletes aged 13-18 in the areas of technical skill, education and personal development, preparing athletes for the next level of elite sport representation including State and National squads
Kate Blanning
Kara Cassidy
Khalia Evagelia Daniel
DeeDee Fitzhenry
Kirra Gibson
Alyssa Hughes
Madeline Kemp
Amelia Manks
Mckenzie Newson
Scarlet Proc
Holly Taylor
Imogen Taylor
Tanika Terkildsen
Alisha Whitaker
Thomas Connell
Jonathan Fabar
Riley Jessup
Xavier Lachat
Liam McRae
Jordan Micallef
M O i i
Athletes were selected by a panel comprising of the Academy's coaching staff and Softball NSW representative, following a comprehensive trial process
Program Components
The Academy Program included specific skill components, testing and reporting procedures set by Softball NSW Together with education seminars including: nutrition, cyber safety, media skills, sport psychology and anti-doping & ethics in sport, as well as competition opportunities at a number of Softball NSW events, this assisted athletes to further progress in the Softball development pathway
Program Objectives
To provide opportunities for athletes aged 13-18 in the areas of technical skill, education and personal development, preparing athletes for the next level of elite sport representation including State and National squads
Marie-Claire Domingo
Jessica Fog
Annoushka Maikap
Savannah Webb
Riley Cleminson
Brent Gadd
Nicholas Heanes
James Hoang
Blake Hodges
Zak Marsh
Noah Reitsma
Jake Thompson
In consultation with Jack Newton Junior Golf, talented athletes were identified by previous performances and current handicaps
The program was designed in consultation with Coaches David Zahra & Brad Ward and Golf NSW's junior development arm, Jack Newton Junior Golf - with the intent of complementing the golfer's individual coaching and match play programs
Periodic testing and educational seminars were held including: tournament preparation, cyber safety, injury prevention, media skills, sports psychology, maximising athletic performance and anti-doping & ethics in sport The program was conducted at Twin Creeks Golf & Country Club & The 19th Hole at Penrith
To assist athletes aged 12-17 in their progression to Jack Newton Junior Golf programs, NSW and National standards of competition, as well as achievement of a lower handicap
Jessica Anand
Tiana Aramoana
Katie Astley
Sophia Chen
Mabel Dukes
Klarissa Goodwin
Payton Meincke
Madeline Old
Aarohi Puri
Abby Teuma
George Abbott
Jason Attard
Luke Csillag
Brendan Ford
Liam Havron
Ruben Langley
Ethan McIntyre
Michael Mirandilla
Blake Pasfield
Talan Quinn
Nikolas Selby
Zac Tydeman
Taylan Weissel
Will Zakis
Selections were made via nomination and talent identification processes, taking into consideration the athlete's past performances.
The Academy Program included personal development and educational opportunities including: nutrition, cyber safety, media skills, sport psychology and anti-doping & ethics in sport.
The program provides opportunities for athletes of nonmainstream sports in the areas of educational and personal development, preparing athletes for the next level of elite sport representation.
Tianna Bertolissio
Maea Bracken
Ashley Brunner
Madeleine Budd
Amrah Connor
Hayley Escott
Alannah Hardman
Jessica Harris
Addison Hickey
Sarah Hicks
Matilda Horrex-Barnet
Emily Knight
Hannah Knobbs
Tia Linford
Suliana Luke
Eliza Matthews
Natalia Ned
Zara Perisce-Burrell
Breha Pearson
Marley Tangata-Toa
Grace Tautua
Grace Taylor
Alyssa Troy
Charlotte Ward
Leiria-Amoure Wharewaka-Vai
Zoe Wilmshurst
Athletes were selected by a panel comprising of the Academy's coaching staff and Netball NSW representative, following a comprehensive trial process.
The Academy Program follows the Netball curriculum program which includes specific skill components, testing and reporting procedures. Together with competition opportunities, this assists athletes to further progress in the netball development pathway.
The Digital Realty Netball squad participated in education sessions featuring topics including; nutrition, strength & conditioning, cyber safety, injury prevention, media skills, maximizing athletic performance, women's health issues in sport and anti-doping & ethics in sport The program training sessions followed a structured approach concentrating on individual skills, team skills and game strategies Guest coaches from Netball NSW also attended sessions to monitor progress and skill levels The program was conducted at Blacktown Leisure Centre
To assist athletes aged 14-16 to progress to the next level of competition and representation in their sport, including NSW and National teams as well as NSWIS squad selection
Anya Barker
Jenna Bemrose
Bailee Blackman
Ameliya Caruana
Jessica Chen
Chelsea Cocks
Aina Gibbons
Faith Gravina
Cassandra Hader
Aditi Hemakumar
Katrina Joo
Akansha Lal
Rachel Laycock
Emily Ma
Auriel Marquez
Giselle Neil russell
Ayen Nyuar
Ainsley Pollard
Indiana Primmer
Nina Robinson
Audrey Robinson
Lillian Robinson
Jessica Sturgiss
Marley Tangata-Toa
Lilli Te
Montanah Telefoni
Evangeline Lin
Lucca Ayala
Nicholas Baron
Jarvis Fepuleai
Felix Hurley
Chris Moon
Jayden Nguyen
Zil John Pagobo
Immisan Rasakumar
Sathnidu Silva
Armaanjot Singh
Prince Sta Maria
Moksha Thakore
Steven Vo
Ethan Yu
Andy Zhang
Athletes were selected by a panel comprising of the Academy's coaching staff following a comprehensive trial process.
The Academy Program follows the program which includes specific skill components, testing and reporting procedures Together with competition opportunities, this assists athletes to further progress in the netball development pathway.
The Volleyball Squad participate in education sessions featuring topics including; nutrition, strength & conditioning, cyber safety, injury prevention, media skills, maximizing athletic performance, women's health issues in sport and antidoping & ethics in sport The program training sessions followed a structured approach concentrating on individual skills, team skills and game strategies
To assist athletes aged 14-18 to progress to the next level of competition and representation in the Volleyball NSW Phoenix Program
Lily Connell
Ella Dickson
Leila Dickson
Tayha Herrett
Charlotte Hussein
Hannah Hussein
Darcy Buckingham
Alexander Eason
Matthew Engesser
Zacary Green
Alexander Mackie
Ethan Mackie
Keir Mercer
Blake Roots
Athletes were selected by a panel comprising of the Academy's coaching staff and Triathlon NSW representatives, following a comprehensive trial process
The Academy Program follows specific skill components, testing and reporting procedures Together with competition opportunities, this assists athletes to further progress in the Triathlon development pathway
The squad participated in education sessions featuring topics including; nutrition, strength & conditioning, cyber safety, injury prevention, media skills, maximizing athletic performance, women's health issues in sport and anti-doping & ethics in sport
To assist athletes aged 14-18 to progress to the next level of competition and representation through Triathlon NSW Performance Squads
Emily Boyes
Leila Fonua
Jessica Harris
Sophia Whitelaw
Viti Young
James Baker
Luca Bazina
Angus George
Ezekiel Pratt
Athletes were selected following a comprehensive assessment process.
The Academy Program follows program which includes specific skill components, testing and reporting procedures. Together with competition opportunities, this assists athletes to further progress in the Rowing development pathway.
The squad participated in education sessions featuring topics including; nutrition, strength & conditioning, cyber safety, injury prevention, media skills, maximizing athletic performance, women's health issues in sport and antidoping & ethics in sport. The program training sessions followed a structured approach concentrating on individual skills, team skills and game strategies
To assist athletes aged 14-18 to progress to the next level of competition and representation in their sport.
Klarissa Goodwin - LONE STAR
Competed and achieved the following:
Klarissa Goodwin competed in 8 NSW State Short Course Swimming Championships events placing within top 10 for all but two, coming home with a bronze medal
Klarissa achieved three national times to qualify to compete in the Australian National Swimming Age and Open Championships to be held on the Gold Coast, Queensland in April 2023. Klarissa was a member of the MS Mega Mates team who swam for 24hours, 89km raising over $11K for multiple sclerosis This achievement was recognised in Parliament
Olivia Harris - ROWING & NETBALL
Competed and achieved the following:
Academy Games MVP for the Division 1 Academy Netball team;
Penrith Valley Sports Foundation Monthly Award, and Netball NSW 17s State team 2nd phase trialist
4th in the Women’s 2,000m Single Scull at the NSW Rowing State Championships and taking home gold in the U17 Women’s Coxed Quadruple and being a semi-finalist in the U17 Women’s Single and Double Scull events at the 2022 Australian Rowing Championships.
Awarded the Nepean Rowing Club President’s Award for Oarswoman of the Year.
Marie-Claire Domingo - GOLF
Competed and achieved the following:
Golf Athlete of the Year 2022
Won the Sarah Kemp Girls Junior aged 14/15
Girls Junior Champion Stonecutters Ridge Golf Club 20222
Ruben Langley - LONE STAR
Competed at NSW Senior State and NSW State Open Water He finished 3rd in the men's 15yr 1500m at Senior state and 3rd in the men's 15yr 7.5km open water.
Mabel Dukes - LONE STAR
Competed and achieved the following:
NSW Road relays U/18 champions
NSW All Schools Athletics, 1500m 6th 800m 4th
NSWCIS Athletics 1500m 3rd 800m 2nd
NSW All Schools Cross Country 17th U/14
Little Athletics State Championship 1500m, 1st 3000m 3rd, 800m 4th
Matthew Engesser - TRIATHLON
Competed and achieved the following:
Paratriathlon PTS4 State Championship - 1st
Received the Blue award for New South Wales Combined Catholic CollegesCross Country.
1st Place NSW All Schools Cross Country Championships Multi Class
2nd Place School Sport Cross Country Championships Multi Class.
Erica Goodwin - BMX
Competed at BMX State Titles. Erica achieved the following:
1st Place 15-16 Girls Cruiser
6th Place 13 Girls
Jordan Micallef - SOFTBALL
Competed and achieved the following:
Latest recipient of the Penrith Valley Sports Foundation Junior Sports Star Award;
Apart of the U16 Representative Penrith City Softball Association; Apart of the U14 NSW Metro team; Selected in the U14 Boys Softball Association Performance Squad.
Isaac Silva - CYCLING
Competed and achieved the following:
1st in snowball and elimination race events at Central West track Open at Bathurst;
Finished 3rd in A GRADE in the Bankstown Sports Cycling Club Summer Series;
Gold in the U/19 team sprint and Silver U/19 Individual Sprint at NSW State Championships and Bronze in the U/19 team sprint at Nationals.
# W E A R E W E S T E R N S Y D N E Y