Strength & Conditioning Program

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STRENGTH & CONDITIONING PROGRAM Delivered in partnership with Sydney West Sports Medicine

INTRODUCTION An essential element of an athlete’s development is their progression in knowledge and skills aligned with strength and conditioning protocols and practices. The role of the Academy in delivering a holistic program for talented young athletes is to provide a foundation of knowledge, awareness and technical skills that will assist the athletes as they progress to the higher levels of their sport. The Academy does not seek to provide athletes with extensive programming in this field, but rather it provides an opportunity for athletes to progress their knowledge and skills through their own commitment and disciplines – and through the Academy connecting athletes with high quality professional providers who can deliver personalised advice, programming and monitoring. The following steps outline the Academy’s strength and conditioning program framework for all athletes.

STEP 1 : ASSESSMENT Protocols S&C testing will be implemented for each athlete through recognised testing protocols relevant to the specific sport. Each of the Academy’s sport programs will have specifically designed testing protocols that will be implemented by Sydney West Sports Medicine’s professionally accredited staff. Venue The locations for the conduct of athlete S&C testing will be advised to each program group in the near future – the venue will either be at Sydney West Sports medicine Rooty Hill facility or at the program training venue. Schedule Testing dates for each sport will be confirmed as soon as practical and athletes advised at the program induction meeting.

Outcomes Each athlete tested will be provided with written feedback from the Sydney West Sports Medicine practitioners – providing advice concerning functional movement capabilities and any suggested S&C focal areas. Athletes will be provided with opportunities to further progress their S&C knowledge and skills through participation in SWSM operated athletic development programs. These programs are outlined below and require a financial commitment from athletes.

STEP 2 : ATHLETE DEVELOPMENT Two options are provided for individual athletes to progress their development in strength and conditioning, which require the athlete to commit to one or both options over 9-10 weeks programs, which takes place each school term. This commitment is a personal choice made by the athlete (and parents) which requires a financial commitment to participate. The Academy will provide some assistance to the athlete in respect of both Options through subsidized funding.

Option 1 : Long-term Athletic Development (LTAD) Program LTAD programs are run as classes in small groups of approx. 8-10 athletes. Training blocks align with the school terms (approx. 10-week blocks). The commitment to the term is paid for in advance at a rate of approx. $450.00 (depending on how many weeks are in each block) and includes: - Two (2) x 1:1 assessments and sports performance testing with an Exercise Physiologist at the start and end of the training block; - One (1) group session per week (60min); - Personalised programming by the Exercise Physiologist including access to their programs through the online app Teambuildr; - All gym entry fees; - Individual performance reports at the end of each block. To support our athletes in their commitment to this program the Academy will provide a subsidy of $200 to reduce the cost of the program to $250 for athletes participating. These sessions are customarily done in a gym-based setting at One55 in Rooty Hill, however there may also be an occasional field-based session, depending on the training session requirements. As a further commitment of support to the Academy’s athletes, SWSM will provide one scholarship for each Academy program that covers all costs for the 12-week LTAD program for Term 1 of 2022. SWSM will also offer a further eight (8) LTAD scholarships at 50% discount for Term 1 2022. The Academy will award these scholarships based on a random draw within each program squad.

Option 2 : Online Strength & Conditioning Programming Sydney West Sports Medicine can offer Academy athletes personal Online Strength & Conditioning programming via the “Team Buildr” Application. Athlete programs would be tailored to the specific sport, and individual testing results and managed by the Exercise Physiologist (EP) overseeing the program. The program would be updated on a weekly basis and athletes/parents would have a platform to communicate directly with the EP online. As with the Long Term Athletic Development Program, athletes are required to meet financial terms and conditions of the Online Program. Fees for enrolment and participation are as follows: $9.00 per week for a 10-11 week program period (based on school term) – this fee to be paid to Sydney West Sports Medicine as a one-off payment at the start of each term. Should Academy athletes choose to participate in this program, a subsidy of $5.00 per week for each of the weeks involved across the four terms will be provided to support the athlete.

Contact Details Steve Hewson Athlete Program Manager Western Sydney Academy of Sport Tel: 0411 233 783 Email:

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