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Membership News
Minimum CPE hours per year
Total CPE hours per reporting period

Take Advantage of Reduced Virtual CPE Prices
The WSCPA is proud to announce that we are lowering our standard fees for select 8- and 16-hour webcasts! Our new, lower pricing means that you'll save up to 20% on the same quality CPE you rely on to keep your practice current.
View the full list of webcasts with lower prices in our catalog, and register for some fall CPE today!
Check out our Reduced Price Virtual Classes on page 28.
Don't Forget! New 20-hour CPE Rule for 2020
On January 1, 2020, new rules regarding CPE came into effect. One of the biggest changes is that individuals holding an active CPA license are now required to complete a minimum of 20 hours of CPE per year. This starts in 2020 and is not retroactive. Active licensees still need to complete a total of 120 hours of CPE, including a Washington State Board of Accountancy approved ethics course, within their total reporting period, but should plan their CPE so they're earning at least 20 hours each year.
WSCPA Now Offers Ethics On Demand
We are excited to announce the addition of WSCPA self-study ethics! Now you can take Mark Hugh's Washington State ethics course whenever you want. Find the new Washington Ethics and New Developments 2020 - ON DEMAND in the WSCPA online catalog.
Learn more at wscpa.org/ethics-on-demand.
Get the Most Bang For Your Buck with the Prix Fixe CPE Webinar Series
The Prix Fixe CPE Series Bundle is a collection of one-hour webinars on a variety of topics held now through May 31, 2021. Always on a Friday, always at noon, so grab your lunch and tune in for a quick and informative update.
Can't attend them all? Not interested in every one? No problem! Even participating in just about half of the webinars will still mean you're getting more CPE than a regular eight-hour webinar for a lesser price!