1 minute read
ee yur ur res suessu
By Frank Neill
ellington ity ouncillor Ray hung has begun Meet our ouncillor meetings this year, and they are roving very successul.
’m really leased about these meetings, says r hung, who is one o the haranginslow estern ard ouncillors. want eole to come and tell me what they are concerned about what the council is doing right and what it’s doing wrong.
r hung has held two meetings at the Khandallah Town Hall, and lans to also hold meetings in Karori as soon as the community centre makes a room available.
The Khandallah meetings are held on the second Friday o every month, starting at 11am. t the rst meeting, eole said they were very concerned about what the council is sending money on. t last week’s one held on 10 February and attended by ve eole eole were talking about the rates. eole were saying it’s ludicrous what council is asking or, he says. The eole were reerring to roosals or a rates increase o some 13. more realistic gure would be or even . veryone is welcome at the meetings, r hung adds, including eole who don’t live in the nslow estern ard.
The rst meeting was on 13 January. was very leased with meeting 12 eole at the rst one, r hung says.