10 minute read

hadaah e aurday

The Khandallah ark icnic will take lace on Saturday 25 February, not on 1 February as incorrectly stated in last week’s edition o the ndeendent Herald.

The ndeendent Herald aologises or this error.


This icnic has roved a hugely oular event in recent years, attracting droves o eole. t had to be cancelled last year because o ovid, but returns or 2023. rganised by the nslow ommunity Residents ssociation R, the icnic will include ree swimming at the Khandallah ool, as well as ree ood.

The ree ood includes a sausage sile, corn ritters, ulled ork buns and cu cakes. variety o activities will also be available, including a treasure hunt, giant bubbles, a ancy dress arade, un games and a hotograhic backdro where eole can take hotos ideally in their ancy dress costumes.

R has organised the Khandallah ark icnic in conunction with the Khandallah rts Theatre KT.

KT will resent its new show Robyn Hood and Her Merry als in conunction with the icnic. Robyn Hood and Her Merry als will begin at 130m.

Set in Sherwood Forest Robyn Hood and Her Merry als will eature a duel on a bridge and an archery contest, and the sheri is the villain. However that is about as close as it gets to the traditional

Gardening This Week

Iron vs copper: By Wally Richards

Recently a reader sent me an article which ound very interesting so will share this with you........

ron gardening tools versus coer gardening tools hat we were never taught, ron or oer uiment in Farming n the 130s.

alter Schauberger was invited by King Boris o Bulgaria to eamine the reasons or the great decline in that country’s arming roduction.

During his tri through the countryside he noticed that in the areas oulated by the Turks, the harvests were more lentiul than elsewhere. t was here that the old wooden lough was still used. The rest o the country had relaced these with modern iron loughs imorted rom ermany as art o a general moderniing o Bulgarian agriculture.

The rst steam loughs had also been introduced. Schauberger drew the logical conclusion that the reduced croing was a conseuence o the introduction o iron loughs, but it was not until later that he develoed his theory o the detrimental eect o iron machinery on agriculture. His work with water ets gave him a new ersective on the roblem. t was shown that i a small amount o rust was added to the water in these eeriments, no charge develoed the water became emty’.

He abstracted this nding to the use o iron loughs and thought their eect on harvest yields must relate to this.

hen the iron lough moves through the soil, it becomes warm, and the disturbed soil is covered with a ine dust o iron articles that uickly rust. He had reviously noticed that iron-rich ground was dry, and that the turbines in ower stations discharged’ water.

The conclusion o all these observations was that iron had a detrimental eect on the water characteristics within the soil it eelled the water and drained’ it o its ower. hen the steam lough, and later the tractor lough, were introduced, the situation worsened as a result o the increased seed with which the blades moved through the soil. alter Schauberger has said that water disaears rom elds that have been loughed in this way, or straightorward hysical reasons the iron lough’s raid assage through the soil cuts through the elds magnetic lines o energy, causing an electrical current to occur in the same way that a coil in an electric generator rotates in a magnetic eld. ith loughs o wood, coer and other so-called biologically magnetic’ materials, the soil’s magnetic eld is not disturbed.

This, in turn, leads to an electrolysis in the soil which searates the water into oygen and hydrogen.

The electrolysis also damages the microscoic lie in the soil and this leads to an even higher temerature occurring in addition to the iron blades’ riction with the soil. t is esecially with iron that these henomena occur.

The conclusion that Schauberger drew rom these observations, was that another material other than iron should be used or arming euiment.

His attention ocused on coer. oer rich soils retained their ground moisture well, and so he began to eeriment with coer loughs as well as other euiment made rom coer.

To begin with he merely covered an iron lough’s cutting surace with coer sheeting and made tests with this.

The tests took lace under controlled conditions, dividing the eld u into segments, some o which were loughed with the revailing iron machinery and some with the adated coer machinery.

The results roved very avourable to the coer, which showed a n a hill arm outside Kitbuhl tests showed an increase in the otato cro o 12.5 times the uantity sown. t was manuactured in large uantities but soon considerable oosition arose rom an uneected uarter. n 1 iktor Schauberger had signed a contract with a comany in Salburg or the roduction o a large number o loughs.

1-35 er cent increase in harvest. large rm, Farmleiten - ut Heuberg, near Salburg, showed an increase o 50 er cent.

The baking otential o corn was increased, and otatoes were not attacked by the olorado beetle, though neighbouring otato elds loughed in the more usual way were still attacked, and the nitrogen reuirements o the soil were reduced.

During 151-52 controlled tests with the coer lough were made by the Farming hemical Test Station in in. The tests concerned the cultivation o oats, wheat, kohlrabi and onions. ertain sections were worked only with iron machinery, others with iron machinery and added coer sulhate, and a third area with only coer machinery. n certain tests the coer sulhate was echanged with ure coer dust. signicant increase was observed in these tests also.

Rumors o these successes sread to armers around Salburg where many o the tests had taken lace, and they started to call the coer-wonder the golden lough’.

Then suddenly one day he was visited by a high ocial rom Salburg’s treasury oce. The latter arrived in an elegant car, and the ollowing ensued the treasury director

There has been a rumour that the Salburg town cororation has carried out successul tests with your loughs, and, naturally, this is o interest.

But now must ask you ace

Robin Hood story, to ace - what is is worth to me, i suort you’ Schauberger said don’t understand what you mean. ou are rom the treasury, you have nothing to do with suort have aid my ees or the test and everything is comlete.’ The Treasury director went on must make mysel clear. now the armers were to change to the coer lough the demand would ermanently diminish, and thus need royalties rom your loughs as comensation. an’t we come to an understanding as old riends and make a good deal or us both Schauberger relied uriously have only one thing to say to you - you are a greedy rascal - a thing should have understood at once - when as a reresentative o the eole you drive around in a luury car.’ t was ater this echange that there was a surrise termination o the contract rom the comany that was to have rovided the loughs. Reresentatives rom the loca l agricultural society also starte d to warn armers against using the coer lough as it could cause over-roduction which would give lower rices.

The lay is a musical with lenty o action, kid’s humour and audience articiation.

The musical will have its irst erormance on 1 February and will also lay on 1, 25 and 2 February at Khandallah ark or, i the weather is bad, at ochran Hall, 10 ashmere venue, Khandallah.

R will also host a Tyer s Stream alk on March.

Tyers Stream reserve is an ecologically signicant and a historically signicant area.

The stream lows rom above Khandallah ark area, and under the Khandallah Swimming ool, and then through Khandalla h down into ellington Harbour at Ngauranga.

The act is, have an agreement with the nitrogen industry whereby i can stimulate the armers to use more nitrogen than usual receive a royalty or each sack being sold.

Thereby their roduction an d use were totally halted. n 150, Schauberger, together with engineer Rosenberger, however, obtained a atent on a method o coating the active suraces o arm machinery with coer. nd nteresting how iron can eect the soil and cro roduction.

Explore St Mark’s School at our open day on Friday 3rd and Saturday 4th of March 2023. Our Open Days are an opportunity for you to learn more about how St Mark’s School can give your child the best education possible. Our teachers are committed to helping your children achieve their potential in a safe and caring environment. Small class sizes mean that students are encouraged to ask questions and explore different points of view. Come and explore St Mark’s.

Future-focused learning at Whitby Collegiate

Whitby Collegiate is a progressive school meeting the challenges of the future while learning from the past, and is the first co-educational, independent school in the Wellington region. We provide individual care in a supportive environment and offer future-focused subjects and opportunities to Year 7 – 13 students as well as exciting options beyond the classroom.

As a faith-based school, our core values underpin everything that we do. Our commitment to small classes of 1-20 in our surrounding parklike grounds provides an optimal learning environment in these COVID restrictive times. To register for our next open day, visit whitbycollegiate.school.nz or give us a call on 04 234 1070

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Premier Preschool

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We see preschool education as part of the whole sphere of learning and strive to enable children to experience a seamless and confident transition on to school.

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Online blended learning courses

Paula Archibald Studio

Paula Archibald – Ceramics, Pottery, Sculpture

subjects, clays and glazes to achieve a range whimsical ornaments to large garden water features.

fascinates her interest and builds her knowledge of glazing and continues to inspire.

To broaden her craft skills and to be with and attending workshops.

A taste of Hawke’s Bay with Steam Inc

Experience some of the best wine & food the of their grapes on stony gravels of the Takapau plains and have progressively planted productive

Syrah and Flora since, with the vineyard, today producing award-winning, intense, aromatic wines. Junction Wines, brings the best there is in Hawke’s Bay grapes.

Nestled amongst the mature trees in the grounds of Oruawharo Homestead is St Vincent’s which is the perfect venue for a function indoors or out. The historic St Vincent’s Church was relocated to Oruawharo in 2012 from the nearby township of Takapau. Oruawharo Homestead, what better place to taste some local wines and relax.

Hauled by a pair of 1950s era diesel locomotives, departing from the Kapiti Coast at 8am, they make our way north through the

Kapiti and Horowhenua districts.. Following

Rail is now the only way to transit through this gorgeous area.

After departure north east from Woodville, they follow the railway up the steep grades

Further north, they pass through the beautifully restored railway precinct at Ormondville before travelling over the ever-impressive Ormondville Viaduct, spanning over 281m long and 39m above the Mangarangiora Stream before arriving at Takapau.

Buses will be waiting to take you the short three minute trip into the serene gardens that surround Oruawharo Homestead.

From here, located inside the St Vincents church, the families behind Junction Wines and Oruawharo Homestead will immerse you in the fresh produce that the Central Hawke’s

Events Calendar

Ōtaki Kite Festival

Ōtaki Beach, Sat 18 Feb 10:00am

Sounds by the Sea

Mahara Place, Waikanae, Thu 23 Feb 12pm

Kapiti Women’s Triathlon

Garden Road, Raumati 26 Feb

Registrations 7-8am

Māoriland Film Festival

Maoriland Hub, Ōtaki, Wed 15 Mar 11:00am

First Class Concert Season for Waikanae

Waikanae Music Society has announced its 2023 Concert Season with an impressive line-up of musicians and programmes.

Opening the season on February 26 will be a charming concert called “Serenade” when the Aroha String Trio entertain with serenades and trios by Schubert, Beethoven, Dohnányi and others.

The concert on March 26 will showcase the French Horn and the talents of outstanding horn player Samuel Jacobs. Joining him with music by Beethoven, Clara Schumann and Brahms will be violinist Donald Armstrong and pianist Jian Liu.

On 30 April an unusual concert of French music from the ensemble Les Voisins opens with theorbo solos from the French Baroque. The theorbo is a rare and very large member of the lute family. After a journey through French music over the centuries, including works for violin and cello, the theorbo player will switch to guitar to close the concert with jazz from the iconic Hot Club de France.

One of the season’s highlights will be on 11 June when ever-popular Michael Houstoun will perform Bach, Brahms, Chopin and special occasion. Donald Armstrong’s Amici Ensemble will expand to some 20 players to present Bach’s Brandenburg Concertos – a rare opportunity to hear all six of these legendary masterpieces in one concert.

Two chamber ensembles follow in August

August, and Wilma Smith’s popular Argyle on September 17.

There will be an overdue visit on 8 October Haydn and Shostakovich, before being joined by pianist Diedre Irons for Amy Beach’s romantic piano quintet.

In addition to the eight-concert subscription season there will be an unexpected extra concert from Michael Houstoun with internationally acclaimed Bulgarian violinist Bella Hristova. This concert will be held on August 27.

All concerts will be on Sunday afternoons at 2.30pm in the Waikanae Memorial Hall. For more information pick up a brochure from libraries, visit www.waikanaemusic.org.nz or call 021 251 7030.

– Aroha String Trio

Ensemble –

Extra concert: Bella Hristova (violin) & Michael Houstoun


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