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arori climax for owlzilla ay es hadaah

ive to 10 year olds new to tennis can take advantage of the Khandallah Tennis Club’s Junior Community Play from 330pm to 5pm on ridays in term 1 and term 4 of the school year.

This is followed by junior club night from 5 to 630pm. It’s 5 for non-members or free for members. This is run by up to three coaches. Racquets are provided and no registration is necessary. Pizza is available free at the junior club nights, kindly donated by Domino’s, and ice blocks are available in clubhouse afterwards.


Junior Club nightalso caters forinterclub players and for those aged from to 17 years. This is also run by coaches and free for all members (5 for non-members). ood is also provided in the clubhouse afterwards. Parents and families are all welcome to come for a drink in the bar which opens at 5pm.

The Khandallah Tennis Club also holds club days on Sundays from 2 to 4pm for members.

The club days are designed for adult members. Non-members are welcome if they bring 10 cash for the visitor’s box. There are 15 to 20 minute rotations depending on numbers, so everyone plays with someone different.

By Frank Neill

Karori will host the ultimate event at New Zealand’s biggest week of skating – Bowlzilla


The week began today (16 ebruary) with a welcome party at The Cambridge Hotel.

Bowlzilla will come to a climax on 1 ebruary with the Karori Vert Jam Barbecue at Ian Galloway Park at noon.

This event, which the organisers describe as “a rad ramp session” is free.

New Zealand’s National Bowl Skating Championships will also be held during Bowlzilla Wellington week.

“This will ensure it is the best year yet for New Zealand’s biggest skate festival,” the organisers add.

The Bowlzilla Wellington community is growing wider and more colourful every year.

This year’s week of events is a celebration of and for all of them.

It is more reflective of the wider skate community with a free women’s learn to ride clinic being run by SkatEd, Wellington Skateboarding Association (WSA) are throwing a fun street focused gathering with the WSA Kicker to Bin Jam, Manky Chops Gallery are continuing their long and successful run of the best underground art shows in New Zealand with Artzilla, and the Dive In after party is going to be legendary as always.

“There is an energy that Wellington adds to any gathering lucky enough to be held there,” says Bowlzilla Director Chad ord

“The location, the community and all that the two make possible ensure good times and unity that are beyond compare.

“Us being able to stage Bowlzilla Wellington there for what now will be our eighth year is a privilege and an honour.

“And the colourful and ever-expanding community of Wellington skaters is the reason why,” Chad says.

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