1 minute read

Funds open for applications

By Frank Neill

Two Wellington City Council funds are currently open for applications – the Creative Communities Local Funding Scheme and the Arts and Culture Fund.


The Creative Communities Scheme supports and encour- ages local arts projects, and the current funding round is open until 23 February.

This scheme funds workshops, performances, exhibitions, and more.

Applications for the Arts and Culture Fund close on 23 March.

Successful projects will deliv- er on Wellington City Council’s Aho Tini 2030 Arts, Culture and Creativity Strategy, with the focus this round on areas where the number of applications and grants have recently been low. This includes applications from mana whenua, M ori, Pasifika and for projects that are working with visual arts or dance, or are supporting and celebrating Matariki.

To check out the criteria and to apply for these grants, visit the funding page on the Wellington City Council website. People can talk to a member of the funding team by emailing funding@wcc.govt.nz.

Churches close

St Benedict’s Church in Khandallah and St Andrew’s Church in Newlands held their final services on 12 November.

The congregations from the two Roman Catholic Churches will now attend a revamped St Peter and Paul’s Church in Johnsonville.

Keep Moving begins

Keep Moving classes started for the year on 14 February at the Newlands Community Centre.

The classes are held on Tuesdays from 10:45 to 11:30am and are led by a trained physiotherapist.

The exercises are mainly chairbased, so people can participate whatever their level of mobility or fitness. A $2 contribution to the cost is appreciated.

Free heart health checks

Free blood pressure and heart health checks will soon begin at Johnsonville’s Waitohi Community Hub.

They will be held from 10:30am to 1pm on Mondays every second month.

The first session will take place on 27 March, followed by 29 May, 31 July, 25 September and 27 November.

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