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Family history at J’ville Library

August is NZ Family History month, so with that in mind, staff at Johnsonville Library thought it an ideal time to spotlight the many databases and resources available at the library when researching your roots and the events that shaped your family’s history.

“From earthquakes and immigration to shipwrecks and strikes, Wellington families have done a lot of living,” says Catherine Ruth, Community Librarian at Johnsonville Library, and keen family history researcher.


“But many people are unaware of the huge treasure trove of resources – both physical and online – that are freely available to help with your research, all available with your library card.” aspects of our shared history: Second Friday of the month at 2pm: History Club is an ongoing monthly programme that explores local history.

Friday 18 August at 2pm: Family History @ The Library is a one-off programme that will get people started on their genealogy journey.

Friday 25 August from 1.30pm: Oral History @ The Library is also a oneoff recording project using the library’s recording studio.

Showroom: 29 Hutt Road, Thorndon


FREE measure and quote

Hours: Mon-Fri 8.30am-5pm, Sat 10am-2pm


Ph: 04 472 9920 - www.justblinds.co.nz

To help get started, Johnsonville Library will be running a series of programmes with a focus on delving into different

The Oral History project will be a new venture for the library. “We’re hoping to get members of our community from all walks of life to record a significant event in their lives to hand down to future generations,” Catherine says.

“Just remember, because we’re using our recording stu- dio for this, you will need to ring us and book a slot.”

An historic photo of Broderick Rd, Johnsonville.

Photo: Charles J Fearnley.

For more information about any of the above programmes, check out the Wellington City Libraries website events page, or ring Johnsonville Library on 04 477 6151.

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