1 minute read
Third successful fun day
By Frank Neill
Love Wainuiomata’s last free barbecue and fun day for the summer and autumn, held at Antrim Crescent Park was another big success, Love Wainuiomata co-ordinator Anaru Ryall says.
The third free fun day Love Wainuiomata has run this year, it attracted around 400 people.
The Wainuiomata Lions Club operated the sausage sizzle, and Hutt City Council and Mayor Campbell Barry paid for the sausages plus a variety of play activities for the children.
The day also featured performances by a variety of local musicians.
Among the musicians to feature were Faultline Valley, Reign, Aro Owens and Dion Rawiri of The Next Generation, the Tumeke Band and soloist Poropiti Rangitaawa.
K kiri Marae Health and Social Services also provided people attending with vaccinations.
He received many positive comments from people about the event, Anaru says.
These included one from a person who lives next door to the Antrim Crescent Park, who told him that they had lived there for more than 40 years and this was the first time a big event like the fun day had happened.
The next free barbecue and fun day will be held in the spring.

The next big event Love Wainuiomata will be involved with will be the Matariki event, to be held in the Queen Street area from 12 to 15 July.
Love Wainuiomata will be sup- porting Louana Fruean, who has run the Wainuiomata Matariki event for the last few years. The event is also being run in collabo- ration with K kiri Marae. The event will feature market stalls, performances, a free hangi, guest speakers and Kapa Haka performances, and will be held at the Community Centre, the hall and on the new decking outside the Community Centre.
