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Local poets feature in world first

By Frank Neill

Eight Wainuiomata students have their work featured in the world’s first Pasifika Student Poetry Collection which was released yesterday, 21 March, which was World Poetry Day.


Published by Mila’s Books, owned by Wainuiomata publisher Dahlia Malaeulu, the collection is named “Pasifika Navigators”.

It is the first book of its kind, capturing the voices of 52 Pasifika students across Aotearoa through poetry.

The eight Wainuiomata students whose work features in “Pasifika Navigaotrs” are Amira Va’a, Siobhan Sa’u, Rebecca Sa’u, Maia Fergusson, Brian Woolley, Logan Woolley, Maria Kauri Seulu and Joseph Koloa.

Contributing authors range from year 7-13 students and include a mix of reluctant and passionate writers, as well as first time and award winning student poets.

“’Pasifika Navigators’ is a culturally rich book and highly engaging resource which captures authentic Pasifika student voices – making it ideal for families, students, educators and school leaders,” Dahlia says.

“It was exciting to be involved in the project and was even more special when I held the book in my hands,” says Amira Va’a, author of ‘Grandpa’s Blue Eyed Taro Princess’.

“I felt very proud at being an actual published author especially when my Grandad read my poem and nearly cried.

“Projects like this are so important for us as they put our real thoughts and feelings out there so we can be heard in a positive way and help teach others about our beautiful Pacific cultures.

“I hope the readers of the book enjoy reading about the different perspectives and poems we shared because our cultures are important,” Amira syas.

“I enjoyed getting the chance to explain my middle name and my life as a young Pasifika girl,” says Siobhan Sa’u, author of ‘Laugutu’.

“This ‘Pasifika Navigators’ book taught me how to be proud of myself, my background and who I am.

“My message for those that are going to read this book is to be proud of who you are and where you come and I hope they are inspired by the different poems.

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