5 minute read
New Zealand’s Ageing Population
Ashleigh Weyermayr and Mick Calder
There are currently over 12,000 seniors living alone in Wellington. With the 2023 Census right around the corner, Age Concern Wellington Region CEO Stephen Opie is expecting this number to jump. Wellington is a popular region for seniors to live in. Kapiti Coast, for example, has one of the highest densities of people 65 and over in New Zealand, with around one in four residents being older.
This isn’t just a major change for New Zealand. The population globally is ageing, too.
“As the population of seniors grows rapidly, so does the number of seniors living by themselves. I don’t see this abating for many decades at least,” Age Concern Wellington Region CEO Stephen Opie says.
Around 80 people a day are turning 65 and over across the country. In six years, New Zealand could see more than a million older people.
The age of retirement may fluctuate. As more people are living longer, they may choose to work for longer past the age of 65. Hiring older people may become more prevalent as the population continues to age, giving older people opportunities to continue their careers, share their experience with younger generations and even learn new skills.
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In 2018, it was recorded that there were 74,200 seniors living in Wellington. Next year, the number is predicted to rise to 88,000. That will go up even more to 141,900 by 2048, which will be nearly a quarter of Wellington’s population at that time.
New Zealand has an ageing population. Currently, 17% of all our population is over 65, and this will continue to rise.
Do you have ‘Working from Home Footstrain”?!
Services We Offer Include: problems
Tim Halpine
Caring for your feet
Ph: 04 473 8696 www.activefeetpodiatry.com
Level 2, 85 The Terrace, Wellington (opposite Solnet House and Aurora Terrace).
During the period of the Covid pandemic, a good portion of our patients have been working at home. Many folks wore slippers all day and have now discovered that their feet complain when put back into work shoes. Others have sore heels or arches, which feel worse on first standing in the morning. At Active Feet Podiatry we have seen a large increase in these type of problems. Dr Halpine can help give relief for problems such as issues with nails, painful feet or corns or callouses. We also will be able to remove hard skin and make your feet feel like new!
Bring your work and sport shoes and Dr Halpine can give advice regarding selecting the right shoe and ascertain if you are in need of additional support, ie orthotic devices.
Dr Tim Halpine of Active Feet Podiatry is open and ready to sort out your feet. We are located at floor 2, 85 the Terrace and also at the Ngaio Medical Centre. We can be reached for booking a consult on 04 473 8696, ActiveFeetPodiatry.com
One of the issues that come with an ageing population is the need for increased health care services. With more older people requiring doctor and hospital visits, there will be added pressure on an already struggling health system.
Housing and infrastructure will need to adapt, too. Retirement villages will need to expand to accommodate the added numbers.
With these added societal stresses, there are more seniors that will be living alone than ever. Age Concern is working to help as many seniors as they can.
“Living alone is a major contributing factor to the problem of loneliness,” Stephen Opie says. “Loneliness is a hidden issue that Age Concern is trying to bring into the light by reaching as many isolated seniors as possible. Demand for our services is growing.” Age Concern helps seniors who require support and works toward solving the issue of loneliness.
Wild Goose Qigong – more than just exercise
Dayan (Wild Goose) Qigong dates back to many centuries of Chinese thinking about good health. Gentle, relaxed movement fosters the circulation of ‘Qi’ throughout the body. Practising these movements can boost general energy and can help alleviate back and joint pain. Class members who have tried other exercise approaches have found Wild Goose Qigong very helpful. Even if you just want to boost energy and immunity, this can be an enjoyable habit to build into your life. There are many beautiful forms as well as the beginning foundation exercises, that enhance different aspects of your health and well being. Sifu Cynthia Shaw has over 20 years experience as an instructor affiliated to the Tse Qigong Centre. She also teaches allied traditional Chinese skills including Chen style Taijiquan and Northern Shaolin inspired Chun Yuen Quan. Classes available Karori Community Centre Tuesdays 2 pm. Contact 021613081.
Sustainable Nutrition with Hemp
Hemp New Zealand, the country’s largest hemp food supplier, along with their brands – Hemp Farm© and Promise© – have helped thousands of Kiwis improve their health, lifestyle, and wellbeing.
Hemp New Zealand specialises in 100% New Zealand-grown hemp foods such as cold-pressed, extra virgin hemp seed oil, hemp protein (ideal for vegans), delicious and versatile hemp hearts, and the very popular hemp seed oil capsules. Considered a complete superfood, hemp seeds are high in plant protein, fibre, healthy fats, essential omega fatty acids, and low in carbohydrates. The protein from hemp seed is more digestible than many animal proteins and contains edestin and albumin, considered “high-quality storage proteins”. These pro- vide a significant amount of all the essential amino acids that the body needs to function effectively.
Hemp Farm© Hemp hearts, (the hulled hemp seed), are also rich in both soluble and insoluble fibre, promoting good gut health by slowing the digestion process, feeding the good bacteria in your gut, preventing sugar spikes, regulating cholesterol levelskeeping you feeling full for longer.
Hemp Farm© Hemp Seed Oil is perfectly balanced due to its 1:3 ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 and supports joint health, healthy skin, and a healthy heart.
Hemp can play a significant role in the longterm sustainability of our food system, and Hemp New Zealand invites you to join their mission to ‘be the seed of change’.

Will you take a step for Dementia?

March is International Brain Awareness Month, so there is no better time to take a step to improve your brain health while joining us for our annual fundraiser, Steps for Dementia!
We want you to take the challenge to raise vital funds to support Kiwis living with dementia.
It is well known that adopting simple key lifestyle habits like prioritising sleep, eating well, and looking after your mental health, can reduce your risk of cognitive decline. It’s never too late, or too early, to incorporate one of these healthy habits, so why not start now?
Here’s how it works

Choose the step you’d like to take for 31 days to improve your brain health, and set your target. Then get your whānau/family and friends to pledge their financial support for you achieving it. It could be as easy as pledging to get eight hours’ sleep a night, going dry for March or committing to a running goal, all while raising vital funds for services that Dementia Wellington provides. Visit www. stepsfordementia.nz to see how you can get involved.

If you would like more information about dementia and the support services that are available contact Dementia Wellington www.dementiawellington.org.nz
Cherries – helping support heart health and joint mobility

As one of nature’s richest sources of antioxidants and queritrin, it helps sleep.

with foods that offer specific health is one such food.
Canine Vitality
Packed full of Montmorency tart cherries – the super fruit that delivers exceptional results - our biscuits are ideal as a treat, supplement or full feed for your dog. Shop online
The music of the Bee Gees and Queen at the Johnsonville Club
Who could resist a great night listening to classics of the Bee Gees and Queen?
The Johnsonville Club is bringing it all on for 24 March with Paul Madsen and his band performing their tribute show to these great acts.

They have a look and sound that is closer than close with so many wonderful songs packed into one amazing show.
Golden medallions, steaming disco cemented into our minds as the men of “Night Fever.”
Then of course there are the rock anthems