3 minute read
Fewer trains running this month
By Frank Neill
The “train debacle”, where Metlink has been forced to run fewer trains this week “is an absolute shocker,” Hutt Southbased list MP Chris Bishop said during a public meeting at his Wainuiomata electorate office on Monday, 1 May. 23
The significantly reduced train service is happening because KiwiRail’s one-and-only specialist rail track evaluation car, which measures tracks so trains can operate safely, is broken and inspections due on the K piti, Hutt Valley and Wairarapa lines are overdue – making them noncompliant.
Without compliance, KiwiRail has introduced temporary speed restrictions of 70 km/h.
That has meant only half the number of trains have been running on the Hutt line.
“That is what has caused the chaos on the roads this morning,” Mr Bishop said.
Because of the disruption to the train service “everyone has jumped in the car. The [Petone] Esplanade was clogged.
“First of all [KiwiRail] needs to fix the problem.
the Editor
Clone cars
Weare all driving around intin cans mixed with plasticon wheels.
The cars these daysdon’t have any individualcharacteristics. Theyalllook the same.
At leastHoldens and Vauxhalls andFordZephyrs and Austins had their own shapes.
You get Suzukis andHondas and
“Then we need an urgent investigation so that it doesn’t happen again.”
Around the time Mr Bishop said an “urgent investigation” was needed the government launched a “rapid review” into KiwiRail.
The review will look into whether KiwiRail was appropriately focused on the delivery of reliable commuter services, if KiwiRail’s engagement with stakeholders regarding this breakdown was adequate, and what changes are needed to prevent a reoccurrence.
KiwiRail’s safety equipment failure shows an “abysmal lack of accountability and management”, Greater Wellington Regional Council Chair Daran Ponter says.
“To be clear, this is a monumental failure by KiwiRail.
“The poor maintenance of this essential piece of equipment is holding the entire North Island’s rail network hostage.
“If ever there was a perfect example of a lack of prudent management and accountability for critical rail infrastructure in this country, here is exhibit A.
“This is going to impact hundreds of thousands of rail passengers in Wellington alone; it’s going to harm tourism, and it’s going to put a strangle-hold on the freight industry using rail and ferry connections.
“It’s simply not good enough,” Cr Ponter says.
Greater Wellington and Metlink learned of the equipment failure late on 27 April.
“It’s not clear how long KiwiRail have known about this but to only give Wellington three or four days’ notice before the restrictions are in place is simply ludicrous.
“It’s put significant pressure on Metlink staff to roll out new timetables, our operator Transdev to re-roster staff, and our rail and connecting bus passengers whose lives will be tipped upside down,” Cr Ponter says.
Passenger communications about the reduced services are on Metlink’s website and app, as well as on social media, radio and other channels.
Late on the afternoon of 1 May, Metlink issued a media release stating that it was looking to resume its full week-day timetable on Thursday 4 May. This followed KiwiRail finding a fix for its specialist track inspection equipment, so that it could finish track inspections today, 3 May.
Email them to news@ wsn.co.nz or drop in to our office at 23 Broderick Road, Johnsonville.
Sweep your chimney
With winter fast approaching, now is the time to make sure your chimney is swept, the Wainuiomata Volunteer Fire Brigade says.
“Swept chimneys are safe chimneys,” the brigade says. “Before you light that indoor fireplace, make sure your chimney is cleaned.”
Free bbq and play
Love Wainuiomata’s free barbecue and play day will be held at the Antrim Crescent Park from noon to 2pm on Sunday

7 May.
As well as the free sausage sizzle, there will be a wide range of activities for the children.
Think Kind contest
show good faith, even when a nom de plume is provided for publication.
The editor reserves the right to abridge letters or withhold letters from publication.
Toyotasandmany more with the same clone shape body these days.
I had a womantrying to open my car with her remote.She said the batterymust be flat.
I said: “No madam, you have the wrong car. The carthree cars down is now unlocked. This is my car.”
Please note that your name and street address MUST be provided with emails. Letters/Opinions not necessarily those of the Wainuiomata News management.
Ipressed myremote and got inside. She said: “Oh so sorrymister.” Both carswere silver, mine a Honda and her one a Toyota. Most of today’scars are a quarter metaland three quarters plastic. That is why you shouldn’tdrive too fast.
Peter Wells
This year’s Think Kind Student Competition, where students from years 0 to 13 can submit a project about being kind to animals and the planet has been launched by the New Zealand Vegetarian Society. The winner of the competition will receive $1,000 for their school, sponsored by Cookie Time.
Every entrant will receive a certificate and a Hell Pizza voucher. Entries, which close on 13 August, can range from artwork, literature, film, music and anything in between.
NZVS judges will select the top 10 projects which will be presented for public voting from 1 October and the winner will be announced on 1 November.