3 minute read
Legislative Update Protecting & Advocating for Your Business
Jesse Taylor Taylor Consulting, LLC
WSNLA Lobbyist
This column is to introduce myself to you, the members of the Washington State Nursery & Landscape Association, as your new lobbyist, taking over for the retired Heather Hansen. This opportunity is one that I am very excited about as I have been involved in this industry and community for the past two decades and my entire adult life. I’m a native of the Puyallup Valley and graduated from Sumner High School. Before attending WSU and earning my B.S. in Agriculture Economics, I was elected, and served a year, as the Washington FFA Vice-President. That experience took me to 37 of our 39 counties as an ambassador for Agriculture Education. Upon graduating from WSU and after three years of teaching high school CTE Ag Science, I joined the office of Senator Mark Schoesler – the Senate Majority Leader- as a full-time staffer. I worked on issues pertaining to Agriculture, Budget and Education. Senator Schoesler is an Adams County wheat farmer and cattleman who served as our state’s Senate Majority Leader from 2013-2017.
After serving Senator Schoesler for five years, I formed Taylor Consulting LLC to offer legislative representation focusing on Agriculture and Education. I also serve as the Director of the Washington FFA Foundation. In these capacities I am able to stay plugged in to the issues of the day and stay apprised of the needs of our industry - from the greenhouse to the field, and from the classroom to the committee hearing room.
Like you all, I believe that independent businesses are the backbone of commerce in America, and our industry is worth defending. In Washington State 9 out of 10 producers are small family enterprises, but we don’t always have the loudest voice. I take pride in the fact that the WSNLA has a mission of offering a voice to the businesses of all sizes in our industry. And I believe that our anecdotal experience through honest voices needs to be the adjunct weaponry to our displays of product and toil. With your support I will work in that fashion to support the needs of the WSNLA membership.
I live in Yelm, WA with my wife and two kids on our small farm with cows, horses, chickens and goats.
Looking Forward
This coming session there are many things we will be keeping our eye on. Big topics for 2023 will be labor and worker hours, business tax structure, chemical applications/ inputs, Urban Planning/Green Space regulation, and all other matters that will impact our growers, wholesalers or retailers. By having a voice and presence on the ground at the legislature we are able to effectively steer legislation and do no harm for our members. I like to say we are either at the table or we are on the menu. I plan to be at the table for you all as we navigate the many proposed policy changes that will come with this long session. Legislative session will begin on Monday January 9th, 2023 and Sine Di adjournment is scheduled for April 23rd. Please reach out to me with any questions or thoughts as things come up during the legislative session. I can be reached at Jesse@ wsnla.org. I look forward to working with you!
WSNLA’s business membership includes a diverse community of large and small growers, garden centers, landscape professionals and suppliers. It is the intent of WSNLA Board of Directors to ensure legislative activities focus in on overarching WSNLA member needs, while effectively balancing the diversity in business scale and location. To that extent, the following priorities have been identified, with member input, to guide and strengthen WSNLA legislative and regulatory activities throughout the State.
Washington Nursery and Landscape Association supports stewardship of the land and the plants and trees that grow upon it.
Our priorities include:
• Promoting a positive business climate for growing and marketing plants and landscape services.
• Protecting our industry from burdensome regulation, taxes and fees.
• Working in a bipartisan manner and focusing on results.
• Ensuring policies are reasonable and based on sound science.
WSNLA will coordinate with other affiliated professional organizations to support our members on agricultural and environmental issues such as:
• Water availability, management & quality
• Urban planning and the inclusion of green spaces
• Pesticide regulation
• Open space taxation
On general business issues, WSNLA will focus on impact to members. Such issues include but are not limited to:
• Labor: availability, training, minimum wage, workers comp, health care, benefits
• Simplifying business regulation including streamlining local jurisdiction business licensing
• Taxes
Tim Gray WSNLA President Pacific Stone Company timg@pacificstoneco.com
Katie Miller WSNLA President Elect Skagit Horticulture kmiller@skagitgardens.com
Trevor Cameron, CPH
WSNLA Vice President Sunnyside Nursery trevor@sunnysidenursery.com
Kirsten Lints, CPH WSNLA Treasurer Gardens ALIVE Design kirsten@gardensALIVEdesign.com
Gregory Smaus, CPH, EPC
WSNLA Past President Rock Solid Landscapes gregory@rocksolidlandscapes.com
Ingrid Wachtler, CPH
Mt Rainier Chapter President Woodbrook Native Plant Nursery 253-265-6271 | woodbrk@harbornet.com
Peter Van Well North Central Chapter President Van Well Nursery 509-886-8189 | pete2@vanwell.net
Megan Pulkkinen, CPH, EPC Olympic Chapter President
Megan Pulkkinen Landscape Design 360-265-5799 | megancph@hotmail.com
Scott Pringle, CPH Wholesale Grower Caucus Chair Paradise Lake Nursery 206-930-4132 | paradiselakenursery@gmail.com
Jami Burke
Horticulture Supplier Caucus Chair
Walrath Soil Technologies 253-531-7499 | jami@tewalrath.com
Washington State Nursery & Landscape Association