WSPA Global Review 2008

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World Society for the Protection of Animals

Global Review 2008 For a world where animals matter

Contents Welcome


Our work in 2008 With wildlife


With companion and working animals


With farm animals


With animals in disasters


Focus on disaster management: emergency aid for Myanmar and Cuba


Promoting animal welfare education


Promoting a Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare


Snapshots of action


Financial summary


Thank you


How you can help


WSPA International 89 Albert Embankment London, SE1 7TP United Kingdom T: +44 207 587 5000 F: +44 207 587 5057 E: W: WSPA operates as an alliance of charitable organisations, the principal being established in the United Kingdom with registered charity number 1081849 Š 2009 All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reprinted or reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publishers Author: Michaela Miller Editor: Kate Green Production and editorial assistance: Michelle Harrison Visual editor: Georgina Ash Designer: Russell Neal With thanks to Richard Cunningham Printer: Colourhouse Printed on paper made from 100 per cent recycled fibres Cover photograph: Stray dog assessment, Sri Lanka

Community programme for working equines, Guatemala

Our vision About us

A world where animal welfare matters and animal cruelty ends

The World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) is the world’s largest alliance of animal welfare organisations. These dedicated organisations form the WSPA Member Society Network. We work with them in partnership and strive to create a world where animal welfare matters and animal cruelty ends. We bring about change from grass roots to government levels to benefit animals. We support and develop highprofile campaigns, scientifically-backed projects and innovative education initiatives. Our work is recognised by the United Nations and Council of Europe. With our member societies, governments and international agencies we also respond to animals in communities affected by disasters. This global review reports on our work in 2008 and is aimed, with many thanks, at our supporters worldwide.

Welcome We are delighted to welcome you to WSPA’s Global Review 2008 and would like to extend our heartfelt thanks for your valued support and enthusiasm. This year you have enabled us to take many great steps forward for animals. We are pleased to report that our campaign for a Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare goes from strength to strength. The governments of seven countries have now given it their backing and we hope many more will do so throughout 2009. This declaration, once endorsed by the United Nations, will be the first ever international agreement recognising that animals are capable of experiencing pain and suffering and that their welfare should be respected. Thanks to your support of the Handle with Care campaign, the plight of millions of animals transported by land and sea each year has reverberated around the world. The results are truly significant. These include an 11 per cent drop in the export of pigs from the US mainland to Hawaii and formal recognition from the EU Commission of the Handle with Care coalition’s demands.

Of particular note is our mission to help farm animals in China. Through our innovative pilot scheme in Henan province, we have trained more than 3,000 staff in 309 slaughterhouses in humane handling and slaughter methods. This highly successful programme will be rolled out to other provinces in 2009. The year also saw some significant firsts for WSPA’s disaster management work. We were the only animal welfare organisation to be invited into cyclonestricken Myanmar and then into Cuba, which had been devastated by four deadly hurricanes (see centre pages). The scale of suffering that both animals and owners endure in such catastrophes is horrific; the support that communities need to get back on their feet is great. Our disaster teams worked hard to assess what help was needed in both these and other disasters worldwide and, as a result, assisted 224,000 animals. So many improvements for animals that we have seen in the past year simply would not have been possible without the work of our member societies. This force of 983 animal

welfare organisations, in 155 countries, carries out a host of practical animal welfare and campaigning work, creating maximum impact for animals worldwide. Rescuing bears from the cruel sport of baiting; cat and dog clinic initiatives; education projects and lobbying for improved animal welfare legislation are just some of the types of projects member societies worked on in 2008. The support we give them on your behalf is much appreciated and represents money well spent. The future WSPA faces is a challenging one. As always we are keen to make the best use possible of our valuable resources and ensure that our work is efficiently targeted. We worked hard throughout 2008 to develop our organisation’s strategy and will report our priorities for the next five years in the Global Review 2009. We hope you enjoy reading this review, which can give you only a flavour of the progress we have made this year. We are both extremely proud of these achievements and hope that you are too. Thank you again for your generous support.

Your commitment enabled us to address many other animal welfare concerns in 2008. Funding the care and rehabilitation of orangutans rescued from the devastation of Borneo’s rainforests, working towards an end to bear farming in Asia and alleviating the suffering of hard-working horses and donkeys were just some of the issues on our agenda throughout the year.

Dominique Bellemare BSc LLB MBA WSPA President For a Bullfighting-Free Europe campaign, Brussels

Major General Peter Davies CB WSPA Director General 3


Member society spotlight

© Mark McEw

an for BOS


round the world, millions of wild animals are exploited, abused, hunted and slaughtered for food, fashion, entertainment, the pet trade and medicines.

• By the end of 2008, WSPA’s work had resulted in 23


investigate rescue care How we work

With your help: successes in 2008

We focus on wild animal welfare issues ranging from whaling to bear farming through a combination of practical field work, lobbying governments and public campaigning.

• We helped Borneo’s Nyaru Menteng sanctuary stay open and provide care for 650 orangutans, from orphaned infants to injured adults. Your support means we can work with our member society, BOS International, to secure the long-term future of the sanctuary and the return of rescued orangutans to the wild.

“It can be hard to make a living for my family without Reech, my bear. Some days I earned more with him than with my taxi, but now I am not going to be arrested for keeping a bear illegally and my children are getting an education for the first time. I’m proud to give them this.” Mohammad Sovrati, former nomadic dancing bear owner, India


bear owners in India giving up their dancing bears. With your support we helped them and their families find new, sustainable ways of earning a living – such as running taxi services and making soap.

• Evidence of illegal commercial whaling, gathered by our anti-whaling campaign, stopped a hunting quota being awarded to Greenland – saving 12 humpbacks from slaughter.

Pakistan. Fifteen bears were rescued from the violence and pain of this cruel sport by our partner – member society, the Bioresource Research Centre – and taken to Kund Park, a WSPA-funded sanctuary.

crops between European brown bears and Turkish farmers – which often results in injury or death for bears – has been so successful that it is now backed by the Turkish government.

• Your generosity meant we could rescue nine bears from lives of misery and suffering in Romania. They are now safe from harm and living in large forest enclosures in the Carpathian Mountains. By the end of the year the WSPA-funded sanctuary was caring for 37 bears.

Bear sanctuary, Romania © Emi Dinka

Why we need you: plans for 2009 With your continued support we can:

• support the release of bonobos (pygmy chimpanzees) into the wild from the Lola ya Bonobo sanctuary in the Democratic Republic of Congo

• fund a new project on the borders of Mikumi National

Park, Tanzania, to promote humane solutions to human–elephant conflict. Elephants are injured and some killed by local people every year when they wander out of the park to feed on crops Korea to phase out the cruel practice of bear farming, and support the government of Vietnam as it seeks to end bear farming within its borders for good

• Thanks to you, we moved closer to ending bear baiting in

• Our humane, holistic project to prevent conflict over honey

The Pakistan Bioresource Research Centre (BRC) has worked hard to stop the cruel sport of bear baiting – in which dogs are set upon defenceless bears – for 12 years. BRC’s success has been outstanding. In total, 235 of the 243 landowners that they have approached no longer allow baiting on their land; 30 bears have been confiscated and taken to the WSPA-funded Kund Park sanctuary; and 4,200 religious leaders are now speaking out against bear baiting at their weekly services. WSPA will continue to fund and work with BRC in 2009.

• lobby the governments of China and the Republic of

• campaign against whaling by targeting Norway, one of the few countries that still hunts whales

• provide alternative livelihoods for owners of dancing bears © Lizarzaburu

We work in partnership with our member societies on projects that improve the welfare of wild animals around the world.

Nyaru Menteng sanctuary, Indonesia

Kund Park

in India and work to eliminate the trade in bear cubs that makes this cruel entertainment possible

• strive to bring an end to bear baiting in Pakistan.

Keep in touch with our work for wild animals by visiting


Member society spotlight


here are around 90 million working horses, donkeys and mules in the world and hundreds of millions of stray and unwanted dogs and cats. The potential for suffering is huge.

The Blue Paw Trust, based in Colombo, Sri Lanka, works hard to make WSPA’s biggest stray dog project a success. Population surveys, training sessions, mobile clinics and awareness campaigns with the local authority are just some of the activities that are making a real difference to Colombo’s strays. Equine welfare project, Cambodia

• Your generosity allowed us to start four new equine care

Companion and working animals

treat influence change

projects with our member societies in Israel, Ethiopia, China and Cambodia.

• We piloted a new approach with our equine care projects

How we work

With your help: successes in 2008

We work with national and local governments, intergovernmental organisations such as the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) and our member societies to eliminate cruel population control for companion animals and end the irresponsible ownership and poor care of both companion and working animals worldwide.

• We persuaded government authorities in 10 countries,

including Colombia and Sierra Leone, to commit to ending cruel methods of stray dog and cat control and to introduce humane, comprehensive population management programmes, affecting the lives of thousands of animals for the better.

in Nicaragua and Cambodia, aiming to achieve long-term changes in human behaviour towards working horses. This works by encouraging people to find realistic solutions, using their limited resources, to the problems their working horses, donkeys and mules face, such as short life expectancy and lameness.

• We worked with the OIE to draft new dog population

“The Trust is incredibly grateful to WSPA because training Gambians in horse and donkey care and welfare at this level has been our dream. We would never have done it without WSPA’s help.” Heather Armstrong, Gambia Horse and Donkey Trust


management guidelines. The potential impact of these guidelines is considerable – the OIE will influence yet more governments around the world to adopt humane methods to control stray dogs.

Why we need you: plans for 2009 With your continued support we can:

• help impoverished horse owners in Uruguay, Thailand and the Palestinian Territories care for their animals properly

• provide humane and practical solutions to dog and cat

population management that we know are effective and sustainable

• work with the World Health Organization (WHO) to provide animal welfare advice to pilot rabies control programmes in Tanzania, South Africa and the Philippines; the programmes are being made possible thanks to a US$10 million grant to WHO from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

• campaign to end the dog meat trade in the Republic of

Korea. The trade involves an estimated 2 million animals and extremely cruel practices

• continue to support the Fur Free Alliance – the largest

• Thanks to your support, our projects in 16 countries led

global coalition of organisations working to bring an end to the killing of animals for their fur.

to 23,000 dogs and 3,000 cats being neutered, more than 35,000 dogs being vaccinated against rabies, and around 15,000 dogs and cats receiving veterinary treatment.

• Our stray population management project in Colombo, Sri

Lanka, was officially launched in June with the Blue Paw Trust and the Colombo Municipal Council. Thousands of dogs were neutered and vaccinated and more than 30,000 children were educated about caring for dogs and how to avoid dog bites. Stray dog assessment, Sri Lanka

Keep in touch with our work for companion and working animals by visiting Harnessing advice. Gambia Horse and Donkey Trust, The Gambia



lobally, over 60 billion farm animals each year provide food and livelihoods for an increasing human population. Most live in cruel and inadequate intensive conditions. In their numbers and scale of suffering they represent the worst animal welfare problem in the world.

Sustainable agriculture, Model Farm, UK Handle with Care campaign launch, UK

Farm animals

inspire campaign educate How we work We aim to end factory farming by exposing the suffering involved and by promoting and demonstrating humane, economically-viable alternatives such as high welfare ‘model’ farms to the public, media and politicians. We work with our member societies to promote humane farming in their countries and to convince their governments to introduce and enforce strong animal welfare laws.

With your help: successes in 2008 • A WSPA team trained more than 3,000 staff in 309

slaughterhouses in Henan province, China, in humane handling and slaughter methods. Around 50 million pigs and 9 million poultry will now receive more humane treatment each year as a result.

• The European Commission publicly recognised the

WSPA-led Handle with Care coalition’s demands for better enforcement of existing EU legislation on animal transportation and – in the longer term – a complete end to the long distance transportation of animals.

• Shoppers in Beijing are able to buy humanely produced

chicken, milk and eggs for the first time thanks to our high welfare Model Farm Project in China. Ten thousand chickens that otherwise would have been reared indoors or in poorer welfare conditions are now living a free-range life.

• Thanks to lobbying by WSPA supporters and member

society the Environment and Animal Society of Taiwan (EAST), several Taiwanese government agencies withdrew their funding from Pigs of God – a cruel weight-based competition involving the severe confinement, forcefeeding and public, inhumane slaughter of several hundred pigs every year.

• The WSPA-led Handle with Care campaign achieved an

11 per cent drop in pigs transported to Hawaii from the US mainland – saving almost 2,000 animals from this terrible journey. In the same year, we actively supported legal action in Brazil that resulted in a ban on live cattle export from the port of Belém – leading to an eight per cent drop in cattle shipped to Lebanon and Venezuela and saving almost 33,000 animals from inhumane road and sea journeys.

Why we need you: plans for 2009 With your continued support we can:

• campaign to end the suffering of thousands of pigs,

sheep, cattle and horses transported on long and cruel journeys from Brazil, Australia, the USA and Europe, highlighting the key animal welfare and economic arguments against long journeys to the public, media and politicians

• continue our humane slaughter training programme in five Chinese provinces and launch a humane slaughter pilot programme in Brazil. We will also press for appropriate legislation to protect animals facing slaughter in these countries

Free-range chickens, Model Farm, China © Lloyd Zhou/

Throughout 2008, Animals’ Angels and Spain’s Asociación Nacional para la Defensa de los Animales (ANDA) worked tirelessly to improve conditions for horses cruelly transported from Spain to Italy for slaughter. ANDA and Animals’ Angels surveillance revealed horses being tightly packed into vehicles for journeys of over 24 hours without rest. The investigations resulted in the Spanish company with the worst record for breaking transport regulations losing authorisation for five of its vehicles and 10 others being stopped and fined.

• provide training, inspiration and guidance to farmers

involved in animal husbandry through our Model Farm Project in Brazil and China. The project demonstrates that humane and sustainable farming is not just a ‘philosophy’ but a practical reality

• work with animal welfare organisations, politicians and academic communities throughout Latin America and Asia to support well-targeted research, lobbying and campaigning activities to improve conditions for farm animals.

Keep in touch with our work for farm animals by visiting


Member society spotlight

“The Pigs of God petition has been an enormous source of encouragement to us during the last six months. It’s all too easy to feel like we’re a lone voice, but the amazing response from WSPA supporters all over the world has reconfirmed our belief in humanity. We will continue our fight to ban the contests once and for all.” Wu Hung, President, Environment and Animal Society of Taiwan


Member society spotlight


hen disasters strike, animals are often the forgotten victims. Yet their survival and welfare are vital to communities struggling to get back on their feet.

When floods hit Bihar State in Northern India, displacing some 2 million people and their animals, the Bombay SPCA worked tirelessly with WSPA’s emergency response team to rescue and provide emergency feed and veterinary care to 3,300 animals.

Emergency aid following drought in Los Chiles, Costa Rica

Disaster management

prepare protect assist How we work

With your help: successes in 2008

We prepare communities for the worst. Because many lack the knowledge or resources to protect their animals in times of crisis we equip those most at risk with the information and tools they need to safeguard their livestock and companion animals.

• With your support, more than 224,000 animals in 15

We offer immediate relief when disaster strikes. We do this by working with our member societies, national and local governments and humanitarian aid agencies to bring immediate relief including veterinary treatment, disease prevention, shelter and feed to animals in distress.

disaster-stricken countries were helped this year – nearly double the number of animals we assisted in 2007.

• We developed a model veterinary emergency response

“In the past, our animals drowned by the thousands every time the Paraná river overflowed … this new WSPA approach is showing us how not to be entirely at the mercy of nature, by increasing the resilience of our farms.” Daniel Paíz, engineer, Argentina

unit in Costa Rica, which can now assess and respond to disasters in their country. The team includes full-time specialist veterinary staff from the National University backed up by disaster trained final year veterinary students.

• We also became the only animal welfare organisation in

• In its first year, this new veterinary emergency response unit came to the aid of more than 12,000 animals by sending nearly 30 trained veterinary staff to four different disasters.

• We continued our work with the United Nations (UN) and

• When Cyclone Nargis struck Myanmar in May we were the only animal welfare organisation which gained permission to work there. Thanks to you, our disaster response team helped more than 20,000 animals and their owners.

history to undertake a disaster assessment in hurricanedevastated Cuba. With local vets, we coordinated the delivery of US$120,000 of medicines, vitamins and minerals to animals in need. international aid agencies, including the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, stressing the need to integrate animal protection with humanitarian disaster management.

• In Costa Rica and Myanmar, we worked with governments

Why we need you: plans for 2009 With your continued support we can:

• extend our network of veterinary emergency response

units and risk reduction work to Colombia, India, Mexico, Myanmar, Nicaragua and Thailand

• equip these units with specialist disaster veterinary equipment, essential drugs, medicines and training materials

• work with our member societies, community groups and

local and national governments to integrate animals into the plans that protect humans from disaster. This will help both the pets of owners evacuated from disaster zones and farm animals caught up in catastrophic natural events

• make the case for the UN and international aid agencies to integrate animal protection into humanitarian disaster management.

and communities to help them plan and prepare to protect their animals from future disasters.

Keep in touch with our work for animals affected by disasters by visiting


Post-flood animal rescue in Limón, Costa Rica


cy n e rg e Em for Aid nmar Mya Cuba d n a

PA © Tomas Stargarter/WS

Vital help for Myanmar When Cyclone Nargis hit Myanmar in May 2008, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) reported that more than 1 million livestock were killed, including 50 per cent (240,000) of the country’s draught animals – oxen and buffalos. The surviving animals were at risk of dying from their injuries, starvation and from diseases like pneumonia, foot and mouth disease and anthrax.


Our disaster relief and assessment team acted quickly, planning a coordinated response to the crisis. Their assessment showed that draught animals were suffering greatly and were vital to the economic recovery of whole communities. But gaining access to this devastated and impoverished country, which had lost 140,000 people, its transportation infrastructure and, in many areas, its communications network, was not going to be easy.



© Calix to N Llane

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WSPA’s Asia-based team liaised with Myanmar’s veterinary ministry and the FAO. Sourcing and planning the delivery of emergency animal feed and veterinary medicines across the devastated landscape was a crucial step in helping the surviving farm animals.


Making a difference in Cuba


© Tomas Stargarter/WSPA

© Calixto N Llanes/WSPA

When the isolated countries of Myanmar and Cuba were devastated by natural disasters during 2008, millions of animals were killed and the survivors were vulnerable to serious illnesses and starvation. WSPA was the only animal welfare organisation invited in to help these stricken regions. Your support meant we could make a real difference in these countries, where human livelihoods and food security depend on healthy livestock.


Between August and November 2008, four hurricanes struck Cuba causing an estimated US$10 billion worth of damage. The loss of working horses, donkeys and oxen threatened the livelihoods and wellbeing of whole communities. WSPA acted swiftly to offer support to the Cuban government and were invited in to assess the situation with their Ministry of Agriculture. We became the first animal welfare group in Cuban history to undertake a disaster assessment in the country, offering first aid for animals during this evaluation process. Our team, based in Costa Rica, found the surviving working animals in poor condition and being made to work hard to make up for the lost productivity caused by the hurricanes. Many were weak and suffering from harness wounds, poor nutrition and parasitical infections. In addition, thousands of dogs and cats were in need of veterinary care, as their distressed owners struggled to feed them. By the end of the year we had arranged for the delivery of nearly US$120,000 of veterinary medicines, syringes, dressings and vitamins for farm, working and companion animals and began planning the joint delivery of aid with Cuban vets. This paved the way for teams of vets, led by WSPA, to treat 73,000 animals in early January 2009.


Donations from WSPA supporters allowed us to fund emergency animal health centres, mobile clinics and animal feed. On 26 May we entered the country fully equipped and ready to help. Our vets were allowed full access to villages in the Irrawaddy Delta, the low-lying region hardest hit by Cyclone Nargis, where some communities had lost 90 per cent of their animals and were desperately in need of veterinary expertise. In just eight weeks, we were able to provide emergency veterinary treatment and care to more than 20,000 animals and distribute 120 tonnes of cattle feed concentrate.


Thanks to the generosity of WSPA supporters, we will be working in Myanmar throughout 2009, helping Irrawaddy Delta communities that are likely to be affected by disasters in the future to prepare for the worst and minimise the risk to their animals.

“One man who came to our clinic in Laputta had experienced a terrible loss – he told us only one of his six children survived the cyclone. He arrived hoping we could help three of his surviving bullocks, ensuring a livelihood for his remaining family, which we did.” Dr Ian Dacre, WSPA disaster management operations manager

Background: Cuba © Calixto N Llanes/WSPA




ot all countries or cultures emphasise animal welfare within their education systems. This leaves great potential for subjecting animals to inadvertent cruelty and suffering.

© Marianela Navarro

Member society spotlight

Inspired by the International Animal Welfare Education workshops that we ran in Peru, four teachers from Chulucanas, in the north of the country, have formed a WSPA member society: Asociación Humanitaria Construyendo un Mundo Feliz para todo Ser Vivo. They have dedicated themselves to promoting animal welfare education in their community by running presentations and public events to raise awareness about local animal welfare issues such as responsible pet ownership.

IN AWE drawing competition


innovate develop train

• We signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU)

How we work

With your help: successes in 2008

We work with government ministries, educational institutes, teachers and non-governmental organisations to get animal welfare officially incorporated into primary, secondary and tertiary education curricula worldwide.

• Thanks to your generosity, our IN AWE programme of

We provide two formal animal welfare programmes: International Animal Welfare Education (IN AWE), aimed at teachers of young people aged 5–16, and tertiary animal welfare education aimed at veterinary and animal science students.

• In Thailand, IN AWE is now supported by Bangkok’s local

We support our member societies in their efforts to spread key animal welfare messages to their communities.

resources and training for teachers of young people is now running in 10 countries. Nearly 300 Latin American teachers were trained in the programme during the year. education authority, the national Office of Basic Education Commission and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Seventy teachers from 34 schools in Bangkok have been trained in the programme.

• We launched the new Swahili version of the educational

story The Unlikely Burden. Already a huge success in Kenya, this translation will be rolled out across Tanzania and other parts of East Africa, educating hundreds of children about animal welfare.

• We launched, giving teachers

access to animal welfare resources from a wide variety of animal welfare organisations.

with Manor House Agricultural Centre, one of the most influential training institutes in Kenya, to develop animal welfare education in veterinary colleges and universities across East Africa. This partnership will also drive the promotion of animal welfare education in school teaching plans and curricula throughout Kenya.

• Thirty Beijing lecturers were introduced to Concepts in

Animal Welfare, our tertiary education resource, in the first of a series of workshops in China. We aim for this resource to be used by Chinese universities to raise knowledge and awareness of animal welfare. There is no legislation protecting the welfare of any Chinese animals, including seven billion farm animals – most of which are farmed intensively.

Why we need you: plans for 2009 With your continued support we can:

• help 10 countries including India and the Philippines introduce animal welfare education into primary and secondary schools

• lobby the Brazilian government to include animal welfare education in their national curriculum

• introduce Concepts in Animal Welfare to veterinary faculties in Argentina

• develop plans to introduce tertiary animal welfare

education to the curricula of target universities in Bangladesh, China, Japan, the Republic of Korea and Vietnam.

“This unique and wonderful experience made us discover a brand new world related to animals. We don’t only focus on production and profits anymore. We want productivity success connected to animal welfare and we want to spread the word about all that we have learned.” A student representative of Libertação Animal, from Fundação Municipal de Ensino Superior de Bragança Paulista, Brazil, describes WSPA’s farm animal welfare competition for veterinary students.

Keep in touch with our education work by visiting


IN AWE programme, Thailand



Member society spotlight


illions of animals are suffering acute pain and distress across the world and on a daily basis yet there is no formal, global agreement that recognises animal welfare as an issue of importance.

Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare

inform lobby build How we work

With your help: successes in 2008

We work with governments, influential organisations and individuals to support the development of a Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA).

• Our campaign for a Universal Declaration on Animal

We see a declaration as a springboard for change. It will provide the UN, governments, industry and the public with animal welfare principles to improve the ways we interact with animals. Once endorsed by the UN it will signify global recognition that animals are capable of experiencing pain and suffering and that their welfare should be respected.

Welfare gained significant ground when the governments of Cambodia, Fiji, New Zealand, the Seychelles, Sweden and the UK made animal welfare an issue of national importance by confirming their support.

• Fourteen key government ministries in countries including

Brazil and Malaysia also gave their support. Thanks to your generosity, we can now work with these governments to support a Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare at the UN.

“The United Nations should further advance the livelihoods of people by considering animal welfare as an emerging cross-cutting topic. It is a promising area that deserves the further attention of the international community. The idea of a Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare deserves careful consideration.” Her Excellency Ismat Jahan, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Bangladesh to the UN


Vice President Laura Chinchilla gathers support for a Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare, Costa Rica

Collecting the king’s endorsement, Malaysia

• At an ambassadorial-level meeting of the G77 (the largest

coalition of developing nations at the UN), we briefed the ambassadors of 41 countries on how good animal welfare can benefit the world’s poorest people. We highlighted the links between animal welfare, food security, the environment and human livelihoods.

• We celebrated the government of Costa Rica’s support

for a Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare at a vibrant public event in San José. Costa Rican President and Nobel Laureate, Óscar Arias Sánchez, hosted the event as part of his government’s Peace for Nature initiative, which comprises institutional and individual commitments to protect natural resources.

• We worked to build support amongst the veterinary

community with excellent results. The Federation of Asian Veterinary Associations endorsed a Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare in October 2008, and the World Veterinary Association passed a resolution asking its members for their support.

Protección Animal Ecuador (PAE) works enthusiastically for animals and is firmly committed to a Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare. PAE collected more than 33,500 signatures in support of a declaration and lobbied politicians about the need for improved animal welfare legislation. They gained support from several members of Ecuador’s Constitutional Assembly and animal welfare is now mentioned in Ecuador’s new constitution as a result.

Why we need you: plans for 2009 With your continued support we can:

• campaign for more governments to urgently recognise

the need for this initiative, in part by engaging further public support through a re-launched website with social networking features

• promote the strong links that animal welfare has to

sustainable development, and therefore between animals, people and the environment, through two events at UN headquarters. These will be co-hosted by supportive governments and attended by representatives from the five UN regions

• work with government partners from all five regions to include animal welfare within a UNGA resolution

• encourage more of our member societies – including

those in India, South Africa and the Middle East – to join the campaign and partner with WSPA on lobbying activities to gain government support

• take advantage of every lobbying opportunity to move

a Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare through the relevant stages of the UN and towards endorsement by the General Assembly by 2012. Keep in touch with our work for a Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare by visiting


Snapshots of action

9. Australia

The Wombat Protection Society (WPS) used a WSPA grant to present the issue of mange in wombats at Australia’s National Wildlife Rehabilitation Conference. WPS stressed the need to find ways of treating mange – which causes a slow, agonising death – early rather than euthanising wombats when the disease is advanced. Numerous vets and rehabilitators made contact with WPS after the presentation.


1. Canada

2. Cuba



© Srikandi Animal Care

Zoocheck Canada and WSPA work together to end animal suffering in ‘roadside zoos’ – facilities lacking adequate conditions, safety features and qualified staff. In 2008, Zoocheck and WSPA convinced the province of Alberta to introduce regulations and standards, forcing seven facilities to close. Our joint investigations also contributed to a government commitment to update animal protection law in Ontario, requiring zoo inspections and defining minimum standards of care. © Calixto N Llanes/WSPA


The diversity and commitment of the organisations that form WSPA’s Member Society Network have created a strong worldwide animal welfare movement. Acting independently, together or with WSPA, member societies are united in their aim: sustainable, improved animal welfare. This map shows just a small selection of the work that took place in 2008.

Srikandi Animal Care, part of the WSPAled Asian Coalition for Farm Animals, organised a powerful photo exhibition about the suffering of intensively-farmed chickens. Shown in shopping malls in two cities, the photos revealed how battery birds are reared, transported and slaughtered. The exhibition attracted media attention and 1,300-plus visitors, who snapped up informative leaflets, stickers and calendars. Fellow member society the RSPCA generously supported these events.

2 3

Member society Aniplant provided the crucial links with the Cuban government and local veterinarians that enabled WSPA’s Costa Rica-based emergency response team to plan a post-hurricane recovery programme at the end of 2008. Delivered in the first weeks of 2009, the intervention alleviated the suffering of 73,000 animals. Sanctioned by the Ministry of Agriculture, Aniplant is Cuba’s only non-governmental organisation dedicated to animal protection.


11 5

11. Cambodia

10 8

4 9

3. Guatemala

© Fundación Mckee

In 2008, Costa Rica-based member society Fundación Mckee successfully replicated their model for humanely reducing numbers of stray dogs and cats. They instructed Guatemalan vets in advanced neutering techniques, as well as training community leaders to set up monthly, subsidised clinics in their villages. Nearly 800 dogs and cats have been neutered as a result.

4. Brazil

© Marcos Pinto/WSPA

Grupo de Assistência e Proteção aos Animais e ao Meio Ambiente (GAPAMA) participated in WSPA’s Fundraising Development Programme in 2008. Their substantial progress includes developing a membership/regular donation campaign, organising fundraising events and working more strategically. The programme, continuing into 2009, is helping GAPA-MA to safeguard the financial future of their welfare work with dogs. WSPA provided organisational development support to 150 member societies in 2008.


10. Indonesia

WSPA worked with Thai member society the Lampang Pony Welfare Organisation to found the Cambodia Pony Welfare Organisation. The project launched a mobile clinic to reach thousands of working ponies lacking access to veterinary care. The organisation also works with whole communities to change the way they care for their ponies, encouraging them to work together to find simple, sustainable solutions to pony welfare problems.

12. The Gambia

5. Cameroon

7. Norway

6. The Netherlands

8. The Pacific

Foundation for Animal Welfare Cameroon (FAWCAM) used a WSPA grant to educate local people about responsible pet ownership. They produced and distributed animal care leaflets, held public rallies and lectured in schools, colleges and veterinary clinics. As a result, veterinary surgeries reported more animals being registered than ever before and FAWCAM experienced a 67 per cent increase in their membership.

CAS International (Comité Anti Stierenvechten) was founded in 1990 by the Dutch Animal Protection Society and WSPA. It is part of For a Bullfighting-Free Europe, a partnership of organisations which campaign against this cruel entertainment, responsible for the deaths of an estimated 250,000 bulls every year. In 2008 CAS worked with WSPA and nine other groups to hold high-profile events in Brussels, calling for the European Parliament to back a bullfighting ban.

The Norwegian Animal Protection Alliance (NAPA) is striving to achieve a ban on fur farming in Norway. In 2008, thanks to NAPA’s sustained efforts, Norwegian authorities agreed to ban live fur exhibitions, saving hundreds of animals from this ordeal. Importantly, NAPA also increased political support for their campaign to end fur farming in Norway, where over 500 fur farms hold around 800,000 mink and foxes.

AusAID – an organisation that places Australian volunteers overseas – is sending two long-term community education officers to our member societies in Fiji and Vanuatu. They will work with the Fiji SPCA and Sam’s Animal Welfare Trust, Vanuatu, to create a network of animal welfare speakers and educators and develop educational resources. The large numbers of stray dogs and cats are a major animal welfare concern in many Pacific islands.

Draught animals in the Gambia suffer wounds and injuries caused by ill-fitting, makeshift harnesses and poorly designed, over-loaded carts. To help student vets understand these problems and advise owners accordingly, the Gambia Horse and Donkey Trust used a WSPA grant to fund an eight-week training module. With the help of owners and their animals and carts, students learned how different driving methods and simple changes to cart design can minimise the risk of injury.

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Financial summary 13%


Income 58%

2008 (US$)

2007 (US$)

Appeals, gifts and donations – regular



Appeals, gifts and donations – single











Bequests Investments



3% 4%






5% 6%



2008 (US$)

2007 (US$)

Companion animals






Farm animals



Disaster management



Member societies






Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare






Organisational support










Treasurer’s report



As alluded to in my 2007 report, 2008 was a challenging year for WSPA with global US dollar income falling for the first time in a decade albeit due to external factors. The world economy was in turmoil for most of 2008 and in the final quarter the US dollar appreciated substantially against all other major world currencies. Global income, at average exchange rates through the year, decreased from US$46 million in 2007 to US$45 million in 2008. The detail is, however, somewhat different. In local currencies all the WSPA fundraising offices performed exceptionally. There were, across the board, year on year increases in income of above 10 per cent. In the United States, income increased by 34 per cent; in Denmark by 31 per cent; in Canada by 24 per cent; in Australia by 21 per cent; and in the UK (WSPA’s largest market) by 18 per cent. Much of this increase came from regular givers. This was a remarkable achievement. Income from one-off donations remained flat. A very large proportion of global expenditure is denominated in US dollars which cost more to purchase. As a result total expenditure declined to US$43 million (2007 US$51 million). This means that the 2007 deficit of US$5 million turned into a surplus in 2008 of US$2 million. The economic outlook is still extremely uncertain and it is therefore timely to have additional funds in our reserves.

The fundraising costs as a percentage of total expenditure increased from 16 per cent to 20 per cent, though in monetary terms there was a very modest increase in expenditure of US$540,000. Organisational support costs increased from US$1.5 million to US$1.8 million. After years of rapid growth several WSPA offices were obliged to expand their space or move to larger premises. The collapse of all the major stock markets and all-time low interest rates reduced investment income and the value of WSPA’s investment portfolios fell by US$1.2 million in the year. As a result, expenditure on animal welfare declined to US$31 million. However, as can be seen in this review, these funds were put to extremely effective use in working towards resolving many pressing animal welfare problems around the world.

Dr Andrew Rowan, Treasurer

The world’s economic problems have deteriorated in 2009 and are forecast to recover only towards the end of 2010. Given these challenges WSPA has performed very well and I would like to thank the staff, volunteers, donors and all other supporters for their contributions to the work of helping animals in need.

The figures are extracted from WSPA global consolidated accounts which are nonstatutory and unaudited. They are provided for general information purposes only. All accounts of individual WSPA offices however are audited locally. For further details of WSPA’s global financial affairs, please contact WSPA International. For more financial information about individual WSPA offices, please visit the website of the relevant office (details on back cover) or consult WSPA International.


Thank you for making our work in 2008 possible We would like to thank all the individuals and organisations that have supported our work in 2008, a small number of whom we are able to name here. Together we have made some amazing steps forward for animal welfare.

WSPA Australia/New Zealand

Daniel and Berry Almagor; Rita Andre; Karen Bevilaqua; Deborah Compton; Donkey Wheel Fund; Wayne and Jenny Fitzherbert; Cynthia Fraser; Intrepid Travel Pty; Duncan Macintosh; Nigel Madeley; Robyn McKeown; Andrew Milner; Open Kora Fund; Mary O’Sullevan; Joan Pearson; Vivienne Porter; Jane Rich; Maria Ridsdale; Dr Alice Simpson; Joan Sturzaker; Meridy Taite; Marjorie Wallace; Caroline Wilkinson.

“It is my great pleasure, on behalf also of my deceased loved ones, to support WSPA’s work internationally. It is always of great interest to me to read the follow-up reports on the many projects we have supported over the years. Thank you for all that you do, and for your dedication to those who must depend upon the human species for the respect and protection they deserve.” Donna-Mae Moore, Canada

WSPA Canada


nimals love you unconditionally – they have pure love and loyalty no matter how they are treated. This puts them at risk of being taken advantage of and mistreated. Animals cannot speak for themselves so it is our responsibility to protect them from unnecessary cruelty. I had the time of my life while visiting the Romanian bear sanctuary to present a documentary and feel privileged to have been able to interact so closely with these amazing animals.”

Elizabeth Aszkanazy; BMO Bank of Montreal; Calgary Foundation; China Syndrome Productions Inc.; Eden Conservation Trust; Donner Canadian Foundation; Betty Hasler; Irene Joy Stewart and Florence Maud Shedden Fund for Domestic and Wild Animal Welfare; Jean A MacKenzie; The Schad Foundation; Joyce Simon; Taylor-Irwin Family Fund; United Way of Greater Victoria; Helen Whibbs.

WSPA Denmark

Aage V. Jensen Charity Foundation.

WSPA Germany

Fressnapf Tiernahrungs GmbH; Tierschutz-Stiftung Wolfgang Bösche.

Natalie Imbruglia, celebrity supporter


Manaf Mohamad Al Hamad; Hanna Altman; Nancy Andrews; Anna Rosa Forster Charitable Trust; David James Ansell; A Arthurs; Ash Yeo Trust; Dr Sonali Bapat; Betty and Stanley Abbett Charitable Trust; Betty Lawes Foundation; Elisabeth Bickford; R B Bishop; Hilary Charles; M A Corin; Paul Dane; Paul Davis; Michelle Dighton; Fondation Gerard Pierre; Foreman Williams-Jones Foundation; Emma Furstenheim; Tammy Gillian; S J Gray; Green Dot Guides (Natural Collection); Teresa Greene; Greener Solutions Ltd; Stephen Hall; Helen Harding; Gwyneth Humphreys; Lesley Illingworth; David Innes; B Kirtley; Nicolette F Lindon-Taylor; Magdalena Loos; Graeme MacGregor; MBNA Europe Bank Limited; F J Mckenzie; Nathalie Mentzelopoulos; Sheila Millward; Trond Moen; Geraldine C Murphy; Henry O’Grady; Asa H M Palm; Sandra Parkes; P Perrigo; Persula Foundation; A Peters; J F R Quint; Mr and Mrs Julian Richer; Rufford Maurice Laing Foundation; John Scott; Lauren Strik; Diana Tinson; Tubney Charitable Trust; Shirley Waldeck; Joan West; I Wilkinson; William and Katherine Longman Trust.


Amgen Foundation; Sheri Berman and Gideon Rose; Cecil B DeMille Foundation; Karen Corcoran; Christine Dale; Elinor Patterson Baker Foundation; Alesha and Joseph Gainey; Gloria Gray; Humane Society of the United States; International Fund for Animal Welfare; Judi and Howard Strauss Foundation; Peggy Kavookjian and David Nora; Diana and Abner Kingman; Dr Holly Morris; Lorraine Oberfeld and Alejandro Doring; Panaphil Foundation; Wendie and Stephen Ryter; Eugenie Sotiropoulos-Foss; Amanda and Andrew Street; Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association; Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Foundation; Marlene Titus; Irene Trautman; M Estela Vasquez; William and Charlotte Parks Foundation for Animal Welfare; Kristin Wilson.

WSPA celebrities

In 2008 we received generous support from the following celebrities:

Dominic Brunt; Jackie Chan; Mark Charnock; Claire Cooper; Sean Gallagher; Natalie Imbruglia; Robin Ince; Tim Minchin; Miranda Richardson; Andrew Sachs.

“I think WSPA is doing an incredible job. There is nothing more satisfying than to know that these wonderful people are helping give a happy life to an animal that never knew what kindness was before. Animals deserve to be cared for by us and WSPA is making that happen. Thank you so much for all you do.” Sonja Bednar, USA

Natalie Imbruglia, WSPA bear sanctuary, Romania


Join us in making the world a better place for animals

WSPA Board of Trustees Your support helps us to plan for the future and continue our vital animal welfare work. There are so many different ways in which you can help WSPA: • giving a monthly donation • asking your employer to match your gift • supporting or organising WSPA fundraising events • offering your time and expertise on a voluntary basis • leaving a legacy or gift in your estate • spreading the word about us to your friends, family and colleagues • participating in our campaigns and awareness activities: find advice on making animal-friendly choices as you shop, eat and travel on the WSPA websites, and sign up for e-newsletters about our work and latest actions.

WSPA’s UK-based Board of Trustees is largely composed of representatives from some of the world’s largest and most influential animal welfare organisations and offers guidance to all regional WSPA boards. President Mr Dominique Bellemare BSc LLB MBA Canada Sr Vice-President Professor Ranald Munro BVMS MSc DVM DipFM DipECVP MRCVS UK Jr Vice-President Ms Hanja Maij-Weggen The Netherlands Secretary Mr Peter Mason New Zealand Treasurer Dr Andrew Rowan DPhil USA Dr Bjarne Clausen Denmark Dr Chinny Krishna MTech MS PhS FIE FIIChE India Mr Carter Luke USA Ms Marcelle Meredith South Africa Dr Toralf Metveit Norway Dr Dennis Turner Switzerland Ms Sonja Van Tichelen Belgium Ms Cecilia Vega Leon Mexico Mr Mark Watts UK Dr Hugh Wirth AM KSJ BVSc Hon DVSc MRCVS FAVA Australia Director General Major General Peter Davies CB Deputy Director General Mr Tim Bowman International Director of Disaster Management Mr Philip Russell MBE International Director of Finance Mr Henry Bennett International Director of Marketing and Communications Ms Amanda Seller International Director of Programmes Ms Leah Garcés Director United Nations Affairs Mr Larry Roeder Jr

For further information on any of the above please contact your nearest WSPA office, listed on the back cover. Post-hurricane equine care, Turks and Caicos Islands © Carlos Quesada/WSPA

Chief Veterinary Adviser Mr David Wilkins MRCVS MBE


WSPA INTERNATIONAL 89 Albert Embankment London, SE1 7TP United Kingdom T: +44 207 587 5000 F: +44 207 587 5057 E: W: WSPA AFRICA PO Box 105476 Dar es Salaam United Republic of Tanzania T: +255 22 270 1032 F: +255 22 270 1033 E: W: WSPA ASIA 19th Floor Olympia Thai Tower 444 Ratchadaphisek Road Samsennok Huay Kwang, Bangkok 10310 Thailand T: +66 2 513 0475 F: +66 2 513 0477 E: W: WSPA AUSTRALIA GPO Box 3294 Sydney New South Wales 2001 Australia T: +61 2 9902 8000 F: +61 2 9906 1166 E: W: WSPA BRAZIL Av. Princesa Isabel 323 – 8 andar Copacabana 22011-901 Rio de Janeiro Brazil T: +55 21 3820 8200 F: +55 21 3820 8229 E: W: WSPA CANADA 90 Eglinton Avenue East, Suite 960 Toronto Ontario, M4P 2Y3 Canada T: +1 416 369 0044 F: +1 416 369 0147 E: W:

WSPA CENTRAL AMERICA, MEXICO AND THE CARIBBEAN Mall Paseo las Flores Business Center, 5th Floor Apartado Postal 516-3000 Heredia Costa Rica T: +506 2562 1200 F: +506 2562 1225 E: W: WSPA CHINA 501B, Dong Wai Diplomatic Building No.23, Dongzhimen Wai Avenue Beijing, 100600 China T: +86 10 85325211 – 8008 F: +86 10 85324211 E: W: WSPA GERMANY WSPA Welttierschutzgesellschaft e.V. Reinhardtstraße 10 10117 Berlin Germany T: +49 30 923 7226 0 F: +49 30 923 7226 29 E: W: WSPA INDIA 906, 9th Floor International Trade Tower Nehru Place New Delhi 110019 India T: +91 11 46539341 F: +91 11 46539345 E: W: WSPA MIDDLE EAST 89 Albert Embankment London, SE1 7TP United Kingdom T: +44 207 587 5000 F: +44 207 587 5057 E: W: WSPA NETHERLANDS Benoordenhoutseweg 23 2596 BA Den Haag The Netherlands T: +31 70 314 2800 F: +31 70 314 2809 E: W:

WSPA NEW ZEALAND Private Bag 93220 Parnell 1151 Auckland New Zealand T: +64 9 309 3901 F: +64 9 336 1947 E: W: WSPA NORDIC Vesterbrogade 34, 1 1620 Copenhagen V Denmark T: +45 33 93 7212 F: +45 33 93 7210 E: E: W: W: WSPA SOUTH AMERICA Carrera 13 #29-21 Of.234 Manzana 1, Parque Central Bavaria Bogota Colombia T/F: +571 285 5472 / 5748 E: W: WSPA UK 89 Albert Embankment London, SE1 7TP United Kingdom T: +44 207 587 5000 F: +44 207 793 0208 E: W: WSPA USA Lincoln Plaza 89 South Street Suite 201 Boston Massachusetts 02111 USA T: +1 617 896 9214 F: +1 617 737 4404 E: W:

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