“Dum Tempus Habemus” (while we have time)
Willenhall School Sports College 2010 - 2011
“Dum Tempus Habemus” (while we have time)
A Message from Mrs Till, Headteacher Since achieving Sports College status in 2001, we continue to make a difference to our local community. We are at the centre of the partnership with local secondary, primary, infant and special schools through which we strive to promote excellence in learning and performing. As a Sports College we: •
Place traditional learning values at the centre of a challenging educational programme.
Promote achievement by active participation and place great emphasis on a sense of partnership between school and home.
Aim to develop a sense of personal responsibility and selfawareness in the pursuit of personal best.
Raise the self-esteem and aspirations of our school and its community.
In January 2010 we became a Foundation Trust School which means we now have Best Futures Charitable Trust attached to the school, comprising of a group of dedicated trustees from businesses, higher and further education, as well as health services. Their aim is to support projects and school improvement work to raise standards for every child even higher. Further information on this exciting development can be found on our school website. Click the ‘School’ tab and access ‘Trust School Status’. The Governing Body of the school is very forward thinking, innovative and determined in their vision for excellence. We have a reputation for excellent pastoral support, welfare and guidance and for being a caring school. This is extremely important for
“Dum Tempus Habemus” (while we have time) parents when considering their choice of school, which is best suited to nurturing their son/daughter. Our college is divided into eight Community Houses. This has been in place since May 2005 and gives our young people the opportunities to practice and develop their leadership skills in a variety of ways. Each year 7 pupil will be attached to a House. If they have siblings already at the school then they will join the same House in order to ensure continuity of communication between home and school. Every effort is made to support our young people as they move forwards in their quest for excellence and the development of their ‘Personal Best’. Our expectations of our young people are high. Our values are traditional and centre around mutual respect. We have a very dedicated staff, many of whom have been at the college quite some considerable time, including myself. I joined the school in 1979 and have enjoyed the pleasure of teaching many Moms and Dads! Parents are always very welcome visitors during the school day and we operate an open-door policy at all times. Should you wish to make an appointment to come into school to discuss any concerns please do not hesitate to telephone or email your request. Willenhall School Sport College Furzebank Way Willenhall West Midlands WV12 4BD Telephone:
Willenhall (01902) 368221
Willenhall (01902) 634253
www.willenhall.walsall.sch.uk (follow this link to find out further information about the school)
“Dum Tempus Habemus” (while we have time) Do make enquiries to our community office for details of all out of school activities. Telephone: Willenhall (01902) 633070 The school is open for community use seven days a week. MondayMonday-Friday Saturday Sunday
6.00pm - 10.00pm 9.00am - 4.00pm 9.00am - 4.00pm
Please ask for a booking form or contact our Community Office. From our last OFSTED Report…
‘The school already does many things well and some outstandingly well.’ ‘Care, guidance and support are outstanding, as are procedures for safeguarding.’ ‘The students say they feel safe and parents confirm this.’ ‘Across the school student leaders play an influential role in supporting the learning of others in their classes.’ ‘Good use is made of alternative routes to qualifications, such as the young apprenticeship scheme in engineering and vocational courses linked to the specialism in sport.’ ‘The school is keenly aware of the nature of its community and prides itself on the links it has forged with the local, wider and global communities, including an outstanding partnership with a school in Tanzania.’ ‘Multi-agency working is well established and the school is innovative and bold in seeking to enhance the students’ welfare.’ ‘Many (parents) expressed entirely positive views about all aspect of the school.’ “IN PURSUIT OF PERSONAL BEST”
“Dum Tempus Habemus” (while we have time) Academic Successes 2009 2009
Post 16
In 2009 53 students from Year 13 went on to University GCSE Results 2009
99% % of our pupils in Year 11 attained at least one GCSE 35% % of our pupils in Year 11 attained 5 or more GCSE’s Grades A* to G, including English and Maths 74% % of our pupils in Year 11 attained 5 or more GCSE passes Grades A* - C 43% of our pupils in Year 11 attained 5 or more GCSE’s Grades A* - C, including Functional English and Maths at Level 2
Key Stage 3 Results 2009 2009
74% of Year 9 students achieved Level 5 or above in Maths
74% 74% of Year 9 students achieved Level 5 or above in Science
77% of Year 9 students achieved Level 5 or above in English
“Dum Tempus Habemus” (while we have time) School Facilities
Willenhall School Sports College has a full range of high-class facilities in addition to those usually found in a school. Our facilities include: •
12 Computer rooms
A large Sports Hall
• • • •
A teaching block for Modern Languages
Newly refurbished changing rooms
Excellent Design Technology facilities
Extensive playing fields
Floodlit Tennis Courts
Floodlit Netball Courts
Breakfast bar/Restaurant/Snack bar
A Music Suite with extensively equipped Computer Classroom
A fully equipped Fitness suite
A 25 metre Swimming Pool A fully equipped Dance Studio A fully equipped Drama Theatre A Gymnasium
A Learning and Coaching Centre
A Sixth Form Centre
Science Block with 11 Laboratories
2 Electronics Laboratories
A large Video Editing Suite
A Darkroom and Photography Studio •
A separate Entrance for Willenhall School Leisure and Community
In our role as a Leisure and Community Centre, we are also able to offer excellent sporting facilities outside school time as well as access to our new fitness suite.
“Dum Tempus Habemus” (while we have time) Timings of the School Day
Lessons start at 8.30am and pupils are required to be outside classrooms by 8.25am. Lessons for Years 7 to 11 finish at 2.40pm with numerous extra-curricular activities available after school. Period 5 is divided into two sessions, one for lunch and one for form period or assembly. Registration takes place in each lesson, including Form Period Period 1
8:30 to 9:30
Period 2
9:30 to 10:30
10:30 to 10:45
Period 3
10:45 to 11:45
Period 4
11:45 to 12:40
Period 5
12:40 to 1:40
Period 6
1:40 to 2:40
Assemblies take place in the gym during Form Period on the following days:
Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday:
Houses Wright & Union Owens & Macarthur Ramsey & Pattison Thompson & Redgrave
“Dum Tempus Habemus” (while we have time) Behaviour and Discipline
We use the term “Personal Best” a lot at Willenhall. It means, no matter what your ability, we want you to strive to reach your very best. This is the Willenhall Way. We believe in a relentless focus on: • Learning to achieve students’ Personal Best • Positive Relationships to achieve students’ Personal Best To achieve this we promote: • Fairness of treatment for all in a just and consistent manner. Dealing with poor behaviour by the use of sarcasm and humiliation is never acceptable. • Consistency of response to both positive and negative behaviour. • Early intervention to challenge behaviour that disrupts learning.
“Dum Tempus Habemus” (while we have time) • A safe environment free from disruption, violence, bullying and any form of harassment. • The difference between the person and the person’s behaviour, making it clear that while we may not like a person’s behaviour, it does not mean we do not like the person. • Explicit ethos, values and expectations to ensure that our parents and students know about and understand them. Therefore all can be actively involved in contributing towards the policy and procedures that help secure good behaviour and relationships. This means our policy and procedures are detailed and prescriptive and very public. The Willenhall Way – Our Code of Conduct As a student at Willenhall you are asked to agree and sign our rules. They are centred around our 5 R’s. These are our key ways of doing things at Willenhall. Respect & Listen e.g. • Talk, don’t shout • Queue patiently • No swearing • Follow staff requests React in a safe way e.g. • Walk on the left • Don’t play on the slopes • No false fire alarms • No physical contact • No smoking • Remain on site Represent the School e.g. • Wear uniform correctly • Personal Best behaviour to and from school • Don’t drop litter • Avoid the front of school at breaks
Ready for Work e.g. • Have everything you need to learn • Be on time • Only leave class with written permission • Do not stop others learning • No eating or chewing in class Relationships that are positive e.g. • Agree how to put things right • Admit when wrong • Co-operate with others • Meet with those we harm
We aim to ensure students’ behaviour is good by promoting self-discipline, encouraging good behaviour through rewards, but discouraging poor behaviour through sanctions.
“Dum Tempus Habemus” (while we have time) The Curriculum
The curriculum at Willenhall School Sports College is designed to give all the pupils the opportunity to develop to their fullest potential both academically and socially. Equally, it is designed to be broad, balanced and meaningful in order to stimulate and motivate all pupils to develop their skills and talents. Our expectations for all children in our care are high and we want all pupils entering the school to share in these aims. Consequently, staff are committed, hardworking and enthusiastic; they are adept at and experienced in using a variety of teaching strategies to ensure that all our pupils are positively involved in the learning process. Subjects are taught according to National Curriculum guidelines. Pupils at Willenhall School Sports College follow similar timetables for the first two years – English, Mathematics, Science, French, Geography, History, Religious Studies, Food, Textiles, Resistant Materials, Art, Dance, Music, Information Technology, Citizenship, Physical Education and Personal, Health and Social Education. These studies continue into year 9 but with am emphasis upon attaining qualifications when each individual pupil is ready. Many will commence GCSE or equivalent studies in English, Mathematics and Science and most pupils in PE and Information Technology.
In Years 10 and 11, at Key Stage 4, all pupils continue to study English, Mathematics, Information Technology, Physical Education and Science. A Design & Technology subject is chosen by most and many pupils will opt to study from the wide range of other qualifications available in Geography, History, French, Religious Studies, Sociology, Information Technology, Business, Art and Design, Photography, Health and Social Care and our range of Performing Arts subjects which include Dance, Design, Drama and Music. Pupils can also gain Sports Leadership qualifications. Some pupils entering Year 10 choose our successful young apprenticeship programmes in Engineering or Sport. Other options are available in conjunction with Walsall College. In addition all students follow a programme of Personal, Health and Social Education, which provides guidance in Careers, the requirements for Further Education and Health Education. All our students take part in Work Experience for one week and are offered Enterprise Activities.
“Dum Tempus Habemus” (while we have time) Our Post 16 facilities and courses are extensive including a wide range of traditional and vocational Level 3 courses. Should you require details of these, please ask at the School Reception for a Post 16 Prospectus.
Willenhall School Sports College’s vision for the future embraces Vocational Education, Science and Technology. Your child could be part of this future with access to opportunities which will broaden the experience and challenge the intellect. We will: •
Provide a variety of routes towards recognised qualifications to cater for all students
Provide an option of a vocational education in Years 9 through13
Build on our partnerships with local universities, colleges and other Trust members.
Provide assessment of your child’s progress.
Set realistic targets for improvement.
Provide regular feedback home.
“Dum Tempus Habemus” (while we have time) Citizenship and the School Forum
Here at Willenhall School Sports College we aim to develop the qualities of good citizenship in all our pupils. Seven of our students have won the prestigious national ‘Princess Diana Award for Good Citizenship’ and we raise money for our designated school charities. Pupils support ‘Edwards Trust’, a local Charity and also raise money for national/international charities. This is part and parcel of the life of our school. The views and opinions of our pupils are valued here at Willenhall so we have annual fully democratic elections for our School Forum, the members of which meet monthly to discuss a full range of issues. These ideas and opinions have been to the great benefit of our school, and members of the School Forum also attend governors’ meetings. Through our Citizenship Programme pupils explore the lives of other cultures and carefully planned high impact assemblies further reinforce our ethos of good Citizenship.
Admissions Policy
As a result of becoming a Trust School, Willenhall School Sports College is now responsible for its own admissions. Priority is given to pupils living nearest to the school and those who have brothers or sisters already at the school. The admission number in each year group is 270. If a child is refused a place because the school is over-subscribed, parents can appeal to an Independent Panel by contacting Mrs Yates (Admissions Manager) on 01902 365121.
Mobile Phones
Within the school environment there is a ‘zero visibility’ policy in place with regard to mobile phones. This means that pupils are allowed to have a mobile phone with them, but it must be kept in their bag and out of sight at all times. If pupils are seen with a phone it will be confiscated and parents will be contacted. The phone will only be returned to a parent or other responsible adult and not to the child. Pupils are also not allowed to have any music playing equipment, such as an MP3 or IPod in school. As with the mobile phone policy, if pupils are seen with such an item it will be confiscated and only returned to a parent or other responsible adult.
“Dum Tempus Habemus” (while we have time) Rights:
• • • •
Students have a right to learn Teachers have a right to teach Everybody has a right to safety Everybody has a right to be treated with dignity and respect
• •
Rights and responsibilities are inseparable Our focus is on enabling our students to make positive choices about their behaviour
Our School’s Anti-Bullying Team/Supportive Friends (peer mentors) work extremely hard to help and support other pupils through difficult times. For details please contact Mrs D Yates on 01902 365121. “IN PURSUIT OF PERSONAL BEST”
“Dum Tempus Habemus” (while we have time) Home School Agreement
The Student
The School
The Parents/Guardians We/I agree to
We agree to
I agree to
Not swear or shout at staff
Inform school if my child is absent for
Talk, don’t shout
Queue patiently
and safety.
No swearing
Achieve high standards of discipline
Follow staff requests
any reason on the day of absence
and foster a spirit of co-operation and
before 9am and confirm absence with
mutual respect in a multicultural
a note or e-mail on my child’s return
Walk on the left
Don’t play on the slopes
Respond to the school’s text messaging system if I receive a
message about my child.
Provide a caring community committed to achievement, happiness
Ensure my child wears Willenhall
No false fire alarms
Prepare students for the outside
No physical contact
world: to prepare for employment and
No smoking
the responsibilities and experience of
Remain on site
adult life.
school uniform correctly
Ensure my child’s behaviour to and
from school is their Personal Best
Provide a balanced curriculum to
Wear uniform correctly
Personal Best behaviour to and from
maximise potential. READY FOR WORK e.g.
Don’t drop litter
Support and encourage my child to
encouragement so that students can
Avoid the front of school at break and
work hard and achieve his or her
attain high standards.
Personal Best
Provide quality education and
Welcome parents into school.
Ensure my child arrives daily, on time
Not withdraw my child from school for
a holiday during term time
Support and encourage my child in the completion and submission of
home learning
Have everything you need to learn
Keep parents informed about general
Be on time
school matters and progress.
Inform parents if students’ work,
Only leave class with written permission
progress, behaviour or attendance
Do not stop others learning
gives cause for concern.
No eating or chewing in class
Attend meetings at school to discuss
my child’s progress.
Fairness in our treatment of all.
Agree how to put thing right
Support and encourage my child to
Avoid shouting
Admit when we are wrong
participate in processes that help
Make clear, regularly, our Willenhall
Co-operate with others
Way code of conduct
Meet with those we harm
them think how to improve their behaviour. This includes detentions after school
Reward positives as well as sanction negatives
Support my child and staff in resolving issues.
Signed (Parent/Guardian)
Signed Student
1 September 2010
“Dum Tempus Habemus” (while we have time) School Uniform
Willenhall School Sports College is a uniformed school and we ask parents to support us in our aim to maintain high standards of dress throughout the academic year. We feel uniform encourages: • a sense of belonging • good self-discipline • pride and interest in the school Parents will appreciate the need for a school uniform so that the students will feel themselves part of our community. We have endeavoured both to spare the parents any unnecessary expense and to make the distinctive clothing as functional as possible. Uniform is an unchanging part of our school’s policy.
Girls’ Uniform:
Boys’ Uniform:
Black blazer with badge Black school skirt/straight-leg trousers in same fabric White shirt in cotton or polyester School tie Plain black V-neck jumper or cardigan White socks or black tights for winter if required Plain black, low heeled shoes (no logos)
Black blazer with badge Plain black school trousers (no pattern or texture) White shirt in cotton or polyester School tie Plain black V-neck jumper Black, grey or white socks Plain black shoes (no logos)
We request that all clothing is clearly labelled with the student’s name and that students do not wear jewellery or make up. The only jewellery allowed is a watch and studs for those whose ears are pierced. For safety reasons no body piercing jewellery or nail extensions should be worn.
All students are expected to carry bags for work and equipment. Bags must be big enough to hold an A4 folder.
“Dum Tempus Habemus” (while we have time) Sports Wear and Equipment:
Red shorts Navy blue polo shirt with school badge Blue football socks Trainers
Red shorts Navy blue polo shirt school badge Blue football socks Trainers
Blue swimming trunks
Blue or black swimming costume White swimming hat Towel T-shirt
White swimming hat Towel T-shirt Outdoor
Red shorts Blue reversible jersey or new tracksuit top Blue football socks Trainers Towel
Red shorts Navy blue polo shirt school badge or tracksuit top Blue football socks Trainers School navy sweatshirt Towel
with new
Our main uniform suppliers are: • • • •
Clemmy’s, 57 King Street, Darlaston Sportsline, 11 Market Place, Willenhall Buxton and Bonnet Ltd, The Arcade, Walsall Clive Mark, Quasar Centre, Walsall
* Optional extra for both indoor and outdoor PE – Prostar tracksuit top and bottoms
“Dum Tempus Habemus” (while we have time) Examinations
Public Examinations - We positively encourage all pupils to achieve success through public examinations and it is the policy of Willenhall School Sports College to enter all pupils for public examinations. Some GCSEs have an element of coursework which we expect to be completed on time. A complete list of examination boards and approved syllabus titles is available on request. Our public examination results are published annually.
Extra Activities
In addition to normal curricular activities, Willenhall School Sports College runs many clubs and classes after school which cater for all kinds of interests. These include The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme, where many of our pupils have achieved the Gold Award, Art clubs, Computer classes, Drama Productions, Homework Club, Sports, Music and many more. The PE Department alone offers over 50 breakfast and after-school clubs. These include such activities as boys and girls’ football, netball, hockey, basketball, swimming, dance, badminton, trampolining and martial arts. After-school activities start at 2.45 until 4.05 and the second block start at 4.05 until 5.25. For those students who stay until 5.25 there is a mini bus that drops them off at home, free of charge.
Home Learning
Learning at home is a very important part of the educational experience and encourages independent learning skills. We place great value on the supervisory and supportive role that parents can play in taking an active interest in their child’s home learning and checking that suitable progress is being made. Pupils in years 7 and 8 engage in home learning projects designed to encourage the personal and learning skills which become so important at later stages in their education. Older pupils receive more traditional homework tasks, often over extended periods of time. Personal planners are issued to pupils to help organise and monitor home learning. We welcome contact with the school that informs and improves the home learning experience of our pupils.
“Dum Tempus Habemus” (while we have time) Language & Learning Development
At Willenhall School Sports College we support the child in the curriculum. Learning support offers a whole school approach and we offer curriculum support for pupils with learning difficulties. We believe that:
• We should be seeking the highest quality of education for all students. Willenhall is fully accessible to disabled pupils and staff. We have two lifts and five disabled toilets throughout the school, two of which are in the PE Changing Rooms. There is also a disabled block which has several specific pieces of equipment, including a ceiling hoist, shower and changing facilities. For pupils who require Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy or Speech Therapy, within school hours, we have a ‘Therapy Room’. School also has a portable hoist, as well as other specialist equipment, for use in the classroom, e.g. desks with adjustable height facility, Design and Technology work benches with adjustable height facility and a specially modified work area and sink in Food Technology.
Lunch time organisation Facilities are provided and supervised for your child’s lunchtime arrangements. There are two separate restaurants offering a variety of hot meals, salads, filled jacket potatoes, pasta, baguettes and sandwiches, together with a range of drinks. The emphasis is on healthy options. Our “Meal Deal” comprising a main course, dessert and water/squash at £1.70 is excellent value. Vegetarian choices are always available and we will readily assist with any specific dietary needs. Alternatively, students may bring their own packed lunch if they wish. Chilled, filtered water is available throughout the day and students are encouraged to drink water regularly. During lunchtime all pupils in years 7-11 are expected to stay on the school site at all times. This is a measure put in place to ensure their safety. There are a variety of activities pupils can participate in, including sports and ICT.
“Dum Tempus Habemus” (while we have time) Religious Education
Willenhall School Sports College follows the Walsall MBC Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education. We take into account the impact of Christianity on the history and culture of British society and also teach pupils about the other faiths found in our area, especially Sikhism and Islam. Any parent who does not wish their child to attend has the legal right to do this if they contact the school, in writing. Any parent who wishes to withdraw their child from Religious Education provision must contact the school, in writing. The parent is obliged to provide their child with work relating to their own religious tradition, to be completed during lesson time.
Kaleidos Learning Platform: Virtual Learning Environment
The Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) is a powerful whole-school content management and delivery module for both teachers and students, with tools for planning and delivering lessons and recording the attainment of individual learners. The school sees the VLE making pupils better independent learners – enabling teachers to give tailored work to their students. The VLE is entirely web-based, so all you need to access is a web browser and internet connection. This will allow students to access their learning resources from home or at school. Students have their own workspace within the VLE which brings everything that they need together in one place. They can browse their course, search for resources, receive and return assignments and check their own progress using the detailed markbook. The school is currently using the VLE to communicate important information to students on a daily basis, making available GCSE exam revision material and learning resources from their classes, which they previously did not have access to from home.
The school no longer hands out paper Reports. All Grades and Subject Targets are made available to parents at all times, online, using the School’s Management Information System (MIS) Website called e-Portal. The parents of each student receive a personal login to this information system. You can access e-Portal through the School Website or the VLE (Virtual Learning Environment).
“Dum Tempus Habemus” (while we have time) Sex Education
Sex Education is taught as part of our Personal, Social and Health Education programme to help our pupils: • prepare for adult life • understand and accept the responsibilities of parenthood/consequences parenthood/consequences of actions • develop the ability to form and maintain stable relationships Parents have a right to withdraw their child from sex education. This request should be put in writing to the school. Health Advice All students and parents have access to health information and support by the School Health Service. We have School Health Advisors and Young People’s Health Advisors, who can provide confidential 1:1 support and advice at the School Drop-in, which takes place once a week in school. Young people are also able to speak with a Connexions PA and Youth Worker.
Trips and and Visits
Holidays and education visits are frequently arranged both in this country and abroad, including residential visits to Belgium for Football; the South of France; Italy for skiing; Bryntysilio in Wales for outdoor educational activities and Business Studies trips to Euro Disney. The school has a minibus, which is used to transport pupils for matches and visits.
“Dum Tempus Habemus” (while we have time) Sporting Accolades 2009 2009
Listed are the latest achievements of individual and team performers in a variety of sporting activities. Basketball Year 7 Year 9 Year 10 Year 12
- Walsall League runners up - Walsall League winners, Black Country Cup winners, West Midlands Cup winners, 3rd round of National Cup - Walsall League winners - Walsall League runners up
National Players League - Y9 Theo Oghide, Elliott O’Brien-Smith, Curtis Scott - Y10 Harry Takhar
Football Boys Football Year 7 Year 9 Sixth Form
- Won Walsall Schools’ Football League - Won Walsall Schools’ Football League - Won Walsall Schools’ Football League
District Players Year 7
- Jack Arnold (Walsall) - Chay Scriven (WBA) - Ricardo Ricketts
Year 9
Jack Johnson Dean Macpherson Rudy Ricketts Thomas Leithwaite
- Reece Hayes (WBA) - Mitchell Macdonald (Wolves) Year 10
- Liam Roberts (Walsall)
Girls Football Under 16 Birmingham County Futsal Champions Under 16 Regional Finalists
“Dum Tempus Habemus” (while we have time) Hockey Undefeated this year at both Under 18 (played 3, won 3) and Under 15 levels (played 4, won 4) County Players
- Eshana Kapoor, Kate Rowley, Scott Craddock, Connah Johnson
Swimming Walsall Schools Gala – February 2010 Robbie Cattell Mitchell Page Callum Yates
- 1st and 2nd - 1st and 2nd - 4th
Rounders Current Year 8 Champions - North (now Year 9 Pupils) 2nd in Walsall
Fitness Instructors 8 Students qualified as Fitness Instructors 3 Year 13 Students on Personal Training Course
Netball Heather Lander (Willenhall Town)
Gymnastics 2nd in Walsall Schools Competition, qualified for West Midlands Championship and came 10th overall out of 25 schools
Trampolining 3rd in Intermediate Key Stage III Competition
Badminton Key Stage III Boys Cluster runners up Key Stage IV Girls and Boys Cluster winners
“Dum Tempus Habemus” (while we have time) Dance 100% pass rate – Level 2 – BTec Programme 100% pass rate – Level 3 – BTec National Programme Students performed in Walsall Secondary School Dance Festival 40 Students took part in the Dance Residential Trip to London A partnership with Paul McCartney Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts is in process 150 Students took part in the Carnival Dance Showcase in May 2010 Sixth Form Students performed their own Showcase Evening at the Arena Theatre, Wolverhampton
Other Ellis Tipton (Juijitsu) – 42kg – 1st (unbeaten) British Open Brazilian Championships Ashley Powell (Year 11) Judo – Midlands Champion Emily Shaw (Year 10) Kick Boxing – British and English Champion (TAGB) Cross Country – Walsall Team Winners
“Dum Tempus Habemus” (while we have time) Year 13 University Destinations 2009 2009
Sarah Aplin Charlotte Banner Nichola Bhatia Elizabeth Boden Mandip Boparai James Bourne Carly Brown Sharni Brown Jaspreet Buchray Jacqueline Burney Jack Cant Stacey Coward Rebecca Fellows Robert Fergusson Rebecca Fletcher Rikki Foster Calum Gill Ashley Gooch Megan Henshaw Josh Horton Upkarpreet Hothi Shamsul Islam Abigail Johnson Bhavneet Kalsi Amandeep Kang Preetpal Khunkhun Lily Le Karl Mason Jessica Miller Jamie Nicholls Jade Parton Rebecca Pearson Alix Pearson Thomas Phillips Edward Pitt Mathew Pitts-Hunter Jasmine Powell Liam Preston Kiran Ram Gemma Raybould Amritpal Sandhu Jujhar Singh Sangha Manraj Singh Baldip Singh Amar Suemul Shelley Sumner Alexandra Taylor Rhiannon Taylor-Bibb Alex Walters Sandie Wilkinson Laura Wood
University of Birmingham Birmingham City Coventry Wolverhampton Wolverhampton Keele Wolverhampton Wolverhampton Wolverhampton Keele Keele Wolverhampton Wolverhampton Wolverhampton Birmingham City Wolverhampton Edge Hill Wolverhampton Leeds Metropolitan Bangor Coventry Wolverhampton Birmingham Stafford Stafford Northampton Imperial College London Wolverhampton Keele Birmingham City Wolverhampton Manchester Metropolitan Wolverhampton Leicester Birmingham Wolverhampton Wolverhampton Walsall College De Montford Manchester Metropolitan Coventry Salford Wolverhampton Birmingham City Nottingham Trent Wolverhampton Middlesex Manchester Metropolitan Keele Manchester Metropolitan Wolverhampton
University Modern Languages with English Literature (4 Years) Theatre, Performance and Event Design Tourism Management Primary School Teaching leading to QTS Part Time Foundation Degree in Construction English and History Event & Venue Management and Business Sociology and Psychology Primary School Teaching leading to QTS Chemistry Criminology and Educational Studies Deaf Studies and Education Studies Adult Nursing Psychology & Criminology and Criminal Justice Early Childhood Education Studies Sports Studies Coach Education Law Law Chemistry Business Studies Drama and Performance English and American Literature Business Business Management Computing (Computer System Engineering) Biology with French for Science Sports Studies English and Psychology Business and Marketing Law Dance/Sport Science Sociology English Theoretical Physics and Applied Mathematics Sports Studies Maths Leisure Management Accounting and Finance Dance/Sport Science Business Information System Business and Management Studies Joint Honours Degrees (Additional Combinations) Law Pharmacology Drama Dance Performance Foundation Law Business Management and History Dance/Sports Science Policing
“Dum Tempus Habemus” (while we have time)