Star DECEMBER 2013 WORDS FROM THE DIRECTOR KAYE MONK-MORGAN AS THE YEAR BEGINS TO COME TO A CLOSE and we give thanks for another year full of blessings, it is natural to reflect on our efforts for the last year. The TRIO UBMS staff worked with great diligence this year to move our students from GOOD to GREAT! Our charge was to read about this process and for students and staff alike to: 1.) acknowledge that we are the CEO’s of our own company and that our leadership will determine our outcomes, 2.) look for ways to get the right people on our respective buses and the wrong ones off, 3.) confront the brutal facts of our own lives, 4.) find our “hedgehog concept”, and encourage our flywheel development, but avoid the doom loop! This work was hard…but rewarding in a number of ways. The following is just a few of the accomplishments of the UBMS Center for this year.
UBMS successfully served 74 students, more than any other year in the 23 year history of the program. Included in that 74 were 36 continuing students, 91% of those that were eligible to return did so. UBMS graduated 10 (100%) seniors with their expected graduation cohort. Eight high school students or 80% from the 2013 graduation cohort began post-secondary study following high school graduation. 40% percent of graduating seniors met or exceeded the ACT benchmark for reading or mathematics (at least two benchmarks) compared to only 9% of ACT-Test First Generation high school graduates. 1 80% of all graduating seniors were proficient in Reading compared to 24%
of all ACT-Tested First-Generation high school graduates. 2 70% of all graduating seniors were proficient in Math compared to 22% of all ACT -Tested First-Generation high school graduates. 3 80% of all graduating seniors completed high school having earned some college credit. The graduating class earned 78 hours of college credit while in high school as a result of their participation in UBMS. Seven students earned eight or more hours of college credit. Four students earned between 11 and 14 college credit hours.
That is good right! Well sure it is. What is even better is that 80% of those UBMS graduates who went to college last year are still there! The UBMS staff is currently tracking our college graduates for 2013. I can’t wait to see what GREATNESS we uncover. As you plan your resolutions…keep in mind the way we started the year…on a clear path to selfimprovement! Sharing holiday cheer and Christmas love! Mrs. Morgan The Most GREAT! 1
(ACT and Council for Opportunity in Education, 2013) 2 (ACT and Council for Opportunity in Education, 2013) 3
(ACT and Council for Opportunity in Education, 2013)
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WICHITA STAR TRIO UPWARD BOUND MATH SCIENCE CENTER CURRICULUM COORDINATOR’S CORNER Ms. Karen Rogers A SEASON OF CELEBRATION. . . Finals are almost over, 2013 is almost over, and all of the planning you made for the year is almost over. Looking back over the year, did you accomplish everything that you set out to do? Did you try your best at everything? Were you pleased with your progress? As you take time to reflect on your goals for the past year, no doubt you will have a lot to celebrate, with what I hope are very few regrets. Consider your failures (if any) as a test of your courage. When you are knocked down or defeated, do you have to courage to rise up and try again? During this season of celebration, let us celebrate… Your efforts … to try new things, set new goals, and never lose hope Your successes… for achieving goals, passing tests, and improving GPAs Your courage … to step out of your comfort zone, face your fears, and at least try Your commitment… to participate in UBMS activities, spend time studying, and have a positive attitude Your hard work… for progress in grades, goals, and community involvement As we celebrate the end of this semester and the end of another year, I encourage you to set your sights on greater things to come. If you feel you fell short of your accomplishments, I would like to work with you to do better next year. Your success will be my priority. I wish you all the blessings of the holiday season. Enjoy your time with family and close friends. We look forward to new opportunities in the New Year. “The reason most people never reach their goals is that they don’t define them, or ever seriously consider them as believable or achievable.” ~ Denis Waitley
MRS. MORGAN ON THE ROAD EN ROUTE Recent trips to Garden City and Hutch have been a blast. Look for Mrs. Morgan in Kansas th City on December 18 ! Time and place to be announced!
Senior Meetings A second round of senior meetings will take place in December. Please be prepared to meet with Mrs. Morgan and provide her an update on your progress to date. Please contact Mrs. Morgan with a copy of the letter you received from the admissions office, especially if you are denied admission.
Scholarships in December mean that scholarship applications should be underway.
DELL SCHOLARSHIP www.dellscholars.org
HIXON SCHOLARSHIP(KU) http://affordability.ku.edu/cs/hixson.shtml
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Lynda Tran – DO in Optometry, University of the Incarnate Word (Nebraska) Carlos Villanueva – BS, Fort Hays State University (Kansas) Hector Villanueva – BS, Fort Hays State University (Kansas) Anthony Weekly – BS, Wartburg College (Iowa)
UBMS STUDENT CORNER INTENT TO CONTINUE – Students if you plan to continue your participation in UBMS, either for the academic year, summer or both, you MUST complete the form and return it to the UBMS office. This form is also available via the UBMS website.
Nikki Allums made the Basketball team at Sumner Academy!
If you have accomplishments that you want to share…please send them to us for inclusion in our monthly newsletter.
UBMS ALUMNI - #TRIO WORKS The following UBMS Alumni from high school graduation cohorts 2006 and 2007 graduated from college this year or by December 2013! CONGRATULATIONS! #TRIOWORKS! Brianna Benton – AS, Wichita Area Technical College (Kansas) Kevin Eddy – BS in Engineering, Wichita State University (Nebraska) Portia Harris – BS in Education, Wichita State University (Kansas) Byron Hightower – BS in International Business, Missouri State University (Missouri) Kayla Jackson Williams – BS in Pre-Law, Truman State (Missouri) Alexandra Lleras – AS, Butler Community College (Kansas) Maria Martinez – BS in Education, Kansas State University (Kansas) Detoya McDonald – AS, Wichita Area Technical College (Kansas) Chyna McRae – BS in Chemistry, Boston College (Kansas) Timothy Nash – BS, Langston (Kansas) Andrew Nielsen – BS, University of Iowa (Iowa) Peter Nith – AS in CNA Licensure, Wichita Area Technical College (Kansas) Brittany Noel – BS, Morgan State University (Missouri) Nguyet Pham – MA in Accounting, Wichita State University (Kansas) Lisa Son – BS in Pre-Pharmacy, University of Kansas (Kansas)
UBMS HOLIDAY READING CHALLENGE – Pick a biography of someone you admire. Read it and submit a 1 page summary to be placed in a prize drawing! Here are some titles recommended for teens: Hole in My Life by Jack Gantos Houdini: Master of Illusion by Clinton Cox I am a Solider Too by Rick Bragg Go for the Goal: A champion’s Guide to Winning in Soccer and Life by Mia Hamm Greatest: Muhammad Ali by Walter Dean Myers Knots in My Yo-Yo String by Jerry Spinelli Autobiography of a Face by Lucy Grealy Bad Boy by Walter Dean Myers Needles: A Memoir of Growing up with Diabetes by Andie Bominick Save Karyn: One Shopaholic’s Journey to Debt and Back by Karyn Bosnak Thura’s Diary: My Life in Wartime Iraq by Thura A.-Windawi Radioactive Boy Scout by Ken Silverstein Wasted: A Memoir of Anorexia and Bulimia by Marya Hornbacher Without a Net: Middle Class and Homeless (with Kids) in America by Michelle Kennedy
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PSAT AND PLAN SCORES Many of you have taken the PSAT and PLAN tests in October. Please forward your scores to Ms. Rogers.
ACT DATES & WAIVERS Remember UBMS will only pay for ACT testing if you have completed your ComFit assignments. Remember to list UBMS as one of the options for sending your scores. Insert the number 5882 in the first box on page 1 of the application. Those interested in attending WSU should also add #1950 as a choice.
Test Date
Registration Deadline
(Late Fee Required)
February 8, 2014*
January 10, 2014
January 11–24, 2014
April 12, 2014
March 7, 2014
March 8–21, 2014
June 14, 2014
May 9, 2014
May 10–23, 2014
UBMS seniors should be signing up to take the December 7 SAT. Only a few of you have contacted the office for waivers, so I am guessing most of you have not registered. Please contact Ms. Bruce for registration information.
SAT Date
SAT Subject Tests Available (Find Dates)
Registration Deadline
Late Registration Deadline Mail
Phone/ Online
Deadline for Changes
Jan 25
Subject Tests
Dec 27
Jan 10
Jan 10
Jan 10
Mar 8
Subject Tests
Feb 7
Feb 21
Feb 21
Feb 21
May 3
Subject Tests
Apr 4
Apr 18
Apr 18
Apr 18
Jun 7
Subject Tests
May 9
May 23
May 23
May 23
If you haven’t already gone to the SAT website (http://sat.collegeboard.org) to sign up for the daily SAT questions, please do so. These questions, are emailed directly to your mobile device or email. This daily “quiz” question can help you prepare, as will the Workout Lockers in Communication Fitness.
TWITTER https://twitter.com/WSUUBMS
FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/groups/wsuubms
REMIND 101- Do we have your current cell phone number?
Help us to remind you of upcoming UBMS events and meetings by sending us your number so you can receive messages and reminders via text.
UBMS WEBSITE http://www.wichita.edu/ubms
SKYPE UBMathScience
GOOGLE + https://plus.google.com - Sign in with your Google account & follow us at Wichita State UBMS Program
YOU TUBE http://www.youtube.com – Sign in with your You Tube account & follow us at Wichita State UBMS Program
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TRIO UPWARD BOUND MATH SCIENCE CENTER ACTIVITIES & EVENTS - Check Facebook for Invites – Response Required
DECEMBER 07 Saturday 8:30am to 1:30pm
UBMS POPS-Wichita, KS POPS will be held at McKinley Hall, Room 105 beginning at 8:30am with breakfast and study buddies following. UBMS Academic Strength Training (AST)-Wichita, KS AST will be held at Ahlberg Hall, Room 214 beginning at 4:30am with a light supper served.
Thursday 4:30pm to 6:00pm
UBMS INTENT TO CONTINUE FORM – All UBMS participants must complete their INTENT TO RETURN form whether you are or are not returning. Thank you.
DECEMBER 19 Thursday 8:30am to 1:30pm
DECEMBER 20 o Friday
DECEMBER 21 Saturday 8:30am to 1:30pm
JANUARY 1 Wednesday
UBMS Visit – Kansas City, KS More information coming soon. UBMS in the Community – Wichita, KS More information to come. UBMS POPS-Wichita, KS More information on a holiday celebration to come. The UBMS Office will be Closed for the Holiday – Wichita, KS Most of the offices at Wichita State will be closed December 22 through January 1. All offices including the UMBS office will resume normal hours on Thursday, January 2, 2014.
Wichita Star is a monthly publication of the TRIO Upward Bound Math Science Center at Wichita State University, Wichita, Kansas. The program is funded by the U.S. Department of Education ($310,800.00) and a College Access Challenge Grant ($98,000.00) from the Kansas Board of Regents. TRIO Upward Bound Math Science is hosted by Wichita State University. The Center has been fully funded since 1992. Wichita State University does not discriminate in its programs and activities on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, gender, age, sexual orientation, marital status, and political affiliation, status as a veteran or disability. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding nondiscrimination policies: Director, Office of Equal Employment Opportunity. Copyright © 2013 WICHITA STATE UNIVERSITY & TRIO UPWARD BOUND MATH SCIENCE - All rights reserved.