The UBMS Family Mailer TRIO Upward Bound Math Science September/October 2014
Goal Setting: Mrs. V. Kaye Monk-Morgan, Director Welcome to the 2014-2015 School Year. The UBMS program is preparing for an academic year with services and opportunities to support your child in their academic pursuits. We would like to assist you in this matter as well. This newsletter will come to you bi-monthly and will be full of tips, ideas and knowledge which will provide you with information to promote good decision making, college planning and strong relationships with your child. Our focus in September will be on goal setting. Goal setting can be intimidating or off-putting for youth. It requires a level of soul-baring and vulnerability that can be difficult to expose. All goals should have an action step and timeframe associated with them. As we work with your students to establish both long-term and short term goals, please take time to review them with your student. Monitor their progress and use their goals as a resource for coaching. Draw connections between their behavior and their goal. For example… a consistent study schedule supports a goal of earning a 3.5 GPA for the semester. Acknowledge the efforts you witness. With goals firmly established and action plans in place, I am sure that UBMS will help your son or daughter move forward in their pursuit of post-secondary. I look forward to the process! V. Kaye Monk-Morgan, Director TRIO Upward Bound Math Science Center
Member Updates Please remind students to continue to prepare for the ACT and SAT. the juniors and seniors will be testing this fall, November for the SAT and December for the ACT
Senior and freshmen conferences will be held in September.
Local students will be 9/15-9/30
KC students will call in on Monday, September 29
Garden City students will call in on Wednesday, October 1
Hutch students will call in on Thursday, October 2
**Please note students will have a designated time to come in or call in. Find us by:
Phone: 316.978.3316/800.531.4984 Email: Twitter: @WSUUBMS Facebook, You Tube, and Google
If you wish to share outstanding academic achievements and things of this nature about your child, please contact us so we can let everyone in the UBMS family know!
The Academic Side: Ms. Karen Rogers, Curriculum Coordinator This past summer experience proved to be exciting, uplifting, challenging, intense, rewarding and fun! It was a great honor and privilege to be able to work with your students once again to prepare them academically for the school year ahead, and also to lay the foundations and practices of good study habits and organizational skills. I hope that this will be a successful and satisfying new school year for them. As we kick-off the 2014-2015 school year, our focus for the first month will be to have your students focus on setting goals: academic, personal and pre-college goals. The staff of UBMS will work closely with them to develop a manageable plan to try to achieve these goals, with the hopes of producing great success. As a parent, your role is vital in your student’s success. I encourage you to take some time to re-visit your student’s goals to see what areas of support you can offer. While students ultimately bear the responsibility in their pursuit of success, they rely heavily on a close support system comprising of family, friends, school administrators, and especially the staff of UBMS. And with our joint efforts, I am certain that we can continue to propel your students towards greatness. It has been proven time after time that young people who identify a goal and then successfully achieve it, feel a sense of personal pride that motivates them to move on to their next set of goals. I am extremely proud of the academic successes your students experienced this summer. Moving forward, there are other successes still waiting for them to achieve. My personal goal is to help them get there. “There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children. One of these is roots, the other, wings.” Hodding Carter
Karen A. Rogers, Curriculum Coordinator TRIO Upward Bound Math Science Center
Upcoming Events
Sept 2 Pittsburgh State University Campus Visit Pittsburgh KS
Sept 18 Academic Strength Training Room 262
Sept 24 Family Night Room 142 Sept 27 POPS Room 265
Oct 4 POPS session Room 265
Sept 13 First POPS session Room 265
Oct 16 Academic Strength Training KANSAS CITY
Oct 17 Community Service TBA Oct 17 OKC Thunder Basketball Intrust Arena
Oct 25
POPS session Room 265
Oct 29 Family Night Room 142 All events will be held in the newly remodeled Rhatigan Student Center unless otherwise noted.
Goal Setting A goal is defined as: something that you are trying to do or achieve, the object of a person's ambition or effort; an aim or desired result.
At the end of the summer, your child was given a book. By now he/she should be reading this book, Acing the Undergrad, Your Personal Mentor. This book was selected for them by the Director as a guide to assist them to prepare for college. Each month, one or two chapters will be highlighted and presented in the newsletter. This month, Goal Setting is our highlight. Something that may be noteworthy from the book: The key to reaching your full potential is having a game plan. This gives you a clear vision to help reach that goal. We welcome you to query your child about the book, and about their goal setting.
Stay involved! Your child is smart, and they have the ability to perform great things! Let them know they can do this and you expect them to. Encourage them to begin writing their goals down, and stick to them. Never give up!
If your child is a Senior or Freshman, the office will be contacting you or your child to set up a conference time the first week of September. Conferences will last approximately 45 minutes, and time blocks are final due to lack of time.
Students must continue to strive and maintain a 2.75 throughout the school year.
Students are also expected to attend UBMS academic functions and events during the school year.
The TRIO Upward Bound Math Science Center publishes this bi-monthly parent newsletter for informational purposes. The TRIO Upward Bound Math Science Center at Wichita State University, Wichita KS is federally funded with $294,545 by the U.S. Department of Education and hosted Wichita State University. The Center also is supported by the Kansas Board of Regents, College Access Challenge Grant in the amount of $97,872. The Center has been funded since 1991.