TRIO Town Hall Meeting Permission Slip to Attend with
Linda Byrd-Johnson, Ph.D Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary Higher Education Programs U.S. Department of Education Dear TRIO Upward Bound Math Science Parent/Guardian: Your student, ______________________________, has been invited to attend a Town Hall Meeting, part of our National TRIO Day celebration. Please review the information, sign, and have your student return the permission slip to the Upward Bound Office no later than February 5, 2014. Date: Location: Event Time:
February 13, 2014 WSU Metroplex, 29th Street North, and Oliver 10:30 to 12:00pm. Buses will depart from school between 8:30am10:00am and return students back to school no later than 12:45pm. They will eat a boxed lunch on the return bus trip. Purpose: Opportunity to interact with TRIO leaders at both a local and national level. Leave School: 8:30-10:00 a.m.* Arrive back at school: by 12:45p.m. Special Instructions: Students must submit this form (with parent signature) to Upward Bound Math Science Office no later than Wednesday, February 5th . The TRIO staff will provide a copy of the signed permission slips to the CCC/Counselors before the event so that passes will be generated. Note: Permission slips will not be accepted the day of event. A WSU TRIO representative will arrive early at the school to work with school staff to ensure passes are sent out, meet the students, and to ensure students board the bus promptly. I give permission for my student to participate and I give Upward Bound Math Science permission to transport my student. (pick up from school and return to school). Parent/Guardian:_________________________________ Date: __________________________ *More precise time will be determined by bus route schedule.
National TRIO Day ~ Wichita State University ~ 2014