All-Time Roster
A Abrams, Casey ........ 2001, 2002, 2003 Abusaleh, Amin .................. 2005, 2006 Adams, Brian.................................. 2008 Adams, David . ............................ 1986 Addis, Greg . ............ 1979, 1980, 1981 Adkins, Tony ............. 1979, 1980, 1981 Albers, Rick . ... 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988 Allen, Tom .................................... 1973 Allen, Tony . .................................. 1984 Alley, Mike ...... 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990 Allsop, Nick ......................... 2006, 2007 Anderson, Brian ....... 1991, 1992, 1993 Anderson, Stephen ..................... 1971 Andrews, Richard . ...................... 1975 Arend, Dick ........................ 1972, 1973 Ashe, Ryan................ 2009, 2010, 2011 Ashton, Jeff .............. 1990, 1991, 1992 Aukerman, Mike ................ 1981, 1982
B Bach, Kerry . ................................. 1984 Back, Darrell . ..................... 1992, 1993 Bahun, Mike ................................. 1971 Bailey, Brian . .. 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988 Baker, Keith .................................. 1985 Baker, Todd .............. 1982, 1983, 1984 Banks, Andy ............. 1991, 1992, 1993 Barhorst, Matt.. 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 Barhorst, Mike.. 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989 Barker, Dan.......................... 2007, 2008 Barnes, Roger............ 1988, 1989, 1990 Barrett, Robert..................... 2005, 2006 Bassler, Dan...... 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992 Bateman, Derek............................ 1994 Batista, Alfredo....... 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986 Bautsch, Brian.. 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 Beam, Chad.................................. 1996 Beam, Dusty..... 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 Beam, Tom................. 1993, 1994, 1995 Becker, Craig................................. 2004 Becker, Jeremy.............................. 1994 Bedford, Chris.. 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 Begley, Ron................ 1998, 1999, 2000 Bennion, Jason.................... 2006, 2007 Bernard, Brent.. 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991 Berry, Dave.......................... 1978, 1979 Biedenharn, Dan.... 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Bilinski, Mark “Bo”...... 1972, 1973, 1974 Blair, Fred.................... 1981, 1982, 1983 Blair, Scott........ 1996, 1998, 1999, 2000 Blakeley, Ted.............. 1986, 1987, 1988 Bleh, Denny...... 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988 Bohman, Kevin.................... 2001, 2002 Bohr, Tom......... 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Bosway, Don.... 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988 Bowling, Matt... 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985 Braden, Aaron........ 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005 Branham, Dale.................... 1977, 1978 Brant, Chad..... 1997, 1998, 2000, 2001 Braun, Taylor................................. 2011 Brill, Craig.................... 1987, 1988, 1989 Brown, Don..................................... 1979 Brown, Marc................................... 1980 Brown, Mike.................................... 1976 Brown, Ty.............................. 2002, 2003 Bruner, Matt..... 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 Bruns, Rob......... 1994, 1996, 1997, 1998 Brunswick, Jeff............................... 1989
Bruskotter, Aaron.... 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 Buck, Brian ...... 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 Budinsky, Cole........... 2004, 2005, 2006 Burger, Rick...... 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978 Burns, Andrew................................ 2006 Burwinkel, Jack.................... 1983, 1984 Bustle, Rodney............................... 1975 Butcher, Henry..................... 1984, 1985 C Calhoun, Chris........ 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985 Campbell, Jim........... 1982, 1983, 1985 Canary, Gabe..................... 1990, 1991 Carey, Max.................................... 1981 Carpenter, Scott........................... 1987 Carpenter, Shawn......................... 1997 Cate, Quentin..................... 2009, 2010 Cerankowski, Todd... 1995, 1996, 1998 Chalupa, Jake............................... 2004 Chaney, Dillon............................... 2004 Christian, Bill................................... 1975 Clark, Matt....... 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 Cline, Lance................................... 1991 Cline, Todd..................................... 1985 Cohill, Jason..... 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 Coleman, Chris....... 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Coleman, Mike....... 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 Conter, Chris........................ 1980, 1981 Coy, Bobby Lee......... 1995, 1996, 1997 Crawford, Matt....... 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Crew, David..... 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986 Cronin, Dan.................................... 1989 Cronin, Joe..................................... 1972 Cross, Steve.................................... 1971 D Davis, Bob............................ 1974, 1975 Davis, Corey.................................. 2011 Davis, Matt..................................... 1974 Dean, James............. 1980, 1981, 1982 Dear, Ron....................................... 1986 Deel, Don....................................... 1971 DeLong, Bob.... 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986 Dennis, Steve................................. 1974 DeWeese, Bryce........ 2008, 2009, 2010 Dickerson, Dan.............................. 1980 Dimel, Joe...................................... 1993 Doane, James..................... 1996, 1997 Dobran, Mike....................... 1995, 1996 Dorsten, Jon................................... 1975 Drazga, Pat.......................... 1990, 1991 Drinnon, Shane.............................. 1998 Dudon, Tony......................... 1982, 1983 Dulli, Rob........................................ 1994 Duncan, John...................... 1997, 1998 Duncan, Tony................................ 1993 Dunn, Mike..................................... 1971 Dunn, Mike..................................... 1981 Durket, Jon....... 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 E Easterling, Brian............................. 1988 Eckhart, Dan.................................. 1975 Ehlers, Rick...................................... 1971 Eichbaum, Jack............................ 1981 Elliott, Andrew............................... 2011 Ellis, Corey........ 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 Eshbaugh, Mark............................. 1986 Estepp, Ron.................................... 1971
Eubank, Carl........................ 1974, 1975 Hissong, Travis............................... 2011 Hoelzel, Joey................................ 2011 Hoendorf, Don........ 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976 F Fagg, Cameron............................. 2010 Holleran, Garret................... 2006, 2007 Fay, Dave....................................... 1973 Holp, Tim......................................... 1976 Felton III, Fred....................... 1986, 1987 Houchens, Brack....... 1978, 1979, 1981 Ferraro, Tony.... 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980 Howell, Tanner.................... 2010, 2011 Fields, Aaron.... 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Howland, Mark.............................. 1972 Fife, Jim........................................... 1973 Hubbard, Mickey.......................... 1982 Fine, Dave...................................... 1975 Hunter, Jack......................... 1977, 1978 Fine, Todd....................................... 1996 Huntsman, Scott..... 1989, 1990, 1993, 1994 Fisher, Mike..................................... 1982 Flanary, Terry.... 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977 I Frankenberg, Mark.............. 1989, 1990 Iller, Tyler........... 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994 Friedman, Max..................... 2010, 2011 Innis, Mike................... 1994, 1996, 1997 Fruhwirth, Brent...... 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991
Fruhwirth, Jeff................................. 1984 J Fyffe, Ken.......... 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978 Jackson, Ken................................. 1981 Jackson, Troy................................. 1982 Jacobs, Jeff............... 1976, 1978, 1979 G Gabringer, Gary..... 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978 Jacobs, Kevin................................ 1974 Gabringer, Jim........... 1972, 1973, 1974 Jarosz, Kris......... 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 Galan, Marc.............. 1992, 1993, 1994 Jenkins, Towann.................. 1997, 1998 Garcia, Aaron............................... 2006 Jergens, Chris................................. 2004 Garrigan, Pat................................. 1991 Jesperson, Bob.................... 1990, 1991 Geise, Chris.................................... 1981 Johnson, Bill...... 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003 Gevedon, Tim............ 1979, 1980, 1981 Jung, J.P. ................... 2001, 2002, 2003 Gibson, Tim..................................... 1987 Gill, Sean.............................. 1994, 1995 K Gilreath, Keith................................ 1982 Kaminsky, Alex........ 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Glaus, Greg.................................... 2003 Kapka, David....................... 2005, 2006 Glenn, Dave.................................. 1975 Karklins, Greg....................... 1986, 1987 Gordon, Keith...................... 1989, 1990 Kaysing, Kevin...................... 1985, 1986 Gossett, John............. 1983, 1984, 1985 Kearcher, Kyle........ 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Goubeaux, Tony............................ 1991 Keen, Scott....... 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984 Granson, Bob................................. 1971 Kelley, Dan....... 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986 Grant, Eric...................................... 1999 Kesterke, Chuck.................. 1998, 1999 Gray, Darrel................................... 1986 King, Greg...................................... 1987 Gray, Garrett....................... 2009, 2010 King, Mike....................................... 1984 Green, Terry............... 1974, 1977, 1978 Kingdeski, Brian.......... 1990, 1992, 1993 Griffen, Leonard..... 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990 Klingenbeck, Kevin... 1988, 1989, 1990 Griffith, Tony................................... 1998 Knapp, Griffin....................... 2008, 2009 Grimm, Chris........................ 2000, 2001 Kneisley, Rick.................................. 1984 Grote, Bob....... 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976 Koehler, Travis................................ 2003 Gundolff, R.J.............. 2008, 2009, 2010 Koenig, Christian........................... 2006 Gunnell, Spence................. 1992, 1993 Kopale, Justin...................... 2010, 2011 Gyimah, Kofi.... 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 Kopilchack, Cody.............. 2010, 2011 Kopilchack, John... 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 H Kopp, Dave.................................... 1977 Haines, Clint......................... 1996, 1997 Kopp, Nathan...................... 2001, 2002 Haines, Steve... 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980 Kreinbrink, Bruce..... 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989 Hamilton, Jeremy...... 2006, 2007, 2008 Krenzke, Jason..................... 1999, 2000 Hammond, Jeff............................. 1982 Krizman, Kody..................... 2010, 2011 Hammons, Bo................................ 1988 Krul, Robert..................................... 1976 Hampton, Aaron.... 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994 Kruer, Ed......................................... 1974 Harris, Carleton.............................. 1989 Kruthaupt, Bob.............................. 1972 Harris, Matt..................................... 2005 Kuntz, Kevin...... 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 Hart, Jake................... 2000, 2001, 2002 Hart, Josh.............................. 1999, 2000 L Hatton, Scott.................................. 1998 LaMar, Travis........................ 2009, 2010 Hawkins, Gregg................... 1980, 1982 Lambert, John............................... 2007 Hay, Matt............................. 2001, 2002 Lambert, Terry............ 1997, 1998, 1999 Heft, John................... 1974, 1975, 1976 LaPan, Wayne..................... 1986, 1987 Hemmelgarn, Jason........... 1989, 1990 Lavoie, Marc Andre...................... 2004 Henn, Casey............. 2009, 2010, 2011 Lee, Timothy......................... 1971, 1972 Henry, Tim....................................... 1978 Leep, John..................................... 1978 Hibberd, Jake........... 2009, 2010, 2011 Leopard, Jack........ 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Hicks, T.D. ........ 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 Lesko, Larry........................... 1993, 1994 Hill, Greg......................................... 1980 Lewellyn, Tony................................ 1986
Limbert, Steve......... 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975 Links, Lance.......................... 2001, 2002 Litsey, Damon............ 1983, 1985, 1986 Lobianco, Nick ............................ 1989 Lochner, Dave..................... 1979, 1980 Long, Phil.......... 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 Lorenzo, Rick.................................. 1976 Loughman, Tim.............................. 1991 Lowe, Doug..... 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 Lowery, Kevin................................. 1996 Loyd, Bob............................. 1974, 1975 Lucas, Mark................ 1975, 1976, 1977
N Nadeau, Joe....................... 1992, 1994 Nagel, Scott......................... 1981, 1982 Nation, Eric........................... 1989, 1990 Nevius, Tim...................................... 2000 Nevius, Tom...... 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974 Newhart, Tyler................................ 2009
O Oberding, Eric...................... 2001, 2002 Obringer, Don............ 1971, 1972, 1973 Oeder, Ross...... 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Ogrinc, Gerald....... 2007, 2008. 2009, 2010 Olevitch, Bill.................................... 1978 Olinger, Brad........................ 2000, 2001 Osborne, Brandon............... 2002, 2003 Osmanski, Bill.............. 1991, 1992, 1993 Ostrosky, Rylan..................... 2008, 2009 P Pack, Donald............. 1977, 1978, 1979 Palmer, Jeff.......................... 1980, 1981 Palmer, Tony.................................. 1990 Palsgrove, Dennis... 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978 Pankow, David.............................. 1989 Parker, Justin.............. 2006, 2007, 2008 Pate, Milt........................................ 1992 Peck, Dave.................................... 1982 Pederson, Rob........... 1995, 1996, 1998 Peffley, Scott........................ 1989, 1990 Pemberton, Tommy...................... 2005 Pena, Carlos.................................. 1996 Penix, Steve.......................... 1980, 1981 Phillips, Scott.................................. 1980 Picchiotti, Sam.................... 2010, 2011 Piskor, Matt..................................... 1995 Pitsenbarger, Jeff.......................... 1980 Pittman, Todd.. 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991 Piunno, Brad......................... 2003, 2004 Pollard, Bob.......................... 1976, 1978 Portwood, Ryan............................. 2008 Powers, Joe................ 1998, 2000, 2001 R Rabung, Mark................................ 1981 Ramatowski, J.C. . ........................ 2007 Ramsdell, Tony........ 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 Ramsey, Jeff.................................. 1982 Randall, Bruce............................... 1984 Rank, Jerry............................ 1987, 1988 Ranstead, Chris......... 1999, 2000, 2001 Ratliff, John.................................... 1996 Reeves, Greg... 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985 Reno, Josh............................ 1999, 2000 Retherford, Todd........................... 1981 Reynolds, Gerald................. 1978, 1979 Rice, Jimmy.................................... 1992 Rinella, Rich.......................... 1984, 1985 Robinson, Denny.... 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980 Robinson, Greg... 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Robinson, Keith... 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982 Robinson, Ken..... 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983 Roll, Jim........................................... 1979 Rollin, Jim.............................. 1988, 1989 Rosati, Pete................ 1971, 1972, 1973 Rose, Klint................... 1989, 1990, 1991 Ross, Greg.................. 1981, 1982, 1983 Rowland, Barry....... 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978 Rubenstein, Brendan.......... 2005, 2006
Ruthven, Scott..................... 2007, 2008 Thompson, Scott..... 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985 Thompson, Scott..... 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991 Thompson, Trent............................ 1980 S Sanford, Casey....... 1996, 1997, 1998, 2000 Toadvine, Dale.............................. 1973 Sbrocco, Jon.......... 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 Tollinger, Mike................................ 1972 Schaefer, Bob................................ 1976 Trauthwein, Rick.................. 1981, 1982 Schanz, Erich . ..................... 2006, 2007 Trent, Larry...................................... 1981 Schivone, Joe.. 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987 Trippett, James.............................. 1983 Schneider, Ken.............................. 1987 Trisell, Darren.................................. 1978 Schnellinger, Allyn............... 1987, 1988 Turner, Cliff................. 2000, 2001, 2002 Schum, Michael........ 2009, 2010, 2011 Turner, Mark............... 1982, 1983, 1984 Schwab, Dan................................. 1987 Tuttle, Chris....... 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 Scott, Tony.................. 2007, 2008, 2009 Twede, Kory......................... 2008, 2009 Seddon, Kirk......................... 2003, 2004 Tyree, Ryan................ 1994, 1996, 1997 Sedwick, Eric.... 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994 Seippel, Pete.................................. 1972 U Senne, Dave.............. 1972, 1973, 1974 Urbany, Joe.................................... 1978 Shaffer, Jack.... 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986 Shields, Nick..... 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 V Shirley, Jason.................................. 1999 Vagedes, Ross....... 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Shoup, Brian..... 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Valencheck, Lee...... 2008, 2009, 2011 Shultman, Jim...................... 1999, 2000 Vandemark, Brett................ 1982, 1984 Simms, Kevin.................................. 2010 Vickers, Bryan.. 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Simon, Jorge.................................. 1971 Vorhees, Don............. 1971, 1972, 1973 Sims, Jason..................................... 1986 Singer, Brad.................................... 1980 W Smith, Ben....................................... 2011 Waits, Joe....................................... 1981 Smith, Bruce......................... 1979, 1980 Wake, Scott..... 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989 Smith, Doug..... 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986 Walden, Chris................................ 2008 Smith, Jason......................... 2000, 2001 Walke, Kevin........................ 1990, 1991 Smith, Jayson............. 1991, 1992, 1993 Walker, Darrell............................... 1984 Smith, Jeff............................. 1979, 1980 Wallace, Chris............ 1995, 1996, 1997 Smith, Joe................... 2004, 2005, 2006 Warden, Brian......... 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994 Smith, John....... 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992 Warnick, Rusty............................... 1973 Smith, Mike..................................... 1971 Waters, Chad................................ 2002 Smith, Rusty.......................... 1982, 1983 Weaver, Mike................................. 1972 Smitley, Mike.................................. 1993 Wedderburn, Dave............. 1971, 1972 Snyder, Chris.... 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Weddington, Joe....... 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986 South, Mark...... 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977 Wenclewicz, Greg..... 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985 Spaulding, Roger.... 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990 Williams, Tim................................... 1992 Spears, Brian.... 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990 Wilson, Justin.... 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Spencer, Tony...................... 1988, 1989 Wilson, Scott................................... 1991 Squire, Mark............... 1997, 1998, 1999 Wolfe, Jordan.. 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Stapleton, Jeff............................... 1982 Wolters, Mike.................................. 1990 Stauffer, Tim..... 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 Woods, Kelly..... 1985, 1986, 1988, 1989 Steffen, EriK.................................... 2005 Woytek, Michael.... 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Steffen, Kris................. 2006, 2007, 2008 Steinbrunner, Bob...... 1978, 1979, 1980 Y Stephens, Brian... 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Yaus, Joe........................................ 1981 Stevens, Nate.. 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Yorio, Matt...................................... 1979 Stewart, Larry................................. 1971 Young, Dan...... 1988, 1989, 1990, 1992 Stoll, Doug...................................... 1977 Young, John................................... 1983 Stoll, Garry...................................... 1973 Young, Kyle...... 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 Stone, Mike.................................... 1972 Stosik, Bill........... 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 Z Strauss, Zach.................................. 2008 Zahora, Jeff.................................... 1980 Stuck, Kent....... 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978 Zaidain, Randy.............................. 1987 Styrzo, Steve................................... 1991 Zenn, Ryan..................................... 2003 Sullins, Sean.......................... 1994, 1995 Zicka, Pat........................................ 1995 Sutter, Curtis............... 1986, 1987, 1988 Zimmerle, Stephen.... 1971, 1972, 1973 Swanner, Mark........ 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984 Zurface, Bruce............................... 1973 Szeryk, Neil............................ 1993, 1994 Current WSU players in bold. T Tanner, Zach................................. 2011 Tarantino, Jay...................... 1972, 1973 Telmanik, Jeff................................. 2003 Theado, Andrew.... 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 Thompson, Craig........................... 1974
All-Time Roster
M Mahon, Nick........................ 2006, 2007 Majestic, Paul...................... 2005, 2006 Manis, Josh........................... 2002, 2003 Marker, Jordan......... 2009, 2010, 2011 Marquez, Stephen.............. 2006, 2007 Marsh, Dan........................... 2010, 2011 Marshall, Ronald.................. 1971, 1972 Marshall, Scott........ 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 Martin, Tenny................................. 1973 Martin, Tim...................................... 1973 Martinez, Matt............................... 1995 Mason, Tim..................................... 1979 Masters, Pat..... 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Mathile, Mike............. 1988, 1989, 1990 Matko, Andy.... 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 Matteson, Casey....... 1993, 1994, 1995 Matthews, Trent......... 2001, 2002, 2003 McAninch, Sam......... 1995, 1996, 1997 McCall, Mike.... 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990 McCoy, Les.......................... 1978, 1979 McCune, Barry............................... 1974 McGrew, Casey..... 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 McLain, Paul.................................. 2000 McMichael, Doug...... 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979 Meintel, Michael.... 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Mercer, Jeff.......................... 2008, 2009 Migliorini, Travis.................... 2005, 2006 Mileski, Rod................ 1995, 1996, 1997 Miller, Dirk............................. 1977, 1978 Miller, Lee................... 1991, 1992, 1994 Miller, Matt........................... 1995, 1996 Miller, Rod............................. 1993, 1994 Mohnickey, Mark........................... 1989 Mohr, Terry........ 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977 Montgomery, Eric.......................... 1981 Moore, Darin.................................. 1985 Moore, George................... 1980, 1981 Moore, Tristan............ 2009, 2010, 2011 Morris, Jim......... 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 Morse, Kevin................................... 1999 Morton, Adam........... 2003, 2004, 2005 Moses, Steve.............. 1971, 1972, 1973 Mossbarger, Kyle... 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Mote, Sam........ 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Murphy, Chris............. 1991, 1992, 1993 Musick, Mike......................... 1983, 1984 Myers, Todd................ 1995, 1996, 1997
Newnam, Dave......... 1975, 1976, 1977 Newnam, Kevin...... 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979 Nichols, Doug...................... 1999, 2000 Nighland, Chris.......... 2005, 2006, 2007 Nischwitz, Gregg........................... 1980 Notestine, Greg................... 1972, 1973 Notestine, Jerry.......... 1974, 1975, 1976
League Player of the Year 2011................. Jake Hibberd 2009..................... Jeff Mercer 2008........... Jeremy Hamilton 2007..................... Ross Oeder 1994....................... Neil Szeryk 1993...................Jon Sbrocco 1992...............Brian Anderson League Pitcher of the Year 2006........................ Joe Smith 1993...............Brian Anderson 1992...............Brian Anderson
Postseason Honors
League Relief Pitcher of the Year 2011..............Michael Schum 2009..............Michael Schum League Newcomer of the Year 2011....................Corey Davis 2009.................Quentin Cate 2001.............. Trent Matthews League Coach of the Year 2011....................Rob Cooper 2010....................Rob Cooper 2004................. Ron Nischwitz 1992................. Ron Nischwitz All-League Selections 2011......Corey Davis, (1st), C Jake Hibberd (1st), 1B Justin Kopale (1st), SS Tristan Moore (1st), OF Michael Schum (1st), P Zach Tanner (1st), 3B Dan Marsh (2nd), OF 2010...Quentin Cate (1st), 3B Garrett Gray (1st), DH Casey Henn (1st), P Jake Hibberd (1st), 1B Casey McGrew (1st), OF Gerald Ogrinc (1st), C Alex Kaminsky (2nd), P 2009...Quentin Cate (1st), 3B Casey McGrew (1st), OF
Jeff Mercer (1st), 1B R.J. Gundolff (2nd), SS Michael Schum (2nd), P 2008..........Jon Durket (1st), P Jeremy Hamilton (1st), 1B Jeff Mercer (1st), DH Gerald Ogrinc (1st), C Justin Parker (1st), SS R.J. Gundolff (2nd), UTL 2007....Jeremy Hamilton (1st), 1B Ross Oeder (1st), SS Justin Parker (1st), DH Erich Schanz (1st), P Dan Biedenharn (2nd), 3B Gerald Ogrinc (2nd), C Brian Shoup (2nd), OF 2006.... Dan Biedenharn (1st), 3B Joe Smith (1st), P Robert Barrett (2nd), P Justin Wilson (2nd), OF 2005.....Bryan Vickers (1st), C Travis Migliorini (1st), SS Brian Shoup (2nd), 3B 2004.....Bryan Vickers (1st), C Ross Oeder (2nd), SS Brian Shoup (2nd), DH 2003.. Bryan Vickers (1st), DH Casey Abrams (2nd), P Chris Tuttle (2nd), OF 2002..... Nick Shields (2nd), C Chris Tuttle (2nd), OF Bryan Vickers (2nd), C 2001.......Lance Links (1st), 1B Chris Tuttle (1st), OF Aaron Braden (2nd), P Matt Hay (2nd), DH Trent Matthews (2nd), 2B Jim Morris (2nd), SS Nick Shields (2nd), C 2000.... Doug Nichols (2nd), DH Chris Ranstead (2nd), OF 1999...... Dusty Beam (1st), SS 1998...... Dusty Beam (1st), SS Towann Jenkins (1st), DH Bill Stosik (2nd), OF 1997...... Matt Bruner (1st), 2B T.D. Hicks (1st), OF Towann Jenkins (2nd), DH Casey Sanford (2nd), P Ryan Tyree (2nd), C 1996........... Phil Long (1st), 2B Chris Wallace (1st), UTL Andy Matko (2nd), 3B John Ratliff (2nd), DH
Bill Stosik (2nd), OF 1995.......Sean Sullins (2nd), P 1994....Aaron Hampton (1st), OF Neil Szeryk (1st), 1B Scott Huntsman (2nd), P Mike Innis (2nd), P 1993...... Brian Anderson (1st), P Tony Ramsdell (1st), P Jon Sbrocco (1st), 2B Brian Buck (2nd), OF Spence Gunnell (2nd), P Doug Lowe (2nd), OF Bill Osmanski (2nd), SS Brian Warden (2nd), DH 1992...... Brian Anderson (1st), P Jeff Ashton (1st), 3B Dan Bassler (1st), SS Jon Sbrocco (1st), 2B Darrell Back (2nd), P Brian Buck (2nd), OF All-Newcomer Selections 2011............... Corey Davis, C Zach Tanner, 3B 2009................Ryan Ashe, OF Quentin Cate, 3B Jake Hibberd, UTL Michael Schum, P 2008..............Jeff Mercer, DH 2007..............Aaron Fields, 2B Gerald Ogrinc, C 2006............ Aaron Garcia, C Jeremy Hamilton, 1B Justin Parker, SS Erich Schanz, P 2005........Amin Abusaleh, OF Brendan Rubenstein, 2B 2004...... Dan Biedenharn, 3B Ross Oeder, SS Brian Shoup, UTL Ross Vagedes, OF 2003...............Pat Masters, 1B 2002............. Bryan Vickers, C 2001............ Aaron Braden, P Matt Hay, DH Trent Matthews, SS 2000............... Chris Tuttle, OF 1999........Chris Ranstead, OF 1998..........Scott Marshall, OF 1997...............Matt Bruner, 2B Towann Jenkins, DH Mark Squire, P
1996...............John Ratliff, DH 1995............... Matt Piskor, DH All-Tournament Selections
All-Regional Tournament Selections 2009.......Casey McGrew, OF 2007............ Aaron Garcia, C 1994.................Tom Beam, SS Kris Jarosz, 3B
2011....Michael Schum, P (2nd) # Jake Hibberd, 1B (3rd) # 2009.........Jeff Mercer, 1B (3rd) # Michael Schum, P (FM) # 2007........Ross Oeder, SS (2nd) *# 1993......Brian Anderson, P (1st) # 1992......Brian Anderson, P (3rd) * 1987..... Brian Bailey, OF (3rd) Don Bosway, P (2nd) Wayne LaPan, C (3rd) 1982...........Fred Blair, 3B (1st) 1976..... Dave Newnam, 1B (3rd) * - American Baseball Coaches Association # - Collegiate Baseball Magazine Academic All-American Selections 2011...Jake Hibberd, 1B (2nd) 1997....Andy Matko, 3B (1st)* 1996... Andy Matko, 3B (2nd) 1993.. Brian Anderson, P (1st) 1978...Barry Rowland, OF (2nd) 1977... Dennis Palsgrove, DH (2nd) Barry Rowland, OF (2nd)
1986................Alfredo Batista Don Bosway Joe Schivone Doug Smith Joe Weddington 1985................Alfredo Batista Matt Bowling Doug Smith Scott Thompson 1984.................. John Gossett 1983................Alfredo Batista Fred Blair Mike Musick Ken Robinson 1982......................... Fred Blair 1981......................... Fred Blair 1980................ Dave Lochner Denny Robinson 1978................Barry Rowland 1977............. Gary Gabringer Dave Newman Kevin Newman Barry Rowland 1976.......................Bob Grote Wright State Athletic Hall of Fame
1985........Don Mohr (Coach) 1986........ John Ross (Coach) 1987.......................Bob Grote * - Academic All-American 1990............Mark “Bo” Bilinski 1993......................... Fred Blair of the Year 1997................... Don Bosway ABCA All-Region Selections 1998...............Brian Anderson 2000...................Jon Sbrocco 2011....... Jake Hibberd (2nd) 2003................Alfredo Batista Tristan Moore (2nd) 2004...................Mike Mathile Michael Schum (2nd) 2006. Ron Nischwitz (Coach) 2010........... Casey Henn (1st) 2007.................. Brian Bosway 2007.............Ross Oeder (1st) Justin Parker (2nd) 2006..............Joe Smith (2nd) 1993...... Brian Anderson (1st) Jon Sbrocco (1st) 1992...... Brian Anderson (1st)
postseason honors
2011............... Corey Davis, C Justin Kopale, SS Tristan Moore, OF Michael Schum, P Zach Tanner, 3B (MVP) 2010..............Aaron Fields, 2B Casey Henn, P Gerald Ogrinc, C 2009................Ryan Ashe, OF Garrett Gray, C R.J. Gundolff, SS Alex Kaminsky, P Jeff Mercer, 1B Kory Twede, OF (MVP) 2007..... Jeremy Hamilton, 1B Brian Shoup, OF 2006........Amin Abusaleh, OF Robert Barrett, P Aaron Garcia, C Jeremy Hamilton, 1B Ross Oeder, 2B (MVP) Justin Wilson, OF 2000...............Chris Grimm, C 1999..................Tom Bohr, DH 1997... Dusty Beam, SS (MVP) T.D. Hicks, OF Casey Sanford, P Ryan Tyree, C 1995...... Kris Jarosz, 1B (MVP) Phil Long, 2B Doug Lowe, P Matt Piskor, DH 1993.......... Brian Anderson, P Kris Jarosz, 1B Jon Sbrocco, 2B 1992.......... Brian Anderson, P Jeff Ashton, 3B Bill Osmanski, SS Jon Sbrocco, 2B (MVP) Sean Sullins, P
All-American Selections
All-District Selections 1987...................... Rick Albers Brian Bailey Denny Bleh Don Bosway Wayne LaPan
Award Designations 1st - First Team Selection 2nd - Second Team Selection FM - Freshman All-American HM - Honorable Mention MVP - Most Valuable Player
Conference Designations 1995-Present - Horizon League 1992-1994 - Mid Continent Conference Current Players in Bold
Career Offensive Records 6
Batting Average (minimum 250 AB) 1. .408 Fred Blair (179-439) 2. .386 Jon Sbrocco (261-676) 3. .374 Chris Tuttle (302-808) 4. .359 Justin Parker (197-548) 5. .359 Quentin Cate (172-479) 6. .356 Jeremy Hamilton (211-593) 7. .353 Jake Hibberd (218-617) 8. .352 Jeff Mercer (161-458) 9. .351 Alfredo Batista (247-704) 10. .349 Ross Oeder (267-764)
1981-83 1990-93 2000-03 2006-08 2009-10 2006-08 20092008-09 1983-86 2004-07
Runs Scored 1. 214 2. 203 3. 197 4. 181 5. 175 6. 173 7. 172 8. 165 165 10. 161
Brian Bailey Jon Sbrocco Ross Oeder Brent Fruhwirth Casey McGrew Bill Stosik Chris Tuttle Alfredo Batista Phil Long Denny Bleh
1985-88 1990-93 2004-07 1987-91 2007-10 1995-98 2000-03 1983-86 1993-96 1985-88
Slugging Percentage (minimum 250 AB) 1. .736 Fred Blair 2. .607 Jeremy Hamilton 3. .584 Alfredo Batista 4. .582 Lance Links 5. .574 Quentin Cate 6. .569 Tom Beam 7. .563 Jeff Mercer 8. .559 Mark Frankenberg 9. .557 Justin Parker 10. .552 Garrett Gray
1981-83 2006-08 1983-86 2001-02 2009-10 1993-95 2008-09 1989-90 2006-08 2009-
Hits 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Chris Tuttle Casey McGrew Ross Oeder Brian Bailey Jon Sbrocco Rick Albers Alfredo Batista Dusty Beam Denny Bleh Brent Fruhwirth
2000-03 2007-10 2004-07 1985-88 1990-93 1985-88 1983-86 1996-99 1985-88 1987-91
On Base Percentage (minimum 250 AB) 1. .521 Jon Sbrocco 2. .520 Fred Blair 3. .471 Mark Swanner 4. .467 T.D. Hicks 5. .465 Chris Tuttle 6. .452 Dan Bassler 7. .449 Bruce Kreinbrink 8. .446 Ross Oeder .446 Jeremy Hamilton 10. .444 Towann Jenkins
1990-93 1981-83 1981-84 1994-97 2000-03 1989-92 1986-89 2004-07 2006-08 1997-98
Doubles 1. 61 2. 55 55 4. 52 5. 50 6. 49 7. 47 8. 46 46 10. 44
Casey McGrew Justin Parker Jon Sbrocco Jeremy Hamilton Ross Oeder Bryan Vickers Kris Jarosz Rick Albers Jeff Mercer Chris Tuttle
2007-10 2006-08 1990-93 2006-08 2004-07 2002-05 1992-95 1985-88 2008-09 2000-03
Stolen Base Percentage (minimum 35 attempts) 1. 1.000 Steve Limbert (47-47) 1972-75 2. .907 Barry Rowland (39-43) 1975-78 3. .898 Steve Haines (88-98) 1977-80 4. .892 Matt Bowling (74-83) 1982-85 5. .884 Joe Weddington (38-43) 1983-86 6. .872 Don Hoendorf (34-39) 1973-76 7. .867 Kent Stuck (72-83) 1975-78 8. .862 Rick Albers (50-58) 1985-88 9. .844 Greg Reeves (38-45) 1982-85 10. .835 Bill Stosik (101-121) 1995-98
Triples 1. 16 2. 15 3. 14 14 5. 13 13 7. 12 12 9. 11 11
Phil Long John Kopilchack Jeremy Hamilton Tristan Moore Jon Sbrocco Ross Oeder Kent Stuck Chris Tuttle Dusty Beam Matt Bowling
Games Played 1. 230 Rick Albers 2. 226 Brian Bailey 3. 225 Denny Bleh 4. 224 Brent Fruhwirth 5. 219 Ross Oeder 6. 218 Brian Shoup 7. 216 Chris Tuttle 8. 214 Matt Bruner 9. 211 John Kopilchack 10. 210 Doug Lowe 210 Casey McGrew
1985-88 1985-88 1985-88 1987-91 2004-07 2004-07 2000-03 1997-00 2005-08 1992-95 2007-10
Home Runs 1. 42 2. 40 3. 33 4. 27 27 6. 26 7. 24 8. 23 23 23 23
Bryan Vickers Alfredo Batista Fred Blair Doug Smith Dusty Beam Nick Shields Lance Links Doug Lowe Rick Albers John Kopilchack Jeremy Hamilton
Games Started 1. 212 Matt Bruner 2. 210 Chris Tuttle 3. 205 Bryan Vickers 205 Ross Oeder 5. 203 Doug Lowe 6. 198 Casey McGrew 7. 196 Bill Stosik 196 Jon Sbrocco 9. 194 Brian Shoup 10. 193 Aaron Fields
1997-00 2000-03 2002-05 2004-07 1992-95 2007-10 1995-98 1990-93 2004-07 2007-10
Runs Batted In 1. 183 Alfredo Batista 2. 165 Rick Albers 3. 156 Bryan Vickers 4. 151 Fred Blair 5. 148 Kris Jarosz 6. 147 Brent Fruhwirth 147 Casey McGrew 8. 142 Jeremy Hamilton 9. 141 Dusty Beam 10. 140 Doug Smith
At-Bats 1. 808 2. 782 3. 778 4. 777 5. 775 6. 764 7. 751 8. 737 9. 735 10. 721
2000-03 2007-10 1985-88 1985-88 1997-00 2004-07 1995-98 1987-91 2007-10 2002-05
Total Bases 1. 411 2. 406 3. 396 4. 386 5. 383 6. 379 7. 376 8. 371 9. 363 10. 360
Sacrifice Flies 1. 14 Dan Biedenharn 2. 13 Casey McGrew 3. 12 Bryan Vickers 4. 9 Chris Tuttle 9 Nick Shields 9 Chris Ranstead 9 Brian Shoup 9 Justin Parker 9 Jeremy Hamilton 10. 8 Ross Oeder 8 Jeff Mercer 2002-05 8 Jake Hibberd 1983-86 1981-83 Sacrifice Hits 1983-86 1. 41 Dan Biedenharn 1996-99 2. 38 Aaron Fields 1999-02 3. 31 R.J. Gundolff 2001-02 4. 30 Dan Bassler 1992-95 5. 26 Jeff Ashton 1985-88 26 Ross Oeder 2005-08 26 John Kopilchack 2006-08 8. 25 Justin Wilson 9. 23 Phil Long 23 Jon Sbrocco 1983-86 1985-88 Stolen Bases 2002-05 1. 101 Bill Stosik (101-121) 1981-83 2. 100 Brent Fruhwirth (100-122) 1992-95 3. 88 Steve Haines (88-98) 1987-91 4. 82 Brian Bailey (82-107) 2007-10 5. 74 Matt Bowling (74-83) 2006-08 6. 72 Kent Stuck (72-83) 1996-99 7. 64 Chris Tuttle (64-87) 1983-86 8. 56 Scott Keen (56-76) 9. 55 Matt Bruner (55-72) 10. 51 Denny Bleh (51-69) 1983-86 51 Ross Oeder (51-71) 2007-10 2002-05 Stolen Base Attempts 1985-88 1. 122 Brent Fruhwirth (100-122) 1996-99 2. 121 Bill Stosik (101-121) 2004-07 3. 107 Brian Bailey (82-107) 2000-03 4. 98 Steve Haines (88-98) 1985-88 5. 87 Chris Tuttle (64-87) 1990-93 6. 83 Matt Bowling (74-83) 2006-08 83 Kent Stuck (72-83) 8. 76 Scott Keen (56-76) 9. 72 Matt Bruner (55-72) 10. 71 Ross Oeder (51-71)
Chris Tuttle Casey McGrew Rick Albers Brian Bailey Matt Bruner Ross Oeder Bill Stosik Brent Fruhwirth Aaron Fields Bryan Vickers
302 271 267 263 261 251 247 245 229 227
Alfredo Batista Casey McGrew Bryan Vickers Rick Albers Dusty Beam Ross Oeder Chris Tuttle Brian Bailey Jon Sbrocco Jeremy Hamilton
1993-96 2005-08 2006-08 20091990-93 2004-07 1975-78 2000-03 1996-99 1982-85
Walks 1. 165 2. 139 3. 135 4. 115 5. 111 6. 110 7. 104 8. 100 9. 99 10. 98
Jon Sbrocco Chris Tuttle Phil Long Doug Smith Brent Fruhwirth Doug Lowe Steve Haines Mark Swanner Fred Blair Brian Bailey
1990-93 2000-03 1993-96 1983-86 1987-91 1992-95 1977-80 1981-84 1981-83 1985-88
Hit By Pitch 1. 52 2. 33 3. 27 4. 25 25 6. 22 7. 21 21 21 10. 18 18
Ross Oeder Mark Swanner Dan Biedenharn Jon Sbrocco Gerald Ogrinc Justin Parker Jim Morris Jeff Mercer Ryan Ashe R.J. Gundolff Doug Lowe
2004-07 1981-84 2004-07 1990-93 2007-10 2006-08 1998-01 2008-09 20082008-10 1992-95
Strikeouts 1. 178 2. 174 3. 149 4. 145 5. 135 6. 133 7. 131 8. 127 9. 126 10. 124
John Kopilchack Bryan Vickers Jason Cohill Dusty Beam Scott Keen Matt Barhorst Matt Bruner Bill Stosik Brent Fruhwirth Brian Shoup
2005-08 2002-05 1995-98 1996-99 1981-84 2001-04 1997-00 1995-98 1987-91 2004-07 2004-07 2007-10 2002-05 2000-03 1999-02 1999-01 2004-07 2006-08 2006-08 2004-07 2008-09 20092004-07 2007-10 2008-10 1989-92 1990-92 2004-07 2005-08 2003-06 1993-96 1990-93 1995-98 1987-91 1977-80 1985-88 1982-85 1975-78 2000-03 1981-84 1997-00 1985-88 2004-07 1987-91 1995-98 1985-88 1977-80 2000-03 1982-85 1975-78 1981-84 1997-00 2004-07
2004-06 1973-76 1991-93 1974-76 1975-78 1988-90 1972-74 20092005-06 1990-93
Complete Games 1. 25 Don Bosway 2. 24 Joe Schivone 24 Gary Gabringer 24 Mike Mathile 5. 23 Keith Robinson 23 Brian Anderson 7. 21 Bob Grote 8. 20 Leonard Griffen 9. 19 Mark South 19 Casey Sanford
Wins 1. 2. 3. 6. 7. 8. 10.
1991-93 1985-88 1987-90 1988-90 1984-87 1975-78 1990-93 1994-95 2007-10 1985-89
Shutouts 1. 6 2. 5 5 4. 4 4 4 4 8. 3 3 3
27 26 25 25 25 24 22 21 21 20
Brian Anderson (27-8) Don Bosway (26-17) Leonard Griffen (25-13) Mike Mathile (25-9) Joe Schivone (25-11) Gary Gabringer (24-14) Tony Ramsdell (22-5) Sean Sullins (21-10) Alex Kaminsky (21-9) Kelly Woods (20-12)
Losses 1. 24 2. 23 3. 22 22 5. 21 21 7. 17 17 17 10. 15 15 15 15
Chris Snyder (17-24) 2003-06 Chris Bedford (16-23) 1998-01 Matt Clark (19-22) 1994-97 Brian Stephens (19-22) 1999-02 Casey Sanford (19-21) 1996-98,00 Chad Brant (10-21) 1997-98,00-01 Mark South (17-17) 1974-77 Aaron Braden (18-17) 2001-03,05 Don Bosway (26-17) 1985-88 Rick Burger (19-15) 1975-78 Corey Ellis (11-15) 1995-98 J.P. Jung (9-15) 2001-03 Kyle Kearcher (19-15) 2004-07
Saves 1. 34 2. 24 3. 22 4. 19 5. 13 6. 11 7. 10 10 9. 7 7 7
Mark Squire Michael Schum Joe Smith Scott Huntsman Curtis Sutter Greg Addis Sam McAninch Scott Thompson Kevin Walke J.P. Jung Jason Bennion
Appearances 1. 91 Michael Schum 2. 85 Nate Stevens 3. 81 Mark Squire 4. 80 Joe Smith 5. 77 Greg Robinson 6. 73 Jordan Marker 7. 72 Michael Meintel 8. 66 Chris Bedford 9. 63 Sam McAninch 63 Jason Bennion Games Started 1. 49 Matt Clark 49 Brian Stephens 3. 47 Chris Snyder 47 Don Bosway 5. 44 Joe Schivone 6. 43 Aaron Braden 7. 42 Gary Gabringer 8. 41 Casey Sanford 41 Chris Bedford 41 Michael Woytek
Gary Gabringer Keith Robinson Bob Grote Jim Dean Leonard Griffen Joe Schivone John Heft Bo Bilinski Chris Conter Rick Burger
Innings Pitched 1. 330.2 Brian Stephens 2. 315.2 Don Bosway 3. 306.1 Matt Clark 4. 302.0 Gary Gabringer 5. 300.0 Chris Bedford 6. 296.1 Casey Sanford 7. 291.1 Mark South 8. 290.1 Brian Anderson 9. 287.0 Leonard Griffen 10. 276.2 Aaron Braden Strikeouts 1. 293 2. 258 3. 246 4. 239 5. 226 226 7. 213 8. 207 9. 203 10. 199
1997-99 20092004-06 1989-90,93-94 1986-88 1979-81 1995-97 1982-85 1990-91 Walks 2001-03 1. 215 2006-07 2. 158 3. 129 4. 115 2009- 5. 108 2004-07 6. 107 1997-99 7. 106 2004-06 106 2007-10 106 2009- 106 2008-11 1998-01 Wild Pitches 1995-97 1. 33 2006-07 2. 31 3. 30 4. 26 1994-97 5. 24 1999-02 24 2003-06 7. 22 1985-88 22 1984-87 22 2001-03,05 22 1975-78 1996-98,00 Hit Batters 1998-01 1. 40 2008-11 2. 33 3. 31 4. 30 5. 29 29 29
Brian Anderson Brian Stephens Don Bosway Casey Abrams Leonard Griffen Chris Bedford Kelly Woods Aaron Braden Mike Mathile Sean Sullins Don Bosway Rick Burger Chris Bedford Joe Schivone Gary Gabringer Casey Sanford Jim Campbell Keith Robinson Chad Brant Chris Snyder Corey Ellis Chad Brant Joe Schivone Chris Bedford Matt Crawford Don Bosway Casey Sanford Chris Snyder Michael Woytek Casey Henn Alex Kaminsky Brian Stephens Casey Sanford Chad Brant Chris Bedford Chris Snyder Michael Schum
1985-88 1984-87 1975-78 1988-90 1979-82 1991-93 1973-76 1987-90 1974-77 1996-98,00
8. 10.
25 25 24 24
Matt Crawford Nate Stevens Garret Holleran Kyle Kearcher
2002-05 2004-07 2006-07 2004-07
Pickoffs 1. 19 Gerald Ogrinc 2007-10 2. 8 Robert Barrett 2005-06 8 Mark Squire 1997-99 8 Aaron Braden 2001-03,05 5. 7 Chris Coleman 2003-06 7 Aaron Garcia 2006 7. 6 Garret Holleran 2006-07 1975-78 8. 5 Nate Stevens 2004-07 1979-82 5 Nick Shields 1999-02 1973-76 5 Cody Kopilchack 20101980-82 1987-90 Fielding Percentage (minimum 200 chances) 1984-87 1. .994 Neil Szeryk 1993-94 1974-76 2. .993 Mark Frankenberg 1989-90 1972-74 3. .992 Paul Majestic 2005-06 1980-81 4. .991 Jack Leopard 2003-06 1975-78 5. .989 Jeremy Hamilton 2006-08 6. .985 Denny Robinson 1977-80 7. .985 Jake Hibberd 20091999-02 8. .984 Bruce Kreinbrink 1987-89 1985-88 9. .984 Bob DeLong 1983-86 1994-97 10. .984 Wayne LaPan 1986-87 1975-78 1998-01 Chances 1996-98,00 1. 1586 Jeremy Hamilton 2006-08 1974-77 2. 1296 Brian Bautsch 1996-99 1991-93 3. 1121 Gerald Ogrinc 2007-10 1987-90 4. 1036 Matt Bruner 1997-00 2001-03,05 5. 997 Ross Oeder 2004-07 6. 987 Jason Cohill 1995-98 7. 982 Nick Shields 1999-02 1991-93 982 Denny Bleh 1985-88 1999-02 9. 973 Jake Hibberd 20091985-88 10. 904 Neil Szeryk 1993-94 2001-03 1987-90 Putouts 1998-01 1. 1477 Jeremy Hamilton 2006-08 1985-86,88-89 2. 1199 Brian Bautsch 1996-99 2001-03,05 3. 969 Gerald Ogrinc 2007-10 1988-90 4. 874 Jason Cohill 1995-98 1994-95 5. 873 Nick Shields 1999-02 6. 847 Neil Szeryk 1993-94 7. 836 Jake Hibberd 20091985-88 8. 765 Denny Robinson 1977-80 1975-78 9. 756 Dan Young 1988-90,92 1998-01 10. 710 Lance Links 2001-02 1984-87 1975-78 Assists 1996-98,00 1. 584 Ross Oeder 2004-07 1982-83,85 2. 556 Matt Bruner 1997-00 1979-82 3. 506 Dusty Beam 1996-99 1997-98,00-01 4. 497 Denny Bleh 1985-88 2003-06 5. 481 Phil Long 1993-96 6. 445 Jim Morris 1998-01 7. 399 Aaron Fields 2007-10 1995-98 8. 393 Justin Parker 2006-08 1997-98,00-01 9. 378 Dan Biedenharn 2004-07 1984-87 10. 368 Jon Sbrocco 1990-93 1998-01 2002-05 Errors 1985-88 1. 69 Jim Morris 1998-01 1996-98,00 2. 59 Mark Lucas 1975-77 2003-06 3. 57 Justin Parker 2006-08 2008-11 4. 56 Dusty Beam 1996-99 2009- 5. 51 Rick Albers 1985-88 51 Alfredo Batista 1983-86 51 Matt Bruner 1997-00 2007-10 8. 50 Denny Bleh 1985-88 1999-02 9. 46 Ross Oeder 2004-07 1996-98,00 10. 45 Trent Matthews 2001-03 1997-98,00-01 1998-01 2003-06 2009-
Career Pitching and Fielding Records
Earned Run Average (minimum 100 IP) 1. 1.53 Joe Smith (123.2 IP) 2. 2.10 Bob Grote (227.0 IP) 3. 2.23 Brian Anderson (290.1 IP) 4. 2.42 John Heft (111.2 IP) 5. 2.65 Gary Gabringer (302.0 IP) 6. 2.73 Mike Mathile (250.2 IP) 7. 2.90 Bo Bilinski (130.1 IP) 8. 2.96 Michael Schum (164.0 IP) 9. 3.22 Robert Barrett (162.1 IP) 10. 3.52 Tony Ramsdell (230.1 IP)
Single season Offensive records 8
Batting Average (minimum 100 AB) 1. .478 Chris Tuttle (97-203) 2. .471 Fred Blair (66-140) 3. .447 Jon Sbrocco (80-179) 4. .410 Jeremy Hamilton (75-183) 5. .409 Jon Sbrocco (74-181) 6. .408 Ross Oeder (93-228) 7. .407 Jake Hibberd (96-236) 8. .399 Fred Blair (63-158) 9. .395 Justin Parker (70-177) 10. .395 Jon Sbrocco (75-190)
2001 1982 1991 2008 1992 2007 2011 1981 2008 1993
Slugging Percentage (minimum 100 AB) 1. .850 Fred Blair 2. .759 Fred Blair 3. .716 Jeremy Hamilton 4. .689 Bryan Vickers 5. .682 Mark Frankenberg 6. .679 Mike Barhorst 7. .663 Neil Szeryk 8. .649 Ross Oeder 9. .649 Jeremy Hamilton 10. .646 Rick Albers
1982 1981 2008 2004 1989 1989 1994 2007 2007 1988
On Base Percentage (minimum 100 AB) 1. .584 Fred Blair 2. .548 Jon Sbrocco 3. .541 Jon Sbrocco 4. .532 Chris Tuttle 5. .525 Jon Sbrocco 6. .520 Dan Bassler 7. .515 Jeremy Hamilton 8. .514 Mark Swanner 9. .504 T.D. Hicks 10. .497 Fred Blair
1982 1991 1992 2001 1993 1991 2008 1983 1997 1981
Stolen Base Percentage (minimum 10 attempts) 1. 1.000 Steve Limbert (20-20) 1975 1.000 Matt Bowling (16-16) 1982 1.000 Steve Limbert (14-14) 1974 1.000 Tom Nevius (14-14) 1974 1.000 Brian Buck (14-14) 1992 1.000 Mark Lucas (13-13) 1975 1.000 Bob Steinbrunner (12-12) 1979 1.000 Dusty Beam (12-12) 1998 1.000 Don Hoendorf (11-11) 1974 1.000 Jon Dorsten (11-11) 1975 Games Played 1. 63 Quentin Cate 63 Casey McGrew 63 Jeff Mercer 4. 61 Ryan Ashe 5. 60 Rick Albers 60 Brian Bailey 60 Denny Bleh 60 Aaron Hampton 60 Kris Jarosz 60 Doug Lowe 60 Neil Szeryk 60 Tom Beam 60 Doug Lowe 60 Matt Piskor Games Started 1. 63 Casey McGrew 63 Jeff Mercer 3. 62 Quentin Cate 4. 60 Aaron Hampton 60 Kris Jarosz 60 Doug Lowe 60 Neil Szeryk 60 Tom Beam 9. 59 Doug Lowe 10. 58 Justin Wilson 58 Aaron Fields
2009 2009 2009 1994 1994 1994 1994 1995 1995 2006 2009
At Bats 1. 255 2. 250 3. 244 4. 236 5. 232 232 7. 230 8. 229 9. 228 10. 227
Jeff Mercer Quentin Cate Casey McGrew Jake Hibberd Chris Ranstead Dan Biedenharn Casey McGrew Quentin Cate Ross Oeder Aaron Hampton
2009 2009 2009 2011 2001 2007 2010 2010 2007 1994
Runs Scored 1. 79 2. 68 3. 66 4. 64 5. 61
Ross Oeder T.D. Hicks Brent Fruhwirth Jon Sbrocco Casey McGrew
2007 1997 1989 1993 2009
2009 2009 2009 2009 1988 1988 1988 1994 1994 1994 1994 1995 1995 1995
Hit By Pitch 1. 16 2. 15 3. 13 4. 12 12 12 7. 11 11 11 11 11 11
Ross Oeder Ross Oeder Dan Marsh Bill Osmanski Ross Oeder Jeff Mercer Mark Swanner Mark Swanner T.D. Hicks Dan Biedenharn Quentin Cate Ryan Ashe
2006 2007 2011 1993 2004 2008 1983 1984 1997 2006 2009 2011
Strikeouts 1. 60 2. 57 3. 54 4. 51 5. 49 49 49 49 9. 48 10. 47
Lance Links Bryan Vickers John Kopilchack Keith Gordon Gregg Nischwitz Bill Stosik Ross Vagedes John Kopilchack John Kopilchack Lance Links
2001 2003 2007 1990 1980 1995 2004 2008 2006 2002
1993 1973 1984 1990 1995 2003 2007 2008 2011
Sacrifice Flies 1. 7 Brian Shoup 2. 6 Matt Piskor 6 Lance Links 6 Nick Shields 6 Dan Biedenharn 6 Quentin Cate 7. 5 Doug Lowe 5 Chris Ranstead 5 Chris Tuttle 5 Bryan Vickers 5 Jeremy Hamilton 5 Jeff Mercer 5 Jake Hibberd 5 Casey McGrew
2007 1995 2002 2002 2006 2010 1995 1999 2001 2004 2007 2009 2010 2010
2001 2004 1981 1989 1987 2002 2003 1985 1989 1994 1998 1999 2009
Sacrifice Hits 1. 20 Dan Biedenharn 2. 18 Dan Bassler 3. 14 R.J. Gundolff 14 Justin Kopale 5. 13 Jeff Ashton 6. 12 Jeff Ashton 12 Phil Long 12 Aaron Fields 12 Aaron Fields 10. 11 Dan Young 11 Justin Wilson 11 Dan Biedenharn 11 Aaron Fields 11 Dan Marsh
2007 1991 2010 2011 1992 1991 1993 2009 2010 1992 2005 2006 2008 2011
6. 8.
59 59 58 58 58
Brian Bailey Aaron Hampton Alfredo Batista Brian Bailey Casey McGrew
1986 1994 1985 1988 2010
Hits 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 7. 8. 9.
97 96 93 91 88 88 87 84 83 83 83
Chris Tuttle Jake Hibberd Ross Oeder Jeff Mercer Quentin Cate Casey McGrew Kris Jarosz Quentin Cate Dusty Beam Jeremy Hamilton Casey McGrew
2001 2011 2007 2009 2009 2010 1994 2010 1997 2007 2009
Justin Parker Jeff Mercer Ross Oeder Jeremy Hamilton Casey McGrew Quentin Cate Mark Frankenberg Kris Jarosz Jeremy Hamilton Jake Hibberd
2007 2009 2007 2007 2009 2010 1989 1994 2008 2011
Jon Sbrocco Don Vorhees Matt Bowling Bob Jesperson Matt Piskor Chris Tuttle Jeremy Hamilton John Kopilchack Tristan Moore 13 Players Nick Shields Bryan Vickers Fred Blair Mike Barhorst Wayne LaPan Lance Links Bryan Vickers Alfredo Batista Mark Frankenberg Neil Szeryk Dusty Beam Dusty Beam Quentin Cate
Doubles 1. 26 26 3. 23 4. 22 22 22 7. 21 21 21 21 Triples 1. 7 2. 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 10. 5 Home Runs 1. 16 16 3. 14 14 5. 13 13 13 8. 12 12 12 12 12 12
Runs Batted In 1. 74 Mark Frankenberg 74 Jeff Mercer 3. 70 Mike Barhorst 4. 67 Fred Blair 67 Quentin Cate 6. 63 Kris Jarosz 7. 62 Jeremy Hamilton 8. 61 Rick Albers 61 Dusty Beam 10. 58 Matt Piskor Total Bases 1. 148 2. 145 3. 144 144 5. 143 6. 137 137 8. 136 9. 135 10. 134 134
Ross Oeder Jeff Mercer Jeremy Hamilton Jake Hibberd Quentin Cate Rick Albers Mark Frankenberg Casey McGrew Matt Piskor Kris Jarosz Neil Szeryk
Walks 1. 65 2. 46 3. 44 4. 43 43 43 7. 42 42 9. 41 41
T.D. Hicks Chris Tuttle Jon Sbrocco Steve Haines Jon Sbrocco Jon Sbrocco Bruce Kreinbrink Doug Lowe Steve Haines Phil Long
Stolen Bases 1. 35 Brian Bailey (35-48) 2. 34 Aaron Hampton (34-40) 3. 32 Brent Fruhwirth (32-39) 4. 30 Steve Haines (30-33) 5. 27 Kent Stuck (27-32) 6. 26 Scott Keen (26-30) 26 Brent Fruhwirth (26-35) 26 Bill Stosik (26-34) 9. 25 Steve Haines (25-29) 25 Steve Haines (25-27) 25 Bill Stosik (25-32) 25 Bill Stosik (25-29) 25 Bill Stosik (25-26) 2007 25 Ross Oeder (25-33) 2009 2007 Stolen Base Attempts 2011 1. 48 Brian Bailey (35-48) 2009 2. 40 Aaron Hampton (34-40) 1988 3. 39 Brent Fruhwirth (32-39) 1989 4. 35 Brent Fruhwirth (26-35) 2009 5. 34 Bill Stosik (26-34) 1995 6. 33 Steve Haines (30-33) 1994 33 Ross Oeder (25-33) 1994 8. 32 Kent Stuck (27-32) 32 Bill Stosik (25-32) 10. 31 Denny Bleh (22-31) 1997 2000 1993 1980 1990 1992 1989 1995 1979 1995 1989 2009 1989 1982 2010 1994 2007 1988 1999 1995
1987 1994 1990 1980 1977 1983 1991 1995 1978 1979 1996 1997 1998 2007 1987 1994 1990 1991 1995 1980 2007 1977 1996 1986
Earned Run Average (minimum 50 IP) 1. 0.98 Joe Smith (55.0 IP) 2. 1.14 Brian Anderson (95.0 IP) 3. 1.37 Michael Schum (52.2 IP) 4. 1.91 Mike Mathile (84.2 IP) 5. 1.94 Gary Gabringer (79.0 IP) 6. 1.95 Michael Schum (74.0 IP) 7. 2.01 Bob Grote (94.0 IP) 8. 2.14 Bob Grote (75.2 IP) 9. 2.22 Bo Bilinski (52.2 IP) 10. 2.30 Todd Pittman (62.2 IP)
2006 1993 2011 1989 1976 2009 1976 1975 1972 1990
Sean Sullins (12-5) Brian Anderson (11-3) Gary Gabringer (10-3) Mike Mathile (10-2) Brian Anderson (10-1) Tony Ramsdell (10-2) Kyle Kearcher (10-4) Don Bosway (9-2) Kelly Woods (9-3) Mike Mathile (9-4) Sean Sullins (9-5) Robert Barrett (9-3) Michael Schum (9-2)
1994 1992 1977 1989 1993 1993 2007 1986 1989 1990 1995 2006 2011
Matt Clark (7-10) Chris Bedford (3-9) Mike Bahun (3-8) Don Bosway (3-8) Casey Sanford (3-8) Brian Stephens (4-8) 12 Players
1995 2000 1971 1988 2000 2002
Saves 1. 15 2. 13 13 4. 12 12 6. 11 7. 9 9 9. 8 8
Mark Squire Joe Smith Michael Schum Scott Huntsman Curtis Sutter Mark Squire Sam McAninch Michael Schum Joe Smith Mark Squire
1999 2006 2009 1994 1987 1997 1995 2011 2005 1998
Appearances 1. 34 Michael Schum 2. 32 Jason Bennion 3. 31 Jason Bennion 31 Joe Smith 5. 30 Sam McAninch 6. 29 Mark Squire 29 Joe Smith 29 Michael Schum 9. 28 Mark Squire 28 Nate Stevens 28 Michael Schum
2009 2007 2006 2006 1995 1997 2005 2011 1999 2005 2010
Games Started 1. 18 Sean Sullins 2. 17 Matt Clark 3. 16 Sean Sullins 16 Aaron Braden 16 Casey Henn 6. 15 Aaron Braden 15 Casey Abrams 15 Chris Coleman 15 Alex Kaminsky 15 Michael Woytek
1994 1995 1995 2001 2011 2002 2003 2004 2010 2011
Shutouts 1. 3 Bo Bilinski 3 Bob Grote 3 Gary Gabringer 3 Keith Robinson 3 Jim Dean 3 Leonard Griffen 7. 2 John Heft 2 John Heft 2 Rick Burger 2 Chris Conter 2 Joe Schivone Innings Pitched 1. 121.0 Sean Sullins 2. 117.0 Sean Sullins 3. 114.1 Casey Abrams 4. 102.1 Aaron Braden 5. 99.2 Brian Anderson 6. 99.1 Casey Sanford 7. 99.0 Don Bosway 99.0 Brian Stephens 9. 97.2 Alex Kaminsky 10. 97.1 Leonard Griffen
Pick Off 1. 11 Gerald Ogrinc 2. 7 Aaron Garcia 3. 6 Robert Barrett 4. 5 Mark Squire 5 Aaron Braden 5 Gerald Ogrinc 5 Jordan Marker 8. 4 Chris Coleman 4 Cody Kopilchack 10. 3 Garret Holleran 3 Erich Schanz 3 Nate Stevens 1974 3 Garret Holleran 1975 1976 Fielding Percentage (minimum 75 chances) 1979 1. 1.000 Terry Mohr 1980 1.000 Fred Felton 1988 1.000 Scott Wilson 1974 1.000 Chuck Kesterke 1975 1.000 Jack Leopard 1978 1.000 Jack Leopard 1980 1.000 Kory Twede 1984 8. .996 Neil Szeryk 9. .995 Jeff Mercer 10. .995 Mark Frankenberg 1995 1994 Chances 2003 1. 569 Jeremy Hamilton 2001 2. 548 Jeremy Hamilton 1992 3. 489 Paul Majestic 1998 4. 469 Jeremy Hamilton 1987 5. 463 Neil Szeryk 1999 463 Jake Hibberd 2010 7. 447 Jake Hibberd 1990 8. 443 Jeff Mercer 9. 441 Neil Szeryk 10. 434 Brian Bautsch 1992 1976 1978 1989 1975 1986 1989 1990 1993
2008 2006 2006 1999 2003 2010 2011 2005 2011 2006 2006 2006 2007 1974 1987 1991 1998 2005 2006 2009 1994 2009 1989 2007 2006 2005 2008 1994 2010 2011 2009 1993 1998
Strikeouts 1. 158 2. 113 3. 110 4. 98 5. 90 6. 89 89 8. 88 9. 86 10. 85
Casey Abrams Sean Sullins Brian Anderson Brian Anderson Kelly Woods Bob Grote Jayson Smith Alex Kaminsky Sean Sullins Brian Anderson
2003 1995 1992 1993 1989 1976 1992 2010 1994 1991
Wild Pitches 1. 15 2. 13 3. 12 12 12 12 12 8. 11 11 11
Putouts 1. 529 2. 518 3. 452 4. 435 5. 430 6. 425 7. 412 8. 406 9. 398 10. 387
Jeremy Hamilton Jeremy Hamilton Paul Majestic Neil Szeryk Jeremy Hamilton Jake Hibberd Neil Szeryk Jeff Mercer Brian Bautsch Jake Hibberd
2007 2006 2005 1994 2008 2010 1993 2009 1998 2011
Matt Crawford Corey Ellis Corey Ellis Jason Krenzke Casey Abrams Lee Valencheck Greg Robinson Don Bosway Sam McAninch Chad Brant
2005 1998 1996 1999 2003 2008 2010 1985 1995 1998
Hit Batters 1. 16 2. 15 15 4. 14 14 6. 13 13 8. 12 12 12
Assists 1. 170 2. 163 3. 160 4. 158 5. 157 157 7. 156 156 9. 155 10. 154
Ross Oeder Phil Long Aaron Fields Ross Oeder Ross Oeder Justin Parker Matt Bruner R.J. Gundolff Pat Garrigan Justin Parker
2007 1995 2009 2004 2006 2008 1997 2009 1991 2006
Casey Sanford Joe Powers Garret Holleran Matt Crawford Erich Schanz Brian Stephens Chris Snyder Chad Brant Alex Kaminsky Alex Kaminsky
2000 2000 2007 2005 2006 2000 2006 2000 2008 2009
Errors 1. 28 2. 26 3. 24 24 5. 23 23 23 23 23 10. 22 22
Mark Lucas Larry Trent Tom Beam Matt Bruner Jeff Ramsey Andy Matko Ross Oeder Justin Parker Ted Blakely Jim Morris Justin Kopale
1976 1981 1995 1997 1982 1997 2004 2006 1987 2000 2011
Single season Pitching and Fielding Records
Wins 1. 12 2. 11 3. 10 10 10 10 10 8. 9 9 9 9 9 9 Losses 1. 10 2. 9 3. 8 8 8 8 7. 7
Complete Games 1. 11 Brian Anderson 2. 10 Bob Grote 3. 9 Gary Gabringer 9 Mike Mathile 5. 8 Bob Grote 8 Joe Schivone 8 Kelly Woods 8 Mike Mathile 8 Brian Anderson 10. 7 14 players
Single Season Team Records
Batting Average 1. .338 (685-2025) 2. .323 (611-1891) .323 (622-1923) 4. .318 (722-2270) .318 (625-1967) 6. .316 (518-1637) .316 (647-2045) .316 (552-1748) .316 (405-1283) 10. .313 (555-1776)
2010 2008 2011 2009 2001 1985 2007 1989 1983 1988
At Bats 1. 2270 2. 2045 3. 2043 4. 2025 5. 1975 6. 1969 7. 1967 8. 1923 9. 1921 10. 1911
2009 2007 1995 2010 2006 1997 2001 2011 2005 2000
Home Runs 1. 57 2. 54 3. 53 4. 49 49 6. 47 7. 46 46 9. 45 45
1985 2008 1994 2001 2009 2007 1989 1995 1987 2010
Slugging Percentage 1. .499 2. .494 .494 4. .482 5. .473 6. .468 7. .467 8. .465 .465 10. .462
2008 2010 1985 2007 1984 1983 1989 2009 2001 1995
Runs Scored 1. 451 2. 440 3. 431 4. 427 5. 421 6. 418 7. 401 8. 396 9. 393 10. 388
2010 1989 2009 1995 2007 1994 2008 2001 1988 1985
RBI’s 1. 415 2. 391 3. 386 4. 380 5. 377 6. 372 7. 361 8. 359 9. 347 10. 345
On Base Percentage 1. .431 .431 3. .411 .411 5. .408 6. .405 7. .402 .402 .402 10. .401 .401 .401
1983 1989 1984 1985 1993 1988 1991 2010 2011 1990 1994 1982
Hits 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
722 685 647 625 622 614 611 601 593 575
2009 2010 2007 2001 2011 1995 2008 1997 2006 1994
Doubles 1. 152 2. 139 139 4. 125 5. 123 6. 115 7. 113 8. 110 9. 108 10. 106
2007 2008 2009 2010 1995 2011 1997 2001 1988 1986
Triples 1. 34 2. 28 3. 27 4. 25 5. 24 6. 23 7. 21 8. 20 20 20
1995 2010 1993 1990 2009 2007 1976 1985 1991 2011
Stolen Base Percentage 1. .877 (93-106) 1979 2. .854 (82-96) 1985 3. .839 (73-87) 1983 4. .833 (75-90) 1998 5. .820 (73-89) 1999 6. .818 (108-132) 1978 7. .810 (85-105) 1992 8. .808 (84-104) 1977 9. .795 (66-83) 1993 10. .791 (53-67) 2000 Games Played 1. 63 2. 61 3. 60 60 5. 59 59 59 59 9. 58 58 58
2009 1995 1988 1994 1985 1997 2005 2006 2000 2001 2007
Strikeouts 1. 391 2. 379 3. 377 4. 376 5. 375 6. 373 7. 371 8. 362 9. 360 10. 358
2000 2004 2003 1995 2009 1999 2007 1997 2002 1998
2010 2009 1989 1995 1994 2007 2008 2001 1988 1985
Sacrifice Flies 1. 32 2. 30 3. 27 4. 26 5. 24 24 7. 23 23 9. 19 10. 17
2007 2010 2008 2002 1995 2005 1997 2006 2009 2000
Total Bases 1. 1056 2. 1001 3. 986 4. 943 943 6. 914 7. 879 8. 860 9. 851 10. 829
2009 2010 2007 1995 2008 2001 2011 1994 2006 1997
Sacrifice Hits 1. 79 2. 69 69 4. 68 5. 66 66 7. 64 8. 63 9. 58 10. 57
2006 1992 2011 1991 2007 2010 2009 1993 1994 2008
Walks 1. 329 2. 320 3. 282 4. 281 5. 270 6. 264 7. 253 8. 246 9. 243 10. 240
1995 1989 1990 1994 1991 1993 1985 1982 1983 1980
Stolen Bases 1. 128 2. 108 3. 102 102 5. 99 99 7. 97 8. 93 9. 92 10. 85
1987 1978 1990 1991 1984 1995 1988 1979 1986 1992
Hit By Pitch 1. 67 2. 62 3. 58 4. 57 5. 55 6. 54 7. 47 8. 46 9. 41 10. 39 39 39
2007 2011 2005 2008 2009 1993 2010 2006 1998 1988 2000 2004
Stolen Base Attempts 1. 175 2. 142 3. 134 4. 132 132 6. 130 7. 124 8. 120 9. 114 10. 112
1987 1991 1990 1978 1995 1984 1988 1986 1989 1976
1974 1975 1987 1989 1973 1992 1976 1980 1990 1991
Wins 1. 45 (45-12) 2. 41 (41-14) 3. 40 (40-16) 4. 39 (39-16) 39 (39-15) 39 (39-21) 7. 37 (37-20) 8. 36 (36-22) 36 (36-19) 10. 35 (35-15) 35 (35-20)
1989 1987 1992 1991 1993 1994 1986 2007 2011 1980 1990
Losses 1. 10 (24-10) 2. 12 (45-12) 3. 14 (41-14) 4. 15 (35-15) 15 (39-15) 6. 16 (40-16) 16 (39-16) 16 (17-16) 16 (9-16) 16 (6-16)
1974 1989 1987 1980 1993 1992 1991 1978 1973 1971
Saves 1. 15 15 3. 14 4. 13 13 13 7. 12 12 12 1 0. 11 11 11
1999 2009 1994 1987 1991 2006 1997 2001 2011 1984 2007 2008
Complete Games 1. 27 27 3. 26 26 5. 25 6. 24 24 24 24 24
1986 1988 1985 1989 1980 1976 1987 1990 1992 1993
Shutouts 1. 8 2. 6 6 6 6 6. 4 4 4 4 4 4
1976 1974 1975 1980 2006 1978 1979 1985 1995 2002 2011
Innings Pitched 1. 547.0 2. 506.1 3. 506.0 4. 505.0 5. 490.1 6. 484.1 7. 480.1 8. 478.2 9. 477.1 10. 473.0 Fewest Hits Allowed 1. 176 2. 179 3. 250 4. 275 5. 276 6. 337 7. 342 8. 352 9. 370 10. 387 Fewest Runs Allowed 1. 99 2. 106 3. 140 4. 162 5. 163 6. 192 7. 195 8. 210 9. 217 10. 218
Strikeouts 1. 410 2. 394 3. 385 4. 368 5. 367 6. 363 7. 361 8. 354 9. 350 10. 349
2010 2003 2009 1992 1989 2001 2000 2006 2002 1988
2009 1995 2006 2007 2010 1997 2005 1994 2011 2000
Wild Pitches 1. 56 2. 54 3. 53 4. 51 5. 50 50 7. 48 48 9. 44 10. 40 40
1985 1998 2000 1999 2005 2008 2004 1981 1995 2010 2011
1971 1973 1974 1975 1978 1980 1979 1983 1982 1984
Hit Batters 1. 86 2. 85 3. 84 4. 79 5. 76 6. 72 7. 67 8. 55 55 10. 53
2006 2007 2000 2008 2005 2009 2011 1999 2010 2001
1974 1973 1971 1978 1975 1987 1980 1976 1989 1992
Runners Picked Off 1. 28 2. 19 3. 15 4. 13 5. 11 11 7. 10 8. 9 9 10. 8
Fewest Walks Allowed 1. 94 1971 2. 108 1973 3. 124 1974 4. 125 1978 5. 147 1976 6. 153 1996 7. 159 1975 8. 160 1989 160 2003 10. 162 1987
Fielding Percentage 1. .971 (1285-516-54) 2. .969 (1641-657-74) 3. .968 (1471-575-67) 4. .965 (1518-667-79) 5. .965 (1441-605-74) 6. .965 (1515-669-80) 7. .964 (1318-560-71) 8. .963 (1432-629-80) 9. .962 (1262-506-70) 10. .962 (1386-601-79)
2006 2011 2008 1999 2003 2010 2005 2002 2007 2004
1993 2009 2010 2006 2005 2007 1991 2011 1987 2004
Chances 1. 2372 2. 2304 3. 2264 2264 5. 2195 6. 2141 7. 2120 2120 9. 2113 10. 2086 Putouts 1. 1641 2. 1519 3. 1518 4. 1515 5. 1471 6. 1453 7. 1441 8. 1436 9. 1432 10. 1419
2009 1995 2006 2007 2010 1997 2005 1994 2011 2000
Assists 1. 684 2. 669 3. 667 4. 657 5. 630 6. 629 7. 608 8. 605 9. 601 10. 584
1995 2007 2006 2009 1997 2011 2008 2005 2004 1998
Fewest Errors 1. 37 2. 50 3. 54 4. 55 5. 63 63 7. 66 8. 67 9. 69 10. 70
1971 1973 1993 1972 1978 1974 1977 2010 1996 1987
Double Plays Turned 1. 64 2. 62 3. 61 4. 57 5. 55 6. 54 7. 52 8. 51 51 10. 48 48 48
2006 2009 1999 2000 1998 1995 1990 1989 1996 1997 2007 2008
2009 1995 2006 2007 1997 2011 1994 2005 2010 2008
Single Season Team Records
Earned Run Average 1. 2.17 (290.1 IP) 2. 3.20 (301.0 IP) 3. 3.21 (420.2 IP) 4. 3.41 (432.1 IP) 5. 3.45 (214.0 IP) 6. 3.50 (434.0 IP) 7. 3.56 (387.0 IP) 8. 3.80 (364.2 IP) 9. 3.83 (437.1 IP) 10. 3.92 (441.1 IP)
2011 college station Regional Recap
All-TIme NCAA Tournament Results
2011 Roster
Ryan Ashe, OF Taylor Braun, RHP Corey Davis, C David Deliz, RHP Andrew Elliott, IF Max Friedman, RHP Garrett Gray, C Casey Henn, RHP Jake Hibberd, IF Travis Hissong, RHP Joey Hoelzel, RHP Tanner Howell, LHP Craig Hyson, 1B/OF Justin Kopale, IF Cody Kopilchack, LHP Kody Krizman, UTL Jordan Marker, LHP Dan Marsh, OF Michael Meintel, RHP Tristan Moore, OF Kyle Mossbarger, UTL Sam Picchiotti, IF Michael Schum, RHP Zach Tanner, IF Lee Valencheck, RHP Michael Woytek, RHP
Support Staff
Rob Cooper, Head Coach Greg Lovelady, Associate Head Coach Ross Oeder, Assistant Coach Brian Meyer, Assistant Coach Matt Harris, Director of Operations
Support Staff
Adam Horseman, Athletic Trainer Joe Fawcett, Athletic Trainer Matt Zircher, Sports Information
After falling twice in the championship round of the 2010 Horizon League Tournament, Wright State bounced back in 2011, defeating Valparaiso 4-3 in the finals at Nischwitz Stadium to advance to the NCAA Division I regionals for the fourth time. The Raiders, though, got off to a slow start as they dropped their first four games and five of their first seven. Winning two of three from West Virginia and Elon, however, started a stretch that saw Wright State win 18 of its next 22 games, including sweeps of Oakland, Canisius, Cleveland State and Le Moyne. WSU later put together a string of winning 10 of 12, which included a dramatic 6-5 win over Valparaiso at Nischwitz Stadium on May 8. Down 5-4 heading to the bottom of the ninth, Jake Hibberd tied the game with a one-out solo home run to left and the Raiders later won it as Tristan Moore doubled and scored on an infield hit by Kyle Mossbarger. Eight Raiders were honored as the Horizon League announced its All-League teams and postseason awards. Michael Schum, Corey Davis, Hibberd, Zach Tanner, Justin Kopale and Moore were each named to the First Team while Dan Marsh earned Second Team recognition and Davis and Tanner were both chosen to the All-Newcomer Team. The Raiders also received four postseason awards as Hibberd was named the Player of the Year, Schum the Relief Pitcher of the Year, Davis the Newcomer of the Year and head coach Rob Cooper the Coach of the Year. Following a complete-game shutout by Michael Woytek against Youngstown State in WSU’s first game of the Horizon League Tournament, Wright State faced Valparaiso in the winner’s bracket finals and, again, it proved to be a onerun affair versus the Crusaders as the Raiders held on 4-3. The championship game was also against Valparaiso and, again, it came down to one run as WSU rallied for another 4-3 decision. Down 3-1 in the sixth, Kopale tied it with a tworun homer to left and the Raiders tallied the game-winner an inning later as Moore singled in Marsh, who led off with a double and went to third on a Hibberd bunt. Five Wright State players were named to the All-Tournament Team in Tanner, who was also the MVP, Schum, Davis, Kopale and Moore. For the second time in three years, WSU headed to the Lone Star State for the NCAA Regionals, this time being Olsen Field on the Texas A&M campus in College Station. The Raiders faced nationally-ranked and eventual College World Series participant Texas A&M in the opening game and fell to the Aggies 11-0. Wright State then took on Arizona in the elimination bracket and dropped a 13-0 decision to the Wildcats. Two Raiders were named to the Louisville Slugger All-American teams as Schum was selected to the Second Team and Hibberd to the Third Team.
2009 Fort Worth Regional Recap
2009 Roster
Coaching Staff
Rob Cooper, Head Coach Greg Lovelady, Associate Head Coach Kyle Geswein, Assistant Coach Matt Smith, Assistant Coach
Support Staff
Adam Horseman, Athletic Trainer Anna Gearhart, Athletic Trainer Greg Campbell, Sports Information
It didn’t take long for the Raiders to return to the NCAA Tournament, with only three seasons passing between appearances for head coach Rob Cooper and his young 2009 squad. The Green and Gold relied heavily on their four seasons for leadership, but their underclassmen had a huge part in the tournament berth as well. The Green and Gold had been up and down for most of the regular season, finishing Horizon League play with a 14-12 mark and entering the championship as the third seed. The Raiders drew Butler, the winner of the play-in game, in their opening round contest. Junior Alex Kaminsky tossed a complete game with seven strikeouts and zero walks, while Jeff Mercer drove in a pair of runs to get WSU off to a solid start. WSU then topped Milwaukee in another Horizon League Tournament slugfest, 20-4. The Green and Gold were paced by seniors Kory Twede and Mercer in the game, each smacking two home runs in the contest. The winner’s bracket semifinal pitted the Raiders against regular season league champion UIC, with the Flames jumped out to an early 6-1 lead after three innings. Junior Travis LaMar tossed three scoreless innings of relief and, in the bottom of the seventh inning, Wright State scored five runs to knot the game at 6-6. Then, in the eighth, freshman Garrett Gray delivered the game winning RBI single to right field and rookie closer Michael Schum completed the game with three scoreless frames. After UIC took a 4-0 decision in the first championship game, the do-or-die contest went extra inning between the two Horizon League powerhouses. The Raiders took an early lead when Twede delivered an RBI single in the seventh, but UIC answered back with two runs in their half of the eighth. With the Flames leading 2-1 in the ninth, Twede delivered the game tying RBI with two outs and a runner on second base. It took 12 innings to decide one of the most exhilarating games in Horizon League Championship history and freshman Ryan Ashe delivered the knockout blow with a two-RBI single in the top of the 12th to give WSU the lead for good. Schum finished off a 6.1 inning performance with a double play and fly-out down the right field line to send WSU to the NCAA Tournament. Ashe, Gray, R.J. Gundolff, Kaminsky, Mercer and Tournament MVP Twede were all named to the Horizon League All-Tournament Team and WSU was sent to the Fort Worth Regional to face off with #13 TCU in their opening contest. The Raiders to a 3-1 lead after Casey McGrew hit a three-run homer versus the host Horned Frogs in the third inning, but TCU answered with five unanswered to claim the 6-3 decision in the opening contest. With their tournament life at stake, WSU faced off with #25 Texas A&M, a team WSU faced in their season-opening series, and the Raiders took a 4-3 lead into the ninth inning. The Aggies would score on in the frame and send the game to extra innings. The Green and Gold had runners in scoring position in each of the extra frames, but couldn’t scratch one across, and Texas A&M would capitalize on their opportunity in the 11th inning. With Schum on the mound, A&M’s Joe Patterson hit a two-run home run to send WSU home with a 6-4 loss. The Raiders ended the season with a school-best 63 games played, toppled ten school records and along the way defeated #1-ranked Georgia in Athens.
2009 Division I NCAA Regional
Ryan Ashe, OF Quentin Cate, IF/C Bryce DeWeese, LHP Jon Durket, LHP Aaron Fields, IF Garrett Gray, C R.J. Gundolff, IF Casey Henn, RHP Tyler Heskett, RHP Jake Hibberd, IF Alex Kaminsky, RHP Griffin Knapp, RHP Travis LaMar, RHP Jordan Marker, LHP Casey McGrew, OF Michael Meintel, RHP Jeff Mercer, IF Tristan Moore, IF Kyle Mossbarger, IF Sam Mote, IF Tyler Newhart, RHP Gerald Ogrinc, C Rylan Ostrosky, RHP Greg Robinson, RHP Michael Schum, RHP Tony Scott, OF Kory Twede, IF Lee Valencheck, RHP Jordan Wolfe, LHP Michael Woytek, RHP
2006 Corvallis Regional Recap
2006 Division I NCAA Regional
2006 Roster
Amin Abusaleh, OF Nick Allsop, C Robert Barrett, RHP Jason Bennion, LHP Dan Biedenharn, IF Cole Budinsky, LHP Andrew Burns, RHP Chris Coleman, RHP Aaron Garcia, C Jeremy Hamilton, IF Garret Holleran, RHP David Kapka, IF Kyle Kearcher, LHP Christian Koenig, RHP John Kopilchack, OF Jack Leopard, C Nick Mahon, OF Paul Majestic, IF Stephen Marquez, OF Pat Masters, IF Travis Migliorini, IF Chris Nighland, RHP Ross Oeder, IF Justin Parker, IF Greg Robinson, RHP Erich Schanz, RHP Joe Smith, RHP Brian Shoup, OF Chris Snyder, RHP Kris Steffen, OF Nate Stevens, RHP Ross Vagedes, RHP Nathan Weisenstein, C Justin Wilson, OF
Coaching Staff
Rob Cooper, Head Coach Greg Lovelady, Assistant Coach Kyle Geswein, Assistant Coach Bruce Thompson, Assistant Coach
Support Staff
Greg Campbell, Sports Information Chris Collins, Radio Play-by-Play Tiffany Maple, Athletic Trainer Liz Wetzel, Athletic Trainer Joe Whetstone, Athletic Trainer
The Raiders rolled through the Horizon League Tournament and into the NCAA Tournament for the first time in 12 seasons. WSU played host to the 2006 league summit and outscored their opponents by a combined score of 52-5 and defeated Butler 4-1 in the championship game to claim the crown. Chris Snyder got the start in the championship game and threw five innings and closer Joe Smith recorded a four-inning save against the Bulldogs. The Raiders turned closed out the championship game with a 3-6-3 twin killing and became the only the fourth school in league history to win the title on their home field. During the tournament, WSU turnned seven double plays and set a new school standard in the process. In the Championship Game, Justin Wilson smacked a home run in the game and Ross Oeder drove in a pair to propell the Green and Gold to their second Horizon League crown. The Green and Gold set six tournament records in four games and placed six players on the All-Tournament Team. Oeder was named the Most Valuable Performer of the tournament as he posted a .650 batting average with 13 hits, eight runs scored and four RBI’s. Seniors Amin Abusaleh, Robert Barrett, Aaron Garcia and Wilson joined Oeder and freshman Jeremy Hamilton on the 11 member All-Tournament Team. The Raiders headed west to the Corvallis (OR) Regional to open up their NCAA Tournament play against fifth-ranked Oregon State. WSU fell behind 3-0 early in the game, but clawed their way back into the game with two RBI’s from Abusaleh and an RBI ground out from freshman Justin Parker. The Beavers plated the eventual game winning runs in the bottom of the eighth inning and WSU dropped their first game in the regional. The Raiders then faced Hawaii in an elimination game at Goss Stadium. Hawaii scored five runs in the first six innings and WSU couldn’t muster enough offense late in the game to down the Warriors, falling 5-3. In the game, Garcia smacked a two-run run homer in the ninth inning and scored a pair of runs. Garcia was named to the Corvallis Regional All-Tournament Team, batting .444 with two RBI’s and a pair of runs scored. Also in the regional, Brian Shoup posted a .429 batting average and Abusaleh drove in a pair of RBI’s. WSU bowed out of the NCAA Tournament after posting 32 wins during the season under second year head coach Rob Cooper. During the 2006 season, WSU posted victories over nationally-ranked TCU and national powerhouse Notre Dame on the road, before bowing out to eventual National Champion Oregon State.
1994 Knoxville Regional Recap
1994 Roster
Coaching Staff
Ron Nischwitz, Head Coach Dan Bassler, Assistant Coach Bo Bilinski, Assistant Coach
Support Staff
Tim Ahner, Manager Jason Franklin, Athletic Trainer Greg Gahris, Radio Play-by-Play Doug Rentz, Sports Information
The 1994 squad was the first team in the program’s history to advance into the Division I NCAA Tournament, posting a 39-21 overall record that season. The Green and Gold played Navy in a play-in series hosted on the WSU campus, defeating Navy 2-0 in the three game series. WSU defeated the Midshipmen by scores of 19-2 and 14-10 to earn a spot in the Mideast Region hosted in Knoxville, TN. Neil Szeryk was named the Most Outstanding Player of the series as belted out five hits, scored four runs and drove in six RBI’s. The senior first baseman collected a double and a home run in the series, while recording 19 putouts with zero errors. The Raiders opened up their debut in the NCAA Tournament with a 14-12 victory over North Carolina State. In the game, the Raiders smacked three home runs and collected 27 total bases in the contest. Kris Jarosz, Doug Lowe and Szeryk all went deep in the game, with Jarosz knocking in five RBI’s in the contest. Sean Sullins got the start and threw seven innings, striking out six, to post his 12th win of the season. WSU then faced eventual College World Series Participant Arizona State, falling 7-4. Against the Sun Devils, Tom Beam hit a solo home run and Aaron Hampton was the only Raider to post multiple hits in the contest. The Green and Gold then faced North Carolina State in an elimination game, falling 10-6 to the Wolfpack. The Green and Gold ended the start for Wolfpack pitcher Matt Roupe after he recorded only two outs and surrendered four runs in the first inning. WSU held a 6-4 lead heading into the bottom of the seventh inning, but NC State scored six runs in the frame to end the season for the Raiders. Lowe smacked his second home run of the regional, while Brian Warden and Beam each collected a pair of RBI’s. Matt Clark threw seven innings in the start and struck out four batters. The both players from the left side of the Raiders infield, Beam and Jarosz, were honored with Mideast Regional All-Tournament Team accolades. Beam belted out five hits, including one long ball, scored a run and drove in four RBI’s. Jarosz paced the Raiders with seven hits and six RBI’s, while scoring four runs in three starts at third base. The 39 wins that season rank fourth on the all-time charts at WSU and it was the first and only trip to the NCAA Tournament in the 30-year career of head coach Ron Nischwitz (19752004).
1994 Division I NCAA Regional
Derek Bateman, RHP Tom Beam, IF Jeremy Becker, RHP Rob Bruns, IF Aaron Bruskotter, C Matt Clark, RHP Jason Cohill, C Rob Dulli, RHP Corey Ellis, RHP Marc Galan, LHP Sean Gill, OF Spence Gunnell, LHP Aaron Hampton, OF T.D. Hicks, OF Scott Huntsman, RHP Tyler Iller, OF Michael Innis, RHP Kris Jarosz, IF Mike Kincaid, RHP Larry Lesko, OF Phil Long, IF Doug Lowe, OF Andy Matko, IF Casey Matteson, LHP Lee Miller, OF Rod Miller, C Joe Nadeau, LHP Hector Rivera, IF Greg Schueller, IF Eric Sedwick, RHP Tim Stauffer, IF Sean Sullins, IF Neil Szeryk, IF Ryan Tyree, C Brain Warden, IF
1987 Division II College World Series Recap
1987 NCAA Division II College World Series
1987 Roster
Rick Albers, IF Mike Alley, IF/OF Brian Bailey, OF Mike Barhorst, IF/OF Ted Blakeley, IF Deny Bleh, IF/RHP Don Bosway, RHP Craig Brill, IF Scott Carpenter, OF Fred Felton III, OF Brent Fruhwirth, IF/OF Tim Gibson, RHP Leonard Griffen, RHP Greg Karklins, RHP Greg King, RHP Bruce Kreinbrink, IF/OF Wayne LaPan, C Mike McCall, LHP Jerry Rank, C Joe Schivone, RHP Ken Schneider, C/IF Allyn Schnellinger, IF Dan Schwab, IF Roger Spaulding, IF Brian Spears, IF Curt Sutter, RHP Scott Wake, RHP Randy Zaidain, OF
Coaching Staff
Ron Nischwitz, Head Coach Bo Bilinski, Assistant Coach Tom Brunswick, Assistant Coach Bob DeLong, Assistant Coach
Support Staff
Mike Hermann, Sports Information Director Tony Ortiz, Athletic Trainer
The Raiders rolled through the 1987 regular season with a record of 36-12 overall and hosted the North Central Regional Tournament at the Wright State Field near the Student Union on the WSU campus. The Raiders were led into regional play by the North Central Region Coach of the Year, Ron Nischwitz, and a trio or All-Americans in Brian Bailey, Don Bosway and Wayne LaPan. In the Regional the Raiders used an offensive outburst and solid pitching to navigate there way past Shippensburg (PA) and Lewis University. In their opening game of the regional the Green and Gold watched as Bosway threw a complete game against the 14th-ranked Red Raiders, helping Wright Sate to an 11-3 victory. In their second game the Raiders topped Lewis by a score of 7-4. In the Championship Game, WSU faced off with Lewis for the second time, winning this meeting 9-4. WSU tallied three runs in the first inning and Scott Carpenter smacked a solo home run in the third inning to help WSU advance to the 1987 Division II College World Series. Six Players were named to the All-Regional squad, with Rick Albers, Bailey, Ted Blakely, Denny Bleh, Bosway and LaPan. LaPan was named the Most Outstanding Player of the regional after smacking a pair of home runs in the regional. The Raiders headed to Montgomery, Alabama and Peterson Field for their first appearance in the series. The Raiders entered the series as the ninth ranked team in Division II and opened play against fifth-ranked New Haven. The two teams played the first seven innings scoreless before LaPan struck with a solo home run to account for the scoring in the 1-0 WSU victory. Bosway threw 8.2 innings and allowed only five hits and Sutter recorded the final out of the game with the bases loaded. The next opponent for WSU was Columbus (GA) and WSU fell as the second-ranked Cougars took a 13-4 decision. Wright State then staved off elimination by defeating Cal-St. Dominican Hills 5-2. Bleh drove in a pair of runs and LaPan doubled and drove in an RBI as WSU rode the arm of Greg King. The Raiders dream season would end at the hands of eventual National Champions, Troy State. WSU trailed early, but took the lead in the fourth inning on a Kreinbrink two-run homer. The Trojans rallied though in the fifth, trailing for the only time in the entire World Series, and took hold of the game at 5-4. WSU couldn’t muster enough offense as each team would add a trio of runs to push the final score to 8-7 in favor of Troy State. WSU finished in a tie for second with a 2-2 record and were awarded the National RunnersUp Trophy at the conclusion of the series. The Green and Gold placed four players on the AllSeries Team as Kreinbrink joined All-Regional members Albers, Bosway, and LaPan.
1971 Season Home: 4-3, Away: 2-13 Head Coach: John Ross
at Miami at Miami at Dayton at Cedarville at Cedarville at Defiance at Defiance THOMAS MORE CENTRAL STATE at Marian at Dayton DAYTON WILMINGTON at Cincinnati at Cincinnati at Thomas More at Ohio Wesleyan WITTENBERG WITTENBERG at Earlham at Earlham OHIO WESLEYAN
6-16 4/12 4/16 4/16 4/18 L 0-4 4/18 L 1-6 4/24 L 1-9 4/25 L 0-5 4/27 L 3-5 4/27 L 6-13 4/29 W 3-0 5/1 L 3-8 5/4 L 3-4 5/4 L 2-16 5/6 L 4-5 5/7 W 5-1 5/9 W 15-1 5/11 L 1-4 5/11 L 1-9 5/14 L 4-11 5/14 L 2-3 5/17 W 2-1 5/19 L 6-7 W 3-0 ^ L 14-18 + W 9-3
1972 Season 7-15 Away: 4-10, Neutral: 3-5 Head Coach: Don Mohr
L 0-5 W 6-5 W 6-2 L 0-1 W 5-0 W 8-4 W 10-0 L 3-4 L 3-4 W 8-4 L 5-6 W 4-0 W 10-6 W 22-5 W 7-3 L 2-11 L 0-1 L 0-6 W 2-0 W 5-0 T 3-3 L 3-4
4/6 vs. Ohio L 1-7 4/8 at Miami + L 0-5 4/9 vs. Xavier + L 5-6 4/12 XAVIER W 2-1 4/13 vs. Central State W 8-0 4/13 vs. Central State W 7-2 4/20 vs. Xavier L 0-4 4/22 at Cincinnati W 13-8 4/23 DAYTON L 1-4 4/23 DAYTON L 2-3 4/24 at Ashland W 11-4 4/24 at Ashland W 5-0 4/27 INDIANAPOLIS L 1-3 4/27 INDIANAPOLIS L 1-3 4/30 vs. Missouri-St. Louis + W 11-5 4/30 vs. Missouri State + W 13-12 5/1 at SIU Edwardsville + L 7-14 5/2 vs. Austin Peay + L 2-12 5/4 MIAMI W 2-1 5/4 MIAMI W 5-4 5/6 CINCINNATI L 4-8 5/8 vs. UIC ~ W 4-0 5/8 at St. Joseph’s ~ L 2-4 Miami Tournament 5/9 vs. Northern Kentucky ~ W 9-2 Riverfront Stadium 5/11 at Cedarville W 5-0 (Cincinnati, OH) 5/12 WILMINGTON W 15-2 5/12 WILMINGTON W 4-1 1975 Season 23-16 5/16 AKRON W 6-1 Home: 9-2, Away: 9-10, Neutral: 5-4 5/16 AKRON W 3-0 Head Coach: Ron Nischwitz 5/20 vs. Evansville $ W 12-7 5/21 vs. Western Illinois $ W 11-1 3/26 at Miami L 1-10 5/22 at SIU Edwardsville $ L 3-15 3/26 at Miami W 6-4 5/22 vs. Eastern Illinois $ W 7-4 4/2 DAYTON W 4-3 5/23 at SIU Edwardsville $ L 3-4 4/2 DAYTON W 3-2 4/7 NORTHERN KENTUCKY W 11-9 ^ Miami Tournament 4/8 at Cedarville W 3-2 + SIU Edwardsville Tournament 4/10 vs. Xavier ^ W 5-1 ~ St. Joseph’s Tournament 4/11 vs. Cincinnati ^ W 4-3 $ at SIU Edwardsville 4/12 at Miami ^ L 0-1 4/12 at Miami ^ L 6-7 1977 Season 25-21 4/14 at Xavier L 4-5 Home: 4-5, Away: 16-11, Neutral: 5-5 4/16 CENTRAL STATE W 6-4 NCAA Division II Midwest Regional 4/16 CENTRAL STATE W 8-2 4/17 DAYTON L 0-2 3/21 vs. Indiana W 4-1 4/17 DAYTON W 6-0 3/21 vs. SE Oklahoma State ^ L 0-5 4/21 XAVIER L 1-2 3/22 at Texas Pan-American ^ W 5-4 4/27 at Akron L 2-7 3/23 vs. Michigan State ^ L 2-4 4/27 at Akron W 12-4 3/24 vs. Michigan State ^ W 8-3 4/29 at Ohio W 2-0 3/24 at Texas Pan-American ^ L 1-5 4/30 DEFIANCE W 7-1 3/25 vs. Lubbock Christian ^ L 3-4 5/2 at SIU Edwardsville + W 9-0 3/26 vs. Lubbock Christian ^ L 8-9 5/3 vs. Missouri-St. Louis + W 3-0 3/30 at Miami L 5-8 5/4 vs. Bradley + L 3-9 3/30 at Miami W 7-5 5/6 MIAMI W 2-1 4/1 DAYTON W 4-3 5/6 MIAMI W 5-0 4/7 vs. Cincinnati + W 2-1 5/10 vs. Aquinas ~ L 1-3 4/8 at Miami + L 2-5 5/10 vs. Northern Kentucky ~ W 1-0 4/8 vs. Cincinnati + W 3-1 5/11 at St. Joseph’s ~ L 3-5 4/9 at Miami + W 10-9 5/12 at Cincinnati L 6-10 4/9 at Miami + L 5-20 5/13 at Central State W 3-2 4/12 at Cincinnati L 8-17 5/13 at Central State L 4-10 4/13 at Ohio State W 7-5 5/14 at Wilmington L 3-10 4/13 at Ohio State L 2-18 5/14 at Wilmington W 9-8 4/15 TOLEDO L 1-13 5/17 at Cleveland State L 3-5 4/15 TOLEDO W 9-5 5/17 at Cleveland State W 9-4 4/16 at Earlham W 13-0 5/22 at Eastern Illinois $ W 7-6 4/16 at Earlham L 5-6 5/23 vs. Evansville $ W 7-3 4/20 at Central State W 15-5 5/24 vs. St. Joseph’s $ L 3-8 4/20 at Central State W 11-1 5/24 vs. Marietta $ L 3-10 4/21 XAVIER L 4-5 4/26 at Indianapolis W 3-2 ^ Miami Tournament 4/26 at Indianapolis W 7-3 + SIU Edwardsville Tournament 4/27 at Xavier W 5-1 ~ St. Joseph’s Tournament 4/30 at Bellarmine W 2-0 $ at Eastern Illinois 4/30 at Bellarmine L 1-4 5/2 CINCINNATI W 8-5 1976 Season 27-22 5/3 MIAMI L 1-5 Home: 8-5, Away: 9-12, Neutral: 10-5 5/3 MIAMI L 3-6 NCAA Division II Midwest Regional 5/8 at St. Joseph’s W 6-1 5/8 at St. Joseph’s L 0-2 3/21 at Tampa W 13-9 5/10 CEDARVILLE W 8-0 3/21 at Tampa L 4-12 5/11 at Wilmington W 11-6 3/22 vs. Pennsylvania L 0-3 5/11 at Wilmington W 13-6 3/23 at South Florida L 2-11 5/13 at Akron W 19-3 3/24 at South Florida L 1-4 5/13 at Akron W 3-2 3/25 at Eckerd L 3-5 5/14 at Cleveland State L 6-16 3/26 at Valdosta State W 2-0 5/14 at Cleveland State L 3-4 3/30 at Miami L 2-3 5/19 vs. Youngstown State ~ W 26-1 3/30 at Miami L 1-2 5/20 at SIU Edwardsville ~ L 8-5 4/1 EARLHAM W 17-0 5/20 vs. Northern Kentucky ~ L 13-6 4/2 at Dayton W 1-0 4/2 at Dayton L 0-6 ^ Texas-Pan Am Classic 4/5 at Northern Kentucky W 3-1 (Edinburg, TX) 4/5 at Northern Kentucky W 7-1 + Miami Tournament 4/6 vs. Ohio W 7-6 ~ NCAA Regionals (Edwardsville, IL)
1978 Season 17-16-2 Home: 7-3-1, Away: 6-9-1, Neutral: 4-4 NCAA Division II Midwest Regional 3/20 vs. Olivet L 2-3 3/21 vs. Central Arkansas W 11-1 3/22 vs. Austin Peay L 2-5 3/23 vs. Brooklyn W 5-1 3/24 at South Alabama L 5-6 3/25 at South Alabama L 3-11 4/1 BELLARMINE W 3-1 4/1 BELLARMINE L 17-21 4/2 at Kent State W 3-0 4/2 at Kent State L 1-2 4/5 vs. Central State W 9-3 4/8 at Southern Indiana W 5-4 4/8 at Southern Indiana W 12-9 4/9 at Evansville W 9-5 4/9 at Evansville W 7-0 4/11 at Cincinnati L 5-11 4/15 at Toledo L 0-2 4/15 at Toledo L 0-1 4/16 NORTHERN KENTUCKY W 9-1 4/16 NORTHERN KENTUCKY W 7-4 4/26 at Dayton L 4-8 4/27 DAYTON T 5-5 4/28 ASHLAND W 6-5 4/30 at Northern Kentucky W 4-2 4/30 at Northern Kentucky L 2-3 5/1 XAVIER L 1-8 5/3 ST. JOSEPH’S W 2-0 5/3 ST. JOSEPH’S W 6-0 5/9 at Bowling Green L 2-19 5/9 at Bowling Green T 4-4 5/11 INDIANAPOLIS W 9-1 5/11 INDIANAPOLIS L 0-7 5/18 vs. Western Illinois ^ L 1-2 5/19 vs. Indianapolis ^ W 11-4 5/19 vs. Eastern Illinois ^ L 2-3 ^ NCAA Regionals (Edwardsville, IL) 1979 Season 17-28-1 No Site Data Available 3/17 3/19 3/20 3/20 3/21 3/22 3/23 3/24 3/27 3/27 4/3 4/3 4/9 4/9 4/21 4/21 4/22 4/22 4/24 4/24 4/25 4/25 4/27 4/27 4/28 4/28 4/30 5/2 5/2 5/4 5/5 5/5 5/12 5/13 5/13
Lipscomb Lincoln Ripon Austin Peay Cincinnati Lincoln Florida State Florida State Dayton Dayton Ohio State Ohio State Miami Dayton Cincinnati Miami Cincinnati Cincinnati Ohio Ohio Central State Central State Akron Akron Ashland Ashland Indiana Central Indiana Central Dayton Dayton Hanover Hanover Bellarmine Bellarmine Xavier (Forfeit) Wilmington Wilmington Indiana State Indiana State Indiana State Bowling Green Bowling Green Wittenberg Cleveland State Oakland Oakland
W 8-4 W 10-7 W 8-0 L 1-10 L 1-6 W 11-1 L 0-12 L 6-13 L 0-2 W 6-3 W 2-1 T 1-1 L 0-5 W 4-0 W 16-4 L 1-15 L 5-9 L 5-6 L 2-3 L 1-4 W 15-6 L 9-12 W 7-0 L 1-2 L 2-5 L 3-7 W 15-3 W 10-1 L 2-4 L 9-12 L 3-4 L 0-2 L 4-7 L 2-4 W 7-0 W 2-1 W 6-4 W 7-3 L 2-11 L 4-9 L 0-1 L 1-3 L 9-10 W 4-0 L 2-6 L 1-4
All-Time Results
3/30 at Dayton L 2-12 4/4 at Cincinnati L 1-7 4/11 at Cedarville W 4-1 4/14 vs. Otterbein L 5-6 4/15 at Ohio Northern L 5-9 4/15 at Ohio Northern L 8-12 4/17 at Dayton W 7-3 4/24 at Dayton W 3-0 4/26 at Thomas More L 6-7 4/29 at Cincinnati L 2-4 4/29 at Cincinnati L 1-2 5/1 at Miami L 3-20 5/2 vs. Bluffton L 3-7 5/4 at Cedarville L 2-3 5/6 vs. Defiance L 4-9 5/6 vs. Defiance W 6-5 5/12 vs. Xavier L 9-11 5/16 vs. Wilmington W 6-2 5/18 vs. Earlham W 16-1 5/19 vs. Miami L 1-16 5/20 at Ohio Wesleyan L 3-4 5/20 at Ohio Wesleyan W 6-5 1973 Season 9-16 Home: 2-2, Away: 3-9, Neutral: 4-5 3/31 at Berea L 8-9 3/31 at Berea W 8-2 4/3 at Cincinnati L 0-6 4/6 at Earlham W 7-2 4/7 vs. Thomas More L 2-5 4/7 vs. Thomas More L 4-5 4/21 vs. Ohio Northern W 2-1 4/21 vs. Ohio Northern W 3-2 4/24 vs. Thomas More L 0-3 4/25 at Findlay W 9-4 4/26 at Dayton L 1-4 4/26 at Dayton L 3-9 5/1 at Bluffton L 0-2 5/2 vs. Xavier W 13-6 5/5 URBANA W 4-0 5/5 URBANA W 2-1 5/9 at Central State L 2-4 5/12 KENT STATE L 3-5 5/12 KENT STATE L 1-3 5/14 at Xavier L 1-2 5/15 at Cedarville L 2-7 5/17 vs. Cincinnati L 0-4 5/18 vs. Xavier W 4-2 5/18 vs. Cincinnati L 4-10 5/22 at Ohio L 3-6 1974 Season 15-15-1 Home: 10-2-1, Away: 5-11, Neutral: 0-2 3/22 at Lipscomb L 2-3 3/22 at Lipscomb L 4-9 3/23 at Middle Tennessee L 3-5 3/23 at Middle Tennessee L 4-9 3/27 at Dayton L 2-5 3/27 at Dayton W 12-0 3/28 EARLHAM W 4-0 4/2 at Cedarville W 7-0 4/11 vs. Xavier ^ L 7-11
at Miami ^ CENTRAL STATE CENTRAL STATE DAYTON DAYTON FINDLAY THOMAS MORE at Ashland at Ashland XAVIER BLUFFTON at Urbana at Urbana at Central State MIAMI at Cincinnati at Xavier at Xavier WILMINGTON WILMINGTON CINCINNATI at Cincinnati +
All-Time Results 18
1980 Season 35-15-1 Home: 16-5, Away: 12-7-1, Neutral: 7-3 NCAA Division II Midwest Regional 3/17 vs. Monmouth W 9-2 3/17 vs. Brooklyn L 2-5 3/18 vs. Ripon W 3-1 vs. Brooklyn W 14-2 3/21 vs. Monmouth W 2-0 3/22 at Florida State L 0-12 3/22 at Florida State W 6-2 3/24 at Lipscomb W 9-7 4/1 CEDARVILLE W 6-5 4/1 CEDARVILLE W 12-0 vs. Cincinnati ^ W 7-4 at Miami ^ L 0-2 vs. Cincinnati ^ W 5-3 at Miami ^ W 3-2 at Miami ^ L 2-3 4/11 at Toledo W 10-2 4/11 at Toledo W 1-0 4/12 at Bowling Green W 6-2 4/12 at Bowling Green T 3-3 4/17 CENTRAL STATE W 2-0 4/17 CENTRAL STATE W 9-3 4/19 AKRON W 5-4 4/19 AKRON L 4-7 4/20 ASHLAND W 4-2 4/20 ASHLAND W 4-3 4/22 INDIANAPOLIS W 4-0 4/22 INDIANAPOLIS L 2-4 4/23 BOWLING GREEN W 5-4 4/23 BOWLING GREEN W 2-1 4/25 at Wilmington W 11-2 4/25 at Wilmington W 6-3 4/26 at Dayton W 3-2 4/26 at Dayton W 3-0 4/29 at Miami W 4-3 4/29 at Miami W 9-8 5/2 HANOVER W 7-2 5/2 HANOVER W 10-2 5/3 at Indiana State L 1-18 5/3 at Indiana State L 0-6 5/4 at Indiana State L 0-1 5/4 at Indiana State L 3-4 5/6 OHIO STATE W 9-8 5/6 OHIO STATE L 0-9 5/8 NORTHERN KENTUCKY L 0-2 5/8 NORTHERN KENTUCKY L 6-11 5/9 CAPITAL W 26-8 5/11 DAYTON W 4-3 5/11 DAYTON W 7-2 5/15 vs. Troy + L 2-8 5/16 vs. Delta State + W 10-4 5/16 vs. Troy + L 3-4 ^ Miami Tournament + NCAA Regionals (Charleston, IL) 1981 Season 19-32 Home: 9-3, Away: 8-21, Neutral: 2-8 3/21 at Lipscomb L 0-2 3/23 vs. Eastern Illinois L 0-4 vs. Otterbein L 1-4 3/25 vs. Otterbein W 5-3 3/26 vs. Eastern Illinois L 3-4 vs. Otterbein L 2-3 vs. Tennessee-Martin L 3-14 vs. Eastern Illinois W 7-5 vs. Tennessee-Martin L 3-8 vs. Eastern Illinois L 2-5 3/27 vs. Otterbein L 0-10 3/28 at Jacksonville State L 8-12 3/28 at Jacksonville State L 5-12 3/31 at Miami L 6-10 3/31 at Miami W 6-3 4/2 at Cincinnati L 6-9 4/2 at Cincinnati L 0-5 4/6 CENTRAL STATE W 8-1 4/6 CENTRAL STATE W 17-2 4/8 at Wittenberg W 12-6 4/14 at Ohio L 3-5 4/14 at Ohio W 10-8 4/15 at Indiana L 1-3 4/15 at Indiana L 0-11 4/17 at Ohio State L 3-7 4/17 at Ohio State L 5-16 4/18 OTTERBEIN W 5-3 4/18 OTTERBEIN W 2-1 4/21 at Indianapolis L 1-5 4/21 at Indianapolis L 4-9 at Dayton L 7-8 4/25 DAYTON W 3-0 4/25 DAYTON W 7-0
4/26 at Akron W 2-1 4/26 at Akron L 6-7 4/28 MIAMI L 0-11 4/28 MIAMI W 9-5 4/29 OHIO STATE L 3-6 4/29 OHIO STATE L 2-6 5/1 at Hanover L 2-8 5/1 at Hanover W 9-4 5/2 at Marietta L 6-11 5/2 at Marietta L 2-7 at Dayton W 10-5 5/5 CEDARVILLE W 10-2 5/5 CEDARVILLE W 8-3 5/7 at Northern Kentucky L 1-5 5/7 at Northern Kentucky L 13-14 5/8 at Capital L 9-10 5/9 at St. Joseph’s W 6-0 5/9 at St. Joseph’s W 10-6 1982 Season 21-28-1 Home: 17-7-1, Away: 4-21 3/19 at Valdosta State L 10-12 3/20 at Tennessee Tech L 4-5 3/20 at Monmouth W 3-2 3/23 at Lawrence W 9-2 3/23 at Tennessee Tech L 0-10 3/25 at Troy State L 4-7 3/26 at Jacksonville State L 6-7 3/26 at Jacksonville State L 5-8 3/27 at Middle Tennessee L 0-14 at Miami L 2-4 WITTENBERG W 12-8 4/2 CINCINNATI W 2-0 4/2 CINCINNATI W 7-3 4/3 BOWLING GREEN L 0-7 4/7 DAYTON W 16-3 4/7 DAYTON W 8-0 CENTRAL STATE W 10-2 4/13 OHIO L 9-15 4/13 OHIO T 6-6 4/14 at Otterbein W 8-7 4/14 at Otterbein L 7-13 4/15 at Ohio State L 6-12 4/16 NORTHERN KENTUCKY L 1-2 4/16 NORTHERN KENTUCKY W 6-0 4/17 at Dayton W 6-3 4/17 at Dayton L 4-5 4/20 INDIANAPOLIS L 1-6 4/20 INDIANAPOLIS W 14-8 4/21 INDIANA W 5-3 4/21 INDIANA L 2-11 4/23 DAYTON W 5-1 4/23 DAYTON W 3-2 4/24 at Cleveland State L 3-4 4/24 at Cleveland State L 5-8 4/25 at Akron L 4-5 4/25 at Akron L 6-8 4/28 OHIO STATE L 5-6 4/28 OHIO STATE W 22-6 4/29 ASHLAND W 4-1 4/29 ASHLAND W 9-2 4/30 at Louis L 7-8 4/30 at Louis L 2-16 5/1 at Notre Dame L 2-5 5/1 at Notre Dame L 0-3 5/4 MIAMI W 4-3 5/4 MIAMI L 3-6 5/5 at Bowling Green L 2-4 5/5 at Bowling Green L 3-5 5/8 ST. JOSEPH’S W 16-4 5/8 ST. JOSEPH’S W 23-1 1983 Season 29-17 Home: 10-5, Away: 8-8, Neutral: 11-4 NCAA Division II Midwest Regional 3/18 3/21 3/22 3/23 3/23 3/24 3/29 3/29 3/30 4/1 4/1 4/5 4/5 4/12 4/12 4/15
vs. Columbus State vs. Tennessee Tech vs. Pittsburgh vs. Lawrence vs. Chicago vs. Pittsburgh vs. Chicago vs. Concordia (IL) at Miami at Miami at Wittenberg CENTRAL STATE CENTRAL STATE at Dayton at Dayton at Ohio at Ohio CINCINNATI ^
L 0-11 L 1-6 W 8-5 W 8-7 W 13-1 W 11-6 W 11-1 W 15-3 L 2-7 W 4-3 W 3-2 W 10-6 W 8-5 L 0-4 L 6-16 L 0-3 L 0-5 W 9-2
4/15 4/16 4/17 4/17 4/19 4/22 4/23 4/23 4/24 4/24 4/25 4/25 4/27 4/27 4/29 4/29 5/3 5/3 5/12 5/13 5/13 5/14
CINCINNATI ^ DAYTON ^ LEWIS ^ DAYTON ^ at Bowling Green at Wittenberg EASTERN MICHIGAN EASTERN MICHIGAN at Ashland at Ashland at Central State at Central State OHIO STATE OHIO STATE DAYTON DAYTON MIAMI MIAMI vs. Dayton + vs. Youngstown State + at Akron + vs. Ashland + vs. Youngstown State + vs. Dayton + at Jacksonville State ~ vs. Southern Indiana ~ vs. Troy ~ at Jacksonville State ~
W 13-12 W 11-1 L 2-7 L 3-5 W 8-5 W 22-11 L 0-3 W 11-9 W 9-0 L 1-2 W 17-4 W 23-7 W 6-5 L 2-14 W 6-4 W 7-4 W 5-4 L 1-8 L 6-7 L 1-2 W 3-1 W 14-2 W 9-5 W 4-1 L 5-14 W 8-7 W 7-6 L 2-7
^ WSU Invitational + Akron Invitational ~ NCAA Regionals (Jacksonville, AL) 1984 Season 29-22 Home: 11-5, Away: 15-14, Neutral: 3-3 3/17 at UIC L 6-7 at Millikin W 7-1 at Marietta L 1-7 3/19 at Tennessee-Martin L 1-2 3/21 at Western Illinois L 4-10 at Tennessee Tech L 1-2 3/22 at Chicago W 2-0 3/22 at Chicago W 6-1 3/23 at Northern Alabama L 1-4 3/23 at Northern Alabama W 6-5 3/24 at Lipscomb L 1-14 3/24 at Lipscomb L 5-13 3/31 DAYTON W 9-3 3/31 DAYTON W 6-5 4/1 ASHLAND L 6-7 4/1 ASHLAND W 9-2 4/6 at Miami L 4-5 4/6 at Miami L 2-12 4/7 at Southern Indiana W 10-4 4/7 at Southern Indiana L 4-5 4/8 at Kentucky Wesleyan L 8-14 4/8 at Kentucky Wesleyan W 4-0 4/10 INDIANA W 3-1 4/10 INDIANA L 2-4 4/13 CLARION ^ W 15-4 4/13 CENTRAL STATE ^ W 13-1 4/14 SOUTHERN INDIANA ^ W 11-5 4/15 LEWIS ^ L 2-5 4/15 DAYTON ^ L 2-3 at Lewis + L 2-3 vs. Indianapolis + L 0-1 vs. St. Francis (IN) + W 7-6 vs. St. Joseph’s + W 6-5 4/25 OHIO STATE W 11-10 4/26 at Wittenberg W 9-1 4/26 at Wittenberg W 10-2 4/28 at Dayton W 6-4 4/28 at Dayton W 6-5 4/29 at Cincinnati W 2-1 4/29 at Cincinnati W 2-1 5/1 INDIANAPOLIS W 8-7 5/1 INDIANAPOLIS L 6-9 vs. Youngstown State ~ L 6-7 vs. Central State ~ L 4-11 vs. Dayton ~ W 5-4 at Akron ~ W 9-1 at Akron ~ W 8-1 5/8 at Anderson W 6-4 5/8 at Anderson L 6-7 CENTRAL STATE W 9-4 CENTRAL STATE W 11-0 ^ + ~
WSU Invitational Lewis Invitational (Romeoville, IL) Akron Invitational
1985 Season 33-24-2 Home: 18-8-1, Away: 9-12, Neutral: 6-4-1 3/17 vs. Western Illinois W 4-3 at West Florida L 6-22 3/18 vs. Austin Peay L 8-12 3/18 vs. Tennessee Tech L 1-4 3/19 vs. Austin Peay W 7-5 3/19 vs. Brooklyn W 9-2 3/20 vs. Austin Peay T 2-2 3/20 vs. Milliken W 13-3 3/21 vs. Eastern Illinois L 8-11 3/22 vs. Otterbein W 4-0 3/22 vs. Western Illinois L 12-13 3/23 vs. Brooklyn W 6-2 3/26 at Xavier W 7-4 3/26 at Xavier L 6-7 3/28 WITTENBERG W 9-8 3/28 WITTENBERG W 8-0 3/29 TIFFIN L 3-9 3/29 TIFFIN W 10-0 3/31 FERRIS STATE L 1-4 3/31 FERRIS STATE T 11-11 4/2 OHIO L 1-7 4/3 at Ohio W 10-8 4/4 MIAMI L 0-1 4/4 MIAMI W 6-4 4/6 at Dayton L 3-5 4/6 at Dayton W 8-7 4/9 CENTRAL STATE W 7-2 4/9 CENTRAL STATE W 6-5 4/12 at Anderson L 1-2 4/13 at Indiana L 0-7 4/13 at Indiana L 8-9 4/14 at IUPUI W 10-3 4/14 at IUPUI W 10-4 4/16 XAVIER W 7-3 4/16 XAVIER W 13-9 4/19 at St. Xavier L 2-12 4/19 vs. St. Francis L 2-14 4/20 vs. St. Francis L 4-10 4/20 at St. Xavier W 8-6 4/21 at St. Xavier W 8-6 4/21 vs. St. Francis W 6-4 4/23 WILMINGTON W 5-2 4/23 WILMINGTON W 4-2 4/25 at Ashland L 13-17 4/25 at Ashland L 4-13 4/26 IUPUI ^ W 13-3 4/27 MERCYHURST ^ W 3-2 4/27 CLARION ^ W 10-0 4/28 SOUTHERN INDIANA ^ L 3-6 4/28 CENTRAL STATE ^ W 21-7 4/30 DAYTON W 9-3 4/30 DAYTON W 12-3 5/2 at Cincinnati W 6-0 5/2 at Cincinnati L 6-7 5/4 LEWIS L 2-13 5/4 LEWIS L 5-6 5/8 at Ohio State L 1-12 5/11 at Indianapolis W 8-3 5/11 at Indianapolis W 8-2 ^
WSU Invitational
1986 Season 37-20 Home: 18-4, Away: 12-9, Neutral: 7-7 NCAA Division II Midwest Regional 3/15 at Cincinnati L 3-4 3/15 at Cincinnati W 3-1 3/22 vs. Salem State L 12-16 3/23 vs. Concord W 11-1 3/23 vs. Concord L 8-11 3/24 vs. Milligan W 16-2 3/25 vs. Bethany W 9-4 3/26 at St. Leo (FL) L 2-4 3/27 vs. Hartwick W 10-1 3/31 at Indiana W 12-6 4/1 OHIO W 8-3 4/1 OHIO W 3-2 4/3 MOUNT VERNON L 0-2 4/3 MOUNT VERNON L 2-5 4/4 at Southern Indiana ^ W 12-2 4/4 vs. Evansville ^ L 0-4 4/5 vs. Lewis ^ L 0-5 4/5 vs. Kentucky Wesleyan ^ W 13-7 4/6 vs. Xavier ^ W 8-3 4/6 vs. Indiana ^ L 0-11 4/8 at Miami W 2-1 4/8 at Miami L 3-4 4/11 at Missouri-St. Louis W 13-5 4/11 at Missouri-St. Louis W 19-7 4/12 at SIU Edwardsville W 5-1 4/12 at SIU Edwardsville L 2-3
4/13 4/13 4/15 4/17 4/17 4/18 4/18 4/19 4/19 4/23 4/23 4/24 4/25 4/26 4/26 4/27 4/27 4/29 4/30 5/2 5/3 5/3 5/4 5/7 5/9 5/9 5/10 5/10 5/15 5/16 5/17
L 2-6 W 6-4 W 4-2 W 4-1 W 4-3 L 6-16 L 3-4 W 7-6 W 8-6 W 4-3 W 4-1 W 9-0 W 3-2 L 4-5 W 13-0 W 2-0 W 15-3 L 6-11 W 6-3 W 13-2 W 5-4 W 6-5 W 2-1 L 5-7 W 4-2 L 7-10 W 2-1 W 6-5 W 5-1 L 3-13 L 4-5
5/22 5/24 5/24 5/25
vs. New Haven ! vs. Columbus State ! vs. Cal State Dominguez ! vs. Troy !
W 1-0 L 4-13 W 5-2 L 2-8
vs. UIC at Cincinnati at Ohio State at Ohio State at Bowling Green at Eastern Kentucky MIAMI MIAMI EASTERN KENTUCKY DAYTON CINCINNATI at Wilmington at Wilmington KENTUCKY STATE KENTUCKY STATE at Kentucky DAYTON LOUISVILLE LOUISVILLE at Kentucky State at Kentucky State AKRON AKRON at Ohio at Ohio at Dayton XAVIER XAVIER at UIC at UIC at UIC at Akron at Akron at Dayton PITT-JOHNSTOWN ^ EASTERN KENTUCKY ^ OTTERBEIN ^ OTTERBEIN ^ WITTENBERG at Ball State at Ball State at Ball State at Ball State ANDERSON at Bowling Green
Wright State Classic
W 5-3 L 6-7 W 4-1 W 1-0 L 1-6 L 4-5 W 7-1 W 4-3 W 6-2 W 8-0 W 6-3 W 11-0 W 8-6 W 4-0 W 13-8 W 8-1 W 16-9 W 4-0 W 3-2 W 8-1 W 8-4 W 9-2 W 5-0 W 12-4 L 6-7 W 14-4 W 14-5 W 12-3 W 8-4 L 8-10 W 8-6 L 4-7 W 7-2 W 21-3 W 5-0 W 3-1 W 9-1 W 7-3 W 19-7 W 14-7 W 8-4 L 1-6 W 6-3 W 2-1 W 4-1
1990 Season 35-20 Home: 13-4, Away: 18-9, Neutral: 4-7 3/10 vs. Kent State L 3-4 3/11 vs. Ashland L 2-3 3/11 vs. Ashland W 6-2 3/17 at Murray State W 3-1 3/17 at Murray State W 14-3 3/18 at Murray State W 6-4 3/20 at Arizona W 10-7 3/21 at Arizona L 4-6 3/23 at Hawaii-Pacific ^ L 4-5 3/23 at Hawaii-Pacific ^ W 7-0 3/24 vs. Creighton ^ L 2-3 3/24 at Hawaii-Pacific ^ L 6-7 3/25 vs. Georgia Tech ^ W 6-1 3/26 vs. Oklahoma State ^ L 4-10 3/27 vs. Iona ^ W 13-4 3/27 vs. Hawaii ^ L 1-3 3/28 vs. Oklahoma State ^ L 0-5 3/29 vs. Creighton ^ L 0-14 3/30 vs. Georgia Tech ^ L 3-4 3/31 vs. Iona ^ W 8-0 3/31 vs. Hawaii ^ L 4-6 4/4 OHIO STATE L 2-5 4/4 OHIO STATE L 3-6 4/5 at Xavier W 18-7 4/5 at Xavier W 8-5 4/6 at Miami W 10-5 4/7 at Akron W 5-2 4/7 at Akron W 12-3 4/8 CHICAGO STATE W 12-4 4/13 DAYTON W 12-2 4/18 at Kentucky W 5-1 4/19 at Dayton L 6-12 4/21 at Austin Peay L 4-7 4/21 at Austin Peay W 8-6 4/22 at Austin Peay W 6-5 4/24 at Morehead State W 11-3 4/24 at Morehead State L 3-6 4/25 CINCINNATI W 6-3 4/27 CLEVELAND STATE + W 5-2 4/28 UIC + W 11-2 4/28 CLEVELAND STATE + W 15-0 4/29 BOWLING GREEN + W 7-5 5/1 XAVIER W 11-0 5/1 XAVIER W 9-3
5/3 5/5 5/5 5/6 5/6 5/8 5/9 5/9 5/10 5/11 5/14
DAYTON at Eastern Michigan at Eastern Michigan EASTERN KENTUCKY EASTERN KENTUCKY at Cleveland State KENTUCKY KENTUCKY at Dayton at Eastern Kentucky ANDERSON
^ +
Rainbow Spring Tournament (Honolulu, HI) Wright State Classic
1991 Season Home: 18-7, Away: 13-7, Neutral 8-2 3/15 3/19 3/20 3/21 3/21 3/22 3/22 3/23 3/23 3/24 3/25 3/26 3/28 3/29 3/30 3/30 4/2 4/2 4/6 4/6 4/7 4/10 4/11 4/13 4/16 4/16 4/17 4/18 4/23 4/23 4/26 4/26 4/27 4/27 4/28 4/30 4/30 5/1 5/1 5/2 5/2 5/3 5/4 5/4 5/5 5/8 5/10 5/10 5/12 5/12 5/13 5/13 5/18 5/18 5/19
vs. Ohio Dominican vs. UIC at Stetson vs. Morehead State vs. Akron vs. Princeton vs. UIC vs. UIC vs. Drexel vs. Bowling Green vs. Cleveland State at Central Florida at Dayton MIAMI OAKLAND OAKLAND at Bowling Green at Bowling Green AUSTIN PEAY AUSTIN PEAY AUSTIN PEAY at Ohio State EASTERN KENTUCKY at Cincinnati at Kentucky at Kentucky DAYTON at Cincinnati at Cleveland State at Cleveland State BOWLING GREEN ^ DETROIT ^ BOWLING GREEN ^ DETROIT ^ DETROIT ^ at Xavier at Xavier CINCINNATI CINCINNATI at UIC at UIC at Chicago State EASTERN MICHIGAN + MOREHEAD STATE + SOUTHERN ILLINOIS + KENTUCKY XAVIER XAVIER YOUNGSTOWN STATE YOUNGSTOWN STATE PURDUE PURDUE at Middle Tennessee at Middle Tennessee at Middle Tennessee
^ +
WSU Invitational Wright State Classic
W 6-2 W 11-3 W 5-4 L 0-7 L 1-4 W 23-1 W 4-3 W 5-0 W 15-6 L 2-6 W 5-1
39-16 W 11-1 W 3-1 W 21-9 L 6-7 W 8-4 W 6-5 W 11-9 L 8-16 W 22-8 W 1-0 W 9-1 L 5-6 W 3-2 L 3-12 L 2-8 W 5-1 W 8-2 W 6-2 L 0-5 L 4-5 W 3-0 L 2-12 W 9-6 L 5-7 L 4-5 L 2-4 W 7-3 W 13-12 L 7-13 W 18-1 W 5-1 W 11-4 W 10-0 L 3-4 L 4-6 W 5-3 L 8-9 W 1-0 W 6-3 W 13-10 W 7-2 W 4-1 W 2-1 L 3-5 W 2-1 W 3-1 W 2-1 W 6-1 W 2-0 W 9-4 W 4-2 W 5-4 W 6-3 W 9-3 W 9-3
All-Time Results
^ WSU Invitational # NCAA Regionals ! NCAA World Series (Montgomery, AL) 1988 Season 32-28 Home: 18-8, Away: 11-15, Neutral: 2-5 First Season in Division I 3/19 vs. Miami ^ L 0-3 3/19 vs. Texas Southern ^ L 8-10 3/20 vs. Texas Southern ^ W 18-2 3/21 at Texas Pan-American ^ L 6-7 3/22 vs. South Dakota ^ L 0-3 3/23 vs. Dartmouth ^ L 8-12 3/23 at Texas Pan-American ^ L 4-7 3/24 at Texas Pan-American ^ W 6-3 3/25 vs. South Dakota ^ W 12-1 3/25 at Texas Pan-American ^ W 4-2 3/26 vs. South Dakota ^ L 5-8 3/28 at Eastern Michigan L 5-7 3/29 at Toledo L 2-7 3/29 at Toledo L 1-6 3/30 OHIO DOMINICAN W 8-3 3/30 OHIO DOMINICAN W 6-2 4/5 at Louisville L 9-14 4/5 at Louisville W 19-8 ^ Southern Indiana Invitational 4/8 at Bowling Green L 1-2 (Evansville, IN) 4/8 at Bowling Green L 2-3 + WSU Invitational 4/9 BOWLING GREEN L 4-5 ~ NCAA Regionals 4/9 BOWLING GREEN L 5-7 4/12 CINCINNATI W 4-1 1987 Season 41-14 4/12 CINCINNATI L 3-13 Home: 17-5, Away: 11-7, Neutral: 13-2 4/13 OTTERBEIN W 8-3 NCAA Division II National Runner-Up 4/14 at Lewis L 3-4 NCAA Division II College World Series 4/14 at Lewis W 3-1 Participant 4/16 at Dayton W 9-0 NCAA Division II Midwest Regional 4/16 at Dayton L 1-4 4/17 KENTUCKY STATE W 14-1 3/14 BOWLING GREEN L 1-2 4/17 KENTUCKY STATE W 9-3 3/14 BOWLING GREEN L 0-5 4/19 at Miami W 8-4 3/21 vs. Salem State W 8-0 4/19 at Miami W 9-3 3/21 vs. Salem State W 5-1 4/20 at Ohio State L 6-10 3/22 vs. Fitchburg State W 15-5 4/20 at Ohio State L 6-7 3/22 vs. Hillsdale W 6-2 4/22 at Wittenberg W 13-7 3/23 vs. Amherst W 5-4 4/23 at Kentucky State W 7-2 3/25 vs. Brandeis W 13-2 4/23 at Kentucky State W 14-0 3/25 vs. Amherst W 5-4 4/24 WILMINGTON W 11-1 4/2 at Eastern Kentucky W 8-2 4/24 WILMINGTON L 5-6 4/7 at Kentucky L 3-6 4/26 at Xavier L 4-7 4/8 MIAMI W 3-1 4/26 at Xavier W 6-5 4/8 MIAMI W 7-1 4/29 PITT-JOHNSTOWN + W 14-1 4/9 CENTRAL STATE W 6-4 4/29 EASTERN KENTUCKY + W 10-9 4/9 CENTRAL STATE W 6-0 4/30 ST. JOSEPH’S + W 14-3 4/11 at Ohio State L 4-10 4/30 ANDERSON + W 9-6 4/11 at Ohio State W 10-9 5/3 DAYTON W 6-2 4/12 OHIO STATE W 5-1 5/3 DAYTON W 3-2 4/12 OHIO STATE W 12-10 5/6 OHIO ~ L 4-7 4/14 ANDERSON W 3-2 5/6 INDIANAPOLIS ~ W 10-0 4/14 ANDERSON W 5-3 5/7 LEWIS ~ L 10-12 4/17 at SIU Edwardsville L 1-2 5/7 OHIO ~ W 5-4 4/17 at SIU Edwardsville L 1-2 5/8 OHIO W 5-4 4/18 at SIU Edwardsville W 5-0 5/9 XAVIER W 6-0 4/18 vs. Southern Indiana W 4-2 5/9 XAVIER L 4-5 4/21 at Indiana L 0-7 5/14 BALL STATE L 2-3 4/23 at Wilmington W 11-1 5/14 BALL STATE W 5-2 4/24 CINCINNATI L 3-13 5/15 at Akron W 4-1 4/26 at Wayne State W 9-5 5/15 at Akron L 3-4 4/26 at Wayne State L 1-4 5/16 at Anderson L 3-5 4/30 at Bowling Green W 4-3 5/1 PITT-JOHNSTOWN ^ W 15-2 ^ Texas-Pan Am Classic 5/1 CENTRAL STATE ^ W 3-0 (Edinburg, TX) 5/2 ST. JOSEPH’S ^ W 7-1 + WSU Invitational 5/2 DAYTON ^ W 7-3 ~ Wright State Classic 5/3 DAYTON ^ L 6-7 5/4 PITT-JOHNSTOWN ^ L 5-7 1989 Season 45-12 5/5 at Cincinnati W 4-1 Home: 20-0, Away: 18-9, Neutral: 7-3 5/5 at Cincinnati W 7-6 5/6 DAYTON W 1-0 3/11 at Xavier W 12-4 5/6 DAYTON W 5-0 3/11 vs. Toledo W 8-6 5/8 LEWIS W 13-6 3/18 vs. Youngstown State W 11-4 5/8 LEWIS W 6-1 3/18 vs. South Alabama L 9-10 5/9 at Indianapolis L 0-1 3/19 vs. Youngstown State W 16-1 5/9 at Indianapolis W 6-3 3/20 vs. Cleveland State W 9-8 5/10 at Central State W 7-4 3/20 vs. Iowa L 1-3 5/10 at Central State W 3-2 3/21 vs. UIC W 7-1 5/11 Wittenberg W 3-1 3/21 at Stetson L 4-12 5/15 SHIPPENSBURG # W 11-3 3/22 vs. Akron W 13-4 5/16 LEWIS # W 7-4 3/22 at South Florida L 4-5 5/17 LEWIS # W 9-4 3/24 vs. William Paterson L 5-6
3/25 3/28 3/29 3/29 4/1 4/6 4/7 4/7 4/11 4/12 4/13 4/15 4/15 4/16 4/16 4/18 4/19 4/20 4/20 4/22 4/22 4/23 4/23 4/25 4/25 4/26 4/27 4/27 4/29 4/29 4/30 5/2 5/2 5/4 5/5 5/6 5/7 5/7 5/8 5/13 5/13 5/14 5/14 5/15 5/16
1992 Season 40-16 (17-3 Mid-Con) Home: 15-5, Away: 21-11, Neutral: 4-0 Mid-Con Regular Season and Tournament Champions 2/29 2/29 3/1 3/14 3/14 3/15 3/17 3/20 3/21 3/21 3/22 3/24
at Western Carolina at Western Carolina at Western Carolina at Eastern Kentucky at Eastern Kentucky at Eastern Kentucky XAVIER at Dayton MICHIGAN MICHIGAN MICHIGAN at Florida International
W 4-3 L 4-6 L 7-12 W 13-1 L 4-5 W 6-3 L 5-10 W 11-7 L 0-1 W 15-4 W 3-2 L 5-10
All-Time Results 20
3/26 3/26 3/27 3/31 4/1 4/2 4/5 4/5 4/7 4/9 4/9 4/12 4/12 4/14 4/14 4/15 4/16 4/19 4/19 4/20 4/22 4/25 4/25 4/26 4/26 4/28 4/29 5/1 5/1 5/2 5/2 5/6 5/7 5/8 5/8 5/9 5/10 5/10 5/12 5/12 5/14 5/15 5/16 5/17
at Florida International at Florida International at Barry at Kentucky XAVIER at Xavier UIC * UIC * at Xavier at Butler at Butler YOUNGSTOWN STATE * YOUNGSTOWN STATE * at Detroit at Detroit OHIO DAYTON at Valparaiso * at Valparaiso * CHICAGO STATE EASTERN KENTUCKY NORTHERN ILLINOIS * NORTHERN ILLINOIS * EASTERN ILLINOIS * EASTERN ILLINOIS * at Ohio Dominican KENTUCKY (11 inn.) at Akron * at Akron * at Youngstown State at Youngstown State at Akron at Akron at Cleveland State * at Cleveland State * at Cleveland State * CLEVELAND STATE * CLEVELAND STATE * at Purdue at Purdue at UIC # vs. Youngstown State # vs. Eastern Illinois # vs. Akron #
W 8-4 L 3-6 W 4-1 W 10-3 L 8-12 L 6-12 W 4-1 W 8-0 L 2-13 W 4-2 W 16-1 W 14-2 W 3-2 W 1-0 W 8-2 W 2-1 L 2-4 W 3-1 L 7-8 W 4-2 W 7-3 W 12-1 W 6-3 W 6-3 W 2-1 W 4-3 L 5-6 L 3-7 L 1-6 W 5-1 W 5-0 W 9-6 W 7-6 W 5-0 W 10-1 W 21-1 W 5-0 W 3-2 L 3-5 W 4-3 W 4-3 W 14-2 W 6-4 W 12-10
5/10 5/11 5/12 5/13 5/13 5/15 5/15 5/16 5/17 5/20 5/21 5/22 5/23
DETROIT at Xavier at Indiana at Ohio State at Ohio State at Valparaiso * at Valparaiso * at Valparaiso * at Purdue vs. Western Illinois # vs. Cleveland State # vs. Eastern Illinois # at UIC #
W 7-4 L 8-10 W 8-7 W 2-1 W 4-3 W 10-6 W 5-4 W 6-0 W 3-2 W 6-3 L 7-10 W 5-3 L 9-12
* #
Mid-Continent Conference Games Mid-Continent Conference Tournament (Chicago, IL)
1994 Season 39-21 (16-8 Mid-Con) Home: 15-4, Away: 16-13, Neutral: 8-4 Mid-Continent Conference Regular Season and Tournament Champions NCAA Mideast Regional (Knoxville, TN)
2/19 2/19 2/20 2/26 2/26 2/27 3/5 3/6 3/18 3/19 3/20 3/20 3/21 3/22 3/23 3/23 3/24 3/26 3/26 3/27 3/29 * Mid-Continent Conference Game 3/30 3/30 # Mid-Continent Conference 4/2 Tournament (Chicago, IL) 4/2 1993 Season 39-15 (17-3 Mid-Con) 4/3 4/7 Home: 12-1, Away: 25-12, Neutral: 2-2 4/9 Mid-Con Regular Season and Tournament 4/9 Champions 4/10 2/20 at Western Carolina W 3-1 4/13 2/21 at Western Carolina L 4-8 4/16 3/20 at Southern Mississippi W 4-2 4/16 3/21 at Southern Mississippi L 4-5 4/17 3/21 at Southern Mississippi W 10-6 4/20 3/23 at Arizona L 7-17 4/21 3/24 at Arizona W 5-3 4/22 3/27 at Kent State L 2-6 4/23 3/27 at Kent State W 6-1 4/23 3/28 at Kent State L 2-3 4/24 3/29 at Kent State L 0-1 4/26 3/29 at Kent State L 2-4 4/27 4/3 NORTHERN ILLINOIS * W 5-0 5/3 4/4 NORTHERN ILLINOIS * L 2-4 5/3 4/4 NORTHERN ILLINOIS * W 8-6 5/5 4/6 BOWLING GREEN W 6-0 5/7 4/7 at Ohio W 8-6 5/8 4/8 XAVIER W 13-8 5/8 4/10 at Eastern Illinois * W 4-1 5/10 4/10 at Eastern Illinois * L 1-2 5/11 4/11 at Eastern Illinois * W 9-2 5/13 4/13 EASTERN KENTUCKY W 15-2 5/14 4/16 at Eastern Kentucky L 17-18 5/14 4/17 UIC * W 2-1 5/16 4/18 UIC * W 16-3 5/17 4/19 UIC * W 13-0 5/19 4/20 at Bowling Green L 4-9 5/19 4/21 at Dayton W 19-4 5/27 4/22 at Louisville W 15-10 5/28 4/24 YOUNGSTOWN STATE * W 7-0 5/29 4/24 YOUNGSTOWN STATE * W 12-1 4/28 at Cincinnati W 13-5 ^ * 5/1 at Western Illinois * W 7-0 # 5/1 at Western Illinois * W 7-4 ! 5/2 at Western Illinois * W 5-2 5/5 at Cincinnati W 13-3 5/5 at Cincinnati W 9-2 5/6 DAYTON W 7-6 5/8 at Cleveland State * W 9-0 5/8 at Cleveland State * L 7-10 5/9 at Cleveland State * W 3-0
at Western Carolina at Western Carolina at Western Carolina at Austin Peay at Austin Peay at Austin Peay at South Carolina at South Carolina vs. Bradley ^ vs. Central Connecticut ^ vs. Bowling Green ^ vs. Bowling Green ^ vs. Vermont ^ vs. Northern Iowa ^ vs. Colgate ^ vs. Northwestern ^ vs. Bucknell ^ NORTHERN ILLINOIS * NORTHERN ILLINOIS * NORTHERN ILLINOIS * DUQUESNE at Cleveland State * at Cleveland State * at Eastern Illinois * at Eastern Illinois * at Eastern Illinois * at Butler YOUNGSTOWN STATE * YOUNGSTOWN STATE * YOUNGSTOWN STATE * at Ohio State WESTERN ILLINOIS * WESTERN ILLINOIS * WESTERN ILLINOIS * EASTERN KENTUCKY at Dayton at Anderson at Milwaukee * at Milwaukee * at Milwaukee * at Cincinnati at Xavier at Louisville at Louisville CINCINNATI at UIC * at UIC * at UIC * at Dayton at Cleveland State * VALPARAISO * (12) VALPARAISO * VALPARAISO * DAYTON PURDUE (10) NAVY # NAVY # vs. North Carolina State ! vs. Arizona State ! vs. North Carolina State !
L 3-4 L 1-2 L 0-9 W 4-1 W 6-1 L 1-7 L 4-10 L 6-8 W 12-8 W 16-2 W 13-8 L 3-8 W 8-7 W 6-0 W 8-7 L 0-4 W 10-2 W 3-2 L 0-4 W 7-6 W 12-10 L 3-12 W 8-0 W 2-1 W 6-2 L 7-8 W 5-4 L 6-13 W 14-7 L 3-5 W 17-15 W 13-1 L 3-6 W 11-9 W 8-7 W 8-7 W 5-2 W 4-0 W 1-0 W 6-2 L 6-7 L 4-8 W 5-4 W 6-3 W 10-6 L 5-6 W 10-5 L 5-12 L 5-10 W 20-6 W 5-4 W 3-0 W 2-0 W 17-7 W 5-4 W 19-2 W 14-10 W 14-12 L 4-7 L 6-10
1995 Season 33-28 (10-6 MCC) Home: 13-8, Away: 10-11, Neutral: 10-9 MIdwestern Collegiate Conference Tournament Champions NCAA Play-In Series 2/18 2/18 2/19 2/25 2/25 2/26 3/4 3/5 3/12 3/12 3/14 3/18 3/19 3/20 3/21 3/22 3/23 3/24 3/25 3/26 3/27 4/1 4/1 4/2 4/4 4/5 4/8 4/8 4/9 4/9 4/13 4/15 4/15 4/16 4/16 4/18 4/19 4/21 4/22 4/22 4/23 4/25 4/27 4/29 5/2 5/3 5/4 5/6 5/6 5/7 5/7 5/9 5/10 5/10 5/13 5/14 5/14 5/15 5/16 5/19 5/20
at Western Carolina at Western Carolina at Western Carolina at Austin Peay at Austin Peay at Austin Peay at Arkansas State at Arkansas State KENT STATE KENT STATE KENT STATE vs. Bucknell ^ vs. Canisius ^ vs. Northeastern Illinois ^ vs. Northwestern ^ vs. Shawnee State ^ vs. Vermont ^ vs. UW-Stevens Point ^ vs. Massachusetts ^ vs. Northwestern ^ (10) vs. Northern Iowa ^ YOUNGSTOWN STATE YOUNGSTOWN STATE YOUNGSTOWN STATE BOWLING GREEN at Ohio La SALLE * La SALLE * La SALLE * La SALLE * OHIO STATE CLEVELAND STATE * CLEVELAND STATE * CLEVELAND STATE * CLEVELAND STATE * BUTLER at Eastern Kentucky at Detroit * (11) at Detroit * at Detroit * at Detroit * at Cincinnati at Dayton at Indiana CINCINNATI EASTERN KENTUCKY DAYTON at Xavier * at Xavier * at Xavier * at Xavier * ANDERSON vs. Bowling Green vs. Bowling Green vs. Northern Illinois # at Notre Dame # vs. Detroit # at Notre Dame # at Notre Dame # TROY + (13) TROY + (13)
W 6-3 W 8-1 L 4-7 W 9-2 W 8-2 L 4-13 L 1-10 L 3-12 L 1-12 W 3-2 L 5-14 L 3-9 W 11-6 W 13-6 L 6-12 W 18-4 W 10-2 W 11-1 L 2-5 W 11-8 L 2-8 L 1-2 L 3-12 W 6-5 W 14-8 L 5-15 W 4-1 L 10-11 L 4-6 W 6-5 L 6-16 W 14-0 W 1-0 W 12-0 W 17-7 W 19-8 L 13-17 W 8-7 L 1-2 L 5-10 W 7-4 L 10-16 W 10-1 W 4-3 W 11-4 L 2-5 W 8-2 W 10-7 L 7-8 W 8-0 L 5-16 W 8-3 L 0-11 L 1-3 W 9-5 L 8-11 W 3-1 W 8-6 W 8-5 L 7-16 L 5-6
^ * # +
Spring Trip (Fort Myers, FL) MCC Games MCC Tournament (South Bend, IN) NCAA Play-In Series
1996 Season 20-28 (10-12 MCC) Home: 9-7, Away: 8-17, Neutral: 3-4
2/17 2/18 2/18 2/24 2/24 2/25 3/2 3/2 3/3 Spring Trip (Fort Myers, FL) 3/3 Mid-Continent Conference Games 3/15 NCAA Play-In Series 3/15 NCAA Regionals (Knoxville, TN) 3/16 3/16 3/23 3/25 3/27 3/28 3/29
at Western Carolina at Western Carolina at Western Carolina at Winthrop at Winthrop at Winthrop vs. Bradley ^ at Murray State ^ vs. Bradley ^ at Murray State ^ DETROIT * DETROIT * DETROIT * DETROIT * vs. Lewis-Clark State + vs. Oregon State + vs. Lewis-Clark State + at Hawaii + vs. Hawaii-Hilo +
L 3-4 L 1-15 W 8-6 L 2-3 L 7-8 L 4-10 L 2- 11 L 7-8 L 1-4 L 0-2 L 2-11 L 5-6 L 1-3 W 4-1 W 6-3 L 2-3 L 2-11 L 1-4 W 6-3
3/31 4/7 4/7 4/10 4/11 4/13 4/13 4/14 4/14 4/17 4/18 4/20 4/20 4/21 4/21 4/24 4/24 4/27 4/27 4/28 4/28 5/2 5/4 5/4 5/5 5/5 5/9 5/9 5/14
vs. Hawaii-Hilo + at Milwaukee * at Milwaukee * at Dayton EASTERN KENTUCKY NORTHERN ILLINOIS * (10) NORTHERN ILLINOIS * NORTHERN ILLINOIS * NORTHERN ILLINOIS * at Butler at Miami BUTLER * BUTLER * BUTLER * BUTLER * IUPUI IUPUI at Cleveland State * at Cleveland State * at Cleveland State * at Cleveland State * DAYTON at UIC * at UIC * at UIC * at UIC * at Ohio State at Ohio State at Purdue (10)
W 10-9 L 0-3 L 6-8 W 14-2 W 15-7 W 5-4 W 8-6 L 2-6 L 4-13 L 8-10 L 10-11 L 4-8 W 6-5 W 1-0 L 3-4 W 3-0 W 13-0 L 5-6 W 13-2 W 9-7 W 9-2 W 4-0 W 3-2 L 3-6 L 2-4 W 8-2 W 8-5 L 7-15 L 3-4
^ + *
Murray State Invitational (Murray, KY) Rainbow Spring Tournament (Honolulu, HI) MCC Games
1997 Season 31-28 (16-6 MCC) Home: 17-6, Away: 11-16, Neutral: 3-6 MIdwestern Collegiate Conference Regular Season Champions 2/15 2/15 2/16 2/22 2/22 2/23 3/1 3/1 3/2 3/2 3/15 3/15 3/16 3/16 3/22 3/23 3/23 3/24 3/24 3/25 3/26 3/29 3/29 3/31 3/31 4/2 4/3 4/5 4/6 4/8 4/9 4/13 4/13 4/15 4/17 4/19 4/19 4/20 4/20 4/22 4/23 4/23 4/24 4/26 4/26 4/27 4/27 4/30 5/3 5/4 5/4 5/5 5/6 5/7
at Western Carolina at Western Carolina at Western Carolina at James Madison at James Madison at James Madison vs. Delaware ^ at Coastal Carolina ^ vs. Delaware ^ at Coastal Carolina ^ MILWAUKEE * MILWAUKEE * (10) MILWAUKEE * MILWAUKEE * vs. Millersville + vs. Troy + vs. Bowling Green + vs. Toledo + vs. Bowling Green + vs. Niagara + vs. C.W. Post + UIC * UIC * (10) UIC * (13) UIC * at Ohio State at Kent State at Indiana State at Indiana State at Dayton at Michigan at Northern Illinois * at Northern Illinois * at Eastern Kentucky MIAMI (10) at Detroit * at Detroit * at Detroit * at Detroit * DAYTON IUPUI IUPUI EASTERN KENTUCKY at Butler * at Butler * at Butler * at Butler * KENT STATE (11) CLEVELAND STATE * CLEVELAND STATE * CLEVELAND STATE * CLEVELAND STATE * at Cincinnati at Ohio
L 8-9 L 1-15 L 5-6 L 8-9 W 1-0 L 2-6 L 4-5 L 5-14 L 5-6 L 1-7 W 5-1 W 3-2 W 8-0 L 8-12 W 10-1 L 7-9 W 5-4 L 1-3 W 17-8 L 5-15 L 2-5 W 6-3 W 5-4 L 2-4 W 7-2 L 1-13 W 8-6 L 7-14 L 9-16 L 4-16 L 3-11 W 6-4 W 10-7 W 5-3 W 6-5 L 2-4 W 10-7 L 2-3 L 10-13 W 8-5 W 3-2 W 7-3 W 15-11 W 8-2 W 12-10 W 4-3 W 13-8 L 2-3 W 9-7 W 3-2 W 10-4 L 8-9 W 8-4 L 1-5
5/9 5/10 5/10 5/11 5/11
L 3-9 W 10-1 W 16-4 W 10-9 L 3-6
5/6 5/6 5/7 5/9 5/10 5/11 5/12 5/13 5/13 5/14 5/18 5/19 5/20
at Cleveland State * at Cleveland State * at Cleveland State * DAYTON at Miami TOLEDO BUTLER * BUTLER * BUTLER * BUTLER * UIC # DETROIT # BUTLER #
^ + * #
at Louisville Homestead Challenge (Homestead, FL) MCC Games MCC Tournament
L 3-8 W 10-8 L 6-10 L 5-7 L 1-9 L 6-15 L 0-13 W 3-2 W 5-1 L 1-3 L 5-7 W 9-2 L 4-6
2001 Season 31-27 (12-8 MCC) Home: 13-10, Away: 11-12, Neutral: 7-5 2/17 2/18 2/19 2/24 2/24 2/25 3/3 3/3 3/7 3/10 3/10 3/11 3/18 3/19 3/20 3/20 3/21 3/22 3/23 3/23 3/24 3/28 3/29 3/31 3/31 4/1 4/3 4/4 4/6 4/7 4/7 4/8 4/13 4/14 4/14 4/15 4/18 4/21 4/21 4/22 4/24 4/25 4/27 4/28 4/28 4/29 5/2 5/4 5/5 5/5 5/6 5/9 5/12 5/12 5/13 5/13 5/17 5/18
at Western Carolina at Western Carolina at Western Carolina at Murray State at Murray State at Murray State at Morehead State at Morehead State at Indiana at Eastern Kentucky vs. Kent State ^ vs. Kent State ^ vs. Hartford + vs. Bradley + vs. Millersville + vs. Drexel + at Florida International vs. Drexel + vs. Stony Brook + vs. Drexel + vs. Hartford + BOWLING GREEN KENT STATE MARSHALL MARSHALL MARSHALL ANDERSON at #22 Ohio State at Butler * at Butler * at Butler * at Butler * UIC * UIC * UIC * UIC * at Bowling Green BELMONT BELMONT BELMONT MIAMI at Dayton at Detroit * at Detroit * at Detroit * at Detroit * at Ohio MILWAUKEE * MILWAUKEE * MILWAUKEE * MILWAUKEE * DAYTON CLEVELAND STATE * CLEVELAND STATE * CLEVELAND STATE * CLEVELAND STATE * vs. Butler # vs. Milwaukee #
L 2-15 W 13-12 L 6-10 L 4-5 L 7-8 L 8-9 L 1-9 W 8-2 L 8-13 L 2-9 L 5-8 W 10-4 W 5-1 W 4-3 L 1-7 W 11-9 L 5-9 W 14-12 W 8-0 L 5-13 W 7-1 W 10-4 W 9-8 W 11-6 W 6-2 L 7-8 W 16-6 W 6-4 W 6-3 L 3-9 W 12-4 W 9-5 W 6-1 L 5-7 L 2-9 W 15-5 L 2-6 L 4-5 L 3-9 W 13-8 L 6-9 W 6-4 W 10-4 L 8-9 W 8-4 W 15-11 W 10-6 L 8-10 W 6-5 L 2-19 L 4-11 W 6-5 W 6-3 W 9-6 W 2-1 L 5-6 L 5-6 L 1-5
^ + * #
at Eastern Kentucky Homestead Challenge (Homestead, FL) MCC Games MCC Tournament (Chicago, IL)
2002 Season 20-33 (9-14 Horizon) Home: 12-11, Away: 5-17, Neutral: 3-5 2/16 2/16 2/17 2/23
at Western Carolina at Western Carolina at Western Carolina at Belmont
4-14 0-18 6-9 0-8
2/23 2/24 3/1 3/8 3/9 3/9 3/17 3/18 3/19 3/20 3/20 3/22 3/23 3/27 4/5 4/6 4/6 4/7 4/9 4/12 4/13 4/13 4/14 4/16 4/17 4/19 4/20 4/20 4/23 4/24 4/26 4/27 4/27 4/28 4/30 5/1 5/3 5/4 5/4 5/5 5/8 5/14 5/14 5/15 5/17 5/18 5/18 5/19 5/22
at Belmont at Belmont at Marshall OAKLAND OAKLAND OAKLAND vs. Massachusetts ^ vs. Yale ^ vs. Illinois ^ vs. Dartmouth ^ vs. Northeastern ^ vs. Northeastern ^ vs. Army ^ at Indiana BUTLER * BUTLER * BUTLER * BUTLER * OTTERBEIN at Milwaukee * at Milwaukee * at Milwaukee * at Milwaukee * DENISON at Indiana at UIC * at UIC * at UIC * at Miami (11) at Kent State DETROIT * DETROIT * DETROIT * DETROIT * IPFW DAYTON YOUNGSTOWN STATE * YOUNGSTOWN STATE * YOUNGSTOWN STATE * YOUNGSTOWN STATE * at Ball State EASTERN KENTUCKY EASTERN KENTUCKY MIAMI at Cleveland State * at Cleveland State * at Cleveland State * at Cleveland State * vs. Detroit #
L 5-9 L 5-6 L 2-4 W 3-2 L 6-17 W 4-0 W 7-0 L 3-5 L 4-5 W 5-0 L 5-16 L 6-14 W 7-4 L 6-14 L 0-8 W 4-2 L 5-14 W 4-2 W 15-6 L 2-4 W 8-3 L 5-6 L 4-5 W 19-1 L 3-4 L 0-5 L 4-5 L 2-4 W 10-7 L 7-8 W 11-3 W 3-2 W 2-1 W 14-7 L 4-18 L 0-6 L 7-11 L 4-6 L 3-5 L 9-10 W 12-10 W 3-0 W 9-8 L 3-6 L 2-8 W 16-4 W 9-5 L 0-2 L 2-3
^ * #
IMG Academy (Bradenton, FL) Horizon League Games Horizon League Tournament (Cleveland, OH)
2003 Season 21-34 (10-13 Horizon) Home: 13-12, Away: 8-20, Neutral: 0-2 2/22 2/22 2/23 2/28 3/1 3/1 3/2 3/8 3/8 3/9 3/15 3/15 3/16 3/22 3/22 3/23 3/24 3/26 3/30 4/1 4/2 4/4 4/5 4/5 4/6 4/8 4/9 4/11 4/12 4/12 4/12 4/15 4/16 4/18 4/19 4/19 4/20
at Western Carolina at Western Carolina at Western Carolina at Western Kentucky at Western Kentucky at Western Kentucky at Western Kentucky at Murray State at Murray State at Murray State MARSHALL MARSHALL MARSHALL JAMES MADISON JAMES MADISON JAMES MADISON ANDERSON at Indiana SHAWNEE STATE at Miami FINDLAY at Butler * at Butler * at Butler * at Butler * at Kentucky EASTERN KENTUCKY MILWAUKEE * MILWAUKEE * MILWAUKEE * MILWAUKEE * INDIANA at Bowling Green UIC * UIC * UIC * UIC *
All-Time Results
3/24 at Florida Atlantic L 2-14 3/25 vs. Cornell + W 4-0 3/26 vs. Kent State + L 5-6 3/27 vs. Kent State + W 6-19 3/27 vs. Cornell + L 15-6 3/31 BOWLING GREEN L 6-7 ^ Coastal Carolina Tournament 4/1 MIAMI W 9-8 (Conway, SC) 4/2 at Butler * L 1-5 + Homestead Challenge 4/2 at Butler * L 4-15 (Homestead, FL) 4/3 at Butler * W 16-5 * MCC Games 4/4 at Butler * L 1-2 # MCC Tournament 4/6 at Dayton L 7-15 4/9 CLEVELAND STATE * L 10-26 1998 Season 20-34 (9-13 MCC) 4/10 CLEVELAND STATE * L 7-11 Home: 8-7, Away: 10-19, Neutral: 2-8 4/10 CLEVELAND STATE * W 4-3 4/11 CLEVELAND STATE * W 6-0 2/21 at Western Carolina W 6-5 4/13 PITTSBURGH L 1-8 2/21 at Western Carolina L 3-7 4/18 UIC * W 7-4 2/22 at Western Carolina L 3-10 4/18 UIC * W 4-3 2/28 at Murray State W 5-4 4/20 DAY TON L 7-11 2/28 at Murray State W 13-12 4/21 at Ohio State L 7-12 3/1 at Murray State W 11-7 4/23 MILWAUKEE * L 2-12 3/6 at Louisville L 5-14 4/24 MILWAUKEE * L 0-4 3/6 vs. Kent State ^ W 16-9 4/24 MILWAUKEE * W 6-1 3/7 at Louisville (11) W 11-10 4/25 MILWAUKEE * L 5-12 3/8 at Dayton (10) L 13-14 4/27 SHAWNEE STATE W 6-5 3/14 DETROIT * W 8-4 4/28 EASTERN KENTUCKY W 4-3 3/14 DETROIT * W 4-1 5/1 OHIO DOMINICAN L 6-11 3/15 DETROIT * L 2-4 5/1 OHIO DOMINICAN L 7-10 3/15 DETROIT * W 5-2 5/2 OHIO DOMINICAN W 12-5 3/21 vs. Pacific Lutheran + W 14-1 5/4 at Pittsburgh L 4-7 3/21 at Hawaii Pacific + L 2-6 5/5 at Ohio (11) W 10-9 3/23 vs. Hawaii-Hilo + L 0-5 5/7 at Detroit * L 9-21 3/24 vs. Nebraska + L 2-3 5/8 at Detroit * W 17-6 3/25 vs. Lewis-Clark State + L 2-8 5/8 at Detroit * L 2-10 3/26 at Hawaii + L 8-20 5/9 at Detroit * W 3-2 3/27 vs. Cal Poly + L 7-11 5/11 BALL STATE L 4-10 3/28 vs. Cal Poly + L 2-3 5/14 vs. Cleveland State # (10) L 6-7 4/1 KENT STATE W 12-7 5/15 vs. Butler # W 4-1 4/3 at Cleveland State * W 7-3 5/16 vs. Milwaukee # L 2-3 4/4 at Cleveland State * L 1-5 4/4 at Cleveland State * L 5-6 ^ at Louisville 4/5 at Cleveland State * L 7-16 + Homestead Challenge 4/7 at Eastern Kentucky L 13-25 (Homestead, FL) 4/8 IUPUI (10) L 3-5 * MCC Games 4/8 IUPUI W 11-6 # MCC Tournament (Chicago, IL) 4/10 BUTLER * L 0-15 4/10 BUTLER * W 12-7 2000 Season 19-39 (8-12 MCC) 4/11 BUTLER * L 0-6 Home: 8-11, Away: 6-22, Neutral: 5-6 4/11 BUTLER * L 4-6 2/19 at Western Carolina L 11-13 4/14 at Miami L 7-9 4/15 DAYTON L 2-3 2/19 at Western Carolina L 3-18 2/20 at Western Carolina L 4-16 4/17 at UIC * L 7-8 4/18 at UIC * W 5-1 2/25 at Troy L 3-16 2/26 at Troy L 2-8 4/18 at UIC * W 5-4 2/26 at Troy L 3-4 4/19 at UIC * W 6-4 3/3 vs. Northern Iowa ^ L 8-10 4/21 at Bowling Green L 0-3 L 5-7 4/22 at Dayton L 7-11 3/4 vs. Kent State ^ 3/5 at Louisville W 5-3 4/24 at Milwaukee * L 4-6 3/12 at Morehead State W 5-4 4/25 at Milwaukee * W 8-6 3/12 at Morehead State L 2-8 4/25 at Milwaukee * L 1-7 4/26 at Milwaukee * L 14-15 3/18 vs. Central Connecticut + W 8-2 3/19 vs. Northeastern + L 7-10 4/28 EASTERN KENTUCKY W 8-2 4/29 BOWLING GREEN W 6-2 3/19 vs. Drexel + W 3-2 3/20 vs. Vermont + (11) W 5-4 5/2 vs. St. Ambrose ~ L 5-7 3/21 at #25 Florida Atlantic L 1-12 5/3 at Northern Iowa L 2-3 3/22 vs. Drexel + L 8-14 5/3 at Northern Iowa L 7-9 5/6 OHIO L 6-15 3/24 vs. Harvard + L 2-7 3/24 vs. Central Connecticut + W 20-1 5/8 vs. Cleveland State # L 2-3 3/25 vs. Harvard + W 7-1 5/9 vs. Detroit # L 4-5 3/25 vs. Millersville + L 2-4 ^ at Louisville 3/29 at Indiana L 7-9 * MCC Games 3/30 OHIO DOMINICAN W 10-6 + Rainbow Spring Tournament 4/2 SHAWNEE STATE W 15-13 (Honolulu, HI) 4/5 at Dayton L 4-23 ~ at Northern Iowa 4/8 at UIC * W 8-3 # MCC Tournament (Chicago, IL) 4/8 at UIC * L 0-20 4/9 at UIC * L 6-17 1999 Season 26-28 (8-10 MCC) 4/9 at UIC * L 1-21 Home: 9-11, Away: 7-13, Neutral: 10-4 4/10 INDIANA L 3-6 4/14 at Milwaukee * W 13-6 2/20 at Western Carolina (13) L 4-5 4/15 at Milwaukee * L 2-17 2/20 at Western Carolina L 5-8 4/15 at Milwaukee * L 4-5 2/21 at Western Carolina (10) L 8-11 4/16 at Milwaukee * W 20-4 2/26 at Eastern Kentucky W 9-6 4/18 at Kent State L 1-9 2/27 vs. Bowling Green W 7-6 4/19 EASTERN KENTUCKY L 0-3 3/5 at Louisville L 5-24 4/25 at Bowling Green L 4-7 3/6 vs. Purdue ^ W 6-4 4/26 KENT STATE (10) L 2-8 3/7 vs. Kent State ^ W 5-3 4/28 DETROIT * L 0-7 3/13 at James Madison W 9-8 4/29 DETROIT * W 4-2 3/13 at James Madison W 6-3 4/29 DETROIT * L 4-6 3/20 vs. Purdue + W 4-1 4/30 DETROIT * W 10-1 3/21 vs. Marist + W 9-2 5/2 at Eastern Kentucky L 7-20 3/21 vs. Dartmouth + W 6-2 5/3 OHIO W 10-4 3/22 vs. Cornell + W 19-4 5/5 at Cleveland State * L 2-10
L 6-7 L 1-6 L 3-13 L 4-8 L 0-11 L 1-2 W 10-4 W 7-5 L 8-10 L 1-18 L 3-7 L 3-8 W 10-0 L 4-5 W 8-3 L 6-10 W 4-2 W 7-6 W 10-2 L 10-23 W 5-0 L 4-5 L 0-7 L 0-8 L 1-3 L 2-4 L 2-14 W 5-4 L 0-6 W 4-1 W 4-0 L 9-11 L 1-10 W 4-3 L 1-4 L 3-4 L 3-4
All-Time Results
4/23 4/25 4/26 4/26 4/27 4/30 5/2 5/3 5/3 5/4 5/6 5/9 5/13 5/16 5/18 5/18 5/22 5/23
at Dayton at Detroit * at Detroit * at Detroit * at Detroit * DAYTON (15) at Youngstown State * at Youngstown State * at Youngstown State * at Youngstown State * MIAMI WESTERN MICHIGAN at Ohio CLEVELAND STATE * CLEVELAND STATE * CLEVELAND STATE * BUTLER # (10) CLEVELAND STATE #
L 6-9 W 4-2 W 3-2 W 8-1 L 5-6 W 4-3 W 9-7 L 1-8 L 3-5 L 4-10 L 8-16 W 8-2 W 8-5 L 2-3 W 4-1 W 2-1 L 1-2 L 4-5
2/26 at Morehead State W 11-3 2/27 at Morehead State L 4-7 3/5 at Murray State L 3-6 3/5 at Murray State L 0-4 3/6 at Murray State W 18-8 3/12 vs. Northern Illinois ^ (11) L 5-8 3/12 at Evansville ^ L 1-3 3/13 vs. Austin Peay ^ W 13-5 3/19 at Duke W 7-6 3/20 at Duke W 8-7 3/21 at Duke L 3-4 3/25 AKRON W 3-1 3/26 AKRON (14) W 7-4 3/27 AKRON W 9-6 3/29 at Eastern Kentucky W 14-5 3/30 at IPFW L 14-15 4/1 at #24 Arizona State L 1-13 4/2 at #24 Arizona State L 3-11 4/3 at #24 Arizona State L 1-14 * Horizon League Games 4/6 BOWLING GREEN W 13-8 # Horizon League Tournament 4/8 UIC * L 3-6 4/9 UIC * W 7-6 2004 Season 22-34 (10-11 Horizon) 4/9 UIC * W 1-0 Home: 11-11, Away: 8-17, Neutral: 3-6 4/10 UIC * W 5-4 4/12 at Kent State L 5-8 2/21 at Western Carolina W 8-6 4/15 CLEVELAND STATE * W 8-4 2/21 at Western Carolina L 1-14 4/16 CLEVELAND STATE * W 9-3 2/22 at Western Carolina L 0-14 4/16 CLEVELAND STATE * W 7-3 2/28 at Austin Peay L 3-8 4/17 CLEVELAND STATE * W 10-0 2/28 at Austin Peay W 9-1 4/20 at Miami L 3-16 2/29 at Austin Peay L 8-9 4/27 EASTERN KENTUCKY L 3-4 3/5 at Kentucky L 6-7 4/29 YOUNGSTOWN STATE * L 1-5 3/6 at Kentucky W 7-4 4/30 YOUNGSTOWN STATE * L 0-4 3/7 at Kentucky L 4-21 4/30 YOUNGSTOWN STATE * L 4-6 3/13 OAKLAND W 1-0 5/1 YOUNGSTOWN STATE * L 4-5 3/13 OAKLAND (17) W 3-2 5/3 DAYTON L 8-10 3/14 OAKLAND L 6-9 5/6 at Milwaukee * L 2-8 3/18 vs. Massachusetts ^ L 3-15 5/7 at Milwaukee * L 4-7 3/19 vs. Vermont ^ L 1-6 5/7 at Milwaukee * L 6-14 3/19 vs. Army ^ W 15-3 5/8 vs. Milwaukee * + W 15-1 3/20 vs. Northern Iowa ^ L 6-10 5/11 at Bowling Green L 3-4 3/21 vs. Northwestern ^ L 0-1 5/13 at Butler * L 2-6 3/22 vs. Milwaukee ^ W 5-4 5/14 at Butler * W 15-4 3/23 vs. Dartmouth ^ W 6-5 5/15 at Butler * W 9-4 3/27 at Indiana L 4-6 5/15 at Butler * W 9-4 3/27 at Indiana L 1-8 5/16 at Louisville L 2-19 4/2 DETROIT * W 13-2 5/18 MIAMI L 3-9 4/3 DETROIT * W 4-3 5/19 BALL STATE W 4-2 4/3 DETROIT * W 14-1 5/20 BALL STATE W 5-4 4/4 DETROIT * L 6-9 5/21 at Ball State L 0-3 4/6 at Kent State L 1-12 5/21 at Ball State L 0-8 4/7 OHIO L 1-7 5/25 vs. Cleveland State # W 5-2 4/9 at UIC * L 7-9 5/26 vs. UIC # L 4-5 4/10 at UIC * L 1-5 5/27 vs. Cleveland State # W 11-10 4/10 at UIC * L 1-2 5/27 vs. Milwaukee # L 0-4 4/11 at UIC * L 8-13 4/14 at Miami L 3-14 ^ Evansville Aces Invitational 4/16 at Cleveland State * L 0-6 * Horizon League Games 4/17 at Cleveland State * W 10-1 + Miller Park (Milwaukee, WI) 4/17 at Cleveland State * W 3-2 # Horizon League Tournament 4/18 at Cleveland State * L 2-3 (Indianapolis, IN) 4/20 KENT STATE L 1-12 4/21 at Ohio State L 4-13 2006 Season 32-27 (17-13 Horizon) 4/27 at Toledo (10) W 15-11 Home: 21-8, Away: 11-18, Neutral: 0-1 4/28 DAYTON L 1-3 Horizon League Tournament Champions 5/1 at Youngstown State * W 7-6 NCAA Corvallis Regional 5/4 MOUNT VERNON W 4-2 5/5 at Dayton W 8-3 2/21 IPFW (10) L 5-7 5/7 MILWAUKEE * (11) L 4-5 2/22 URBANA W 10-2 5/8 MILWAUKEE * W 5-0 2/25 at #21 TCU W 6-4 5/8 MILWAUKEE * W 10-6 2/25 at #21 TCU L 4-8 5/9 MILWAUKEE * L 3-4 2/26 at #21 TCU L 2-4 5/11 IPFW L 5-10 3/3 at Wake Forest L 2-7 5/12 MIAMI W 8-4 3/4 at Wake Forest L 2-7 5/14 BUTLER * (13) L 6-8 3/5 at Wake Forest L 2-19 5/15 BUTLER * W 4-1 3/10 AIR FORCE W 9-3 5/16 BUTLER * W 4-3 3/11 AIR FORCE W 1-0 5/16 BUTLER * L 3-6 3/11 AIR FORCE W 9-0 5/18 BALL STATE L 0-7 3/15 INDIANA TECH W 11-5 5/26 vs. Milwaukee # L 3-11 3/18 BUTLER * L 8-10 5/27 vs. Detroit # L 3-7 3/18 BUTLER * L 5-6 3/19 BUTLER * W 6-2 ^ IMG Academy (Bradenton, FL) 3/21 at Notre Dame W 4-2 * Horizon League Games 3/25 CLEVELAND STATE * W 7-1 # Horizon League Tournament 3/26 CLEVELAND STATE * W 2-1 (Niles, OH) 3/26 CLEVELAND STATE * W 7-1 3/28 at Ball State (10) L 1-2 2005 Season 26-34 (11-9 Horizon) 4/1 MILWAUKEE * L 6-11 Home: 13-8, Away: 9-23, Neutral: 4-3 4/1 MILWAUKEE * W 5-1 Head Coach: Rob Cooper 4/2 MILWAUKEE * W 2-0 4/4 at Toledo W 22-4 2/19 at Western Carolina L 5-9 4/8 at Youngstown State * L 1-9 2/19 at Western Carolina W 12-0 4/8 at Youngstown State * L 1-6 2/20 at Western Carolina L 5-8 4/9 at Youngstown State * W 3-2 2/26 at Morehead State L 4-6 4/11 at Butler * W 12-4
4/11 4/14 4/15 4/15 4/18 4/19 4/22 4/22 4/23 4/26 4/28 4/29 4/29 5/2 5/2 5/5 5/6 5/7 5/10 5/13 5/13 5/14 5/19 5/20 5/20 5/24 5/25 5/27 5/28 6/2 6/3
at Butler * at UIC * at UIC * at UIC * at Butler * KENT STATE YOUNGSTOWN STATE * YOUNGSTOWN STATE * YOUNGSTOWN STATE * MIAMI at Milwaukee * at Milwaukee * at Milwaukee * DAYTON DAYTON at #24 Miami (FL) at #24 Miami (FL) at #24 Miami (FL) at Bowling Green at Cleveland State * at Cleveland State * at Cleveland State * UIC * UIC * UIC * CLEVELAND STATE # MILWAUKEE # BUTLER # BUTLER # at #5 Oregon State ! vs. Hawaii !
L 6-13 L 5-14 L 3-6 W 2-1 W 8-3 W 7-4 L 4-11 W 12-0 W 4-2 L 4-5 L 8-11 L 3-6 W 4-3 W 14-2 W 3-2 L 2-4 L 1-14 L 1-15 L 6-13 W 5-0 W 8-1 W 4-1 L 3-7 W 7-4 L 0-7 W 16-1 W 20-3 W 12-0 W 4-1 L 3-5 L 3-5
5/26 5/26
vs. Milwaukee # (11) at UIC + (25)
W 12-11 L 2-14
* #
Horizon League Games Horizon League Tournament (Chicago, IL)
2008 Season 30-23 (16-6 Horizon) Home: 16-7, Away: 12-13, Neutral: 2-3
2/22 at Arkansas L 4-9 2/23 at Arkansas L 4-5 2/24 at Arkansas L 3-7 2/29 at Washington State L 4-13 3/1 at Washington State L 10-14 3/2 at Washington State L 4-7 3/8 vs. UNC Asheville ^ L 0-2 3/8 at The Citadel ^ L 4-6 3/9 vs. Evansville ^ W 13-3 3/12 at #23 Louisville L 5-7 3/15 EASTERN MICHIGAN + W 10-7 3/15 EASTERN MICHIGAN + W 5-4 3/16 EASTERN MICHIGAN + L 2-11 3/21 VALPARAISO * + L 4-5 3/21 VALPARAISO * + (10) W 8-7 3/25 CEDARVILLE W 17-1 3/26 HIRAM W 9-6 3/29 UIC * W 12-5 3/29 UIC * L 2-3 3/30 UIC * L 2-6 4/1 at Xavier W 12-11 4/2 at Bowling Green W 11-10 4/5 at Cleveland State * L 5-6 * Horizon League Games 4/5 at Cleveland State * W 5-4 # Horizon League Tournament 4/6 at Cleveland State * W 3-2 ! NCAA Regionals (Corvallis, OR) 4/8 URBANA W 13-3 L 5-9 2007 Season 36-22 (21-9 Horizon) 4/9 CINCINNATI 4/11 at Butler * W 17-9 Home: 15-5, Away: 19-17, Neutral: 2-0 4/12 at Butler * W 5-4 2/23 at #18 Mississippi L 2-3 4/12 at Butler * W 4-3 2/24 at #18 Mississippi W 1-0 4/15 XAVIER W 5-1 2/25 at #18 Mississippi W 5-2 4/16 at Dayton (10) L 10-12 3/2 at #16 Tulane (13) L 4-5 4/20 at UIC * W 20-0 3/3 at #16 Tulane L 8-9 4/20 at UIC * W 6-1 3/4 at #16 Tulane L 1-4 4/22 at Toledo (11) W 12-9 3/9 at Air Force W 13-3 4/25 MILWAUKEE * L 10-13 3/10 at Air Force W 4-1 4/26 MILWAUKEE * W 8-2 3/10 at Air Force W 26-5 4/26 MILWAUKEE * W 19-11 3/11 at Air Force W 9-1 4/30 DAYTON W 10-3 3/16 at Butler * W 9-1 5/2 at Youngstown State * W 8-2 3/17 at Butler * L 1-3 5/4 at Youngstown State * W 6-3 3/17 at Butler * W 11-5 5/4 at Youngstown State * L 5-8 3/20 at Tennessee L 4-16 5/6 at #22 Kentucky L 3-21 3/24 CLEVELAND STATE * L 2-7 5/9 YOUNGSTOWN STATE * W 15-5 3/24 CLEVELAND STATE * W 11-10 5/10 CLEVELAND STATE * W 4-2 3/25 CLEVELAND STATE * W 6-4 5/10 CLEVELAND STATE * W 11-6 3/27 BOWLING GREEN L 1-11 5/13 at Cincinnati L 7-13 3/28 at Cincinnati L 5-9 5/16 NJIT W 9-3 3/30 MILWAUKEE * L 6-13 5/17 NJIT W 10-3 3/30 MILWAUKEE * W 12-3 5/18 NJIT L 6-7 3/31 MILWAUKEE * L 1-2 5/22 vs. Milwaukee # L 3-20 4/8 YOUNGSTOWN STATE * W 7-5 5/23 vs. Cleveland State # W 7-4 4/8 YOUNGSTOWN STATE * W 9-0 5/23 vs. Valparaiso # L 4-13 4/10 BUTLER * W 4-1 The Citadel Challenge 4/10 BUTLER * W 12-8 ^ (Charleston, SC) 4/13 at UIC * L 4-5 + AIA Complex (Xenia, OH) 4/14 at UIC * L 1-2 * Horizon League Games 4/14 at UIC * W 5-4 Horizon League Tournament 4/16 NOTRE DAME (OH) W 18-5 # (Niles, OH) 4/17 BUTLER * W 5-4 4/20 at Youngstown State * W 9-3 33-30 (14-12 Horizon) 4/21 at Youngstown State * W 11-6 2009 Season Home: 17-6, Away: 10-19, Neutral: 6-5 4/21 at Youngstown State * L 8-9 Horizon League Tournament Champions 4/22 at Youngstown State * W 9-5 NCAA Fort Worth Regional 4/24 at Dayton (10) W 6-4 4/24 CEDARVILLE W 11-3 L 2-18 4/28 at Milwaukee * W 12-4 2/20 at #1 Texas A&M L 6-7 4/28 at Milwaukee * L 8-12 2/21 at #1 Texas A&M 2/21 at #1 Texas A&M L 0-9 4/29 at Milwaukee * W 7-1 2/22 at #1 Texas A&M L 5-8 4/30 WILMINGTON W 8-7 W 12-6 5/2 DAYTON W 14-6 2/27 at Tulane 2/28 at Tulane L 3-5 5/4 at Miami (FL) L 2-3 L 2-10 5/5 at Miami (FL) L 2-11 2/28 at Tulane L 3-4 5/6 at Miami (FL) L 5-13 3/1 at Tulane (10) L 3-4 5/8 at Bowling Green W 10-6 3/6 vs. #17 Kent State ^ (10) 3/6 at UNC Wilmington ^ L 3-6 5/9 TOLEDO W 7-6 3/7 vs. #17 Kent State ^ W 7-6 5/11 at Cleveland State * W 7-0 3/8 at UNC Wilmington ^ W 9-4 5/12 at Cleveland State * W 8-1 L 10-15 5/12 at Cleveland State * W 15-4 3/11 at Ohio 3/13 OAKLAND + W 16-1 5/15 at Central Michigan L 1-5 3/14 EASTERN MICHIGAN + W 3-1 5/18 UIC * W 9-2 W 7-6 5/19 UIC * L 5-14 3/14 EASTERN MICHIGAN + 3/15 at Dayton + L 3-5 5/19 UIC * W 6-5 W 6-3 5/24 vs. Milwaukee # W 17-13 3/17 MIAMI L 4-7 5/25 at UIC # L 3-13 3/20 YOUNGSTOWN STATE *
YOUNGSTOWN STATE * YOUNGSTOWN STATE * (10) at #1 Georgia at Vanderbilt BUTLER * BUTLER * BUTLER * at Cincinnati at Kentucky Le MOYNE Le MOYNE Le MOYNE at Milwaukee * at Milwaukee * at Milwaukee * vs. Miami ~ vs. Xavier ~ at Valparaiso * at Valparaiso * at Valparaiso * UIC * UIC * VALPARAISO * VALPARAISO * URBANA at UIC * at UIC * at UIC * DAYTON at Youngstown State * at Youngstown State * at Cleveland State * at Cleveland State * TOLEDO CLEVELAND STATE * CLEVELAND STATE * CLEVELAND STATE * vs. Butler # vs. Milwaukee # vs. UIC # vs. UIC # vs. UIC # (12) at #13 TCU ! vs. #18 Texas A&M ! (11)
W 5-4 W 7-6 W 8-5 L 0-4 W 7-0 L 3-4 W 6-4 W 12-10 L 3-6 L 1-8 W 12-2 W 8-6 L 6-16 L 5-8 L 7-8 W 7-3 L 9-10 W 8-1 W 6-2 L 1-14 W 7-3 W 13-12 W 16-1 L 1-2 W 23-0 L 3-8 L 9-11 W 13-0 W 6-5 W 13-6 W 13-4 W 12-6 L 7-8 W 6-3 W 4-2 L 6-7 L 6-12 W 8-3 W 20-4 W 7-6 L 0-4 W 6-2 L 3-6 L 4-6
^ + * ~ # !
Seahawk Round Robin (Wilmington, NC) WSU/UD Tournament Horizon League Games Joe Nuxhall Classic (Cincinnati, OH) Horizon League Tournament (Lorain, OH) NCAA Regionals (Fort Worth, TX)
2010 Season 31-25 (17-6 Horizon) Home: 14-4, Away: 12-14, Neutral: 5-7 Horizon League Regular-Season Champions 2/19 2/20 2/20 2/21 2/26 2/27 2/28 3/5 3/6 3/7 3/12 3/16 3/17 3/19 3/19 3/24 3/30 3/31 4/2 4/3 4/3 4/6 4/9 4/10 4/10 4/13 4/14 4/16 4/17 4/17 4/21 4/23 4/23 4/24 4/24 4/27 4/28
vs. Canisius ^ vs. Le Moyne ^ vs. Le Moyne ^ vs. Canisius ^ at #15 Clemson at #15 Clemson at #15 Clemson at #1 Virginia vs. Dartmouth + at #1 Virginia OAKLAND WILMINGTON at #20 Kentucky vs. Missouri State ~ at Oklahoma State at #20 Vanderbilt OTTERBEIN XAVIER at Butler * at Butler * at Butler * OHIO at Cleveland State * at Cleveland State * at Cleveland State * vs. Cincinnati $ vs. Xavier $ UIC * UIC * UIC * DAYTON at Valparaiso * at Valparaiso * at UIC * at UIC * TRINE at Toledo (12)
L 5-9 L 2-6 W 6-1 W 13-2 L 3-4 L 6-8 L 6-12 W 2-1 L 2-3 L 3-13 W 12-5 W 10-2 L 1-11 W 8-2 L 7-8 L 2-18 W 6-2 W 11-5 W 18-13 W 9-5 W 18-15 W 12-4 L 1-3 L 7-8 W 21-11 L 5-6 L 3-12 L 7-8 W 14-3 W 14-10 W 11-0 W 11-1 W 10-4 W 5-4 L 6-12 W 17-2 L 8-9
4/30 4/30 5/1 5/4 5/5 5/7 5/8 5/8 5/15 5/15 5/16 5/16 5/20 5/21 5/21 5/27 5/28 5/29 5/30
at Youngstown State * W 10-6 at Youngstown State * (11) W 17-7 at Youngstown State * W 8-3 at Cincinnati W 9-3 CINCINNATI L 10-17 MILWAUKEE * L 6-9 MILWAUKEE * W 20-3 MILWAUKEE * L 7-10 CLEVELAND STATE * W 6-2 CLEVELAND STATE * W 10-9 YOUNGSTOWN STATE * W 4-3 YOUNGSTOWN STATE * W 9-8 at Marshall L 7-9 at Marshall L 3-4 at Marshall L 2-3 vs. Youngstown State # W 10-8 vs. Milwaukee # W 1-0 vs. Milwaukee # L 7-14 vs. Milwaukee # L 3-6
^ USA Baseball Complex (Cary, NC) + at Virginia ~ at Oklahoma State * Horizon League Games $ Joe Nuxhall Classic (Oxford, OH) # Horizon League Tournament (Gary, IN) 2011 Season 36-19 (16-7 Horizon) Home: 20-3, Away: 14-13, Neutral: 2-3 Horizon League Regular-Season Co-Champions Horizon League Tournament Champions NCAA College Station Regional 2/18 2/19 2/20 2/25 2/25 2/26 2/27 3/4 3/4 3/5 3/12 3/12 3/13 3/13 3/18 3/19 3/20 3/22 3/25 3/26 3/26 4/1 4/1 4/2 4/6 4/8 4/9 4/10 4/12 4/13 4/17 4/17 4/20 4/22 4/23 4/23 4/30 4/30 5/1 5/1 5/4 5/7 5/7 5/8 5/11 5/14 5/14 5/19 5/20 5/20 5/27 5/28 5/29 6/3 6/4
at Mississippi at Mississippi (10) at Mississippi vs. Old Dominion ^ at The Citadel ^ vs. Old Dominion ^ at The Citadel ^ vs. West Virginia + at Elon at Elon OAKLAND OAKLAND CANISIUS CANISIUS at Southeast Missouri at Southeast Missouri at Southeast Missouri at Xavier YOUNGSTOWN STATE * YOUNGSTOWN STATE * YOUNGSTOWN STATE * CLEVELAND STATE * CLEVELAND STATE * CLEVELAND STATE * NORTHWESTERN OHIO at Le Moyne at Le Moyne at Le Moyne vs. Miami ~ at Cincinnati ~ at UIC * at UIC * URBANA at Milwaukee * (10) at Milwaukee * at Milwaukee * UIC * UIC * at Butler * at Butler * at Cincinnati VALPARAISO * VALPARAISO * VALPARAISO * at Bowling Green at Cleveland State * at Cleveland State * BUTLER * BUTLER * BUTLER * YOUNGSTOWN STATE # VALPARAISO # VALPARAISO # at #6 Texas A&M ! vs. Arizona !
L 6-15 L 4-5 L 5-6 L 2-3 W 5-2 L 3-10 W 6-2 W 6-5 W 9-4 L 2-6 W 18-7 W 7-6 W 2-1 W 4-3 W 6-5 L 1-5 W 5-3 L 3-4 W 13-1 W 8-2 L 3-7 W 10-2 W 13-3 W 11-5 W 9-2 W 19-8 W 16-9 W 7-0 W 5-2 L 4-7 L 4-15 L 7-8 W 6-4 W 6-3 W 8-4 W 8-0 W 4-0 W 10-6 L 5-6 W 5-3 W 6-5 W 10-4 L 2-6 W 6-5 L 5-8 W 3-2 L 11-13 W 13-5 W 17-5 L 4-15 W 12-0 W 4-3 W 4-3 L 0-11 L 0-13
^ + *
Homewood Suites Shootout (Charleston, SC) at Elon Horizon League Games
# 1 25 50 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100
~ # !
Overall Milestone Victories Team (Score) at Defiance (3-0) at Cedarville (7-0) Defiance (7-1) at Central State (11-1) St. Joseph’s (10-6) St. Xavier (8-6) at Lewis (3-1) at Cleveland State (23-11) at Dayton (19-4) at Dayton (14-2) Shawnee State (15-13) Milwaukee * (5-0) Eastern Michigan ^ (10-7) Canisius (4-3)
Date 1971 4/2/74 4/30/75 4/20/77 5/9/81 4/21/85 4/14/88 5/8/90 4/21/93 4/10/96 4/2/00 5/8/04 3/15/08 3/13/11
# 1 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250
League Milestone Victories
Team (Score) Date 4/5/1992 UIC # (4-1) Youngstown State # (7-0) 4/24/93 5/14/94 Valparaiso # (2-0) 3/29/97 UIC * (5-4, 10 Inn.) * 4/18/99 UIC (4-3) 4/13/02 at Milwaukee * (8-3) 5/8/04 Milwaukee * (10-6) * Youngstown State (12-0) 4/22/06 * 5/18/07 UIC (9-2) 5/2/09 at UIC * (13-12) 3/26/11 Youngstown State * (8-2)
- Mid-Continent Conference Game - Horizon League/MCC Game ^ - Game Played at Athletes in Action (Xenia) # *
Joe Nuxhall Classic (Cincinnati, OH) Horizon League Tournament NCAA Regionals (College Station, TX)
All-Time Results
3/21 3/21 3/24 3/25 3/27 3/27 3/28 3/31 4/1 4/4 4/4 4/5 4/10 4/11 4/11 4/14 4/15 4/17 4/18 4/18 4/24 4/24 4/26 4/26 4/28 5/1 5/2 5/2 5/5 5/8 5/8 5/9 5/9 5/11 5/15 5/16 5/16 5/20 5/21 5/22 5/23 5/24 5/29 5/30
Season-by-Season Results/Records vs Opponents 24
Year 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991
Overall W L T 6 16 0 7 15 0 9 16 0 15 15 1 23 16 0 27 22 0 25 21 0 17 16 2 17 28 1 35 15 1 19 32 0 21 28 1 29 17 0 29 22 0 33 24 2 37 20 0 41 14 0 34 26 0 45 12 0 35 20 0 39 16 0
% .273 .318 .360 .517 .590 .551 .543 .515 .378 .700 .372 .428 .630 .569 .579 .649 .745 .533 .789 .636 .709
A Air Force Akron Amherst Anderson Aquinas Arizona Arizona State Arkansas Arkansas State Army Ashland Austin Peay
Overall 7-0 25-10 2-0 10-3 0-1 2-3 0-4 0-3 0-2 2-0 12-9 10-11-1
B Ball State Barry Bellarmine Belmont Berea Bethany Bluffton Bowling Green Bradley Brandeis Brooklyn Bucknell Butler
7-7 1-0 2-4 1-5 1-1 1-0 0-3 23-26-2 2-3 1-0 4-1 1-1 47-31
C Cal Poly Cal St.-Dom. Hills Canisius Capital Cedarville Central Arkansas Central Conn. Central Florida Central Michigan Central State Chicago Chicago State Cincinnati Citadel Clarion Clemson Cleveland State Coastal Carolina Colgate Columbus Concord Concordia Cornell Creighton C.W. Post
0-2 1-0 4-1 1-1 11-4 1-0 3-0 0-1 0-1 36-5 4-0 3-0 35-33-1 2-1 2-0 0-3 72-36 0-2 1-0 0-2 1-1 1-0 3-0 0-2 0-1
D Dartmouth Dayton Defiance Delaware Delta State Denison Detroit Drexel Duke Duquesne
3-2 73-44-1 3-2 0-2 1-0 1-0 31-22 4-2 2-1 1-0
Conference W L T No Affiliation No Affiliation No Affiliation No Affiliation No Affiliation No Affiliation No Affiliation No Affiliation No Affiliation No Affiliation No Affiliation No Affiliation No Affiliation No Affiliation No Affiliation No Affiliation No Affiliation No Affiliation No Affiliation No Affiliation No Affiliation
Year 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
Cooper E 7-0 Earlham 3-0 Eastern Illinois Eastern Kentucky Eastern Michigan Eckerd 0-1 Elon 0-3 Evansville 0-3 F Ferris State Findlay 1-0 Fitchburg State Florida Atlantic Florida International 2-3 Florida State
3-1 2-0
3-6 2-1 0-3 32-8
0-1 7-3
Overall W L T 40 16 0 39 15 0 39 21 0 33 28 0 20 28 0 31 28 0 20 34 0 26 28 0 19 39 0 31 27 0 20 33 0 21 34 0 22 34 0 26 33 0 32 27 0 36 22 0 30 23 0 33 30 0 31 25 0 36 19 0
6-2 11-7 20-14 8-3 0-1 1-1 5-2
1-1 1-1
0-1-1 3-0 1-0 0-2 1-3 1-3
G Georgia Georgia Tech
1-0 1-1
H Hanover Hartford Hartwick Harvard Hawaii Hawaii-Hilo Hawaii Pacific Hillsdale Hiram
3-3 2-0 1-0 1-1 0-5 2-1 1-3 1-0 1-0
I Illinois UIC Indiana Indiana State Indiana Tech IPFW IUPUI Indianapolis Iona Iowa
0-1 52-46 7-17 1-8 1-0 0-4 10-1 15-10 2-0 0-1
J Jacksonville State James Madison
1-1 4-1
21-20 1-0 0-2
0-6 4-4
K Kent State Kentucky Kentucky State Kentucky Wesleyan
11-22 7-10 8-0 2-1
L La Salle Lawrence Le Moyne Lewis Lewis-Clark State Lincoln Lipscomb Louisville Lubbock Christian
2-2 2-0 6-2 6-11 1-2 2-0 2-5 8-5 0-2
M Mankato State Marian Marietta
0-1 0-1 0-4
2-2 0-3
% .714 .722 .650 .541 .417 .525 .370 .481 .328 .534 .377 .382 .393 .441 .542 .621 .566 .524 .554 .655
Conference W L T 17 3 0 17 3 0 16 8 0 10 6 0 10 12 0 16 8 0 9 11 0 8 10 0 8 12 0 12 8 0 9 14 0 10 13 0 10 11 0 11 9 0 17 13 0 21 9 0 16 6 0 14 12 0 17 6 0 16 7 0
% .850 .850 .667 .625 .455 .667 .450 .444 .400 .600 .391 .435 .476 .550 .567 .700 .727 .538 .739 .696
Marist Marshall Massachusetts Mercyhurst Miami (FL) Miami (OH) Michigan Michigan State Middle Tennessee Millersville Milligan Millikin Milwaukee Mississippi Missouri-St. Louis Missouri State Monmouth Morehead State Mount Vernon Murray State
1-0 3-7 1-2 2-0 0-6 32-43 2-2 1-1 3-3 1-2 1-0 2-0 37-42 2-4 4-0 2-0 3-0 4-7 1-2 8-9
N Navy Nebraska New Haven NJIT Niagara North Alabama UNC Asheville North Carolina State UNC Wilmington Northeastern Northeastern Illinois Northern Illinois Northern Iowa Northern Kentucky Northwestern Northwestern Ohio Notre Dame Notre Dame (OH)
2-0 0-1 1-0 2-1 0-1 1-1 0-1 1-1 1-1 0-3 1-0 12-6 1-5 9-7 1-3 1-0 3-3 1-0
O Oakland Ohio Dominican Ohio Northern Ohio State Ohio Ohio Wesleyan Oklahoma State Old Dominion Olivet Oregon State Otterbein
9-5 6-2 2-2 17-22-1 16-16-1 2-2 0-3 0-2 0-1 0-2 10-5
P Pacific Lutheran Pennsylvania Pittsburgh Pitt-Johnstown Princeton Purdue
1-0 0-1 2-2 3-1 1-0 7-2
R Ripon
S St. Ambrose St. Francis (IN) St. Joseph’s (IN)
0-1 2-2 10-4
Overall Year W L T % John Ross (1971) 6 16 0 .273 Don Mohr (1972-74) 31 46 1 .404 Ron Nischwitz (1975-2004) 867 714 7 .548 Rob Cooper (2005-Present) 224 179 0 .556 Program (41 Seasons) 1128 955 8 .541
Conference W L T
152 119
264 181
Conference Affiliation 1992-1994; Mid-Continent Conference 1995-Present; Midwestern Collegiate Conference/ Horizon League
0-3 0-6 3-3
18-19 2-4 1-0 1-2 1-2
2-1 0-1 1-1 0-1
1-0 1-0 1-0 4-0
1-1 0-1 0-2 0-1 1-0
St. Leo St. Xavier Salem State Shawnee State Shippensburg South Alabama South Carolina South Dakota South Florida Southeast Missouri SE Oklahoma State Southern Illinois SIU Edwardsville Southern Indiana Southern Miss Stetson Stony Brook
0-1 2-1 2-1 4-0 1-0 0-3 0-2 3-0 0-3 2-1 0-1 1-0 5-9 7-1 2-1 1-1 1-0
T Tampa Tennessee Tennessee-Martin Tennessee Tech TCU Texas A&M Texas-Pan American Texas Southern Thomas More Tiffin Toledo Trine Troy Tulane
1-1 0-1 0-3 0-5 1-3 0-6 3-3 1-1 1-6 1-1 9-8 1-0 1-10 1-6
U Urbana
V Valdosta State Valparaiso Vanderbilt Vermont Virginia
1-1 17-6 0-2 3-1 1-1
W Wake Forest Washington State Wayne State West Florida West Virginia Western Carolina Western Illinois Western Kentucky Western Michigan William Paterson Wilmington Winthrop UW-Stevens Point Wittenberg
0-3 0-3 1-1 0-1 1-0 9-32 8-4 1-3 1-0 0-1 21-2 0-3 1-0 13-3
X Xavier
Y Yale Youngstown State
0-1 41-24
0-1 1-3 0-6
4-1 1-0 1-6 4-0
10-5 0-2 1-1 0-3 0-3 1-0 1-2
Players with Professional Experience * - Player that reached the Major League Level # - Player was Drafted but didn’t sign If no round is indicated, player was a free agent signing
Bob Grote Mark Lucas Dave Newnam Mark South Dave Lockner Tim Henry Mike Fisher Dave Peck Fred Blair Alfredo Batista Fred Felton Greg Karklins Rick Albers Denny Bleh Kelly Woods Mike Mathile Keith Gordon * Leonard Griffen Brian Spears Pat Garrigan Bob Jesperson Jeff Ashton Brian Anderson * Jon Sbrocco Jayson Smith Scott Huntsman Aaron Hampton Sean Gill Matt Miller Chris Wallace Dusty Beam Joe Powers Nathan Kopp Nick Shields Casey Abrams Chris Tuttle Bryan Vickers Robert Barrett Aaron Garcia Joe Smith * Jason Bennion Kyle Kearcher Ross Oeder Jeremy Hamilton Justin Parker Ross Vagedes # Garret Holleran Kory Twede Greg Robinson Aaron Fields Gerald Ogrinc Alex Kaminsky Jon Durket Travis LaMar Casey McGrew
New York Mets (12th) Atlanta Braves New York Yankees Montreal Expos Cincinnati Reds (14th) Texas Rangers Montreal Expos Milwaukee Brewers Montreal Expos (19th) Boise, Idaho^ Pittsburgh Pirates Kansas City Royals (46th) Milwaukee Brewers Milwaukee Brewers Pittsburgh Pirates Montreal Expos (3rd, 84th Pick) Cincinnati Reds (2nd, 47th Pick) Cincinnati Reds Milwaukee Brewers Seattle Mariners Cincinnati Reds Cincinnati Reds (16th) California Angels (1st, 3rd Pick) San Francisco Giants (49th) Chillicothe Paints^ Milwaukee Brewers (21st) Richmond Roosters^ New York Mets (45th) St. Louis Cardinals New York Yankees (14th) Detroit Tigers (20th) Cincinnati Reds (23rd) New York Yankees (28th) Texas Rangers (29th) Seattle Mariners (5th, 146th Pick) St. Louis Cardinals Joliet Jackhammers^ Sioux Falls Cannaries^ New York Mets New York Mets (3rd, 94th Pick) Florence Freedom^ Kalamazoo Kings^ St. Louis Cardinals (28th) Philadelphia Phillies (5th, 166th Pick) Arizona Diamondbacks (6th, 198th Pick) Chicago Cubs (35th) Gary SouthShore Railcats ^ Gauting Indians ^ Arizona Diamondbacks (32nd) Cleveland Indians (42nd) Milwaukee Brewers Cleveland Indians Lake Erie Crushers ^ Lake Erie Crushers ^ Lake Erie Crushers ^
Major League Draft By The Numbers Total Number of Players Drafted: 24 Number of Position Players Drafted: 10 Number of Pitchers Drafted: 14 Highest Draft Pick: Brian Anderson, 1993; Third Pick Overall Most Players Picked in a Year: Three, 2008 (Hamilton, Parker and Vagedes) Team Most Often Drafted by: Cincinnati Reds, Four (Lockner,1980; Gordon, 1990; Ashton, 1992; Powers, 2001)
Anaheim Angels (1): Brian Anderson *
First Round, 1993
Arizona Diamondbacks (1): Justin Parker 6th Round, 2008 Greg Robinson 32nd Round, 2010 Chicago Cubs (1): Ross Vagedes #
35th Round, 2008
Cincinnati Reds (4): Dave Lockner Keith Gordon * Jeff Ashton Joe Powers
14th Round, 1980 2nd Round, 1990 16th Round, 1992 23rd Round, 2001
Cleveland Indians (1): Aaron Fields
42nd Round, 2010
Detroit Tigers (1): Dusty Beam
20th Round, 1999
Kansas City Royals (1): Greg Karklins
46th Round, 1987
Milwaukee Brewers (1): Scott Huntsman
21st Round, 1994
New York Mets (3): Bob Grote Sean Gill Joe Smith *
12th Round, 1976 45th Round, 1995 3rd Round, 2006
New York Yankees (2): Chris Wallace Nathan Kopp
14th Round, 1997 28th Round, 2002
Philadelphia Phillies (1): Jeremy Hamilton
5th Round, 2008
San Francisco Giants (1): Jon Sbrocco 49th Round, 1993 Seattle Mariners (1): Casey Abrams
5th Round, 2003
St. Louis Cardinals (1): Ross Oeder
28th Round, 2007
Texas Rangers (1): Nick Shields
29th Round, 2002
Raiders and the Major League Baseball Draft
1976 1977 1980 1981 1982 1983 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1999 2001 2002 2003 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Major League Draft By team
Washington Nationals/Montreal Expos (2): Fred Blair 19th Round, 1983 Mike Mathile 3rd Round, 1990
wright state in the ncaa tournament
2011 (NCAA Division I College Station Regional) 6/3......................... #6 Texas A&M 11, Wright State 0 6/4..................................... Arizona 13, Wright State 0 2009 (NCAA Division I Fort Worth Regional) 5/29....................................#13 TCU 6, Wright State 3 5/30........ #25 Texas A&M 6, Wright State 4 (11 Inn.) 2006 (NCAA Division I Corvallis Regional) 6/2............................ Oregon State 5, Wright State 3 6/3........................................ Hawaii 5, Wright State 3 1995 (NCAA Division I Play-In Series) 5/19............................... Troy State 16, Wright State 7 5/20................................. Troy State 6, Wright State 5 1994 (NCAA Division I Knoxville Regional) 5/27............... Wright State 14, North Carolina St. 12 5/28...........................Arizona State 4, Wright State 7 5/29................. North Carolina St. 10, Wright State 6 1994 (NCAA Division I Play-In Series) 5/19....................................... Wright State 19, Navy 2 5/19..................................... Wright State 14, Navy 10 1987 (NCAA Division II College World Series) 5/22..............................Wright State 1, New Haven 0 5/24.............................. Columbus 13, Wright State 4 5/24...................... Wright State 5, Cal-St Dom. Hills 2 5/24................................. Troy State 8, Wright State 2 (WSU National Runners-up) 1987 (Division II Midwest Regional) 5/15........................ Wright State 11, Shippensburg 3 5/16.........................................Wright State 7, Lewis 4 5/17.........................................Wright State 9, Lewis 4
2011 horizon league Regular Season & Tournament Champions 2010 Horizon Leaague Regular Season Champions
2009 Horizon League Tournament Champions
1986 (Division II Midwest Regional) 5/15.........................................Wright State 5, Lewis 1 5/16...................... Mankato State 13, Wright State 3 5/17.........................................Lewis 5, Wright State 4 1983 (Division II Midwest Regional) 5/12................. Jacksonville State 14, Wright State 5 5/13........................... Wright State 8, ISU-Evansville 7 5/13................................. Wright State 7, Troy State 6 5/14................... Jacksonville State 7, Wright State 2 1980 (Division II Midwest Regional) 5/15........................................... Troy 8, Wright State 2 5/16.............................Wright State 10, Delta State 4 5/16........................................... Troy 4, Wright State 3 1978 (Division II Midwest Regional) 5/18......................... Western Illinois 2, Wright State 1 5/19.....................Wright State 11, Indiana Central 4 5/19......................... Western Illinois 3, Wright State 2 1977 (Division II Midwest Regional) 5/19................ Wright State 26, Youngstown State 1 5/20.......................SIU Edwardsville 8, Wright State 5 5/20................Northern Kentucky 13, Wright State 6 1976 (Division II Midwest Regional) 5/20............................... Wright State 12, Evansville 7 5/21....................... Wright State 11, Western Illinois 1 5/22.....................SIU Edwardsville 15, Wright State 3 5/22...........................Wright State 7, Eastern Illinois 4 5/23.......................SIU Edwardsville 4, Wright State 3
2006 Horizon League Tournament Champions 1997 Midwestern Collegiate Conference Regular Season Champions 1995 Midwestern Collegiate Conference Tournament Champions
1994 Mid-Continent Conference Regular Season Champions 1993 Mid-Continent Conference Regular Season Champions 1992 Mid-Continent Conference Regular Season & Tournament Champions