World Pull-Up day 2015

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WORLD PULL-UP DAY (WPD) is a global sports and charity event In 5 years WPD aims to become the largest global event of this kind

On WPD people gather in designated places – Pull-Up Points (PUPs) – to do pull-ups and donate money and goods to others in need. Locations of the PUPs cover the whole world


First WPD was held on 14 September 2014.* It was the first event of this kind organized on international level. Regardless of the weather conditions and difference in time and distance people all over the world were united for the common goal – doing pull-ups for a good cause

Complete information about the event, incl. application rules and forms, registered PUPs, galleries, results and rank of all countries, is available at * The idea of WPD comes from Latvia where similar event was organized in 2012 and 2013 on a national level


WPD 2014 FLASHBACK 246 locations in 57 countries worldwide

PUPs in

Each PUP opened for at least

4 hours up to 24 hours

More than

14 000 participants

(no age, gender, race or other restrictions applied) Only 1 attempt of maximum reps per person allowed. The highest number of pull-ups made in a single set:

men – 100 pull-ups, women – 31 pull-ups 170 000 pull-ups + donations Almost

for different charity purposes The event was widely reflected by national and global media

500 photo and video galleries


just from the organizers of PUPs Sparkling emotions to the participants and organizers




Country rank !

1st place


(95 PUPS / 6000+ participants / 67Â 000+ pull-ups)


2nd place


(almost 1300 participants / 21 000 pull-ups)


3rd place


(almost 1000 participants / 9000+ pull-ups)

The strongest country !

1st place

Bosnia and Herzegovina 24.4 pull-ups made on the average by every participant


2nd place

Canada 22.7 average pull-ups


3rd place


20.8 average pull-ups


EVENT ORGANIZER WPD events are organized by the World Street Workout & Calisthenics Federation (WSWCF): ✓ the largest and oldest global organization involved in the development of the street workout and calisthenics movement ! ✓ unites national street workout organizations and supporters, being the hub on a global level, and directs and coordinates the street workout matters and activities worldwide !

✓ organizes official competitions in the street workout sport on national, regional and global level ! ✓ has over 120 member organizations from 100 countries ! ✓ 100 000+ direct followers / 2 million+ indirect followers on social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram). More info:

“Within a very limited time people around the world managed to create so many Pull-Up Points and share their love with others doing simple pull-ups. The event turned out to be a great celebration for all involved and we will let it happen every year from now on. Our team is motivated to continue the growth of this global social and sports event year by year” – Maris Slezins, creator of the World Pull-Up Day, Founder and Chairman of the WSWCF, about WPD 2014.



✓ To establish annual tradition – global social event which combines physical activity and charity !

✓ To bring together for a common activity – pullups – as many people as possible from all around the world (both people with sporting background and people completely unrelated to sport)

✓ To raise money for charitable purposes (to solve various social problems) ! !

✓ To unite people of various countries, cities and inhabited places by positive emotions

Specific goals for WPD 2015: ✓ To involve 100+ countries and at least 30 000 participants making 1 million pull-ups in total (several attempts will be allowed per person)

✓ To find global partner organizations willing to contribute money or goods for each pull-up made worldwide, thus adding global scale and value to the charity side of this project


ORGANIZING OF PUPS AND WPD Organizers of WPD PUPs ✓ any private individual / organization / sports team being able to take responsibility and follow the regulations and instructions provided by the WSWCF ! ✓ major part of PUPs are organized by member organisations of WSWCF

Requirements and tasks for WPD PUPS ✓ Central area with free public access and with a lot of passer-by people (visitors) and potential participants * ! ✓ Pull-up bar * ! ✓ Local partners willing to contribute money, goods or services for a specified good cause ! ✓ Staff for judging the event and collecting donations ! ✓ Social campaign before the event to gather people ! ✓ Branding the PUP and staff with logos of WPD and commercial partners

* PUPs can be organized in any existing street workout park or any other place that has a pull-up bar, for example school stadium. It is highly recommended to use a portable pull-up bar to be able to place it in the very centre of the city (central square). 6


✓ The number of PUPs per each country and city is not limited !

✓ Each PUP must be registered with WSWCF and bears a unique ID code !

✓ Registration takes place online via WPD web site !

✓ Location of each local PUP and contact details of its organizers are entered in public map available via WPD web site !

✓ The results of PUP are submitted and verified online !

✓ The preliminary results are available within 24 hours. The final verified results are available within 1 week !

✓ WSWCF maintains the data base of all the organizers and participants (the applicable data protection rules are followed)


WPD CHARITY PATRONAGES Our purpose is to unite people by activity (pull-ups) and to raise money for charity or to do certain good act. Therefore local organizers of the WPD PUPs are encouraged to engage supporters and partners (patrons) for their PUPs. 2 main options for charity patronages: 1) PUP organizer finds a patron – partner company / organisation which makes a donation* to the specified charitable purpose ! 2) PUP organizer agrees with local charity organisation to bring its representatives to the PUP to collect voluntary donations from its participants and visitors !

* donation = a certain amount of money or goods for each pull-up made at the PUP, or, alternatively, a lump sum donation if certain amount of pull-ups is reached at the PUP

Organizers of PUPs are allowed to raise donations for their own specified purposes (related to street workout), such as building of new street workout park or purchase of new sports equipment. In that case they are obliged to strictly undertake responsibility for the fair collection and use of the donations. !

WSWCF is currently open for global Charity Patronages for the whole WPD event


WPD COMMERCIAL PARTNERSHIPS Partnerships of a purely commercial nature are possible at WPD !

Commercial partners – local companies or organisations – provide to the participants of the PUP discount coupons for purchase of their products, or provide complementary goods or services, or product bundles !

Depending on the particular partnership, the amount of discount provided may or may not be linked to the amount of pull-ups made by the participant

Partnership examples from WPD 2014: ✓ Café based in Moscow centre provided free tea or coffee to each participant of the PUP ! ✓ Sports apparel company in Hong Kong provided free products and discount coupons ! ✓ A store in Frankfurt provided 20% discount for 1 purchase to each participant of the WPD ! ✓ A services company in Riga offered discount tied to the number of pull-ups made by the participant: 5% discount for 10 pull-ups made give, 10% discount for 20 pull-ups give, 20% discount for 30 or more pull-ups made

WSWCF is currently open for global Commercial Partnerships for the whole WPD event 10

WPD EVENT PATRONAGES To raise the local and global awareness about the WPD in 2015 WSWCF introduces WPD Event Patronages * !

WPD Event Patrons are celebrities and influential people who officially support the WPD in their city, country or community being the brand ambassadors of the event

WSWCF is currently open for global WPD Event Patronages for the whole WPD event.

* Already in WPD 2014 many PUPs were supported by local and international celebrities. For instance, in Russia the project was under the patronage of famous Russian music artist Timati. Also the famous Russian football player Dmitry Kambarov donated his pull-ups for the project to encourage others.


WPD PR AND MEDIA ACTIVITIES Organizers of each local PUP are required to distribute the official information about the project in their regional media and social networks !

The information in media and social networks is distributed timely before the event

WSWCF is currently open for global Media Partnerships for the whole WPD event.


WSWCF provides the organizers with the necessary informative support and visual identity materials !

After the event WSWCF prepares official press release and statement about the WPD results to be distributed via social networks of WSWCF and local organizers and regional media.


FURTHER INFORMATION All enquiries (other than enquiries about WPD Global Patronages, Partnerships and Media Relationships) must be addressed to: WPD Project Team: Enquiries about WPD Global Patronages, Partnerships and Media Relationships must be addressed to:

Raivis Leimanis

GSM: +371 29153205 Email:



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