Dudley Pond 2012 report

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DEP 332-698 Dudley Pond


Photo Credit: Ted Fiust

Wayland Surface Water Quality Committee End of Season Report for Dudley Pond

Dudley Pond – DEP 332-698 2012 End of Season Report

SUMMARY The 2012 hand-pulling program was successful at suppression, but milfoil was detected at end-of-season. Accomplishments:  2012 Hand-pulling: Kept Eurasian Water Milfoil under control thru o 655 diver/snorkeler hours of hand pulling and survey o 38,191 plants removed o $29,486 spent.    

Funding: Continued the principal of 25% shared funding with the DPA whose members care deeply about Dudley Pond and who directly enjoy its benefits. Minimized chemical treatment through continued aggressive hand-pulling. Continued consensus for limiting herbicide with goals and programs to minimize its use. Completed annual testing for detection of both fluridone and triclopyr in Happy Hollow wells #1 and #2.

Yearend status:  Significant numbers of plants left un-pulled at the end of season. Plants were still there when it became too cold to pull. Observations:  Some areas had to be re-visited every three weeks.  Fewer large old plants, new multi-stemmed plants  Much longer growing season.  Regrowth often associated with areas near storm drains.  Other pond-health issues: Cyanobacteria confirmed Related Activities:  Water clarity somewhat poorer than the prior year, from late July through August diminished visibility made it difficult to continue hand-pulling.  WSWQC is developing proposed septic and landscaping regulations which would require additional measures for areas in close proximity to water bodies.

Wayland Surface Water Quality Committee


Dudley Pond – DEP 332-698 2012 End of Season Report

2013 Dudley Pond Plans: 

SWQC has budgeted for both herbicide spot treatment and aggressive handpulling.

SWQC will continue its systematic sampling program for phosphorus, chlorophyll-a together with temperature, Secchi-depth, and dissolved oxygen – in order to position the pond on the Carlson Trophic Index axes.

SWCQ will continue its cooperative effort with the Board of Health to sample for e-coli contamination and monitor for cyanobacteria.

Wayland Surface Water Quality Committee


Dudley Pond – DEP 332-698 2012 End of Season Report

2012 HAND-PULLING – a long & tough year Milfoil appeared first near-shore, in shallower warmer areas. Later it appeared in deeper areas which received less sun at the bottom. Areas with lush plant growth were often associated with areas close to stormwater outfalls. As in prior years, divers would update a detailed web form, and were paid based on their posted updates. Notes were kept on ‘seeing’ conditions, water temperature, and comments on plants. (See Appendix A) Ted Fiust and Allison LaClaire were our principal divers. Both are familiar with and lived on Dudley Pond during the 2009-2010 seasons. Volunteer snorkeler Bob Smith helped out with the Mansion Beach area during the season. Ted’s firm Aquatic Vision furnished other divers. Total weed management cost was $29,486, up significantly from $10,760 in 2011.

2012 was a longer season than 2011: Hand Pull started Hand Pull ended

2011 5/5 9/11

2012 4/24 11/6

Allison LaClaire & Ted Fiust

Wayland Surface Water Quality Committee


Dudley Pond – DEP 332-698 2012 End of Season Report

2012 HAND-PULLING – a five-year record In 2011 – 10,485 plants were removed. Two principal divers and three other divers and snorkelers logged 274 hours under water. In 2012 – 38,191 plants were removed = a five year record. The graphic below shows plants pulled each month by area.

To pond users on the surface, there were no impediments to use – and no apparent milfoil. Plant tops with seeds did not appear above the surface.

Wayland Surface Water Quality Committee


Dudley Pond – DEP 332-698 2012 End of Season Report

2012 END OF SEASON SURVEY Unlike 2011 where by October 22nd no plants could be found, in 2012 we kept pulling until it was too cold to pull. We didn’t do an underwater survey at the end of the season. November 10th we took a surface tour through the Chateau/Southern arm a known problem area. We took photographs at 44 points where we saw more than single plants. At the highest points the plant count estimates were:  8-10  10-15  cluster of 30  cluster of 50-100  20,  10-12  12-15  cluster 50-70  small forest  30-40  12-13


Wayland Surface Water Quality Committee


Dudley Pond – DEP 332-698 2012 End of Season Report


Long Growing Season

Plant locations keep moving. We saw plants concentrated in several new locations last year. Late in the season we saw significant expansion in deeper waters

Algal Clouds reduced visibility in late July through August.

Spread of tapegrass (Vallisneria Americana) noted. In 2012 along the south side of Dudley Road we noted areas of infestation (20-30 sq. ft.). It is very difficult to hand pull milfoil which grows together with tapegrass.

Per Tom Flannery, Mass DCR Lakes and Ponds group: “This isn’t listed as an invasive, but I have seen it get a little out of control on a rare occasion. Sounds like that’s what you have going on. It can be especially dense late summer as it goes through the reproductive cycle. It’s usually considered beneficial and I’ve heard it intentionally planted for habitat. I’ve never heard of a chemical treatment for this particular plant, but the root system is very shallow making it a good candidate for hand-pulling and/or dash.”

Wayland Surface Water Quality Committee


Dudley Pond – DEP 332-698 2012 End of Season Report

2012 EFFECTIVENESS, OBSERVATIONS, LESSONS, CONCLUSIONS Neither Fluridone nor triclopyr were detected in Happy Hollow water sample. In 2012 we again took samples of water from the Happy Hollow wells, and sent them to SePRO for testing. The wells were off-line in spring and summer, so the water sample was taken in the fall. No detectible concentration of fluridone or triclopyr was found. We will continue this testing in 2013. Herbicide use likely in 2013 - We expect significant regrowth in some areas in 2013 and believe that hand-pulling alone will not be sufficient. A mid to late summer spot herbicide treatment may be necessary. Our long term goal is to continue to reduce the viable root mass through hand-pulling and spot treatment when and where necessary. We have made good progress away from a boom-bust cycle toward year to year management and herbicide minimization. Likely treatment areas:

Wayland Surface Water Quality Committee


Dudley Pond – DEP 332-698 2012 End of Season Report

2012 WATER CLARITY (SECCHI DEPTH) Water clarity made hand pulling difficult in late July to October. Jack Peters, a DPA member, took Secchi depth (the depth at which the pattern on a painted 9” disk disappears) and water temperature readings. Good water clarity in early summer may have allowed more light to reach lower depths stimulating plant growth in deeper areas. Clarity is normally higher when water is colder at the start and end of the season when there is less algae in the water column. These data were all taken at the deepest part of Dudley Pond. Operating in more shallow areas, divers encountered algal clouds and reduced visibility to 3-4’ in late July and August.

2013 Dudley Pond Water Clarity (Secchi Depth) & Temperature 100.0 90.0 80.0 70.0 60.0 Water Temp 50.0 (F) at 4' 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0

25.00 20.00 15.00 Depth (ft) 10.00 5.00 0.00 3/19


Wayland Surface Water Quality Committee








Dudley Pond – DEP 332-698 2012 End of Season Report

2012 WATER QUALITY TESTING Begun in 2011, in 2012 the SWQC did three rounds of water quality sampling – where samples were taken at 3 points. Samples were taken in April, September, and November.

Using a Secchi disk and YSI meter, barometric pressure, ph, ORP, Dissolved Oxygen, Temperature were taken at three depths per point. Water samples were analyzed by an analytical lab for total P, soluble P, Ammonia, Nitrate/Nitrite, Nitrogen, and Chlorophyll a. Using the Carlson Trophic index, Dudley Pond has been on the margin between mesotrophic and eutrophic since 1978, Reports are in Appendix B.

Wayland Surface Water Quality Committee


Dudley Pond – DEP 332-698 2012 End of Season Report

2012 E-COLI TESTING After a leaking septic system was noted near the pond in 2011, in cooperation with the Health Department, SWQC organized periodic testing for e-coli. Samples were collected and analyzed per state protocols for beaches. At two points in 2011 the state limits were exceeded at Mansion Beach, and the beach was closed by the Health Department, based on state beach standards. This was thought to have more to do with waterfowl and dogs than the failed septic system which was pumped weekly arranged by the Health Department.

In 2012 - DPA volunteer Lisa Newton took samples at Mansion Beach for analysis by the Health Department’s state-certified lab.

2012 e-Coli Levels - Mansion Beach 250 200 150 CFU/100ml 100

Danger CFU/100ml

50 0 5/23/2012


Wayland Surface Water Quality Committee




Dudley Pond – DEP 332-698 2012 End of Season Report


October 4th, 2012 water quality volunteer Lisa Newton advised SWQC that she’d seen bluegreen residue at Mansion Beach. Following a state protocol, SWQC took photographs and samples of the material and turned them over to the Health Department, who forwarded the photographs to the Massachusetts Department of Public Health. Per the Department of Public Health, the beach was closed for a week and until no further evidence of the material was observed.

Wayland Surface Water Quality Committee


Dudley Pond – DEP 332-698 2012 End of Season Report

In May 30th 2009, blue-green algae was seen on Mansion Beach and flowing around the edge of Dudley Pond but could not be examined on a timely basis. After this event the Health Department and the SWQC worked out a notification procedure. From 2009 – at 120 Lakeshore Drive:

Wayland Surface Water Quality Committee


Dudley Pond – DEP 332-698 2012 End of Season Report


Dudley Pond Association Reimbursement for 2012:

Wayland Surface Water Quality Committee



Dudley Pond – DEP 332-698 2012 End of Season Report

2013 SEASON PLANS Well Sampling: We will continue annual spring tests of water from the Happy Hollow wells for fluridone and triclopyr. Samples will be analyzed by SePRO, and copies of test reports will be provided to the Conservation Commission, the DPW, and Board of Health Hand-pulling: Hand-pulling will continue at the same pace as in 2012. However if spot herbicides are used, diver activity will be curtailed in those areas for 4-8 weeks. These herbicides have a lesser effect in other areas, but do reduce milfoil levels throughout the pond. We expect to use part time summer labor to help set and remove markers, block and check the outlet during herbicide use, and assist divers from the surface. Spot treatment: Because we know there were plants left at the end of the 2012 season, and because we pulled over 35,000 plants in 2012, we expect to request spot treatment with triclopyr in 2013, similar to our 2010 spot treatment. Should we decide that spot treatment is required in the spring, we will notify the Conservation Administrator as required by our Order of Conditions. Water Quality Testing: We will continue a periodic water quality sampling and testing plans begun in Dudley Pond in 2011, and performed this year. Research & actions to reduce nutrients suppressing milfoil with hand-pulling or herbicides is not the same as reducing the high nutrient levels that support milfoil growth. Dudley Pond is still a category 5 (most impaired) due to high nutrient levels. The WSWQC is participating in the Dudley Area Study Committee, and has developed a household-level model to identify likely high-nutrient contributions. WSWQC is also investigating improvements to Dudley Pond storm water management, and alum treatments to inactivate phosphorus.

2013 EXPECTED COSTS & FUNDING WSWQC has budgeted $29,000 for Dudley Pond hand-pulling during the 2013 season (partly in FY13, partly in FY14). The 2010 triclopyr spot treatment cost for roughly the same area was $13,875 – we expect that will be higher in 2013. The lab costs for water chemistry and herbicide residue testing are roughly $2500, and the balance will be for diver hand –pulling. The Dudley Pond Association is expected to continue to provide a 25% match of monies spent suppressing milfoil in Dudley Pond, partly offsetting the town’s costs.

Wayland Surface Water Quality Committee


Dudley Pond – DEP 332-698 2012 End of Season Report


2012 Yearend DP Hand Pulling – Spreadsheet Details


2012 DP Water Quality Sampling Reports


2012 Dudley Pond Herbicide Residuals Test Results

Wayland Surface Water Quality Committee


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