84 minute read
Equine Disease Quarterly
Reprinted by permission of Equine Disease Quarterly, Department of Veterinary Science, Maxwell H. Gluck Equine Research Center, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, January 2021.
The prepubic tendon extends from the brim of the pelvis and joins with the abdominal muscles to support the abdomen and abdominal viscera. Mares can rupture (tear) the prepubic tendon, either partially or fully, and the associated muscles of the abdominal wall. Prepubic tendon rupture is an uncommon but serious condition in late pregnancy that may have a poor prognosis and can result in death of the mare and fetus.
The exact cause of prepubic tendon rupture is not known, however the condition is more common in older mares that have had multiple pregnancies, draft breeds, mares carrying twins and mares with placental abnormalities such as hydrops (hydroallantois or hydroamnion).
Mares with prepubic tendon ruptures exhibit signs of colic-like pain, elevated heart and respiratory rates and reluctance to move or lie down. Changes in the shape of the ventral abdomen (underbelly) may be fi rst noted, followed by a rapidly progressive swelling (edema) that can extend from the udder towards the chest. The udder may be swollen and teats may point toward the mare’s head instead of downwards and blood may drip from the teats. Touching the ventral abdomen is often resented. Some mares will adopt a “sawhorse” stance with a tilted pelvis and elevation of the tailhead. Other mares may die after a short illness. Diagnosis of prepubic tendon rupture is diffi cult to confi rm and is usually based on characteristic clinical signs.
The choice of therapy for mares with prepubic tendon rupture varies. It will depend on the extent of the rupture, ability to control the mare’s pain, and stage of gestation. The relative value of the mare and foal may also be considered. Complete rupture of the prepubic tendon has a poor prognosis for the mare because the tendon cannot be surgically repaired.
Conservative therapy will usually involve restricting the mare to stall rest, carefully applying “belly bandages” to support the ventral abdomen and alleviation of pain using a variety of drugs. Progestins may be given to keep the uterus in a quiet (not contracting) state. Close monitoring of the fetus to detect fetal stress is required with frequent ultrasound examinations via the mare’s abdomen to monitor fetal heart rate and activity.
Stage of gestation is an important factor when therapy options are being considered. If the mare is close to term (330 days of gestation or later), induction of labor or a caesarean section may be considered. If the mare is induced, then foaling must be assisted as she has limited or no ability to contract abdominal muscles during active labor. If the foal is successfully delivered, it is considered at high risk of developing problems such as neonatal sepsis. Colostrum supplementation may be needed, and the foal may not be able to suckle the mare due to severe udder swelling.
For mares that rupture the prepubic tendon before 330 days of gestation and in which pain can be managed, a decision may be made to support the mare so the fetus can reach 330 days of gestation or longer. The
Prepubic Tendon Rupture
last part of pregnancy is very important in determining viability of the foal, as most of the fetal maturation that ensures the foal is ready for life outside the uterus happens in the last ten days of gestation. For mares in which pain cannot be well managed, euthanasia should be considered.
Mares with prepubic tendon rupture that survive foaling or caesarean section should not be bred again. Some mares that survive foaling may subsequently need to be euthanized due to intractable pain. Erica Gee, BVSc, PhD, DipACT. e.k.gee@ massey.ac.nz, +6463505328, School of Veterinary Science, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand.
Consequences of Vitamin E Defi ciency
Vitamin E is an essential nutrient for horses. This antioxidant helps maintain normal neurological function by limiting the damage caused by oxidative stress and free radicals. The best source of vitamin E is fresh green grass. Horses that graze on lush green pastures often have adequate access to vitamin E. However, many stabled horses are not maintained on pasture. Vitamin E levels decrease and eventually are lost as soon as grass is harvested, so even the highest-quality hay will not meet vitamin E requirements. Some horses maintained on diets defi cient in vitamin E can experience signifi cant health consequences.
Vitamin E helps a horse’s muscles and nerves function properly. A dietary defi ciency can lead to three specifi c diseases: (1) equine neuroaxonal dystrophy/equine degenerative myeloencephalopathy (eNAD/EDM), (2) equine motor neuron disease (EMND) and (3) vitamin E defi cient myopathy (VEM). These diseases are typically diagnosed based on clinical signs, exclusion of other disorders, and low concentrations of vitamin E in the blood.
Equine neuroaxonal dystrophy/equine degenerative myeloencephalopathy occurs in young animals and has a genetic predisposition. Affected horses may stand with forelimbs too far apart (or too close together), have diffi culty navigating curbs or hills or lack coordination while walking and making tight turns. Signs of the disease can vary, some horses show mild performance issues, while others are severely debilitated. Although the exact cause of the degeneration is unknown, a specifi c interaction between genetics and nutrition during the fi rst few years of life is required for this disease to manifest.
Researchers in the Finno Laboratory are working to develop a genetic test for eNAD/EDM. Until one is available, the recommendation is to provide vitamin E supplementation to horses that do not have regular access to pasture, especially pregnant mares and newborn foals. This may not eliminate the disease, but it appears that less severe neurological signs may develop if foals receive supplementation during the early stages of life.
Equine motor neuron disease typically occurs in older horses that have been vitamin E deficient for more than 18 months. The disease affects lower motor neurons, which are nerves that supply the direct neurological input into all muscles. In their absence, the associated muscles atrophy, resulting in the clinical signs of weakness and weight loss characteristic of this disease. Affected horses may carry their heads low and lie down for longer periods. Research from Cornell University has shown that approximately 40 percent of horses affected by EMND improve with vitamin E supplementation, 40 percent stabilize but remain disfigured, and 20 percent progress in disease severity.
Abnormal stance of a horse with equine neuroaxonal dystrophy/equine degenerative myeloencephalopathy (eNAD/EDM) from vitamin E defi ciency.
Re-feeding the Starved Horse
Finding yourself in the position of providing care to a starved horse can be an emotional situation for any horse enthusiast. The desire to do everything possible to return the horse to full health, including providing ample nutrition, can be the initial impulse. Sadly, the desire to feed the horse well can have catastrophic consequences resulting in a re-feeding syndrome that may result in the need for euthanasia. While it may be tempting to provide unlimited access to feed, when it comes to feeding starved horses, less truly should be the rule of thumb.
Horses rely on body stores of inert carbohydrate and fat to fuel the large number of metabolic processes within the body. These stores are constantly replenished through the diet. In a horse that is starved, these stores become depleted and so instead, protein is utilized for energy. All protein in the body is actively contributing to important functions and is not stored for the purpose of providing energy. In this scenario, the body is not picky about what source of protein gets used for energy. Therefore, as protein is burned as a fuel source, skeletal muscle and vital organs become negatively impacted.
When a starved horse is “re-fed” and provided carbohydrates, in particular
Vitamin E defi cient myopathy is typically found in horses with a shorter duration of vitamin E defi ciency. Affected horses exhibit muscle weakness, low muscle vitamin E concentrations and mitochondrial alterations (i.e.; changes to the “power house” energy storage unit of the cell) in skeletal muscle but show no evidence of neurologic impairment. With proper supplementation, affected animals are generally able to recover within three months.
These diseases are currently the only conditions definitively associated with vitamin E defi ciency. At this time, nothing is known about vitamin E metabolism in horses, the appropriate dosage, or its actual effi cacy in preventing or treating other neurological conditions. In humans, the same enzymes that metabolize vitamin E also metabolize approximately 50 percent of therapeutic drugs, so supplementation with vitamin E could potentially alter the effects of other drugs if a horse is on multiple therapies. Therefore, while vitamin E supplementation may not necessarily be harmful with respect to other neurologic diseases, it is unlikely to be benefi cial.
Since there are no effective treatments for most diseases caused by vitamin E defi ciency, prevention is key. If horses are not able to access fresh pastures to graze, vitamin E must be supplemented in their diets. However, not all vitamin E supplements are created equally. For detailed information on vitamin E supplementation, please refer to a recent issue of the UC Davis Horse Report: https://ceh. vetmed.ucdavis.edu/ sites/g/files/dgvnsk4536/files/inline-files/ Horse_Report_Fall_2018_web.pdf. Baseline blood vitamin E concentrations should always be assessed before initiating any vitamin E supplementation. Owners should consult with their veterinarians to determine if vitamin E supplementation is required and identify the best supplementation regimen for their particular horse. Carrie Finno, DVM, PhD, DACVIM (Large Animal), cjfinno@ucdavis.edu, 530-7522739, UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, Davis, California.
glucose, blood insulin increases. This helps move glucose from the circulation into cells and with it electrolytes. This can result in inadequate levels of key electrolytes, such as phosphorus, potassium and magnesium in the circulation, as well as leaving red blood cells without adequate energy. These red blood cells are then unable to adequately release oxygen to various tissues resulting in heart, kidney and respiratory organ failure and ultimately death.
Research studies have shown that a greater success rate is achieved when starved horses are rehabilitated using forages containing low nonstructural carbohydrate (NSC) as this limits the insulin response. If using grass hays, they should be tested for NSC content and ideally have an NSC content of less than ten percent. If only untested grass hay is available, feeding alfalfa may be a better choice as alfalfa has a low NSC content and also tends to provide good amounts of magnesium and phosphorus.
Very small amounts of feed should be fed that provide no more than about 50 percent of the horse’s calculated daily digestible energy (DE) requirement. Different research studies have used different feeding protocols. One fed alfalfa at 50 percent of the calculated daily DE requirement for the fi rst three days of re-feeding and then increased the amount to 75 percent for days four and fi ve before increasing to a full 100 percent on day six. Another study fed frequent handfuls of grass hay for the fi rst day and then provided netted hay that was hung outside the stalls so that the horses had to eat the hay through the bars. These researchers introduced 0.5 pounds of complete feed and increased this by the same amount every three days until they were being fed no more than three pounds. at any feeding.
Re-feeding syndrome can develop as quickly as the first day of re-feeding or may not become apparent for three-to-four weeks. The keys to successful rehabilitation lie in starting off with very small meals that provide limited calories and utilizing forages and feeds with an NSC content at or below ten percent. Sticking to these guidelines despite the natural desire to want to lavish the horse with food will provide the greatest chance of success in nursing the starved horse back to health. Clair Thunes, PhD, 916-248-8987, clair@ summit-equine.com, Summit Equine Nutrition LLC, Gilbert, Arizona.
Key Statistics In Washington
2019 2020
Number of mares bred in Washington ......................................................................................160 ..............................................................127* Number of Washington-bred two-year-olds ..............................................................................188 ..............................................................107* Total purse monies earned by Washington-breds ..........................................................$5,412,908 ....................................................$3,853,123 Average earnings per Washington-bred starter ..................................................................$10,389 ...........................................................$8,251 Number of Washington-bred starters ........................................................................................517 ................................................................467 Number of Washington-bred winners .......................................................................................224 ................................................................210 Number of races won by Washington-breds .............................................................................434 ................................................................293 Number of breeders represented by a Washington-starter ........................................................245 ................................................................215 Number of sires represented by Washington-bred starter .........................................................129 ................................................................118 Number of dams represented by Washington-bred starter ........................................................377 ................................................................359 Leading money-winning Washington-bred runner ..............................UNO TROUBLE MAKER ........................................ BODENHEIMER ($104,642) ($151,225) Leading money-winning Washington-bred juvenile runner ............................ PAS DE PANIQUE ........................................ BODENHEIMER ($89,000) ($151,225) Leading money-winning breeder of Washington-breds ...............NINA M. and RON A. HAGEN .... MR. and MRS. FREDERICK L. PABST ($330,964) ($272,516) Leading money-winning owner of Washington-breds ....JOHN and JANENE MARYANSKI and ........................................CHAD and JOSH GERALD and GAIL SCHNEIDER ($213,959) ($128,612) Leading Washington sire by money won ............................................................ATTA BOY ROY ......................................... ATTA BOY ROY ($640,623) ($438,120) Leading Washington sire by winners ..................................................................ATTA BOY ROY ..........................................COAST GUARD (26) (19) Leading Washington sire of juveniles by money won .................................................... ABRAAJ ......................................... ATTA BOY ROY ($217,005) ($175,636) Leading Washington sire of juveniles by winners .......................................................... ABRAAJ ..........................................COAST GUARD (9) (5) Broodmare of the year ..........................................................................TRAININGAT THE BAR .......................................... MELBA JEWEL Revenue to WHRC ........................................................................................................$1,559,977 ....................................................$1,252,524
*Complete fi gures unavailable
Washington Thoroughbred Foundation
Helping to Build a Solid Foundation for the Thoroughbred Industry
What can you do?
• THRUST Scholarships and Grants • Make a donation today. The Washington • WTF Scholarships through The Race For Education Thoroughbred Foundation is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) non-profi t corporation. • WSU Veterinary Scholarships • Consider planned giving, such as a bequest. • The Prodigious Fund (Thoroughbred Aftercare) • Purchase art! A portion of proceeds from the Equine Art Show, held in mid-July at Emerald • Equine Art Show Downs, will generate funds for the Foundation. • Little Bit Therapeutic Riding Center • Fred Meyer’s Community Rewards Program • Rainier Therapeutic Riding (for PTSD (fredmeyer.com/communityrewards) – Link your
Soldiers) Rewards Card to the Washington Thoroughbred • Emerald Downs Summer Internship Foundation. Program • Backstretch Daycare Center • AmazonSmile (smile.amazon.com) – Name the Washington Thoroughbred Foundation as your charity of choice and receive the same selection • Broodmare Lease and Youth Programs of products and low prices as on Amazon.com.
(253) 288-7878 • info@thoroughbredfoundation.org • 3220 Ron Crockett Dr. NW, Auburn, WA 98001
2020 Breeders’ Awards
Breeders’ awards distributed to breeders of Washington-breds who fi nished fi rst, second or third in 2020 Emerald Downs races totaled $182,106, compared to $172,452 in 2019.
Mandated by the state’s racing act in accordance with RCW 67.16.175, breeders’ awards are funded from a percentage of the exotic pari-mutuel wagering during live racing at Emerald Downs and its OTBs (off-track betting locations) and are paid at the end of the race year. Beginning in 2004, of the Source Market Fees collected from advance deposit wagering, 2.5 percent goes to owners’ and breeders’ awards (WAC 260-49-070).
Breeders’ Awards Factor
For many years, it was assumed that Emerald Downs retained six percent from daily gross receipts for exotic wagering on both live racing and simulcasting. Of that six percent, one percent was designated for breeders’ awards.
In 2017, it was determined that, in actuality, Emerald Downs had not been retaining six percent from the daily gross receipts on exotic wagering from simulcasting. Hence, going forward, breeders’ awards will be calculated on exotic wagering from live racing only.
The total of $182,106 for 2020 is allocated as 75 percent for fi rst, 15 percent for second and ten percent for third. These totals are divided by the total amount of corresponding purse monies earned by Washington-breds, which creates three corresponding factors. The appropriate factor is then multiplied by the total purse monies won by each Washington-bred to arrive at the breeders’ award amount.
Order of Finish Breeders’ Awards WA-bred Earnings Factor
1st (75%) ............................. $136,579.64 ..................$1,309,500.50.................10.43% 2nd (15%) ............................. $27,315.93 .....................$433,644.80...................6.30% 3rd (10%) .............................. $18,210.62 .....................$318,064.50...................5.73%
Top 20 Recipients of 2020 Washington-bred Breeders’ Awards at Emerald Downs
El Dorado Farms LLC .................................................................................$24,034.08 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick L. Pabst ..................................................................$20,504.86 Bar C Racings Stable Inc. ............................................................................$19,385.09 Jones & Jones LLC ........................................................................................$8,160.23 Warlock Stable LLC ......................................................................................$7,251.37 Ron Crockett Inc. ...........................................................................................$6,545.33 Clemans View Farm .......................................................................................$5,050.87 Tall Cedars Farm LLC ...................................................................................$5,000.43 Bret J. Christopherson ...................................................................................$4,385.49 Swag Stables ..................................................................................................$3,804.82 Horse Haven Creek Farm ..............................................................................$3,181.32 David S. Israel ...............................................................................................$2,872.30 Horseplayers Racing Club LLC ....................................................................$2,778.01 John Sneesby .................................................................................................$2,715.33 Richard D. Sena .............................................................................................$2,612.30 Mr. and Mrs. Elwin F. Gibson .......................................................................$2,558.01 C. Dean Essex ................................................................................................$2,345,85 Preston Boyd ..................................................................................................$2,316.70 Oak Crest Farm LLC .....................................................................................$2,154.10 Allaire Farms .................................................................................................$2,149.49
Races & Monies Won by Washington-breds 2011-20
Year Starters Races Won Earned Avg. Per Starter
2011 .................1,081 ....................870...............$7,747,086 ...................$7,167 2012 ....................974 ....................861...............$7,331,372 ...................$7,527 2013 ....................890 ....................776...............$7,520,653 ...................$8,450 2014 ....................794 ....................724...............$7,007,815 ...................$8,826 2015 ....................759 ....................652...............$7,241,472 ...................$9,541 2016 ....................674 ....................595...............$6,059,236 ...................$8,990 2017 ....................569 ....................478...............$5,352,683 ...................$9,407 2018 ....................546 ....................490...............$5,416,188 ...................$9,919 2019 ....................521 ....................434...............$5,412,908 .................$10,389 2020 ....................467 ....................293...............$3,853,123 ...................$8,251 Since 1935, there have been a total of 136,426 Washington-bred starters who have won 130,764 races and earned $621,609,161 with $4,566 average earnings.
Breeders’ Awards 2011-20
2011 ...................................$337,485 2012 ...................................$371,505 2013 ...................................$353,048 2014 ...................................$350,636 2015 ...................................$355,846 2016 ...................................$345,678 2017 ...................................$272,427 2018 ...................................$175,630 2019 ...................................$172,452 2020 ...................................$182,106 Since breeders’ awards were first distributed in 1945, a total of $29,688,969 has been paid out to breeders of Washington-breds.
Owners’ Bonus Awards
The Washington-bred bonus was fi rst established in August 1969. One percent of the pari-mutuel wagering, per RCW 67.16.102(1), during live racing at Emerald Downs and its OTBs (off-track betting locations) is paid at the end of the race year to all licensed owners whose Washingtonbred horses place fi rst, second, third or fourth at Emerald Downs.
Beginning in 2004, of the Source Market Fees collected from advance deposit wagering, 2.5 percent goes to owners’ and breeders’ awards (WAC 260-49-070).
In 2020 the payment factor was 13.86 percent, compared to 17.72 percent in 2019.
Owners’ Bonus Awards 2011-20
2011 ...................................$463,440 2012 ...................................$526,448 2013 ...................................$530,218 2014 ...................................$533,672 2015 ...................................$539,014 2016 ...................................$525,805 2017 ...................................$553,454 2018 ...................................$509,412 2019 ...................................$503,999 2020 ...................................$307,258 Since the owners’ bonuses were fi rst established in 1969, a total of $57,467,517 has been paid out to owners of Washington-breds.
Top 50 Washington Breeders
Washington’s 50 leading breeders of 2020 are listed on this page, arranged in descending order by total 2020 Washington-bred progeny earnings in North America and those foreign earnings available as reported by The Jockey Club Information Systems, Inc. In order to be included in any of the subsequent categories (number of wins, average earnings per runner or average earnings per start), the breeder must fi rst have been included on the top 50 Washington breeders’ list by money won. Any breeder may receive his or her complete 2020 statistics by contacting the editor.
No. of Average Average 2020 Earnings Earnings Breeder (Leading 2020 Earner and Earnings) Starters 1sts Per Runner Per Start Earned
1. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick L. Pabst (Elliott Bay, $46,450) ....................................................25 ........ 21 .......... $10,901 ........ $2,477 ......$272,516 2. Bar C Racing Stables Inc. (Time for Gold, $43,620) .......................................................18 ........ 23 .......... $14,265 ........ $2,469 ......$256,766 3. Nina and Ron Hagen (You Go Girl, $21,803) ..................................................................21 ........ 12 ............ $7,857 ........ $1,650 ......$164,991 4. Larry Romaine (Bodenheimer, $151,225) ....................................................................... 2 .......... 3 .......... $76,203 ...... $16,934 ......$152,405 5. Bret Christopherson (Brilliant Bird, $45,210) ................................................................... 6 ........ 10 .......... $23,416 ....... $4,532 ......$140,495 6. Todd and Shawn Hansen (Uno Trouble Maker, $35,180) ................................................. 7 .......... 5 .......... $18,582 ........ $5,003 ......$130,073 7. Keith and Jan Swagerty (Swagsational, $35,396) ..........................................................12 .......... 8 .......... $10,549 ........ $1,835 ......$126,590 8. Mr. and Mrs. Elwin F. Gibson (Pulpits Power, $29,982).................................................. 20 ........ 10 ............ $5,518 ........ $1,162 ......$110,357 9. Nina and Ron Hagen and Larry and Miriam Bonwell (Dutton, $71,500) ............................2 .......... 5 .......... $48,920 ........ $8,895 ....... $97,840 10. John Roche (Baja Sur, $90,720) ......................................................................................2 .......... 1 .......... $47,295 ........ $8,599 ....... $94,589 11. Ivor A. and John R. Jones (Unmachable, $65,225) ..........................................................2 .......... 6 .......... $44,257 ........ $4,659 ....... $88,513 12. Warlock Stables, A. Floyd, K. Dougan, M. Hudson and Horseplayers Racing Club (Alittlelesstalk, $77,000) .............................................................................................1 .......... 3 .......... $77,000 ...... $11,000 ....... $77,000 13. Edwin T. and Jean M. G. Welch (John’s On Point, $17,475) .............................................8 .......... 5 ............ $8,369 ........ $1,860 ....... $66,955 14. Ken W. Miles and Sheridan Jones (Zabracadabra, $65,910) .............................................1 .......... 2 ......... $65,910 ...... $16,478 ....... $65,910 15. Tom McCann and Jeff Cissell (Big Base, $50,480) ...........................................................2 .......... 3 .......... $29,260 ........ $4,187 ....... $58,620 16. Clemans View Farm (Bearcreek Mountain, $17,285) ........................................................8 .......... 4 .......... $14,497 ........ $1,137 ....... $57,987 17. Dean and Anne Essex (Gazing, $20,996) .........................................................................4 .......... 4 .......... $13,332 ........ $2,051 ....... $53,326 18. Oak Crest Farm LLC (Mixo, $15,618) ..............................................................................7 .......... 1 ............ $6,681 ........ $1,299 ....... $46.764 19. Darrin Paul (Managingbrianna, $13,646) .........................................................................5 .......... 4 ............ $8,726 ........ $1,504 ....... $43,629 20. Shady Valley Ranch (Cross Creek, $32,700) ....................................................................5 .......... 3 ............ $8,545 ........ $2,136 ....... $42,723 21. Dunn Bar Ranch Inc. (Wilson to Lockett, $18,608) ..........................................................6 .......... 4 ............ $6,786 ........ $2,714 ....... $40,715 22. Ron Crockett Inc. and Mr. and Mrs. William T. Griffi n (Buckley Bay, $29,680) ..................2 .......... 4 .......... $20,231 ........ $3,112 ....... $40,462 23. Joe M. and Lola J. Sample (Bronze Warrior, $24,500)......................................................3 .......... 3 .......... $13,433 ........ $2,371 ....... $40,300 24. Steve Meredith (Golden Cowboy, $17,415) ......................................................................5 .......... 4 ............ $7,496 ........ $1,973 ....... $37,479 25. Carnation Racing Stables Inc. and Ron Crockett Inc. (Makah Lane, $19,333) ..................3 .......... 1 .......... $11,614 ........ $2,223 ....... $34,842 26. Marvin Lund and Richard Sena (Grinder Sparksaglo, $32,093) ........................................1 .......... 2 .......... $32,093 ........ $4,012 ....... $32,093 27. Horse Haven Creek Farm (Candied Lute, $16,860)...........................................................4 .......... 3 ............ $7,617 ........ $1,385 ....... $30,467 28. Nina M. Hagen and Holly Sturgeon (Wicked Winnings, $14,630) ......................................3 .......... 2 ............ $9,948 ........ $2,132 ....... $29,845 29. John Sneesby (Stand To, $29,620) .................................................................................1 .......... 2 .......... $29,620 ........ $5,924 ....... $29,620 30. Preston Boyd (Omache Kid, $27,021) .............................................................................5 .......... 4 ............ $5,922 ....... $1,645 ........$29,611 31. Roger J. Hoff (Rocket Power, $18,965) ...........................................................................6 .......... 2 ............ $4,723 ....... $2,834 ....... $28,335 32. Melvin and Lori Mellick (Shelby R., $16,992) ...................................................................2 .......... 2 .......... $13,667 ........ $1,242 ....... $27,334 33. Ray McCanna (Hal’s Buddy, $27,010) .............................................................................1 .......... 1 .......... $27,010 ........ $3,001 ....... $27,010 34. Antonio Martinez (Justa Poppin, $21,220) .......................................................................2 .......... 2 .......... $13,265 ........ $1,658 ....... $26,530 35. Tice Ranch Stable LLC (The Press, $25,920)...................................................................1 .......... 1 .......... $25,920 ........ $4,320 ....... $25,920 36. David S. Israel, Charlie Clark and Al Adams (Seattlesbestsecret, $24,575) .......................1 .......... 1 .......... $24,575 ........ $8,192 ....... $24,575 37. Todd and Shellie Nicklos (Jacana, $14,204) ....................................................................2 .......... 2 .......... $12,286 ........ $2,048 ....... $24,571 38. Warlock Stables (Discreet Demons, $7,923) ....................................................................6 .......... 0 ............ $4,079 .......... $874 ....... $24,476 39. Horseplayers Racing Club (Abraa Jabraa, $17,125) .........................................................3 .......... 3 ............ $8,001 ........ $2,000 ....... $24,004 40. Charles Peterson and Ron and Nina Hagen (Full Speed Ahead, $14,235) ..........................2 .......... 1 .......... $11,844 ........ $1,579 ....... $23,688 41. Donald L. and Olivia L. Lawrence (Pistol Power, $17,685) ............................................... 2 .......... 4 .......... $11,754 ........ $1,679 ....... $23,507 42. DiPietro Thoroughbreds (El Borracho, $23,476) ..............................................................1 .......... 2 .......... $23,476 ........ $2,348 ....... $23,476 43. Ron Crockett Inc. (Lobaness, $13,257) ...........................................................................2 .......... 4 .......... $10,816 ........ $2,404 ....... $21,632 44. Don and Wanda Munger (Clocker’s Choice, $5,612) ......................................................10 .......... 2 ........... $2,163 .......... $481 ....... $21,631 45. Craig Harder (Lode the Gold, $21,303) ............................................................................1 .......... 2 .......... $21,303 ........ $1,937 ....... $21,303 46. Pat and Mullan Chinn (Sunshine Beach, $11,220) ............................................................3 .......... 2 ............ $6,897 ........ $1,876 ........$20,638 47. Clemans View Farm and Michelle Beaunaux (Windy Point, $20,223) ................................1 .......... 1 .......... $20,223 ........ $4,045 ....... $20,223 48. Howard Belvoir (Doubleshotofheaven, $10,288) ..............................................................2 ......... 4 ............ $9,789 ........ $1,398 ...... $19,578 49. Candice Lumley and Michael Baldoz (Tig, $14,795) .........................................................2 .......... 1 ............ $9,743 ........ $2,165 ...... $19,485 50. Connie L. Belshay (This Great Nation, $12,505) ...............................................................3 ......... 1 ............ $6,443 ........ $1,611 ....... $19,330 Spring 2021
Through December 31, 2020. Bold type indicates horses who raced in 2020.
Horse, YOB, Sire Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Earned
Saratoga Passage, 1985, Pirateer ................................22 6 3 5 $800,212 Military Hawk, 1987, Colonel Stevens ..........................86 18 15 19 $686,128 Stryker Phd, 2009, Bertrando ......................................33 11 5 6 $631,011 Peterhof’s Patea, 1988, Peterhof .................................52 16 14 6 $623,367 Rings a Chime, 1997, Metfi eld.....................................13 4 5 2 $606,315 Atta Boy Roy, 2005, Tribunal ......................................36 14 8 1 $602,276 Wasserman, 2002, Cahill Road ..................................83 13 15 14 $599,091 Noosa Beach, 2006, Harbor the Gold .........................22 14 4 2 $524,472 Captain Condo, 1982, Captain Courageous ..................70 30 16 7 $511,695 Chinook Pass, 1979, Native Born ................................25 16 4 1 $480,073 Funboy, 1991, Gumboy ...............................................49 13 8 9 $478,180 Pure as Gold, 2002, Stolen Gold ..................................19 7 3 1 $476,444 Fast Parade, 2003, Delineator ......................................11 6 2 0 $475,013 Run Away Stevie, 1989, Table Run ..............................40 12 10 6 $468,267 Reba Is Tops, 2004, He’s Tops ..................................30 14 6 5 $464,267 Refried Dreams, 1993, Lac Ouimet ..............................51 15 5 5 $453,570 Cadette Stevens, 1988, Colonel Stevens ......................30 11 9 5 $453,539 Sneakin Jake, 1987, Table Run ....................................76 16 19 10 $439,590 Moscow M D, 1989, Moscow Ballet ............................69 16 13 11 $435,843 Makors Mark, 1997, Son of Briartic .............................29 11 0 3 $430,753 Belle of Rainier, 1979, Windy Tide ...............................43 17 6 4 $424,526 Snipledo, 1985, Slewdledo ..........................................45 17 6 7 $409,905 Love All the Way, 1995, Majesterian ............................50 14 6 10 $408,734 Absolutely Cool, 2007, Absolute Harmony ...................48 12 13 11 $406,892 Legendary Weave, 1998, Basket Weave ......................45 9 8 10 $406,350 Classy Cara, 1997, General Meeting ............................10 4 2 2 $405,847 Taiaslew, 2000, Slewdledo ..........................................23 11 3 2 $404,177 Kent Green, 1983, Jacango .......................................102 13 14 14 $395,469 Comininalittlehot, 1991, Just the Time .........................36 10 7 8 $393,627 Prairie Breaker, 1980, Sir Paulus ..................................58 12 8 9 $392,815 Jazznwithwindy, 1994, Jazzing Around ........................71 18 10 15 $391,739 Delicate Vine, 1984, Knights Choice ............................. 5 4 0 1 $390,370 Chum Salmon, 1980, Gaelic Dancer ............................29 13 4 5 $388,195 Royal Reach, 1986, Son of Briartic ..............................47 7 4 6 $383,885 Hilco Scamper, 1983, Knights Choice ..........................20 8 5 0 $382,205 Item Two, 1978, Gray Dancer ......................................78 23 11 11 $379,580 Bonne Nuite, 1989, Knights Choice .............................65 16 15 14 $376,161 Trooper Seven, 1976, Table Run ..................................28 13 5 3 $371,435 Jumron Won, 1998, Jumron (GB) ................................40 11 5 9 $366,574 Staff Rider, 1990, Staff Writer ......................................18 9 3 1 $364,699 Firesweeper, 1983, Drum Fire ......................................34 13 5 3 $363,394 Mike Man’s Gold, 2010, Liberty Gold..........................72 23 6 8 $356,731 Margo’s Gift, 2005, Polish Gift ..................................28 9 3 4 $356,507 Ambessa, 1984, Holy War...........................................53 18 7 6 $352,235 Marvelous Wonder, 1985, Pappagallo (Fr) ...................49 17 4 9 $350,015 Seattletoo, 1989, Taj Alriyadh ......................................66 20 18 7 $348,415 T. D. Passer, 1987, Drouilly (Fr) ...................................41 8 4 5 $347,856 Jebrica, 2008, Liberty Gold .........................................35 8 5 8 $342,253 Indian Weaver, 2002, Basket Weave ........................104 15 25 10 $341,668 Court’s in Session, 1999, Petersburg ..........................51 10 8 10 $341,155 The Great Face, 2002, Cahill Road ..............................16 7 2 2 $340,159 Program Thief, 1996, Son of Briartic ...........................30 4 4 3 $339,864 Dash Eight, 1993, Son of Briartic ................................76 12 8 14 $338,808 Avenging Passion, 1997, Petersburg ...........................63 13 14 11 $335,300 Mach One Rules, 2013, Harbor the Gold ......................24 7 9 4 $330,876 Chalk Box, 1986, White Fir ..........................................57 13 9 13 $330,824 Point of Reference, 2006, Benchmark .........................27 10 4 7 $328,687 Billy’s Echo, 1998, Personable Joe ..............................40 8 7 6 $323,808 Kittys Link, 1994, Mickey Le Mousse ..........................40 10 8 7 $323,376 Sabertooth, 1998, Petersburg......................................32 8 9 1 $322,668 Pic O Them All, 1988, Drouilly (Fr) ..............................92 24 20 16 $320,919 Staff Riot, 1984, Staff Writer........................................23 7 3 2 $319,285 Slew of the Night, 1999, Slewdledo .............................41 9 12 5 $318,822 Smokin Mel, 1994, Phone Order ..................................17 5 3 2 $318,719 Soft Copy, 1984, Staff Writer .......................................30 11 6 4 $313,153 Fleet Pacifi c, 1994, Colonel Stevens ............................30 15 5 2 $313,058 Loto Canada, 1977, Saltville ........................................33 11 5 10 $311,993 Melanyhasthepapers, 2001, Game Plan .......................26 5 4 8 $311,152 Gadget Queen, 2004, Flying With Eagles ....................37 10 11 5 $309,030 L. J. Express, 1990, Basket Weave ..............................43 21 7 2 $306,230 Biggs, 1960, *Domingo ..............................................72 18 17 7 $305,797 Super Seven, 1983, Trooper Seven ..............................90 18 17 14 $303,929 E Z Kitty, 2008, He’s Tops ...........................................27 14 3 4 $303,837 Miss Pixie, 1997, Petersburg .......................................62 8 8 13 $301,619 I Wood Be a Winner, 1995, Knight Skiing .....................95 27 15 16 $300,123
Horse, YOB, Sire Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Earned
Ten Across, 2000, Cisco Road ...................................65 21 17 9 $297,158 Aunt Sophie, 1998, Altazarr .........................................35 10 5 7 $297,155 Crafty Native, 1973, Native Born..................................76 16 20 9 $295,254 Sempai, 1998, Bertrando ...........................................62 16 10 7 $293,774 Harmony Creek, 1986, Sensitive Music .......................20 7 1 3 $292,347 Foxy Sneakers, 1997, Son of Briartic ...........................38 10 6 3 $292,092 Crystal Run, 1984, Table Run ......................................40 8 9 4 $291,252 I’madrifter, 1998, Slewdledo ........................................25 7 1 4 $291,212 Table Hands, 1977, Table Run .....................................11 6 0 3 $290,595 Minutes Away, 1982, Just the Time .............................32 18 4 5 $290,195 Gallant Goalie, 1986, Gallant Best ..............................109 37 16 21 $287,894 Al Renee, 1991, Al Mamoon ........................................38 11 8 2 $285,534 Grinder Sparksaglo, 2011, Grindstone ........................67 17 14 14 $282,110 Diglett, 1998, Alnaab ...................................................23 6 4 5 $280,894 Kobuk Country, 1975, Eager Eagle ...............................81 17 11 11 $280,364 Name for Norm, 1994, Jazzing Around ........................36 11 7 8 $278,367 Demon Warlock, 2000, Demons Begone .....................28 10 3 5 $278,335 Edneator, 1996, Delineator ..........................................26 6 2 4 $273,785 Tiger Slew, 1998, Rolls Aly .........................................87 23 17 8 $271,190 Abergwaun Lad, 1986, Island Whirl .............................33 16 4 5 $270,575 El Diago, 1996, Santiago Peak .....................................75 21 10 7 $268,933 Sprink, 1978, Canadian Gil ..........................................54 7 10 7 $266,870 Late Sailing, 1990, Capt. Don ......................................30 11 8 1 $265,419 Son’s Corona, 1995, Son of Briartic ............................23 4 8 2 $264,913 Icksnay, 1992, Mighty Courageous ..............................66 15 19 10 $264,712 Del Rio Harbor, 2011, Harbor the Gold .........................44 11 6 6 $264,439 I. M. Bzy, 1995, Kansas City ........................................30 7 5 6 $262,352 Slewsbox, 1997, Slewdledo ........................................14 9 3 0 $261,085 Merlin of York, 1982, Table Run ...................................96 17 14 14 $259,875 Random Gold, 2001, Personable Joe ..........................52 15 10 8 $257,847 Peter’s Pond, 1995, Petersburg ...................................88 18 11 15 $256,638 Mustard Plaster, 1959, Mr. Mustard .............................75 17 15 6 $256,010 Tilt the Balance, 1975, Balance of Power .....................53 12 9 7 $255,545 Mine Tonight, 1983, Upper Nile ....................................45 10 5 7 $254,844 My Oooo Aah, 1992, Chisos .......................................42 7 7 9 $254,679 My First Lady, 1997, Caller I. D ....................................32 12 6 2 $254,620 Flag de Lune, 1980, Flag Offi cer ..................................15 5 3 3 $252,147 Hal’s Buddy, 2012, Jake La Gold ................................73 11 15 20 $250,625 Let Bob Do It, 1993, Percifal ........................................13 5 3 1 $251,960 Pataha Prince, 1965, Strong Ruler ...............................84 27 16 9 $249,523 Advancing Ensign, 1985, Blue Ensign ..........................69 8 11 10 $248,604 Guinevere, 1995, Fit to Fight ........................................24 8 2 1 $248,510 Timely View, 1994, Just the Time ................................28 6 8 4 $248,488 Tali’sluckybusride, 1999, Delineator .............................. 5 2 0 2 $245,160 Queenledo, 2002, Slewdledo .......................................18 7 7 0 $242,824 Cocktails Anyone, 1993, Petersburg ............................28 8 10 4 $242,545 Spring Trooper, 1984, Trooper Seven ...........................31 12 6 3 $242,544 Full Power Ahead, 2004, Helmsman ............................66 16 8 11 $242,386 Court Shenanigans, 1995, Petersburg .........................98 15 23 19 $241,924 Percy’s Bluff, 2012, Raise the Bluff ..............................44 18 10 8 $239,438 Great Threads, 1992, Son of Briartic ...........................50 10 9 10 $237,830 Keen Knight, 1983, Knights Choice ..............................44 15 8 4 $235,698 Shes a Sure Bet, 1989, Staff Writer .............................20 8 5 1 $235,300 Mahaska, 1987, Just the Time.....................................28 6 5 4 $235,253 Snow Plow, 1979, Royal Ski ........................................14 4 0 1 $234,495 Jellystone Park, 1989, Skywalker ................................41 11 5 7 $233,653 Dutch, 1992, Just the Time .........................................52 12 13 9 $233,395 Kolob, 1997, Consigliere (GB) .....................................52 10 9 9 $233,125 Wild Cycle, 2004, Free At Last ....................................61 10 14 8 $232,791 Pheiffer, 1998, Lyphaness ...........................................28 8 6 6 $232,270 Gallant Sailor, 1983, Gallant Best .................................77 5 8 9 $231,805 Deacon Speakin, 2006, Timber Legend .......................63 8 13 7 $231,532 A Little Bit Tipsy, 1985, Table Run................................38 10 7 6 $230,487 Got You Runnin, 1982, Table Run ................................29 5 5 2 $228,925 Midwesterner, 2003, Petersburg ................................40 9 7 2 $228,425 Moonlately, 1977, Philately ..........................................63 13 10 13 $228,150 Favored One, 1992, Son of Briartic ..............................11 4 2 2 $227,965 Baja Sur, 2016, Smiling Tiger .....................................12 6 3 1 $227,520 Zulu Whiz, 1981, Meritable ..........................................78 24 10 9 $227,460 Que Facil Corazon, 1998, Mr. Easy Money ...................35 11 5 3 $226,761 Dancing Ovation, 1991, Northern Jove ........................43 7 5 5 $226,575 Norm’s Nephew, 2002, Jazzing Around ......................30 7 7 4 $226,373 We Will Prevail, 2000, Fit to Fight ................................77 20 10 8 $224,974 Thoughtuknew, 2002, Delineator ................................53 13 11 6 $224,934 Slew Is King, 2000, Slewdledo ....................................39 12 1 4 $224,218
Top 50 Owners of Washington-breds
The top 50 owners of Washington-breds of 2020 are listed on this page, arranged in descending order by total 2020 Washington-bred progeny earnings in North America as reported by The Jockey Club Information Systems Inc.
Owner YTD Starts YTD Earnings Leading Earner Earnings 1. Chad and Josh ..................................................................................................41 ...............$213,959 Elliott Bay ............................$46,450 2. Kristin Boice and Marylou Holden ........................................................................5 ...............$151,225 Bodenheimer ....................$151,225 3. Todd and Shawn Hansen ...................................................................................20 .................$94,893 Striking a Pose ....................$33,500 4. John and Janene Maryanski and Gerald and Gail Schneider .................................6 .................$90,720 Baja Sur ..............................$90,720 5. Warlock #1, Kelly Dougan and Roddina A. Barrett .............................................12 .................$80,688 Alittlelesstalk .......................$77,000 6. Rising Star Stable VIII ..........................................................................................3 .................$71,500 Dutton .................................$71,500 7. Frank Sample ......................................................................................................6 .................$71,090 Zabracadabra ......................$65,910 8. Greg Conley, Chuck Conley and Terra Firma Farm ..............................................28 .................$67,028 Buckley Bay ........................$29,680 9. Tawnja Elison ......................................................................................................7 .................$66,590 Unmachable ........................$65,225 10. Chad Christensen ..............................................................................................17 .................$64,060 Cross Creek ........................$32,700 11. Howard E. Belvoir .............................................................................................40 .................$60,512 The Press ...........................$25,920 12. Gary Lusk, Deborah Lusk, Jeff Lusk and Peyton Lusk ........................................18 .................$50,995 Papa’s Golden Boy ..............$50,885 13. Hollendorfer LLC .................................................................................................6 .................$47,500 Big Base .............................$47,500 14. Ron Crockett Inc. ..............................................................................................19 .................$46,401 John’s On Point ...................$17,475 15. North American Thoroughbred Horse Company .................................................13 .................$46,168 Miss Prospector ..................$23,281 16. John E. Parker ...................................................................................................41 .................$43,690 Mean Sharon ........................$7,315 17. Poseidon Partners .............................................................................................12 .................$41,771 Time ’n Time Again .............$26,493 18. One Horse Will Do Corporation and Chris Stenslie ..............................................15 .................$41,454 Spittin Image .......................$28,042 19. Keith Swagerty ..................................................................................................19 .................$40,813 Swagsational ......................$35,396 20. Joe and Lola Sample .........................................................................................17 .................$40,300 Bronze Warrior ....................$24,500 21. Badrock Racing .................................................................................................19 .................$35,455 Battle Point Red ...................$17,090 22. Darrin L. Paul ....................................................................................................18 .................$35,361 Managingbrianna ................$13,646 23. Tom Acker, Edward Brown, Jr., Thomas Sanford and Corey Smith ........................5 .................$34,680 Uno Trouble Maker ..............$34,680 24. Jenny Fernandez .................................................................................................6 .................$33,790 Brilliant Bird ........................$33,790 25. Oak Crest Farm LLC ..........................................................................................17 .................$33,155 Naval Escort .......................$14,275 26. Richard Sena ......................................................................................................8 .................$32,093 Grinder Sparksaglo ..............$32,093 27. John Sneesby .....................................................................................................5 .................$29,620 Stand To .............................$29,620 28. Allaire Farms .....................................................................................................15 .................$28,490 Wheel Rally .........................$14,390 29. Blue Ribbon Racing #15 .....................................................................................6 .................$27,990 Fortune’s Freude .................$27,990 30. Billy Speed Racing Stable ..................................................................................15 .................$27,242 Bullet Drill ...........................$23,340 31. Philip Crosby, Gina Esposito, Bill McLean, Greg Montano and Marilyn Taylor ........9 .................$27,010 Hal’s Buddy ........................$27,010 32. Linda Eidal ........................................................................................................10 .................$25,121 Keller’s Gold .......................$25,121 33. Al Adams, David Israel and Charles Clark .............................................................3 .................$24,575 Seattlesbestsecret ...............$24,575 34. Marjorie Avery...................................................................................................18 .................$23,945 Timberlake Gage .................$15,730 35. Luigi DiPietro ....................................................................................................10 .................$23,476 El Borracho .........................$23,476 36. Pegasus Too, Dixie Hitchcock and David Matsumoto............................................6 .................$22,160 For You Only........................$22,160 37. Art McFadden ...................................................................................................16 .................$22,086 This Great Nation ................$12,505 38. Pegasus Too and Dixie Hitchcock ........................................................................3 .................$21,880 Forever Gold .......................$21,880 39. Ronald and Nina Hagen, Alice and Don Whitmore and Steve Bullock ....................6 .................$21,803 You Go Girl ..........................$21,803 40. Maria T. Gonzalez-Delgadillo ..............................................................................11 .................$21,303 Lode the Gold .....................$21,303 41. Alan Bozell ........................................................................................................23 .................$21,228 Stay in Power ........................$6,066 42. Tim McCanna .....................................................................................................9 .................$21,220 Justa Poppin .......................$21,220 43. Wanda Munger Racing Stables LLC ...................................................................43 .................$21,211 Clocker’s Choice ...................$5,612 44. Mike D. Baldoz and Candice Lumley ..................................................................10 .................$20,805 Tig ......................................$14,795 45. Steve and Letha Haahr ........................................................................................2 .................$20,225 Coastal Kid .........................$20,225 46. Clemans View Racing and Michelle Beaunaux ......................................................5 .................$20,223 Windy Point ........................$20,223 47. Q Stable and Friendship Stable ............................................................................5 .................$19,333 Makah Lane ........................$19,333 48. How We Roll #7 .................................................................................................8 .................$18,608 Wilson to Lockett ................$18,608 49. R. E. V. Racing ..................................................................................................12 .................$17,916 Shelby R. ............................$16,992 50. Camden High Corp. .............................................................................................6 .................$17,862 Camden High ......................$17,862
History of WTBOA Mixed Sales 1981-2020
Overall Sale Date No. Total Receipts Average
12-81 .........................443 ..................$2,476,200 ......................$5,560 12-82 .........................388 ....................1,868,700 ........................4,816 12-83 .........................403 ....................1,335,300 ........................3,313 12-84 .........................317 .......................723,700 ........................2,282 12-85 .........................303 .......................678,300 ........................2,238 12-86 .........................433 ....................1,035,200 ........................2,391 12-87 .........................359 .......................873,350 ........................2,433 12-88 .........................365 .......................916,500 ........................2,511 12-89 .........................376 .......................855,900 ........................2,276 12-90 .........................403 ....................1,053,800 ........................2,615 12-91 .........................403 .......................980,200 ........................2,432 12-92 .........................221 .......................645,054 ........................2,919 12-92* ........................58 .......................704,600 ......................12,148 12-93 .........................245 .......................835,717 ........................3,411 12-94 .........................180 .......................742,800 ........................4,127 12-95‡ ......................334 ....................1,336,600 ........................4,002 12-96 .........................281 ....................1,113,550 ........................3,963 12-97 .........................241 .......................934,900 ........................3,879 12-98 .........................243 .......................927,100 ........................3,815 12-99 .........................246 ....................1,021,200 ........................4,151 9-00** ......................44 ....................1,625,800 ......................36,950 12-00 .........................256 ....................1,104,250 ........................4,313 12-01 .........................232 .......................897,600 ........................3,869 10-02 .........................167 .......................557,200 ........................3,337 12-03 .........................152 .......................730,100 ........................4,803 12-04 .........................217 .......................896,150 ........................4,130 12-05 .........................197 .......................634,000 ........................3,218 12-06 .........................186 .......................675,100 ........................3,630 12-07 .........................136 .......................458,900 ........................3,374 12-08 ...........................73 .......................146,900 ........................2,012 12-09 ..........................84 .......................100,000 ........................2,012 9-10§ ........................41 .........................50,800 ........................1,239 9-11§ ........................15 .........................27,500 ........................1,833 9-12§ ........................14 .........................16,200 ........................1,157 8-13§ ..........................7 .........................41,200 ........................5,886 8-14§ ........................28 .........................25,300 .......................... 904 8-15§ ..........................8 .........................29,000 ........................3,500 8-16§ ..........................8 ...........................7,100 ...........................888 8-17§ ..........................1 ...........................3,700 ........................3,700 8-18§ ..........................6 .........................33,500 ........................5,583 8-19§...........................13............................13,350...........................1,027 8-20§ ...........................18............................25,900...........................2,590 * Dispersal of horses from the estate of Heather DeDomenico ‡ Included dispersal of horses from the estate of Diane C. Kem ** Dispersal of horses from 505 Farms, Narvick International, Agent § Session included in summer yearling and mixed sale; includes paddock session horses.
History of WTBOA Summer Yearling Sales 1968-2020
Date Sold Total Receipts Average Topper 8-68 ................67 ..................$251,600 ............. $3,757 ..............$6,700 8-69 ................74 ....................284,100 ............... 3,859 ..............11,500 8-70 ................81 ....................199,900 ............... 2,467 ..............10,000 8-71 ................71 ....................320,000 ............... 4,518 ..............17,500 8-72 ................85 ....................401,300 ............... 4,721 ..............23,500 8-73 ................77 ....................365,500 ............... 4,747 ..............25,000 8-74 ................86 ....................484,300 ............... 5,631 ..............16,000 8-75 ................77 ....................467,300 ............... 6,069 ..............17,000 8-76 ................83 ....................772,600 ............... 9,308 ..............38,000 8-77 ................76 ....................858,300 ............. 11,293 ..............45,000 8-78 ................77 ....................999,200 ............. 12,975 ............140,000 8-79 ................84 .................1,388,100 ............. 16,525 ..............52,000 8-80 ................83 .................1,572,000 ............. 18,940 ..............90,000 8-81 ................85 .................2,098,000 ............. 24,682 ............110,000 8-82 ................78 .................1,515,000 ............. 19,423 ..............70,000 8-83 ................91 .................1,787,700 ............. 19,863 ..............85,000 8-84 ................96 .................1,543,500 ............. 16,078 ..............45,000 8-85 ..............151 .................1,307,000 ............... 8,656 ..............45,000 8-86 ..............142 .................1,278,200 ............... 9,001 ..............70,000 8-87 ..............155 .................1,636,900 ............. 10,561 ............130,000 8-88 ..............153 .................1,362,100 ............... 8,903 ..............45,000 8-89 ..............164 .................2,081,500 ............. 12,692 ..............62,000 8-90 ..............159 .................2,215,400 ............. 13,367 ..............62,000 8-91 ..............156 .................1,456,800 ............... 9,338 ..............60,000 8-92 ..............159 .................1,450,500 ............... 9,123 ..............50,000 8-93 ..............160 .................1,845,600 ............. 11,535 ..............78,000 8-94 ..............160 .................1,861,500 ............. 11,634 ..............68,000 8-95 ..............162 .................2,427,900 ............. 14,987 ............120,000 8-96 ..............140 .................2,215,500 ............. 15,825 ..............95,000 8-97 ..............150 .................2,560,100 ............. 17,067 ............140,000 9-98 ..............140 .................2,357,800 ............. 16,841 ..............68,000 9-99 ..............154 .................2,810,600 ............. 18,251 ............125,000 9-00 ..............147 .................3,013,500 ............. 20,500 ............185,000 9-01 ..............136 .................2,289,900 ............. 16,838 ............105,000 9-02 ..............144 .................2,372,100 ............. 16,473 ............120,000 9-03 ..............156 .................2,482,500 ............. 15,913 ............105,000 9-04 ..............151 .................2,546,800 ............. 16,866 ..............92,000 9-05 ..............150 .................2,693,900 ............. 17,959 ............100,000 9-06 ..............154 .................2,376,300 ............. 15,431 ..............75,000 9-07 ..............176 .................2,146,600 ............. 15,190 ..............80,000 9-08 ..............111 .................1,271,300 ............. 11,453 ..............92,000 9-09 ..............102 ....................848,600 ............... 8,320 ..............60,000 9-10 ................80 ....................832,400 ............. 10,405 ..............80,000 9-11 ................75 ....................926,000 ............. 12,347 ............105,000 9-12 ................75 ....................833,200 ............. 11,776 ..............55,000 8-13 ................78 .................1,212,600 ............. 15,546 ..............70,000 8-14 ................81 .................1,300,500 ............. 16,056 ..............57,000 8-15 ................76 .................1,413,900 ............. 18,604 ..............80,000 8-16 ................84 .................1,431,400 ............. 17,040 ..............78,000 8-17 ................90 .................1,162,100 ............. 12,912 ..............67,000 8-18 ................71 ....................977,800 ............. 13,372 ..............85,000 8-19 ................77 .................1,288,200 ............. 16,730 ............120,000 8-20 ................82 ....................958,950 ............. 11,695 ..............70,000
Through December 31, 2020. Bold type indicates horse who raced in 2020.
Horse Sire—Dam, Sex Sold Consignor
Smiling Tiger Hold That Tiger—Shandra Smiles, c. 2008 Halvorson Bloodstock, Agt. Jeff Bonde, Agt. City to City Stryker Phd City Zip—Stormbow, f. Bertrando—Striking Scholar, g. 2008 El Dorado Farms Mark Dedomenico 2010 Char Clark Thoroughbreds, Agt. Mona Hour
Peterhof’s Patea Peterhof—Tea At Ten, f. Grillhouse Metfi eld—Tinted Ivory, c. Rings a Chime Metfi eld—Outofthebluebell, f. Atta Boy Roy Tribunal—Irish Toast, r. 1989 Halvorson Bloodstock, Agt. Roger L. Williams 1998 Douglas Clyde Nick Nosowenko
1998 Griffi n Place Currie & Mason
2006 Blue Ribbon Farm, Agt. Roy Schaefer
Time to Pass Time to Explode—Parsifal, g. Funboy Gumboy—Sunday Fun, c.
1989 Northwest Farms, Agt. 1992 M/M Guy C. Roberts California Diamond Harbor the Gold—Carrie’s a Jewel, c. 2015 Critter Creek Farm Bud Klokstad, Agt. Mark Hayden John Brocklebank
Price Earned
$40,000 $1,480,704 $50,000 $729,726 $45,000 $631,011 $11,500 $623,367 $8,500 $620,523 $26,000 $606,315 $4,500 $602,276 $22,000 $539,410 $3,200 $478,180 $35,000 $475,970
Fast Parade
Delineator—Parade of Gold, g. Refried Dreams Lac Ouimet—Country Jewel, g. 2004 Czech-Mate Stables 1994 Rainier Stables, Agt.
Collect Call Meadowlake—Negative Pledge, f. 2000 505 Farms
Manuel Calvario Mike Pegram Rod Rodriguez Makors Mark Son of Briartic—Windsong Maria, c. 1998 McMurry TB Services, Agt. RNA Almost Golden Golden Act—Admiral Minnie, c. 1995 K & J Farm Craig Roberts
Love All the Way Majesterian—Lovewillfi ndaway, g. 1996 Coal Creek Farm Ron Crockett Inc.
$4,500 $475,013 $15,500 $453,570 $250,000 $434,000 $37,000 $430,753 $11,000 $427,270 $27,000 $408,734
Legendary Weave Basket Weave—Graduation Time, g. 1999 Chris & Nancy Webber Curt or Lila Lanning $26,000 $406,350
Classy Cara Kent Green General Meeting—Anastastia Honey, f. 1998 Patrick J. Hurley Sidewinder Inc.
Jacango—Dark American, g. 1983 Bob & Mary Ann Whitaker Mike McCann $25,000 $405,847 $1,900 $395,469
Comininalittlehot Just the Time—Isle of View, g. 1992 Diane C. Kem Coyote Creek Farm $19,000 $393,627
Jazznwithwindy Jazzing Around—Windy to a Lark, f. 1995 Lake Creek Thoroughbreds Susan Kay Stables II $2,500 $391,739
Chum Salmon Gaelic Dancer—Saree, g. 1982 CE Ranch Gerald Schneider $8,000 $388,195
Staff Rider Staff Writer—Sunrise River, g. 1990 Savario Farm Bud Klokstad, Agt. $46,000 $364,699
Firesweeper Drum Fire—Skysweeper, f. 1984 Dale Leach, Agt. Edwards Bloodstock $67,000 $363,394
Margo’s Gift Polish Gift—Burgundy Jones, g. 2006 El Dorado Farms, Agt.
T.D. Passer
Drouilly (Fr)—Nuera (Chi), c. Polynesian Flyer Flying Lark—Dalphin Dancer, c. 1988 DanDar Farm 1982 Ken & Barbara Hebard
Jebrica Liberty Gold—Peaceful Wings, g. 2009 Blue Ribbon Farm, Agt. Ken Alhadeff Jollie Four Stable Dorothy Grimm R & R Warren LLC $10,000 $356,507 $16,500 $347,856 $9,200 $346,525 $15,000 $342,253
Indian Weaver Basket Weave—Go for Jackie, c. 2003 El Dorado Farms Curt & Lila Lanning $30,000 $341,668
Program Thief Son of Briartic—Royal Millinery, c. 1997 McMurry TB Services Inc., Agt. Mark Glatt The Great Face Cahill Road—Irish Toast, g. 2003 Blue Ribbon Farm, Agt. Ron Crockett Inc.
Avenging Passion Petersburg—Dubinnet, f. 1998 M/M Guy C. Roberts Karla Laird $11,000 $340,159 $21,000 $337,159 $1,600 $335,300
Mach One Rules Harbor the Gold—Felice the Cat, g. 2014 Bar C. Racing Stables Flying With Eagles Skywalker—Delightful Choice, c. 1995 Northwest Farms, Agt. Fair Apache Bertrando—Skipping Beats, f. 2000 505 Farms R. E. V. Racing
$40,000 $330,876 Dave & Jill Heerensperger $120,000 $330,739 Rod Rodriguez $240,000 $328,765
R. Baggio Soft Copy Chimes Band—Taj Aire, c. Staff Writer—Castinette, f. 1999 Czech-Mate Stables 1985 McMurry Bloodstock Frank Lewkowitz John Roche
$46,000 $314,895 $4,200 $313,153 Melanyhasthepapers Game Plan—One Last Bird, c. 2002 McMurry TB Services Inc., Agt. Ron & Susie Anson $40,000 $311,152 Carrie With a C Beau Genius—Nevercomesagain, f. 2004 Northwest Farms, Agt. Ron Crockett Inc. $45,000 $309,298 Crafty Native Native Born—Quick-n-Crafty, c. 1974 Takhoma Farm Bob Mead $16,000 $295,254 Harmony Creek Sensitive Music—Sunrise River, c. 1987 Savario Farm Brian J. Maier $6,000 $292,347 Foxy Sneakers Son of Briartic—Ticky Tac, c. 1998 Billie R. Murphy Omar Aldabbagh $11,500 $292,092 Nine Point Nine Tribal Rule—Cielo Dulce, m. 2014 Critter Creek Farm Todd & Shawn Hansen $52,000 $289,325 Al Renee Al Mamoon—Renee’s Refl ection, g. 1992 Northwest Farms, Agt. Roger L. Williams $15,000 $285,534 Island Echo Eastern Echo—Foxy Island, f. 1998 Northwest Farms, Agt. North American TB $45,000 $281,700 Diglett Alnaab—Loridown, c. 1999 Royal Match Stud Inc. Rodger Lam $9,000 $280,894 Yacht Spotter Slewdledo—Sarna, g. 2005 El Dorado Farms, Agt. Mark Glatt, Agt. $36,000 $279,745 Name for Norm Jazzing Around—Brilliant Countess, c. 1995 James & Linda Kirschman Sangara/Thompson $7,200 $278,367 Son’s Corona Son of Briartic—Warna Corna, c. 1996 Blue Ribbon Farm Dave & Jill Heerensperger $42,000 $264,913 I. M. Bzy Kansas City—Allazara, g. 1995 Prisco Vacca A. J. Segale $1,400 $262,352 Catahoula Rose Katahaula County—Norfair, f. 1999 Paul L. Turner Loren McDougall $5,000 $256,934 Peter’s Pond Petersburg—Cassal Pond, c. 1996 M/M Guy C. Roberts Craig Roberts $5,500 $256,638 Appealing Resume Successful Appeal—Strong Credentials, m. 2008 Northwest Farms, Agt. Jeff Bonde, Agt. $14,000 $254,417 Flag de Lune Flag Offi cer—Bal de Lune, f. 1982 Bennett & Strugar McMinimy/McMurtrie/Weber $12,000 $252,147 Timely View Just the Time—Islandia, f. 1995 Estate of Diane C. Kem Curt & Lila Lanning $10,000 $248,488 Tali’sluckybusride Delineator—Springhurst, f. 2000 Czech-Mate Stables Ron & Susie Anson $23,000 $245,160 Spring Trooper Trooper Seven—Spring Event, f. 1985 Fairwood Farms (R. L. Roeper) Richard D. Wright $7,000 $242,544 Notoriously Cherokee Run—Silver Echo, f. 2008 Northwest Farms, Agt. Dave & Jill Heerensperger $92,000 $241,915 Percy’s Bluff Raise the Bluff—Persephonie 2013 El Dorado Farms LLC Howard Belvoir $5,000 $239,438 Great Threads Son of Briartic—Ticky Tac, f. 1993 Billie R. Murphy Heerensperger/Sept. House $17,500 $237,830 Shes a Sure Bet Staff Writer—Bix’s Bet, f. 1989 Time Wise Farm Alsdorf, Opas & Sadler $20,000 $235,300 Ivanho Broken Vow—Mybrowneyedgal 2009 Castlegate Farm Don M. Hopwood $26,500 $233,820 Jellystone Park Skywalker—Oh Shucky Darn, c. 1989 Northwest Farm, Agt. Heather DeDomenico $40,000 $233,653 Dutch Just the Time—Lady Tavistock, g. 1993 Dr./Mrs. A.L. Hallowell Harry Aleo $12,000 $233,395 Oh Marvelous Me Bluegrass Cat—Morakami, g. 2013 El Dorado Farms LLC Todd and Shawn Hansen $40,000 $233,238 Kolob Consigliere (GB)—Queens Guard (NZ), c. 1998 Allaire Farms Sidewinder Inc. $12,000 $233,125 Wild Cycle Free At Last—Northern Whirl, g. 2004 Griffi n Place, Agt. Frank L. Gaunt $38,000 $232,791 Reve Du Gallant Best—Play the Pontiff, c. 1985 Magic Mountain Farm Ed Thompson $2,600 $232,396 Deputy Sue Silver Deputy—Lotareason, f. 1996 Crooked Tree L. S. Nordahl $55,000 $231,226 Switzerland Swiss Yodeler—Kid Friendly, g. 2004 Candi Tollett, Agt. Art McFadden $17,000 $230,264 Midwesterner Petersburg—Cider Slew, g. 2004 M/M Guy C. Roberts Curt & Lila Lanning $6,000 $228,425 Baja Sur Smiling Tiger—Premo Copy, g. 2017 Halvorson Bloodstock, Agt. John Maryanski $67,000 $227,520 Zulu Whiz Meritable—Zulu Lady, c. 1982 L. Brulotte Ranches Inc. Cliff Balcom, Agt. $3,500 $227,460 Dancing Ovation Northern Jove—Second Ovation, f. 1992 Northwest Farms, Agt. Heather DeDomenico $36,000 $226,575 We Will Prevail Fit to Fight—Non Stop Chatter, c. 2001 Northwest Farms, Agt. Dave & Jill Heerensperger $105,000 $224,974 Thoughtuknew Delineator—Pe Ell Belle, g. 2003 Woodstead Farm, Agt. Junior Coffey, Agt. $5,000 $224,934 Hot Metal Drum Fire—Teekon, c. 1984 A. Jo Postell Mrs. Sidney Follin $27,000 $223,628 Spring 2021
Leading Washington Sires 1989-2020
Year Leading Sire Sire Dam, Damsire Leading Juv. Sire Sire Dam, Damsire
1989 Table Run Round Table Theonia, Fleet Nasrullah Drouilly (Fr) Mill Reef Provide for Me, Gun Shot 1990 Staff Writer Northern Dancer Twill, Swaps Knights Choice Drum Fire Yang, *Turn-to 1991 Knights Choice Drum Fire Yang, *Turn-to Son of Briartic Briartic Tabola, Round Table 1992 Staff Writer Northern Dancer Twill, Swaps Staff Writer Northern Dancer Twill, Swaps 1993 Son of Briartic Briartic Tabola, Round Table Knights Choice Drum Fire Yang, *Turn-to 1994 Son of Briartic Briartic Tabola, Round Table Son of Briartic Briartic Tabola, Round Table 1995 Son of Briartic Briartic Tabola, Round Table Tough Knight Knights Choice Countess Courage, Captain
1996 Son of Briartic Briartic Tabola, Round Table 1997 Son of Briartic Briartic Tabola, Round Table Jazzing Around Stop the Music Fantastic Miss, Jacinto Son of Briartic Briartic Tabola, Round Table Courageous
1998 Son of Briartic Briarctic Tabola, Round Table
Demons Begone Elocutionist Roudy Angel, Halo 1999 Son of Briartic Briartic Tabola, Round Table Son of Briartic Briartic Tabola, Round Table 2000 Cahill Road Fappiano Gana Facil, *Le Fabuleux Slewdledo Seattle Slew M’lle. Cyanne, Cyane 2001 Son of Briartic Briartic Tabola, Round Table Delineator Storm Cat Mountain Climber, *Grey Dawn II 2002 Defensive Play* Fappiano Safe Play, Sham Slewdledo Seattle Slew M’lle. Cyanne, Cyane 2002 Slewdledo* Seattle Slew M’lle. Cyanne, Cyane 2003 Slewdledo Seattle Slew M’lle. Cyanne, Cyane Slewdledo Seattle Slew M’lle. Cyanne, Cyane 2004 Slewdledo Seattle Slew M’lle. Cyanne, Cyane Basket Weave Best Turn Pass the Basket, Buckpasser 2005 Slewdledo Seattle Slew M’lle. Cyanne, Cyane Free At Last Wild Again Miss Blanche, Faraway Son 2006 You and I Kris S. La Chaposa (Per), Ups Free At Last Wild Again Miss Blanche, Faraway Son 2007 Matty G Capote Star Gem, Pia Star Matty G Capote Star Gem, Pia Star 2008 Matty G Capote Star Gem, Pia Star He’s Tops Seattle Slew She’s a Talent, Mr. Prospector 2009 Matty G Capote Star Gem, Pia Star Tribunal Deputy Minister Six Crowns, Secretariat 2010 Matty G Capote Star Gem, Pia Star Matty G Capote Star Gem, Pia Star 2011 Parker’s Storm Cat Storm Cat Macoumba, Mr. Prospector Cahill Road Fappiano Gana Facil, *Le Fabuleux 2012 Parker’s Storm Cat Storm Cat Macoumba, Mr. Prospector Matty G Capote Star Gem, Pia Star 2013 Parker’s Storm Cat Storm Cat Macoumba, Mr. Prospector Matty G Capote Star Gem, Pia Star 2014 Parker’s Storm Cat Storm Cat Macoumba, Mr. Prospector Private Gold Seeking the Gold Temper the Wind, Elocutionist 2015 Parker’s Storm Cat Storm Cat Macoumba, Mr. Prospector Abraaj Carson City Kris’s Intention, Kris S. 2016 Parker’s Storm Cat Storm Cat Macoumba, Mr. Prospector Coast Guard Stormy Atlantic Vassar, Royal Academy 2017 Parker’s Storm Cat Storm Cat Macoumba, Mr. Prospector Atta Boy Roy Tribunal Irish Toast, Synastry 2018 Atta Boy Roy Tribunal Irish Toast, Synastry He’s Tops Seattle Slew She’s a Talent, Mr. Prospector 2019 Atta Boy Roy Tribunal Irish Toast, Synastry Abraaj Carson City Kris’s Intention, Kris S. 2020 Atta Boy Roy Tribunal Irish Toast, Synastry Noosito Harbor the Gold Julia Rose, Basket Weave *Co-leading sires.
Washington Broodmares of the Year 1989-2020
Broodmare Year Sire—Dam
Damsire Leading Earner, DOB, Sex, by Sire
Money Earned
Loridown 1989 Barrydown—Sherri Ruler Strong Ruler Saratoga Passage, 1985, g., by Pirateer .............................$800,212 Whimsical Aire 1990 Messenger of Song—Silky Steel Steel Blade Mahaska, 1987, m., by Just the Time .................................$235,253 Press to Test 1991 Saltville—Rare Defense Polynesian Zama Hummer, 1988, m., by Knights Choice ......................$214,355 Sunrise River 1992 Barbaric Spirit—What Next *Tenerosa Staff Rider, 1990, g., by Staff Writer ...................................$364,699 Tea At Ten 1993 Drone—Remuneration Mississipian Peterhof’s Patea, 1988, m., by Peterhof ..............................$623,367 Highly Favored 1994 Favorecidian—Minie Ball Swoon’s Son Favored One, 1992, m., by Son of Briartic ..........................$227,965 Miss Stevenes 1995 Lt. Stevens—Pywacket Jester Run Away Stevie, 1989, m., by Table Run ...........................$468,267 Isle of View 1996 Burd Alane—*Isle Lovagain Combat Comininalittlehot, 1991, g., by Just the Time ......................$393,627 Sendosha 1997 Native Born—Seco’s Tanana Windy Tide Classy Rolls, 1991, m., by Rolls Aly .....................................$75,306 Allazara 1998 Empery—Apsara Dancer’s Image I. M. Bzy, 1995, g., by Kansas City .....................................$261,802 Cocktail Talk 1999 Princely Native—Stress Test Quadrangle Cocktails Anyone, 1993, m., by Petersburg ........................$242,545 Outofthebluebell 2000 Red Ryder—Nachez Bluebell Star Envoy Rings a Chime, 1997, m., by Metfi eld .................................$606,315 Springhurst 2001 Lord At War (Arg)—Del Dun Gee Bold Dun-Cee Tali’sluckybusride, 1999, m., by Delineator .........................$245,160 Kildare 2002 Flying Paster—Tara’s Hall Envoy No Turbulence, 1999, m., by Skywalker ..............................$200,855 Taj Aire 2003 Taj Alriyadh—Whimsical Aire Messenger of Song Tropics, 2008, h., by Speightstown ....................................$878,015 Crafty Court 2004 Crafty Native—Morning Court Prince o’ Morn Court’s in Session, 1999, g., by Petersburg ........................$341,155 Takeaway 2005 Fly So Free—Table Frolic Never Tabled Hail to the NIle, 2011, g., by Pioneerof the Nile ...................$257,721 Pure Wool 2006 Relaunch—Sheepish Grin Our Native Pure as Gold, 2002, g., by Stolen Gold ...............................$476,444 Nightatmisskittys 2007 Al Mamoon—Skysweeper Ack Ack Dandy Dora, 2006, m., by Katowice ...................................$127,910 Exploded’s Girl 2008 Exploded—Western Starlet Olympiad King I’madrifter, 1998, h., by Slewdledo .....................................$291,212 Irish Toast 2009 Synastry—Bix’s Bet Just the Time Atta Boy Roy, 2005, r., by Tribunal ......................................$602,276 Windsong Maria 2010 Exclusive Bidder—Krugerrand Queen Turn the Trick Makors Mark, 1997, h., by Son of Briartic ..........................$430,753 Peaceful Wings 2011 Halo—Belle Gallante *Gallant Man Jebrica, 2008, g., by Liberty Gold ......................................$342,253 Coup de Foudre 2012 Basket Weave—Lorrains Love Sauce Boat Absolutely Cool, 2007, g., by Absolute Harmony ................$406,892 Julia Rose 2013 Basket Weave—Cure My Blues Cure the Blues Noosa Beach, 2006, g., by Harbor the Gold ........................$524,472 Striking Scholar 2014 Smart Strike—Degree Vanlandingham Stryker Phd, 2009, g., by Bertrando ...................................$631,011 Bahati 2015 Horse Chestnut (SAf)—Drouth Willow Premiership Del Rio Harbor, 2011, h., by Harbor the Gold ......................$264,439 No Constraints 2016 Katowice—Nightatmisskittys Al Mamoon Citizen Kitty, 2012, m., by Proud Citizen..............................$222,301 Chedoodle 2017 Slewdledo—Chena Chisos Mike Man’s Gold, 2010, g., by Liberty Gold ........................$358,821 Premo Copy 2018 Supremo—Soft Copy Staff Writer Baja Sur, 2016, g., by Smiling Tiger ....................................$227,520 Trainingat the Bar 2019 Valid Wager—Lady Lamar Marquetry Alittlelesstalk, 2016, f., by Demon Warlock .........................$170,226 Melba Jewel 2020 Cahill Road—Chasseur Dame French Legionaire Pyscho Sister, 2013, m., by Freud ......................................$185,790 50
Sires of Washington-bred Starters
Statistics are telecommunicated from The Jockey Club Information Systems, Inc. in Lexington, Kentucky, and include all Washington-bred runners by sires that have at least one Washington-bred starter through December 31, 2020.
ABRAAJ – Bay 2003 Carson City—Kris’s Intention, by Kris S. Abraa Jabraa, f. 17 (Holy Mama) .....................................2 $17,125 Abraajeena, f. 15 (Silverclaw) ....................................... PL $1,746 A Good Snicker, f. 17 (Punxsutawney) ......................... PL $3,261 Balius, g. 17 (Brown)..................................................... PL $14,890 Bex, g. 18 (Silverclaw) ................................................. UN $825 Bralorne, g. 18 (Peaceful Nation) ................................ UN $699 CARSON’S FIREBALL, g. 13 (Firetrail) ..........................2 $7,254 Chris the Beaver, g. 18 (Spot On Babe) ..........................1 $6,266 Comradery, f. 17 (Me O Me O My) ...................................1 $5,500 Double A. Prospect, g. 14 (Persephonie) ........................1 $6,340 Dropyourbuffs, g. 17 (Victoria Cross) ........................... PL $4,676 For You Only, f. 17 (Slew Tunes).................................. PL $22,160 Glimmer Bay, g. 17 (Stormin Sweetie) ........................ UN $420 Here Comes Holley, f. 18 (Society Girl) ....................... UN $420 Jacana, f. 17 (Laurel L) ................................................. PL $14,204 John’s On Point, g. 18 (Marquet Formula) ......................1 $17,475 Kaabraaj, g. 12 (Kaaaching) ........................................ UN $135 Lt. Bullitt, g. 18 (Bella Campana) ................................. UN $924 Miso Fast, g. 16 (Oriental Dream) ....................................1 $8,902 Miss Monique, f. 16 (Slew Tunes) ................................. PL $3,902 MISS VALOR, f. 18 (Knight Raider) .................................2 $13,585 Mixo, g. 14 (Valour Road) ................................................1 $15,618 Money Inthe Starrs, f. 16 (Our Monstarr) ...................... PL $6,615 Perfect Promise, f. 16 (Creme (CHI)) ...............................1 $7,235 Port Lions, f. 17 (Port Wakefi eld) .....................................2 $9,290 Race Offi ce, g. 17 (Eclatante) ...................................... UN $1,338 Sassy Edie, f. 17 (Oriental Affair) .....................................2 $9,900 Silver Service, g. 17 (Silverclaw) .................................. UN $570 Smashing Success, f. 17 (Elttaes Nite) ...........................2 $8,800 Stanley’s Wave, g. 17 (Crowning Camilla) ................... PL $4,130 Sweet Katie O, f. 18 (Pippa Bou Peep) ........................ UN $1,560 Sweetwater Clyde, g. 18 (Victoria Cross) .................... UN $210 Take Your Swings, g. 18 (Satin Bouquet) .................... UN $1,245 Veraaj, f. 17 (Daisy Clover) ...............................................2 $10,464 Wilson to Lockett, g. 17 (Firetrail) ....................................1 $18,608 Ximena’s Honor, f. 18 (Valour Road) ........................... PL $8,365 Zoey Emery, f. 18 (Colethan’s Cat) .............................. UN $795 Washington-Bred Starters Won ................................ 22 $255,452 Total Starters Won ..................................................... 25 $290,204
ALGORITHMS – Bay 2009 Bernardini—Ava Knowsthecode, by Cryptoclearance San Juan Storm, f. 17 (Inquiry Miss) ............................ PL $5,697 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 0 $5,697 Total Starters Won ..................................................... 99 $2,488,109
ANIMAL KINGDOM – Ch 2008 Leroidesanimaux (BRZ)—Dalicia (GER), by =Acatenango (GER) Ethan’s Animal, g. 18 (Ethan’s Baby) ..............................1 $14,893 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 1 $14,893 Total Starters Won ..................................................... 97 $3,366,394
ASTROLOGY – Bay 2008 A.P. Indy—Quiet Eclipse, by Quiet American Astro Cat, g. 16 (Tuscarora Mill) .................................. UN $945 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 0 $945 Total Starters Won ..................................................... 68 $1,321,348
ATTA BOY ROY – Bay 2005
Tribunal—Irish Toast, by Synastry Adaptable, f. 17 (Miss Pixie) ........................................ UN $805 Applesatfour, f. 17 (Limitless Alex) ............................... UN $210 Atta Boy Billy, g. 17 (Crafty Diva) .................................. PL $2,940 Attercop, g. 15 (For All the Girls) .....................................1 $7,555 Audaz Girl, f. 17 (Cascade Corona) ............................. UN $825 BODENHEIMER, c. 18 (Beautiful Daniele) .....................3 $151,225 Cancale, f. 17 (Val de Saire) ......................................... PL $3,350 Club Royale, f. 18 (Knight Club) ......................................1 $5,888 Cosmic Tripster, f. 15 (She’s a Time Bomb) ....................2 $9,678 Das Bear, g. 15 (Freedom in Flight) .............................. PL $2,507 Good Boy Roy, g. 18 (No Flies On Doodle) ................. PL $7,330 Good Job Jackie, f. 16 (Go Jackie Go) ...........................1 $4,801 I’ve Always Said, f. 16 (Arco Iris).................................. UN $420 Jimjimmyjames, g. 15 (Screaminleapofaith) ................ PL $4,272 Known Value, f. 17 (Miss Sandra Sue) ............................1 $13,480 Lansky, g. 16 (Peaceful Wings) .......................................1 $16,513 Lovefl iesonwings, f. 17 (No Flies On Doodle) .................1 $9,700 Madison Anne, f. 16 (Aunt Sophie) ............................... PL $1,800 Makah Lane, g. 16 (Dark Diva) .......................................1 $19,333 My Lite Nite, f. 16 (Lite Nite) .......................................... PL $1,137 Pie O My, g. 17 (Smokin Passion) ...................................2 $10,367 River Jumper, f. 17 (Jacobita) ....................................... PL $768 Satta, f. 15 (Miss Sandra Sue) ...................................... PL $826 Silver Attache, g. 15 (Little Town Flirt).......................... UN $840 Sleet Afl eet, g. 16 (Sugar Sleet) ................................... UN $2,408 So Figure It Out, f. 16 (Delete the Browser).....................1 $5,030 Stanley Ryder, g. 16 (La Mariah) .....................................1 $7,854 Targa, f. 14 (Eclatante) ................................................. UN $210 Tothemoonandback, f. 18 (Find Your Spot) .....................1 $11,193 Tumac Mountain, g. 15 (Kittyzallwet) ............................ PL $8,385 Whatsittoya, g. 16 (Once Upon a Song) ..................... UN $2,900
Washington-Bred Starters Won ................................ 17 $314,550 Total Starters Won ..................................................... 21 $438,120 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 2 $23,476 Total Starters Won ..................................................... 41 $1,120,323
BULLET TRAIN (GB) – Bay 2007 Sadler’s Wells—=Kind (IRE), by Danehill Celestial Light, f. 16 (Tieta) .......................................... UN $150 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 0 $150 Total Starters Won ..................................................... 28 $558,857
CAHILL ROAD – Bay 1988 Fappiano—Gana Facil, by *Le Fabuleux Just Zoom Will Do, g. 09 (Kaaaching) .......................... PL $1,123 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 0 $1,123 Total Starters Won ....................................................... 0 $1,123
CAR TALK (IRE) – Bay 2009 Bernardini—Mini Chat, by Deputy Minister Bernie, g. 15 (My Friend Billye)........................................1 $7,890 Chattin With Jenny, f. 15 (Beautiful Jen) ....................... PL $5,826 Goldie’s Darlins, f. 15 (Northern Cycle) ........................ PL $2,279 Hong Kong Flew, f. 16 (Lasting Kiss) ........................... UN $70 Star Gauge, f. 16 (Zero In) ...............................................1 $3,840 Uncommonblessing, f. 18 (Preachinmerit) .................. UN $1,064 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 2 $20,969 Total Starters Won ....................................................... 3 $37,656
CAUSE TO BELIEVE – Gr/Ro 2003 Maria’s Mon—Imaginary Cat, by Storm Cat Excessive Belief, f. 15 (Eclatante) ................................. PL $4,380 Legitimate Cause, g. 15 (Laurelhurst Lauren) .............. PL $12,609 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 0 $16,989 Total Starters Won ..................................................... 17 $141,166
CLUBHOUSE RIDE – Ch 2008 Candy Ride (ARG)—Seeking Results, by Seeking the Gold Italian Fighter, g. 17 (Da Burn) ..................................... UN $500 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 0 $500 Total Starters Won ..................................................... 41 $1,625,003
COAST GUARD – DkB/Br 2005 Stormy Atlantic—Vassar, by Royal Academy A Filly Can Dream, f. 15 (Anazeha (CHI)) ..................... PL $4,912 Bearcreek Mountain, g. 17 (Bearlee Naked) ...................2 $17,285 Bethel Ridge, f. 18 (Bearlee Naked) ............................. PL $10,519 Brett, g. 17 (Lady Yodeler) ...............................................1 $12,745 Bullet Bay, g. 18 (Carrie’s Choice) ............................... UN $275 Bullet Drill, g. 15 (Ms Moscow Mattie) .............................2 $23,340 Coastal Affair, f. 18 (Oriental Affair) .............................. UN $420 Coastal Curves, f. 13 (Sharp Curves) ..............................1 $5,031 Coastal Jazz, c. 18 (Jasmine’s Melody) .........................1 $16,653 Coastal Kid, g. 18 (Creme (CHI)) ...................................1 $21,225 Coastal King, g. 18 (Belladiva) .................................... UN $500 Coastal Mist, f. 18 (Artic Mist) ...................................... UN $630 Coastal Reign, f. 16 (Georgetta) ................................... PL $1,545 Coastal Run, f. 18 (Tasya) ................................................1 $10,385 Coastal Son, g. 16 (Queen’s Love).............................. UN $420 Coastal Tulips, f. 15 (Marquet Formula)...........................2 $13,773 Coastal Waters, c. 18 (Winning Weave) ....................... PL $3,541 Cribbs, f. 18 (Miss Sandra Sue) ................................... UN $1,012 Dark Suspicion, f. 17 (Lasting Kiss) ............................. UN $840 French Coast, r. 17 (Kiss Em) ..........................................1 $9,770 Frisco Frills, f. 18 (Tango Twist) ..................................... PL $8,833 Full Speed Ahead, f. 17 (Sweet Swinging Ms) ................1 $14,235 Guardian One, f. 13 (In Suzanne’s Honor) .................. UN $210 Guarding Elk Camp, f. 18 (Duchess Debbie) .............. UN $420 Guardingthemoney, g. 13 (Kaaaching) ...........................1 $12,598 Iluvadacoast, g. 14 (I Luva Popcorn) ........................... UN $480 Naval Escort, c. 18 (Cape Grace) ................................ PL $14,275 Oreo’s Dream, f. 18 (Oriental Dream) ........................... PL $4,620 Osceola Cutie, f. 18 (Little Cutie) ................................. UN $210 Riptide Romeo, c. 17 (Betsy’s Valentine) ........................1 $3,940 Salty Little Lass, f. 17 (She’s My Favorite) .......................1 $7,685 San Marco, g. 16 (Owhatablast) ................................... PL $5,180 Show Me the Mints, g. 17 (Irene’s Bonus Baby) ......... UN $0 So Lucky, g. 14 (Miss Pixie) .............................................1 $14,305 Something Shady, g. 17 (Regal Blues) ....................... UN $210 Timber Jenny, f. 18 (You Me and Ema B) .................... UN $485 Tokeland, g. 17 (Brats Brat) ......................................... UN $630 U. S. Cee Gee, c. 18 (Sweethrtofsigmachi) ................. UN $696 Windy Point, f. 17 (Windy Sails) .....................................1 $20,223 You Go Girl, f. 17 (Jasmine’s Melody) .............................2 $21,803 Zippin Sevenz, f. 18 (Go Jackie Go) ................................2 $15,828 Washington-Bred Starters Won ................................ 22 $301,687 Total Starters Won ..................................................... 24 $344,472
COUNCIL MEMBER – Bay 2002 Seattle Slew—Zoe Montana, by Seeking the Gold Windy County, f. 16 (Windy Sails) ............................... UN $1,105 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 0 $1,105 Total Starters Won ....................................................... 8 $90,441
COUNTRY DAY – Bay 2006
Speightstown—Hidden Assets, by Mt. Livermore Jupiter S., f. 15 (Bama S.) ................................................1 $10,690
Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 1 $10,690 Total Starters Won ..................................................... 57 $1,249,240 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 0 $301 Total Starters Won ..................................................... 76 $2,404,157
DAAHER – Bay 2004 Awesome Again—Irish Cherry, by Irish Open Suddenly Awesome, f. 16 (Sudden Departure) ...............1 $15,278 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 1 $15,278 Total Starters Won ..................................................... 60 $1,383,157
DADDY NOSE BEST – Bay 2009 Scat Daddy—Follow Your Bliss, by Thunder Gulch David Nose Best, c. 18 (Carrick Bay) ..............................1 $10,560 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 1 $10,560 Total Starters Won ..................................................... 10 $124,440
DEMON WARLOCK – DkB/Br 2000 Demons Begone—Witchery, by Zamboni ALITTLELESSTALK, f. 16 (Trainingat the Bar) ...............3 $77,000 Alotmoreaction, f. 17 (Trainingat the Bar) ..................... PL $10,849 Bellamagic, f. 16 (Bella Cavalla) ......................................1 $7,380 Discreet Demons, f. 17 (Discreet Miss) ........................ PL $7,923 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 4 $103,152 Total Starters Won ....................................................... 4 $103,152
DESERT CODE – Ch 2004 E Dubai—Chatta Code, by Lost Code Code Charlie, g. 17 (La Midnite Classic) .........................1 $5,288 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 1 $5,288 Total Starters Won ..................................................... 29 $484,430
DESERT PARTY – DkB/Br 2006 Street Cry (IRE)—Sage Cat, by Tabasco Cat Party for One, g. 13 (And One for Me) .......................... PL $4,341 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 0 $4,341 Total Starters Won ..................................................... 22 $557,950
DIALED IN – DkB/Br 2008 Mineshaft—Miss Doolittle, by Storm Cat Wicked Winnings, g. 17 (Knight Raider) ..................... PL $14,630 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 0 $14,630 Total Starters Won ..................................................... 93 $3,318,434
DIXIE CHATTER – Bay 2005 Dixie Union—Mini Chat, by Deputy Minister Aliante, g. 15 (Knight Raider) ....................................... UN $630 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 0 $630 Total Starters Won ..................................................... 22 $219,259
DOMINUS – DkB/Br 2008 Smart Strike—Cuando, by Lord At War (ARG) Perfect D, g. 18 (Perfect Pie) ............................................1 $9,347 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 1 $9,347 Total Starters Won ..................................................... 47 $1,383,911
DONTMESSWITHKITTEN – Ch 2010 Kitten’s Joy—Trio, by Lemon Drop Kid Gordon Anthony, c. 18 (Asuraslew) .............................. PL $4,920 Our Expectation, g. 17 (Whatdidshesay) ..................... UN $450 Prancers Kat, g. 17 (Tenakee Tango)........................... UN $420 Sleddieskitten, f. 17 (Sledding Partner) ........................ PL $1,710 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 0 $7,500 Total Starters Won ....................................................... 2 $18,777
EDDINGTON – Ch 2001 Unbridled—Fashion Star, by Chief’s Crown Johnny Five, g. 16 (Buzznalawng) ............................... PL $4,028 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 0 $4,028 Total Starters Won ..................................................... 15 $408,550
EINSTEIN (BRZ) – DkB/Br 2002 Spend a Buck—=Gay Charm (BRZ), by =Ghadeer (FR) Brilliant Bird, f. 15 (Clever Bird) ........................................3 $45,210 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 3 $45,210 Total Starters Won ..................................................... 11 $267,157
EMPIRE WAY – DkB/Br 2009 Empire Maker—Delta Princess, by A.P. Indy Shelby R., f. 17 (Special Holiday) ....................................1 $16,992 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 1 $16,992 Total Starters Won ..................................................... 42 $753,087
FIRING LINE – Bay 2012 Line of David—Sister Girl Blues, by Hold for Gold Firing Demons, f. 18 (Chasing Demons) ..................... UN $470 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 0 $470 Total Starters Won ....................................................... 4 $118,863
FLYING WITH EAGLES – DkB/Br 1994 Skywalker—Delightful Choice, by Knights Choice Migiwewin, g. 09 (Manoomin) ...................................... UN $140 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 0 $140 Total Starters Won ....................................................... 0 $140
FOREFATHERS – Bay 2004 Gone West—Star of Goshen, by Lord At War (ARG) Oso Brave, g. 13 (Hannieskay) .................................... UN $996 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 0 $996 Total Starters Won ..................................................... 11 $167,872
FREUD – Bay 1998 Storm Cat—Mariah’s Storm, by Rahy Fortune’s Freude, f. 15 (Private Fortune) .......................2 $27,990 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 2 $27,990 Total Starters Won ..................................................... 51 $2,080,790
GALLANT SON – DkB/Br 2006 Malabar Gold—Explicitly, by Exploit Chante, f. 17 (A Tip of the Coin) ......................................1 $10,342 SWAGSATIONAL, g. 17 (Bullysima) ...............................2 $35,396 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 3 $45,738 Total Starters Won ....................................................... 6 $193,248
GIG HARBOR – Ch 2008 City Zip—Miss Blue Grass, by St. Jovite Three Karyots, f. 16 (Fourteen Karyot) ......................... PL $1,562 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 0 $1,562 Total Starters Won ....................................................... 2 $135,021
GIROLAMO – DkB/Br 2006 A.P. Indy—Get Lucky, by Mr. Prospector Z’s Speranza, f. 16 (Catherine Z’s Hope) ........................1 $6,280 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 1 $6,280 Total Starters Won ..................................................... 67 $1,526,400
GOLD ALY – DkB/Br 2006 Medaglia d’Oro—Bangled, by Alysheba Franks Fix It, g. 18 (Nina Nicole) .................................. PL $6,324 Golden Cowboy, g. 15 (Perhaps Perhaps) ......................3 $17,415 Kaliche Gold, g. 17 (Jet Jockey) .................................. UN $260 Mondolonia, g. 16 (Company B) .....................................1 $8,370 Sterling Aly, f. 15 (Nifty Nite) ............................................1 $4,987 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 5 $37,356 Total Starters Won ....................................................... 5 $37,356
GRAZEN – Gr/Ro 2006 Benchmark—Hazen, by Rubiano Dirty Deeds, g. 18 (Eclatante) ...................................... UN $2,980 My Grandpa, g. 16 (Creole Delights) ............................ PL $3,060 Timber Joey, g. 18 (Our Monstarr) .............................. UN $210 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 0 $6,250 Total Starters Won ..................................................... 44 $1,750,212
GRINDSTONE – DkB/Br 1993 Unbridled—Buzz My Bell, by Drone Grinder Sparksaglo, g. 11 (Cule Flyer) ............................2 $32,093 Papawasarollnstone, g. 15 (Playful Sara) ..................... PL $1,283 Rock N Rally, g. 15 (Shame On Lily) ........................... UN $125 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 2 $33,501 Total Starters Won ....................................................... 5 $81,465
HARBOR THE GOLD – Bay 2001 Seeking the Gold—Harbor Springs, by Vice Regent Aland, g. 15 (Tonzabrightness) .................................... UN $450 Always Working, g. 17 (Grab Ahold) ...............................3 $23,288 Belle of Gold, f. 16 (Bahati Gold) ................................. UN $491 Big Heater, g. 16 (Joanie’s Hit) ..................................... PL $4,638 Boundary Bay, g. 15 (Flying Memo) ................................3 $21,952 Brothers, g. 17 (Bahati) ................................................ UN $210 Buckley Bay, g. 14 (Courtroom Charmer) .......................3 $29,680 Castiela Blaze, f. 17 (Wine and Spirits)........................ UN $672 Cougar Gray, g. 17 (Silver City Lilly) ............................ UN $420 Cowlitz, f. 17 (Outrageous Belle) .....................................1 $4,130 Daytona Beach, g. 12 (Hit a Star) ................................. PL $2,390 Dazzling Debbi, f. 16 (Slews Fancy) ................................1 $5,650 ELLIOTT BAY, g. 15 (Melba Jewel) ................................2 $46,450 Emily’s Gold, g. 16 (Our Henny Penny) ..........................2 $13,100 Floyd Moneymaker, g. 16 (Incredible) ......................... UN $3,600 Flying Nemo, f. 16 (Flying Memo) ............................... UN $130 Forever Gold, r. 18 (Clever Bird) ......................................2 $21,880 Fuzzy Dolphin, g. 16 (Silver City Lilly) .............................1 $13,508 Gazing, f. 14 (Light My Ducks) ........................................1 $20,996 GOLD CRUSHER, g. 17 (Brookie Girl) ...........................2 $43,450 Golden Delight, f. 17 (Delicious Delight) .........................2 $20,980 Gold Rose, f. 18 (Holy Rose) ....................................... UN $0 Gold Supply, f. 15 (Barbara O’Brien) ...............................2 $8,523 Harbors Rule, g. 17 (Felice the Cat) ................................1 $13,202 Heliacal, f. 12 (Marianne Rose) .................................... UN $800 High Point, g. 16 (Point Proven) .................................. UN $630 Igottabooboo, g. 16 (Little Lyph) .....................................1 $10,225 Lode the Gold, g. 14 (Miss Wagon Lode) .......................2 $21,303 Lulu’s Lightening, f. 16 (Ms Melange) .............................1 $7,818 MISS PROSPECTOR, f. 17 (Clever Bird) .......................1 $23,281 Papa’s Golden Boy, g. 16 (Brookie Girl) ........................3 $42,560 Pat’s Gold, f. 18 (Karlee’s Kitten) ................................. UN $210 Perfect Pirate, g. 15 (Sasha B) ..................................... UN $1,260 Reno Roy, g. 16 (Alpine Lass) .........................................1 $6,520 Shark Harbor, g. 17 (Renowned Cat) .......................... UN $210 Shoe Phone, f. 17 (Battle Shout) .................................. PL $1,590 Somethin’bout Iris, f. 16 (Emmy’s Storm)........................1 $8,830 Spittin Image, g. 17 (Flying Memo) .................................1 $28,042 Stand To, g. 17 (I’m Shootin High) ..................................2 $29,620 The Press, g. 13 (Awesome Woman) .............................1 $25,920 TIME FOR GOLD, f. 18 (Back in Time) ...........................2 $43,620 Tomorrow’s Mine, f. 15 (Kirkela) ......................................2 $14,379 Triple G, g. 14 (Slews Fancy) ....................................... UN $210 Turntheclocktozero, g. 17 (Emmy’s Storm) ................. UN $720 Valid Prince, g. 14 (Valid Princess) ..................................2 $13,129 Whenducksfl y, g. 16 (Light My Ducks) ............................1 $16,060 Zabracadabra, g. 17 (Athina Lee) ....................................2 $65,910 Washington-Bred Starters Won ................................ 49 $662,637 Total Starters Won ..................................................... 57 $829,723
Speightstown—Nothing Special, by Tejabo Haynesfi eld Hit, g. 18 (Joanie’s Hit) ............................ UN $1,230 Managingbrianna, f. 18 (Joy’s Jaguar) ..........................1 $13,646 Mean Sharon, f. 18 (Among the Stars) ............................1 $7,525 Myuddermamasapaint, g. 18 (In Vitro) ......................... PL $5,460
Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 2 $27,861 Total Starters Won ..................................................... 79 $1,464,464 HEATSEEKER (IRE) – Ch 2003
Giant’s Causeway—Rusty Back, by Defensive Play Avalon King, g. 16 (Oneknightledo) ................................1 $8,325
Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 1 $8,325 Total Starters Won ..................................................... 24 $368,992
HE BE FIRE N ICE – Gr/Ro 2008 Unusual Heat—Deputy Tombe, by Deputy Commander She Be Fire N Ice, f. 16 (Strike Em’ Out) .........................2 $15,640 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 2 $15,640 Total Starters Won ....................................................... 9 $182,770
HE’S TOPS – DkB/Br 1993 Seattle Slew—She’s a Talent, by Mr. Prospector Eighty Eight, g. 06 (Girls Nite) ..................................... UN $0 E Z Star Maker, f. 13 (Maker Happy) ........................... UN $210 He’s Bandido, g. 15 (Desree) ....................................... PL $6,584 Miss Wine Topper, f. 14 (Musical Wine) ........................ PL $6,479 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 0 $13,273 Total Starters Won ....................................................... 1 $42,462
HORSE GREELEY – Ch 2004 Mr. Greeley—Chile Chatte, by Storm Cat Welldidyougetit, g. 15 (Brown) ..................................... PL $2,178 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 0 $2,178 Total Starters Won ....................................................... 9 $214,462
HOUSEOFROYALHEARTS – DkB/Br 2002 Chester House—Royal Herat, by Herat Bringindowndahouse, g. 16 (Sophisticated Slew) ..........1 $5,280 Huya, g. 13 (Queen Sarabi) ......................................... UN $250 Little House, g. 17 (Cynfull Music) ............................... UN $1,245 Loose Ball, g. 18 (Always Dangerous) ........................ UN $210 Sherm, g. 15 (Jadedite) ...................................................1 $6,660 Togranpashousewego, g. 15 (Sophisticated Slew) ...... PL $8,580 Tough Rooster, c. 18 (All in the Proof) ......................... UN $420 Westley, g. 11 (Mira’s Magic) ........................................ PL $960 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 2 $23,605 Total Starters Won ....................................................... 2 $23,605
INCLUDE – Bay 1997 Broad Brush—Illeria, by Stop the Music Magical Spell, f. 16 (Witchy Meeting) ........................... PL $8,735 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 0 $8,735 Total Starters Won ..................................................... 78 $2,333,390
INDY TIME – Ch 2009 Count Me In—Majestic Time, by Time to Explode Doin Double Time, g. 15 (Canya’s Quote) .................. UN $630 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 0 $630 Total Starters Won ....................................................... 0 $630
JAKE LA GOLD – Ch 2004 Mazel Trick—Fourteen Karyot, by Strike Gold Cherokee Chatter, f. 17 (Tribal Chatter) ........................ PL $5,310 Hal’s Buddy, f. 12 (Devilinabaydress) ..............................1 $27,010 Justa Poppin, f. 17 (Marquet Poppin) ..............................2 $21,220 Torpedo Away, g. 16 (Victorys Legacy) ........................ PL $9,790 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 3 $63,330 Total Starters Won ....................................................... 3 $63,330
JERANIMO – Bay 2006 Congaree—Jera, by Jeblar Dangersmymiddlname, g. 17 (Sweet Nellie Brown) .... PL $8,130 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 0 $8,130 Total Starters Won ....................................................... 2 $151,014
JUSTIN PHILLIP – DkB/Br 2008 First Samurai—Ava Knowsthecode, by Cryptoclearance Shezjustinthyme, f. 17 (Sheza Silver Spoon) ............... PL $7,350 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 0 $7,350 Total Starters Won ..................................................... 89 $1,935,326
KAFWAIN – DkB/Br 2000 Cherokee Run—Swazi’s Moment, by Moment of Hope Dragon Lady, f. 15 (Tiza Flash) ........................................1 $7,250 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 1 $7,250 Total Starters Won ..................................................... 23 $360,728
LANGFUHR – Bay 1992 Danzig—Sweet Briar Too, by Briartic Adjudged, g. 18 (Judicature) ........................................ PL $3,657 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 0 $3,657 Total Starters Won ..................................................... 48 $1,082,030
LIBERTY GOLD – Ch 1994 Crafty Prospector—Restless Colony, by Pleasant Colony Camden High, f. 18 (Jacobita) .........................................1 $17,862 Cate’s Gold, f. 16 (No Flies On Doodle) ..........................1 $5,850 Keller’s Gold, g. 14 (Glory Hallelujah) .............................1 $25,121 Liberty Flies, f. 18 (Irene Flies) ..................................... UN $2,310 Liberty’s Finale, g. 18 (Bolshoi Ballet) .......................... PL $7,628 Mike Man’s Gold, g. 10 (Chedoodle) ..............................1 $8,898 Win Hannah Lynn, f. 16 (Ava Rose) .............................. PL $1,079 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 4 $68,748 Total Starters Won ....................................................... 4 $68,748
LINCHPIN – Bay 2010
Elusive Quality—Kobla, by Strawberry Road (AUS) Alesund, g. 17 (Pete’s Glory Girl) ................................. PL $3,268 Big Dog, g. 16 (Carrie’s Choice) .................................. UN $210 Bolter, g. 16 (I Thought So) ..............................................1 $15,638 Bourbon Prince, c. 17 (Bourbon Baby) ....................... UN $138 Dizantel Storm, f. 16 (D J’s Storm) .............................. UN $0 Elusive Irish Gal, f. 16 (Franny Girl) .................................2 $9,087 Linchpins Jewel, f. 16 (Parker’s Jewel) ......................... PL $4,075 Linchpins Wake, f. 17 (Nancy Wake) ...............................2 $12,285 Linch the Cat, g. 17 (Chose the Cat) ........................... UN $210 March On Linch, g. 18 (Tears for Parker)..................... UN $1,118 Ms Lynn, f. 18 (Point Da Harbor) .....................................1 $16,109 Ninadavina, f. 16 (Nina Win) ........................................ UN $200 Pinchalinch, f. 17 (Tears for Parker) .............................. PL $4,088 Pin Up Lady, f. 16 (Wine At Dawn) ...................................3 $16,243 Pivotal Luck, f. 18 (Strange Luck) ................................ UN $466 Queen Breezy, f. 17 (Roxy Skylar) ............................... UN $690 Ri’ Pin Snap, g. 16 (Royal Beauty) ..................................1 $6,580 Six Blessings, g. 17 (De Sweeper) ..................................1 $5,822 Union Brother, g. 16 (Cablegram) ............................... UN $630
Lion Heart—Emma’s Dilemma, by Capote Helen Fire, f. 17 (Peaceful Nation) ............................... UN $1,158
Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 0 $1,158 Total Starters Won ..................................................... 37 $695,076
LUCKY PULPIT – Ch 2001 Pulpit—Lucky Soph, by Cozzene Lobaness, g. 15 (Cielator) ...............................................3 $13,257 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 3 $13,257 Total Starters Won ..................................................... 62 $1,550,578
LUTES GIFT – Gr/Ro 2010 Midnight Lute—Miss Wineshine, by Wolf Power (SAF) Candied Lute, g. 17 (Sweet Pleasure) .............................2 $16,860 It’s Curlin Time, f. 18 (Sweet and Speedy) ................... PL $2,630 Sa Lute Mr. H, g. 17 (Storming Slew) .......................... UN $1,050 Shamisen, g. 16 (Minister Grayson) ............................. PL $4,690 Sparkling Lute, g. 17 (Remembering Angela) .................1 $8,280 Tig, g. 17 (Minister Grayson) ...........................................1 $14,795 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 4 $48,305 Total Starters Won ....................................................... 4 $48,305
MACHO UNO – Gr/Ro 1998 Holy Bull—Primal Force, by Blushing Groom (FR) UNMACHABLE, g. 17 (Point of Reference) ....................3 $65,225 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 3 $65,225 Total Starters Won .................................................... 58 $1,515,417
MAJESTICPERFECTION – Bay 2006 Harlan’s Holiday—Act So Noble, by Wavering Monarch Striking a Pose, g. 16 (Striking Scholar) ..........................1 $33,500 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 1 $33,500 Total Starters Won ................................................... 109 $3,421,022
MAKORS FINALE – Ch 2009 Makors Mark—Coup de Foudre, by Basket Weave Mark My Word, g. 17 (Lady Rosberg) .......................... PL $1,445 Plan in the Makin, g. 16 (Choice Plan) ........................ UN $420 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 0 $1,865 Total Starters Won ....................................................... 0 $1,865
MARINO MARINI – Gr/Ro 2000 Storm Cat—Halo America, by Waquoit Cards N Coffee, f. 15 (Ms Melange) ............................. PL $3,600 Shehe, g. 15 (Roar Dior) ..................................................1 $5,925 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 1 $9,525 Total Starters Won ..................................................... 19 $245,920
MATTY G – DkB/Br 1993 Capote—Star Gem, by Pia Star Gray Gem, g. 15 (Whatdidshesay) ............................... PL $14,100 Never Everever, g. 12 (Nevercomesagain) .................. UN $659 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 0 $14,759 Total Starters Won ....................................................... 0 $14,759
MEETMEATTHEBAR – DkB/Br 2013 Sun King—Downtown Lover, by Muqtarib Perfect Blend, c. 17 (Bourbon Sweet Tea).................... PL $2,325 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 0 $2,325 Total Starters Won ....................................................... 0 $2,325
MIDSHIPMAN – Ch 2006 Unbridled’s Song—Fleet Lady, by Avenue of Flags Huge Bigly, g. 17 (Gadget Queen) ............................... PL $6,600 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 0 $6,600 Total Starters Won ................................................... 158 $4,132,128
MINISTERS WILD CAT – Bay 2000 Deputy Minister—Hollywood Wildcat, by Kris S. Clifton Hollow, g. 15 (Girls School) ............................... PL $4,710 Dat Cat Miracle, f. 16 (Daitanna) .................................. UN $658 Irish Swing, g. 15 (Sweet Swinging Ms) ....................... PL $9,453 Itsallinthenotes, f. 17 (For Real Too) ............................. PL $6,010 Swingshift Deputy, g. 12 (Sweet Swinging Ms) ........... UN $1,174 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 0 $22,005 Total Starters Won ..................................................... 65 $1,269,062
MR. RANCHO VISTA – Bay 2005 Northern Afl eet—Miss Rancho Vista, by Miswaki Fine Element, f. 17 (Andiamo Deb) .............................. PL $2,820 Madigan Squeeze, f. 18 (Chedoodlejan) ...................... PL $1,716 Movetotheright, g. 17 (Chedoodlejan)......................... UN $210 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 0 $4,746 Total Starters Won ....................................................... 0 $4,746
MYSTIC WOOD – Ch 2004 Forest Wildcat—Babeinthewoods, by Woodman Mystic Wood Force, g. 15 (Kindon) .................................2 $9,913 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 2 $9,913 Total Starters Won ....................................................... 2 $10,963
NACHEEZMO – Ch 2000 Carson City—Lean Queen Cobra, by Deputy Minister Clocker’s Choice, f. 16 (So Thankful) ..............................1 $5,612 Cooper’s Cat, f. 17 (So Thankful) ................................ UN $210 My First Trip, g. 16 (Good Sign) .................................. UN $1,845 Nacho Gold, f. 18 (Goldazura) ..................................... UN $420 Pre Mo Diamond, f. 14 (Creole Delights) .........................1 $5,645 Rough and Ready, c. 14 (Picture Girl) .......................... PL $2,207 Scout Patrol, g. 15 (Picture Girl) .................................. UN $1,390 Strategic Hour, g. 16 (Hour Pretty Girl) ......................... PL $2,010 Taptoo, f. 15 (Strategic Patience) .................................. PL $2,987 Wait and See, f. 16 (Feisty Blue) .................................. UN $900 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 2 $23,226 Total Starters Won ....................................................... 2 $23,226
NATIONHOOD – Bay 2002 Cherokee Run—Elhasna, by Danzig Cascade Dancer, f. 17 (Muchas Coronas).......................1 $10,385 Cherokee Louise, f. 15 (The Win Cries Mary) ..................1 $9,060 Finished My P H D, f. 18 (Deja Views) .............................1 $8,679 Fortune in Silk, f. 16 (Private Fortune) .............................1 $10,400 Ididntseethatcomin, g. 18 (Finding More) ................... UN $216 Lil’ Quarter Chute, g. 15 (Delete the Browser) ............ UN $0 Miss Vanjie Nation, f. 17 (Crafty Vanessa) .......................1 $14,015
Mojave, g. 16 (Valour Road) ........................................ UN $2,400 National Browser, f. 14 (Delete the Browser) ...................1 $7,537 National Heroine, f. 15 (Sweethrtofsigmachi) ............... PL $7,060 O’S So Serious, f. 16 (T’s So Shy) ...................................1 $8,140 Sovereign Nation, g. 17 (Sugar Sleet) .............................3 $15,162 Spot On, f. 15 (Sudden Departure)..................................3 $27,430 Suddenly Winning, f. 17 (Sudden Departure) .............. PL $3,699 This Great Nation, g. 16 (Great Mom) .............................1 $12,505 Time ‘n Time Again, g. 16 (Deja Views) ...........................1 $26,493 Urban Splendor, g. 17 (Little Town Flirt) ....................... PL $3,300 Zumberta, f. 16 (Freetobeme) ...................................... UN $291 Washington-Bred Starters Won ................................ 15 $166,772 Total Starters Won ..................................................... 15 $166,772
NOOSITO – DkB/Br 2011 Harbor the Gold—Julia Rose, by Basket Weave DUTTON, g. 18 (Ms Moscow Mattie) ..............................3 $71,500 Noosita, f. 18 (Hit a Star) .............................................. UN $0 Shady Drifter, g. 18 (Elttaes Nite) ................................. UN $630 Sunshine Beach, f. 18 (Follow Your Shot) .......................1 $11,220 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 4 $83,350 Total Starters Won ....................................................... 4 $83,350
NORTHERN INDY – DkB/Br 2008 A.P. Indy—Polish Nana, by Polish Numbers West Coast Indy, g. 14 (Storming Slew) ........................1 $13,420 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 1 $13,420 Total Starters Won ....................................................... 8 $117,260
PACKY – Gr/Ro 2002 Petersburg—Northern Whirl, by Island Whirl Doctor Bruce S., g. 09 (Laurel L) .....................................3 $13,600 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 3 $13,600 Total Starters Won ....................................................... 3 $13,600
PAPA CLEM – Bay 2006 Smart Strike—Miss Houdini, by Belong to Me Smart Copy, g. 11 (Run a Copy) .................................. PL $3,869 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 0 $3,869 Total Starters Won ..................................................... 29 $637,436
PARKER’S STORM CAT – DkB/Br 2000 Storm Cat—Macoumba, by Mr. Prospector Bourbon Bandit, g. 18 (Bourbon Baby) ....................... UN $457 Cats Gulch, g. 12 (Whimsical Weather) ........................ PL $3,320 Cats Out Tonite, g. 16 (Goin Out Tonite)..........................1 $9,598 Cats Touch, g. 16 (Holy Rose) ...................................... PL $8,536 Cross Creek, g. 13 (Please Take Me Out) .......................1 $32,700 Flatter Cat, g. 13 (Flatter My Gal) ................................ UN $1,350 Fly High Gary, g. 13 (Indian Mama) ............................. UN $0 Kalakala, g. 13 (Lil Squirt) ............................................. PL $2,697 La Tempete Noire, f. 12 (Little Krissy) .......................... UN $210 Parker’s Crown, g. 17 (Crown of Hope) ...................... UN $630 Parker’s Prince, g. 14 (Bramalea) ....................................2 $3,292 Parkers Rose, f. 13 (Holy Rose) .................................. PL $7,045 Regazze Cat, g. 11 (Veloce Regazze) .............................1 $4,480 Storm in Paris, f. 13 (Bon Jour Paris) ...............................1 $4,041 Storm On the River, g. 11 (Raini Day Slew) .....................1 $7,925 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 7 $86,281 Total Starters Won ....................................................... 7 $90,658
PAYNTER – Bay 2009 Awesome Again—Tizso, by Cee’s Tizzy Boss Hugo, g. 17 (Tangerine Tickle) ...............................1 $7,675 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 1 $7,675 Total Starters Won ................................................... 183 $6,181,812
PEPPERED CAT – Ch 2000 Tabasco Cat—Morning Meadow, by Meadowlake Mr. Fireball, g. 16 (Sheen Falls) ................................... UN $450 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 0 $450 Total Starters Won ..................................................... 28 $299,780
POINT OF ENTRY – Bay 2008 Dynaformer—Matlacha Pass, by Seeking the Gold Angel’s Entry, g. 17 (Beautiful Daniele) ....................... UN $1,180 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 0 $1,180 Total Starters Won ..................................................... 79 $2,809,502
POLISH MINER – Bay 1997 Danzig—Miner’s Game, by Mr. Prospector Omache Kid, g. 14 (D J’s Storm) .....................................4 $27,021 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 4 $27,021 Total Starters Won ....................................................... 5 $31,081
PREACHINATTHEBAR – Gr/Ro 2001 Silver Charm—Holy Nola, by Silver Deputy Bella Colomba, f. 12 (Wine and Spirits)....................... UN $150 Brother Beauchamp, g. 15 (Include the Music) .......... UN $0 Cheers and Prayers, g. 13 (Snow Mist) ...........................1 $6,582 Distortedatthebar, g. 14 (Fully Distorted) ...................... PL $13,870 Docktarri, g. 16 (Dances On Water).................................1 $11,275 Doubleshotofheaven, f. 16 (Port Wakefi eld) ....................2 $10,288 Jadey At the Bar, f. 16 (Jadey Baby) ...............................2 $13,157 Lookforthedimple, f. 16 (Vickie’slilsecret) .................... UN $1,295 Pistolpaknpreacher, g. 14 (Canyon Wind) ................... UN $70 Startender, g. 16 (Supernova Star) ............................... PL $4,765 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 6 $61,452 Total Starters Won ....................................................... 7 $71,799
Giant’s Causeway—Distorted Passion, by Distorted Humor Second Nature Spy, g. 17 (Soviet Memo) ................... UN $210 Timberlake Gage, f. 16 (Rubies N Ice) ...........................2 $16,675 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................... 2 $16,885 Total Starters Won ..........................................................2 $16,885
Seeking the Gold—Temper the Wind, by Elocutionist Dallon’s Gold, g. 11 (Winning Weave) .......................... PL $4,774 Irene’s Gold, g. 17 (Irene Flies) ................................... UN $0 Magic Mahogany, g. 15 (Hannieskay) .............................1 $7,240 Private Boss, g. 12 (Irene’s Bonus Baby) .................... UN $630 Quik Cookie, f. 17 (Last Thoughts) .............................. UN $420 Trinni, f. 13 (Trinity Treasure) ......................................... PL $1,220
Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 1 $14,284 Total Starters Won ....................................................... 1 $14,734 PYTHON – Bay 2010
Empire Maker—Escena, by Strawberry Road (AUS) Ramsey’s Empire, g. 17 (Kaykay’s Slew) .................... UN $300 Super Python, c. 18 (Shame On Lily) .......................... UN $440 Taylor’s First, f. 17 (Mary Taylor) .................................. UN $505
Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 0 $1,245 Total Starters Won ....................................................... 0 $11,105
RAISE THE BLUFF – Bay 2003 Pine Bluff—Indy Go Go, by A.P. Indy Cody’s Choice, g. 15 (Carrie’s Choice) ...........................2 $12,534 Continue On Victor, g. 15 (Explicit Dream) ......................1 $5,265 Curlew Slew, f. 10 (Alaska Slew) .................................. UN $0 Cute Talker, f. 13 (Sun de Mer) ........................................1 $7,240 Gotta Be Diet C, f. 13 (Gossip Queen) ........................ UN $70 I’ll Take You Out, g. 15 (Please Take Me Out) .............. UN $383 Master’s Bluff, g. 10 (Last S A).........................................3 $7,191 Raise a Dancer, f. 13 (Crowning Camilla) ........................3 $12,976 Raise the Woof, g. 16 (Cielator) .......................................1 $8,375 Sassy Debs Firefl y, f. 14 (Breakfast At Deb’s) ............. UN $340 Winning Bluff, g. 15 (Winning View) ............................. PL $5,776 Washington-Bred Starters Won ................................ 11 $60,150 Total Starters Won ..................................................... 11 $60,150
RALLYING CRY – DkB/Br 2004 War Chant—Turning Wheel, by Seeking the Gold Amanda’s Beach Boy, g. 17 (Sweet Beach) ....................1 $5,482 I Work for Carrots, g. 16 (Preciosa V.) .............................2 $11,175 Wheel Rally, g. 15 (Nancy Perkins) ..................................1 $14,390 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 4 $31,047 Total Starters Won ....................................................... 4 $34,860
READY’S IMAGE – DkB/Br 2005 More Than Ready—Clever Phrase, by Clever Trick Sugarseeker, f. 13 (Pinseeker) .........................................1 $11,025 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 1 $11,025 Total Starters Won ..................................................... 30 $514,023
REGAL RANSOM – DkB/Br 2006 Distorted Humor—Kelli’s Ransom, by Red Ransom Regal Jazz, f. 16 (Joy’s Jaguar) .................................... PL $1,988 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 0 $1,988 Total Starters Won ..................................................... 51 $841,069
REVOLUTA – Bay 2006 Distorted Humor—Call Me Chief, by Chief Seattle Patti’s Excuse, g. 16 (Patti Three Socks) ..................... UN $0 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 0 $0 Total Starters Won ....................................................... 4 $33,331
ROCKY BAR – DkB/Br 1998 In Excess (IRE)—To the Post, by Bold Ego Guided by Angels, f. 16 (Raise the Ante) ..................... PL $1,545 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 0 $1,545 Total Starters Won ..................................................... 16 $232,530
RUN AWAY AND HIDE – Bay 2006 City Zip—Jilted, by Runaway Groom C I M Sweet, f. 15 (Sweet Fourty) ....................................1 $7,400 Mitch and John E, g. 14 (Artic Mist) ................................3 $17,456 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 4 $24,856 Total Starters Won ..................................................... 75 $1,797,983
RUNNING TAP – Gr/Ro 2008 Tapit—Wild Flo, by Wild Again Chukit, g. 18 (Chukchi Sunrise) ................................... UN $340 Standing Rock, g. 16 (Chukchi Sunrise) ..................... UN $825 Tippytap On Sand, f. 16 (Gotta Wanna) ...................... UN $480 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 0 $1,645 Total Starters Won ....................................................... 0 $1,645
SALT WATER – DkB/Br 2005 Yonaguska—Salt Loch, by Salt Lake Kdee, f. 15 (Dee Dee K) ............................................... UN $420 Lochness, g. 15 (Deco)....................................................1 $10,090 Platinum Peach, f. 15 (Joe’s Plum) .............................. UN $420 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 1 $10,930 Total Starters Won ....................................................... 3 $26,302
SEA CANDY RIDE – Ch 2007 Candy Ride (ARG)—Sparkling Sea, by Sea Hero Agreeable Ride, g. 16 (Constantly Agree) ................... UN $0 Candys in Fashion, f. 15 (Skii N Fashion).................... UN $126 Gabby Cat, f. 17 (Gabby Dancer) ................................ UN $147 Gotta Candy Ride, g. 15 (Chumaree in Motion) .......... UN $412 Proud Ride, g. 14 (Proud’n Adorable) ......................... UN $0 Sea Casa Candy, f. 15 (Onorena) ................................ UN $0 Sea Dora Proud, g. 16 (Proud Dora) ........................... UN $0 Sparkling Starr, g. 15 (Wish Upon a Starr) ................... PL $2,869 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 0 $3,554 Total Starters Won ....................................................... 0 $3,554
SECRET CIRCLE – Bay 2009 Eddington—Ragtime Hope, by Dixieland Band Seattlesbestsecret, g. 18 (Stormy Bet) ..........................1 $24,575 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 1 $24,575 Total Starters Won ..................................................... 29 $810,913
SHANGHAI BOBBY – DkB/Br 2010 Harlan’s Holiday—Steelin’, by Orientate She Cherie, f. 16 (Thunderina).........................................2 $21,950 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 2 $21,950 Total Starters Won ................................................... 162 $4,171,090
Dixie Union—Mandy’s Classic, by Sky Classic Battle Point Red, g. 14 (Miss Silhouette) .........................3 $17,090 Firstclasstoparis, f. 17 (Lah Dee Dah Julia) ................. UN $1,800 Run Cordell Run, g. 18 (Carrabelle Harbor) ................ UN $0 Sadie Sue, f. 16 (Barbara O’Brien) ..................................1 $7,210 Seahawk Wave, g. 15 (Felice the Cat) .......................... PL $3,449 Sunshine Emily, f. 16 (Roar Baby Roar) ..........................1 $7,385 Twisty Luck, f. 16 (Tenakee Tango) .............................. UN $900 Zeynep, f. 18 (Miss Salome) ............................................1 $9,902
Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 6 $47,736 Total Starters Won ....................................................... 9 $81,341 SLEW’S TIZNOW – DkB/Br 2005
Tiznow—Hepatica, by Slewpy Slew’s Tiz Whiz, g. 18 (Ros’s Girl) ............................... UN $210 Tiz Manny, g. 16 (Cheese Danish) ................................ PL $4,362
Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 0 $4,572 Total Starters Won ..................................................... 32 $593,755
SMILING TIGER – Ch 2007 Hold That Tiger—Shandra Smiles, by Cahill Road BAJA SUR, g. 16 (Premo Copy) .....................................1 $90,720 Big Base, f. 15 (T’s So Shy) .............................................2 $50,480 Forty Four Carat, f. 16 (Infernal McGoon) ..................... PL $2,460 Holy Zags, f. 17 (Snowfl ake Obsidian) ............................1 $8,550 Pas de Panique, c. 17 (Carrabelle Harbor) .................. UN $1,140 Tiger On the Prowl, g. 18 (Trust Nothing) .................... UN $450 Unleash the Tiger, g. 16 (Limitless Alex)..........................1 $8,133 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 5 $161,933 Total Starters Won ..................................................... 62 $1,810,234
SOFT GOLD (BRZ) – Bay 1992 Fast Gold—=Ardell (ARG), by =Babor (ARG) Girls Gone Gold, f. 15 (Levitate) ......................................1 $4,368 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 1 $4,368 Total Starters Won ....................................................... 1 $4,368
SOUTHERN IMAGE – DkB/Br 2000 Halo’s Image—Pleasant Dixie, by Dixieland Band Besos for Lily, f. 16 (Thrillagee) ........................................1 $6,433 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 1 $6,433 Total Starters Won ..................................................... 22 $361,130
STAY THIRSTY – DkB/Br 2008 Bernardini—Marozia, by Storm Bird Ridgefi eld Rocket, g. 15 (Adorable Lydia) .................... PL $2,370 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 0 $2,370 Total Starters Won ................................................... 160 $3,705,992
SUCCESSFUL APPEAL – DkB/Br 1996 Valid Appeal—Successful Dancer, by Fortunate Prospect Uno Trouble Maker, f. 15 (Hope and Vow) ......................1 $35,180 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 1 $35,180 Total Starters Won ..................................................... 82 $1,922,667
SUN KING – DkB/Br 2002 Charismatic—Clever But Costly, by Clever Trick Meetmeatthebar, g. 13 (Downtown Lover) .................. UN $147 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 0 $147 Total Starters Won ....................................................... 1 $33,982
SWAY AWAY – Bay 2008 Afl eet Alex—Seattle Shimmer, by Seattle Slew Sway Road, g. 15 (Burgundy Hill) ...................................1 $6,092 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 1 $6,092 Total Starters Won ..................................................... 12 $118,761
TALE OF EKATI – Bay 2005 Tale of the Cat—Silence Beauty (JPN), by Sunday Silence La Una, f. 18 (Muchas Coronas) ......................................1 $7,480 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 1 $7,480 Total Starters Won ..................................................... 48 $1,248,749
TAPITURE – Ch 2011 Tapit—Free Spin, by Olympio Tap That Spot, f. 17 (Spot On Babe) ............................ PL $3,406 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 0 $3,406 Total Starters Won ................................................... 115 $4,321,893
TENACIOUS TINKER – Ch 2000 Consigliere (GB)—Beloved Life, by Bel Bolide Duh Its Dave, g. 15 (Runway Crook) ...............................1 $4,053 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 1 $4,053 Total Starters Won ....................................................... 1 $4,053
TIZBUD – DkB/Br 1999 Cee’s Tizzy—Cee’s Song, by Seattle Song Emerald Sea, f. 18 (Out to Sea) .......................................1 $4,710 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 1 $4,710 Total Starters Won ..................................................... 16 $345,951
TIZ WONDERFUL – Bay 2004 Tiznow—Evil, by Hennessy Uzta Have Money, g. 14 (Meeses Pieces) .......................1 $4,329 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 1 $4,329 Total Starters Won ..................................................... 39 $645,925
TRIBAL RULE – Bay 1996 Storm Cat—Sown, by Grenfall Judicial, f. 15 (Courtroom Charmer) ................................1 $10,782 Tribal Zen, g. 13 (Zenovit) ................................................1 $4,735 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 2 $15,517 Total Starters Won ..................................................... 25 $490,816
TRICKEY TREVOR – DkB/Br 1999 Demaloot Demashoot—Show Your Pride, by Silver Deputy Iknowyourface, f. 15 (For the Girls)..................................1 $6,983 On Your Toes, f. 17 (Pacifi c Ballet) ................................ PL $2,660 Trickey Dahling, f. 14 (Nancy Perkins) ......................... UN $630 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 1 $10,273 Total Starters Won ....................................................... 1 $11,103
UNCLE MO – Bay 2008 Indian Charlie—Playa Maya, by Arch No Slo Mo, c. 17 (Striking Scholar) .............................. PL $12,000 $Washington-Bred Starters Won ................................ 0 $12,000 Total Starters Won ................................................... 222 $10,526,310
UNDERSTATEMENT – Bay 2005 Distorted Humor—Emotional Outburst, by Capote Don’tbeshywillie, g. 14 (Bearlee Naked) .........................1 $7,283 Lady Leclair, f. 15 (Coco Monkey) ................................ PL $1,110 Streakin Statement, g. 15 (Blacklacestockings) .......... UN $0 Unsolicitedopinion, g. 16 (Ms. Sutherland) ................. UN $420 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 1 $8,813 Total Starters Won ....................................................... 6 $59,018
VRONSKY – Bay 1999 Danzig—Words of War, by Lord At War (ARG) Coleinator, g. 17 (Colethan’s Cat) ................................ PL $4,415 Russian Thrill, g. 15 (Thrillagee) .................................. UN $446 Verynsky, g. 16 (In Vitro) ..................................................1 $12,225 Vroysky, g. 17 (Campanita) .............................................1 $11,845 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 2 $28,931 Total Starters Won ..................................................... 47 $1,280,246
WAR POWER – DkB/Br 2006
Pulpit—Tempo West, by Rahy All Powered Up, g. 15 (Parker’s Jewel) ....................... UN $1,260 Boston’s War Whoop, g. 15 (Franny Girl).................... UN $0 Dakota Rose, f. 15 (Bourbon Baby) ............................. UN $210 Indian Power, f. 14 (Indian Mama) ................................ PL $4,283 Maybee a Diva, f. 17 (Wedge of Gold).............................1 $5,797 Peace Prince, g. 17 (Royal Beauty) .................................1 $4,150 Pistol Power, g. 14 (Pistolpackin’gal)...............................3 $17,685 Pulpit Line, f. 16 (Alaska Trip) ...................................... UN $420 PULPITS POWER, g. 14 (Parker’s Jewel) ......................3 $29,982 Rocket Power, g. 16 (Bramalea) ......................................2 $18,965 Shes Got the Power, f. 17 (Show Your Stuff) ...................1 $6,529 Stay in Power, g. 15 (Stay Awhile) ...................................1 $6,066 Wartime Lady, f. 15 (Bramalea) ........................................1 $5,273 Yakima Wind, f. 15 (Direct Deal) .................................. UN $0
Washington-Bred Starters Won ................................ 13 $100,620 Total Starters Won ..................................................... 17 $134,307
WARRIOR’S REWARD – Bay 2006 Medaglia d’Oro—For All You Do, by Seeking the Gold Bronze Warrior, g. 15 (Snowfl ake Obsidian) ...................1 $24,500 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 1 $24,500 Total Starters Won ................................................... 122 $2,795,300
Unbridled—North Of Eden (IRE), by Northfi elds North of Newman, g. 14 (Peggy Page)........................ UN $0 North of Thorp, g. 13 (Sweet Nothins).......................... PL $870 Unbridled Birdie, f. 13 (Oriental Bird) ..............................1 $3,680
Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 1 $4,550 Total Starters Won ....................................................... 1 $7,977
WISHFUL TOMCAT – Ch 2005 Tactical Cat—Holy Wish, by Lord At War (ARG) Bygone Wishes, g. 15 (Forty Paces) ............................ PL $2,564 Gabby Tom, g. 16 (Gabby Dancer) .............................. PL $1,888 I’m Not Gabby, g. 15 (Clever Cadence) ....................... PL $1,985 King of Wishes, g. 17 (Attaynez) ................................... PL $1,328 Whoopdeele Wish, f. 16 (Whoopdeeledo) .................. UN $0 Wishful Wine, c. 16 (Chardonnay Wine) ...................... UN $0 Wishful Won, f. 16 (Sassy Won) .......................................1 $4,499 Washington-Bred Starters Won .................................. 1 $12,264 Total Starters Won ....................................................... 1 $12,264
Leading Washington Sires
Statistics are compiled by The Jockey Club Information Systems, Inc. While every effort is made to prevent errors and omissions, Washington Thoroughbred cannot guarantee their complete and total accuracy. Included are sires standing in the state of Washington. Deceased or retired sires will remain in the leading sire lists until they no longer have Washington-bred runners. Does not include Southern Hemisphere racing. Bold-type represents the leader under that category. Through December 31, 2020.
Leading Sires of 2020 by Money Won
Stks Stks Chief
Named Foals Litetime Comp Stallion, YOB (Sire) Rnrs Wnrs Wnrs Wins Earner (Earnings) Sire Earnings of Race Age SWs AEI Index
1. ‡Atta Boy Roy, 2005 (Tribunal) ......................39 ......17 ........ 2 ........ 3 ......Bodenheimer ($151,225) .................. $438,120 ...................110 ...............5.....0.58* .... 0.71* 2. Coast Guard, 2005 (Stormy Atlantic) ...............43 ......19 ........ 0 ........ 0 ......Satellite Storm ($34,075) ................... $344,472 .....................87 ...............5.......0.52 ...... 0.54 3. •Abraaj, 2003 (Carson City) ...........................43 ......17 ........ 0 ........ 0 ......For You Only ($22,160) ...................... $290,204 ...................105 ...............7.......0.56 ...... 0.66 4. Gallant Son, 2006 (Malabar Gold) ....................13 ........5 ........ 0 ........ 0 ......Gallant Warren ($47,980) ................... $193,248 .....................21 ...............0.......0.57 ...... 0.68 5. •Nationhood, 2002 (Cherokee Run) ................18 ......11 ........ 0 ........ 0 ......Spot On ($27,430) ............................. $166,772 .....................74 ...............2.......0.43 ...... 0.65 6. •Gotham City, 1998 (Saint Ballado)...................8 ........3 ........ 0 ........ 0 ......Gotham Desire ($81,864) .................. $140,572 ...................189 ...............0.......0.69 ...... 0.79 7. War Power, 2006 (Pulpit) ................................18 ......10 ........ 0 ........ 0 ......Pulpits Power ($29,982) .................... $134,307 .....................35 ...............1.......0.33 ...... 0.41 8. Demon Warlock, 2000 (Demons Begone) ..........4 ........2 ........ 1 ........ 1 ......Alittlelesstalk ($77,000) ..................... $103,152 .....................54 ...............4.......0.58 ...... 0.62 9. Linchpin, 2010 (Elusive Quality) ......................18 ........7 ........ 0 ........ 0 ......Pin Up Lady ($16,243) ........................ $96,857 .....................35 ...............0.......0.25 ...... 0.46 10. Parker’s Storm Cat, 2000 (Storm Cat) .............17 ........6 ........ 0 ........ 0 ......Cross Creek ($32,700) ........................ $90,658 ...................333 ...............4.......0.80 ...... 0.99 11. §•Noosito, 2011 (Harbor the Gold) ...................3 ........2 ........ 1 ........ 2 ......Dutton ($71,500) ................................. $83,350 .......................9 ...............1.......1.41 ...... 0.71 12. Preachinatthebar, 2001 (Silver Charm).............14 ........5 ........ 0 ........ 0 ......Distortedatthebar ($13,870) ................. $71,799 ...................113 ...............0.......0.35 ...... 0.52 13. •Liberty Gold, 1994 (Crafty Prospector) ...........7 ........4 ........ 0 ........ 0 ......Keller’s Gold ($25,121) ........................ $68,748 ...................180 ...............4.......0.43 ...... 0.57 14. Raise the Bluff, 2003 (Pine Bluff) .....................11 ........6 ........ 0 ........ 0 ......Raise a Dancer ($12,976) .................... $60,150 .....................98 ...............1.......0.52 ...... 0.47 15. •He’s Tops, 1993 (Seattle Slew) .......................6 ........1 ........ 0 ........ 0 ......Summerland ($27,182) ........................ $42,462 ...................326 ...............9.......0.53 ...... 0.62 16. Gold Aly, 2006 (Medaglia d’Oro) ........................5 ........3 ........ 0 ........ 0 ......Golden Cowboy ($17,415) ................... $37,356 .....................18 ...............0.......0.29 ...... 0.49 17. •Rallying Cry, 2004 (War Chant) .......................5 ........3 ........ 0 ........ 0 ......Wheel Rally ($14,390) ......................... $34,860 .....................44 ...............0.......0.27 ...... 0.51 18. •Polish Miner, 1997 (Danzig) ............................2 ........2 ........ 0 ........ 0 ......Omache Kid ($27,021) ........................ $31,081 ...................183 ...............1.......0.81 ...... 0.93 19. Worldly, 1994 (Slew o’ Gold) .............................1 ........1 ........ 0 ........ 0 ......Motawae Alsa’ayeb (KSA) ($30,400) ... $30,400 .....................18 ...............0.......0.52 ...... 0.31 20. Houseofroyalhearts, 2002 (Chester House) .......8 ........2 ........ 0 ........ 0 ......Togranpashousewego ($8,580) ............ $23,605 .....................22 ...............0.......0.48 ...... 0.42 21. •Nacheezmo, 2000 (Carson City) ...................10 ........2 ........ 0 ........ 0 ......Pre Mo Diamond ($5,645) ................... $23,226 .....................74 ...............0.......0.24 ...... 0.34 •Deceased. §Freshman sire. ‡Moved out of state. *Through April 28, 2021.
Leading Juvenile Sires of 2020 by Money Won
Named Stks Stks Chief
Sire Named Foals Lftm 2YO Lftm 2YO Stallion, YOB (Sire) 2YO Foals Strtrs Wnrs Wnrs Wins Earner (Earnings) Earnings of Race Age Wnrs Stks Wnrs
1. ‡Atta Boy Roy, 2005 (Tribunal) ........................10 ..........4.........3 ..........1.......... 2 ......Bodenheimer ($151,225) .......... $175,636 ...................107 .............. 10 ................ 3 2. Coast Guard, 2005 (Stormy Atlantic) ...............26 ........19.........5 ..........0.......... 0 ......Coastal Kid ($21,225) ................ $119,237 .....................87 .............. 19 ................ 3 3. §•Noosito, 2011 (Harbor the Gold) ...................8 ..........3.........2 ..........1.......... 2 ......Dutton ($71,500) ......................... $83,350 .......................8 ................ 2 ................ 1 4. •Abraaj, 2003 (Carson City) ...........................22 ........13.........3 ..........1.......... 1 ......John’s On Point ($17,475) ........... $52,789 ...................105 .............. 24 ................ 7 5. Gallant Son, 2006 (Malabar Gold) ......................9 ..........5.........0 ..........0.......... 0 ......Gallant Guy ($9,860) ................... $28,720 .....................21 ................ 1 ................ 0 6. •Liberty Gold, 1994 (Crafty Prospector) ...........3 ..........3.........1 ..........0.......... 0 ......Camden High ($17,862) .............. $27,800 ...................180 .............. 29 ................ 4 7. Linchpin, 2010 (Elusive Quality) ........................9 ..........3.........1 ..........0.......... 0 ......Ms Lynn ($16,109) ...................... $17,693 .....................35 ................ 2 ................ 0 •Deceased. §Freshman sire. ‡Moved out of state.
Listed below are the Washington-bred and or WTBOA-sold horses who won 2020 stakes with a winner’s share of at least $10,000. Minor stakes winners of 2020 not included are: Carson’s Fireball (WTBOA Sales), Hey Sequoia (BC) (WTBOA Sales), Hold That Smile (CA) (WTBOA Sales), Miss Valor (WTBOA Sales), The Fiddlers Green (KY) (WTBOA Sales). WTBOA Sales = went through a WTBOA sale.
ALITTLELESSTALK (2016) f., Demon Maekawa, Dave Matsumoto, Rob Miyahara, PULPITS POWER (2014) g., War Warlock—Trainingat the Bar, by Valid Alan Momohara, Darlene Naranjo, Roberta Power—Parker’s Jewel, by Parker’s Storm Wager (WA). Breeders: Warlock Stables Pease, Mayda Schaefer, Cathi Udasco- Cat (WA). Breeders: Mr. and Mrs. Elwin (Tim Floyd), Allen Floyd, Kelly Dougan, Dunn, Mel Robbins, Pat Wilson and Keith F. Gibson (Gibson Thoroughbred Farm). Melvyn Hudson and Horseplayers Racing Yamaguchi). Trainer: Howard Belvoir. Won: Owners: Tony Delp and Dee Stillwell. Club (Scott Gruender). Owners: Warlock Gottstein Futurity (EmD). WTBOA Lads S. Trainer: Billy Christian. Won: Grants Pass #1, Roddina A. Barrett and Kelly Dougan. (EmD). WTBOA Sales. Mile S. (GrP). Trainer: Roddina A. Barrett. Won: Emerald At 2 3 3 0 0 $71,500 At 6 12 3 2 2 $29,982 Distaff H. (EmD), WA Cup Filly and Mare S.-R (EmD). WTBOA Sales. At 4 7 3 2 1 $77,000 ELLIOTT BAY (2015) g., Harbor the Gold—Melba Jewell, by Cahill Road (WA). Breeders: Mr. and Mrs. Frederick L. Pabst SWAGSATIONAL (2017) g., Gallant Son—Bullysima, by Holy Bull (WA). Owners and breeders: Keith and Jan BAJA SUR (2016) g., Smiling Tiger— (Blue Ribbon Farm). Owner: Chad and Swagerty (Swag Stables). Trainer: Heath Premo Copy, by Supremo (WA). Breeder: Josh (Chad Christensen and Josh McKee). Lawrence, Won: Turf Paradise Derby John Roche. Owners: John and Janene Trainer: Frank Lucarelli. Won: Mt. Rainier (TuP). Maryanski and Gerald and Gail Schneider. S. (EmD). WTBOA Sales. At 3 7 2 0 0 $35,283 Trainer: Blaine Wright. Won: El Dorado Shooter S.-R (GG). WTBOA Sales. At 4 6 1 2 1 $90,720 At 5 4 2 1 0 $46,450 GOLD CRUSHER (2017) g., Harbor the Gold—Brookie Girl, by Proud Citizen (WA). TIME FOR GOLD (2018) f., Harbor the Gold—Back in Time, by Empire Maker (WA). Breeder: Bar C Racing Stables Inc. BODENHEIMER (2018) c., Atta Boy Breeder: Bar C Racing Stable Inc. (Neal and (Neal and Pam Christopherson). Owner: Roy—Beautiful Daniele, by A. P. Indy (WA). Pam Christopherson). Owner: Chad and Chad and Josh (Chad Christensen and Josh Breeder: Larry Romaine. Owners: Kristin Josh (Chad Christensen and Josh McKee). McKee). Trainer: Frank Lucarelli. Won: Boice and Marylou Holden. Trainer: Valorie Trainer: Frank Lucarelli. Won: Muckleshoot Angie C. S. (EmD), Barbara Shinpoch S. Lund. Won: Indian Summer S, (Kee), Prairie Derby (EmD). WTBOA Sales. (EmD). WTBOA Sales. Gold Juvenile S. (PrM). WTBOA Sales. At 3 5 2 1 0 $43,450 At 2 3 2 0 1 $43,620 At 2 5 3 0 0 $151,225 MISS PROSPECTOR (2017) f., Harbor UNMACHABLE (2017) g., Macho Uno— DUTTON (2018) g., Noosito—Ms Moscow the Gold—Clever Bird, by Awesome Again Point of Reference, by Benchmak (WA). Mattie, by Matty G. (WA). Breeders: Nina (WA). Breeder: Bret Christopherson. Owner: Breeders: Jack R. and Ivor A. Jones (Jones and Ron Hagen (El Dorado Farms) and Larry North American Thoroughbred Horse Farm). Owner: Tawnja Elison. Trainer: and Miriam Bonwell. Owner: Rising Star Company Inc. (Glen Todd). Trainer: Glen Jack McCartney. Won: Seattle Slew S. Stable VIII (Vicki Potter, Wayne and Daylene Todd. Won: BC Cup Hong Kong Jockey Club (EmD), Muckleshoot Tribal Classic S.-R Boehm, Wally Colby, Debbie Connell, Paul S. (Hst). WTBOA Sales. TOBA-09316 - Member Strip Ads (A) 7/1/09 11:57 AM Page 1 (EmD). Goto, Chris Hawes, Dixie Hitchcock, Don At 3 2 1 0 0 $23,281 At 3 6 3 1 1 $65,225
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