Creations 2023 Literary Magazine

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2023, Volume 45
Creations Volume 45 2023 Warren Township Hi h School Gurnee, IL 60031 www.121.or /creations The Fear, Ed ar Medina Rodri uez

Cover - Sarah Scherer

1 Ed ar Medina Rodri uez

3 Eshelle Zeeshan

4 Giancarlo Milan

5 Jacob Flores

Table of Contents
Sarah Scherer
Alyssa Fitz erald
Jodi Mendoza Mae Anderson
Chrisela Abobon
Lindsey Prims Avery Piktel 15 Lindsay Uribe 16 Kelsey Elman Katie Wiklund 17 Sinia John 18 Avery Piktel 19 Russell Rawhoo 20 Tazz DeVries 21 Shiloh (Kelly) White 22 Joanne Montu ar 23 Ruby Lester 24 Sara Belec 25 Lindsay Uribe 26 Caleb Guidry 28 Mia Hirayama 29 Ed ar Medina Rodri uez 30 Luna Puccini 31 GeriAnn Kelly 32 Harrison Levy 2
6 Melanie Maldonado 7 Sofia Isabella Wexler 8 Sarah Scherer 9 Kelsey
Closin Li ht, Eshelle Zeeshan 3
4 Giancarlo Milan
Dementia, Jacob Flores 5
La allina, Melanie Maldonado

Sofia Isabella Wexler

Lincoln and Sarah, Sarah Scherer

Don’t Look Back, Kelsey Elman

Fijo and I, Sarah Scherer
Fluffy Fox, Alyssa Fitz erald

Frightening Emotions And Reconciliation

Mae Anderson

Fascinatin and rustratin , ar worse when alone, orever in tandem with calm eelin s.

Ever present and evolvin , equanimity has no embrace on our connections. Alarm and trepidation cause amal amation and brin us all to ether. Recovery has resulted when rapport occurs, repulsion is required or rejoicin .

Bubble, Jodi Mendoza
Homemade, Chrisela Abobon

Throughout the Week

Avery Piktel

Wake up

Get home

Eat ood


Hi h-five


Eat ood

Sleep Computer


/Low battery


No countryside

No pet do

No dream job


Conversate about homework.

Then strai ht home, no peep

No Canada.

No syrup

No ice-skatin


Thin sI´llneverdo,

Thin sI´llneverkeep

I´ll just

Wake up

Get home

Eat ood


Untitled, Lindsey Prims
Beauty In the Inside, Lindsay Uribe 15

My One True Love, The Color Green

Green is the color o calmness and peace

It reminds me o the leaves up above Layin on my back, listenin to eese

O spendin time with the one who you love

Green is the color o pleasure and joy

It reminds me o a warm summer's day

Me and my brother playin with a toy

O us on swin s, me pushin him away

Green is the color o trust and belie

It reminds me o tellin all my tales

In terms o storytellin , I was chie

O finishin and lettin out exhales

Green is the color that runs the whole world

As all-encompassin as a fist, urled

Oct. 5, Kelsey Elman
Untitled, Sinia John


Avery Piktel

Hey reminder!

Your riend said to listen to:

Bob Dylan

Pink Floyd

Lil Yachty

Paranoid Android.

Listen toDrake

Taylor Swi t

And your riends et annoyed.

Listen to

The person you said will always be a raid

Listen to your randmother, in denial, at such a ripe a e.

Listen to the voices at ni ht that keep them awake

Listen to the irl who says oh my God, It’s annoyin or God’s sake

Listen to yoursel et off track be ore you can makeEven just a simple reminder.

And you already break.

Fireworks on a Cold Ni ht Russell Rawhoo

A Wish Tazz DeVries

A wish can evolve.

It does not disappear, but instead chan es just as the person who made the wish in the first place chan es, too.

All o those pennies and quarters and whatnot tossed in the ountain o this Italian restaurant I went to; all the times I looked out to the stars in the hopes they’d have somethin more to offer me; all the times I laid in bed, mani estin that tomorrow would be better than the day I had just led—they weren’t or nothin .

I’m sure many o those wishes weren’t ranted.

They weren’t ranted not because the wish ailed to all into place, but because they became somethin more—other thin s that ulfilled my li e just as much as the ori inal wish could’ve.

In all o the wishes I have made, I wished or one o two thin s:

Or to be okay. To finally be content with where I’m at.

I can say now that both types o wishes have been ulfilled. I suspect that each wish o mine will all into place eventually, slippin under my radar.

Althou h many who I’ve wished on have le t me in this walk o li e—not throu h death, mind you, thou h partin is a type o death still—I still hope they are all doin well. I treasure those who have stayed with me, and those I have stayed with in return over the years.

I a stroke o luck, or ate, or anythin out o the ordinary didn’t rant my wishes, then in some way, I bet I did on my own.

For someone else who I loved dearly to love me back, or to see them or all their worth,


Trash the Dra on Shiloh (Kelly) White

The Pla ues Trail, Joanne Montu ar 22

Anxiety, Ruby Lester

Late Ni hts Sara Belec
Sundown Lindsay Uribe

He said he was a star

Or that’s what he implied

I believed it, a simple lie

But it was easy enou h to trick me into it

Because I used to love the stars

Those months where every memory swirls

Crashin and turnin in all directions

Slicin and cuttin , but they are unaware o this

They just wait to be remembered

I et that eelin a ain

Like I need to believe that lie

So, his name becomes a little easier to say

So, I'm not as a raid as I need to be

To be naive o those tricks and ames

To be naive o memories

To be naive o him

I think o riskier thin s durin these colder months

Like textin that supposed star

I never do but the pressure stays

He’s not worth my time

But I eel like I should be the one to apolo ize

Because o course, I blame mysel

Even thou h, I'm not entirely at ault

But durin that time, it does eel that way

I can’t help but doubt mysel

thou h, that part o me was taken away

I still try to think it’s still there

because i I lie to mysel I can stay naive

the ni ht is dark and clear

The stars shine as bri htly as they can

Tryin to et me to notice them

But I don’t like the stars anymore

I appreciate the ni ht, but it terrifies me at the same time

So calm but so vulnerable

Caleb Guidry Continued 26

Calm ni hts like these can brin waves o storms

Pulses o sudden violent impulses floodin into my head

thou hts that I would be hunted down and preyed upon Not always but it’s possible that there’s a chance

The stars sparkle and twinkle; sure, that I'll be fine

But I continue to i nore the stars

Because they mean nothin to me now

Because I don’t like them anymore

Because they’ll never chan e themselves to be better

Always lookin rom above, thinkin they’re better than everyone else

The seasons have chan ed and passed

It’s warm and soon the leaves will all and crash onto the round

A quiet symphony o muted colors and amiliarity, nostal ia

There are so many leaves that you’ll have to rake them into crunchy brown piles

Soon they’ll turn black as they’ll rot into the round to return to the Earth

But only time will tell

The harsh cold will still come and brin the flush o bad memories

Ni httime is harsher than be ore

The possibility o ettin rostbite has become reality

The worst rost rushes towards me in swarms

Trappin me

Feedin on me

Leavin nothin le t

And then I have ni hts where I let everythin out on a plate

The served ood, consumed, but I leave eelin unsatisfied

Always havin an empty eelin , even thou h I took as much as needed

Then rost consumes everythin I thou ht I had

Durin those months I am inhuman, I have become the rost

But it ets better when the cold leaves

Because then the rost melts

And you are human, you are real once a ain

Now, I appreciate precious oran e stones

They’re so beauti ul

the best kind o imper ect

Because they’re per ect to me

I love them and I would collect every one o those crystals to prove their worth to me

Because they are so much better than everyone thinks they are

Continued 27

Even i it’s a common stone

It’ll always be the best out o the bunch

They’ll always have their flaws

But I love them endlessly

And maybe with this new ound love, I could learn to appreciate the stars a ain

Because maybe, the stars have chan ed too

Kimoshi Mia Hirayama
Paper Boat Ed ar Medina Rodri uez

Hello old friend class Threat(): def __init__(self,Warning): self.warning = threat

Def threat(self): print(self.warning) threatening = warning("Hello old friend") threatening.warning()

ents, GeriAnn
Moral A
Moon Shadow
Harrison Levy

The Creations Staff would like to thank in no particular order, the Visual Arts Department, Aimee Loni ro, and the Creative Writin Club or all their help this year.

Creations, Volume 45, was produced by the Creations Staff at Warren Township Hi h School in Gurnee, Illinois.

Fonts include: Bowlby One, Com ortaa, and Arial

Submissions by Warren students are shared via Goo le Drive throu h www.d121.or with name, IL, and title o work included and blind-jud ed by the Creations Staff.

Creations Staff

Mia Hirayama

Geri Kelly

Jasmine Morkeh

Priyal Patel

Makena Salm

Kahlia Williams

Sponsor: Ms. Knutson


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