Westchester Guardian

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Vol. V No. XXXIX

Westchester’s Most Influential Weekly

Democrat vs. Conservative

Thursday, October 20, 2011 $1.00

Nuclear Poison in the Land Page 10

A Toast to Taverns Page 11

What Your Doctor Won’t (or Can’t) Tell You Page 13

Do the Funky Chicken Page 13

Actors in Command Page 14

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The Fight Continues By Sam Zherka, Page 24

Atlantic City Always Turned On! Page 15

Occupying Albany Page 18

When a Union is Defeated Page 24


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The Westchester Guardian

THURSDAY, octoBER 20, 2011

The Westchester Guardian

THURSDAY, octoBER 20, 2011


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Of Significance

Westchester Guardian Radio Network NEW ROCHELLE, NY – The Guardian Radio Network, WGRN, operated under the auspices of Hezitorial Absurdity, Inc. president Hezi Aris, continues to build its programing day on the Blog TalkRadio platform. In addition to Westchester On the Level with Richard Narog and Hezi Aris, are And Nothing But the Truth - Coast to Coast with Frank Vernuccio, Jr., and Larry L. Allison, and The Conservative Torch with Carmine Torchetti, Jr. Herein is the schedule for the week of October 17th – 21st, 2011. Guests scheduled for Westchester On the Level are Mount Vernon City Council candidate (Monday, October 17th); L.L. Bean spokesperson Laurie Brooks and Yonkers City Council -1st District (Tuesday, October 18th); Mount Vernon City Council candidate Samuel Rivers, and Yonkers City Council – 1st District candidate (Wednesday, Wednesday, October 19; Yonkers City Council – 3rd District (Thursday, October 20th); and Conductor James Sadewhite of the Yonkers Philharmonic Orchestra, and Yonkers City Council Listen to our radio programs live by clicking onto the following hyperlinks: Westchester on the Level -http://www.blogtalkradio.com/westchesteronthelevel; And Nothing But the Truth – Coast to Coast –http://www.blogtalkradio.com/westchesteronthelevel/ and-nothing-but-the-truth--coast-to-coast; and The Conservative Torch –http://www.blogtalkradio.com/westchesteronthelevel/ the-conservative-torch. Each show may be heard live or on demand. Choose from an MP3 download option, or peruse our audio archives. Recognizing that we shamelessly solicit your participation, you are invited to participate by calling us toll-free at 1-877-674-2436. All we ask is that you stay on topic with regard to your question and / or your statement.

Community Section....................................................................4 Books.........................................................................................4 Business.....................................................................................6 Fashion......................................................................................7 Community...............................................................................8 Economic Development...........................................................9 History....................................................................................11 Medicine.................................................................................13 Music......................................................................................13 The Spoof...............................................................................14 Eye On Theatre......................................................................14 Travel.......................................................................................15 Government Section................................................................17 Mayor Marvin........................................................................17 Albaany Correspondent..........................................................18 Economic Development.........................................................18 Campaign Trail.......................................................................17 Government............................................................................22 Greg’s Corner..........................................................................22 Labor.......................................................................................22 Campaign Trail.......................................................................24 OpEd Section............................................................................26 The Conservative Torch.........................................................26 Ed Koch Commentary...........................................................28 Letters to the Editor...............................................................28 Legal Notices.............................................................................30

Mission Statement The Westchester Guardian is a weekly newspaper devoted to the unbiased reporting of events and developments that are newsworthy and significant to readers living in, and/or employed in, Westchester County. The Guardian will strive to report fairly, and objectively, reliable information without favor or compromise. Our first duty will be to the PEOPLE’S RIGHT TO KNOW, by the exposure of truth, without fear or hesitation, no matter where the pursuit may lead, in the finest tradition of FREEDOM OF THE PRESS. The Guardian will cover news and events relevant to residents and businesses all over Westchester County. As a weekly, rather than focusing on the immediacy of delivery more associated with daily journals, we will instead seek to provide the broader, more comprehensive, chronological step-by-step accounting of events, enlightened with analysis, where appropriate. From amongst journalism’s classic key-words: who, what, when, where, why, and how, the why and how will drive our pursuit. We will use our more abundant time, and our resources, to get past the initial ‘spin’ and ‘damage control’ often characteristic of immediate news releases, to reach the very heart of the matter: the truth. We will take our readers to a point of understanding and insight which cannot be obtained elsewhere. To succeed, we must recognize from the outset that bigger is not necessarily better. And, furthermore, we will acknowledge that we cannot be all things to all readers. We must carefully balance the presentation of relevant, hard-hitting, Westchester news and commentary, with features and columns useful in daily living and employment in, and around, the county. We must stay trim and flexible if we are to succeed.

Westchester’s Most Influential Weekly

Guardian News Corp. P.O. Box 8 New Rochelle, New York 10801 Sam Zherka , Publisher & President publisher@westchesterguardian.com Hezi Aris, Editor-in-Chief & Vice President whyteditor@gmail.com Advertising: (914) 562-0834 News and Photos: (914) 562-0834 Fax: (914) 633-0806 Published online every Monday Print edition distributed Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday Graphic Design: Watterson Studios, Inc. www.wattersonstudios.com


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The Westchester Guardian


THURSDAY, octoBER 20, 2011


The Retired (Try To) Strike Back Chapter 24—Kenny’s List By ALLAN LUKS Their recently finished one-hour film, created to serve as a guide for retired seniors who are dating, has attracted some media attention. The film also encourages seniors to use their desire to find last big opportunities and get them right as motivation to enter politics. Now, the four couples that made the film are taking the first step in their marketing strategy. They’ve chosen one of their group, Kenny, an amateur actor and former history teacher, to do the first speaking engagement. Kenny has accepted an invitation from a coalition of organizations in Santa Fe dealing with either health or public policy. More than a thousand people next week are expected to hear Kenny in a large open-air theater in the desert outside the city. Kenny, at age seventy, is tall and goodlooking, charming, and with thick gray hair. Then last week, he received a call from an entertainment agent, saying she saw a video of the film that the group had sent out to TV stations. She liked the attention the film was getting and Kenny’s performance,

and had researched and found that Kenny had a lot of amateur acting experience. The agent told Kenny to make sure the Santa Fe organizations made a video of his talk and to bring this disc with him when they met after his return. Yes, she was interested in possibly representing him. A smiling Kenny told his wife, Roz, about the call. “I’m like a kid, excited, but of course nothing’s sure,” as they talked in the kitchen of their small apartment. “Over all these years,” said Roz. “I always knew you’d get a professional opportunity. Whenever I read a novel, you know, I saw you playing one of the characters.” Then today, a week before going to Santa Fe, Kenny receives a call from his liver doctor, saying the latest blood tests show his liver problem worsening. “What I told you when we met last week. The tests confirm what we discussed. We’ll have to keep watching you closely.” Kenny and Roz sit silently in their small kitchen. “I’m not that shocked,” Kenny finally says. “The doctor first mentioned this possibility six months ago, you know that. But I’m

definitely dropping out of the Santa Fe talk. No way I can concentrate on it.” “The group needs you to speak and then teach them which parts of the film they should emphasize when they do their marketing talks,” argues Roz. “And maybe your liver won’t weaken quickly.” “Kenny, you talk about wanting to get more seniors to run for office, who won’t be beholden to anyone, who can help break the political polarization harming this country. You said you’d even consider running yourself. Oh, Kenny, you can’t stop now. At our ages, when we have a big opportunity—“ “But our film talks about the need of seniors to get a last opportunity right. Maybe we don’t say enough that seniors shouldn’t forget big opportunities might come with little time to do them.” “When you first told the others about your liver issue, I remember you met with Steven and you felt more relaxed.” “Steven eats and breathes social work, even if he’s retired from it. He told me we all have strengths to call on. What strength should I call on to prevent a transplant? Is luck a strength?”

No Guarantees: One Man’s Road through the Darkness of Depression— Chapter Eight – Something is Terribly Wrong By BOB MARRONE Authors Note: As the book progresses, there are many decisions that remain to be made, such as whether to flash forward or backward, depending on the best way to communicate the experience of depression and its evolution during my life. The story is easiest to tell in chronological order, letting the story unfold, as it were. On the other hand, the nature of the illness, indeed even one of its causes, is the denial of feelings and the proclivity to shut out or repress past experiences. As such, many of the early signs and, later, more severe symptoms, come as a surprise and, worse still, arrive as acute and horrible catastrophes that further separate the person from his internal self. With this later reality in mind and, specifically, in the attempt to share the experiences of symptoms in early

adulthood with readers of this series, the next two chapters will flash forward twenty years to the mindset and events leading up to the single most transformative weekend of my life. I am surprised at the sadness that comes over me as I write this. Even though I have waited thirty five years to set down these thoughts and despite the fulfilling life that I now have, in part as a result of these experiences, to think about these events had for many years represented the end of my life as I knew it, is like thinking back to a death in the family. It was Saturday, April 6th, 1975. The late afternoon sunlight came in through the windows of our living room at an odd angle most common to early spring and fall. It was as if someone was shining a giant yellow light

to further illuminate the orange, yellow, brown and silver wallpaper, and earth-toned furniture so common in the mid 1970’s. To this day, when I see those colors or styles on television or in an old house, I think back to that period in my life, and most especially, that day. And only recently have I been able to shake what shrinks call an anniversary reaction when the weather changes and rains come in early April. Something was terribly wrong. As I sat on the couch in that uncomfortably sunlit room, my body, my mind, my soul if there is one, was dead. I felt nothing. I cared about nothing. I was devoid of all feeling except the intellectual notion that this was not normal, and a growing sense of dread that something terrible was going to happen. This state of being arrived at the end of a string of life changes and setbacks in the previous two years, and of course, before

“You had said Steven had an expression,” Roz tries. “SAP, some social work phrase: It stands for surprise, adventure, and passion. According to Steven, seniors, underneath their weathered skin, have this sweet, exciting feeling that can make them feel great. We just need to take actions that can tap into it.” “You’ll tap into it in Santa Fe. You have this SAP, Kenny.” Silence in the small kitchen, their eyes staring and not seeing. Kenny finally says, “I realize, to give up this opportunity for the group. And my chance to get an agent.” Kenny stops— “If I go to Santa Fe, I have to do it right. My honesty has to come across in the video. But if while I’m talking, I don’t feel SAP rising but the seniors’ fear in the back of their minds about everything disappearing tomorrow. I’m talking honestly. Yes, seniors can have big opportunities. Like we say in the film. But, yes, to act on them.” Allan Luks is a nationally recognized social works leader and advocate for volunteerism. He is the former head of Big Brothers, Big Sisters of New York and is currently a visiting professor at Fordham University, where he teaches several courses in nonprofit leadership. You can learn more about Allan Luks at http://allanluks.com. that. I was however, not very much in touch with what anything before that time might have meant in regard to what was then going on inside me. I had a lot on my mind. I suspected that my wife was pregnant…we were married barely a year… and I was not happy about it. The trials and economic woes of starting out on a life together were weighing on me, and I was having doubts about the marriage in general. I had just started a job as a corporate trainer that I worked very hard to get and was only a day away from making my first real road trip; this was to be to Flint Michigan, to teach stockbrokers how to use a computer terminal. These were my most immediate concerns; all heavy stuff to be sure, but nothing that any breadwinner hasn’t had to deal with for centuries. Some of the more lingering events of that time involved my turning my back on women who had been the love of my life in favor of keeping the commitment to marry my long time on again, off again, girl friend. This fact was exacerbating my doubts about my marriage, to be sure, but I had committed Continued on page 5

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The Westchester Guardian

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No Guarantees: One Man’s Road through the Darkness of Depression—Chapter Eight – Something is Terribly Wrong Continued from page 4 myself to making the union work. And while it might seem trite to non-athletes, I had evolved, almost overnight, from one of the best amateur hockey players in our area, to a very ordinary...if good skater…anybody. This was devastating for a host of reasons. First, I had a great deal of my sense of self worth and masculine identity wrapped up in my hockey life. I was playing in what was the then best roller hockey league anywhere and during a time when almost no one in the tri-state area played ice hockey. The league was an institution so unique, so famous for its quality, and so notorious for its violence, that it became the subject of a feature story in National Geographic magazine. It was a big deal to play there, and I was a big deal for being good at it. As a kid and young adult with an inferiority complex the size of Westchester, who was mediocre at other sports and more given to the arts and literature than rough and tumble stuff, hockey more than leveled the playing field for me among the newer, aggressive and more sports oriented pre-teens and teenagers I was now involved with on 24th Street. Prior to my 24th Street years, I had been brought up to put safety ahead of achievement and was

taught that fighting was wrong. However, I was encouraged to skate at a very young age, a lucky coincidence that allowed me to soar ahead of most of my friends when we started playing hockey. Soft and sweet Robert was finally one of the boys, and one of the elite ones at that. But, as my skills started to erode, my fragile sense of self and manhood began eroding with them. As my doubts grew, so did my sense that I was a cowardly soft touch and would be seen as such by my friends and teammates. In the part of Brooklyn where I grew up in this second phase of my young life, it was simply not acceptable to be less than tough, or worse, sensitive and bookish. I was skirting two worlds never really understanding that I could be both. One good fortune of that time was my performance at work. I was a supervisor on Wall Street at the age of twenty-one, and was now moving into the better position in the training department. But the truth was that my work was suffering because of events outside the office. If I played a bad hockey game I was useless for two days. How could I care about work when I was a worthless wimp? I also kept obsessing about my relationships and my


inability to be honest with the women in my life about my feelings. And, I was also dealing with a hybrid and nasty form of hypochondria that focused on my mental health. Since I was a toddler my health, or lack thereof, was overemphasized by my parents. I was born with severe double hernias that required I wear a large truss, and that drove my parents…both mothers…to stress the need to be careful not to make them worse. The effect on me was to be constantly worried about hurting myself or getting sick, a dynamic that grew into severe hypochondria. As the book continues you, as I learned later on, may grasp the even wider significance of this disorder in broader context of depression. In April of 1975, I had been obsessed with a spate of mild and severe anxiety attacks that I had experienced over the past two years. So troubling were they that worrying about them triggered still more. The problem compounded itself by my hypochondria driven obsessions that focused on possible brain damage, or worse, some kind of mental illness I thought I might be developing. My fears were further fueled by my brief but terrifying reactions to Marijuana a couple of years before. I will get into this in greater detail in

later chapters, but one incident in particular left me certain that I had done some damage to my brain(of course I didn’t, but hypochondriacs everywhere will know what I mean). One Friday night my friends and I got together and decided to smoke a bit, as was the custom in those days. I never smoked much and was not familiar with the effects of the drug when using a water pipe, as opposed to a joint. The water pipe makes the smoke go down easier and you naturally take in more of the active chemical, and more quickly, than you would with a joint. The effects are also delayed, so your tendency is to take more “hits,” as well. As the high built up I began to change from feeling good to feeling nervous. It then graduated from nervousness to fear, than from fear to terror, and on to full grown panic. Everything I had ever read or heard about psychedelic drugs making people jump out of windows, go crazy or damage their brains drove me to near hysteria. My mind raced, every muscle in my body cramped, my voice was cracking and I begged my friends to help me. It was another time and the laws were such then that there was no going to the hospital Continued on page 6

Thursday, October 27th 10:00am to 11:00am



“Reducing Your Cancer Risk – Breast Health 101” Helen Pass, MD, FACS Join us for an informative talk on how to maintain your breast health by nationally recognized breast surgeon, Helen Pass, MD, FACS. Dr. Pass will also discuss 2011 trends in cancer care for women, detection and treatment. Lawrence’s Palmer Hall, 3rd Floor Conference Room Free parking and light refreshments. For more information call 914-787-5004 Lawrence Hospital Center, 55 Palmer Ave., Bronxville, NY



Know us before you need us.



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The Westchester Guardian

THURSDAY, octoBER 20, 2011


No Guarantees: One Man’s Road through the Darkness of Depression—Chapter Eight – Something is Terribly Wrong Continued from page 5 to get a simple sedative that I later learned would have stopped such a horrible reaction. Instead my friends talked me through it over the course of a long night. The effects were such that I never touched grass again, but the experience left me with an even worse case of hypochondria, and more problematic, seemed to make my nervous system still more prone to panic attacks. So there I was, sitting on the couch, dead inside; so dead that I could not read; so dead that I felt no love; so dead that I knew no sensuality to the extent that even sex-libido seemed more like only an intellectual concept

that did not engage my interest. I was empty. My wife saw that I was not myself and suggested we go to a night at the races event at a local church. She thought it might make me feel better. I did not want to go but agreed to anyway. The lack of internal life in my body and mind seemed to be creating a strange tension that made my hands shake ever so slightly and my insides expand and harden like the tight strands of a golf ball. These lone feelings were beginning to terrify me. I agreed to go to the church event in the hopes that it would help me stop obsessing. When we arrived I noticed something I had never experienced before. I was unable to

look people directly in the eye. I was as if there was an invisible shield or wall that caused my stomach to become queasy and my gaze to avert when I tried to say, “Hello,” to someone. This was just so strange and frightening; the tension grew all the more worse. Next, my upstairs neighbor who was an official at the event asked me to go next store to the convent and pick up some chairs. I was grateful for the break and departed for the convent to complete the chore. As I walked into the building my whole body began ever so slightly to quake, as if I had too much coffee. A sister came to the door and asked me to wait in the foyer while she

retrieved the chairs. The room was dark, wood paneled and peaceful in a way that contrasted with my growing dread. I felt like I was going to die or something worse. My eyes caught a small bay of holy water under a crucifix, attached to the woodwork of the doorframe. By now I was trembling. I stuck my right hand in the water and blessed myself. As I did so, I said out loud,” God, help me.” Listen to Bob Marrone every weekday from 6:008:30 am on the Good Morning Westchester with Bob Marrone on WVOX-1460 AM radio.


Mt. Kisco Professionals Offer Speech and Communication Services Throughout Westchester By RICH MONETTI Take a walk through any daycare, and scattered among the kids, it’s highly likely that you’ll find a speech therapist or two on hand. Walk through life and just about everyone you meet can speak and form a sentence. So it might follow to ask why such tremendous expense is allocated

Coins & Currency, Gold & Silver Wanted Experienced collector and parttime dealer will identify your holdings, explain how to determine value, and make you a strong offer or sell for you on consignment. References available.



towards something that we all eventually end up achieving anyway. “That’s a big idea out there,” says Lois Cook of Speech & Communication Professionals in Mt. Kisco. In response, this Columbia educated speech pathologist will point out that children who develop speech and language later than two years old are at a higher risk of having learning problems later. Seeing emotional problems in the same children probably isn’t a coincidence either. Being limited in the ability to verbally express emotions, she says, “results in a lot of frustration.” Over time, the problem escalates and behavioral issues follow down the line from the original cause. What to look for varies with every child but parents should take note of some general guidelines, she says from 32 years as the director of the center. By three months old, if

a child does not smile in recognition of your face, that’s an early indicator of a communication problem. Additionally, if a crying baby can’t recognize the sound of their parent’s voice, it may signify the same or mean a hearing problem. As a result of the latter, they’ll slip behind in the ability to imitate sounds. If they can’t Chu-chu like a train or woof-woof as a dog, it may delay the formation of their first words. Down the road, impaired hearing will hinder a child from honing in on the sounds they need to know for reading. Catching and treating audio problems can get them back on track. Typically, effective treatments range from Cochlear implants, medicating for ear infection or inserting small tubes to drain fluid that may be blocking sounds. Otherwise, in worse cases, signing can begin even in early infancy. Back on the speech end, between four and six months, children should be making gurgling sounds like ba ba ba ba. Within the next few months, they should be stringing the sounds together and using them to get your attention. By age one, words like ma ma and bye bye should be fixed into the vocabulary. Later on, parents may see their kids held up on language issues. Short on vocabulary, she says, they don’t understand clearly, can’t follow directions or mix up their grammar. Speech or language delays, Speech and Communication Professionals handle all manner of impediments and turn over their expertise to parents. Birth to five, therapists come right to the home, and teaching parents what to do, is part

of the ongoing therapy. “That’s what makes it work because the parents are actually doing speech therapy with the child,” she says. Certainly, the efforts parents make on their own are on the house but so too is all the service that SCP offers. Government funded, a program called “Early Intervention” picks up the tab, as does an age three to five program called “Related Services,” which is primarily funded through school districts, she says. Of course, when it comes to communication problems no gender gap separates boys from girls, but unfortunately, from her experience, one does stand out in terms of which parent is more open to the idea of a problem. “Typically, fathers will deny that there’s a problem and they don’t want the child to be evaluated,” she says. Once again, she offers science supporting the idea of early intervention. Early on, research shows the brain to be highly malleable - meaning, she says, “You can change the brain cells and make it easier for people to learn.” Everything else follows from that. “If you want your child to function at the highest capacity, speech and language effects intelligence, it effects emotions and it effects relationships with other people,” she concludes. In order to begin services, either contact the Westchester Department of Health or Speech & Communication Professionals. SCP also offers full bilingual services. For more info 914-241-2727.

The Westchester Guardian


Junior League Hosts Second Annual “Shop. Local. Fall Fashion Show” Supports Local Merchants

THURSDAY, octoBER 20, 2011

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When was the last time you dealt with Lexington Capital Associates?

(L-R): JLWOS President Christa Lauri, New Rochelle Mayor Noam Bramson, Mamaroneck Mayor Norm Rosenblum, Larchmont Mayor Josh Mandell, Westchester County Legislator Judy Myers, Port Chester Mayor Dennis Pilla, Shop Local Fashion Show Event Chair Melissa Donahue.

LARCHMONT, NY -- The Junior League of Westchester on the Sound (JLWOS) hosted their very popular Shop. Local. Fall Fashion Show on October 13th at the Larchmont Shore Club. The Second Annual Fashion Show raised money to help fund various JLWOS outreach projects, scholarships and grants. Performing for a packed house, New Rochelle High School Varsity Cheerleaders opened the show with an upbeat dance routine. Over 70 local residents, including Westchester County Legislator Judy Myers and Junior League members modeled the latest looks. Sound Shore town Mayors, including Mayor of Larchmont Joshua Mandell, Mayor of New Rochelle Noam Bramson, Mayor of Mamaroneck Norman Rosenblum, and Mayor of Port Chester Dennis Pilla also walked the runway. Models wore their hair in ponytails wrapped in pink string in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Local clothing stores outfitting the runway included Stephanie’s Kloset, Clutch, Outerluxe, Twinkle Toes, Mancino Tailors, Love by Bella Fiora, EB Barrett, Designer One, Siren, Sportech, The Look, and the Golden Shoestring. After the show, attendees were invited to shop local from display tables including Pink on Palmer, Centre Stage Boutique, Lisa K. Design, Wendy Gee, Rhythm in Rye Too, Pam Older Designs, Chakarr Jewelry, and Designers Corner. Pink on Palmer and Salon Firefly provided complimentary make-up and hairstyling to models prior to the event and Massimo, owner of Salon Firefly, walked the runway. “We are thrilled that our Second Annual Shop Local Fashion Show has been such a huge success! We have had so much enthusiasm around the event from our local shops, including new storefronts, which show our Continued on page 8

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Lexington Capital Associates, LLC. New Rochelle Mayor Noam Bramson and the New Rochelle High School Varsity Cheerleaders.

New Rochelle HS Varsity Cheerleaders performance.

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The Westchester Guardian

THURSDAY, octoBER 20, 2011


Junior League Hosts Second Annual “Shop. Local. Fall Fashion Show” Supports Local Merchants Continued from page 7 efforts to shop locally are paying off,” said Melissa Donahue, JLWOS member and Chair of the event. “I would like to thank our sponsors, My Gym of Larchmont, and Equinox, without whom this event would not be possible,” continued Donahue. Local businesses, storeowners, town Mayors, and even a high school have banded together to make a difference for our community. “On behalf of the Village of Larchmont, I would like to thank the Junior League of Westchester on the Sound for all of the good work that they do. The second annual Shop Local Fashion Show has been a tremendous success and a great show, “ said Joshua Mandell, Mayor of Larchmont. “Most of the storefront vacancies that existed a year ago have been filled by new merchants, and the streets are buzzing with activity. Together, we have come a long way over the last year,

and we can all take pride in the rebirth of our local downtown.” ParticiPating local stores were very enthusiastic to be a part of the event. “I think this was the event of the year!” said Mary Ann Mancino, of Mancino Tailors in Larchmont. “We love it. For an organization like JLWOS to host such a fantastic Shop Local campaign is wonderful, and we really appreciate it. It’s a fabulous community effort and the exposure for us is terrific!” Approximately 250 people were on-hand to enjoy the highly anticipated fashion show featuring some of the season’s hottest looks and runway trends from Palmer Avenue, Mamaroneck Avenue and Purchase Street. Guests enjoyed an evening of cocktails and appetizers while shopping for accessories and the latest must-haves from local stores offering an exclusive night of one-stop shopping. Locals of all ages were “wowed” by the clothes and merchandise displayed by local merchants and all attendees received the “It”

goody bag of the season, filled with treats and coupons. “Just as our local businesses are bouncing back, vibrant as ever, our League is growing and our membership is expanding to include more residents from Harrison, Port Chester, Rye and Rye Brook. This allows us to reach more women and children in our service area,” said Christa Lauri, President of the Junior League of Westchester on the Sound. “I am so proud of our membership. Their passion, along with the support of our Sound Shore community, makes it possible for our League to truly make a difference.” All proceeds raised by the Shop. Local. Fall Fashion Show will be used to assist JLWOS-supported community projects. 2011-2012 projects include Career Connections, assisting women seeking help with professional transition; Little Leaguers, teaching kids the value of giving back; Project Madres, a workshop program to empower immigrant women; SMART Girls,

mentoring girls in partnership with the Boys & Girls Club; Sound Shore Medical Center Health Initiative, and other Community Outreach projects. The Junior League of Westchester on the Sound (JLWOS) is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women and improving the Sound Shore communities through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable. Founded in 1950, JLWOS is celebrating its 61 years of service to the Sound Shore community. JLWOS is comprised of women from Harrison, Larchmont, Mamaroneck, New Rochelle, Port Chester, Rye and Rye Brook. If you are interested in joining or learning more information, visit www.jlwos. org.

News & Notes from Northern Westchester

The next day there will be a family scarecrow design event from 10am to 1pm, and no I will not be modeling for your scarecrow design. Our friends over at John Jay Homestead will be holding the Jay Ladies Luncheon on Wednesday, November 2nd. This year, the event will celebrate the opening of the newly refurbished Summer Kitchen Discovery Center on the ground floor of “Bedford House.” The event includes a chance to explore this new hands-on exhibit, followed by a luncheon and lecture in the Ballroom featuring Cinder Stanton, the Shannon Senior Historian at Monticello, and Allan Weinreb, curator of John Jay Homestead State Historic Site. Attendees will also be able to visit the Homestead’s Back Parlor exhibit, Slaves, Slavery and the Jay Family. Good luck to Stanley Telega as he

becomes the new acting president of the Bedford Hills Historical Museum. Telega is taking over for Elin Sullivan, who ran the museum for the last five years and did a great job. Looking for a good read…then check out the annual book sale for the Katonah Village Library being held October 21st through the 29th. For more information give the library a call at 914-232-3508. With cold weather right around the corner, now is the time to tune up your home to reduce energy wasted through the cracks that raise your energy bills and cause cold and drafty rooms, sure sounds like our house. The Town of Bedford is sponsoring a program that helps you get a free Comprehensive Home Energy Assessment so you can stop wasting energy. Right now you can qualify for up to $4000 in New York State incentives when you tune up your home. Energize Bedford has helped more than 100 of your friends and neighbors; take action to save money and reduce energy waste. The Comprehensive Home Energy Assessment takes 3-4 hours and most upgrades take just 3-5 days to complete. For more information see http://energizebedford.org/. Be brave and get your flu vaccinations at the Katonah Memorial House on October 27th. Congratulations to Robert Shuster of Bedford for winning the 20th annual James Jones First Novel Fellowship award for his novel “To Zenzi.” Continued on page 9

Photos by and courtesy of Jillian McAlley


By MARK JEFFERS Northern Westchester certainly has some fine dining establishments, and we try to visit them often, maybe too often… lately we are seeing more and more take-out happening at these restaurants, so go grab a yummy meal, take it home, sit back and devour this week’s delectable “News and Notes…” I can’t even draw a straight line, but for those with interest an exhibition of drawing will be presented by the Sumi Ink Club through November 19th at the Westchester

Community College in Valhalla. For details call 914-606-6600. Here’s something you don’t want to miss, the Katonah Museum of Art’s latest exhibit entitled “New York, New York! The 20th Century,” featuring paintings, photographs and sculptures that celebrate New York’s wonderful urban landscape. We have carved our jack-o-lantern all ready, because we just love to eat roasted pumpkin seeds, but if you are looking for some carving tips on October 28th for grades 4 to 7, the town of Bedford will be offering pumpkin carving at the Bedford Hills Memorial Park.

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North Salem by the final score of 5 to 0. As many of us know, the folks in Westchester County are very generous with their time and money, but sometimes it seems that everywhere we turn, someone is asking for a donation…and money can be tight, but I believe that there is truly an intangible benefit in giving. Giving back to the community gives you a warm feeling of connectedness and the satisfaction of at least trying to make

the world a better place. See you next week…

The Westchester Guardian


News & Notes from Northern Westchester Continued from page 8 Grab your dancing shoes and head out to Glen Arbor Golf Club in Bedford Hills for the Bedford Village Chowder & Marching Band annual fall dinner dance to be held on Saturday October 22nd. The event will feature a live and silent auction, cocktails,

dinner and dancing. Turning to sports: On the girls’ high school volleyball court, it was Byram Hills in a close battle beating Greeley 3 to 2. On the soccer turf, in boys’ action, Yorktown defeated Hen Hud 5 to 1, and on the girls’ side, it was Somers over

Mark Jeffers successfully spearheaded the launch in 2008 of MAR$AR Sports & Entertainment LLC. As president he has seen rapid growth of the company with the signing of numerous clients. He currently resides in Bedford Hills with his wife Sarah and three girls, Kate, Amanda and Claire.


Ridge Hill Shopping Complex to Celebrate Debut At dusk on Thursday, Oct. 20, Yonkers’ YONKERS, NY -- Westchester’s Ridge Mayor Philip A. Amicone will greet Hill, the New York metropolitan area’s largest the crowd alongside Forest City Ratner mixed-use outdoor shopping center, will Companies’ (FCRC) chairman and chief celebrate the first in a series of “brand” openexecutive officer ings next week, Bruce C. Ratner, unveiling brands James A. Ratner, never before chairman and seen in the area, chief executive coupled with an officer of Forest unrivaled shopCity Commercial ping experience. Group and Andy Located Silberfein, execuin Yonkers, tive vice president New York, and director of Westchester’s Ridge Hill, which A state-of-the-art fountain by acclaimed designer WET retail and finance spans more than Design and featuring choreographed sheets of fire and for FCRC. Other will 81.4 acres and will water, will be unveiled at Ridge Hill’s “brand” opening attendees include city and include 1.3 million weekend. Photo courtesy of WET Design. county officials square feet at full as well as the project’s architects, who have build-out, will change the shopping habits worked for years to bring Ridge Hill to of tens of thousands of New Yorkers. Best fruition. of all, this exceptional destination is conveOne of the highlights of the celebraniently situated just off the New York State tion will be the premier of a state-of-the-art Thruway I-87 at Exit 6A, and the Sprain fountain designed by acclaimed designer Brook Parkway Tuckahoe Road West Exit, WET Design. This one-of-a-kind fountain making it easily accessible to New Yorkers show, featuring choreographed sheets of fire and tourists alike. and water, will take place at 6 p.m. Thursday, To commemorate the opening of many Friday and Saturday. Also, Flambeaux Fire, exciting restaurants and retailers, Ridge Hill from America’s Got Talent, will be performing will host a four-day celebration, complete a theatrical fire show at sundown on Friday with live music, street performances and and Saturday evenings. interactive characters. The festivities are Muppet-themed promotions such as scheduled for Thursday, Oct. 20 through trivia games, activities and giveaways will also Sunday, Oct. 23. be creating a splash. Bring your cameras! All Ridge Hill will soon boast delectable the fun is in anticipation of Disney’s “The food options such as a 50,000-square-foot Muppets” – in theatres on Nov. 23. Whole Foods Market; New York State’s first Visitors will have the opportunity to take Yard House, with its award winning selechome reusable Ridge Hill shopping bags tion of over 150 beers on tap and American and climb aboard Westchester’s Ridge Hill cuisine; and The Cheesecake Factory, with Express, a vintage-inspired trolley offering seating for 295 guests. The complex will also complimentary rides with great views of welcome popular national retailers L.L.Bean, the complex. Ridge Hill will provide trolley H&M, Old Navy, Sephora, Orvis, Gap and transportation throughout the year. Desigual — all slated to open their doors this “This is an exciting opportunity for not month, with more new store openings to only Westchester but the entire tri-state follow in November and December.

Lux – a 12-screen movie theater featuring a restaurant, bar and children’ s playroom – as area and we are eagerly well as REI and Dick’s anticipating celebrating Sporting Goods. this occasion with In addition, the vibrant Yonkers WESTMED Medical community,” said Bruce Group recently opened Ratner, chairman and an 84,000-squareThe 1.3-million-square-foot 81.4-acre chief executive officer foot medical facility Westchester’s Ridge Hill – the New York of FCRC. “We have providing primary and metropolitan area’ s largest mixed-use outdoor great brands on board specialty care services, shopping center. Photo courtesy of Z&M, LLC. and our retailers are radiology and phlethrilled to be associated botomy, as well as an with the dynamic Ridge Hill project.” urgent care center. WESTMED’ s lobby also Earlier this year, Ridge Hill opened hosts Ridge Hill’ s customer service location National Amusements, Inc.’s Cinema de Continued on page 10

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THURSDAY, octoBER 20, 2011

The Westchester Guardian


Ridge Hill Shopping Complex to Celebrate Debut

town square, and a children’s play area with a slide designed by famed sculptor Tom Otterness. Additionally, it provides parking space for up to 4,700 vehicles while The Cheesecake Factory, WESTMED Medical Group and Lord & Taylor will offer valet parking. Ridge Hill is also expected to provide a major boon to the local economy, adding an anticipated 4,000 full-time jobs, 5,500 construction jobs once fully built and generating estimated annual sales tax revenue of $24.2 million. “This project will serve to invigorate the greater Westchester area bringing local jobs and tax revenue at a time when they are greatly needed,” said Andy Silberfein, executive vice

president and director of retail and finance for FCRC. “We are proud to have partnered with Yonkers Workforce Development to connect people with retailers and jobs and to promote hiring from the local workforce.” Thursday’s festivities will begin at 5:30 p.m. with a Yard House ribbon cutting by Mayor Amicone; the restaurant will host a private party later that night. The entertainment starts at 2 p.m. on Friday and 11 a.m. on Saturday and Sunday. Westchester’s Ridge Hill’s regular hours are: Monday – Saturday: 10 a.m. – 9:30 p.m. Sunday: 11 a.m. – 7 p.m. Restaurant and theatre hours vary For more information, visit http://www. westchestersridgehill.com

Jersey’s Salem, Hope Creek and Oyster Creek plants, and about 60 others around the country were granted waivers of up to 18 months so they did not have to incur immediate expenses implementing the changes. By ROGER WITHERSPOON The new request for heavier weapons was submitted to the NRC April 27, and campaign with advertisements depicting Entergy Nuclear has asks for federal “Preemption Authority” to a heavily armed, paramilitary protective asked federal regulators overrule state gun laws. NRC spokesman force; and a lobbying campaign to dissuade to override New York Neil Sheehan explained that “New York the Nuclear Regulatory Commission from State’s weapons law to State law prohibits the possession and use requiring the companies to have significantly allow Indian Point guards to carry heavier of handguns, rifles, shotguns, short-barreled more protection than the average commerweaponry on the nuclear site than standard shotguns, short-barreled rifles, machine cial guard forces. commercial security guards. guns, semi-automatic assault weapons and In that latter effort, the industry has been The request comes ten years after terrorlarge-capacity magazines, the possession and partly successful. While the exact armaments ists flew a hijacked plane directly over the twin use of which have been determined to be used by guards at particular nuclear power containment domes on the Hudson River en necessary at Indian Point for the protection plants vary and are not made public, federal route to a suicidal dive into the World Trade of radioactive material or other property. regulators do not require operators to have Center 25 miles to the south. In the interim, “Therefore, Entergy is seeking standa paramilitary force capable of defending Entergy and the nuclear industry have waged alone pre-emption authority to allow against an armed assault using rocket a two pronged effort: a public relations Indian Point security personnel to continue propelled grenades and other to possess and use the standard weapons, heavy weaponry. devices, ammunition and/or other firearms But the NRC issued a at the facility.” series of orders in 2003 dealing NRC spokeswoman Diane Screnci with a host of security related said “this is the first time Indian Point has items, These were turned into applied, and there is no requirement to apply rules and expanded in 2009, again if the request is granted.” though Indian Point, New Entergy declined to discuss Professional Dominican Hairstylists & Nail Technicians whether they are currently in Hair Cuts • Styling • Wash & Set • Perming compliance with New York’s Pedicure • Acrylic Nails • Fill Ins • Silk Wraps • Nail Art Designs Highights • Coloring • Extensions • Manicure • Eyebrow Waxing laws and have little more  gun Yudi’s Salon 610 Main St, New Rochelle, NY 10801 914.633.7600 firepower than the average  shopping mall or chemical plant, or if they are currently in Before speaking to the police... call  violation of the law.   George Weinbaum According to Screnci, “it ATTORNEY AT LAW is our understanding that the  FREE CONSULTATION:  State of New York is aware of Criminal, Medicaid, Medicare  the request.” Fraud, White-Collar Crime &  But spokesmen for Gov. T. 914.948.0044 Health Care Prosecutions.  F. 914.686.4873 Andrew Cuomo and Attorney  General Eric Schneiderman 175 MAIN ST., SUITE 711-7 • WHITE PLAINS, NY 10601

refused to state if they concurred with Entergy’s apparent need for heavier weaponry or the prospect of a federal override of state weapons laws. The NRC has not rushed to grant Entergy’s request. Instead, the regulatory agency sent a formal “Request for Additional Information” to the company. According to Screnci, “The September 28th letter simply informs Entergy that we need more information to complete our review, specifically, it asks Entergy to ‘Describe the impact on Indian Point’s current physical protection program and capabilities, including response capabilities, if the NRC were to elect not to grant stand-alone pre-emption authority to Indian Point’.” The physical security of nuclear power plants has been an ongoing issue since the 2001 attacks. Within hours of the collapse of the World Trade Center towers the NRC was steering reporters to a video the nuclear industry was circulating a doctored video of a test at the Sandia National Laboratories ( http://bit.ly/gYAXFO ) in which an A-4 fighter jet strapped to a rocket sled was rammed into a one million pound, 12-foot concrete cube at 350 miles an hour. The craft virtually disintegrated with little impression in the concrete. The industry claimed it was a test of the ability of the nuclear reactors’ containment buildings to withstand the crash of a 767, and the NRC stated that the current fleet of power plants was designed to withstand the crash of a 747. In fact, the video showed the test of crash reconstruction software developed by the Japanese defense department for use in the simulated crash of a jet into a mountainside. Within a day of the attacks the NRC was forced to admit that when the current fleet of Continued on page 11

Continued from page 9 where Ridge Hill gift cards are sold, and wheelchairs, information and other services are provided. Developed by FCRC, this family- and pet-friendly outdoor center will continue taking Yonkers by storm with the anticipated opening of Sur la Table and Charming Charlie in early November. Republic of Couture and Guitar Center are under construction and will open in the near future. In addition to the openings this year, the excitement continues after the New Year. In March 2012, renowned fashion retailer Lord & Taylor is expected to open

an 80,000-square-foot location to anchor Westchester’s Ridge Hill – making it the first new, full-line Lord & Taylor since its landmark mall store opened in Alexandria, Va. in 2001. Popular health club LA Fitness, Brazilian-style steakhouse Texas de Brazil, Italian restaurant Brio Tuscan Grille, and Cuban eatery Havana Central – the first outside Manhattan – are also expected to be rolled out in early 2012. Stay tuned for more exciting tenant announcements! Ridge Hill features a dynamic atmosphere, distinctive architectural design, pedestrian-friendly street planning, a lush


Nuclear Poison in the Land

A Farm Family from Fukushima Loses it All


The Westchester Guardian


THURSDAY, octoBER 20, 2011

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Nuclear Poison in the Land Continued from page 10 104 reactors were designed in the 1950s and early 1960s, there were no 747s and studies conducted by the Corps of Engineers for the agency and the Department of Energy found the containment buildings were not invulnerable to the impacts of wide-bodied commercial jets at speeds over 466 miles per hour ( http://bit.ly/hf6MBs ). Entergy executives continued showing the video frequently to elected officials in New York City and the surrounding counties, repeating the false claims of its purpose. Ultimately, the NRC agreed with the industry that protecting plants from aerial assaults was the job of the government, through increased screening of the air industry and the rapid deployment capabilities of the Air Force. It rejected calls from civic groups for anti-aircraft batteries around nuclear installations. But concerns lingered about the ability of the guards at these plants to withstand a ground assault from concerted terrorists. The NRC ruled that on 9/11/2001 there were four separate attacks, rather than one concerted, coordinated assault and, as a result, plants needed to be able to defend

against a reasonably armed team of about five intruders – not 20. In light of this 10-year position by the industry and the regulators, the new call for permission to use heavier weaponry at Indian Point stands out. The news that Entergy is only now seeking authority to carry heavy weapons was criticized by Gary Shaw of the Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition, which is seeking to close the twin reactors. “I had no idea they would need permission to carry heavy weapons,” Shaw said. “Entergy had always given the impression that they had all the firepower they would need to protect the plant, and that proves to be another falsehood. “Once again, the ugly reality at Indian Point is that their assurances of safety and preparedness for emergency situations prove to be unsubstantiated. Every day that plant runs is another day of risk.” Roger Witherspoon writes Energy Matters at w›ww.RogerWitherspoon.com


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Those Were the Days, 4: A Toast to Taverns By ROBERT SCOTT Taverns played a littleknown but vital role as a center of community life in Colonial America. By definition, they offered food, alcoholic drink, and often overnight accommodations for a price, serving both the local citizenry and travelers. Early settlers were mostly British, and the public house was one of the many longstanding traditions directly imported to the colonies from the mother country. Following British custom, they were originally called “ordinarys.” The name was adopted because, in the parlance of the time, a dinner there was an “ordinary”--a prepared meal open to the public offered at a set time for an established price. The public quality of the ordinary meal declined with time. By the end of the 17th century, “tavern” had replaced “ordinary” as the name for a public house. Not merely a place where food and drink were dispensed and lodging was provided, the early American tavern filled many needs, eventually becoming the hub of the community.

Fraunces Tavern in New York City

Stagecoaches stopped at taverns, linking backwoods settlements with the outside world. Residents learned the latest news from letters and newspapers delivered at taverns. As well as being the community’s drinking place, the tavern was its hotel and restaurant. It was also the town hall, assembly room and courtroom. Itinerant actors used its public rooms as a theater. Its bulletin boards posted lists of jurors, announcements of public auctions and legal notices, plus offers of rewards for runaway slaves or bond servants, and lost animals or other property. One fact overlooked by historians is that Continued on page 12

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Those Were the Days, 4: A Toast to Taverns Continued from page 11 taverns were the seedbeds of the American Revolution, places where British tyranny was condemned, militias organized and independence plotted. Patriots regarded public houses in front of which liberty poles were erected as the nurseries of freedom. The British called them public nuisances and hotbeds of sedition. After the Revolution, a large part of the American population was on the move--in stagecoaches and Conestoga wagons, on horseback, and even on foot. Taverns became the hostelries for travelers and boarders, even though the bedding was not changed regularly and strangers might have to double up in the same bed. The first post offices were in taverns, with the tavern keeper serving as the community’s postmaster. Delivery of mail to a tavern was informal. Hugh Finlay, Surveyor of the Post Roads, who developed colonial postal services in New England, complained in 1773, “Letters are thrown down on a table in a Tavern or Coffee House for every man to pick out his own.” When no newspapers were included in a mail delivery, letters filled with gossip, news and information inevitably became objects of extreme curiosity. The law and common practice (“Touch not, nor look upon the Books or Writings of anyone . . .”) stipulated that mail was private. But when letters, a relative rarity, lay on a tavern side table for days, some patrons simply could not resist unfolding them and reading them aloud to listeners eager for news. Taverns often served as churches for religious services. Even after a church had been erected, worshipers could be found in the tavern thawing out after long Sunday services in unheated churches or meeting houses. “Entertainment” was the byword of tavern keeping. Public house proprietors were licensed “to keep an ordinary for the entertainment of travelers and strangers,” and their signs were embellished with that word. Today we associate the word entertainment with amusement, but its meaning in the 17th and 18th centuries was maintenance or provisioning, and pertained exclusively to eating, drinking and lodging.

Food Food at taverns was frequently mediocre. Choices were limited, and prices were unpredictable. Breakfast at eight was substantial and usually included ham or salt fish accompanied by coffee or tea and slices of toasted bread spread with butter. The main meal of the day was dinner, served between one and three. Supper, usually cold, was a light meal at nine. Meat, heavily salted for preservation, was the mainstay of

to guest at each table. Wine, imported from Spain and Germany, was also served in taverns but it tavern fare. was not widely available outside of cities. Like Food at Thomas Allen’s tavern in New punch, consumption of wine was limited to London included locally available farm prodthe affluent. Brandy was usually imported, ucts and seafood—lobsters, salmon, eels and but local varieties were also sold, made from oysters--from Long Island Sound. His cellar peaches, apples or cherries. bulged with stores of ham or bacon, smoked Toddy, a mixture of wine or beer sweetand pickled tongue, salt pork, crackers, butter, ened with coffee, apples sugar and and sugar. flavored with Drink nutmeg, was In the 18th also dispensed and 19th centuby the bowl. ries, drinking Flip, served in was the most a mug, pitcher popular of or glass, was tavern recrestrong beer with ations. Annual rum and sugar per capita or molasses consumption added. Cheaper of distilled fermented spirits reached beverages made 3.7 gallons by locally were also the time of available. Apple the American Old Salem Tavern – A favorite experience in Winston-Salem cider was sold Revolution. By by the jug, pint, 1830, thanks to the wide availability of cheap pot or pitcher. Beer was either imported from whiskey, consumption climbed to 5.2 gallonsEngland or locally brewed. -nearly triple today’s figure. Lodging Local courts established prices for alcoTavern accommodations were not only holic beverages, with legally required price communal but uncomfortable. Sleeping was schedules posted in each licensed tavern. not the intimate and private act it is today. It Standardized measures were also a requirewas common to put beds in every room of ment for each tavern keeper, a practice a house, and this practice carried over to the observed in England. The size of each metal public rooms of taverns. Rural taverns were measure was stamped on the handle and usually small residences converted into inns in ranged from a gallon down to a nip. which the barroom and public rooms included Rum was the most popular distilled beds. liquor, widely served in taverns and sold in Even after bedrooms for travelers separate an assortment of measures. The most expenfrom the public rooms were added, it was the sive rum varieties were imported from the usual practice for paying guests in taverns to West Indies. Jamaican rum was especially share sleeping quarters, sometimes the same prized. Rum was also fermented and distilled bed. In winter, two or more in the bed was not locally from molasses imported from the same only practical but generated warmth. Regular source. In 1770, the colonies imported four bathing was not a common habit, and sheets million gallons of rum and distilled another were not changed frequently and laundered. five million gallons. Toilet facilities were primitive. Most taverns Plain rum, drunk straight, was the drink of kept chamber pots in the bedrooms or had the working classes. Grog--rum and water— outside privies. was originally the daily ration of British sailors, and grog shops became synonymous with the Amusements lowliest of taverns. Rum was also the main Although dancing was forbidden in strict ingredient of punch, described by one writer New England, country dances derived from as “a very good, pleasant and healthful drink.” folk traditions brought to the New World A popular beverage routinely served at by early settlers were popular. Formal dances tavern events ranging from political gatherrequiring skill and training soon became part ings to men’s club meetings, punch was made of colonial life. Taverns, which were larger using rather pricey ingredients: the rinds and than most domestic structures, were the juice of imported lemons, limes and oranges, ideal sites for such dances. Dancing masters, mixed with rum and white or brown sugar. often French immigrants, conducted classes Punch was served warm and sold in taverns by and arranged balls in taverns. Women were the bowl, which was passed around from guest

generally excluded from tavern life with the exception of such occasions as dances and other public entertainments. Games were brought to early America by English and Dutch settlers. Cards, backgammon, passage (a game played with three dice), chess, checkers, and ninepins were popular tavern recreations. Colonial laws in New England regulating taverns prohibited game playing and gaming. Gambling and drunkenness were condemned by civil and religious leaders. When the Dutch briefly recaptured New Amsterdam in 1673 from the British, they forbade gaming, card playing, and ball playing, and rolling nine pins on the Sabbath. A century later, the New York Assembly passed laws to “restrain disorderly and unlawful gaming houses and prohibited billiard tables, shuffleboards and games of chance.” Other forces also brought about changes in taverns. One was the separation of the bar from the tavern, thus altering its character completely. From the time of the earliest colonial regulations, the two had been inseparable, and no one could sell liquor at retail without making provision for travelers. By the 1830s, some states permitted taverns to operate without lodging facilities. Another change was the disappearance of the common dining table with its standardized menu and fixed eating hours. With the barroom and restaurant severed from the tavern, its character became completely different. A network of post roads once linked distant parts of the country, making it possible for widely separated friends and relatives to correspond regularly. Swift stagecoaches offered the means of moving mail and passengers from place to place. And taverns provided centers of hospitality, friendliness, news, laughter, and entertainment. For post roads, stagecoaches and taverns, it was a symbiotic relationship of mutual dependence and benefit. In the 19th century, railroads supplanted post roads, inevitably causing the demise of roadside taverns. The workaday post roads are barely discernible now. Their speeding stagecoaches have long since vanished. And today’s hotels and motels are pale imitations of the warm, convivial taverns of two hundred years ago when a welcome was extended to all. To these shadowy reflections of simpler days when this country was young and full of hope, I hereby propose an extravagantly sentimental toast--and a fond farewell. Robert Scott is a semi-retired book publisher and local historian.

The Westchester Guardian

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to locking many into chronic poverty. At my institution I find heart surgeons doing careful dental exams because they are concerned that patients have smoldering gum and tooth infections and these infections could spread to and cause a life threatening infection of the newly inserted valve. In the end, many patients having heart surgery are first having a number of infected teeth urgently removed. While the elderly complain to me that they have a co-pay of $20 dollars for a visit I wonder what the heck they do when they get a bill from their dentist. The answer is that many forego seeing a dentist because they just cannot afford to. Once again those running this country have really screwed up. We all deserve affordable health care and every dentist will tell you that dental care is an important and integral part of healthcare. I don’t agree with much of Obamacare, which does not provide for affordable dental

care, but I think Dentists should not be immune to being pushed to provide healthcare, just like most doctors do, at Medicare dictated prices. It’s time we have affordable dental care for all. I’ve noticed that every member of congress has a perfect smile and I suspect we’re paying for that too.


What Your Doctor Won’t (or Can’t) Tell You

Why Are Dentists Immune? I’m Not Smiling. By DR. EVAN LEVINE

Recently politicians in Washington, D.C., agreed to cut my reimbursements for Medicare by as much as 36% on some of my procedures. With many physicians forced to accept lower insurance payments I want to know how come dentists are immune to having big brother dictate what they can charge? Why is it that my uncle just shelled out $2,700 dollars for a root canal and crown (someone else just told me they paid a whopping $6,000 for a dental extraction and implant) when a heart surgeon is paid only $1,800 for a two-vessel coronary artery bypass? And why does Medicare feel it has to cover for medicine, and podiatry, and even chiropractor care, and not cover for dental care? How can the elderly afford to pay to care for their teeth and their gums, and why isn’t there any insurance for them? And why can dentists charge whatever they feel they can get when every other physician - save for cosmetic docs- are stuck to a Medicare fee schedule?

Recently, a medical resident asked me if he should continue his training in cardiology. I told him, if he were smart he would instead go to dental school. Faced with as much as $300,000 in debt for their training, doctors are being paid relatively little when they finish their residency. A Starting salary for an attending pediatrician, in many university centers is now $75,000 and I was just told that a specialist in infectious disease was offered $90,000 as a salary. One root canal a week would be enough to pay the salary for just about both these docs. Look, I’m not saying that I wish dentists did not make what they deserve but I think that patients should have the ability to get dental coverage just like they have medical insurance and Medicare coverage. I see patients with rotting teeth, with infectious endocarditis caused by poor dentition, and people in chronic pain from old caries. When one considers how commonplace these conditions are, one can understand how chronically poor dental care contributes


THE SOUNDS OFBLUE By Bob Putignano This “Do the Funky Chicken”disc (by the self-proclaimed “the world’s youngest teenager”) continues the Stax Remasters series in fine fashion, the eleven original recording tracks are all here plus there are eight bonus tracks that were culled from various sessions. As you would expect, many of the Stax great session players are on board, and what strikes me most is the fact that most of the tunes still sound remarkably fresh and somewhat contemporary, a fascinating achievement considering that the original tunes were recorded over forty years ago in 1969. From the original album who can forget the chicken screams that start the title track that evolve into one hell of catchy and funky grove, then Wayne Jackson’s and Andrew Love’s horns kick-in and it’s an instant party! There’s no funkier version of “Let the Good Times Roll.” Things go off the rails with “Old McDonald Had a Farm Parts One, and Two” which is odd, and can only be attributed to the way Rufus created fun music. It’s

Rufus Thomas “Do the Funky Chicken” Stax Remasters Series

back to the horns and funk on “Rufus Rastus Johnson Brown,” that also incorporates a little gospel. The bluesy “Soul Food” is hilarious, talks about all kinds of soul food and other ramblings from Rufus’ mind, where James Alexander bass work is solid. Closing out this segment of the album is “The Preacher and the Bear” another humorous romp about a clergyman’s encounter with a bear. Continued on page 14

Dr Evan Levine is the author of “What Your Doctor Won’t (or Can’t) Tell You” and a practicing cardiologist in Westchester and The Bronx. He is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine at Montefiore Medical Center. Dr. Levine can be reached at 914-237-1332 or mailto:VANLEV@aol.com.

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The Westchester Guardian

THURSDAY, octoBER 20, 2011


The Sounds of Blue—Rufus Thomas “Do the Funky Chicken” Stax Remasters Series Continued from page 13 Bonus tracks are noteworthy due the solid backing of Booker T. & the MG’s. Eddie Floyd’s “Funky Mississippi” is hip especially when the horns roll and when Rufus calls out for Steve Cropper’s guitar. Isaac Hayes joins in on organ on “Funky Way” which is as such. “Itch and Scratch

Parts One, and Two” are from a later 1972 date and that adds Skip Pitts (now with the Bo-Keys) on guitar, both versions are similar and a lot of fun. The final two tracks are also offered in parts one, and two, “Boogie Ain’t Nuttin’ (But Gettin’ Down,)” and were taken from Rufus’ final Stax recording sessions from 1974.

As with all of these new Stax Remasters series Joe Tarantino’s twenty-four bit re-mastering is of high sonic quality. Plus there are heartfelt liners by Rob Bowman who recollects Rufus’ career at Stax, making this disc another quality reissue. Last but not least; it’s remarkable that Rufus was already in his early fifties when this album debuted,

but there’s no doubt Taylor still ruled the roost as one hardy partier. Put this CD on for when friends visit your home, and watch everyone get their groove on with Rufus Thomas- who is in top form throughout! Bob Putignano www.SoundsofBlue.com


Drunken Moose Stuck in Apple Tree in Sweden, Entertains Crowds By GAIL FARRELLY It was the fermented apples that did it, the moose claimed, but some suspected that he had been sipping the bubbly for quite some time and was simply on a bender. Anyway, as he awaited rescue from the tree, the moose cheerfully entertained one and all with a running commentary of moose

jokes (a moose, a priest, and a rabbi came into a bar and .........) as well as a selection of tunes sung in a deep baritone. His rendition of “I’ll Be with You in Apple Blossom Time” rivaled that of Barry Manilow. And the crowd seemed to delight in joining him as he belted out the drinking song, “A Hundred Bottles of Beer on the Wall.” When a few onlookers in the crowd

murmured in disgust about his drunken state, he answered back: “What’s all the fuss? It’s not as if I’m driving or anything.” He continued, “Next they’ll be wanting me to join AA. Why don’t they mind their own business?” After a short break for a few hiccoughs, the moose grumbled, “They’d rather see my head hanging over their fireplace than see me (ALL of me) just hanging

out and enjoying myself in a big old tree.” When the moose was finally rescued and freed from the tree, he immediately headed for the woods. His gait was unsteady and he refused to stop and talk to a book agent who wanted to sign him up to write a bestseller about his unique adventure. Word from the woods is that the moose spent the next day gulping down aspirins and telling everyone in sight to beware of those fermented apples. Learn more about The Farrelly Sisters - Authors online.


Actors in Command By JOHN SIMON The gifted British dramatist Terence Rattigan, author of several memorable plays, thought that “Man and Boy” (1963) would be his magnum opus, to be remembered even fifty years later. He was partly right. The current revival comes 48 years later, but the play was forgotten for 47 since its poor showing in London and outright flop in New York. This despite the lead, the shady Romanian magnate Gregor Antonescu, being played by one of the great stage and screen charmers, Charles Boyer.

So what do we have now, with Frank Langella playing that bravura role? The character, loosely modeled on the notorious Swedish millionaire swindler Ivar Kreuger, was imagined by Rattigan as the very “Devil.” Now the devil, or diabolic characters, can work handily onstage—think Iago or Goethe’s and Gounod’s Frank Langella as Gregor Antonescu in Man Mephistopheles, and Boy. Photo credit: Joan Marcus. among others. Gregor, though,

does not quite make it in a play whose main plot elements do not smoothly mesh. One is the love-hate for his father by Basil (Adam Driver), who escaped home five years ago and was given out for dead by his parent. Another is Gregor’s desperately needing a merger with a homosexual American tycoon, Mark Herries (Zach Grenier), toward which he endeavors to palm off

his heterosexual son as a young gay lover, whom he is willing to share with Herries. A third is Gregor’s peculiar relationship with his current wife, Florence (Francesca Faridany), whom he has lovelessly turned into a fake countess. Fourth are Gregor’s relations with his chief henchman, Sven Johnson (Michael Siberry), a tough enforcer, loyal almost, though not quite, to the end. It may also be problematic that none of these characters, not even Basil, reluctantly willing to collude in his father’s rotten scheme, is ultimately sympathetic. The chief burden for empathy falls on Gregor, whom Langella makes interesting, but not quite lovable even in villainy, as he should be. Langella is a fascinating actor as long as Continued on page 15

Adam Driver as Basil Anthony, Frank Langella Frank Langella as Gregor Antonescu and Adam Virginia Kull as Carol Penn, Frank Langella Frank Langella as Gregor Antonescu and Adam as Gregor Antonescu, Michael Siberry as Sven Driver as Basil Anthony in Man and Boy. Photo as Gregor Antonescu and Adam Driver as Basil Driver as Basil Anthony in Man and Boy. Photo Anthony in Man and Boy. Photo credit: Joan Marcus. Johnson, and Zach Grenier as Mark Herries in credit: Joan Marcus. credit: Joan Marcus. Man and Boy. Photo credit: Joan Marcus.

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Actors in Command Continued from page 14 he plays Langella, which he generally does. This was just fine when he was playing, say, Richard Nixon, but somewhat less so when he was St. Thomas More. He comes across much the same as More and Antonescu: we get the same grander than life gestures, the same orotund rhetoric, and the same mid-Atlantic accent, hardly Romanian—all of which function well enough other things being equal. Here they do not: we get a magnificent ham, but a ham still. Maria Aitken has decently directed a highly competent cast, all of them, however, suffering from not enough to work with. What comes off best is Derek McLane’s brilliant design of a Greenwich Village basement pad in 1934. But this not being a musical, you can’t exit humming the scenery. “The Mountaintop,” by Katori Hall, a black woman playwright, is her imagining of Martin Luther King’s last night of life at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis. Samuel L. JaJackson as King, and pretty Angela Bassett as a motel maid who brings him his last supper and stays on for chitchat, give their usual polished performances, but have even less to sustain them than the cast of “Man and Boy.” The producers and press agent urgently request reviewers not to give away the final twists. They are pretty shoddy, preposterous twists, too costly even gratis. So instead of discussing the ending, which, phony as it is, is still the only thing of interest here (other than, perhaps, the revelation that God is female), let me focus on the beginning. It consists of King coming into his motel room on a blustery night, and yelling from the threshold to the invisible Abernathy to bring him some Pall Malls. That regrettably never happens, even though it would

have constituted the dramatic climax. King now paces about the room, twice reading out loud the opening of his next oration: “Why America is going to hell.” After the second time, he ducks into the invisible bathroom, where, as the text stipulates and the production delivers, “We hear him urinate.” Now I ask you: How good can a play be that begins with a loud and clear urination? Such, I would say, that we wouldn’t even need to bother with those allegedly amazing final twists. I have scant space left for “Motherhood Out Loud,” consisting of 19 sketches about sundry aspects of maternity by 13 playwrights. Some of these are very well known, like Beth Henley and Theresa Rebeck; none of them are tyros. There is even a good skit about two male homosexuals adopting a baby by a surrogate mother. Preponderantly well written by all 13, and tidily directed by Lisa Peterson, this makes for 90 minutes of solid and diverse entertainment. Three of the actors—Mary Bacon, Saidah Arrika Ekulona and James Lecesne—are very fine indeed; the fourth, Randy Graff, is sublime.

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John Simon has written for over 50 years on For more information and to preorder your copy today visit CiaoItalia.com theatre, film, literature, music and fine arts for the Hudson Review, New Leader, New Criterion, National Review,New York Magazine, Opera News, Weekly Standard, Broadway.com and Bloomberg News. He reviews books for the New York Times Book Review and WashingtonciaoItalia_ad.indd 1 9/29/11 Post. He has written profiles for Vogue, Town and Country, Departures and Connoisseur and produced 17 books of collected writings. Mr. WHERE QUALITY AND HONESTY COUNTS Simon holds a PhD from Harvard University in Comparative Literature and has taught at MIT, Harvard University, Bard College and Marymount Manhattan College.

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To learn more, visit the JohnSimonUncensored.com website.


Atlantic City—Always Turned On! By BARABRA BARTON SLOANE Known for fun, Atlantic City is a relative bargain get-away at this challenging financial time. Of course, visitors still come primarily to gamble, but today Atlantic City offers a growing number of options for a get-away, whether it’s relaxation you seek, great dining, or shopping its sprawling retail outlets. Continued on page 16

Estate & Antique Jewelry • Engagement & Wedding Rings Special Orders Design • Jewelry & Watch Repairs • Appraisals We Buy Gold and High End Watches HOURS: Monday-Saturday 8:30AM-6:30PM



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The Westchester Guardian

THURSDAY, octoBER 20, 2011


Atlantic City—Always Turned On! Continued from page 15

Roman Splendor

Miss America Is Long Gone But So What?

The Qua Spa, which opened a few years ago and is modeled after the famous Qua Spa in Las Vegas, offers an alluring and artful oasis guided by the healing and calming

Calling itself “The city that’s always

turned on,” Atlantic City definitely lives up to this claim. From New Jersey’s tallest lighthouse to deep sea fishing and everything in between, this place is full of fun things to do. On a recent visit, I chose to spend my weekend quietly relaxing at two of the city’s premier spas, The Water Club at the Borgata Hotel and the Qua Baths and Spa at Caesars Atlantic City.

powers of water. Here I found lavish Roman Baths, beautifully appointed rooms and a beguiling treatment called Dieci Mani, which means “ten hands” and features the touch of five therapists. Opting for something slightly more intimate, I went for the Chakra Balancing treatment. Everyone needs their chakras balanced sooner or later, right? That evening I enjoyed Asian Fusion at the Buddakan Restaurant where both the food

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and the décor are authentic and inspired. (www.quabathsandspa.com).

Sybaritic Pleasures The next day I wandered over to the Water Club at the Borgata Hotel. This is the city’s first boutique/lifestyle hotel and offers

a distinctive cosmopolitan setting while just steps away from entertainment, nightlife, gambling and dining at the Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa. Checking out the Immersion Spa, grand at 36,000 square feet, I was welcomed into a soothing world as I passed through a river rock archway with cascading water, lush indoor greenery and an interior of slate, green marble, stone and glass. I took a plunge in it 80 foot long, two lane infinity-edge lap pool and then rested on a lounge by floor-to-42 foot ceiling windows. For romantic interludes, Immersion offers a Japanese-style room with Hanoki soaking tubs and couples’ massages. I tried the funkysounding soft-pack floatation device table and my body treatment on this watery platform was enhanced by a feeling of literally floating away. That evening I had dinner at Bobby Flay Steak, a restaurant at the Borgata. I had the Surf & Turf Skewers (lobster and steak), sweet potato soup with smoked chilies and baked Alaska for dessert. Friends, haute cuisine had come to Atlantic City! (www. TheWaterClubatBorgata.com).

Putting on a Show The Borgata Hotel (www.theborgata. com) presents Frank Sinatra Jr. on October 29, Steven Wright on November 4 and Jerry Seinfeld on November 5. Caesars Atlantic City (www.caesarsac.com) is offering John Fogerty on November 20 and Olivia

Newton John on December 9. To put you in a holiday mood, the Tropicana (www. tropicana.com) has their annual “Spirit of Christmas” production starting November 14. Atlantic City – turn on the fun! Travel Editor Barbara Barton Sloane is constantly globe-hopping to share her unique experiences with our readers; from the exotic to the sublime. As Beauty/Fashion Editor she keeps us informed on the capricious and engaging fashion and beauty scene.

Editor’s Correction

In last week’s travel article written by Lee Daniels. entitled Nepali Masala, the following correction should be noted: The Kasthamandap temple mentioned is a structure built around the 12th century, not as initially noted, in the 16th century. The structure as noted, is built without iron nails or supports, and legend has it that the two-story pagoda was constructed from a single tree.

The Westchester Guardian

THURSDAY, octoBER 20, 2011

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GovernmentSection MAYOR Marvin’s COLUMN


Developing a Capital Improvement Plan for the Coming Year By MARY C. MARVIN This month, the Trustees and I spent a lion’s share of our time developing a Capital Improvement Plan for the coming year. We met with all of the department heads to develop a comprehensive but prudent blueprint for the future. We then added an extra public meeting to further refine the list in a public forum. We believe this to be an opportune time to borrow money given the low interest rates and we sought to take advantage of one of the few positive effects of the economic downturn. Predictably, the greatest expenditures will be in Public Works. Due to the need throughout the Village for road repair, $500,000 was allotted for street and curb restoration with $450,000 designated for similar repairs in budget year 2012-2013. As an interesting aside, we have concluded that the “composite” road resurfacing material (a mixture of new blacktop with old recycled pavement) that all communities have been purchasing, in an effort to be eco-friendly as well as frugal, does not have the expected lifespan of pure blacktop. As a consequence, we will be researching options for a more durable product. A dump truck and a pick-up truck also need to be replaced in the normal

cycle of usage. Since we have no provision for indoor storage, we do not get the optimal life out of our vehicles as the elements really take their toll. We will also be repairing the front steps leading to Village Hall. The “faux” bricks have not stood the test of time, creating a potentially hazardous condition. The same is true for some “composite” floors in the library which need to be upgraded to real wood due to buckling from the constant foot traffic. Having now to deal with the above reminds me of my grandmother’s old adage that often the more expensive choice is truly the bargain. In the Building Department, money was requested to upgrade record keeping, converting the paper property information into digitized form. Not only will this afford homeowners, realtors and contractors easier access to information, it will eliminate the need for copious amounts of storage space. Our Police Department also required some frankly overdue upgrades. Police vehicles that we eked out another year of use now need to be replaced. We will be computerizing our violations/traffic ticket system as our paper method is truly a thing of the past. In that same vein, we will be acquiring an electronic fingerprint scanner as the old ink pad method

is no longer sanctioned by New York State. The Police Department will also be purchasing another license plate reader which has proven invaluable in recovering lost vehicles and for the detection of criminals wanted in all jurisdictions. The Trustees have also allocated $500,000 to conduct a complete inventory of the Village’s sewer and sanitary lines. The funds will be used to plot, photograph, clean and repair pipes where necessary. Our engineering consultants have advised us that before embarking on any major flood mitigation projects, we need to have comprehensive records of the size, capacity, age and condition of our drainage infrastructure throughout the Village. Our work will begin first in the flood prone neighborhoods. A Capital Plan was needed to preserve and upgrade the Village’s aging assets so as to maintain the quality and beauty of Bronxville. Unfortunately, the costs of being good stewards of one’s community and preserving and repairing municipal infrastructure is not an exempt expense from the Governor’s 2% tax cap. This is completely counterintuitive as aging New York communities should be incentivized and not penalized for maintaining bridges, roads and sewer systems.

In addition, since our Governor and State Legislature did not have the political courage to act on any of the substantive unfunded mandates that drive our local tax bill, we have recently been advised that our pension costs will increase by 12% for civil service employees and 16% for uniformed employees in the next budget cycle. Health care premiums will rise 6%. Simply put, our State government cannot continue to send bills to local governments that equate to 8 times the allowable tax cap for the over 200 unfunded State mandates they are unwilling to challenge. To that point, I will be writing to the Governor this week encouraging him to lead by example and commit to capping our New York State taxes at his desired 2%. Conversely, I think it only fair that local municipalities also cap their donations to the unfunded mandate programs of the State at 2% as well. Facing all of the above mandated pressures, coupled with a desire to preserve and protect their community, the bi-partisan Town Board of Bedford, the Governor’s hometown, unanimously repealed the tax cap just this week. I believe they are just the first of many to follow. Mary C. Marvin is the mayor of the Village of Bronxville, New York. If you have suggestions or comments, consider directing your perspective by email to mayor@vobny.com.


Assemblymen Castelli and Dr. Katz Support Dr. Murphy for WCBoL This November, State Assemblymen Robert J. Castelli, and Dr. Stephen Katz are supporting Dr. Terrence Murphy (R, I, C -Yorktown) for Westchester County Legislator because, they say, he knows our county government needs a new direction and has the knowledge, experience, and integrity to direct us back onto the road toward prosperity. “In just two years, Dr. Murphy has achieved an impressive record as a public servant,” said Assemblyman Castelli, who represents New Castle. “Working cooperatively across the aisle to spur economic development, reduce taxes, cut spending, and preserve our environment and quality of life here in Northern Westchester, he has set

forth his independent vision to create jobs. As the owner of two small businesses, he is in the business of creating jobs. I know we can count on Terrence to get the job done on the Board of Legislators.” “Dr. Murphy is a citizen legislator we call can be proud of,” said Assemblyman Katz, who represents Somers and Yorktown. “He is involved for no other reason than to help make our lives better here in Westchester County. I strongly support Terrence and know he will work hard to make Westchester County more affordable for us to live, work, and raise a family today as well as provide a future we can all be proud of.”

As small business owners themselves, Dr. Murphy, and Assemblymen Castelli and Katz say small businesses are the lifeblood of our communities. Castelli, a former state trooper and

college professor, is the owner of a small security consulting business. Dr. Katz is the owner of the largest veterinary hospital in the Bronx. Dr. Murphy owns Murphy’s family restaurant in Yorktown, as well as the Yorktown Health and Wellness Center. “Bob, Steve and I will work together to support the middle class families of New Castle, Somers and Yorktown by making our state and county more business friendly and cutting the red tape which has strangled us for years,” he said. Like Dr. Murphy, neither Katz or Castelli are career politicians. Both are newly-elected state lawmakers coming from successful careers in the private sector, who have quickly established reputations for being quietly effective by reaching across

the aisle to clean up corruption and the infamous dysfunction in Albany. This year was a landmark session, which saw adoption of the first on time budget in twenty years that cut spending and balanced the budget with no new taxes or borrowing, a historic property tax cap, and tough new ethics reform. “True leaders like Bob Castelli and Steve Katz are those willing to disregard party politics in order to succeed for the good of the people,” Murphy said. “That is what I will emulate as your County Legislator. We know that in order for our state and county to succeed we need individuals who are committed to the public trust above all else. This is the greatest principle we operate under, and with your support this November we will continue restore honesty and integrity to our government.”

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The Westchester Guardian

THURSDAY, octoBER 20, 2011


Occupying Albany—State Capitol Braces for Onset of Demonstrators By CARLOS GONZALEZ ALBANY, NY -Workers for the state Office of General Services (OGS) were out setting up barricades blocking access to a portion of East Capitol Park late Friday, a move a spokeswoman said is being undertaken to keep protesters a safe distance away from a construction site and a massive crane set up near the Capitol’s northeast corner. A host of liberal-leaning groups are hosting an Occupy Wall Street-inspired “Sit-in for Solidarity” at the Capitol on Saturday, October 15, 2011, and the metal, bike-rack-like barricades are being placed around the Capitol. The Westchester Guardian was on the scene inquiring about the barricades. There was a little confusion about the fencing that was originally set up around the entirety of East Capitol Park, a move OGS spokeswoman Heather Groll said was done in error. Workers started disassembling the barricades after reporters inquired about them, and Groll said they were being moved closer to the construction. “We understand that there are going to be exercising their First Amendment rights tomorrow afternoon, and part of the (Capitol) Roof Acceleration project involves them working on Saturday and using the crane,” Groll said. “We’re just putting the

fence up to make sure that anybody who is there is safe.” Simultaneously, NYSUT, representing over 600,000 people who work in, or are retired from, New York’s schools, colleges, and healthcare facilities received word that their Executive Vice President Andy Pallotta will join NYSUT members and other demonstrators at the state Capitol Saturday. We immediately called NYSUT for more information. “Education has been slashed by more than $3 billion over the last three years, thousands have been laid off, class sizes have increased, all while the top one percent of America’s most wealthy have received tax cuts and gain to receive over $5 billion in new tax breaks at the end of this year,” said Carl Korn, spokesperson for NYSUT. “What we want is a more progressive tax system that enables the middle class to grow,” continued Korn. “That’s why we stand in solidarity with and stand in support of the ongoing efforts of the activists occupying Wall Street. This is about improving the economy and creating good jobs for the benefit of all Americans.” From California to the Capital Region, in what was a mere protest at Wall Street by a dozen college students has sprouted into the streets of Albany. The Occupy Wall Street movement against corporate greed has

sparked the interest of students attending regional universities. Though The Westchester Guardian can’t find a single leader (nor can we figure out what’s the exact message) of the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations, Tim Branfalt, a local resident who posted an Occupy Albany Facebook page is credited with the Albany gathering, mostly peaceful, but certainly engaging in acts of civil disobedience. What’s evident is that the group is growing. There was no comment regarding the Saturday planned protest from City of Albany’s Mayor, Gerald Jennings, nor are the State Police commenting on the scheduled demonstrations. Regardless, we’ll be on the scene.

HEY CUOMO, THAT CAKE NEEDS MORE TIME TO BAKE Governor Andrew Cuomo’s girlfriend, Food Network chef Sandra Lee, caused an uproar when she gave an interview in the November issue of Harper’s Bazaar in which she discussed her relationship with the Governor and why she’s glad not to be New York’s First Lady. Along with telling Harper’s about her personal life with Governor Cuomo and his three girls from his disastrous first marriage who Ms. Lee refers to as “my semi-homemade daughters,” Lee said she spends lots of

time hanging out with the girls, cruising with the Governor on his Harley and doing her cooking and decorating in their Westchester home. Last Christmas, Lee said she outfitted their family room with three trees “to create a Christmas-scape.” Ms. Lee said she’s happy not being New York’s official First Lady and keeping her relationship with Governor Cuomo relatively private. “I have a partner who feels the exact same way as I do about protecting our personal relationship.” When it comes to marriage, Ms. Lee also feels no need to make things official. “I like being independent. I don’t think that marriage means you’re not independent, but right now I’m very comfortable, and I’m probably the happiest I’ve ever been. I feel solid. I feel safe. … I was already planted in a world that I’ve flourished in and had my own career in,” Ms. Lee said. The Food Network star also said that she and “Andrew will be together forever, whether we decide to be the next Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell or not.” We wish the happy couple well. However, having a first lady is an issue the 2016 president-elect needs to put behind him. Carlos Gonzalez, The Albany Correspondent, traverses the august halls of the New York State Legislature for The Westchester Guardian and the Yonkers Tribune.


Converting Old Tappan Zee Bridge Into a Suburban Highline By PAUL FEINER Earlier last week President Obama approved Governor Cuomo’s request to expedite the construction of a new Tappan Zee bridge to replace the aging existing bridge. I am planning to form a committee to press NY State officials NOT TO demolish the old bridge when the new bridge is constructed and to turn the old Tappan Zee Bridge into a suburban version of the NYC high line. If you are interested in joining the committee that is being formed to turn the old TZ Bridge into a high line please e-mail me at pfeiner@greenburghny.com. Our first meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 16th at Greenburgh Town Hall in the cafeteria (177 Hillside Ave) at 8 PM. This proposal will save NYS many

hundreds of millions of dollars since the state will not have to demolish the old bridge once the new bridge is built. The proposal to turn the bridge into a highline will make the bridge construction more exciting for environmentalists. The proposed new bridge does not include any initiative to promote public transportation (rail or rapid bus transportation-as was originally suggested). The old bridge will be used by pedestrians, cyclists, and tourists. This concept will connect Westchester and Rockland together like it never has been connected—it will be more convenient for residents of both counties to walk or cycle across the bridge—to shop in local stores that they would never have patronized. The proposal to create a high line will encourage more tourism in our area. Tourists will take the train to Westchester so

they can enjoy the high line experience. The NYC high line is a public park built on a a 1.45-mile-long elevated rail structure running from Gansevoort Street to West 34th Street on Manhattan’s West Side. The High Line was a freight rail line, in operation from 1934 to 1980. It carried meat to the meatpacking district, agricultural goods to the factories and warehouses of the industrial West Side, and mail to the Post Office. The High Line, south of West 30th Street, is owned by the City of New York and is under the jurisdiction of the Department of Parks & Recreation. It was donated to the City by CSX Transportation, Inc., which still owns the northernmost section (West 30th Street - West 34th Street). The land beneath the High Line is owned in parcels by New York State, New York City, and more than

20 private property owners. In NYC a Friends of the High Line has been formed to build and maintain an extraordinary public park on the High Line. They seek to preserve the entire historic structure, transforming an essential piece of New York’s industrial past. They provide over 70 percent of the High Line’s annual operating budget and are responsible for maintenance of the park, pursuant to a license agreement with the New York City Department of Parks & Recreation. Through stewardship, innovative design and programming, and excellence in operations, they cultivate a vibrant community around the High Line. I anticipate that a Tappan Zee high line will receive most of their funding, once established, from a similar Friends group. The High Line is a monument to the industrial history of New York’s West Side. It offers an opportunity to create an innovative new public space, raised above the city Continued on page 19

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allows them to be used as trails. The public space blends plant life (reminiscent of the quiet contemplative nature of the self-seeded landscape and wild plantings that once grew on the unused High Line) with long, narrow “planks,” forming a smooth, linear, virtually seamless walking surface. The public environment on the High Line contain special features, including a water feature, viewing platforms, a sundeck, and gathering areas to

be used for performances, art exhibitions and educational programs. I am very excited about this initiative. It will make living in Greenburgh, Westchester more fun! And a fun county is good for property values because quality of life factors into decisions—where to buy homes or open up businesses.

Can a Task Force Report Help Develop New Rochelle’s Davids Island?

meeting, Lorraine Pierce asked, “,Why is it always at election time that the issue of Davids Island is brought up by the Mayor while in reality there is no federal, state, county or local money available for it.” Bob Petrucci added, “None of the ideas mentioned are new, they’ve been around for about l0 years or longer. My question in the light of all the similar energy project failures, what successful solar energy plant would be used to copy at Davids Island? This would include how much would it cost, how much would it make, and what are the funding sources?

The Westchester Guardian


Converting Old Tappan Zee Bridge Into a Suburban Highline Continued from page 18 streets, with views of the Hudson River and the city skyline. It also offers a hopeful model for industrial reuse for other cities around the world. How was the High Line saved from demolition? Friends of the High Line was founded in 1999 by two neighborhood residents,

Joshua David and Robert Hammond, when the High Line was under threat of demolition. Friends of the High Line successfully worked with the administration of Mayor Bloomberg and the New York City Council to reverse a City policy favoring demolition. The High Line is preserved through a Federal mechanism called rail-banking in which preserves transportation corridors and

By PEGGY GODFREY In September 2010 a Task Force was chosen to prepare a report on potential uses of Davids Island. Residents remember when Fort Slocum, a military base, was closed in l966. This was followed by a series of proposals listed in the report for the Island, all of which were abandoned. Notable among these was the purchase of the Island by Con Edison for a nuclear plant and the company’s subsequent plan to build this plant only a mile or so from residential areas. Among the reasons why it was rejected were the Atomic Energy Commission Regulations, which required plants to be 50 miles from a populated area. Then proposals by Xanadu in l980 and Trump in l995 envisioning highrise buildings were also defeated because of residents’ and nearby communities’ opposition. Following this was a plan for Hotel Columbia in 1977 and Westchester County’s commitment to acquire the Island during the period l990 to 2010. The City Council of New Rochelle voted to allow the federal government to tear down all the buildings on the Island to remediate areas contaminated by the military. But even after that, the 180 acre island, 40 acres of which are cited as under water, still has 52 acres of potential contamination. Mayor Noam Bramson in his introductory remarks in the report said the committee did not try to reach a consensus. Instead nine scenarios are listed as choices: (1) open parkland; (2) photovoltaic cells (solar panels); (3) wind turbines; (4) greenhouse; (5) Hotel and conference, research and development; (6) low density residential (1/2 acre lots) (7) low and medium density residential;

(8) high density residential and row houses; and (9) high density residential. There is also a discussion about which plans would need a bridge, which would carry a price tag of over $200 million. A ferry was recommended for the smaller smaller scale developments. The Mayor and Councilman Al Tarantino served on the 19-member committee with Doug hocking as Chair. Problems inhibiting development were described such as the probable need to replace contaminated soil with clean soil if housing units are to be built. The larger question was asked: does the Island benefit New Rochelle as a whole or just a group of people? The first scenario of keeping the Island as open parkland would only require getting people to the Island, but a “trigger” here is that if more than two people came to the Island, a bathroom would be needed. This plan would have no economic benefit. The wind turbines were not considered “feasible.” As the other options were discussed, only covering the Island with solar panels and a hotel and conference center, research and development facility were consider somewhat viable. It was suggested there was a need to amend the city’s “comprehensive plan” to designate potential uses. Council members had concerns. Council member Marianne Sussman questioned the need for emergency services and parking. Councilman Richard St. Paul wanted to know why the possibility o selling it was not included. Doug Hocking, Chair of Committee, said the Island is an asset, either we can do nothing and land bank it for the future or hold it until it increases in value. St. Paul answered that whenever a plan comes “to the table, people don’t

Paul Feiner is Greenburgh Town Supervisor.

want it.” Councilman Tarantino felt the report was a wonderful starting point about what residents want to do with the Island. Councilman Lou Trangucci liked the value scale for the scenarios listed and felt they made it easier to evaluate proposals. Councilman Barry Fertel said he moved to New Rochelle during the Xanadu controversy and this report Peggy Godfrey is a freelance writer and a allows everyone to look at the Island more former educator. objectively. Calvi Qtr. page-West. Guardian 10-4-11:Layout 1 10/5/11 5:08 PM Page Although the David’s Island Task Force was formed last year, after the





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THURSDAY, octoBER 20, 2011


Governor Cuomo Requests Expedited Federal Approval of Tappan Zee Bridge Project Governor Andrew M. Cuomo on Monday, October 10, 2011, announced that he has asked the federal government to expedite the review and approval process to allow work to begin on the Tappan Zee Bridge project. The Tappan Zee project represents a multi-billion dollar investment that will create tens of thousands of jobs and restore a critical part of the Northeast’s transportation infrastructure. President Barack Obama launched a competition where states could submit their high priority, job-creating projects in order to win expedited federal approvals, and New York submitted the Tappan Zee project in to the competition. With an expedited federal review of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and the processing of certain permits, the Tappan Zee project could begin as early as next year, potentially creating more jobs than any other infrastructure project in the country. “The Tappan Zee Bridge is a vital part of our state and region’s infrastructure,” Governor Cuomo said. “The Tappan Zee Bridge project improves a key component of our state and nation’s infrastructure, and at the same time puts tens of thousands of New Yorkers back to work.” Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos said, “I urge the federal government to expedite approval for this important project which will create tens of thousands of jobs. Major investments in infrastructure are exactly what New York needs to jumpstart our economy

and restore safety to heavily traveled bridges and other arteries. I commend Governor Cuomo and Senator Fuschillo, the Chairman of the Senate’s Transportation Committee, for their leadership on this critical project.” Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver said, “With support from the federal government, New York State will be able to begin work on the Tappan Zee Bridge, ensuring this critical part of the Northeast’s infrastructure remains safe and reliable. Investments of this size have the potential to transform the region’s economy, create jobs, and renew confidence in our state’s economic revitalization. Governor Cuomo has shown true leadership in rebuilding New York’s economy and I look forward to continuing to work together on critical infrastructure projects and creating jobs in our state.”

Built in the 1950s, the Tappan Zee Bridge is a critical link in the regional transportation network carrying Interstate routes I-87/I287 across the Hudson River, connecting Rockland and Westchester Counties in southeastern New York, approximately 15 miles north of midtown Manhattan. This bridge connects I-287 in New Jersey to I-95 in Connecticut for access to the Northeast, New Jersey and Pennsylvania and carries a high percentage of trucks. Approximately 135,000 vehicles cross the bridge daily with upwards of 160,000 vehicles on some weekends, with a total of approximately 45 million vehicles in 2010. Over the last twenty years, the Tappan Zee has shown significant deterioration. Further, with seven narrow lanes and no safety shoulders, the Tappan Zee has an

accident rate double the rest of the New York Thruway system. The bridge also has serious vulnerabilities to extreme events such as severe storms, ship collision and earthquakes. The loss of the Tappan Zee, or reduction in lanes or load limits, would over-tax alternate routes and have a catastrophic economic impact on the region. The Tappan Zee project has the potential to generate more jobs than any other infrastructure project in the nation. According to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), transportation infrastructure accounts for 11 percent of the nation’s economic activity. For every dollar invested in highway construction, the overall economy receives $4.87 in economic benefits – nearly five times the return on investment. Highway construction also supports thousands of jobs. FHWA estimates that every $1 billion in highway construction supports over 30,000 employment opportunities. The Associated General Contractors of America estimates that $1 billion invested in nonresidential construction will create or sustain 28,500 jobs: one third of those jobs will be on-site construction jobs, one sixth will be indirect jobs from suppliers of construction materials and services and about half of the jobs would be created when construction and supplier workers and owners spend their additional incomes.


Assemblyman Latimer Receives Top Environmental Score in New York

Annual Report Reaffirms Latimer’s Commitment to Protecting the Environment

ALBANY, NY – On October 12, the Environmental Advocates of New York released their annual Voters’ Guide summarizing the recently concluded portion of the legislative session. The session was a critical period for the environmental community throughout New York, and in 2011, Assemblyman George Latimer (D-Rye) was rated with a perfect score of 105 points, joining a small handful of New York State legislators cited as most energetic in protecting the environment. Assemblyman Latimer said, “Residing

in and representing a community that borders the Long Island Sound continues to remind me, every day, how important it is to protect our natural environment. The Sound Shore communities I represent in the 91st Assembly District, and much of Westchester was damaged by flooding in 2007 and recently again by Hurricane Irene. Our lives are deeply affected by the environment.” A number of Latimer’s colleagues in the Westchester Delegation, both Democrats and Republicans, also scored above 100 in this report. The Environmental Advocates report, which was issued on October 12th, 2011 is

the only scorecard that grades New York State Lawmakers according to votes on various legislative priorities. Legislators earn between one and three points respectively for votes in support of bills that received one, two or three trees. Tree-rated bills are those deemed beneficial to the environment. Likewise, legislators earn between one and three points for voting against bills that were given a rating of one, two or three smokestacks. Smokestack-rated bills are those deemed detrimental to the environment. Votes on priority “super-bills” are given extra weight in the ratings. The full report is available online at www.eplvotersguide.org

“I’m extremely thankful that the environmental community has advocates in Albany who have been holding lawmakers accountable for their actions for over 40 years,” Latimer stated. “As a member of the Environmental Conservation Committee, I worked very closely with the Environmental Advocates to pass 80% of “super-bills” in the Assembly – bills that protected open space, clean water, proper disposal of wastes, avoiding risky measures that could pollute our state. I was pleased as well as to have co-sponsored 4 of them and I voted “yes” on these common priorities. We still have some significant environmental issues to address in Albany and certainly we will do so in conjunction with the grassroots residents of Westchester and groups like Environmental Advocates of New York”, concluded Assemblyman Latimer.

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The Westchester Guardian

THURSDAY, octoBER 20, 2011


Village Manager’s Autumn Message by Francis A. Frobel I wish to take this opportunity to thank you for your cooperation with the Village-wide curbside recycling transition. The changeover went smoothly, and I hope the experience thus far has only caused minimum inconvenience. Any questions regarding trash pickup or recycling should be addressed by contacting the Department of Public Works (DPW) at 478-3400, Ext. 613. We believe this change should increase the percentage of trash recycled. There is a strong financial incentive to recycle to the maximum possible level; recyclables are disposed of at no cost to the Village while trash is processed by the

County at a cost of $25.35 per ton. By maximizing the recycling program, we can reduce the cost for all taxpayers. As a reminder, 18-gallon blue recycling bins are available to purchase at a cost of $10 each at the James Harmon Community Center. These past several weeks have put unusual stress on the Village’s ability to handle storm water. The infrastructure is limited, and the heavy rain experienced from the tropical storm and the greater than normal rainwater received over the summer months has caused drainage problems in areas which normally do not experience difficulty in handling storm water. While DPW crews have a list of locations that are checked

prior to a weather event for the presence of obstructions to the catch basin or streams we ask that if the catch basin near your home appears to be obstructed by leaves or debris and you are able, please rake them away from the drainage grate. This will allow the water to move unimpeded. Many of these catch basins are very shallow, and it does not take a great deal of debris to cause them to be filled and, consequently, ineffective. If you believe the catch basin near your home needs to be cleaned out, please contact the DPW at 478-3400, Ext. 613. On the topic of severe weather, please be advised that you should contact ConEdison if at any time you experience a power outage. The company must hear from you directly. If you call the police station during a weather event to inform them that you are without power, there will be a delay in having the power restored. Homeowners are urged to

contact 1-800-752-6633 so that a work order will be issued. Do not assume that your neighbor will report the outage or that the Village is necessarily aware you are without service. In closing, I wish to remind you that public safety is everyone’s business. Hastingson-Hudson Police will continue their enforcement of the prohibition of a driver’s use of cell phones and text messaging. Special effort continues to ensure that motorists yield to pedestrians in the crosswalks and that all traffic safety measures are obeyed. Failure to obey posted speed limits is strictly enforced. If you believe selective enforcement is warranted in your neighborhood, please contact the Police Department at 478-2344.

incentives should sign an agreement with New York State that includes the following provisions: • Companies accepting taxpayer incentives agree to make jobs permanent (5 year minimum). • Companies accepting taxpayer incentives agree to not contemporaneously offshore New York jobs. • Companies accepting taxpayer incentives agree to real, New York State based employment; physically locate jobs in New York, instead of overseas or out-of-state telecommuting. • Companies accepting taxpayer

incentives agree to full transparency in the reporting of worldwide employee population. I ask that you join me in requesting that our Governor publicly acknowledge when and if an agreement on these points is reached. Having full faith in the Governor’s leadership, I am certain that he took these points into consideration as he negotiated this $400 million deal. If he has not done so, it must be done immediately.

Guardian under the condition of anonymity) were seeing other long time employees receiving poor evaluations, and were hearing that management had employees spying on one another. It seemed that management was attempting to terminate those workers who were in higher paid, and then to replace them with lower paid workers. Typical workplace bullying that divides the staff and breeds a feeling of mistrust among colleagues. However, in a fragile economy, workers have a tendency to suck it up while being eternally grateful for a job. This sort of worker intimidation is being played out all over the country. Those who finally find their voices usually attempt to organize a union and that was the case of NYH. Local 1199 SEIU is the largest local in the world. Primarily designed for healthcare workers, it largest numbers are found in New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Florida,

Massachusetts and the District of Columbia. They represent nurses all the way down to medical facilities workers. According to a spokesperson from 1199, once the employees of NYH began to organize, intimidation was brought to a whole new level. Employees were brought in to have one on one meeting with members of management. In these meetings they were told that their union dues would end up going into the pocket of union management. They were also told that they were caught lobbying or discussing the union anywhere on campus that they would be immediately terminated. Even in a common area such as a cafeteria, workers were so frightened that their conversations were being monitored, that they stopped supporting the union. Management likened themselves as the employees’ family stating that you would never turn against Continued on page 24

Francis A. Frobel is the Village Manager of Hastings-on-Hudson.


Help Me Protect Your Job By GREG BALL In December 2008, IBM accepted $140 million in state grants, promising to invest $1.5 billion to create 1,000 new jobs in nanotechnology. The agreement included $45 million in provisions specifically designed to help IBM retain jobs at its East Fishkill facility. In March of 2009, IBM laid off more than 3,000 employees nationwide, including 274 in East Fishkill.

Because of this betrayal, I fought to launch an investigation into IBM’s off shoring practices. Recently, Governor Cuomo announced a plan to give $400 million in taxpayer incentives to a host of corporate giants with a track-record of outsourcing American jobs, and I have written a letter to the Governor. Let me be clear, any jobs news is good news these days, but let us learn from our history. All I am asking is that we absolutely ensure that these projected jobs are real, they are permanent, and they are not undercut by larger off-shoring efforts currently afoot. Any company receiving taxpayer dollars or

New York State Senator Greg Ball represents the 40th Senate District.


When a Union is Defeated By NANCY KING In the final installment highlighting the role of some unions here in Westchester County, we end the series with a union that was unable to organize. This occurred this past spring at the world renowned psychiatric hospital, New York Hospital-Cornell Division which happens to be an arm the New York Presbyterian Hospital. Long an institution that treated only the very rich and privileged, in the last several decades, the hospital has segued from a “rest home” to a hospital that provides cutting edge treatment in psychiatry. It serves young children and the elderly alike. Like all other businesses that have grown

and morphed, NYH now employs over one thousand individuals. Doctors and nurses are still that backbone of this hospital but there are countless, psychologists, social workers, psychiatric technicians and support staff that runs the gamut from housekeeping to facilities. Most of them fall into the “lower pay” category with salaries that range from nine dollars an hour to around sixteen dollars an hour. In late 2010, several long time hospital employees, concerned with working conditions that were becoming increasingly unpleasant, began to explore the possibility of organizing employees to join local 1199. These employees (who spoke with The

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When a Union is Defeated Continued from page 22 a family member. In essence, many of the workers, especially those with lower level jobs and sadly enough those with lower educational credentials. That’s right, management sunk as low as they could to intimidate those who really didn’t understand that the union could ultimately protect them from this sort of intimidation. It is sort of ironic that one of America’s premier psychiatric facilities engaged in psychological warfare with its employees. After numerous postponements by

management, the vote was taken and sure enough, 1199’s attempt to form a union at New York Hospital was defeated. And while the union has been defeated, management’s intimidation tactics against the workforce has ratcheted up a notch. Since the defeat, employees are being told that management knows whether or not you voted for the union and if you did there will be serious ramifications. Again speaking under the veil of anonymity, workers have shared with this reporter, that many workers are being written up for infractions that range from not informing a manager when they return from a designated break to being told that

they use the bathroom frequently. One of the most disturbing trends to come out of NYH recently is that more than one individual has shared with this reporter that management is asking the patients to keep an eye on the staff that is supposed to be keeping an eye on them . This sort of Orwellian Big Brother type of behavior can only be described as absurd. When you think about it, does it make sense to ask a patient who is hospitalized for a psychiatric illness to “spy” on the very individuals who are caring for them? Despite the deplorable working conditions that have escalated in the face defeat, those employees who reached out to 1199

intend to reorganize and try again in 2012. Unions and their membership continue to be under fire all over the United States. To be sure, I have had plenty of raised eyebrows cast in my direction upon writing this series. Supporting workers and the vanishing middle class worker doesn’t make me any less of a patriot or any less of an American. It is sad that some people feel this way. But until there is equality on a job site for all Americans, I will continue to support unions. Nancy King is a resident of Greenburgh, New York.

WCBoL Democrat Leaders Assert: “We Will Not Sue the City of Rye” WHITE PLAINS, NY -- The Democratic leaders of the Westchester County Board of Legislators (WCBoL) last week announced they will not push forward any lawsuits against the City of Rye in the municipality’s quest to garner property taxes from the Pier Restaurant and Tiki Bar, a privately owned and operated business within Playland. The City of Rye is trying to collect nearly $30,000 in assessed property taxes from the tiki bar’s owners. The Astorino Administration, after arguing for a waiver on the tax bill since the tiki bar operates on County property, has asked for authorization from the WCBoL to take legal action to prevent the taxes from being collected. “We have no intention of bringing any

of our municipalities to court where the only prospect is to simply create even more conflict and discord,” said WCBoL Chairman Ken Jenkins (D-Yonkers). “A resolution to this tax question is already at hand: The contract with the tiki bar plainly states that they are responsible for any taxes that may be charged.” The BOL Budget & Appropriations Committee moved the Astorino Administration’s request for authorization of a lawsuit against the City of Rye for consideration by the full Board at its regular meeting next Monday night (October 17), but the request will not be approved and moved forward, insisted Legislator and WCBoL Vice Chair Lyndon Williams (D-Mount Vernon). “We can find an amicable solution to this

issue without bringing it into the legal arena,” said Williams. The heart of the matter may be ensuring that contracts with vendors operating within County parks and other properties clearly support park activities and define that any tax liabilities are the responsibility of the vendor. Legislator and WCBoL Majority Whip Judy Myers (D-Larchmont) said: “It’s hard to believe that the County Executive and his staff seem eager about going to get into court on this issue. I’d call that political hypocrisy.” “We will not sue the City of Rye,” said Legislator and BOL Majority Leader Peter Harckham (D-Katonah). “The County should positively engage our municipal partners at the negotiation table, not in court.”

Westchester County Board Chairman Kenneth Kenkins


Democrat vs Conservative—The Fight Continues By SAM ZHERKA

MOUNT VERNON, NY -- Former three term Mayor Ernest Davis, who has been dubbed “The Comeback Kid” for his amazing Democrat Primary victory over three younger candidates is being challenged by Conservative Party candidate Maureen Walker in the November 8th General Election. Davis is running on the Democrat and Independence Party lines. Davis won the Democrat Primary Election beating out Maureen Walker by 99 votes in what has been characterized as the most contentious primary election in

Mount Vernon in decades. Since 1993, Maureen Walker, an immigrant from Guyana, was elected to five consecutive terms as Mount Vernon

City Comptroller. Four years ago, the Mt Vernon mayoral election was overcome with FBI investigations, raids on City Hall,

and unfounded allegations of corruption against former Mayor Ernest Davis which caused the fall of the man Mount Vernon residents called “The People’s Mayor.” Davis, the 73-year-old practicing architect told The Westchester Guardian, “I was unfairly targeted by the FBI. Politicians with connections to the FBI who were not happy with me tried to destroy my life,” said Davis “ I was scared, but knew I had never done any thing wrong,” said Davis. In a city where Democrats outnumber Republicans by a margin of 8 to 1, and outnumber Conservatives by 110 to 1, political Insiders have told The Westchester Guardian that Maureen Walker has a slim chance in winning as a Conservative. Continued on page 25

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Iona College during the day, while simultaneously receiving a full time salary of $128,000 as Mount Vernon Comptroller. Over the past four years, under Maureen Walker’s watch, Mount Vernon has underwritten and approved $21 million in bonds for several projects in the City of Mount Vernon. Most bonds have circumvented the mandatory referendum requirement mandated under the Mount Vernon City Charter which would have given the public the final say. Bonds underwritten under the $750,000 threshold do not require public input / vote, despite the public responsibility for the debt repayment. Damien Barrett, one of Maureen Walker’s campaign managers told The Westchester Guardian that although he is working for Maureen Walker, he is personally voting for Ernie Davis and not his candidate under the Conservative Party line. “I’m a Democrat,” emphasized Barrett. According to Maureen Walker’s website, Walker has been the recipient of many accolades and awards from different community groups and organizations. One such award was a community service award from a Mount Vernon Soup Kitchen. Roberta Appuzzo, who has run Mount Vernon’s largest Soup Kitchen program for 18 years told The Westchester Guardian, “I have never seen Maureen Walker step foot inside the Soup Kitchen. We never gave Maureen Walker any award,” advised Apuzzo. On the other hand, “Ernie Davis came to the Soup Kitchen every Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year, and on every other holiday,” said Apuzzo. “He’s a

compassionate human being who is very cheap, yet very giving,” said Apuzzo. “He knows what poverty does to people and a community. When he was mayor, I saw him take money out of his pocket and give it to the homeless. He always did,” concluded Apuzzo. The Westchester Independence Party who has supported Maureen Walker in three prior elections for comptroller has abandoned her this time and endorsed Davis for Mayor of Mount Vernon. Chairman Dr. Guilio Cavallo, told The Westchester Guardian that Maureen Walker was their pick for comptroller but not for mayor. “Ernie Davis has the wisdom to bring the city together. He is a true architect. A man who knows how to build during trying times,” concluded Cavallo. Davis promises to bring revitalize the spirit of the city. He will crack down on illegal guns and will work with youth to stop the violence. Davis pledged to donate 10% or more of his salary. One-third will be directed to the Senior Room at the Dole Center, onethird to the Mount Vernon Soup Kitchen, and one-third for the benefit of a summer jobs program for youth. Davis also pledged to address the city’s excessive real estate tax burden and work with seniors. At 73, Ernest Davis said at this point in his life, its all about people. “ I want to help people,” said Davis.


Democrat vs Conservative—The Fight Continues Continued from page 24 Others in political circles told The Westchester Guardian that Walker’s desire to be mayor may have clouded her decision to run as a Conservative in a Democrat leaning city. Those pundits who espouse Walker’s defeat do not acknowledge the possibility of voters crossing over from their party registration in search of Walker’s name on the ballot albeit on the Conservative Party line. One insider, who shared his/her perspective on the basis of anonymity, suggested Walker has committed political suicide for maintaining her campaign effort. In a telephone interview, Westchester County Democrat Party Chairman Reginald Lafayette said, “I am urging all Democrats to support Ernie Davis. As Democrats, we should all vote for the winner of the Democrat Primary.” Maureen Walker’s alignment with the Conservative Party and their philosophy, replete with anti Obama rhetoric has the Westcheser County Democratic Party Chairman concerned. “The Conservatives are the “anti Obama Party,” said Lafayette.

email surfaced where Paladino, sent a video depicting a plane crashing into a group of Africans with the title “Run Niggers Run.” Other pictures attached in that email showed President Obama dressed as a pimp and First Lady Michelle Obama as a prostitute. Lafayette who advised knowing Davis for 35 years, told The Westchester Guardian, “Davis has proven himself to be a man of good character. He’s a honorable guy who withstood FBI investigations and a ton of scrutiny by federal authorities and walked away unscathed,” continued Lafayette. When the Democrat Party boss was asked for whom he will vote, Lafayette said, “Ernie Davis of course!”

The Conservative Party has been known for their pro death penalty and anti abortion perspectives which are at odds with the philosophy of the Democrat Party. One of the Conservative Party’s most controversial candidates in recent years was Carl Paladino, who ran for Governor of the State of New York against Andrew Cuomo in 2010. Paladino was embroiled in allegations of racism after a controversial

Westchester County Republican Chairman Doug Colety told The Westchester Guardian the Republican Party did not endorse Maureen Walker for mayor. “I personally like Ernie Davis,” said Colety, “however, the Westchester Republican Committee has taken no official position in the race.” Maureen Walker has of late been criticized for working as a professor at

Pat Welsh, chairman of the Westchester Working Families Party, told The Westchester Guardian he does not agree with the Conservative Party but they stay true to their cause. “I hope Maureen Walker has not embraced the values of the Conservative Party,” said Welsh. When asked what Welsh thought of Ernest Davis, Pat Welsh replied, “I have no problems with Ernie Davis.”

Sam Zherka is publisher of The Westchester Guardian.




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The Westchester Guardian

THURSDAY, octoBER 20, 2011

OpEdSection New York’s Shrinking Workforce By FRANK V. VERNUCCIO, JR. As the “Great Recession” continues to affect Westchester, it is becoming increasingly apparent that the county will soon have to face life with a potentially much smaller state workforce. The issue is particularly prominent this year, as negotiations with the Public Employees Federation (PEF) dominated Governor Cuomo’s attention. During the hard bargaining, (inspired in no small part by the state’s $10 billion dollar budget gap) 3,496 positions were identified as being vulnerable to elimination, a result of PEF’s member rejection of the proposed five year contract. While the result may not be that severe, the hard fact is that sooner, rather than later, the number of individuals in state government service will begin to decrease. Certainly, it is unlikely that all of the record-setting 30,772 state employees who retired last year will be replaced. One of the most tenacious issues

affecting Albany’s payroll is the continued existence of the Triborough Amendment. In 1967, the “Public Employees Fair Employment Act,” known popularly as the Taylor Law, was enacted. It required Albany to negotiate with unions, and prohibited public employees from striking, imposing severe penalties for doing so. It was one of the first statutes in America to comprehensively address the rights and obligations of state employees. The strong penalties mandated for illegal strikes were rarely enforced. At various times, corrections officers, transit workers and others engaged in strikes and job actions. An attempt at labor peace was made in 1982 with the passage of the Triborough Amendment,

which prohibited the State Government from changing any provision of expired contracts until a replacement was agreed to. The concept seemed, at first, reasonable. While unions still lacked the legal right to strike, they did have the security of being protected by the provisions of an agreement that was fairly recently acceptable. It provided automatic pay increases for salary or longevity step schedule hikes, even after contracts establishing them had

expired, unless there was a new agreement. Further, in an era when all employees are being asked to contribute more to their own health insurance, Triborough provides an avenue for public employees to reject the state government’s attempts to ask public employees to do the same. Governor Cuomo’s mandate relief study team, (including Deputy Westchester County Executive Larry Schwartz) is reviewing the Triborough Amendment. Westchester Assemblyman Robert Castelli introduced a bill to repeal this provision during the recent legislative session. In practice, Triborough contains a serious flaw. During times of downturns, such as in today’s harsh economic climate, the state lacks the funds to offer new contracts with more attractive terms to unions, and may even be forced to request give-backs. Under the provisions of the Triborough Amendment, unions have no incentive to replace an expired but still effective agreement with one that is less attractive. The end result is that Albany has few options, other than reducing its workforce by layoffs or by not replacing retiring employees. New Yorkers will have to endure reduced service while this dilemma continues to produce acrimony between the state government and those who staff its agencies. Frank Vernuccio serves as president of COMACT; direct inquiry for further information by email at nycommunityaction@ gmail.com.


The Purpose of the Mission By CARMINE J. TORCHETTI, JR. For the past calendar year, I sought to provide the best quality broadcast program that would provide my listeners courage, justice, and tenacity. Now, I am seeking to provide the same with this self titled weekly column. That is the first and foremost mission of this column. Current climates within the political, sociological, and economical realm have given political enthusiasts, such as me, much material to discuss. The more material present, the more opinion present; since the name of

the radio program and of this column is the “Conservative” torch, it is clear that my views are “right-leaning.” However, as I have stated on-air in the past, my views are often refuted and supported. Refutation of my opinion has become a common occurrence here in New York, yet this just fuels my ambition even further. Common sense, real solutions such as a limited national government, strong national defense, being pro-life, being against gun control, and the prospect of individual responsibility and freedom, are just some of Continued on page 27

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straight, concise answer without reading it off a teleprompter? The nation did receive change, as promised by then-candidate Obama. However, the change was a dramatic increase of our nation’s unemployment rate to over 9%. The change was a skyrocketing increase in our national debt to well over 1 trillion dollars. The change was a sweeping health care reform bill that wasn’t widely accepted by a majority of the American people. Why did our president of “hope” pursue a large scale health care bill for his first year in office when the number one issue facing Americans was unemployment? Wouldn’t the smart thing to do be to attempt a solution that would get those people who voted for you back to work expeditiously? After three major attempts of Barack Obama and his jobs-created proposals, the unemployment rate is still over 9% after almost three years in office. The bottom line is this: our nation will not begin to mirror what it once was unless we have a problem solver in the White

House. This problem solver must want and have the responsibility and the desire to fight for smaller government, personal freedom, less intrusion into personal lives, and fewer taxes. Who is this problem-solver? Who can right this ship we all love and know as the United States of America? That, my fellow patriots, is for next week. Be Safe and Be Well.

preacher: We are going to stand accountable before God if we do not stand up and be counted.” Falwell’s words ring no less true today. Of course you can set your watch to the liberal response. Recognizing the threat to their own secular-socialist designs for America posed by a Christian socio-political revival - “progressive” conspirators have broken out the Saul Alinsky-crafted long knives. They’re painting those who call for a return to moral principle in public policy “dominionist” bogeymen who seek to “take over government” and impose an American, Taliban-like theocracy. This, of course, is propagandist nonsense-- a silly ploy intended to frighten into action both the “progressive” base and fence-sitting Independents. Still, this much they have right: Christians and constitutionalists alike do intend to win the ongoing war for our culture. We do intend to “take over government” insofar as this means ensuring that true, traditionalist statesmen are elected to office. You’ve heard it said, “You can’t legislate morality.” Baloney. That’s exactly what legislation is. The question is: Whose morality are we going to legislate? “Progressive” secular-socialists like President Obama insist it’s their own, postmodern brand of moral relativism. Christians, in fast-growing numbers, are beginning to say, “Not on our watch.” You’ve been lied to. The next time you hear someone appeal to the “separation of

church and state,” ask them to point you to exactly where in the Constitution that incessantly repeated and highly abused phrase can be found. They can’t. It’s not there. Pastors, as this election cycle heats up, expect to receive threatening letters from anti-Christian paper tigers like Americans United for Separation of Church and State and the American Civil Liberties Union warning you that if you discuss politics from your pulpit, you stand to lose your taxexempt status. Know this: They’re lying to you. That’s what they do. That’s all they have. This is merely a desperate attempt to muzzle Christians generally and pastors specifically. In fact, guess how many churches have lost tax-exempt status for involvement in elective politics? Exactly zero. Ever. Rest assured, there are no signs that the Internal Revenue Service plans to completely trample the Constitution by targeting churches anytime soon. Even federal bureaucrats understand that bothersome little thing called the First Amendment. John Adams, our second president, once said, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” Yes, liberals are nervous. They should be. Moral and religious people are taking our government back.


The Purpose of the Mission Continued from page 26 the stands that I will take to any argument, with anyone engaged in that debate. When I was just growing into my political beliefs and realizing my principles and convictions, I was told to be careful and I was “forewarned” that I was to be in the minority in New York. To go even further, those who sought to change my approach to “common sense” solutions attempted to use this statement as a means of determent from my chosen views. I rejected their demand knowing that just because something is popular, doesn’t make it right. Popularity has often plagued the law makers of not only Washington D.C., but of Albany, Tallahassee, Boston, Trenton, Dover, Sacramento, and other State Capital cities. Far too often, politicians both local and national have put many resources and much energy into their re-election bid and much less effort into solving the issues at hand. For example, the

current president of our great nation, Barack Obama, ran his 2008 election campaign on a platform of moderation and compromise. Why? Because it is well known that registered Independent voters play a crucial role in determining the outcome of elections. To please various political groups, such as the un-decided, the moderates, and the independents, one must seem willing to compromise. Politically, he is a very intelligent man; he knows how to campaign and he knows how to gain prominence, gain votes, and gain support. However, as with many politicians, it is all for popularity and followings. When it came time to discuss actual issues such as the economy, the War on Terror, or legislations, he had two three word phrases programmed as almost an automated response, “Yes We Can” and “Hope and Change.” Yet, what is the thing we can do? Vote in a man who had just around three years experience as a junior senator from Illinois? Vote in a man whose pre-public record consisted of community organizing? Vote in a man who can’t give a

Carmine J. Torchetti, Jr. is the host of The Conservative Torch Radio Program on WGRN, the Westchester Guardian Radio Network. Although very successful thus far, Carmine seeks to take his conservative message national in the future, in the hopes of aiding the cause of implementing common sense, “right” solutions to solve the problems of the nation. Currently, Carmine is a senior at Iona College in New Rochelle, N.Y. and is a Mass Communications major. For more information on the radio program and on Carmine, please visit www.theconservativetorch.com.


Onward, Christian Soldiers By MATT BARBER Liberals are nervous. They should be. As the 2012 election grows closer a soft rumble builds throughout thousands of Evangelical Christian churches across America. Pastors and churchgoers alike are waking up to the disturbing reality that we as a nation have strayed drastically from our historical Judeo-Christian moorings. Though many may try, none can honestly deny that the results have been devastating to our culture. Once the political tectonic plates shift, there is bipartisan agreement that we can expect an earthshaking groundswell of grassroots advocacy and action to rival - if not surpass - the 2010 Tea Party effect. Along with their ideological Tea Party cousins - many of whom are one and the same - tens of millions of potential Biblebelieving voters are being encouraged - to the extent they need encouragement - to vote their values in 2012. The catalyst? President Obama’s discredited secular-socialist push to “fundamentally transform America.” This burgeoning Christian movement has not gone unnoticed by the left. For instance, in a piece headlined: “Evangelical pastors heed a political calling for 2012,” the Los Angeles Times recently reported, “Formerly apolitical preachers in states like

Iowa, backed by astute organizers and big donors, are mobilizing congregations for the election.” “Religious leaders have long been active in political causes,” the newspaper notes. “Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. used his Baptist pulpit to agitate for civil rights, and fiery televangelists Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell awakened the religious right in the 1970s and 1980s with calls to fight what they saw as America’s moral decay. “But the current awakening is different,” the piece continues. “It springs from the grass roots - small and independent churches - and is fueled by emails and YouTube videos. And it is driven less by personality than by the biblical teaching to be the ‘salt’ and ‘light’ of society - in other words, to have a beneficial influence on the world.” Indeed, the Moral Majority, led by Falwell and other venerable Christian leaders, was central to placing Ronald Reagan in the White House in 1980. Remarkably, the movement’s contemporary counterpart promises to play a key role in President Obama’s eviction from that same residence some 32 years later. At the time, Falwell gave a rousing call to arms: “What is wrong in America today?” he asked. “We preachers - and there are 340,000 of us who pastor churches - we hold the nation in our hand. And I say this to every

Matt Barber is an attorney concentrating in constitutional law. He serves as Vice President of Liberty Counsel Action.

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The Westchester Guardian

THURSDAY, octoBER 20, 2011


If This Be Class Warfare, So Be It By ED KOCH On October 8th, The New York Times ran an article on the 10th anniversary of the war in Afghanistan. The report described a battle near the border of Pakistan. “Soon insurgents near the border were firing on four Afghan American out posts simultaneously – a coordinated barrage and assault that included dozens of 107 millimeter rockets, and at one post, a suicide truck bomber, American military officers said.” The Times went on, “ Most of the high explosive rockets striking the outposts were fired from just inside Afghanistan, suggesting that the attack had been prepared and launched from Pakistan and the rocket crews withdrew to sanctuaries there as the Americans fired back. And the relative weakness of Afghan soldiers and police officers living and working in the American bases was equally clear…raising once more the familiar questions about how Afghan forces underwritten at tremendous expense will fare when the United States pulls back.” Then came this description of our Afghan military allies: “While the American soldiers organized and coordinated their part of the battle on the outpost here, the Afghan soldiers did not participate. Some simply sat and watched.” Here we are, having trained Afghan soldiers for 10 years and they remain incompetent or deliberately unwilling to fight, while Afghans who are part of the Taliban are capable soldiers contesting with the U.S. army in a professional manner. What should that tell us? Clearly, those who are part of the Karzai government don’t have their heart in this war. They want, need and accept the salaries paid by the American government, which undoubtedly are far greater than paid by the Taliban to Taliban soldiers. Is there any question as to who will prevail when we leave, if in fact we do leave? Our government does not want to ever leave. We want to stay there forever and are willing to spend the lives of our young men and women and accept continuing casualties with terrible consequences for those who survive because

of their horrendous wounds. We are willing to spend $2 billion a week on continuing this, the longest war in our country’s history: a war we cannot win, because the Afghan people refuse to fight their fellow Afghans who continue to support the Taliban. It surely is similar to the war we waged in Vietnam on the side of a corrupt South Vietnamese government against a totalitarian communist government in North Vietnam, which was cruel but not corrupt. We lost that one, and we are losing this one. I am amazed that, unlike the Vietnam War when marches in the streets of every major city against that war ultimately caused us to end that war, there are no such marches today. Those marches culminated in our making an unceremonious, hasty exit using helicopters to fly our personnel from the American embassy in Saigon to the U.S. naval ships offshore as the communist troops swarmed into Saigon. God forbid that we should suffer such an ignominious exit again. We are told by our government that a substantial number of troops will be coming home this year, and all of them home by the end of 2014. However, our government is negotiating with the Karzai government to stay past the latter date, in an open-ended commitment. You can bet the Karzai government, notwithstanding anything they say to the contrary seeking to make them look to be masters in their own house and even more important for them, exact more monetary concessions, will jump at the chance of keeping Uncle Sam and our billions in expenditures in Afghanistan so that corrupt government can continue to rip us off stealing millions for the insiders, that we make available to rebuild that country’s infrastructure. No army going back to Alexander the Great, the British empire and the Soviet colossus has ever prevailed over the indigenous Afghan people. Today, a huge population explosion in Afghanistan is providing an endless supply of young men for the Taliban. I doubt there are many today in our own government who believe we will prevail. They simply, in my opinion, do not want to admit that we can’t win and

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Please submit your Letter to the Editor electronically, that is by directing email to WHYTeditor@gmail.com Please confine your writing to between 350 and 500 words. Your name, address, and telephone contact is requested for verification purpose only. A Letter to the Editor will be accepted at the editor’s discretion when space permits. A maximum of one submission per month may be accepted.

have suffered a defeat comparable to that we sustained in Vietnam. To those who say we have to stay to prevent the return to power of the Taliban that will ultimately govern Afghanistan (because the people there prefer it to a more liberal – in terms of social mores, and a corrupt government) and which will once again provide sanctuary to al-Qaeda and allow a repeat of 9/11, I say hooey. Al-Qaeda and comparable Islamic terror organizations exist in more than 60 countries, according to the CIA. Not long ago, the CIA publicly stated that al-Qaeda cells exist in 62 countries and that in Afghanistan, there were only 50 to 100 al-Qaeda operatives – the fighting being done by the Taliban. We will be fighting a war against Islamic terrorists for many years to come. That war should be fought by special forces who go in and come out immediately after, hopefully, successfully completing their goal, e.g., killing bin Laden in Pakistan. We should use drones to kill individual terrorist leaders, e.g., al-Awlaki in Yemen. No longer should we be putting land armies into Asia or elsewhere. That was the advice of the recently retired Secretary of Defense Robert Gates. I hope “Occupy Wall Street ,” the current street marchers, add to their litany of grievances: demanding our getting out of Iraq and Afghanistan this year. Why aren’t the Republican candidates for President discussing the issue? I’m for Occupy Wall Street’s expressed demand to hold criminally responsible Wall Streeters and bankers who committed criminal acts contributing to the causes for the Great Recession. Why have

those culprits been allowed to buy their way out by paying civil fines, in effect, simply adding to the cost of doing business? I hope the civic-minded participants of Occupy Wall Street are not infiltrated by anarchists and radicals who have a different agenda. The New York Times reported on Monday, October 11, 2011, on the decline in America’s household income since the onset of the Great Recession and the two years following its end in June 2009 to be a “full 9.8 percent drop in income from the start of the recession to this June.” In addition to the decline in income, Americans have suffered countless billions in losses to the value of their homes and other financial assets. In that same period, I have no doubt the Wall Street financial institutions and the banks have grown far richer than before the recession and stride this nation like Colossi using the Congress to protect them. Not one CEO of a major financial institution or bank has, so far as I know, been indicted, tried and convicted for criminal acts committed causing the Great Recession and the beggaring of America. Those institutions and the people who control them and have enriched themselves consider it to be class warfare to hold them responsible. They are no longer too big to fail, they are apparently too big to jail. If this be class warfare, so be it. The Honorable Edward Irving Koch served New York City as its105th Mayor from 1978 to 1989.


Support for Catherine Borgia

This letter is written in support of Catherine Borgia for County Legislature. She is a proven leader who deserves our votes on November 8th. For some time, I have been following the three ring circus of national politics. Sarah Palin announced that she is a noncandidate for president. A few days ago the governor of New Jersey said that he isn’t running either. Really, who cares? At

this tumultuous time in our nation’s life, we don’t need politicians who fill our overloaded minds with self-serving noise. We need leaders who can and will act decisively, innovatively, and compassionately on behalf of the people. I have lived in Westchester for 18 years, because they it is rich with beauty, culture, opportunity and some of the smartest people anywhere. We are presently living in a time when our way of life at risk. To weather the storm, we need solid experienced leaders. Catherine Borgia, the Supervisor of the Town of Ossining and a candidate for the Westchester County Board of Legislators, is that kind of leader. Ms. Borgia has proven her mettle many times over. On her watch as Town Supervisor, the police department was absorbed by the Westchester County Continued on page 29

The Westchester Guardian


Letters to the Editor Continued from page 28 Police. The Town and Village of Ossining have just completed an unprecedented merger of their courts. Both bold moves that reduced Town expenses by 18.5% while maintaining high levels of service. In a time when other governments struggle with crippling deficits, the Town of Ossining has held its own and has reduced taxes. To set a personal example of fiscally responsible leadership, Supervisor Borgia cut her own salary! While all around us, politicians point fingers and play the blame game, Supervisor Borgia has, along with the Ossining Town and Village Boards, used courage and imagination to implement effective solutions. Elect Borgia to the County Legislature! Rika Levin Reisman Ossining, NY 10562

The Concern of Industry

It has been the subject of many news stories lately that it is a problem for industry in this country to find machinists with even rudimentary skills to work in our manufacturing facilities. Well the school year has

started and Saunders Trade and Technical School in Yonkers has closed down the metal shop. The excuse is that there is no student interest, but I was a shop teacher there, and it just is not true. I polled my 9th grade students when I was there, and there were more than enough students interested in metal shop as a major to populate the program. Besides depriving the students of an important program, closing the metal shop marks the end of the very successful Robotics team that has done very well in the international First Robotics competition. Without mentors and a shop to build in the robotics club has nowhere to go. We need more parents to pay attention; and where is the school board? Most importantly, where is the vision and guidance for your students Mr. Pierorazio, Mr. Mazzola, Ms. Nola, Mr. Sanz, Ms Tolbert, and Ms. Malek? This will probably end any chance that I would be rehired, if there was any, but bringing this issue up is more important. Thomas Hurd Ardsley New York 10502


Signs, Signs Everywhere Signs By IVY REEVES Yes indeed ladies and gentlemen it is election time again. Knocking on doors and asking for signatures on petitions as well as talking with and listening to constituents. Handing out flyers palm cards and business cards are also popular ways to get people to remember you. But what is going on with all the signs this year? Let’s face it! Some of the signs this election year look like frames for a small 2 bedroom house. I have seen what looks like a crew of men putting these signs up. Signs that are so large they practically cover the entire store or business where they stand. I was so amazed at one candidate’s sign which is so big that when I came to a traffic light I stopped at the green light and rolled slowly through the red. Bigger does not always mean better, however, extra large signs are good for drivers like myself who are near sighted; you will defiantly have no problem seeing them from a block away. It would be great if these signs are environmentally friendly, recyclable or better still bio-degradable. Signs are a great way to get name exposure

(literally), but certainly most educated voters will research the candidate and or if possible, have the opportunity to speak with him or her and make a decision based on the candidate’s portfolio, character and sincerity and not a sign. After the primary on Tuesday September 13th it will be necessary to have some signs removed. While many signs will come down, others like me who will be in the general election on Tuesday November 8, 2011 on the Working Families Party line will replace the signs of the candidates who did not survive the primary. Putting up and taking down signs down will give a few people an opportunity to make little money, but the leaders elected must understand the importance of doing much more for the unemployed and under employed. The bottom line is that all the placement and removal of these large signs have helped employ a few of our Yonkers residents, even if only for a short period of time and well… that is a good thing. Ivy Reeves is a candidate for 1st Yonkers City Council District under the Working Family Party designation.

THURSDAY, octoBER 20, 2011

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THURSDAY, octoBER 20, 2011

LEGAL NOTICES TRE FIGLI LLC Articles of Org. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY) 8/30/2011. Office in Westchester Co. SSNY design. Agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to C/O Patricia G. Micek, Esq. 2180 Boston Post Rd. Larchmont, NY 10538. Purpose: Any lawful activity. Sitecompli LLC Authority filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 6/10/09. Office location: Westchester Co. LLC formed in Delaware (DE) on 11/12/08 SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to Ross Goldenberg 116 Storer Ave New Rochelle, NY 10801. DE address of LLC: 1220 N. Market ST STE 808 Wilmington, DE 19801. Arts. Of Org. filed with DE Secy. of State, PO Box 898 Dover, DE 19903. Purpose: Any lawful activity. Z METRO POLLIS LLC Articles of Org. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY) 8/24/2011. Office in Westchester Co. SSNY design. Agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to The LLC P.O. Box 376 Great Neck, NY 11021. Purpose: Any lawful activity.. PUBLIC ADJUSTER DAILY LLC Articles of Org. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY) 7/21/2011. Office in Westchester Co. SSNY design. Agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process C/O United States Corporation Agents, Inc. 7014 13th Ave. Ste. 202 Brooklyn, NY 11228. Purpose: Any lawful activity. Registered Agent: United States Corporation Agents, Inc. 7014 13th Ave. Ste. 202 Brooklyn, NY 11228

JSM VENTURES LLC Articles of Org. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY) 7/27/2011. Office in Westchester Co. SSNY design. Agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to Joanna S. Moran 709 Warburton Ave. #8B Yonkers, NY 10701. Purpose: Any lawful activity. NOTICE OF FORMATION OF Evofit LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) on 07/05/2011. Office location: Westchester County. SSNY has been designated as agent upon whom process against it may be served. The Post Office address to which the SSNY shall mail a copy of any process against the LLC served upon him is Albert Maldonado, 280 Collins Ave Mount Vernon, NY 10552. Purpose of LLC: To engage in any lawful act or activity. BEDBUG DETECTION OF WESTCHESTER, LLC Articles of Org. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY) 10/4/2011. Office in Westchester Co. SSNY design. Agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process C/O Salvatore M. Di Costanzo McMillan, Constabiler Et Al 2180 Boston Post Rd. Larchmont, NY 10538. Purpose: Any lawful activity. ALL THROUGH THE TOWN, LLC Articles of Org. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY) 7/19/2011. Office in Westchester Co. SSNY design. Agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to The LLC 10 Union Ave, Ste 5 Lynbrook, NY 11563. Purpose: Any lawful activity.

229 Bedford-Banksville, LLC Articles of Org. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY) 7/28/11. Office in Westchester Co. SSNY design. Agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to The LLC 229 Bedford-Banksville Road Bedford, NY 10506. Purpose: Any lawful activity. SUZANNE CALKINS, LLC Articles of Org. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY) 4/20/2011. Office in Westchester Co. SSNY design. Agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process The LLC 18 Wildwood Circle Larchmont, NY 10538. Purpose: Any lawful activity. Notice of formation of 339A North High Street LLC Articles of the organization were filed with the SSNY on 9/13/11. Office location WESTCHESTER COUNTY designated as agent of LLC whom process against may be served. SSNY shall mail process to LLC at POB 643 Bronx NEW YORK 10466. QUICK CASH PAWN USA LLC Articles of Org. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY) 9/12/2011. Office in Westchester Co. SSNY design. Agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process The LLC 2712 E. Tremont Ave. Bronx, NY 10461. Purpose: Any lawful activity. REELWOMAN ASSETS, LLC Articles of Org. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY) 8/10/2011. Office in Westchester Co. SSNY design. Agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process The LLC 57 Worthington Rd. White Plains, NY 10607. Purpose: Any lawful activity

CLASSIFIED ADS DENNING PROPERTIES, LLC Articles of Org. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY) 8/4/2011. Office in Westchester Co. SSNY design. Agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process C/O Mr. Philip Denning 191 Beech St. Eastchester, NY 10709. Purpose: Any lawful activity. TLHM CONSULTING LLC Articles of Org. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY) 8/2/2011. Office in Westchester Co. SSNY design. Agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process The LLC 15 Plymouth Rd. Chappaqua, NY 10514. Purpose: Any lawful activity. NOTICE OF FORMATION OF Slips Enterprises, LLC. Arts of Org filed with the Secy of State of NY (SSNY) on 8/26/11. Office loc: WESTCHESTER Cty. SSNY designated as agent upon whom process may be served and shall mail a copy of any process to the principal business address: 1505 Nepperhan Ave. Yonkers, NY 10703. Purpose: any lawful acts. QUICK CASH OF WESTCHESTER AVE. LLC Articles of Org. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY) 2/18/2009. Office in Westchester Co. SSNY design. Agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to The LLC 2712 East Tremont Ave Bronx, NY 10461 Purpose: Any lawful activity.

Office Space AvailablePrime Location, Yorktown Heights 1,000 Sq. Ft.: $1800. Contact Jaime: 914.632.1230 Deer Mngmnt seeks Lead Application Developer in Larchmont, NY to support analysis, design, impl & testing of new & existing bus systems & serve as lead programmer for custom app dev related areas incl software coding, database design, & report writing. Resumes to Deer Management Co LLC., ATTN: JAmbrosino, 1865 Palmer Avenue, Larchmont, NY 10538, Ref. job code: LAD-029. No calls/emails/faxes EOE. Prime Retail - Westchester County Best Location in Yorktown Heights 1100 Sq. Ft. Store $3100; 1266 Sq. Ft. store $2800 and 450 Sq. Ft. Store $1200. Suitable for any type of business. Contact Jaime: 914.632.1230

The Westchester Guardian

THURSDAY, octoBER 20, 2011

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The Westchester Guardian

THURSDAY, octoBER 20, 2011

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