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Vol. VI, No. L

n o i t a g i t s e Inv

Westchester’s Most Influential Weekly


Thursday December 12, 2013 $1.00

DEE BARBATO UPAC Hosts Albanian Music Page 6 SHERIF AWAD Cordero’s Report Page 7 JOHN F. McMULLEN I Have 5,000 Facebook Friends Page 11 JOHN SIMON Historic Moments Page 12 PEGGY GODFREY Echo Bay Project Defeated Page 14 THOMAS P. DiNAPOLI LDCs Need Comptroller’s Audit Page 15

A Play for More than “Monopoly Money” By Hezi Aris, Page 3 WWW.WESTCHESTERGUARDIAN.COM


Kensington Road Condominium Project Page 16

LUKE HAMILTON A Ghost of Liberalism Past Page 17

rience fundraising, knowledge of what development entails and experience working with sponsors/donors; 2) Operations Manager- must have a good knowledge of computers/software/ticketing systems, duties include overseeing all box office, concessions, movie staffing, day of show lobby staffing such as Merchandise seller, bar sales. Must be familiar with POS system and willing to organize concessions. Full time plus hours. Call (203) 438-5795 and ask for Julie or Allison

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Of Significance Of Significance

Community Section ............................................................................... 4 Community Section ............................................................................... 44 Business ................................................................................................ Business ................................................................................................ Calendar ............................................................................................... 44 Calendar ............................................................................................... 45 Charity .................................................................................................. Creative Disruption ............................................................................ 56 Charity .................................................................................................. Contest Cultural Perspective ........................................................................... 766 Contest .................................................................................................. Creative Disruption ............................................................................ Energy Issues ....................................................................................... Creative Disruption ............................................................................ Education ............................................................................................. 867 In Memoriam ....................................................................................1078 Education ............................................................................................. Fashion .................................................................................................. Medicine .............................................................................................10 Fashion .................................................................................................. 89 Fitness.................................................................................................... Najah’s Corner ...................................................................................119 Fitness.................................................................................................... Health ..................................................................................................10 Movie ....................................................................................12 Health ..................................................................................................10 HistoryReview ................................................................................................10 Music ...................................................................................................12 History Ed Koch................................................................................................10 Movie Review ...................................................................12 Community ........................................................................................13 Ed Koch Movie Review ...................................................................12 Spoof ....................................................................................................13 Writers Collection.............................................................................14 Spoof ....................................................................................................13 Sports Scene .......................................................................................13 Books Sports Scene .......................................................................................13 Najah’s...................................................................................................16 Corner ...................................................................................13 People ..................................................................................................18 Najah’s Corner ...................................................................................13 Writers Collection.............................................................................14 Eye On...................................................................................................16 Theatre ..................................................................................18 Writers Collection.............................................................................14 Books Leaving on a Jet Plane ......................................................................19 Books ...................................................................................................16 Transportation...................................................................................17 Government Section Transportation ...................................................................................17 Government Section ............................................................................20 ............................................................................17 Campaign Trail ..................................................................................20 Government Section ............................................................................17 Albany Correspondent ....................................................................17 Economic Development....................................................................17 Albany Correspondent Mayor Marvin’s Column..................................................................20 .................................................................18 Education ...........................................................................................21 Mayor Marvin’s Column .................................................................18 Government .......................................................................................19 The Hezitorial ....................................................................................21 Government .......................................................................................19 OpEd Section .........................................................................................23 Legal ....................................................................................................23 OpEd Section .........................................................................................23 Ed Koch Commentary.....................................................................23 People ..................................................................................................24 Ed Koch Letters toCommentary.....................................................................23 the Editor ..........................................................................24 Strategyto...............................................................................................24 Letters Editor............................................................................25 ..........................................................................24 Weir Onlythe Human OpEd Section .........................................................................................25 Weir Only Human ............................................................................25 Legal Notices ..........................................................................................26 ..........................................................................................27 Legal Notices ..........................................................................................26


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HELP WANTED RADIO Of Significance A NON-CUSTODIAL PARENT HAS THE RIGHT TO REQUEST TEMPORARY ORisPERMANENT A non profit Performing Arts Center seeking twoCUSjob positions- 1) DirecRADIO


TODY OF THE CHILD AND TO SEEK ENFORCEMENT OF VISITATION THE CHILD. tor of DevelopmentFT-must RIGHTS have a WITH background in development or experience fundraising, knowledge of what development entails and experiBY ORDER OF THE FAMILY COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK Feature Section.................................................................................................................................. 3 ence working with sponsors/donors; 2) Operations Manager- must have a TO THE ABOVE-NAMED RESPONDENT(S) WHO RESIDE(S) OR IS FOUND AT [specify good knowledge of computers/software/ticketing systems, duties The Hezitorial................................................................................................................................ 3 include address(es)]: overseeing all box office, concessions, movie staffing, day of show lobby Westchester On the Level is usually heard from Monday to Friday, from 10 a.m. to 12 suchStreet, as Merchandise seller, Leadership. .................................................................................................................................... 5 POS Last known .addresses: TIFFANY RAY:staffing 24 Garfield #3, Yonkers, NY 10701bar sales. Must be familiar with Noon on the Internet: http://www.BlogTalkRadio.com/WestchesterOntheLevel. system and willing to organize concessions. Full time plus hours. Call (203) Last known addresses: KENNETH THOMAS: 24 Garfield Street, #3, Yonkers, NY 10701 Because of the importance of a Federal court case purporting corruption and bribery Community Section......................................................................................................................... 4 438-5795 and ask for Julie or Allison allegations, programming with be suspended forArticle the days of Family March 2610 toa.m. 29, 2012. YonAn Order toheard Show Cause under 10 of the Court Act having been filed with this Court Westchester On the Level is from Monday to Friday, from to 12 Noon Activism......................................................................................................................................... 5 seeking toConductor modify the placement for the above-named child. kers Philharmonic Orchestra James Sadewhite is our scheduled guest Friday,

Westchester On On the the Level Level with with Narog Narog and Aris Westchester and Aris Aris and

Westchester On the Level is heard from Monday to Friday, from 10 a.m. to 12 Noon on the Internet: http://www.BlogTalkRadio.com/WestchesterOntheLevel. Join March 30. YOU ARE SUMMONED toPlease appear before thistopic. Court at Yonkers Calendar......................................................................................................................................... 6 on the Internet: by http://www.BlogTalkRadio.com/WestchesterOntheLevel. JoinFamily Court the conversation calling toll-free toHEREBY 1-877-674-2436. stayday on located at 53 So. Broadway, Yonkers, New York, on the 28th of March, 2012 at 2;15 pm in the It is howeverby anticipated that theto jury will conclude its Please deliberation ontopic. either Monthe conversation calling toll-free 1-877-674-2436. stay on afternoon of said day to answer the petition and to show cause why said child should not be Cultural Perspectives................................................................................................................... Richard Narog March and Hezi Aris your that co-hosts. thewe week day or Tuesday, 26 or 27.are Should be theIncase, willbeginning resume ourFebruary regular 20th and ending7on adjudicated to are be a entourage neglected child and whythe you should not be dealt withFebruary in accordance withand the ending on Richard Narog andhave Hezi Aris your co-hosts. In week beginning 20th February 24th,schedule we an exciting of guests. programming and announce that fact on the Yonkers Tribune website. Healthcare. . .................................................................................................................................... 9 provisions of Article 10 of the Family Court Act. February 24th, we exciting entourage ofshow. guests. Richard Narog and Hezian Aris are co-hosts of the Every Monday is have special. On Monday, February 20th, Krystal Wade, a celebrated participant in http:// PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, that you have the right to be represented by a lawMusic.............................................................................................................................................10 Every Monday is special. February 20th, a celebrated participant in http:// www.TheWritersCollection.com ouryou guest. Krystal Wade isWade, a you mother ofright three who works fifty miles yer, andOn if theMonday, Courtis finds are unable to payKrystal for a lawyer, have the to have a lawyer www.TheWritersCollection.com is our guest. Krystal is a novel mother threeaccepted who works fifty miles assigned the Court. from home and writes in herby“spare time.” “Wilde’s Fire,”Wade her debut hasofbeen for publication Technology-Creative Disruption............................................................................................11 from home and writes ininher “spare time.” “Wilde’s Fire,” her novel has been for publication and should be available 2012. Not far behind her second “Wilde’s does she do it? PLEASE TAKE FURTHERisNOTICE, that debut if novel, you fail to appear atArmy.” the accepted timeHow and place Eye on Theatre. . ...........................................................................................................................12 noted above, the Court will hear and determine the petition as provided by law. and should be available in 2012. Not far behind is her second novel, “Wilde’s Army.” How does she do it? Tune in and find out. Tune in and findGovernment. out.Dated: January 30, 2012 OF THE COURT ....................................................................................................................................14 Co-hosts Richard Narog and Hezi Aris will relishBY theORDER dissection of all things politics on Tuesday, February 2 column 1 column CLERK OF THE COURT Co-hosts Richard Narog and Hezi Aris will relish the dissection of his all things politicsfrom on Tuesday, February 21st. Yonkers CityGovernance. Council President Chuck Lesnick will share perspective the august inner .................................................................................................................................14 21st. Yonkers Lesnick will share 22nd. his perspective from the august sanctum of theCity CityCouncil CouncilPresident ChambersChuck on Wednesday, February Stephen Cerrato, Esq., will inner share Land Development. ....................................................................................................................15 sanctum of the City Chambers on Wednesday, February 22nd. Esq.,be will share his political insight onCouncil Thursday, February 23rd. Friday, February 24th hasStephen yet to beCerrato, filled. It may a propihis political onwhat Thursday, February 23rd. Friday, February 24th has yet to be filled. It mayofbeThat a propitious day toinsight sum up transpired throughout the week. A sort of BlogTalk Radio version Was Mayor Marvin.............................................................................................................................16 tious day toThat sumWas up what transpired throughout the week. A sort of BlogTalk Radio version of That Was The Week (TWTWTW). OpEd.................................................................................................................................................17 The Week That Was (TWTWTW). For those who cannot join us live, consider listening to the show by way of an MP3 download, or on For thoseWithin who cannot join us consider listening tofind the the show by wayinof MP3 that download, orlink on Hezitorial. .....................................................................................................................................17 demand. 15 minutes of live, a show’s ending, you can segment ouranarchive you may WHYTeditor@gmail.com demand. Within 15 minutes of ainshow’s ending,paragraph. you can find the segment in our archive that you may link to using the hyperlink provided the opening Politics...........................................................................................................................................17 Legal Notices, to using the hyperlink provided in the opening paragraph. The entire archive is available and maintained for yourAdvertise perusal.Today The easiest way to find a particular interview Legal Notices, Advertise Today Legal Notices. . ..................................................................................................................................18 The is available and maintained forfor your perusal. easiest to findofa the particular interview is toentire searcharchive Google, or any other search engine, the subjectThe matter or way the name interviewee. For is to search Google, or any otherAOL searchSearch engine, the subject On matter the name theRadio, interviewee. Help Wanted....................................................................................................................................18 example, search Google, Yahoo, forforWestchester theorLevel, Blog of Talk or use For the example, Search for Westchester Oncall the Level, Blog Talk Radio, or use the Before speaking to the police... hyperlinksearch above.Google, Yahoo, AOL hyperlink above.

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Westchester’s Professional Most Influential Weekly Dominican Westchester’s Most Influential Weekly

Hairstylists & Nail Technicians Westchester’s Most Influential Weekly Hair Cuts • Styling • Wash & Set • Perming Pedicure • Acrylic Nails • Fill Ins • Silk Wraps • Nail Art Designs Highights • Coloring • Extensions • Manicure • Eyebrow Waxing

Guardian News Corp. Guardian News Corp. Guardian News Corp. P.O. Box 8 P.O. Box 88 P.O. Box Yudi’s Salon 610 Main St, New Rochelle, NY 10801 914.633.7600 New Rochelle, New York 10801 NewRochelle, Rochelle,New New York 10801 New York 10801 Sam Zherka , Publisher & President SamZherka, ZherkaPublisher , Publisher President Sam && President publisher@westchesterguardian.com publisher@westchesterguardian.com publisher@westchesterguardian.com Hezi Aris, Editor-in-Chief & Vice President Hezi Aris, Editor-in-Chief & Vice President whyteditor@gmail.com Hezi Aris, Editor-in-Chief & Vice President whyteditor@gmail.com whyteditor@gmail.com Advertising: (914) 562-0834 Advertising: (914) 562-0834 News and Photos:(914) (914) 562-0834 Newsand and Photos: Photos: News (914)562-0834 562-0834 Fax: (914) 633-0806 Office: Fax:(914)-576-1481 (914) 633-0806 Fax: (914) 633-0806 Published online every Monday Published online every Monday Print edition distributed Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday online everyWednesday Monday & Print editionPublished distributed Tuesday, Thursday Print edition distributed Tuesday, Wednesday & Inc. Thursday Graphic Design: Watterson Studios, Graphic Design: Watterson Studios, Inc. www.wattersonstudios.com Graphicwww.wattersonstudios.com Design: Watterson Studios, Inc.


westchesterguardian.com westchesterguardian.com

FREE CONSULTATION: The Westchester Guardian is a weekly newspaper devoted to the unbiased reporting of events The Westchester Guardian is a weekly devoted to the living unbiased reporting of events and developments that are newsworthy and significant to readers in, and/or employed in, Criminal, newspaper Medicaid, Medicare and developments that are newsworthy and significant to readers living in, and/or employed in, Fraud, White-Collar Crime & Westchester County. The Guardian will strive to report fairly, and objectively, reliable informaT. 914.948.0044 Westchester County.tion The without Guardian willCare strive to report fairly, andduty objectively, reliable informaHealth Prosecutions. favor or compromise. Our first will be to the PEOPLE’S F. 914.686.4873 tion without favor or compromise. Our first duty will be to the PEOPLE’S RIGHT TO KNOW, by the exposure of truth, without fear or hesitation, RIGHT TO KNOW, by themay exposure ofthe truth, without fearoforFREEDOM hesitation, no matter where the pursuit lead, in finest tradition 175 MAIN T., SUITEmay 711-7 • Win HITE LAINS,tradition NY 10601of no matter where theSpursuit lead, thePfinest FREEDOM OF THE PRESS. OF THE PRESS. The Guardian will cover news and events relevant to residents and The Guardian will cover news and eventsAs relevant to residents and businesses all over Westchester County. a weekly, rather than businesses Westchester County.more As aassociated weekly, rather than focusing on all theover immediacy of delivery with daily focusingwe onwill the instead immediacy more associated daily journals, seek of to delivery provide the broader, morewith comprejournals, we will instead seek to provide the broader, more comprehensive, chronological step-by-step accounting of events, enlightened hensive, chronological step-by-step accounting of events, enlightened with analysis, where appropriate. with analysis, where appropriate. Professional Dominican From &amongst journalism’s classic key-words: who, what, when, Hairstylists Nail Technicians From amongst journalism’ s classic key-words: who, what, when, Hair Cuts • Stylingwhy, • Washand & Set •how, Permingthe why and how will drive our pursuit. We where, Pedicure • Acrylic Nails • Fill Ins • Silkwhy, Wraps •and Nail Art Designs where, how, the why andand how drive our will use our •more time, ourwill resources, to pursuit. get past We the Highights • Coloring • Extensions • Manicure Eyebrowabundant Waxing will use our more abundant time, and our resources, to get past the initial ‘spin’ and ‘damage control’ often characteristic of immediate initial and often characteristic immediate Yudi’s Salon 610 Main St, New Rochelle, NY ‘spin’ 10801 914.633.7600 news releases, to ‘damage reach thecontrol’ very heart of the matter: the of truth. We will news releases, to reach the very heart of the matter: the truth. will take our readers to a point of understanding and insight whichWe cannot take our readers to a point of understanding and insight which cannot be obtained elsewhere. be obtained elsewhere. To succeed, we must recognize from the outset that bigger is not necesTo succeed, must recognize from theacknowledge outset that bigger is not necessarily better.we And, furthermore, we will that we cannot be sarily better. And, furthermore, we will acknowledge that we cannot all things to all readers. We must carefully balance the presentationbe of all things to all readers. We must carefully balance the presentation of relevant, hard-hitting, Westchester news and commentary, with features relevant, hard-hitting, Westchester news and commentary, with features and columns useful in daily living and employment in, and around, the and columns useful in daily living and employment in, and around, the county. We must stay trim and flexible if we are to succeed. county. We must stay trim and flexible if we are to succeed.



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Thursday, DECEMBER 12, 2013


Transforming an “Out of Jail” Card to a Play for More than “Monopoly Money” By HEZI ARIS What is the State of Real Estate in the City of Yonkers? Who is the Puppet Master? Systematically dismantled five years ago, the Bureau of Real Estate no longer exists. The last vestiges of its two decades long compilation of work discarded by Yonkers City Hall has erased the past, clearing the way for any issues or concerns to be forgotten, akin to creating a form of governmental dementia, concocted by Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano’s Administration. City assets will continue to be sold off, yet standards no longer exist. Does any aspect of the process by which

city property is sold conform to past, prudent standards that are now known to have been trashed and expunged from any and all records? What are the “new” standards? Where may they be found? Do they still exist or have they been omitted? Have they been replaced by that which is now trashed? Has the City of Yonkers been cleansed of any and all material that would have revealed structure, standards of conduct, people, diagrams, renderings, architectural configurations, figures, valuations, and more? It seems the “standards” are now forever locked in the vaults of minds that are aging and susceptible to forgetting, and even if remembered, will be challenged for lacking corroborating physical proof. The landscape for selling taxpayer assets is said to benefit the city

coffers. That is the spin. The truth is it is being sold for less than valued and seemingly exclusively to the “friends and family” network. Let’s follow

James Cavanaugh and Wilson Kimbal

(L-R): Yonkers Deputy Mayor Sue Gerry, Art Collector Daniel Wolf, Artist Maya Lin, and Mayor Mike Spano.


the process leading to the sale of the Yonkers City Jail, the telling of the sale, and the plausible scenario of what may become of the property. The sale of the Yonkers City Jail is the initial sale of a city taxpayer asset for at least as long as Mayor Mike Spano’s Administration is at the helm. It is the process that is being exposed here, not the individual sale, rather the plan for the property, the vision, the purchaser, or the people involved; it is only about a process that seems to reek of collusion of purpose. The headmaster will be recognized as former New York State Senator Nick Spano. He set the last

Continued on page 4

Westchester On the Level

NEW ROCHELLE, NY – The Guardian Radio Network, WGRN, operated under the auspices of Hezi Aris’ Hezitorial Absurdity, Inc. continues to build its programing day on the Blog TalkRadio platform. Herein is the schedule for the week of December 12 – 16, 2011. Richard Narog and Hezi Aris are your co-hosts.

Listen to our radio programs live by clicking onto the following hyperlinks: Westchester on the Level http://www.blogtalkradio.com/westchesteronthelevel;

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Thursday, DECEMBER 12, 2013


Transforming an “Out of Jail” Card to a Play for More than “Monopoly Money” Continued from page 3 domino in place in July 2013. A few governmental structures had to be realigned. And they were. At first, James Cavanaugh, former Westchester Republican Party Chairman, and partner with Nick Spano’s Empire Strategic Planning’s lobbying firm moved his residence from Eastchester to Yonkers. When Mike Spano acceded to office in January 2012, one of his first acts was to appoint Cavanaugh to the Yonkers Parking Authority (YPA). The rationale for Cavanaugh’s appointment was to bring about a consolidation of the YPA with that of the Yonkers Parking Violations Bureau (YPVB). Almost two years later that effort stalled and may take many years to bring about for better or worse. Cavanaugh’s shabby resume of accomplishments prior to arriving in Yonkers or lack thereof stands on a telling divulged in the Yonkers Tribune on November 17, 2011. [Inspector General Fisch Exposes James Cavanaugh, the “Pig” Feeding at Public Trough By HEZI ARIS] h t t p : / / w w w. y o n k e r s t r i b u n e . com/2011/11/inspector-general-fischexposes-james-cavanaugh-the-pig-feeding-at-public-trough-by-hezi-aris.html In the meanwhile, by June 30, 2013, Wilson Kimball, Yonkers Director of Waterfront and Downtown Development, never officially announced by Mayor Mike Spano to be remunerated to the tune of $140,000 per year position was hired by Mayor Mike Spano’s Administration in January of 2012. It was Ms Wilson Kimball who was charged with moving the long expired contract designating SFC Yonkers’ “Master Developer” status to the newly evolved name Struever Fidelco Cappelli – H & I Project. The 12 year old contract expired in February of 2013. City

Paul Adler Hall said it was valid through September 2103. Mark Berson only brought notice of his intentions in November with no documentation of his vision forward. In a sense, it may be construed as a 90 day wait, simply another stall by Yonkers City Hall. If it is not, where are the evolved contracts? Berson’s plans were revealed only within the last two weeks with no back-up material whatsoever. The same attorney representing the developers 12 years ago, Bond Counsel Sean Griffen of the firm of Harris Beach continues to push for the “new” terms without sharing the contractual information with the Yonkers City Council and without divulging it publicly. Yonkers Corporation Counsel Michael Curti promotes the project without redefining ancillary legal issues that have unraveled due to alienation of parkland, rights of succession to an expired contract, which makes the process null and void, among other concerns.

Wilson Kimball was the New York State paid assistant to Libby Pataki, the wife to then Governor George Pataki. She became the fiancée to James Cavanaugh, the former Supervisor of the Town of Eastchester, former Chairman of the Westchester Republican Committee, Communications Director to Senator Nick Spano when the senator served office, the President and CEO of the Battery Park City Authority (BCPA) from which he was fired under a cloud of alleged “fraud and corruption”. After leaving the Battery Park City Authority (BCPA) in October of 2010, Cavanaugh took a job with Nick Spano’s lobbying firm Empire Strategic Planning (ESP). When Mike Spano was elected Mayor of Yonkers, Cavanaugh served on the mayoral transition team to interview and vet candidates for jobs with the administration. The caveat by which Mayor Mike Spano swore to abide was that no person serving on a transition team would earn a position with the administration. So much for the value of Mayor Mike Spano’s words. In the meanwhile Kimball and Cavanaugh have married. Kimball-Cavanaugh is officially the Yonkers Commissioner of Waterfront and Downtown Development, Cavanaugh may be found “consulting on behalf of the City of Yonkers”, whether as a Board Member of the YPA, interceding on behalf of the Yonkers Industrial Development Agency; Cavanaugh and Cavanaugh-Kimball are now the lone people scrutinizing, devising, and pushing economic development projects as part of the conduit connecting their purpose and positions within the City of Yonkers as part of the umbrella of power amassed for former New York State Senator Nick Spano.

Former State Senator Nick Spano. Nick Spano, James Cavanaugh, Wilson Kimball – Cavanaugh are just some of the dots that have insinuated themselves into The People’s business in Yonkers. The other connecting dots stretch from Nick Spano to his father, former Westchester County Clerk Leonard Spano, who helps with “strategic planning”, brother and Mayor Mike Spano whose role is to facilitate the plans devised, and brother John Spano, and James Cavanaugh. These people are the so-called “think tank”! The Yonkers Jail House “sale” came out of left field. Not one City Councilman was aware of the impending sale. Yonkers City Hall promoted the need to move the use of the property as a jail facility opting to bring it to the decades old Cacace Justice Center, recently updated, to meet its intended purpose, that is, to be a jail, rather than a storage unit, housing the Yonkers City Court, and the Yonkers Police Department. And so, last week, Daniel Wolf, who has agreed to purchase the Yonkers City Jail

for $1 million said, “I’ve been an addicted collector my whole life and… When my count of cardboard boxes grew out of my present storage, I said it’s time to look for space. …I got online… and up came this building… What a beautiful building. I didn’t know anything about the building. I didn’t know anything about Yonkers, but I was really struck by the building. I think six months ago I saw it for the first time. This is really great. This is going to work. As time went on, I said, this is really great but its too much of a…It’s such a big project for me; do I really need it? It was really the mayor who brought me back into the circle and said you’ve got to do it.” Disparities in the process come to light. A Request for Proposal (RFP) was officially posted in the official papers designated for such purpose by the City of Yonkers (CoY), The Journal News (daily paper) and Yonkers Rising (weekly). Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano’s Chief of Staff Steve Levy advises CoY received no interest in the property. RFP-261 was posted on the Empire State Purchasing Group website on March 5, 2013. The deadline for acquisition and redevelopment of the City Waterfront Jail was closed on April 12, 2013 by 2:00 p.m. E.D.T. https://www.empirestatebidsystem.com/closed-bids/City-of-Yonkers/ ACQUISITION-AND-REDEVELOPMENT-OFTHE-CITY-WATERFRONT-JAIL. asp?tn=145653 Approximately three-and-a-half weeks later, on May 8, 2013, Newsday reporter Christian Wade, reported “Yonkers Seeking Developer to transform Run-Down Old Jail” h t t p : / / w w w. r a n d c om m e rc i a l . com/Commercial-Real-Estate-Blog/ Commercial-Real-Estate-Blog/bid/115529/ Yon k e r s - S e e k i n g - D e ve l o p e r - t o Transform-Run-Down-Old-Jail


After 30 Years, Dottie Jordan Retires as Executive Director of Mt. Kisco Childcare By RICH MONETTI

In my working career, whenever a boss has appeared in my proximity outright fear takes overwhelms me. On the other hand, Executive Director Dottie Jordan of Mt. Kisco Childcare Center inspires something altogether different in me. I want – even though I don’t always succeed – to live up to the progressive vision she has put forth in over 30 years of service. But On December 24th, Dottie Jordan’s

tenure will come to an end. And while there will be more than enough inspiration left to ensure this staff not succumbs to “just look busy,” MKCCC will still carry a void that can never be completely filled. “You’re losing an icon,” says Dawn Meyerski, MKCCC’s current Program Director, self-described “partner in crime” to Dottie and the future Executive Director. But rock solid as that, Jordan’s steadfast beliefs and motivations have not caused the center to stagnate by any measure. “Her adaptability,” says Meyerski, “that’s what

Dottie Jordan

really maintained our mission. We grew into this brand new facility, initiated an inter-generational program that has received national attention and developed an innovative educational curriculum, which includes nutritional and gardening initiatives - second to none.” A little less top down, long time Preschool Teacher Melissa Nappi sees it closer to home. “She’s like a mom for all us,” says Nappi. The advice, understanding and experience never falling short, being at the head

of the house sometimes means Jordan must step up when those below go afoul. Yeah, that would be me. Around now, for about ten years, I need a little refocusing from time to time. Never a stern warning to get me back on track - her insights help build a consensus that makes me want to do proud by the maternal figure she so seamlessly represents. Nappi says, “She’s very fair and lays out the situation in a very balanced way.” Assistant Teacher Ryan Martin’s hiring

Continued on page 5


Thursday, DECEMBER 12, 2013


After 30 Years, Dottie Jordan Retires as Executive Director of Mt. Kisco Childcare Continued from page 4

15 years ago speaks to that but he believes there was more to it than an attempt to level off the estrogen advantage among staff. “Back then, there were questions about hiring a guy in early education – she had the courage and foresight to do it and I’m still thankful,” says Martin. In return, the wisdom and advice is never awry, while her station in the front office doesn’t mean the kids are a mystery as daily circumstances move her about the building. “She knows every kid by name and brings a smile to all their faces,” says Martin. There to bear witness as Martin’s lead in Toddler Room A, Head Teacher Vanessa Cicchelli admits at times she’s needed more

than laughter to get to the next level as a caretaker. “I don’t always follow through with ideas, and she has inspired me to go through with things I believe in,” says Cicchelli. “In the end, Dottie has made me a stronger person.” At the same time, Cicchelli knows she’s not only alone in the uplifting. “She makes the teachers feel like we are the heart of the center,” says Cicchelli. But the influence and support doesn’t end at the doors of the daycare. “When I was going through my divorce, she enabled me to keep things in check and helped me realize I was still a good mother,” says Cicchelli. This all amounts to a fall back that cannot be overstated. “Her friendly face assures you there’s

always someone there if you need help,” says Toddler Room B Head Teacher, Tami Albanese. “But all good things,” Ryan Martin says, “are secure in the apt executive hands Dawn Meyerski represents. Dawn will be great.” Nonetheless, the new director laments the loss of her right hand as she looks to the future. “I’m the Ethel to her Lucy, and I don’t know who my Ethel is going to be,” says Meyerski. A sense of humor the staff knows well, it will go a long way toward making up the difference. The rich legacy Dottie Jordan has left behind won’t hurt either. Rich Monetti has been a freelance writer since 2003 and lives in Westchester.

CommunitySection ACTIVISM

CGDC & YCAP Host Successful Young Professionals Mixer and Coat Drive By LEONARDO MEDINA

YONKERS, NY -- On Friday, October 25th, local organizations Community Governance & Development Council (CGDC) and Yonkers Community Action Program (YCAP) held a hugely successful networking mixer and coat drive at downtown Yonkers hotspot Casa de Cafe on Main Street. The event provided the opportunity for young professionals and entrepreneurs to mingle and to make professional connections, as well as serve their community by donating spare coats to those in need this upcoming winter. The Cafe was packed. About 65 young professionals and community members from across Westchester

(L-R): LaMont Oyewale’ Badru, Executive Director of CGDC, Ami Dar founder of Idealist.org, and Justin Tolbert YCAP Board Member. and NYC were in attendance, and about 70 winter coats were collected that evening. The highly anticipated

keynote speaker was Ami Dar, the founder and Executive Director of

Continued on page 6

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CGDC & YCAP Host Successful Young Professionals Mixer and Coat Drive Continued from page 5

www.Idealist.org, the worlds #1 website for the promotion of non-profit organizations and non-profit job and internship postings. As he drew a large, yet intimate crowd about him, Ami Dar shared the catalyst that moved him to start www.Idealist.org, and about a new initiative that Idealist is launching to create a platform to connect people interested in marrying activist and volunteer work to local projects that are taking place. On November 22nd, the coats donated by the young professionals were distributed at the YCAP offices located at 164 Ashburton Avenue (formerly School 12). Yonkers City Councilmember Christopher Johnson (District 1), and YCAP Board Chairmember Symra Brandon showed their support by helping to distribute the coats that night. CGDC and YCAP look forward to collaborating on future events. More young professionals mixers will follow in 2014.

Thursday, DECEMBER 12, 2013


UPAC Hosts An Evening of Albanian Music and Culture By DENISE (DEE) BARBATO YONKERS, NY -Untermyer Performing Arts Council (UPAC) and the Albanian American Community present “A Night of Albanian Music and Culture,” Thursday, Dec. 12th at 7 p.m., to be held at the Yonkers Montessori Academy, 160 Woodlawn Avenue, Yonkers. Admission is free. The evening is a celebration of music and dance marking Albanian’s independence from Ottoman rule in 1912, commemorated each year on November 28th, and its subsequent break from Soviet influence and occupation in 1992, when the Republic of Albania became independent from the Soviet Union. Featured will be Kelmendi, a traditional Albanian band from Shkoder County in Northern Albania whose music is inspired by Albanian national hero Skenderbeg, with themes of honor, hospitality and strength. Dressed in traditional Albanian attire, Kelmendi performs a distinctive variety of poetry in the form of song, which explains

the beautiful culture of Albanian heritage with songs acting as an oral history explaining Albanian hardships and the strict moral code of honor that is part of the Albanian demeanor. The lahuta, a one-stringed fiddle, accompanies the telling of these epic poems. Rozafati, a colorfully costumed Albanian dance group, whose artistic goal is to elaborate, develop and propagate ancient Albanian folk treasures, is a branch of the Mother Teresa Cultural Center under the umbrella of Our Lady of Shkodra Roman Catholic Parish in Hartsdale, N.Y. Founded more than 30 years ago, the group has flourished under the leadership of Father Peter Popaj, choreographer Angelina Nika and directors Fran and Gina Cotaj. Today, Rozafati has more than a hundred dancers from age 5 to 25, whose goal it is to preserve and teach others the culture of all Albania regions. UPAC president, David Tubiolo, thanked Henry Djonbalaj, an active member of not only the Albanian-American community, but also Yonkers’ Lincoln Park Taxpayers Association and McLean Avenue Merchants Association, for his assistance in making the evening possible, providing a

Kelmendi performers

great world of knowledge and outreach to the Albanian community. Henry said, ‘ It’s great to see so many people accept and welcome the Albanian culture, especially in my beloved city of Yonkers. I was pleased to work closely with members of the Untermyer Performing Arts Council to make this evening possible.”

The evening is made possible through Arts Westchester with funds from Westchester County, and Westchester County Cultural Initiative, in cooperation with the City of Yonkers, Mayor Mike Spano, and the Yonkers Department of Parks, Recreation and Conservation.

Comedy Genius Johnny Lampert Turns Ho! Ho! Ho! Into Ha! Ha! Ha! YONKERS, NY -- Laughs will be giftwrapped in time for the holidays with Johnny Lampert delivering the one-liners at Empire City Casino’s (810 Yonkers Avenue, Yonkers, NY 10704; Tel: 914-968-4200) Comedy night on Wednesday, December 18; doors open at 7:00 pm; show starts at 8:00 pm; the MC is Mike Citera and Michael Speirs is the featured performer; admission $5 for Empire Club members; $15 for non members; free drink ticket for all patrons. 

Headliner Johnny Lampert is one of the premier comedians in the country, and a regular at New York City’s and Los Angeles’

best comedy clubs including The Gotham Comedy Club, The Comic Strip, Caroline’s Comedy Club and The Improv.
 Johnny has also made numerous appearances on national television including featured performances on MTV, A&E, Comedy Central, NBC, HBO Comedy Showcase and most recently on AXS TV’s Gotham Comedy Live! Johnny’s wildly successful appearances at Montreal’s “Just for Laughs” Festivalled to his being named “Best Act” by The Montreal Gazette as well as the signing of a sitcom deal with The FOX network and Walt Disney Television. Johnny was also honored recently with, not

Johnny Lampert.

News & Notes from Northern Westchester By MARK JEFFERS The Jeffers clan made their annual trek into the woods last week to find the perfect Christmas tree. After our usual two hour hunt, we all agreed. We chose the first tree we saw, brought it home, threw on some lights, fired up come cocoa, broke out my laptop,

and wrote this week’s “evergreen” edition of “News & Notes.” Here is a great way to get in the holiday spirit with the whole family. On Saturday, December 14th, artist Deborah O’Connor will hand-cut silhouettes of family members, pets, or photos, so stop by the Court House in Bedford between 10:30am and 2:00pm. There will be crafts, homemade cookies, hot

chocolate, and a visit from Santa. This sounds like a festive, fun time, and good for you… the Jingle Bell 5K Run/ Walk for the Arthritis Foundation will take place at the Purchase College campus on December 14th. Maybe Rudolph will lead the way? The Bedford Hills Free Library is currently collecting gift items for Bedford Hills

one, but two of his routines being chosen for inclusion in the soon to be released book, “The Best Comedy Routines, Period.”

 MC Mike Citera has performed standup and improve comedy in clubs all over New York and Los Angeles, most notably The Improv, Laugh Factory, Upright Citizen’s Brigade Theater and Caroline’s. He has racked up a lot of internet buzz with his many YouTube sketches and was also voted the #2 college radio DJ in 2010 for his morning show “Mikey Mike’s Money Morning Madness.”

 Also featured on the bill is Michael Speirs. Mike is a tremendously funny

comedian whose likeability and quick wit always keeps the crowd engaged and highly entertained. Whether he is talking about the joy and pain of being a public school teacher, surviving open heart surgery, or just reminiscing about striking out with women while bar-hopping in his former life, one thing is certain...every time Mike takes the stage audiences are sure to be alive, energized and clamoring for more.
Visit www.empirecitycasino.com or call 914.968.4200 for more information.

Correctional Facility inmates’ children - ages infant to 17 years of age. Donations must be unwrapped and can be dropped off at the library until Saturday, December 21st. Pound Ridge is holding their annual holiday seniors luncheon on December 12th in Conant Hall; rumor has it Mr. and Mrs. Claus may stop by… for details call 914-0764-8201. Choo-Choo, all aboard… The Westchester Toy and Train Show will be held at the Westchester County Center in

White Plains on December 15th with over 350 vendor tables. Congratulations to Cappy Devlin as her business Cappy’s Travel in Mount Kisco celebrates their 40th anniversary. The Performing Arts Center in Purchase is presenting “The Nutcracker”, December 13-15th, including 130 local children in the cast. Good luck and best wishes go out to Dawn Meyerski as she becomes the new

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News & Notes from Northern Westchester Continued from page 6 executive director of the Mount Kisco Child Care Center on January 1st. This seminar looks green to me… Designing Environmentally Sound Landscapes Program will be held at the Westchester County Center on December 13th. For all you Colgate students, alumni, and fans, I wish you a Happy Colgate Day on the final Friday, the 13th, in 2013… my daughter is class of 2013 so I know she will be celebrating this great tradition, and guess who contributed this item to the column... Blues Corruption will perform at the Burger Barn in Somers on Friday, December 13th, at 8:00pm. Delicious food, great music, and a fun time for all. I sent Santa a note on this: John

Jay High School in Cross River is holding their 28th annual Antique Stocking Stuffers Showcase on Sunday, December 15th. After a busy day of Christmas shopping, how about a little Holiday Jazz Vespers with Ray Blue & Quartet at the Peekskill Presbyterian Church on December 15th. Westchester Community College’s Fine Arts Gallery presents “Skeletons,” an exhibition by Charles McGill, which will be on display January 27th through March 8th, 2014. McGill’s work combines his passion for golf with a conceptual understanding of found objects. How many gutter balls can I roll in January? …as our friends at Grand Prix New York (GPNY), the area’s leading indoor entertainment and team-building venue, will host an


Cordero’s Report By SHERIF AWAD

Quito-born filmmaker Sebastián Cordero’s resumé of accomplishment has spanned fifteen years; his name is recognized not only in Latin cinema but across the world. His latest film Europa Report, belonging to the sci-fi genre premiered in the film market of the Cannes Film Festival last May, then in San Diego’s Comic Con last July, and in L’Étrange Festival in France last September. The film received acclaim from science-fiction genre fans in Europe and the United States before the Ecuadorian audience; both moviegoers and media discovered it at the opening of the 3rd Orquídea Film Festival in Cuenca, Ecuador. A few hours before the opening night, Cordero granted The Westchester Guardian this exclusive interview in which he looks back at the vast breadth of his growing career. AWAD: How did you get interested in filmmaking? CORDERO: Moving with my family to live in Paris when I was nineyears-old was an element so significant in shaping my life since my childhood, because shortly after we arrived in France, my father passed away in an accident. And so during that period, I took refuge in cinema by attending

films with my brother and sisters. It was part entertainment, part escape, and part healing until I started to gradually realize the power of cinema. It is as an art form and a way of communication that uses many tools like image,

overnight fundraiser bowling event on January 10th at 6:00pm to benefit the Fox Lane Sports Booster Club. The Bowl-a-Thon will span a full 24-hour period, using all 19 lanes at SpinsBowl inside GPNY. The good news is that the folks at ProClinix Sports Physical Therapy & Chiropractic Wellness of Pleasantville and Armonk will be on-site offering massages and stretching, I’m sure I will be first in line for that… As we all know it is better to give than to receive, so please think about those less fortunate and donate to the many worthwhile charities here in Northern Westchester, then pour yourself some holiday cheer… and see you next week. Mark Jeffers resides in Bedford Hills, New York, with his wife Sarah, and three daughters, Kate, Amanda, and Claire.

Robert Rodriguez, and Quentin Tarantino. After finishing my studies in 1994, I did not imagine that I would do films in Ecuador. But life has many surprises. AWAD: Your film debut: Ratas, ratones, rateros (Rodents, 1999) was about ex-convict Angel who tries to

I like people to be able to rely on me. It’s vital that people get to work because they have to support their families, and if we don’t do our jobs, they can’t do their jobs. If there’s a challenge on the job, I am willing to step up to it. If we weren’t doing it, people would notice it — the quality of life would degrade. I provide services that people need!


Meet Reuben

Sebastián Cordero. Photo by and courtesy of Catalina Kulczar. rhythm, and music. Living in France made me think of making films every day until we moved back to Ecuador at the age of fifteen. At that time, there was practically no Ecuadorian cinema. I don’t recall seeing one Ecuadorian film until I joined the University of Southern California in 1990 to study in its film school. I was inspired by the new independent movement in the United States that was highlighted by the early films by The Coen Brothers,

get some easy money with the help of his naïve cousin Salvador. How did you realize this film? CORDERO: Independent cinema inspired me to the point that I thought its methods could be very applicable to our realities in Latin America. And so I started to write Rodents while keeping in mind to make it feasible on the street level. Nevertheless, the film was realized

On the line every day. People working together to make a better New York for all.


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Cordero’s Report Continued from page 7

with a budget of over USD200,000; fully funded from within Ecuador. With a film debut, you must knock on many doors and ask for all the favors you might get from family, friends and people you know, which is something you can’t do later for your next film! Moreover, Isabel Dávalos, the producer I worked with at that time, had a very entrepreneurial mind. The actors too were a mix of professional and amateurs. While Carlos Valencia, who played Angel, had experience in the Ecuadorian theatrical group Mala Yerba and the Ecuadorian film Between Marx and a Naked Woman (1999), Marco Bustos, who played Salvador, had never performed in front of a camera. It was a movie about teenagers, so mostly I was looking for spontaneity and freshness. We were also lucky to have a good exhibition of the film in 50 international festivals including Venice, Toronto and San Sebastian, winning several awards. Then, it was also a good release in the local multiplexes that started to open two years earlier in Ecuador which made the audience discover the film cutting edge in good sound and vision. Our strategy at that time was to get good international word-of-mouth about the film, then to release it in local theaters; and this paid off very well. Rodents also broke the prejudice of many Ecuadorians against watching local production.

Sherif Awad and Sebastian Cordero in Cuenca, Ecuador. AWAD: Your follow-up Crónicas (Chronicles, 2004) was a thriller about a TV reporter from Miami who travels to Ecuador in pursuit of a serial killer known as “the Monster of Babahoyo”. The dialog between the reporter and killer was quite reminiscent of those between Clarice and Hannibal in “The Silence of the Lambs”. Moreover, the film criticized the sensational manner of presenting crime across North and Latin America which eliminates the awareness and cautionary elements of TV content.

CORDERO: I was fascinated by this subject because I am a storyteller; having my own set of rules, and what’s ethical and what isn’t. However, this is something very relative and very subjective. Many news programs around the world are presented like sensational tabloid entertainment. I started working on Crónicas to showcase two elements that came together naturally: first, a story about a questionable sociopath Vinicio Cepeda, played by Damián Alcázar, who abducts children. And in this storyline, I tried to eliminate his dehumanization because some TV shows ,and media in general, tend to portray such characters as monsters. Second, I wanted to show the influential role of the press in bringing these stories to the public through the character of the TV reporter Manolo Bonilla, played by John Leguizamo, who is Ecuadorian-born, but travel between back and forth. Perhaps this is because I felt like an outsider trying to capture the essence of my continent. Bonilla’s lead in the film replicates in very similar form a TV reporting crew’s attempt to grasp the essence of the world they are attempting to portray yet failing in the process. AWAD: Pescador (Fisherman, 2011) portrayed yet another class of Ecuadorian people in the story of Blaquito (Andrés Crespo) who leaves El Matal, his small fishing village on the coast of Ecuador, to travel to Guayaquil, to sell drugs he accidentally found floating along the water’s edge. Nonetheless, I see Pescador as a universal story whose telling translates well to many people from various countries. How was this movie was conceived? CORDERO: I was interested in creating a character that evolves, like a fish out water after being exposed to the many changes that transformed him overnight.The idea was further shaped after I read an article published in the Ecuadorian magazine Soho about a drug shipment washed out to sea and thereafter found by someone. To create dramatic tension, I had Blaquito’s character become a frustrated outcast suffering difficulties selling the drugs in Guayaquil, which was quite different from the original concept where the guy who found the drugs had some successful in selling the drugs. The original character ended up spending all the money, eventually returning to his village and his usual lifestyle. Blaquito comes to realize that he cannot change his life if he has a thousand dollars in his pocket or a thousand kilos of drugs in his bag. Pescador was quite an organic experience for me because I allowed the actors to make several improvisations and also allowed myself to do some changes to the script while we were shooting on location in a natural light setting. AWAD: How do you describe Europa Report, your most recent film that opened

Cordeo used multi-screen to realize the feel of found-footage. Ecuadorian director, but it is in fact an independent film made with a moderate budget. Again, because the film has already opened in the United States and can be seen online, many people have already seen it before the festival which helps us a lot in the promotion of the film.

Cordero used classic green screen techniques to create zero gravity. La Orquidea International Film Festival in Cuenca last November? CORDERO: I don’t categorize the Europa Report as an Ecuadorian film, it is rather a North American production by an American company.The crew includes international actors and filmmakers from all over the world including myself, and cinematographer Enrique Chediak from Ecuador, and production designer Eugenio Caballero from Mexico. The subject is not only associated with countries that have space program like the US or Russia but it is more of a universal subject that touches the whole of humanity and its futuristic dreams. People here in Ecuador are proud of the idea that this is a Hollywood sci-fi film directed by an

AWAD: As written by Philip Gelatt, did the script of Europa Report inspire you to use the split-screen and found-footage techniques in directing the film? CORDERO: Although it was recently overused in horror films, the foundfootage elements were there on the first draft of the script of Europa Report. When I first read it, I felt it ultimately deals with the legacy that someone leaves what has been captured on camera. Also because it is a film about explorers, it reminded me of the story of George Mallory, one of the climbers of Mount Everest who died in 1924. But when his body was found in 1999, everybody questioned whether he succeeded in climbing Everest or not; an effort to find proof began in search of a camera to prove just that. So whatever is the outcome of the mission of the astronauts in Europa Report, their legacy and their sacrifice has ultimately reached Earth. And so this is the value of the found-footage element in this story. About the multiple cameras, there were elements in the script that drove me to set the stage to capture from eight different angles. The result was so cool that it inspired us to play with the footage in the editing room to infuse the film with a feeling of “real-time”. AWAD: Given the constraints of the budget, how did you realize the

Another example of Cordero using classic green screen techniques to create zero gravity. weightlessness scenes? CORDERO: The movie referred to many scientific facts about the influence of long-term space traveling on the muscles and the minds of humans. Astronauts in zero-gravity space should exercise for eight hours which is the equivalent of one hour on Earth. We tried strategically to plan and narrow every zero-gravity shot in order to implement it with an affordable technique. In some case, we used wire technique to hang actors in the set. In other cases, we used green screen chroma with an actor in the background and another in the foreground.

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features and seven documentaries being produced on an annual basis. What we are hoping for right now is to insure quality of production alongside the quantity.

international career through an agent in the United States. If a good screenplay comes along from here in Ecuador or from another place, I will be happy to make it.

AWAD: What are you working on next? CORDERO: Actually, I am working again on a new Ecuadorian film revolving around scams in the business of Real Estate across Guayaquil. I am also pursuing an

Born in Cairo, Egypt, Sherif Awad is a film / video critic and curator. He is the film editor of Egypt Today Magazine (www.EgyptToday. com), and the artistic director for both the Alexandria Film Festival, in Egypt, and the

Arab Rotterdam Festival, in The Netherlands. He also contributes to Variety, in the United States, and is the film critic of Variety Arabia (http://varietyarabia.com/), in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), the Al-Masry Al-Youm Website (http://www.almasryalyoum.com/en/ node/198132) and The Westchester Guardian (www.WestchesterGuardian.com).


Cordero’s Report Continued from page 8

By rotating the image of one of actor 180 degrees, the result gave the illusion of floating in zero-gravity. Mexican-born production designer Eugenio Caballero, with whom I worked before is most famous for his Oscar-winning work in El laberinto del fauno (Pan’s Labyrinth, 2006), build the set in Cine Magic Sound Stage in Brooklyn. AWAD: According to you, what’s the status of Ecuadorian cinema right now

compared to the days when you started? CORDERO: There has been a huge change since I made Rodents and Chronicles. At that time, one feature film and some documentaries were produced in Ecuador. Five year ago, the effort of a group of Ecuadorian filmmakers positively resulted in the implementation of a new law to support film production which created El Consejo Nacional de Cine del Ecuador (CNCINE) and its funding system. With the support of CNCINE and other funds like Programa Ibermedia, it became easier for Ecuadorian filmmakers to create their own films. So right now, there are around seven Ecuadorian





The Obamacare Cookie Crumbles By BOB MARRONE Buyer’s Remorse, If Only I Had Actually Bought It

To my friends on the right, go ahead and gloat. You have earned it. For the past seven years, whether on my morning show or in this space, I have championed The Affordable Care Act (ACA) and defended president Obama’s good intentions in trying to provide healthcare to all Americans. In so doing, I also believe that I offered a fair and rational set of arguments in support of my positions, and offered to man-up, as it were, if proven wrong. I stood ready, I insisted, to eat crow should that moment arrive. Well, the beak has been removed, the feathers plucked and the “humble sauce” prepared. Oh, one more thing: there will be no desert; for I have had my share of cookies to last a lifetime. Cookies indeed! Yes, Obama haters rejoice in my pain. Celebrate that the last straw in my effort to apply for Obamacare on the now notorious website has resulted, once again, in failure. Two months of futility. This time, I am locked in mortal combat with the geek invented term “cookies.” Why the fudge they had to call them cookies is another column someday. I suspect it is because cookies were what the propeller hat wearing nerds were eating with their milk when they should have been wasting their college years hooking up and drinking beer. At first, in my latest attempt, I finally got the web site to open. I am almost certain I heard angels singing to the tune of Amazing Grace. I then managed to get an account set up… I think. You see, I got an email saying I did, as well as a confirmation that my user name and password were approved. Curiously, I also got an email informing of a

“change in notification selections.”The catch is I never “selected” any notifications to begin with. Still, I moved to the next step, a plateau it seems I will never rise above. Next, the same system that told me I had an account informed me that I have not set one up. It also reported that it does not know the user name or password I used. I tried again, and again, and again. To kind of quote Hymen Roth, ‘I wasn’t angry; I didn’t ask who built the website. I said to myself, this is the website we have chosen.’ So I called the number on the screen, calmly. The women told me that she could not understand why I was unable to get into the site if I received a confirmation. Then she uttered a word I shall never forget: “Cookies.” “Excuse me,” I asked? “Cookies, you have to enable your cookies,” she responded. I was speechless. Yes, I had heard the term before, but still do not know what they are or whether they are enabled, disabled, baked or fried. God help me, I thought, as she walked me through several failed attempts to “allow” (Yes, another term for it) cookies. When nothing helped she uttered what the Obamacare website has become famous for saying, “Try again later,” and hung up. Still, I reasoned, I am not ready to write my mea culpa just yet. So I went on the web to figure out how to deal with cookies. There were scores of tutorials, and I choose the one I thought would work best. It worked alright. Somehow, I think, I disabled all existing cookies and allowed new cookies to enter my laptop. Ahem, I think. The results have been less that stellar. I still cannot enter the website, even though I have an account, and now I have more problems. Months, if not years, of frequently used websites, some for business and banking, others for job applications, still others for pleasure, are no longer

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The Obamacare Cookie Crumbles Continued from page 9

bookmarked and/or username-password remembered. I have spent the afternoon with my secret password book…second only to the “football” containing the president’s nuclear launch codes… re-entering passwords from years gone by. With each stroke of the key my frustration grows. It will get worse, I am sure, when I try and access

something I need that I can’t think of right now. In fact, all I can think of is the disaster that is the rollout for something I fought so hard for, so publicly. More personally, I have based some career decisions on the ACA, as well; but, as we liked to say back in Brooklyn, who the frosted cookie am I? What about everyone else? Millions of people with no grandsons to fix their laptops or explain

cookies are in the same boat; or is it cookie sheet? I find myself thinking about the difference between knowing what people need and the daunting task of getting it to them; of ideas and execution; of hope and change and deliverance. I am of a mixed mind this evening. The Obama Administration, which has done many good things in terms of policy, has fallen victim to a common malady affecting the arrogant: It is not enough to be the smartest person in the room. This

dynamic is exacerbated when you apply it to the general sloth and incompetence of government. There, I said it. But before you think I am ready to join the Tea Party, know this: While it appears that the Obama Administration cannot find the Lincoln Room with both hands, their hearts, at least, want me and millions of others to have access to affordable health care, and eventually we will get it. There is no other alternative. The Republicans don’t care; don’t have a plan

and a large enough portion of them think that those without insurance don’t deserve to have it. The whole thing leaves me with a sour taste in my mouth, one which I will most certainly not cure with a cookie. Besides, I am filling up on crow. Bob Marrone is an author and freelance writer.


THE SOUNDS “Song of the South: Duane Allman & the OFBLUE Rise of the Allman Brothers Band.” By Bob Putignano This fine documentary depicts the career of guitar-great Duane Allman, Duane’s career was short but there’s an abundance of historic segments discussed by those how knew Allman’s power. Budd Scoppa, David Hood, Jimmy Johnson, Paul Hornsby, Randy Poe, Robert Christgau, William Perkins and others opine about one of the greatest guitarists of all time. Starting with bands like The Escorts, the Allman Joys, onto the Hour Glass’s excursion to Los Angeles during the summer of love, and their eventual signing to Liberty Records. They opened for bands like The Doors, The Grateful Dead, The Animals, The Buffalo Springfield, Moby Grape and more. But in the studio the Hour Glass was produced by Dallas Smith who wasn’t a good fit for the band. Their first album didn’t gain any traction, during the recording of their second LP Duane left the band but later returned, yet that album also didn’t sell. Their final effort was recorded at Muscle Shoals and included more blues, but after another venture to L.A. the Hour Glass disbanded. Not long after Duane returned to Muscle Shoals’ legendary Fame Studios as a session player, his first session was with Wilson Pickett and suggested “Hey Jude” to be covered, it was a rousing success, and his guitar solo caught the ear of Phil Walden who signed Duane to a recording contract. Atlantic Records Jerry Wexler also heard Duane and subsequently purchased Duane’s contract. But the session world was not comfortable for Duane, he didn’t sing well, and his solo album was halted. On a recorded interview Duane states he became sick of being a session guitarist, and specifically talks about wanting to form a band. Yet his session work taught him how to arrange and

131 minutes. www.ChromeDreams.co.uk MVD Video DVD

also bolstered his abilities to be savvy in the studio. After a three hour recording session with the original Allman Brothers Band (with Reese Wynans on B3) the ABB was born, even though Wynans dropped out. Wexler had doubts about Duane’s new band, so Walden recorded them for Capricorn Records and allowed them artistic freedom. Duane’s vision was finally fulfilled and the rest is history. During another interview Duane discusses his affinity for jazz music and talks about Miles Davis and John Coltrane.There are also discussions about the Brothers “Dreams”with analogies of Duane’s solo being similar to Coltrane’s openness. Also mentioned is Bill Graham’s support that established the ABB’s foothold at the Fillmore East and the Northeast, and Tom Dowd’s production work on their second album “Idlewild South.”That session also led to Duane’s monumental contributions on Derek & the Dominos “Layla” album (that Dowd also produced,) and we learn how Clapton and Allman became instantly connected. So much so Duane missed several ABB live gigs. In another Duane interview he also speaks lofty praises about his new found peer Clapton. There’s also chat about how Duane suggested lifting an Albert King lick from “As the Years Go Passing By” and used it on the intro of the classic “Layla”track. Afterwards the ABB’s popularity soared and they started to tour heavily (three-hundred live dates that year.) But their use of serious drugs including the dreaded heroin also became troublesome. Duane almost overdosed and nearly died, the entire band had an addiction problem, and the band took time off to enter rehab. Even with these afflictions their performances didn’t suffer.

were enough Duane content and “Eat a Peach” was completed. Duane closest friend bassist Berry Oakley also died one year later in a similar motorcycle accident about one mile from where Duane crashed. Yet the band continued on, though they’ve gone through many musician changes – the ABB famously continues onward to this very day. Even though I thought I was fairly knowledgeable about Duane Allman, there’s a lot I learned from this DVD. For example: I didn’t recall that the only song Duane wrote was the short acoustic “Little Martha,” the tune that hauntingly closed “Eat a Peach.” In summary: The interviews are often informative and insightful, the Dolby sound is quite good too, but the “extras” are mostly filler. Long story short: I thoroughly enjoyed “Song of the South” and suspect you will too. Last but not least: Do not dismiss this DVD as being just for rabid Duane Allman/ABB fanatics. It’s a document about American music history from the seventies that should be learned from and enjoyed by any and all music enthusiasts. Note: Thanks to WG reader Rob who alerted me about this DVD, without his prodding I might not have found this wonderful documentary. Thanks Rob!

Their first two studio recordings weren’t commercial successes, but the double LP “Live at the Fillmore East” finally put them on the map. They followed with “Eat a

Peach” which almost wasn’t finished as when the album was being worked on - Duane died in a horrific motorcycle crash at just twenty-four years of age. Fortunately there

Putignano www.SoundsofBlue.com. Now celebrating 13 + years on the air at WFDU - http://wfdu.fm, 24x7 On Demand Radio: http://wfdu.streamrewind.com/ show/profile/11, WFDU’s Sounds of Blue is the most pledged to program for 5 consecutive years. Senior Contributing Editor to: http://www.Bluesrevue.com, http:// WestchesterGuardian.com, and http:// YonkersTribune.com.


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I Have 5,000 Facebook Friends By JOHN F. McMULLEN I have 5,000 Facebook “Friends” and Facebook hath decided that I shall have no more (the “hath” rather than the modern “has” is used to emphasize the sacred tone of Facebook scripture). That regulation seems logical, doesn’t it? After all, 5,000 is a lot of people -- you’d think I could be satisfied with that, wouldn’t you? Well, I’m not! -- and here’s why: I’m a working journalist and have been one for 30 years. Over that time, I’m accumulated my contacts and sources. Many, many of these are Facebook friends. I’m a college professor and, once again, have been one for over 30 years. In that time I’ve taught thousands of students, many of whom are Facebook friends. I have administered active Internet discussion lists for over 20 years; two of which have over 1,000 members -- many of these are Facebook friends. I administer a Ning Social network with over 1,000 members, many of whom are Facebook friends. I have been active in Internet -- based Virtual Reality for over 20 years, first on MUDs and MOOs and then on “Second Life” -- many of the contacts made there became Facebook friends. I have been a member of Facebook since its early days -- when it was necessary to have

an .edu mailing address to have a Facebook account. In the time that has passed, I have acquired many friends on Facebook. I’m a published author and poets and as a member of Facebook groups related to those fields (as well as some related to the NYC neighborhood in which I grew up) and have acquired many more friends in that fashion. Finally, I am a very active poster on Facebook, usually on technology, politics, education, science, religion, and social media subjects (I never post on the meals that I ate, my

sexual fantasies, or other personal drivel). Because of these postings over the years, I’ve received many, many “friend requests” -- as well as many from “friends of friends”. I never turn these down (but will later “unfriend” those who are not active or post drivel. I regularly cull my friends in an attempt to insure that it is a large cadre of interesting people). Why do I care about having so many people? One major reason is that a large number of interesting people post interesting things and. thus, provide fodder for my weekly column and radio show as well as for the magazine pieces that I do. Just as I want to read interesting posts from interesting

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Continued on page 12


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5,000 Facebook Friends Continued from page 11

people, I want to write about subjects that interest interesting people. Any on-line service which I was ever involved with -- back to the days of the “Source” and “CompuServe” through the “WELL”, “ECHO”, and “Second Life” -- provided special services to journalists, whether waving of membership charges (if any), additional storage, waving of limits (like FB’s 5,000 friends cap), and providing phone access to a press contact for questions, clarifications, and interview scheduling. Facebook seems to have none to these. There is a press e-mail address (press@fb.com) but if one sends e-mail there (as I have on a number of occasions). There is never an answer unless the requester is “on deadline’ from a major national or Silicon Valley publication. This special access to people and features for press is not unique to on-line services. Over the years of writing about the tech industry, I have enjoyed access to people, early announcements, review products, and services at Apple, IBM, Hewlett-Packard, Compaq, Tandy, Microsoft, etc. as well as access to law enforcement officials when I was writing about computer-related crime and hacking issues. This access is not because the companies particularly like the press or me personally (I often wrote scathing reviews of new products or services for InfoWorld in the 1980s). It was, rather, because they recognized the value of both having their name constantly in front of the public and showing that they were not afraid of public scrutiny by objective journalists. Perhaps, with over one billion subscribers and constantly increasing advertising, Facebook sees no needs for these concerns.

Coincidently, after I sent my most recent missive to the press e-mail address asking for the removal of the 5,000 cap, I received a fairly long list to my Galaxy Note 3 phablet from Facebook recommending friends that I might add. Thinking (incorrectly, as it turned out) that this communication meant that the cap had been lifted, I went through the furnished list -- 90% of the suggested friends had hundreds of “mutual friends” with me -- and selected a bunch, clicking “send friend request” as I did. As stated above, it turned out that my assumption was incorrect -- the intersection of my request and the list of suggested requests was just a coincidence -- I tell my statistics students that “correlation does not mean causation” - here was the proof. The evidence of my misinterpretation was brought home rapidly when I received an electronic scold from Facebook telling me that, since I had sent so many friend requests, some to people that I didn’t know, my ability to send friend requests was suspended for seven days. Additionally, when I tried to accept a friend request from another person, I was told that I couldn’t add the friend because I “already had 5,000 friends”. Since then, I’ve deleted a few friends so I could make room for a few current students and some of the recommended list who accepted my request. I also was in contact with a real person at Facebook -- a writer friend of mine at Wired knew someone there and sent me his e-mail address. The contact was very polite but, after looking into the problem, said that the 5,000 rule was inviolate (In spite of the fact that I told him that it made no sense). He suggested that I tell students and new news sources and press contacts to “follow me”. If, after being told that we “couldn’t be friends”, they actually bothered to do this, the following action would allow them to see my postings and not me to see

theirs which, as stated above, is my primary interest. I doubt that many would bother to do it anyhow. As I suggested above, perhaps that Facebook with over a billion subscribers worldwide and great advertising revenue, has lost concern for individuals who might be annoyed with it -- even those who might write about such annoyance; after all, with 1,000,000,000 subscribers, what’s 1 person -- or 100 -- even 1,000 -just a mere drop in the bucket. Yet, there are rumblings -- a number of the younger generation who abandoned MySpace for Facebook have told me on-line that they have become “fed up” with Facebook and are looking at some of the new networks to move to. I don’t know how serious these folks are or how many friends they represent -- but I know that some of these rumblings have reached the press. While it seems hardly unlikely that there will be a mass exodus from Facebook (the rise of Twitter and Google+ were both projected as having a negative impact on Facebook but that did not happen), it also seemed highly unlikely that Facebook would dethrone MySpace or that Apple, Google, Facebook, and Amazon would replace Microsoft as the driving forces in the tech world. From the earliest days of Facebook time, there have been criticisms by subscribers of what seemed to be Facebook’s arbitrary changes in the areas of format, privacy provisions, regulations, and other items. When these criticisms reached the newspapers and magazines, there was often some modification of the policy receiving complaint. Whether there was modification or not, nothing halted Facebook’s phenomenal growth -- so why should there be any concern now? The

new book by Randi Zuckerberg (Mark’s sister), “dot Complicated: Untangling Our Wired Lives”, begins with Facebook hosting President Barack Obama at a Town Hall event -- at the request of the White House! When the president considers your company important enough to come visit, what’s 1 annoyed person -- or 100 -- even 1,000? Since the advent of Facebook, there have been cautionary tales about its use (as well as any social network but it, as the largest, gets the most focus). One of the recent, Stephen Marche’s “Is Facebook Making Us Lonely” in the May 2012 issue of The Atlantic, quotes Carnegie Mellon researchers as writing “One of the most noteworthy findings was the tendency for neurotic and lonely individuals to spend greater time on Facebook per day than non-lonely individuals.” The article also quotes an Australian study, “Who Uses Facebook” as finding a significant correlation between Facebook and narcissism, stating “Facebook users have higher levels of total narcissism, exhibitionism, and leader ship than Facebook nonusers. In fact, it could be argued that Facebook specifically gratifies the narcissistic individual’s need to engage in self-promoting and superficial behavior.” Two of the persons quoted by Marche as negative on Facebook (and other online platforms) are Jaron Lanier and Sherry Turkle. Neither of them could conceivably be considered a Luddite -- Lanier is the author of “You Are Not A Gadget” and one of the fathers of virtual reality and Turkle, MIT professor the author of the critical 2011 book, “Alone Together”, authored a 1995 positive book on online life, “Life on the Screen”. Both are concerned that we lose ourselves in the digital world, mistaking

virtual connection with human intimacy and causing, in the words of Lanier, “a leaching of empathy and humanity in that process”. It may be that the critics are overwrought and that, as we evolve in the digital world, we will as a society, master the interaction between the digital and physical worlds. It may also be, however, that Facebook will emerge as the prototype of the fictional online service described in Dave Eggers’ acclaimed novel “The Circle”, which eventually takes control of society by deciding what is best for its billions of subscribers, offering more and more transparency (at the expense of privacy), and slowly convincing all that these changes are in their best interest. Admittedly, most reviewers find Google to be the closest archetype to The Circle but one can also see Facebook as a model. Only time will tell! (Note -- much of the above may be seen as a rant born out of frustration -- and I admit that it is. I also feel that presents items of concern for the always-connected Facebook user (such as myself ) as we continue along the path to digital immersion) Creative Disruption is a continuing series examining the impact of constantly accelerating technology on the world around us. These changers normally happen under our personal radar until we find that the world as we knew it is no more Links to other writings, Podcasts, & Radio Broadcasts at http://www.johnmac13. com; hear my interview of The Westchester Guardian editor Hezi Aris at www.blogtalkradio.com/rapidtalk/2013/10/13/ the-johnmac-show


Historic Moments By JOHN SIMON

Classical Greek drama came in tetralogies: three tragedies followed by a comic satyr play. Richard Nelson too has given us a tetralogy, although of a different kind: “The Apple Family: Scenes from Life in the Country.” Well, Rhinebeck, New York, is not exactly country, but it is an affluent small town where the three Apple sisters live: Barbara and Marian are schoolteachers, and Jane a writer with a live-in boyfriend, Tim, an actor. On holidays or other special days, they are joined by their lawyer brother, Richard,

formerly of N.Y.C. but now, working for the Governor, from Albany. With the sisters lives their uncle, Benjamin, a gentle but dimly senescent, formerly famous actor, who may be moved to an assisted living facility. Special days are election days or memorial days, e.g., of 9/11 or, in this fourth play, the 50th anniversary of JFK’s assassination. Each play actually opened on the day on which it is set. All the plays take place after dinner in Barbara’s dining room, and the subject is the lively conversation among these six people. This may concern politics or events of note in their lives, such as Uncle Benjamin’s severe heart attack, or Marian’s daughter’s

The cast of Regular Singing.

inexplicable suicide, or now Adam, Marian’s divorced husband, back and dying upstairs. “Regular Singing,” the title of this concluding play, focuses on what hymns Adam wants sung at his proximous funeral. The plays splendidly evoke the sense of family, including minor disagreements, recent developments of some interest, anecdotes related by one or another character.The charm of this lies in the locus: the borderline between the individual and the universal, the unusual and the commonplace. It is a paradigm of civilized intercourse, with alternatingly funny, sad and thoughtful moments. Nelson himself has ably directed, and the clothes and basic dining-room furniture are well chosen by Susan Hilferty. Jennifer Tipton provided naturalistic lighting. And

Continued on page 13


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Historic Moments



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Stephen Kunken as Tim, Sally Murphy as Jane & Jon DeVries as Benjamin in Regular Singing.

Continued from page 12 then there is the gifted cast, with a pair of newcomers replacing two of the regulars now otherwise engaged. They are the most idealistic sister, Jane, of Sally Murphy, and

the somewhat pedantically analytical Tim of Stephen Kunken. Maryann Plunkett is again the solid but also slightly stolid Barbara; the lovely and somehow aristocratic Laila Robins continues

as Marian. Jay O. Sanders repeats as the bluff, rather impetuous Richard, and Jon Devries is once more touching as Benjamin, ever so good-natured, however out of it. The

Continued on page 14

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Thursday, DECEMBER 12, 2013


Historic Moments Continued from page 13

wonder of the tetralogy is that the group forms a microcosm faithfully embodying the temper of the times while steering clear of didacticism, sentimentality, or any hint of exaggeration. Production shots of Regular Singing by and courtesy of Joan Marcus. Venue Details: Joseph Papp Public Theater / Anspacher Theater, 425 Lafayette Street, New York, NY 10003; Tickets: (212) 539-8500. Terrency McNally has written clever plays and librettos, but with “And Away We Go” he is after something bigger that does not quite come off: a sort of history of the theatre through some of its great moments. The play was written for the 30th anniversary of the Pearl Company, a modest ensemble but the nearest thing we have to a repertory company. The six dramatis personae are members of a contemporary theater company or of its board, and we see them in 458 B.C. as the Theater of Dionysus in Athens; next as players in London’s Globe Theatre in 1610; then as actors and a playwright in the Royal Theater of Versailles in 1789. Again, at the Moscow Art Theatre in 1896, followed by the Coconut Grove Playhouse, South Florida in 1956, where, of all places, Beckett’s “Waiting for Godot” was introduced to

America. The play ends as it began, with the troupe carrying on in the present. One problem here is that McNally is too obviously showing off with his knowledge of theatre history by evoking such premieres as “The Oresteia” and “The Seagull,” and showing off his erudition by dragging in every known detail about momentous premieres along with his own fictions. One cannot help feeling nudged by a gloating author into admiring his omniscience. Theatre lovers mostly know these colorful particulars and need not have them rotely rehashed; other spectators are likely to feel left out or overwhelmed, and certainly lectured at. We feel less in a theatre than in a classroom with an exhibitionist teacher fobbing off his wares. Since every actor plays six roles, no characterization gets much of a chance to register compellingly; the Pearl gives us four regulars and two newcomers, none of whom is quite transcendent. Their all-purpose leading man, Sean McNall, comes off best, although Dominic Cuskern and Carol Schulz, their two older character actors are not far behind. But I find their standard ingénue or young leading lady, Rachel Botchan, uninteresting, and Micah Stock, their new juvenile, blustery and often incomprehensible. Donna Lynne Champlin, an experienced nonmember, I have always found unappealing, and downright annoying she is again. Near the end, somehow all periods are jumbled together in true chaos, rather like

The cast of Terrence McNally’s And Away We Go. Sandra Goldmark’s deliberately overstuffed set, which features an enormous cluster of suspended costumes and a plethora of piled-up props that could furbish a dozen productions. Jack Cummings III, director of the Transport Group, has staged this work adequately, but it would take more than a director, a thaumaturge to magically rescue this piece. Production photo of “And Away We Go”

by and courtesy of Al Foote III. Venue Details: The Pearl Theatre, 555 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036. Tickets: (212) 563-9261, or visit pearltheatre.org. John Simon has written for over 50 years on theatre, film, literature, music and fine arts for the Hudson Review, New Leader, New Criterion, National Review, New York

Magazine, Opera News, Weekly Standard, Broadway.com and Bloomberg News. Mr. Simon holds a PhD from Harvard University in Comparative Literature and has taught at MIT, Harvard University, Bard College and Marymount Manhattan College. To learn more, visit the JohnSimonUncensored.com website.

GovernmentSection GOVERNANCE

New Rochelle City Council Defeats Ratner’s Echo Bay Project By PEGGY GODFREY The agonizingly long wait was finally over on the New Rochelle City Council’s decision on Forest City’s (Ratner) Land Disposition Agreement (LDA) for its Echo Bay proposal. A key reason for New Rochelle Councilmembers voting against the project was the reduction of the size of the original proposal to the smaller revised development proposal. In addition, many citizen groups were against the project. Forest City’s initial plan in 2006 was to develop 26 acres, including 150,000 square feet of retail space, 600 residential units, and two 140 room hotels. The property originally extended from the City Yard to Echo Avenue including the

former Con Edison substation, and the Nelstad and Mancuso Marino properties. The 26 acres had been downsized to a smaller, less ambitious plan of l0.8 acres to be built on the waterfront, mostly on the city’s present City Yard site. At a previous meeting (November 12, 2013) a protest on the steps of City Hall preceded the City Council Citizens to Be Heard session. At that City Council session all except one speaker had opposed the Echo Bay proposal. Just prior, the New Rochelle City Council (NRCC) had voted 4-3 to discuss this project in January and to wait to vote until after that time. Mayor Bramson called for a break and then came back to the council for a revote. However, during the break Bramson (according to witnesses) had

screamed at Councilwoman Shari Rackman and bullied her into changing her vote, therefore this 3-4 vote voided Tarantino’s resolution for the January discussion over the Ratner proposal. This situation was followed by a shouting melee in the parking lot, and Bramson used a police escort to accompany him on his return. When New Rochelle (NR) Councilman Tarantino proposed bringing up the Forest City proposal for another vote on November 26, 2013, residents’ curiosity was piqued. NR Councilman Lou Trangucci (1st District) who had consistently voted against this project was the first one to cast his vote. He mentioned there was no hotel in the plan and the 285 rental units required tax breaks.

Residents, he said, don’t think the proposed development is appropriate and he votedm “No.” Next, Tarantino said he was originally excited about the 26 acres with a hotel, 150,000 square feet of retail, and waterfront access, but it ended up with 285 rental units. He was offended by this “bait and switch” for residents. In the future, he felt, the entire site should be looked at to gain an understanding of what the residents want. He voted, “No.” Disappointed that the cost benefit analysis, the $1.5 million grant, and the armory or city yard were never discussed, NR Councilman Jared Rice said he had had more “meaningful discussions on Face Book” than he had with NR Councilmembers. Then he voted, “No.” Having never supported the LDA extension, NR Councilman

Ivar Hyden did not believe the proposal was the best use of the parcel and voted, “No.” Summing up many of the NR Councilmembers’ concerns, NR Councilman Barry Fertel expressed disappointment on the scaled down project. His objection was to the metamorphosis from the original to the scaled down version. and not to the tax abatements. He wanted to know the reasons for the downsizing of the project. Fertel made particular mention that he was one of only two of the present council members when Forest City Residential was chosen as the developer for the parcel. He recounted other recent developers’ proposals citing the LeCount Square plan and the Church-Division proposal. The Garden Street initiative elicited interest in only residential development. He also said public officials should be held to a higher standard.

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Bay area.” He believs this was a sound financial deal for the city.The long 30-year process by New Rochelle to plan for this development was cited in reaching this creative and effective solution for the Echo Bay area. Debate in his view should be conducted as though “our children were watching.” How disagreements are expressed sends a message

to the world, “including developers.” He felt it was now up to his colleagues to make suggestions for appropriate development in this area and then voted, “Yes.” The vote was tallied at 6 against and 1 for. The project was defeated.


New Rochelle City Council Defeats Ratner’s Echo Bay Project Continued from page 14 Believing he had to move forward for his ‘beloved community” he voted, “No.” The last NR City Councilperson to vote, Shari Rackman, expressed city policy

and economic concerns about the proposal. She was skeptical about the use of the Nelstad and Mancuso Marina proposals. She felt the downtown and waterfront should be connected and voted, “No.” Acknowledging the “intense” debate

that had transpired on this proposal Mayor Noam Bramson gave reasons why he supported it. The plan was to open up a large area of the waterfront. This project would have created ...”successful investment” and would be a “catalyst to transform the Echo

Peggy Godfrey is a freelance writer and former educator.


Let New York State Comptroller Audit LDCs in New York By THOMAS P. DiNAPOLI There is a shadow government operating in New York. It uses billions of local taxpayer dollars with little oversight, and too often for questionable purposes. In Monroe County, it has wasted millions and led to indictments, including of public servants. I’m talking about local development corporations, commonly called LDCs. They were originally created to help New York’s counties, cities, towns and villages with economic development, but their purpose has run amok in several communities. This played out last month when an indictment was unsealed in Monroe County detailing an elaborate bid-rigging

scheme involving public and private defendants that saw hundreds of millions of dollars allegedly steered and laundered illegally. The case stemmed from my office’s audits and investigations. Back in 2012, auditors from my office found that Monroe County officials wasted nearly $40 million in taxpayer dollars when they created an LDC, Upstate Telecommunications Corp., to support the county’s information system needs. There were no discernible savings for county taxpayers. The LDC’s creation resulted in backdoor borrowing of several million dollars by the county and placed $8 million of taxpayer money outside of county control. That deal led in part to the indictments by State Attorney General Eric

Schneiderman as part of our Joint Task Force on Public Integrity. In the Rockland County town of Ramapo, my auditors found town officials left taxpayers liable for up to $60 million for the construction of a minor league baseball stadium financed through an LDC. Under current law, my office cannot directly audit the state’s approximately 270 LDCs, even when they are controlled by a local government. The only way my office can examine the relationship between an LDC and a municipality is as a part of an audit of the local government. Even then, it is hard for us to look beyond the financial or business relationship to examine the overall finances and operations of the LDC. This is a major loophole in state law








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that needs to be closed. A bill I submitted to the state Legislature would expand the comptroller’s audit authority to include audits of such organizations. The much-needed oversight my proposal provides will help to restore these entities to their intended purpose of promoting economic development. I urge lawmakers to act promptly on this measure at the start of the next legislative session. We can’t fully understand the financial condition and operations of local governments unless we can directly examine the finances and operations of the organizations they control. The recent indictments in Monroe County show how important

public oversight is, and how costly the lack of information can be to taxpayers. The expansion of my office’s audit authority over LDCs will enable us to keep an eye on shadowy financing. Taxpayers have the right to know how their local governments and elected officials are using public monies. Not only when things go very wrong, as they did in Monroe County, but routinely. The use of LDCs has allowed some local governments to operate in the shadows. It’s time to shed more light on these entities and to offer the public the ability to see the full picture of where their tax dollars are going. Thomas DiNapoli is the New York State Comptroller.

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Thursday, DECEMBER 12, 2013


Selection of a Developer for Kensington Road Condominium Project By Mayor MARY C. MARVIN After an exhaustive and thorough process, the Board of Trustees will be ready to make a decision on selection of a developer for the long approved Kensington Road Condominium Project at the December 9th monthly meeting. As a refresher, the Village sent out a Request for Proposal (RFP) the week of June 7, 2013. Responses to the RFP were due back to the Village by 4PM on September 3, 2013. The announcement of the RFP’s availability was publically broadcast and followed by publication of the news in various local outlets. The information was also put on the Village website. The announcements were sent to a number of developers who had expressed interest in the project going back to 2008 when the WCI Corporation abandoned the development. During the intervening summer weeks many interested parties interviewed with Village staff and the project’s architect about the RFP. With the responses in by the September due date, an expert committee was convened to review submissions, chaired by Deputy Mayor Robert Underhill, Trustee point person Guy Longobardo, former Trustee Frank Sica, Village resident Jay Urstadt, Village Counsel James Staudt and Village Administrator Harold Porr. After careful study of submissions, specific candidates were selected for

interviews and an intense review followed both as to the potential developer’s financial soundness and the quality of their product. I joined in for the site visits of the finalists. The RFP was essentially the same document issued in 2003-2004 that required the construction of a residential condominium project of approximately 110,000 square feet creating up to 54 housing units and the inclusion of an underground municipal parking garage with 200 spaces for the exclusive use of the Village. Over a period of two years, the prior developer, who filed Chapter 11 due to heavy investment in Florida real estate in 2008, obtained all required land use and Board approvals for construction of the project. These approvals include an Environmental Finding Statement, Planning Board Site Plan and Planning Board Special Permit. In addition, agreements were also secured with multiple interested and/or involved third parties including the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation regarding environmental remediation, MTA/Metro North relating to access, construction management, drainage and utility issues, the owners of One Pondfield Road modifying an existing easement and providing for relocation of utility lines, United Water replacing a water main and agreements to protect the property of Christ Church. In addition, both the former project’s architect and project engineering firm have agreed that their drawings

and specifications may be used by a new developer. All of these pre-approvals, both in terms of time and expenses incurred, have great value to the new developer making this is a truly shovel ready project. After extensive market research, the condominiums are designed to attract the empty nesters, ideally current residents who want to downsize but still remain in our Village. The design schematics provide for formal dining rooms, few bedrooms and many staffing amenities. In addition to the carefully designed building whose every feature was vetted in

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the prior comprehensive two year review process by the Village Planning Board and Village staff, the adjoining neighborhood to the project itself will be beautifully landscaped with new sidewalks, curbing, planting and underground utilities. Perhaps even most importantly, approximately 20,000 cubic yards of contaminants will be removed and the property, formerly a power and steam station, gas station and general industrial site, will be returned to pristine condition. Proposers provided a bond, letter of credit or equivalent form of security to insure completion of the environmental remediation and the entire parking facility. So net net, in the worst case scenario, the Village is guaranteed an environmentally clean property and a brand new parking facility.

The property is not only a visual eyesore in its current condition but has been off the tax rolls for decades. The new high quality development is conservatively estimated to add $600,000 plus to the Village tax coffers of which 85% will go to the school district. The bottom line is that a blighted property in the Village will be transformed into a show-place bringing new quality housing, new tax revenues and improved public parking facilities to the Village. This will be our third attempt to get his project built but all indications are that this effort will be the one that gets done. Mary C. Marvin is the mayor of the Village of Bronxville, New York. If you have a suggestion or comment, consider directing your perspective by directing email to mayor@vobny.com.

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Thursday, DECEMBER 12, 2013

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Southwest Yonkers Residents Reject Condominiums Over Community Center Project on School 19 Property By HEZI ARIS The Yonkers City Council’s august chambers had every pew filled to capacity predominantly with people of color. Many of the residents once welcomed to Southwest Yonkers decades ago were welcomed to the City of Yonkers (CoY) when White Plains decided to cleanse itself of people of lower socio-economic means. Once people took up residence in CoY, they were forgotten; pimping the poor lost its financial value. Southwest Yonkers was cornered off from the rest of Yonkers. Politicians learned to promise the world, but delivered little. The City of Hope denied Yonkersites the opportunity to get ahead. Educational opportunities disintegrated over many years of neglect. Job opportunities promised to Yonkersites learned they had to wait their turn at the end of the line. Job creation was spoken about to satisfy hope in those that needed employment, but the focus was to persuade and satiate the needs of the elected officials who wanted to build a fake resume of responding to their community. The reality is that few elected officials speak truth to power; public servants that serve themselves yet claim to serve the public interest sit in the majority. Maintaining silence permits the pain too long suffered by Yonkersites. Twelve years were afforded the Struever Fidelco Cappelli Yonkers Project.

Let’s get real. They were white men of different ethnicities permitted a wide berth to succeed or fail. They failed. Yonkers claimed recourse was not an option. Yonkers claimed impotence before contracts and clauses unseen. Yonkers city government has too often stretched facts to the point of plausibility but not to the truth. The City Council is now considering affording a transitional extension of the SFC Yonkers Project to Fidelco Realty Group (FRG)? Why? There contract is no longer valid; it expired. Why is Fidelco Realty Group (or whatever they call themselves now) being given a helping hand? Do they have the capacity to build the H & I property they covet? Where is proof of the collective $36 million investment that would go to benefit FRG. I suggest it cannot be proven no matter how much time is afforded Marc Berson, President and CEO of FRG. If they are ready to build, why is their plan not divulged? Where is the confirmation of the money required for them to go ahead and build? Why is Yonkers asked to wait another 90 days? This is another Yonkers scam: no proof, all talk, little if any believability. Mayor Mike Spano claims he is in fear of litigation by FRG, Berson against the City of Yonkers. Why? On what basis has Yonkers failed to afford Berson / FRG any opportunity? Is over 12 years not sufficient? Why are people of color not being given an equal opportunity? That is the in your face question over which Mayor Mike

Spano, Yonkers City Hall, and the Yonkers City Council are afraid to travel. I would be likewise afraid were I them, but I have an ethical standard that removes me from such plight. The only need be fair and balanced and benevolent in their conduct, leaning not to one over another. Mr Green must be excised from the equation. America asserts it is colorblind, but the Yonkers City Council is not. Neither is Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano who sits idly by without placing his strong mayoral pulpit between battling factions to espouse a fair and balanced perspective on issues. It’s always a guessing game.The Democrats and Republicans equally hide behind a bigoted color line. People of color are responsible for their plight as well. The NAACP has been silent on these concerns. It is the bigotry that permeates the city amidst the silence of all who reside within it that deflects interest in Yonkers. Rather than leaders who serve the public interest, Yonkersites have permitted crooks to exhaust Yonkers’ ability to find sustenance. It’s time to speak, time to tell the truth, time to keep elected official’s feet to the fire, and open the eyes of the world to see what Yonkersites have known for years. Its time to do right thing for all Yonkersites, not a select few. Yonkers deserves nothing less. Its time to deafen the silence with righteous indignation.


A Ghost of Liberalism Past The Cider House Drools By LUKE HAMILTON It is easy to forget past beliefs which were held and then rejected. Then, when you encounter them again, stumbling over them like a child’s sneakers lurking in the dark hallway, it is hard to fathom that you once held such beliefs. I recently had just this experience when I recommended The Cider House Rules to my wife on movie night. Originally published in

1985, it is one of America’s most-celebrated author’s best-known books. It spawned a stage play and a film of the same name. The film, chock-full of stars like Michael Caine, Toby McGuire, Paul Rudd and Charlize Theron, garnered 2 Academy Awards from 7 nominations. I read the book in college and had kept the film in my queue for seemingly a decade, always intending to watch it at some point. When asked what sort of film

it was, I positively affirmed to my wife that it was indeed a “chick-flick”. (Author’s note: I am not a glutton for punishment. I do not seek out opportunities to inflict the cinematic equivalent to water-boarding on myself. However, knowing that Christmas approaches and a Die Hard marathon is right around the corner, I saw the opportunity to pay it forward by pre-loading some chickflickery onto the account.) What quickly became apparent was that The Cider House Rules is not a chick-flick…or an anyoneflick, for that matter. It’s a steaming pile of moral relativism, served up on a hot plate of self-righteous liberalism, delivered by a

Continued on page 18

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Thursday, DECEMBER 12, 2013


A Ghost of Liberalism Past Continued from page 17

hatchet-faced waitress with a mole that would make Uncle Buck blanch. The story takes place in Maine during the first half of the 20th century. The story centers around a young man, Homer Wells, who grows up in an orphanage without being adopted. He is mentored by the head of the orphanage, a doctor who is an ether addict and teaches Homer his craft, when he isn’t sleeping with one of the head administrators. Homer is horrified by the doctor’s casual willingness to perform secret abortions on the girls who visit his orphanage for that purpose. Homer’s assertion that perhaps the women should have chosen not to engage in activity which could lead to pregnancy is ridiculed as naïve. Homer makes friends with a young couple who come to receive the doctor’s services and the man, an Air Force pilot headed shortly to the brewing conflict in Europe, offers Homer a job at his mother’s apple orchard. Over the next couple years, Homer is gradually corrupted by the world to the point that he steals his friend Wally’s girl, while he is fighting Nazis overseas. When word comes back that Wally’s plane was shot down and he is now paralyzed from the waist down, Homer still wonders if his tryst might be able to continue. Homer also comes to realize that he has been given the power to perform abortions in order to Do Good in the world and that his previous stance on personal responsibility and moral certitude was rubbish. In order to save the day, he performs an abortion and replaces his mentor as the head of the orphanage, when the doctor dies from an ether overdose. I’m lucky we’re married. If this was a date, she would’ve gotten up and walked out (rightly so). As it was, we couldn’t even finish the film and turned it off midway through. I was stunned. Here was a vestigial remnant from my bleeding-heart days, staring me in the face. How could I have ever thought this was good?? The plot was teeming with obvious contrivances, meant to tug on emotions and discourage critical thinking. The moral (as funny as that sounds) seemed to be “Everyone is an icky bastard and so are you. Let’s party.” I was fascinated, thinking how my moral trajectory developed in the exact opposite manner of Homer’s. I began as a moral relativist, steeped in the worldliness around me, eventually finding in God’s absolute morality what relativism could never provide. Homer began with an absolute view of morality and personal responsibility, bolstered by his upbringing

in a house of unwanted by-products of casual sexuality, and found more comfort in the quicksand of relative morality with its ever-shifting boundaries. The difference appears to be that Homer’s absolute morality was based in experiential truths while mine is founded on the eternal truth of the one true God. Supporters of abortion must value experience over innocence. They must view the cumulative life experience of the mother to be of more worth than the innocence of the life inside her. In a tragic way, it makes sense. Given that the pro-abortion crowd is forced to deny the intrinsic worth of human life, they frequently invalidate or minimize the existence of God and spirituality. And if existence has no spiritual component, then the Existentialists were right and all meaning and worth is to be determined by acts of Will and the experiences we leave behind. Thus in one fell swoop; by aborting her child, a mother affirms her existence with a tragic act of Will and preserves her ability to live life on her terms, unencumbered by the consequences of her actions.

The one touching part of The Cider House Rules is when we see the impact that the love and care of Homer and the orphanage staff has on the younger orphans. The love of that community is portrayed as a gleam of hope in an uncertain world, yet no mention is made of all those souls who weren’t given the opportunity to experience that love, buried as they are in the small, cold graveyard behind the house built to shelter and protect unwanted children. Luke Hamilton is classically-trained, Shakespearean actor from Eugene, Oregon who happens to be a liberty-loving, right-wing, Christian constitutionalist. When not penning columns for ClashDaily.com, Hamilton spends his time astride the Illinois-Wisconsin border, leading bands of liberty-starved citizens from the progressive gulags of Illinois to [relative] freedom. Hamilton is the creative mind/ voice behind Pillar & Cloud Productions, a budding production company which resides at www.PillarCloudProductions.com. He owes all to his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, whose strength is perfected in his weakness.


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LE G A L N O T I C E S NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY (LLC). NAME: NARVEN Co, LLC Articles of Organization were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 09/23/13 Office location: Westchester County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to: The LLC, 233 Hessian Hills Road, Croton on Hudson, New York 10520, principal business location of the LLC. Purpose: wholesale pharmaceutical sales. 36-14 195TH STREET, LLC Articles of Org. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY) 10/3/13. Office in Westchester Co. SSNY design. Agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to C/O Stern Keiser & Panken, LLP 1025 Westchester Ave Ste 305 White Plains, NY 10604. Purpose: Any lawful activity. PRINCE 26, LLC Articles of Org. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY) 5/5/04. Office in Westchester Co. SSNY design. Agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to Veracity Development 199 Lafayette St #1A New York, NY 10012. Purpose: Any lawful activity. PRINCE 26, LLC Articles of Org. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY) 5/5/04. Office in Westchester Co. SSNY design. Agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to Veracity Development 199 Lafayette St #1A New York, NY 10012. Purpose: Any lawful activity.

Notice of Formation of 578 East Fordham LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 9/4/2013. Office Location: Westchester County. SSNY designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to William Fleming, 16 Bronx St, Tuckahoe, NY 10707. Purpose: any lawful purpose. NOTICE OF FORMATION OF Psychiatric NP Therapeutics, PLLC. Arts of Org filed with Secy of State of NY (SSNY) on 9/24/13. Office location: Westchester County. SSNY designated agent upon whom process may be served and shall mail copy of process against PLLC to principal business address: 481 Main St., Ste. 303A, New Rochelle, NY 10801. Purpose: Any lawful activity.




Thursday, DECEMBER 12, 2013

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Page 19

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Page 20


Thursday, DECEMBER 12, 2013

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