Vol. VI, No. VIII
Westchester’s Most Influential Weekly
A Sneaky
Thursday September 19, 2013 $1.00
SHERIF AWAD Algorithms Page 6
BOB BOGEN Down to the Wire On Syria Page 8
Attempts to
GLENN SLABY Conservatives… Short Term Thinking? Page 8
EVAN S. LEVINE, M.D. Can You Do Me A Big Favor? Page 10
Those Who Defy Him
JOHN SIMON Of Chess and Computers Page 14
Discovering the Maine Woods By Lee Daniels, Page 4
Those Thrilling Days of Yesteryear By JOHN F. McMULLEN Page 5
Inaugural Fall Column Page 16
LUKE HAMILTON A Broken Presidential Record Page 17 BOB MARRONE NYC Must Avoid Voting for a Flamer Page 18
rience fundraising, knowledge of what development entails and experience working with sponsors/donors; 2) Operations Manager- must have a good knowledge of computers/software/ticketing systems, duties include overseeing all box office, concessions, movie staffing, day of show lobby staffing such as Merchandise seller, bar sales. Must be familiar with POS system and willing to organize concessions. Full time plus hours. Call (203) 438-5795 and ask for Julie or Allison
Page 2
Of Significance Of Significance
Community Section ............................................................................... 4 Community Section ............................................................................... 44 Business ................................................................................................ Business ................................................................................................ Calendar ............................................................................................... 44 Calendar ............................................................................................... 45 Charity .................................................................................................. Creative Disruption ............................................................................ 56 Charity .................................................................................................. Contest Cultural Perspective ........................................................................... 766 Contest .................................................................................................. Creative Disruption ............................................................................ Energy Issues ....................................................................................... Creative Disruption ............................................................................ Education ............................................................................................. 867 In Memoriam ....................................................................................1078 Education ............................................................................................. Fashion .................................................................................................. Medicine .............................................................................................10 Fashion .................................................................................................. 89 Fitness.................................................................................................... Najah’s Corner ...................................................................................119 Fitness.................................................................................................... Health ..................................................................................................10 Movie ....................................................................................12 Health ..................................................................................................10 HistoryReview ................................................................................................10 Music ...................................................................................................12 History Ed Koch................................................................................................10 Movie Review ...................................................................12 Community ........................................................................................13 Ed Koch Movie Review ...................................................................12 Spoof ....................................................................................................13 Writers Collection.............................................................................14 Spoof ....................................................................................................13 Sports Scene .......................................................................................13 Books Sports Scene .......................................................................................13 Najah’s...................................................................................................16 Corner ...................................................................................13 People ..................................................................................................18 Najah’s Corner ...................................................................................13 Writers Collection.............................................................................14 Eye On...................................................................................................16 Theatre ..................................................................................18 Writers Collection.............................................................................14 Books Leaving on a Jet Plane ......................................................................19 Books ...................................................................................................16 Transportation...................................................................................17 Government Section Transportation ...................................................................................17 Government Section ............................................................................20 ............................................................................17 Campaign Trail ..................................................................................20 Government Section ............................................................................17 Albany Correspondent ....................................................................17 Economic Development....................................................................17 Albany Correspondent Mayor Marvin’s Column..................................................................20 .................................................................18 Education ...........................................................................................21 Mayor Marvin’s Column .................................................................18 Government .......................................................................................19 The Hezitorial ....................................................................................21 Government .......................................................................................19 OpEd Section .........................................................................................23 Legal ....................................................................................................23 OpEd Section .........................................................................................23 Ed Koch Commentary.....................................................................23 People ..................................................................................................24 Ed Koch Letters toCommentary.....................................................................23 the Editor ..........................................................................24 Strategyto...............................................................................................24 Letters Editor............................................................................25 ..........................................................................24 Weir Onlythe Human OpEd Section .........................................................................................25 Weir Only Human ............................................................................25 Legal Notices ..........................................................................................26 ..........................................................................................27 Legal Notices ..........................................................................................26
Prime Location, Yorktown Heights UPON GOOD CAUSE, THE COURT MAY ORDER AN INVESTIGATION TO DETERMINE WHETH1,000 Sq. Ft.: $1800. Contact Wilca: 914.632.1230
HELP WANTED RADIO Of Significance A NON-CUSTODIAL PARENT HAS THE RIGHT TO REQUEST TEMPORARY ORisPERMANENT A non profit Performing Arts Center seeking twoCUSjob positions- 1) DirecRADIO
TODY OF THE CHILD AND TO SEEK ENFORCEMENT OF VISITATION THE CHILD. tor of DevelopmentFT-must RIGHTS have a WITH background in development or expeFeature Section.................................................................................................................................. 3 experirience fundraising, of what development entails and BY ORDER OF THE FAMILY COURT OF THE STATE OF NEWknowledge YORK ence working with sponsors/donors; 2) Operations Managermust Opinion.......................................................................................................................................... 3 have a TO THE ABOVE-NAMED RESPONDENT(S) WHO RESIDE(S) OR IS FOUND AT [specify good knowledge of computers/software/ticketing systems, duties include address(es)]: Discovery....................................................................................................................................... 4 overseeing all box office, concessions, movie staffing, day of show Westchester On the Level is usually heard from Monday to Friday, from 10 a.m. tobar12sales. Must be familiar withlobby staffing suchStreet, as Merchandise seller, Last known addresses: TIFFANY RAY: 24 Garfield #3, Yonkers, NY 10701 Fromhttp://www.BlogTalkRadio.com/WestchesterOntheLevel. the Airwaves....................................................................................................................... 5 POS Noon on the Internet: system and willing to organize concessions. Full time plus hours. Call (203) Last known addresses: KENNETH THOMAS: 24 Garfield Street, #3, Yonkers, NY 10701 Because of the importance of a Federal court case purporting corruption and bribery 438-5795 and ask for Julie or Allison Community Section......................................................................................................................... 6 allegations, programming with be suspended forArticle the days of Family March 2610 toa.m. 29, 2012. An Order Show Cause 10 of the Court Act having filed with this Court Westchester On the Level istoheard fromunder Monday to Friday, from tobeen 12YonNoon Calendar......................................................................................................................................... 6 seeking toConductor modify the placement for the above-named child. kers Philharmonic Orchestra James Sadewhite is our scheduled guest Friday,
Westchester On On the the Level Level with with Narog Narog and Aris Westchester and Aris Aris and
Westchester On the Level is heard from Monday to Friday, from 10 a.m. to 12 Noon on the Internet: http://www.BlogTalkRadio.com/WestchesterOntheLevel. Join Cultural Perspectives................................................................................................................... 6 March 30. YOU ARE SUMMONED toPlease appear before thistopic. Court at Yonkers on the Internet: by http://www.BlogTalkRadio.com/WestchesterOntheLevel. JoinFamily Court the conversation calling toll-free toHEREBY 1-877-674-2436. stayday on located at 53 So. Broadway, Yonkers, New York, on the 28th of March, 2012 at 2;15 pm in the It is however anticipated that the jury will conclude its deliberation on either MonHealthcare. . .................................................................................................................................... 8 the conversation by calling toll-free to 1-877-674-2436. Please stay on topic. afternoon of27. said day to answer thethe petition and towill show cause why child should be ending on Richard Narog March and Hezi Aris are your co-hosts. Incase, the week beginning February 20thnotand day or Tuesday, 26 or Should that be we resume oursaid regular International. . ................................................................................................................................ 8 adjudicated to be a neglected child and why you should not be dealt with in accordance with the Richard Narog andhave Hezi are entourage your co-hosts. In the week beginning February 24th,schedule we an Aris exciting of the guests. programming and announce fact on Tribune website.February 20th and ending on provisions of Article 10that of the Family CourtYonkers Act. February 24th, we have exciting entourage ofshow. guests. 9 Richard Narog and Hezian Aris are co-hosts of the Every Monday is Legal................................................................................................................................................ special. On Monday, 20th,that Krystal Wade, a tocelebrated participant PLEASE TAKEFebruary FURTHER NOTICE, you have the right be represented by a law- in http:// Every Monday is special. On Monday, February 20th, Krystal Wade, a celebrated participant in http:// Healthcare. . ..................................................................................................................................10 www.TheWritersCollection.com is our guest. Krystal Wade is a mother of three who works fifty miles yer, and if the Court finds you are unable to pay for a lawyer, you have the right to have a lawyer www.TheWritersCollection.com is our guest. Krystal is a novel mother threeaccepted who works fifty miles assigned the Court. from home and writes in............................................................................................................................................10 herby“spare time.” “Wilde’s Fire,”Wade her debut hasofbeen for publication Music. from home and writes ininher “spare time.” “Wilde’s Fire,” her debut novel has been accepted for publication and should be available 2012. Not far behind is her second novel, “Wilde’s Army.” How does she do it? PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, that if you fail to appear at the time and place Remembrance.............................................................................................................................11 Courtfar willbehind hear andis determine the petition as provided by Army.” law. and available inabove, 2012.theNot her second novel, “Wilde’s How does she do it? Tuneshould in andbefind out.noted Sculpture......................................................................................................................................13 Tune in and find out. Dated:and January 30, 2012 OF THE COURT Co-hosts Richard Narog Hezi Aris will relishBY theORDER dissection of all things politics on Tuesday, February 2 column 1 column CLERK OF THE COURT Eye on Theatre. . ...........................................................................................................................14 Co-hosts Richard Narog and Hezi Aris will relish the dissection of his all things politicsfrom on Tuesday, February 21st. Yonkers City Council President Chuck Lesnick will share perspective the august inner 21st. Yonkers Council Lesnick will share 22nd. his perspective from the august Westfoodies.................................................................................................................................15 sanctum of theCity City CouncilPresident ChambersChuck on Wednesday, February Stephen Cerrato, Esq., will inner share sanctum of the City Chambers Wednesday, February 22nd. Esq.,be will share his political insight onCouncil Thursday, Februaryon 23rd. Friday, February 24th hasStephen yet to beCerrato, filled. It may a propiGovernment Section......................................................................................................................16 his political onwhat Thursday, February 23rd. Friday, February 24th has yet to be filled. It mayofbeThat a propitious day toinsight sum up transpired throughout the week. A sort of BlogTalk Radio version Was Marvin.............................................................................................................................16 tious day toThat sumWas upMayor what transpired throughout the week. A sort of BlogTalk Radio version of That Was The Week (TWTWTW). Mayor Rosenberg.......................................................................................................................17 The Week That Was (TWTWTW). For those who cannot join us live, consider listening to the show by way of an MP3 download, or on OpEd Section. For thoseWithin who cannot join us live, consider listening tofind the the show by wayinof MP3 that download, orlink on demand. 15 minutes of..................................................................................................................................17 a show’s ending, you can segment ouranarchive you may WHYTeditor@gmail.com demand. Within 15The minutes of ainshow’s ending,paragraph. you can find the segment in our archive that you may link Right Thing to Do..............................................................................................................17 to using the hyperlink provided the opening Legal Notices, to using the hyperlink provided in the opening paragraph. ALegal Liberal Lament. .......................................................................................................................18 The entire archive is available andAdvertise maintained for yourAdvertise perusal.Today The easiest way to find a particular interview Notices, Today The is available and maintained for your perusal. easiest to findofa the particular interview is toentire searcharchive Google, or any other search engine, for the subjectThe matter or way the name interviewee. For Help Wanted....................................................................................................................................18 is to search Google, or any otherAOL searchSearch engine, forWestchester the subject On matter orLevel, the name of theRadio, interviewee. For example, search Google, Yahoo, for the Blog Talk or use the Legal Ads...........................................................................................................................................19 example, Search for Westchester Oncall the Level, Blog Talk Radio, or use the Before speaking to the police... hyperlinksearch above.Google, Yahoo, AOL hyperlink above.
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FREE CONSULTATION: The Westchester Guardian is a weekly newspaper devoted to the unbiased reporting of events The Westchester Guardian is a weekly devoted to the living unbiased reporting of events and developments that are newsworthy and significant to readers in, and/or employed in, Criminal, newspaper Medicaid, Medicare and developments that are newsworthy and significant to readers living in, and/or employed in, Fraud, White-Collar Crime & Westchester County. The Guardian will strive to report fairly, and objectively, reliable informaT. 914.948.0044 Westchester County.tion The without Guardian willCare strive to report fairly, andduty objectively, reliable informaHealth Prosecutions. favor or compromise. Our first will be to the PEOPLE’S F. 914.686.4873 tion without favor or compromise. Our first duty will be to the PEOPLE’S RIGHT TO KNOW, by the exposure of truth, without fear or hesitation, RIGHT TO KNOW, by themay exposure ofthe truth, without fearoforFREEDOM hesitation, no matter where the pursuit lead, in finest tradition 175 MAIN T., SUITEmay 711-7 • Win HITE LAINS,tradition NY 10601of no matter where theSpursuit lead, thePfinest FREEDOM OF THE PRESS. OF THE PRESS. The Guardian will cover news and events relevant to residents and The Guardian will cover news and eventsAs relevant to residents and businesses all over Westchester County. a weekly, rather than businesses Westchester County.more As aassociated weekly, rather than focusing on all theover immediacy of delivery with daily focusingwe onwill the instead immediacy more associated daily journals, seek of to delivery provide the broader, morewith comprejournals, we will instead seek to provide the broader, more comprehensive, chronological step-by-step accounting of events, enlightened hensive, chronological step-by-step accounting of events, enlightened with analysis, where appropriate. with analysis, where appropriate. Professional Dominican From &amongst journalism’s classic key-words: who, what, when, Hairstylists Nail Technicians From amongst journalism’ s classic key-words: who, what, when, Hair Cuts • Stylingwhy, • Washand & Set •how, Permingthe why and how will drive our pursuit. We where, Pedicure • Acrylic Nails • Fill Ins • Silkwhy, Wraps •and Nail Art Designs where, how, the why andand how drive our will use our •more time, ourwill resources, to pursuit. get past We the Highights • Coloring • Extensions • Manicure Eyebrowabundant Waxing will use our more abundant time, and our resources, to get past the initial ‘spin’ and ‘damage control’ often characteristic of immediate initial and often characteristic immediate Yudi’s Salon 610 Main St, New Rochelle, NY ‘spin’ 10801 914.633.7600 news releases, to ‘damage reach thecontrol’ very heart of the matter: the of truth. We will news releases, to reach the very heart of the matter: the truth. will take our readers to a point of understanding and insight whichWe cannot take our readers to a point of understanding and insight which cannot be obtained elsewhere. be obtained elsewhere. To succeed, we must recognize from the outset that bigger is not necesTo succeed, must recognize from theacknowledge outset that bigger is not necessarily better.we And, furthermore, we will that we cannot be sarily better. And, furthermore, we will acknowledge that we cannot all things to all readers. We must carefully balance the presentationbe of all things to all readers. We must carefully balance the presentation of relevant, hard-hitting, Westchester news and commentary, with features relevant, hard-hitting, Westchester news and commentary, with features and columns useful in daily living and employment in, and around, the and columns useful in daily living and employment in, and around, the county. We must stay trim and flexible if we are to succeed. county. We must stay trim and flexible if we are to succeed.
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Thursday, SEPTEMBER 19, 2013
Page 3
A Sneaky Astorino Attempts to Destroy Those Who Defy Him
dispute that Karen Pecora refused to budge on? By Friday, September 6th, Ms. Drace herself went into the local CSEA office at 122 East Post Road where representatives of the union knew nothing of her termination. Even more concerning was the fact that no union representatives wanted to hear her story that day. She was told that all release members were leaving for the day (11:30 am) and that she would have to come back on Monday if she wanted to speak with a representative. These questions weigh heavily on the hearts and minds of the rank and file union members of this county and they should weigh heavily on the county taxpayer. Who does the County Executive really want to decapitate? It sure isn’t Irma Drace; she’s just being held up as an example. It probably isn’t Dhalma Vazquez either, although he thought he could silence her by putting her in a quiet room and then had a dying rat delivered to her office. No, the County Executive wants to decapitate Guilio Cavallo and Sam Zherka because they have proven themselves to be survivors in the political arena that is Westchester County.
FeatureSection OPINION
By NANCY KING In what can only be described as a political hit, Independence Party Executive Board member and county employee Irma Drace was terminated this week from her job as a Program Specialist in the county’s legal department. Ms. Drace is an Executive Board Member with the Westchester County Independence Party; the same party that denied County Executive Rob Astorino the endorsement he desperately needs to be re-elected this November. Historically no Republican has ever been elected as County Executive without the “I” line. However, County Executive Rob Astorino claims that he didn’t receive the endorsement for the “I” line because he didn’t elevate two Independence Party officials to a high ranking patronage position. Well, that’s old news and everyone in the county knows it. The two women in question, Dhyalma Vazquez and Irma Drace were already employees of the county, there was nothing to elevate, and they were already there. However, Ms. Vazquez has been an outspoken critic of the CE and of the District Attorney, and Astorino’s beef with her started months ago. Ms. Vazquez has questioned Deputy DSS Commissioner Phil Gilles over hiring and budgeting issues within the Department of Social Services. Ms. Vazquez, a supervisor in that branch of government oversaw complaints of fraud and then had those issues investigated. Once Ms. Vasquez questioned Mr. Gilles about the ongoing hiring practices of the administration while clients who sought help from the DSS were seeing their programs and benefits cut, Ms. Vasquez quickly saw her own “benefits” cut. She was transferred out of her office and placed in a barren office with limited phone and no Internet service. In essence, her punishment was to sit in an office all day and twiddle her thumbs. Sure she was still receiving her paycheck but she certainly wasn’t doing the work she had been doing for a couple of decades. No clients were being helped; she was just sorting out parking vouchers and sitting in an empty office. So who got punished? …the neediest of county residents who needed
her the most. Of course we the taxpayers received the ultimate punishment; we pay for it. But as the calendar wore on, and the election cycle got into full swing, Ms. Vasquez and Ms. Drace, a Program Specialist in the County’s legal department began to hear candidate interviews in the evenings and by early June were working often all night to prepare petitions for those endorsed Independence Party candidates to carry. According to Ms. Vazquez, if she and Ms. Drace had to attend to Independence Party business during a standard business day they took unpaid leaves to do so. However it seems that this may not have been the case on the 9th floor of the County Office Building where the re-election campaign was being executed. Realizing that there would be no Independence Party endorsement, the CE’s team began what can only be described as a bit of sneaky take-over of the party by re-registering family members and friends as Independents. You have to admit it was a clever idea but political circles here in Westchester are practically incestuous and it wasn’t long before those “in the know” realized that the CE was trying to get that Opportunity to Ballot by infiltrating the Independence Party. However all the planning and scheming in the world didn’t provide the CE with the Opportunity to Ballot. The Westchester County Court, the Court of Appeals down in Brooklyn, and the Supreme Court up there in Albany all agreed; there would be no opportunity to ballot leaving Astorino only the Republican and Conservative lines. In a taped conversation with The Westchester Guardian Publisher Sam Zherka, Astorino defended his actions as insurance and proceeded to verbally lambast
County Executive Rob Astorino
Independence Chair Dr. Guilio Cavallo and his executive board going as far as saying he was going to “decapitate those two.” Just who is going to be decapitated is unclear at this time. It could be whistleblower Dhyalma Vasquez; it could be Dr. Guilio Cavallo, or it could be Sam Zherka himself. But to send a message to any one of the three, Astorino had what he and his team thought to be the most inconsequential member of the Independence Party Executive Board, Irma Drace, terminated from her job as a Program Specialist in the County Attorney’s office. Claiming she was a provisional employee who hadn’t taken or passed a civil service exam, Ms. Drace was called in to the office of Charles Forzano and given the news that her last day of work would be on September 18th 2013. The letter was signed by County Attorney Robert Meehan but neither he nor Deputy County Attorney Jim Castro-Blanco had the nerve to inform Ms. Drace of her
Westchester On the Level with Narog and Aris
Westchester On the Level is heard from Monday toFriday, from 10 a.m. to 12 Noon on the Internet: http://www.BlogTalkRadio.com/WestchesterontheLevel. Join the conversation by calling 1-347-205-9201.
termination in person, as a matter of fact, it was implied that Mr. Forzano (who apologized profusely for having to be the bearer of bad news and having never experienced this sort of dismissal during his tenure in the legal department), was threatened into giving the bad news. But of course as in all good political drama, the story can only get better. Ms. Drace, a single Latina mother, once dated Rob Astorino’s brother-inlaw, and this brother-in-law (never got a patronage position) happened to carry petitions for the Independence Party earlier this summer. Even funnier is Ms. Drace’s termination date, September 18th, which coincidentally or not, is the birthday of Ms. Drace’s former boyfriend and Rob Astorino’s brother-in-law. Yeah… I would say that this is a message, maybe not a decapitation but definitely a message. But this termination also raises questions as well. Ms. Drace is a member of CSEA 9200, why was she not advised to grieve this termination? Is the new CSEA President in cahoots with the CE? Is he in office to settle that pesky little contract
Nancy King is a freelance writer.
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Page 4
Thursday, SEPTEMBER 19, 2013
Discovering the Maine Woods By LEE DANIELS In the poem Avon’s Harvest (ca.1921), I found an affinity with its author, Edwin Arlington Robinson, as he aptly described the unique place I had been lucky enough to have been recently introduced to by an old friend:
Last October,
He took me with him into the Maine woods, Where, by the shore of a primeval lake, With woods all round it, and a voyage away From anything wearing clothes, he had reared somehow A lodge, or camp, with a stone chimney in it, And a wide fireplace to make men forget Their sins who sat before it in the evening, Hearing the wind outside among the trees And the black water washing on the shore.
had invited me last summer to drive up and spend several days with him at his two cabin “camps” in central Maine; finally, a year later, I joined him. We met in Hyannis, Mass., and loaded his truck with our gear, cooler, and Tom’s faithful and intrepid bloodhound, Ellie, and headed west. Leaving I-95 north near Bangor and heading west, we passed through the town of Guilford, located near the center of the state, arriving in the late afternoon at Monson (pop.: 700), located off of Route 15, which runs north to Maine’s Moosehead Lake Region, and is the last town on the Appalachian Trail (AT), near the famed “100-Mile Wilderness” section of the trail. We spent the first night in Tom’s cabin, on the banks of the Piscataquis River, built a roaring fire, and cooked steaks, listening to folk music, under a canopy of bright stars in a clear sky, through a halo of lofty pine and birch. Tom took us on two, seven-mile hikes
Shirley Town Hall The month was September, however, when I first had the privilege of visiting the Maine woods, and the fireplace an open campfire beneath a thick stand of birches. My friend Tom Munnelly, a painter and carpenter who lives in Nantucket, Mass.,
over the next few days, one leading south on a stretch of the AT along an area called Breakneck Ridge, and the other northbound on the AT, near the northern shore of Bald Mountain Pond, part of the Maine Public Reserve Land system. On both hikes, we
Trail off Breakneck Ridge
and the water was still and oily black. As I glided through the refreshingly cool water back toward the dock, I was startled by the sound of a lone loon which had materialized in the water front of me, and seemed to be singing a song of farewell, its lonely, ululating notes bidding me to return one day to this magical place.
Central Maine: If You Go
Antique car in Monson encountered both solo and groups of hikers, come to the roof of the Frog, and how meals most of whom were “through-hikers,” that and drinks will be paid for when any of the is, walking the entire 2,175-mile trail, which tavern’s clients runs the length of the dock extends from Georgia to Maine. outside, naked, and jumps into the lake. The third, day we awoke to the steady Later in the day, we moved to Tom’s beat of rain outside the river cabin, so, after other cabin, near the town of Elliotsville, on a leisurely breakfast, Tom tuned up the two the shores of Greenwood Pond, about 45 trail bikes he keeps in a nearby shed, and we minutes away. Perched on a pine-needleembarked in an exhilarating motorcycle ride covered bluff overlooking tranquil Lake over miles of rocky trails, and then over to Hebron, it was just about the quietest, most the tiny village of Shirley (Pop: 240) and its comfortable, and loveliest sylvan hideaway I tranquil pond. had ever seen. Tom made another campfire That afternoon, we drove the 13 miles to cook on, and we ate under the light of the
Greenwood Pond
Food/Supplies Monson General Store 12 Greenville Road Monson, ME 04464 207.997.3964 http://monsongeneral.weebly.com The Black Frog Greenville, ME 207.695.1100 info@theblackfrog.com www.theblackfrog.com
Outdoor Equipment/Guides/Rafting/Moose Safaris Northeast Guide Service 142 Moosehead Lake Road Greenville, Maine 888.484.3317 www.northeastguideservices.com
Munnelly pickin’ outside lake cabin. along a cinder road to Greenville, to pick up supplies, where, while sitting over a cold beer at the famous Black Frog tavern, on the shores of Moosehead Lake, we listened to the tavern-keeper regale us with anecdotes of how close seaplanes landing in the lake
Lodging Lake Shore House 9 Tenney Hill Road Monson, ME 04464 207.997.7069 www.thelakeshorehouse.com Shaw’s Lodging 17 Pleasant Street Monson, ME 04464 207.997.3597 shawslodging@gmail.com Captain Sawyer House 18 Lakeview St. Greenville, ME 04441 207.695.2369 www.CaptainSawyerHouse.com
cabin’s gas lamps, retiring before 9:00 p.m., as is the norm when camping in the Maine woods after a full day on the trails. On the last afternoon of my stay in Monson, Tom and I went for a last swim in the pond. The sun was beginning to set,
Lee Daniels, based in Pleasantville, NY, is an Arts & Leisure writer for The Westchester Guardian, the Yonkers Tribune, and a research editor for ICU, a financial services firm in Kiev, Ukraine.
Ellie relaxing at the river cabin
Thursday, SEPTEMBER 19, 2013
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CBers formed a community; we had breakfast together at the Market Diner on 12th Avenue and even installed a CB base station there so folks could order breakfast from “Midspan GW” (CB-ese for “Midspan George Washington Bridge”). One of the fellows who was in my carpool for a while was a “ham” who got me into that type of 2-way radio; I was WB2RWC (my ham friend, Milton Drake was quite interesting, himself -- he decided to get into CB to fit in and asked me if the handle ‘Mairzy Doats” was taken. When I told him that I didn’t think so, he replied “Good. I’ll take it -- I wrote the song.” He also wrote “Java Jive” and “Nina Never Knew”). When Barbara McMullen and I started our own consulting business, my radio suffered a good deal -- and CB eventually died for most as cell phones took over (another example of “Creative Disruption’ for that fellow who writes about it) but my interest remained strong and when my writing took me into exploring the field of Computer Crime, I went on the FM airways with two New York WBAI shows, “The Personal Computer Show” (with hosts Joe King and Hank Kee) and “Off The Hook” (with host Emmanuel Goldstein). Forty years after WMGM, I was back on the airwaves! I then became a quasi-regular caller to Bill Mazer’s morning talk show broadcast on WEVD (which coincidently had the same AM frequency, 1050, that WMGM once had). Then Bill’s show ended and “John from Jefferson Valley” (as I was known on the show) was back off the air.
I remained off the air (and expected to stay that way) until I did a short interview with Bruce Owens on “Hudson Valley Talk Radio” (WLNA, AM 1420). This led to me doing an hour-long show with my Westchester Guardian editor, Hezi Aris, on his Internet Radio Show, “Westchester On The Level,” WHYT -http://BlogTalkRadio.com/ WestchesterOnTheLevel/ (These interviews, along with links to my columns, video, podcasts, TV interviews, books, and blog may be found at www.johnmac13.com). I was hooked again. Then, last week, I listened (and then called in) to a new Internet Radio show, “Stay Current” hosted by a friend, Margaret Mulvihill (live Wednesday nights at 7PM – first show: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jefellas/2013/09/04/ current-w-maggie-m--the-debutshow--news-more). I not only enjoyed her show thoroughly, I had a strong desire to “do thee likewise,” so I had a discussion with her producer / network owner and, if all things fall into place, I’ll begin my own show in the near future on Sunday evenings. Let’s see —Jack Benny was on Sunday evenings at 7PM – it could be a good time slot!
Those Thrilling Days of Yesteryear By JOHN F. McMULLEN I was hooked as a young child when the rich melodious voice of Fred Foy, with the words “Let us return to the thrilling days of yesteryear when, out of the past, come the thundering hoofs of the great horse Silver,” ushered in the thrice weekly (7:30 PM. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday on what was then WJZ in New York) radio broadcasts of the “Lone Ranger.” The words became pictures in my mind of “his faithful Indian companion, Tonto” and his nephew, Dan Reid (later to become the father of Bret Reid, the “Green Hornet”). I learned that George W. Trendle produced the shows and the writer of the stories, Fran Striker, also authored a series of Lone Ranger books -- and I read them all, developing a lifetime-long love of reading as I did. Before I went to school, I’d be home as my mother listened to “Don McNeil and the Breakfast Club” (he actually had people exercising by “marching around the breakfast table”) and her Noontime serials -- “The Romance of Helen Trent,” “Our Gal Sunday” (“Can a poor girl from the mining town of Silver Creek Colorado find happiness as the wife of a rich and titled Englishman?”), and “Ma Perkins.” Then, after 4PM, she tuned into “Stella Dallas,” “One Man’s Family,” and “Just Plain Bill” -- these will all 15-minute serials so after 5PM, it was mine for “Hop Harrigan,” “Terry and the Pirates,” and “Captain Midnight.” The programs changed over the years but my love for radio remained. When Television arrived, I had little use for the TV versions of radio shows -- at least the ones that changed the actors or the stories -- I had little use for the TV Lone Ranger -- Brace Beemer was the Lone Ranger, not Clayton Moore. I really liked “Hopalong Cassidy” but that was a show made for television (really movies cut to fit TV schedules until it was a rousing success and then new episodes were filmed) but it took me a while to warm up to James Arness as Matt Dillon on “Gunsmoke” -- he had the size and the swagger but not the great voice of William Conrad (imagine my surprise a few years later when I found that Conrad was really a short fat guy). As I got older, I’d hear the denizens of the night, the great Jean Shepherd, the original New York talk show host Barry Gray, and the presenter of the bizarre and strange, “Long John” Nebel” -- and the great sportscasters with their unique
catchphrases -- Marty Glickman (“Boryla Bomb -- Good Like Nedicks”), Mel Allen (“How About That” and “Going, Going, Gone” on a home run call), Russ Hodges (his call was “Bye, Bye, Baby”), Les Keiter (“You should see him run” -- so should have Les as he was broadcasting the San Francisco Giants games from a New York studio as he read teletype reports), and Walter “Red” Barber, who really had no catch phrases. As a young teenager, I was wandering the halls of the now defunct WMGM with my friend the late Bill McLoughlin, when the legendary boxing announcer Sam Taub (who had begun his sports journalism career as an assistant to the legendary western lawman / NYC sportswriter “Bat” Masterson at the New York Morning Telegraph) invited us into the studio and made us part of the show. The same night, Benny Fields and Blossom Seeley, hosts of a show on the same station brought us into the studio and made us foils for commercials – “John and Billy will need to eat their Wonder Bread to grow up strong and healthy.” Wow! I was on the air! Then, the radio dramas faded away as the stations went to all music and many disc jockeys became stars in their own right -- Martin Block, Alan Freed (the father of New York City Rock and Roll), Herb Oscar Anderson (“The Morning Mayor of New York”), “Jocko” Henderson (“ee tiddey ok --- This is the Jock saying ohh poppa do, How do you do”), Scott Muni, Bruce “Cousin Brucie” Morrow, William B. Williams (“Hello World”), Danny Styles (“The Catman”), “Big Dan” Ingram and Murray “Murray the K” Kaufman come to mind but there were many more. Then, all of a sudden, the same thing happened to the music shows that had happened to the dramas -- gone -- as the stations went to all news or talk stations. This time, it was different, however -- they didn’t really disappear -- they only disappeared from the radio as we knew it -- AM radio -- and moved to the FM band, which had previously been the province of AM simulcasts, college radio stations (ex WFUV -- Fordham University), classical music, and some jazz stations (such as the programs of the great “Symphony Sid”). FM has better sound, less static, but also less range. During this time, my interest in radio had gotten even deeper and I purchased a large Grundig Multi-Band radio with a very wide dial and my friend, the late Bob Cummings and I would stay up all night documenting the far-away AM
stations that we could pull in (WCKY -- Cincinnati; WOWO -- Fort Wayne, IN; WKBW -- Buffalo; WGN -- Chicago; WWVA -- Wheeling, WV; WBZ -- Boston; WJR -- Detroit; KDKA -- Pittsburgh; WIP - Philadelphia; WHOP -- Washington, DC; WBAL -- Baltimore; and on and on). The Grundig also gave me my first exposure to the Short Wave band and I was even more hooked as I listened to broadcasts from all over the world. When out in the workplace (and with my own family), my time was more limited and I had less time to surf the radio waves but, once I began to commute by car to Wall Street during the CB rage, Channel 19 was the West Side Highway and I was there (“Bring it back to Captain America, KACK9932). The West Side Highway
Comments and questions are welcome – johnmac13@gmail.com Links to other writings, Podcasts, & Radio Broadcasts at http://www.johnmac13. com
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CommunitySection CALENDAR
News & Notes from Northern Westchester By MARK JEFFERS As my family will tell you I’m not a billionaire, and I don’t even play one on TV, but I felt like one, as I attended an NFL game this past weekend. I put a second mortgage on my house to buy the ticket and then sold my car for a hot dog and soft drink, sure glad I am back writing this week’s “luxury tax” edition of “News & Notes.” Our friends at the Community Center of Northern Westchester in Katonah are looking for the following food donations: breakfast cereal, rice, soup, pasta, pasta sauce, dried beans, tuna and canned meat (beef stew, chili, etc.). Calling all female American Idol wanna bees... the Golden Apple Chorus is offering free singing lessons to women of all ages on September 24 and October 1st,
transform a simple t-shirt into a creative spooky Halloween costume. All supplies included free of charge. For middle and high school age goblins and no I am not currently wearing a scary mask… Good luck to Bob Nemeth and his new Edge Sporting Goods store located in Bedford Hills. The store is stocked with the latest cutting “Edge” equipment to help each athlete to remain safe, while performing their best! Just in case you could not get your frozen yogurt fix at Frannies, or Twist or the old Carvel, standby… we welcome Peachwave self-serve frozen yogurt to the neighborhood. We just could not pass up the free fro-yo grand opening last weekend and it was delicious. Peachwave is located in the Shoppers Park in Mount Kisco behind Starbucks. see you there. More fine food news coming your
way… the Mount Kisco Rotary Club will sponsor Tastes of Northern Westchester on October 10th at the Mount Kisco Country Club. All proceeds from the event will benefit the Boys & Girls Club of Northern Westchester. The taller half of music legends Simon & Garfunkel, Art Garfunkel will perform acoustic sets on October 25th and 26th at Whippoorwill Hall at the North Castle Public Library; it will be an intimate evening of songs, anecdotes, prose and a questionand-answer session with the renowned singer, songwriter and poet. The good folks in Ossining are raising funds for Ossining MATTERS Education Foundation to benefit Ossining’s public schools. Enter the 5K Run or 2 Mile Walk on Saturday morning September 21st. A new route this year includes walk or run along roads and trails overlooking the Hudson River with runners continuing through the Edward M. Wheeler Crawbuckie Nature Preserve. All ages are welcome, for more
information or to register call 914-510-9320. And while you are on that side of the county…celebrate the Village of Ossining’s Bicentennial at Harborfest on September 21st. Explore the natural beauty of Ossining’s waterfront with this daylong festival for the whole family. See the tall ships, enjoy a boat ride, and learn more about Hudson River preservation efforts from the crew of the Clearwater Sloop. The day will feature a wide range of vendors, food, live entertainment and fireworks. Last week marked the 12th anniversary of the tragic events of September 11, 2001. We will always remember those whose lives were lost and we will never forget the bravery and strength that Americans had then and will have forever, God Bless America!
Blind chess champions Anant Kumar Nayak, Darpan Inani, and Sai Krishna. Cold War icon, until he became a fugitive meditating on the very nature of percepon the run. tion through chess, the game that requires more foresight than it does eyesight. Recently, sport sociologist and documentary filmmaker Ian McDonald, who Filming for over three years from used his camera to research sport and just before the World Junior Blind Chess culture in the UK and India, for three Championship in Sweden 2009 to just years decided to follow three young blind after the next championship in Greece men who were dreaming of becoming 2011, McDonald followed Anant Kumar chess masters. The result is the documen- Nayak, Darpan Inani, and Sai Krishna, tary Algorithms that fluidly moves between the three Indian young men, and their the personal and philosophical elements, mentor Charudatta Jadhav in their homes
and milieu, revealing their struggles, anxieties and hopes by moving through the algorithms of the blind chess championships. Mumbai-born Charudatta Jadhav was a champion player who turned into a pioneer. He discovered the game of chess soon after he went blind in his teenage years. It gave him confidence and a purpose to develop chess for the blind, situating India among the top five countries for Blind Chess. A conversation with Ian McDonald: AWAD: How did you come across this subject and how did you choose the interviewees among other talented chess player? McDONALD: When I was just finishing a short documentary, my first film, on a martial art from South India back in 2006, I came across a small newspaper report on a chess tournament for blind children. I was curious to know more about this, so I cut the report out and put it in my wallet. I was not able to do anything about this for a couple of years, but by late 2008, I still had this report. Back in India, Geetha and I decided to find out more. We soon discovered that there was a thriving but largely hidden world of blind chess in India. So curiosity turned to amazement and we started! And once we started we just got drawn into the community and then we knew that this was going
to take over our lives for the next few years. We found all of our characters, Charu and the three boys, during the first shoot at a tournament in Mumbai in January 2009. Charu, who is totally blind, is a pioneering figure in blind chess. And the more we got to know him, the more we admired him and the more complex and interesting as a character he became. And we chose the three boys because they were the best and the most promising talents in blind chess and also, collectively they represented the different levels of blindness; from Darpan who has been blind since he was a baby and has no visual memory, Anant, who went blind a couple of years ago and had limited visual memory, to Sai Krishna, who is partially sighted but is going blind. AWAD: How did you finance Algorithms and your past films? Is it more difficult to finance documentaries now? McDONALD: Algorithms was an independent production, largely selffinanced. The producer Geetha J did an amazing job in ensuring that we were able to do all the shoots that were needed without compromise on post-production. But it has been hard. And we are in debt! But going down the independent route is a choice we made. At the beginning of the project, we did get interest from production companies and commissioners
for details call 914-329-7468. It is time for the annual Herb Fair so head over to the John Jay Homestead in Katonah on September 19th and see craft and plant demonstrations with tips on harvesting and consumption, and yes I’m pretty good at consumption, see you there. Guys & gals, 5th grade and up come to learn the basics of babysitting at a free workshop at The Field Library in Peekskill on November 16th. Topics will include the responsibilities of the sitter, responsibilities of the parents of the children you are sitting for; safety and emergencies; and playing with the children you are sitting. All participants will receive a certificate for completion of the event. Lunch, snacks, and drinks will be provided. Also at the Field Library on October 7th… Teens, come make your own Skeleton Halloween Costume… just a few cuts will
Mark Jeffers resides in Bedford Hills, New York, with his wife Sarah, and three daughters, Kate, Amanda, and Claire.
Algorithms By SHERIF AWAD Although the challenging game of chess was created more than 1500 years ago, its growing popularity around the world and across the decades until today wasn’t adequately reflected on the silver screen as few features films and documentaries tried to enter this astonishing realm. For instance, in 1992, the late Carl Schenkel directed the thriller Knight Moves that starred Christopher Lambert as a chess grandmaster who becomes the prime suspect in a murder case. The following year, Steven Zaillian directed Searching for Bobby Fischer that depicted the real-life story of a New York child called Josh Waitzkin whose family discovers that he possesses a gift for chess and so they hire a strict instructor to teach him to become an aggressive chess player like the legendary Bobby Fischer. Flash-forward to 2011, we find Bobby Fischer himself becoming the focus of Liz Garbus’s documentary Bobby Fischer Against the World that shed light on the tragic life of the late chess master, from his troubled childhood, to his star status as World Champion and
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The legendary Bobby Fischer. of sight and vision, and by making the film shoots were either just me, or just Geetha black and white, we are making clear the and myself. But then the nature of the constructed nature of seeing. And finally, shoots required that it was so. The heat and I guess there is a neat parallel between the humidity of some of the locations in India black and white visuals and the black and also presented problems. And also, filming white pieces and squares in chess! in the blind community is an interesting AWAD: What was the technical chal- experience! The ethics of filming blind people is quite complex. It took a while lenge in shooting this documentary? for me to get used to moving around my McDONALD: There were many Continued on page 8 technical challenges! First of all, most of the
Producer Geetha J and Documentary filmmaker Ian McDonald. who were willing to raise finance, but AWAD: Why did you choose to shoot a decision made on aesthetic grounds. But they wanted us to do a much quicker Algorithms in black and white? then of course, there are conceptual reasons project, which we felt did not do justice to that fit too: the film is dealing with issues McDONALD: This was a choice the subject. We got a little bit of support made in the early stages of editing. The from the UK Film Council to travel for a footage just looked better in black and couple of shots, and we turned to www. white: it had intensity, simplicity, consisKickstarter.com to crowd-fund some of tency, and dare I say a beauty that was less COMMERICAL the post-production. And we are getting evident with color‌ Color flattens the support now from FIDE (the World Chess image, black and white gives it a depth that Federation) to travel to Film Festivals. we wanted for this film. So it was mainly
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Blind mentor Charudatta Jadhav.
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Algorithms Continued from page 7 subjects rather than expecting them to move around me! And lighting was also a challenge. Blind people don’t need light to function and there were many occasions where I found myself in effect disabled by not being able to function in dark rooms used by my subjects! AWAD: In the film’s production notes, it is said that you spent three years shooting. How many hours did you have before editing? McDONALD: We had around 250
hours of footage. It took over a year to edit this down to 96 minutes. AWAD: Tell us your thoughts about chess being an intellectual game that has seemingly survived the digital age. McDONALD: Chess has not merely survived the digital age, it has flourished! Chess has thrived as an online game: players from opposite sides of the world can play against each other in real time, and it does not matter if you are sighted or blind. So this has also been a real boon for blind players. There are no barriers apart from access to technology. AWAD: What was the most interesting feedback you got about the film? (Myself, I did not know there is
a competition for blind people playing chess) McDONALD: Wherever the film has been screened, we have had engaged Q & A’s. It has been really gratifying that audiences really take to all of the characters in the film, and identify with the experiences of Charu. Yes, people have been surprised that such a vibrant community exists, not just in India, but internationally. This is the first feature documentary on blind chess, so we feel happy that we are doing what documentaries were historically meant to do – to reveal ‘hidden’ worlds. We have had lots of interesting feedback, but one of the most interesting pieces of feedback was from someone
who eventually came on board as an associate producer. Used to the standard TV format with voice –over or presenter led documentaries, he said that watching Algorithms was a new viewing experience: that it felt like he was being dropped in the world of blind chess and was feeling his way around, working things out for himself. This made it a more enriching and rewarding cinematic experience. We hadn’t thought about it in that way, but we are happy that it is so! AWAD: What will be your next projects? McDONALD: We have a couple of projects in the early stages of development. Too early to divulge information about them!
Born in Cairo, Egypt, Sherif Awad is a film / video critic and curator. He is the film editor of Egypt Today Magazine (www.EgyptToday. com), and the artistic director for both the Alexandria Film Festival, in Egypt, and the Arab Rotterdam Festival, in The Netherlands. He also contributes to Variety, in the United States, and is the film critic of Variety Arabia (http://varietyarabia.com/), in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), the Al-Masry Al-Youm Website (http://www.almasryalyoum.com/en/ node/198132) and The Westchester Guardian (www.WestchesterGuardian.com).
Are The Conservatives Thinking Short Term Again? nothing has changed. I was one of those patients who had limited therapy until I finally crashed and was hospitalized (five times) and was placed on Social Security Disability, Medicare and Medicaid. My medical treatment was limited to a certain number of visits per month. Maybe with more appointments, I would have been more proactive and not reactive with life’s twists and turns. Maybe I would not have been misdiagnosed, given the wrong meds and more meds on top of that. Would my life have been better? Maybe I would have recuperated a lot sooner with a lot less cost incurred by the government. In other words, early treatment and preventive treatment, being more productive, giving back a lot sooner, and taking less. A lot of uncertainty and a lot of ifs for a lot of people with chronic illness. There was no parity.
There is no parity. But there is a lot of pain. With more therapy, I could have been a better worker, a better supporter, husband and parent. Insurance companies still seem to control our destiny, advising patients with mental illness how often they are permitted to see a doctor. Worrying so much about the bottom line caused our nation to lose so many capable individuals to treatable chronic illnesses. Greed, concern for the bottom line by insurance companies, combined with a narrow vision, still haunts us today. And one disease can wipe out the entire lifetime earnings of a family. This is just one small instance displaying the failure of our healthcare system. With the complex Heath Care Affordability Act being threatened to extinction, again by the Conservatives, I dare those in favor of its removal to go to a healthcare facility, see the
world in actuality, see the pain, see the struggles and tell us why you are going against Judea/Christian values of our society. Tell us why we should not get the care needed for a healthy life. I understand the concern over the cost of implementing this Act, but the cost of inaction is a lot greater as I have shown; and why should cost consideration come before human consideration. What will our children think of us as we permit chronic illness and expenditures continue? Will they say thanks for saving us money and balancing the budget, or will they say, “Why did you let our parents suffer so much for the value of a buck? Weren’t their lives important? We know how they suffered.” If you are afraid of the transfer of wealth, the social economic consequences, tell us why you have not put forward an alternate plan? Tell us why you have failed
Down to the Wire On Syria
press Syria to agree! The entire world has known for many years that Syria has been purchasing many tons of such chemical weapons, and in public. But until Putin’s remarkable announcement both Syria and Russia have refused to even confirm the existence of Syria’s immoral, illegal chemical weapons. With Iran, the Russians have been major sponsors of Assad’s Syrian government enormous counter-revolutionary violence. And it should be clear that without the US threat of military response none of this new alternative would have developed. This is an old story. Syria is not a long-standing nation. It was created, along with a number of other smaller nations in that region, by the peace treaties
following World War I, which ended in 1918. Another result of gas attacks in WW I was the declaration of poison gas use as a war crime, made international law in 1928, and more recently refined and signed into international law in the Chemical Warfare Convention, the CWC of 1993. As some may recall Assad’s father waged another extremely violent massacre of Syrian residents in the early 1980s, including the murder of 20,000 civilians with the total destruction of the center of Hama, one of their major cities. Not so many months ago it appeared the Assad military was loosing its current civil war. More recently the military support of Iran and Russia seems to have turned the tide of battle in favor of Assad. It is also
By GLENN SLABY Senator Pete Domenici (R-New Mexico) stood up and begged, “Will we let insurance companies operate on the ridiculous presumption that people with schizophrenia are not sick?” The senator was seeking equal health care treatment for his daughter suffering from a mental illness. The Republican controlled committee of the House refused to listen; perhaps they listened, but refused to act and vote in committee. The committee presides over issues of mental health and illness; the intention is to have parity with physical illness - not thinking that biology, bio-chemistry and genetics are related to both diseases. The vote came down along party lines and failed to pass in committee. That was nearly 12 years ago. Looks like
to enact any major health care improvement even prior to this presidency? Tells us why you are not submitting viable bills to challenge and change just a few aspects of the bill, especially the pro-abortion aspects of which I strongly disagree? And tell us why you would rather destroy and dismantle and not build toward a common goal? Maybe all those who vote should learn about and memorize the Paradoxical Commandments, especially those composed by St. Mother Theresa. “Remember, the cost of our moral obligation and values by our inaction will extend beyond this generation and extend to our final judgment.” Glenn Slaby is married and has one son. A former account with an MBA, he is a freelancer with The Westchester Guardian, writes part-time, and struggles with mental illness, yet works at the New Rochelle Public Library and at St. Vincent’s Hospital in Harrison, New York.
By BOB BOGEN Time marches and slogs on, but events concerning Syria took a startling turn in recent days in response to a newsconference comment by Secretary of State John Kerry. It is understood Kerry was replying off-the-cuff to a reporter’s important query, whether there is any acceptable alternative to the White House conclusion concerning US military action in Syria. The US and the world seek effective response to Syrian poison gas escalation in the mass-murder
of women, children and other civilians. The US Administration concluded that, after all efforts at diplomacy and sanctions, the only remaining response to this major, enormous atrocity is at least a limited military effort, not to include U.S. troops there. Apparently casually, Kerry replied that perhaps if Syria turned over all its huge illegal supply of chemical weapons to the United Nations for disposal, military action would not be necessary. To the great surprise of the world, Russia picked up on this comment and stated their response that Russia would
understood the Russians, despite their substantial support of Assad, fear the possibility that extremist elements among the many rebel forces, those of jihadist Islamist groups in Syria, might somehow obtain some of the enormous Syrian chemical warfare stockpiles and convey such weapons to other Muslims in or near Russia. The Russian concern for those Muslim areas on their southern and south-western borders, including their fairly recent bloody conflicts in their southern Chechnya province, no doubt is a factor. In any event the Russian statement is a nice gesture of East West agreement, at least on this clear moral and legal issue. But some say Putin’s offer is only a
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I throughout his first Presidential term, perhaps due to his early experience seeing the horrors and devastation of the Civil War in Southern cities. But after the sinking of the Lusitania civilian passenger ship by German submarines with major loss of American lives he saw that entry into that war was necessary. Still, in his second term he had to struggle mightily to gain Congressional support for the war. And after the war he “martyred” himself in his phenomenal train tour around the nation struggling to achieve support and Congressional action to join his great effort to establish the League of Nations. He failed due to the resistance of the same Republican blind opposition led by the historic national villain Henry Cabot Lodge. Perhaps this was a major contribution to development of WW II. A generation later, President Franklin Roosevelt also faced vigorous and implacable resistance to the Second World War then devastating Europe. The public and Congress were strongly against entry into the war. Only the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor moved the public to support that war.
And today we have yet another reincarnation of the Lodge mentality controlling the mass media and the public, as well as doing all in their enormous financial power to oppose any and all programs and proposals of a President who is not consumed with their greed and continuing monarchist demands.
Down to the Wire On Syria Continued from page 8 stalling gesture. The odds of actually achieving a truly verifiable collection and destruction of Syria’s enormous chemical weapons stockpile would seem to be a negative, 1 in 1,000 likelihood. There does appear to be one possible action that could make the Kerry/Putin dream a reality. It has been suggested that the UN or US could not expect to safely and verifiably search, obtain, and remove Syrian chemical weapons in the war-zone of civil-war Syria. Safely and effectively conducting such a complex, extensive operation is estimated to require at least 60,000 troops on-the-ground to protect the teams carrying out that effort. Obama would not possibly propose such a “troops on the ground” condition. And even if he could, there seems to be no possibility that Congress would consider it. I would have to suggest that the one conceivable solution to fulfill this troop requirement is only if Putin would provide the necessary 60,000 troops on-the-ground of his friendly nation, Syria. This might
seem acceptable due to the Russian interest in avoiding possible Muslim chemical warfare in Putin’s country. Some have said we should wait for the establishment of an “International Norm” before any military threat or action. Clearly the International Norm was created in International Law explicitly in 1928, also refined and signed in the 1993 CWC, the “Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction.” Over the world many nations have acted to follow that international Convention in their destruction of their chemical weapons, in part even in the US and in Russia. Presumably what is meant by such malapropism, faulty use of accepted “International Norm” language, is a demand that the whole world, or nearly all, do actually wish to undertake military threat or action. The other related stalling excuse is to demand that the UN, including the UN Security Council, must agree to any such action. Since the beginning of the Cold War that early reading of the UN Charter would give totalitarian states, such as Russia
and later China, an absolute Veto on such actions, without any possibility of a veto override, as in the US Congress. As a result all directly involved in related US international policies understand the UN is clearly not able to make such decisions. And I would explain that I myself have been much involved in the good work of the UN over recent decades. As a result the US is in a unique world position and ability to act. But since the Second World War there have almost no examples of US reliance on the UN to undertake major military action. Of course this has frequently led to horrific, catastrophic errors by the US: in Iraq, Afghanistan, and of course Viet Nam as well as in many smaller military horrors. However none of those abominations we led involved response to large-scale use of poison gas. It is clear that, even after Obama’s strong speech to the nation, polls still show that public and our elected representatives are “tired of war,” particularly after the abominations of the Bush/Cheney long wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. This is no new syndrome. Woodrow Wilson did resist entry into World War
Wrongful Conviction Results in $5.4 Million Settlement in Favor of Jeffrey Deskovic By RICH MONETTI PEEKSKILL, NY -- On Tuesday, September 3rd, the City of Peekskill’s official affiliation with Jeffrey Deskovic came to an end during the city council meeting at the town hall. Wrongfully imprisoned in 1989 for the murder and rape of a Peekskill High School classmate, Mr. Deskovic, who was not present, will receive a $5.4 million settlement from the municipality. “The resolution will go into effect immediately,” said Peekskill Councilwoman Kathleen Talbot. Essentially paying a $910,000 deductible, the city conceded that the then 17-year-old’s constitutional rights where violated in his wrongful arrest, conviction and incarceration by current and former employees of the city. As such, Mayor Mary Foster voiced relief and satisfaction that the case had finally come to a close. We’re glad that we can move on and Mr. Deskovic can get on with his life too, she said. At the same time, the mayor expressed dismay over the parallel suit that was brought by the city’s one time insurance company, which dated to the period of Deskovic’s
conviction. “The insurance company essentially said they were not covering us,” revealed the mayor, adding five years to the process; the legal fees doubled the city’s liability. “The lawsuit and attorney’s fees cost us about $1 million, said Mayor Foster. The culprit we all face in insurance companies and lawyers put into perspective, an actual apology to Mr. Deskovic apparently
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Jeffrey Deskovic
proved too expensive. Discreetly and quickly swept away, it makes one wonder if appropriate resources have been put aside to make sure that something like this never happens again. Peekskill Mayor Mary Foster at the September 3, 2013, City Council Meeting.
Bob K. Bogen: BA Antioch College; MCP University of Pennsylvania; served as Long-Range Planning Director for the New York Metropolitan Regional Planning Commission, which ended in the South Tower of the World Trade Center; Planning Director for the New England Regional Commission; Comprehensive Planning Director or for the United Nations Development Program in Pakistan; Board Chairman of the Communications Committee for the United Nations; Principal Representative of Architects/ Designers/ Planners for Social Responsibility to the United Nations; and Chair of the Quaker Regional Committee for Peace and Social Order for eight Friends congregations in the New York Metropolitan Region.
Rich Monetti has been a freelance writer since 2003 and lives in Westchester.
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Thursday, SEPTEMBER 19, 2013
Can You Do Me A Big Favor? By EVAN S. LEVINE, M.D. It’s a call that just about every doctor gets; whether just out of school or years into practice. It usually begins like this, “Can you do me a big favor?” Most physicians, including this doctor, enjoy helping others, especially friends and even that distant cousin who only calls when medical advice is needed but doctors are being put on the spot, all too often, by being asked to “call in a prescription” for some antibiotic, Viagra, or to
lend their license and name to some quack compounding lab so that business can legally ship their merchandise. And most doctors, out of a sense of guilt, or their programmed and learned need to help others comply. In my experience most calls are from an acquaintance that wishes some form of antibiotic to “ knock out their cold.” And yet the chance of them suffering a serious allergic reaction to the antibiotic is greater than it helping their cold. Others wish a refill of some form of pain medication, even while this can result in a significant penalty to their doctor friend. Now with electronic medical records I
would strongly advise all doctors, and that includes me, to immediately stop prescribing any medication for friends or relatives who they have not seen as a patient. Even the American Medical Association shuns the idea of physicians calling in or writing prescriptions for people they have no medical records of or whom they have never examined. Many medical state boards (this is from the California State Board) have similar guidance on this issue: “There is no law which specifically prohibits a physician from evaluating, diagnosing, treating, or prescribing controlled substances to a family member, employee or friend. However, the practice is discouraged. There are laws to consider when assessing any prescribing issues which include:
1) a physician cannot prescribe without a “good faith” exam and 2) a medical record must be created which documents the medical need for the prescription. Basically, a physician must follow the same practice/protocol for any patient in which medications are prescribed.” Effective since late August of 2013, New York State’s I-STOP/PMP - Internet System for Tracking Over-Prescribing Prescription Monitoring Program requires a physician to electronically transmit every controlled prescription they write. And so I ask everyone reading this to heed my advice and stop putting your friend or relative on the spot for being a “bad guy” for not doing you “ a big favor.” If you require some type of antibiotic or pain medication or some form of potion
prepared by some snake-oil salesman then take it up with the doctor that has examined you. If your physician does not respond to your questions then fire the doctor and find a new one. For all the physicians reading this please use this as a reply to anyone who wishes to put you on the spot and potentially put your livelihood or state license at risk. We need to just say no!
as the band finally lets loose. Even though “Made Up Mind” seems a bit calculated and somewhat cautious, there’s no uncertainty about the bands growth as musicians, songwriters and arrangers. That being said I’d suspect seeing the Tedeschi Trucks Band live will toss these calculated studio risks aside. As I’m certain they will throwaway all caution, stretch out, expand their creative prowess, and let it flow freely. For evidence: The Tedeschi Trucks Band can be found performing live at the Beacon Theatre on September 20th, 21st & 27th. More info at: www.BeaconTheatre.com
Bob Putignano www.SoundsofBlue.com. Now celebrating 13 + years on the air at WFDU - http://wfdu.fm , 24x7 On Demand Radio: http://wfdu.streamrewind. com/show/profile/11 , WFDU’s Sounds of Blue is the most pledged to program for 5 consecutive years. Senior Contributing Editor to: http://www.Bluesrevue.com , http://WestchesterGuardian.com, and http://YonkersTribune.com.
Dr. Evan S. Levine is a cardiologist in New York, NY and Yonkers, NY. He is also the author of the book “What Your Doctor Won’t (or Can’t) Tell You”. He resides in Connecticut with his wife and children.
THE SOUNDS Tedeschi Trucks Band Up Mind” OFBLUE “Made Sony Masterworks By Bob Putignano There’s an abundance of fiery guitar on “Made Up Mind,” but first and foremost this is a band effort, not a Derek Trucks Band recording. Though I must say that I miss Derek’s leadership as a bandleader opposed to sharing the marquee with his wife Tedeschi. This is no putdown to Tedeschi, I just like Derek front and center exploring the deeper boundaries of music. That being said “Made Up Mind” is very soulful and utilizes a solid horn section, and (for the most part) two drummers like the Allman Brothers used
and still tour with over the decades. This is the third outing for the Tedeschi Trucks Band and follows last years live recording and is their second studio album. Their debut studio album “Revelator” from 2011 won a Grammy. Co-production credits for “Made Up Mind” belong to Derek Trucks and Jim Scott. All in all there’s eleven tunes authored by various combinations of Tedeschi, Trucks, Doyle Bramhall III, John Leventhal, Gary Louris, Eric Krasno, Oliver Wood, Mike Mattison, David Gutter, Adam Smirnoff,
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and Sonya Kitchell. There are no covers tunes. The title track opens this recording in raucous style, Tedeschi’s vocals are solid, the band is thumping with a low-key horn section, then Derek kicks in with a short but memorable guitar solo, this tune goes through some fascinating changes and closes with a rush. “Misunderstood” punches to the gut, again with a well orchestrated horn section with vocal support from Mattison and Mark Rivers, funky clavinet and wah-wah guitar for good psychedelic measure. The soul-soaked “Part of Me” works particularly well and has a contemporary feel too; Tedeschi and Saunders Sermons vocally duel to near perfection. As anticipated “Whiskey Legs” features a growling Tedeschi vocal and supplementary acid-tinged rhythm and lead guitar work from Trucks and Tedeschi. “All That I Need” displays the sophisticated songwriting trio by Tedeschi, Trucks and Bramhall with its bouncy rhythms, smart horn charts, and Trucks’ torrid solo, makes for a very uplifting and positive vibe. Tedeschi, Trucks and Leventhal’s “The Storm” churns for over six and half minutes, Trucks is at his headiest here extending his guitar solo trading off well with Kofi Burbridge’s keys, and Pino Palldino’s bass also adds a lot of intrigue
Thursday, SEPTEMBER 19, 2013
Pet Paradise in Hartsdale By HELEN WEISMAN The Hartsdale Pet Cemetery (HPC), otherwise known as “The Peaceable Kingdom In Hartsdale” is a special place for many reasons. To start with, it gets its name from an early nineteenthcentury painting with the similar name. “The Peaceable Kingdom,” as the painting is known, hangs in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York today. It is by the primitive painter Edward Hicks. The work is based on a Biblical text depicting Noah’s Ark passage. It features a variety of animals that share the green grass where they lay. Hicks reveals a world filled with animals that live in harmony through the medium of painting. Referring to the painting, Edward C. Martin, III, Vice President of the HPC, says, “All these different types of animals that are buried here are like the painting, a very peaceful place. There is a sense of outpouring of love here for the pets.” Established in 1896, the HPC is America’s first pet burial ground. In fact, it is the oldest operating pet cemetery in the world. Furthermore, it is the only pet cemetery listed on the National Register of Historic Places and is ranked amongst the top 10 cemeteries in the world. It is also a Certified National Wildlife Habitat. Contained within its gates is the Hartsdale War Dog Memorial. This Memorial is a designated landmark of Westchester County and is listed in the Art Inventories Catalog of the Smithsonian. Since the HPC began, more than 80,000 animals have been interred within its grounds. On Sunday, September 8, 2013, the HPC celebrated Pet Memorial Day. In an effort to honor animals that have passed on, the International Association of Pet Cemeteries (IAPC) designated the second Sunday of September as National Pet Memorial Day. For the past 10 years the HPC has added blessings for living animals to the event as well. This year, the Reverend JoAnne Campo conducted the ceremony. There were approximately 30 dogs present. Other people came with pictures of their living and deceased animals, and still others with urns filled with the ashes of their deceased pets. Many of the pictures people brought were of cats. While she is an Episcopal minister by training, Reverend Campo kept the ceremony interfaith so that it would be appealing to all denominations.
This was especially appropriate as the pets interred in the cemetery come from throughout the world and from owners of different religious backgrounds. Included in the cemetery are animals from Italy, Germany, France, Holland, Scotland, Japan, Hungary, Russia, and even as far away as Egypt. The most unusual pet in the cemetery is a lion cub. Named Goldfleck, the cub belonged to a Russian princess who came over from Hungary. Goldfleck
The tribute concludes with the laying of a wreath at the base of the Red Cross dog on the summit of the monument. Still, the most majestic feature to the cemetery is its aura. Mervyn Peskin, who doesn’t have a pet buried in the cemetery but comes here often, says, “ I was skeptical about the value of burying your pet in a cemetery, but when I came here, I was completely bowled over by the incredible outpouring of love. That’s what is expressed on these memorials. What you find here is moving and beautiful.” What touched me the most in viewing the different memorials was the one where the
The Special One By NAJAH MUHAMMAD RYAN Black Bird fly high in the clouds How I adore thee. Sent from the heavens to make me proud There you sit upon the dead tree Claws dug snug in the bark While the wind howls and the skies become dark. True! You have been tested with no thought to depart Nor find a tree more lovely than thee Your heart is made for the dead tree. Home of your birth. Not the golds or silvers, Nor greens of this earth Many try to cut you down though you sit too high for such By the time When the heavens call unto you and you release your clutch Beauty will bloom, burst through the old bark And she’ll bear Fruits in the likeness of the sun A new tree will be from the misfortuned one. Simply because you bring life with your touch Oh Black Bird how I love you so much
Hartsdale Canine Cemetery. was adopted from the Ringling Brothers’ Circus and lived with the princess at the Plaza Hotel in New York City and then at The Waldorf until its untimely death. Perhaps the biggest and most outstanding part of the cemetery is the War Dog Memorial. Overseeing the creation of this project was Robert Caterson, the acclaimed builder of monuments and such distinguished public works as Grand Central Terminal in New York City. The Memorial was originally created to honor the dogs that served in World War I, from 1914-1918. Later on, it came to encompass all service dogs because the HPC believes that all service dogs are heroes, regardless of where they apply their skills. To that end, in addition to the Pet Memorial Service, a special ceremony is held in June of every year to pay tribute to these dogs.
ashes of the pet’s owner were encased in a metal container attached to the headstone. It is legal for people, if they are cremated, to be interred with their pets in this cemetery. According to Edward C. Martin III, whose association with the cemetery spans 30 years, “The cemetery is a special place where compassionate people work in a physically beautiful setting.” The Hartsdale Pet Cemetery is located at 75 North Central Park Avenue in Hartsdale, New York. The staff can be contacted at (914) 949-2583 or Toll Free at (800) 375-5234 or at info@petcem.com. For more information about the cemetery go to www.petcem.com. Helen Weisman is a freelance science journalist living in New York City. She has taught writing at The City University of New York.
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Thursday, SEPTEMBER 19, 2013
New Rochelle Religious Leaders Remember 9/11 9/11 Candlelight vigil held on 9/11 at the New Rochelle American Legion.
All photographs by Jen Parente, courtesy of Jen Parente Photography.
By PEGGY GODFREY The New Rochelle Fire Department Color Guard stood at attention while the large crowd of over 120 people quietly waited for the 9/11 ceremony to begin at American Legion Post 8. Undaunted by their City Council meeting held on the same evening, the United Veterans Memorial and Patriotic Association (UVMPA) of New Rochelle proceeded with their 9/11 Memorial and Candlelight Vigil. UVMPA President Peter Parente set the tone by expressing his thanks to the New Rochelle Police and the Fire Departments, and Jim Murphy and John D’Alois for their help. , UVMPA Assistant Chaplin Robert PIerce gave the introductory benediction by thanking the Holy Father for all those who had gathered at the Legion that evening. He made special mention of those who had lost their loved ones on 9/11. Two Cub Scouts (Pack 1) led the Pledge of Allegiance and Camille Coppola sang the National Anthem, setting the tone for the evening. Parente extolled the heroism of New
York City Police Officer Michael Curtin who had attained the highest civilian rank of Sergeant Major in the Marines, but had died looking for survivors on 9/11. Continuing, Parente pointed out politicians are saying we should move on, but the only “moving on” he supported is the moving on with rebuilding. Many vigils had stopped; he will never stop. Recollecting how he and his wife had traveled to Ground Zero, he lamented, all you saw were thousands of pictures of people who died. When he asked when those people will “get the respect they deserved,” the large crowd assembled applauded. He urged all, even though they may be busy, to “take a moment to pray” for victims of the tragedy. Two keynote speakers followed. Former New York State Assemblyman Ron Tocci credited Parente for keeping these services alive. Tocci said, “This is a day of highest solemnity… Our country is blessed with heroes who serve and even give their lives for their country. On 9/11 thousands died. Heroes exercised their power: fire, police and others “dropped everything” and ran to offer assistance. It was a great day for Americans because so many stayed to help. In l941 the
bombing of Pearl Harbor, was called “a day of infamy” by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. And still twelve years after 9/11 there are many people commemorating this day.” Characterizing people in America as the most generous in the world, he said they were the first to respond. He believes veterans who return home must be helped. There are presently one million claims resulting from 9/11 that are backlogged. He asked what is being done for veterans. They should be the priority in the budget because they served our county “with their blood, sweat and tears.” Executive Director for Habitat for Humanity Jim Killoran next shared that he could “feel the spirit” that evening, and suggested giving the “veterans a round of applause.” Homes are being built but foreclosures are extremely high. The Armory, which was used to store relief supplies during 9/11, must be rebuilt. The hallowed ground must be prayed for. Everyone concerned with 9/11 should go out to change the world for the better. Prayers and reflections by Presbyterian Church of New Rochelle Pastor Tom Buchanan called onto “Almighty God for
those that could not escape the repeated air attacks”. He asked that the violence be turned back, and for the healing presence for those who need it. Anshe Shalom Synagogue of New Rochelle Rabbi Evan Hoffman said he had always marveled at the lofty heights of the twin towers, the closest place to the heavens. He stood there and saw the first tower fall, and started praying, reciting verses from Psalms 21 and 130, “From the depths I cry out to you, O Lord.” In the days ahead he urged continuing “to build higher and higher.” Family Christian Center of New Rochelle Bishop Redford Mott gave honor to all the uniformed services, men and women, who serve New Rochelle. After 9/11 he found himself “in ashes walking through ground zero.” He learned some very important lessons. People can be hurting many years later. Of particular note, he said, he shares solidarity with people who rush into buildings to save people. He felt you should not “wait for tragedy to seek the Lord.” Referring to Psalm 34, he said the Lord hears people and rescues those whose spirits are
crushed. To offer comfort, he added, pray in the days ahead. The lights were dimmed and candles were lit. John D’Alois read the names of the many Iona alumni and the New Rochelle residents who died on 9/11. Those that died last year in Benghazi attacks including the Navy Seals were also remembered. Several audience members offered personal remembrances. The Iona Pipe Band played followed by a closing prayer by Pastor of Holy Name Parish Father Martin Biglin. He said he had looked at the Gospel. One day, “you and I will be reunited with those heroes.” He recounted a recent experience with an immigrant he had met who said people cannot believe what a privilege it is to be an American. William Moye, Senior Chaplin of the UVMPA, now 98 years old, gave the closing prayer emphasizing “We must be strong and brave.” the Iona bagpipers played a rendition of Amazing Grace ending the meeting. Peggy Godfrey is a freelance writer and former educator.
Thursday, SEPTEMBER 19, 2013
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Mt. Kisco Hospital Neurosurgeon Ezriel Kornel, MD Describes his Sculpture in Honor of Healthcare Professionals and 9/11 Mt. Kisco Hospital Neurosurgeon Dr. Ezriel “Ed” Kornel spent September 11, 2001 in a makeshift M.A.S.H. unit at Chelsea Piers with two nurses and an anesthesiologist, waiting to tend to the casualties. When no one appeared, he headed to Ground Zero to work at a medical station until 3 a.m. the following day. When he left, one of the nurses handed him a piece of rubble as a remembrance of that horrific day. Dr. Kornel, also a neurosurgeon with Brain & Spine Surgeons of New York in White Plains, kept the piece of rubble, along with his ash-covered shoes, and the surgical mask and gloves he wore on 9/11. He recalls the emotional moment when he says he knew that he wanted to create a memorial. “Four years later, the idea came to me as to how it should be constructed. “The name of the sculpture was inspired by the story of what happened to the family of my daughter’s friend. Her father worked at Cantor Fitzgerald and knew he wouldn’t get out after the planes crashed into the buildings. He called his family to say goodbye and said ‘I love you.’” Dr. Kornel created two tall Plexiglas boxes to represent the towers and filled them with items that held symbolic significance to him. In the taller left tower, Dr. Kornel included his shoes, gloves and mask, along with an Islamic prayer rug, as both a reference to “the foundation of what brought the towers down and the power of prayer.” There are also torn pieces of paper with the names of loved ones, broken shards of glass, and a mirror so that “viewers can look into it and see themselves, how they might have played a part in 9/11, how they were affected, and how they fit into the whole picture,” says Dr. Kornel. In the second Plexiglas tower, Dr. Kornel included an apple, symbolizing both New York City’s status as the “Big Apple” and the evil and pain associated with the Garden of Eden. He also put in a watch frozen at the time the first tower was struck, a violin to show how the music stopped that day, and a candle to represent the flames shooting up from the buildings. Dr. Kornel pointed out he added an American flag coiled into a serpentine shape as a reference to how “the U.S. was on stepped on, and, just like a snake, was ready to strike back.” A miniature statue of Ganesh, the Eastern deity
Diana O’Neill
Holistic Health Services
Dr. Ezriel Kornel, M.D.
of new beginnings, shows that “even in the tragedy of destruction, there’s the hope of new beginnings,” said Dr. Kornel. “There have been many memorials dedicated to firefighters, policemen and others who perished on 9/11. I wanted to construct this sculpture in honor of the healthcare professionals and volunteers who came down to help that day,” Dr. Kornel said.
The Shoes: Worn at Ground Zero, covered in sacred ash. Also, a recollection of all the slippers and shoes visible here and there among the rubble. The Pieces of Rubble: All that remained of once magnificent towers. The Pieces of Paper and Shards of Glass: All that was left on the ground in between the rubble and the slippers. The pieces of paper here are the timeline of the day, fragmented. Hand-written over the time-line are the words, father, mother, daughter, son, brother, sister, lover, friend and the words, ”I Called to Tell You All I Love You.” The Gloves: The surgeon’s gloves, one bound because it could do nothing, the other waiting to heal the living. The Mask: The surgeon’s mask, to avoid contamination. The mask that allows anonymity. The Mirror: To see ourselves in the calamity. The Pyramid: The stairway to heaven turned upside down. The all-seeing eye
in its three forms, the eye wide open, the eye shut tight and the tearing eye blurring that which surrounds us. The Large Rectangle: The Tower still standing, not as rigid as we might have wished. The Smaller Rectangle: The Tower Collapsing The Apple: The Big Apple. The Apple from the Garden of Eden offering us the knowledge of evil, suffering and pain. The Watch: The moment at which terror struck and time stopped. The Cross, The Star of David and The Shaman Carving: All the loved ones falling to their resting place. The souls, of all religious convictions, arising towards a higher place. The Violin with the Candle: The music stopped when the fire burned. The American Flag bound and coiled: The attempt to bind the beliefs inherent in the principles that the flag represents. The snake ready to strike back at the foot that tried to bring it to its death. Ganesha: The Eastern Deity who oversees new beginnings. As one world ends, another begins. The Islam Prayer Rug: The foundation on which justification for this terror was claimed. Seen in another light, the Power of Prayer that, like a magic carpet, when used for a righteous purpose can elevate all to a more beautiful and loving world.
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Thursday, SEPTEMBER 19, 2013
Of Chess and Computers By JOHN SIMON There are two prerequisites for full appreciation of Matt Charman’s “The Machine,” now at the Park Avenue Armory: intimacy with chess and computers, neither of which I can claim. Only as a boy did I play chess, and then without distinction. I use a computer, but only in the simplest basic ways. So I sat through the show as at a play in a language I barely know. It concerns the historic battle of wits in a match of six games between Garry Kasparov, arguably the greatest chess player ever, and Deep Blue, a computer especially built to defeat the likes of him. This took place in New York in 1997, and was heavily promoted by IBM, which had bought the machine from its co-creators, and was watched on TV the world over. The writer is a young British playwright in ascendant, and the show was directed by Josie Rourke, artistic director of London’s highly respected DonmarWarehouse among other important credits. Beyond the two abovementioned caveats, a third is in order. The program notes that the play is “a fictional account . . . inspired by true events,” but not “a biography or any other factual account.” That does leave one wondering how much is fact, how much fiction. The stage is the vast Drill Hall of the Armory, with at its center a brightly illuminated chess board ready for play, and the audience seated on surrounding bleachers. Overhanging is a huge electric scoreboard that not merely displays scores; it also proclaims past dates and locations where much of the action takes place. Thus we are introduced to ten-yearold Garik, who will become Garry, his
Russian father dead, but his Armenian mother, Clara, very much in charge. We get events at the Botvinnik Chess Academy to which the boy prodigy is reluctantly admitted, Botvinnik having been another champion. We encounter Garry’s teacher, the dictatorial grandmaster Anatoly Karpov, whom Garry would eventually defeat. Later we meet
also a lesser, envious computer expert, Joel Benjamin, and a crassly manipulative superagent, Owen Williams. Finally. Seated at a nearby table, are two TV commentators, Mandy Dinkelman and Karen Daley Meyers, herself a chess champion. There is something impressive about sitting in that tremendous hall, where voices resonate and characters scurry in from all directions. Lights frequently dim or even go out entirely, and there is discreet intermittent music by Michael
Hadley Fraser
The Machine at Park Avenue Armory also Feng-Hsiung Hsu, the co-inventor of Deep Blue, an immigrant from Taiwan studying at Carnegie Mellon University, and the other co-inventor, Murray Campbell. Still later we get a couple of IBM vice-presidents suitably attired for the golf-course locale where deals are discussed, and later yet two young women: cheerleader Tasmin, who, though married, will become Hsu’s girlfriend, and Angela Burgess, who works for IBM but sides with Garry. There are
Hadley Fraser and Kenneth Lee
Bruce, all of which contribute to dramatic tension. This is riveting even if you cannot quite follow it, like the chess moves displayed on the scoreboard, but affected by all those busy, agitated, sometimes ceremonious goings-on. To be sure, there is some exaggeration. Thus Garry and Hsu at the chessboard carry on with vehement movements as if in a sports event, and, on a couple of occasions, Garry even jumps up on the table with the chessboard in order to deliver himself of some rousing rhetoric. The direction is electric, and the acting often febrile, with Hadley Fraser a multifaceted Kasparov, Francesca Annis a powerful Clara, Kenneth Lee a commanding Hsu, aptly seconded by Trevor White’s more circumspect Murray, doggedly trailed by Brian Sills’s Benjamin. The two double-cast women, Antonia Bernath and Lucille Sharp, were excellent, as were several multiple-cast men and a boy, one of two alternating on different evenings. I was particularly pleased to see Ms. Annis, who had been a winning Lady Macbeth in the PolanskiTynan film so many years ago. Seating and scenery were well devised by Lucy Osborne, as was video by Andrzej Goulding and lighting by Mark Henderson, who even had multicolored lights running along in spaces between
The Machine By Matt Charman
the floorboards. The production exhibited enough machinery beyond Deep Blue, as if to be harbinger of a new era of triumphant technology. Even if you arrive already knowing the outcome of this spectacular combat, having followed it back in 1997, you will still be gripped by a kind of involuntary suspense. This is the sort of play where the many characters are perforce sketchy, and Jonathan Watkins’s choreography is marginally more interesting than the dialogue, of which herewith a typical example: IBM VP: A single chip is gonna beat the World Champion? HSU: No. But two hundred with an ability to calculate two hundred million moves per second might just do it. IBM VP: Two hundred million? HSU: Per second. That’s right. And that’s just the beginning. MURRAY: We think the machine we’re building is capable, in time, of mimicking the way a brain absorbs information and learns from it.
The machine, we gather, can foresee fifteen moves to come. If you can presumably predict fewer, the play will hold sufficient surprises for you. All images by Stephanie Berger and courtesy of Park Avenue Armory. Park Avenue Armory, 643 Park Ave, New York, NY 10065. P: (212) 616-3930. http://www.ArmoryOnPark.org John Simon has written for over 50 years on theatre, film, literature, music and fine arts for the Hudson Review, New Leader, New Criterion, National Review, New York Magazine, Opera News, Weekly Standard, Broadway.com and Bloomberg News. Mr. Simon holds a PhD from Harvard University in Comparative Literature and has taught at MIT, Harvard University, Bard College and Marymount Manhattan College. To learn more, visit the JohnSimonUncensored.com website.
Thursday, SEPTEMBER 19, 2013
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Capriccio Latino Opens in New Rochelle Serving Italian and Latino Cuisine By Marike Restauranteur Nick Di Costanzo has opened his new restaurant, Capriccio Latino, at 414 Pelham Road in New Rochelle. Formerly, Siete Ocho Siete and Mamma Francesca, the newly renovated space now boasts a sleek, haute modern vibe. Fourteen-foot ceilings have been exposed, making the restaurant feel even larger. The wall separating the dining room from the kitchen has been covered in a tufted, rich red fabric, offering a dramatic focal point for the dining room. A soft sculpture wavy upper wall covering in the dining room reminds guests how close they are to the sea while the buff colored wallpaper, strewn with silvery strands, is quietly elegant. Black lacquer shadow boxes frame the towering, mirrored bar and an adjacent space offers seating for those who prefer to sip mojitos or a glass of wine while sampling the extensive small plates menu. A variety of foods are available as small plates, including Baked Clams with Lemon White Wine Sauce, Ceviche Mixto, Pastelitos (Beef Chicken & Shrimp) and Calamari Enojado (Calamari rings in a spicy oil). The menu has been updated to include the most popular selections from the Mamma Francesca
Open 7 Days A Week
Restauranteur Nick Di Costanzo menu along with Latin dishes that have become increasingly popular in Westchester. Mamma’s Stuffed Chicken Breasts Europeo (Chicken Breast stuffed with Prosciutto, Mozarella, Mushroom & Spinach in a Marsala Wine Sauce) and Misto Frutti di Mare (Shrimp, Clams, Calamari & Mussels) are side by side on the menu with Bavetto al Cabernet (Grilled Skirt Steak, Wild Mushrooms and Onions)
and Paella Capriccio Latino (Saffron Rice with Lobster, Chorizo, Shrimp and Clams). Classic Pernil Viejo San Juan (Slow Roasted Pork with Rice and beans) is also a menu staple. Diners should make room for dessert, as they can choose from Tiramisu, Flan or Tres Leches Cake. All dishes are completely described in English, which makes the process of exploring
Continued on page 16
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Thursday, SEPTEMBER 19, 2013
Capriccio Latino Opens in New Rochelle Continued from page 15 a new cuisine much easier. Event Manager Maria de Lourdes Saona and her staff are bilingual, should translation be necessary. “This is not a fusion menu,” Di Costanzo points out. “We are serving dishes that are cooked authentically from their respective culinary traditions. “ A native of Ischia, an island off the coast of Naples, Italy, Di Costanzo learned to cook from his mother, Francesca, and grateful diners have been feasting on family recipes for the past 30 years. Much of the produce is locally sourced. Di Costanzo, an avid gardener in his spare time, enjoys cultivating a garden that includes 170 tomato plants, fig trees, arugula, and assorted herbs. Happy Hour runs from 12-7PM Monday-Friday. Great care and enthusiasm have been taken to develop the
cocktail list and 30 different mojitos are currently available, including best-sellers whiskey passion fruit, strawberry & champagne and the classic mojito. Outdoor dining is available on the patio and the sunroom overlooking the marina has been re-decorated as part of the makeover. From 4PM-7PM, Sunday - Thursday, early diners can enjoy special savings with a $20 Prix Fixe Dinner that includes Soup or Salad as a First Course, the Choice of an Entree, 1 glass of Wine or Sangria, and Dessert with Coffee or Tea. Capriccio Latino is open from Noon -10:30PM Monday to Thursday; Noon - Midnight on Friday and Saturday and from Noon - 10PM on Sunday. On and off-site catering is available and the restaurant can accommodate parties of up to 80 people. www.capricciolatino.com.
GovernmentSection MAYOR Marvin’s COLUMN GOVERNMENT
Inaugural Fall Column By MARY C. MARVIN Welcome back to all! My inaugural fall column is a compilation of updates on projects undertaken while many Villagers were away as well as answers to some frequently asked questions of late. The Public Works Department undertook a very aggressive street resurfacing capital program of paving, curbing and sidewalk installation with expenditures reaching a half million dollars. All of the residential work has been completed. Parts of the two business districts will be paved in the late night hours in the next few weeks. Residents living nearby will be informed by flyer and e-alert as to the evening schedule. If you believe your street is in need of repair, call the Public Works Department at 337-7338 and it will be added to the list for the next capital undertaking. The Police Department has undertaken a “Back to School” enforcement initiative concentrating on monitoring speeding, especially in the 20 mph school
zones, cell phone usage and texting while driving as well as the persistent problem of u-turning in the business district. Over the summer, the Village Trustees engaged a consultant specializing in small business district revitalization with experience in communities similar to Bronxville. In conjunction, we also formed a focus group of resident of all ages, landlords and shopkeepers. The experts are focusing on our parking and its distribution, zoning and changes of use procedures and approval timetables, rental costs, lease requirements, landlord behaviors, marketing and regional competitiveness. Their work will continue into the fall. The FEMA flood mitigation grant/ project has finally been approved and is now in the Facility Planning Phase with the architectural firm. As a refresher, the Village was awarded $5.16 million in grant monies which represents 75% of the cost of the project. As a result of another grant the Village was able to procure from New York State, the Garden Avenue parking lot will be reconfigured to add permeable
surfaces and drains to further mitigate flooding in the school environs. New York State has revamped the procedure for receiving the Star tax exemption. As the date for filing draws nearer, I will elaborate and share more specific details. In essence, the onus is now on the taxpayer, not the taxing entity. Our assessment department will mail out applications and information during October. Due to renewed requests from residents, the no parking zone on Midland Avenue adjacent to the school track is in full force. Quite honestly, perhaps to our detriment in terms of liability, we have often turned a blind eye to vigorous enforcement here due to the needs of the school for athlete and visiting fan parking. However, parking vehicles curbside along this stretch does not leave the required road width for safe passage of vehicles traveling southbound. Also drivers exit vehicles directly into a lane of traffic creating an extremely dangerous situation. Emergency vehicles have also been detoured when vehicles are parked curbside on Midland Avenue. The Bronxville Chamber of Commerce is partnering with the OSilas Gallery of Concordia College on a
“Rodin in Bronxville” community-wide celebration in honor of the special exhibition of Rodin sculptures on loan from the Gerald Cantor Foundation and the Metropolitan Museum. Running from September 12th through November 27th, more than 40 businesses and organizations will partake in the celebration by offering performances, classes and discounted French themed meals, merchandise and promotions. The Village has hired a traffic engineer to evaluate the intersection of Pondfield Road and Midland Avenue with an eye towards improved walkability. A new shipment of blue recycling bins has arrived at our Department of Public Works. If you are in need, just stop by Village Hall or send $10 in cash or check and our sanitation staff will deliver to your home. Any municipal building permits are valid whether or not a proposed project is subject to outside legal action. Hence, Lawrence Hospital may go forward with their project while issues are being adjudicated through the court system. Also relating to the Hospital, if you should have need to use the emergency room, the hospital parking garage is a 24-hour service. In extreme emergencies,
staffers will transport your car to the garage while you receive care. Parking is forbidden on Village streets from 3AM to 7AM to facilitate street cleaning and plowing and spot abandoned autos. Visitors parking on the streets near the hospital during this time frame are subject to ticketing. The Federal Monitor appointed by HUD to oversee the Affordable Housing Settlement reviewed the Village’s land use laws and deemed them non-discriminatory. We continue to work with all parties on both the Federal and County level to understand our role and obligations in the Settlement Agreement. Finally, the entire staff at Village Hall and all our elected officials past and present mourned the loss of former Mayor Sheila Stein this August. She was a lady of great warmth, intellect, grace and courage and the finest example of a public servant this Village could ever have. Mary C. Marvin is the mayor of the Village of Bronxville, New York. If you have a suggestion or comment, consider directing your perspective by directing email to mayor@ vobny.com.
Thursday, SEPTEMBER 19, 2013
The New
The Mayor’s Corner By Mayor PAUL S. ROSENBERG As you are aware, an electrical fire at the Rye Ridge Shopping Center several weeks ago had closed a major portion of the shopping center. Over the past several weeks, the Rye Ridge management has been working 24X7 with a small army of contractors, and the individual storeowners to repair the damage to the electrical system and re-open their stores as soon as possible. Representatives from the Village Building Department also worked closely with the shopping center throughout this process. Earlier this week, several stores on the upper level of the shopping center were cleared by the Village to
open for business. As of yesterday, that clearance extended to the entire upper level. As of today, we anticipate that the Village will also clear all of the stores on the lower level to open for business (although some stores may take an extra day or two in order to prepare to re-open). The Village is thrilled to have our main shopping center (and quasi “downtown”) back in business. I strongly encourage everyone to stop by over the weekend and support the stores which we have become so reliant on over the years. One last request – the Village has kicked off its Comprehensive Plan, which will establish a policy guide for future land-use decisions within the Village. In order to receive
as much public comment as possible, we have created a survey that I request everyone complete. The address for the survey is: http://www.ryebrook. org/survey I wish you an enjoyable fall season!
The New
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Don’t Waste Your Time Anywhere Else Don’t Waste Your Time Anywhere Else
Club Club
Paul S. Rosenberg is mayor of the Village of Rye Brook. Direct email to mayor@ ryebrook.org.
New York York New
OP EDSection
In what is becoming the most pedagogic presidency in memory, President Barack Obama has demonstrated his fondness for putting on his rhetorical tweed jacket and lecturing the people who put him in office. His professorial roots are ostentatiously displayed on issues across the political spectrum, but no phrase of his is more threadbare than his labeling of something as “the right thing to do”. Despite the fact that this statement is devoid of meaning in the morally-relativist world in which President Obama believes he lives, he seems to use it daily for one subject or another. We were told that passing his healthcare law was “the right thing to do”. Offering amnesty and federal benefits to the children of illegal immigrants via his DREAM act was also “the right thing to do”;
as was extending the tax credits for so-called clean energy companies. Right-things-to-do also include making the tuition tax credit permanent, supporting No Child Left Behind, the repeal of DADT, re-upping the Payroll Tax, and
supporting clean energy initiatives, or at least that’s what we have been told. Most recently, he has pontificated to the American people that exerting military might against the Syrian government is “the right thing to do”. How trite has this phrase of his become? In a 2010 speech in Youngstown, Ohio, the President used the phrase 18 times in one speech, including 9 times in a 200-word stretch at the end of his written remarks. It’s enough to make one wonder if there is anything, which isn’t the right thing to do, but of course we know the answer to that question. The unspoken assertion, which accompanies the-right-thingto-do designation, is that acting against the president’s suggestion is the-wrong-thing-to-do. So opposition to Obamacare, the DREAM act, repealing DADT, attacking Syria, or really anything President
Continued on page 18
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Sushi Bar and Lounge. 20 W. 20th ST. (btwn 5th & 6th) 212-633-1199 HAPPY HOUR @ THE VIP!s thevipclubnyc.com 2-For-1 Drinks
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Thursday, SEPTEMBER 19, 2013
The Right Thing to Do
A Broken Presidential Record
“Who’s ‘right’ are we talking about here? Is this the right thing for all Americans? If so, how do you know? What is the source of this conviction?” “If absolute morality exists, as your position is affirming that you believe, can we revisit some of your more ambiguous policy positions which seem to be based on the presumption that morality is relative to the individual?” “For instance, when you state that abortion is a personal choice which you support, are you taking the position that a) abortion is only right or wrong according to each individual’s personal beliefs, or b) abortion is a moral good for America? I will advise you that selecting Option A will invalidate the 3,000 times you’ve called something the-right-thing-to-do.” “ If there is a right-thing-to-do when faced with the choice between extending the payroll tax holiday or not, then there
is certainly a right-thing-to-do when faced with the choice of having a doctor kill a baby in a womb or not.” For too long this type of intellectual dalliance has been tolerated without challenge. We have allowed our ideological opponents to dictate the terms of our engagement and they have done so in a manner which assures their victory. What choice has the President left those who oppose his proposed course of action? The opposition is forced to choose between absconding from their ideological position or affirming support for something which has been labeled the-wrong-thing-to-do. It is the equivalent of a baseball team which instructs the umpire to give the tie to the runner when they’re batting and to give the tie to the defense when they’re fielding. Sadly, the umps in our game are all too willing to allow this arrangement
and our team manager is too incompetent to protest. It’s up to the American people to rail against the inconsistencies of moral relativism and if that doesn’t work, to evict our manager in favor of someone who has the stones to do his job.
New York City Must Avoid Voting for a Flamer
in his or her britches (assuming there is a runoff ). In the meantime, we should take a hard look at the qualifications of Joe Lhota. He is reaching out to the same moderate Democrats and Republicans who elected Bloomberg. Plus, he goes out of his way to say he is nothing like the Tea Party infested national Republican. If he has the right stuff, maybe he can win.
I am going to be sorry I wrote this, but here goes: Right now, as things stand, I would rather see Sarah Palin elected mayor of New York City than any of the mediocre crop of flaming liberals now before us. I love New York more than I dislike the former Governor of Alaska.
Continued from page 17
Obama supports, becomes effort exerted for the “wrong thing”. This is a subtle but effective tactic that he uses to great effect. It allows him to frame the topic at hand in terms of absolute morality, while he keeps his foot in the camp of moral relativism. If he were a more intellectual man, it could be credited to him as a brilliant political maneuver, but since his particular brand of cunning spawns from the Chicago School of Politics it’s more likely that his stance is pragmatic rather than strategic. On issues ranging from abortion to homosexuality, the president has clearly demonstrated that he believes controversial issues are to be determined by one’s own morality which has been shaped and developed by life’s
experiences. Certainly his own “evolution” on the issue of same-sex marriage has demonstrated that his view of morality is subject to change. Yet he patronizes the American public with statements that blatantly assert that there exists a right thing to do! So which is it, Mr. President? If your innumerable statements are true, then it means absolute morality exists. It means that there is indeed a “right” thing to do, which in turn means that there is a “wrong” thing to do as well. So let’s have that conversation. Too often, a fawning media and rubber-stamp intelligentsia have given this maneuver a pass, when it should be acknowledged and questioned: “How do you determine the right thing to do, Mr. President?”
Luke Hamilton is classically-trained, Shakespearean actor from Eugene, Oregon who happens to be a liberty-loving, rightwing, Christian constitutionalist. When not penning columns for ClashDaily. com, Hamilton spends his time astride the Illinois-Wisconsin border, leading bands of liberty-starved citizens from the progressive gulags of Illinois to [relative] freedom. Hamilton is the creative mind/voice behind Pillar & Cloud Productions, a budding production company which resides at www. PillarCloudProductions.com. He owes all to his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, whose strength is perfected in his weakness.
A Liberal Lament
By BOB MARRONE Yes, yes, you have read the by-line correctly. I am digging in my heels with the express purpose of throwing the flaming liberals who comprised the Democratic candidates for mayor, including the presumed winner of the primary, Bill de Blasio, under the proverbial bus. I also concede that this is a Westchester focused newspaper; but there are lesson to be learned from what is unfolding down in the “big city” that we can learn from. So please indulge me, a self proclaimed center-left opinion squawker, while I attempt to open a few eyes to the dangers of electing any of these under qualified, goalong-to-get-along, doctrinaire weaklings to one of the toughest government jobs in the country. Mike Bloomberg, as imperious as he is and as user friendly as he is not, has been a very good mayor. He may even go down as a great one. There is no questioning that he is a social liberal, and that is fine by me. He has also shown his occasional flaming side with his attempts to regulate the sizes of soft drinks and other “nanny state” ideas that he believes are good for us. The cigarette thing turned out to be genius, but some of the other stuff made people uneasy, not necessarily because he was wrong, but because we Americans don’t like to be told what to do; so much
so that we sent the British home in there wooden ships. So there you have the Bloomberg-left snapshot, a social liberal that sometimes goes overboard in that department. The irony here is that Bloomberg acts on research based facts. And while he did not get the memo that says “just because you are right about the positive effects of something does not mean you get to impose your will,” he has also based his right-of-center policies on the hard facts. As he leaves office he warns of the looming financial crisis as union contracts become due. His economics are firmly capitalist and realistic. After all, this is the man who turned a severance pay out of a few million dollars from Solomon Brothers into a data, technology and news empire worth untold billions of dollars. Also, as he leaves office, he is faced with the pain of listening to liberal Democrats committing to returning public schools back to the future of failure and futility, as they, the candidates, subordinate themselves to the powerful, though malevolent, Teacher’s Union. Worse still, this weak bunch is afraid of any ethnic, racial or religious group, or any segment of same, who might take issue with attempts to fix the city’s schools. Bloomberg, social liberal that he is, nonetheless refuses to ignore the benefits of Stop-and-Frisk, even in the face of the most horrid condemnations. And while there are fair issues to debate about how and where this policy
is carried out, it is his steadfastness in not wanting the city to return to the wild-west that it was under mayors like Lindsay and Dinkins that sets him apart. It is time for Michael Bloomberg to go, “Yes!” It is also true that the way he went about getting a third term was smarmy. But take a trip on the train to the heart of New York. Even in the aftermath of 9-11 and the silly politics that followed, New York City remained the center of the planet; what is more is that it is today safer and cleaner than it has ever been. I still cannot get my head around what Times Square has become. It is now the center of the center of this little blue sphere. So, ask yourself if you want to see the Big Apple begin a return to being a worm infested chunk of compost, subject to the humor of late night talk hosts. Ask yourself if you want to go back to the days of classrooms as battlegrounds, unsafe streets and strike filled financial mismanagement. Also, remind yourself that our smaller Westchester apples sit right next to the fat one. Remember the barrel thing and the rotten apple? The one thing New York City does not need is a weak, flaming liberal to take over the tiller of the town. I don’t propose an answer yet. I really don’t know. Maybe if enough people complain or ask serious questions, the ultimate winner of the Democratic primary will actually grow some principle filled… er… attachments
Bob Marrone is an author and freelance writer.
C L A S S I F I ED A D S Office Space for Rent Prime Yorktown Location Office Space: 470Sq. Ft. Rent $900/Month 2 Room Office Space: 1160 Sq. Ft. Rent $1675/Month Office Space: 305 Sq. Ft. Rent $500/Month Wilca: 914.632.1230
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ARTS & Craft Vendors Wanted Arts, Craft and Gift Fair to be held indoors in Bronxville, NY by Building Hope for the New Yonkers Animal Shelter New items only - contact: Julie 914-924-0708; Email: GingerJ415@aol.com
Spacious, clean storage. Strong cinder block bldg. w 1 lrg. 2,400 sq. ft. unit ($4,000 /M) or separate locked 1,200 sq. ft. units ($2,000 each/M). All spaces are subdividable. 8 Ft. Ceilings. One unit has a full garage door ent. No extra fees. 6 mo. to 1 year rental options. Convenient, safe religious org. setting in Ossining. 24x7 campus security. 7 day (8A - 6P) access. Bldg monitored/doors alarmed. Call Jim @ 914. 941. 7636 (x 2395)
Thursday, SEPTEMBER 19, 2013
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sec-anitabarnes FCA §§ 1035, 1036, 1055 form 10-7c [NOTE: May be served outside New York State]
(Summons-Child Neglect Proceeding) (8/2010)
FAMILY COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF WESTCHESTER ******************************************* In the Matter of a Proceeding Under Article 10 of the Family Court Act BABY BOY BARNES (CIN# by ANITA BARNES,
_____/s/_________________ Clerk of Court
Deutsche Bank National Trust Company as Trustee for Index No. 57671/2012 the Certificate holders of the GSAA Home Equity Trust 2005-2, Asset-Backed Certificates, Series 2005-2 SUPPLEMENTAL SUMMONS
Dated: August 31, 2013.
Docket No. NN- 9842-13 SUMMONS (Child Neglect Case) (1022 REMOVAL)
INDEX NO. 57671/2012 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/13/2013
Marcy Timpone, if living and if any be dead, any and all persons who are spouses, widows, grantees, mortgagees, lienors, heirs, devisees, distributees, or successors in interest of such of the above as may be dead, and their spouses, heirs, devisees, distributees and successors in interest, all of whom and whose names and places of residences are unknown to Plaintiff, New Century Mortgage Corporation, Joshua A. Greenwald, M.D., United States of America-Internal Revenue Service, New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Defendants.
Plaintiff designates Westchester County as the place of trial. Venue is based upon the County in which the mortgage premises IS situated
TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANT(S): YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to answer the Complaint in this action and to serve a copy of your Answer or, if the Complaint is not served with this Summons, to serve a Notice of Appearance on the attorneys for the plaintiff within twenty (20) days after service of this Summons, exclusive of the day of service (or within thirty (30) days after service is complete if this Summons is not personally delivered to you within the State of New York). In case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the Complaint. NOTICE OF NATURE OF ACTION AND RELIEF SOUGHT THE OBJECT of the above captioned action is to foreclose a Mortgage to secure $495,200.00 and interest, recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the County of WESTCHESTER on February 14, 2005, at Control No. 442920281, covering premises known as 11 Dunster Road, Mount Kisco, NY 10549. The relief sought in the within action is a final judgment directing the sale of the premises described above to satisfy the debt secured by the Mortgage described above. NOTICE YOU ARE IN DANGER OF LOSING YOUR HOME If you do not respond to this summons and complaint by serving a copy of the answer on the attorney for the mortgage company who filed this foreclosure proceeding against you and filing the answer with the court, a default judgment may be entered and you can lose your home. Speak to an attorney or go to the court where your case is pending for further information on how to answer the summons and protect your property. Sending a payment to your mortgage company will not stop this foreclosure action. YOU MUST RESPOND BY SERVING A COPY OF THE ANSWER ON THE ATTORNEY FOR THE PLAINTIFF (MORTGAGE COMPANY) AND FILING THE ANSWER WITH THE COURT. By: Stephen J. Wallace, Esq. Frenkel, Lambert, Weiss, Weisman & Gordon, LLP Attorneys for Plaintiff 53 Gibson Street Bay Shore, New York 11706 (631) 969-3100 Our File No.:01-042339-FOO L F FINANCIAL LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY authority filed with NY Sec. of State (SSNY) 6/19/13. Juris. of Org: NJ filed 4/5/13. NY off. Loc. in Westchester Co. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to The LLC Robert A. Greene PO Box 882 Chappaqua, NY 10514. NJ address of LLC: 400 Interpace Pkwy, Bldg C Parsippany, NJ 07054. Arts of org. on file with NJ Secretary of State P.O. Box 300 Trenton, NJ 08625. Purpose: any lawful activity.
517RG LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY authority filed with NY Sec. of State (SSNY) 6/6/13. Juris. of Org: NJ filed 4/11/08. NY off. Loc. in Westchester Co. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 517RG LLC Robert A. Greene PO Box 882 Chappaqua, NY 10514. NJ address of LLC: 24 Westminster DR Montville, NJ 07045. Arts of org. on file with NJ Secretary of State P.O. Box 300 Trenton, NJ 08625. Purpose: any lawful activity.
THE LANGUAGE PARLOR, LLC Articles of Org. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY) 6/27/13. Office in Westchester Co. SSNY design. Agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to C/O United States Corporation Agents, Inc. 7014 13th Ave Ste 202 Brooklyn, NY 11228. Purpose: Any lawful activity. Registered Agent United States Corporation Agents, Inc. 7014 13th Ave Ste 202 Brooklyn, NY 11228.
TUDOR CITY CENTER LLC Articles of Org. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY) 6/28/13. Office in Westchester Co. SSNY design. Agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to The LLC 142 Lincoln Ave Hastings-On-Hudson, NY 10706. Purpose: Any lawful activity.
FLEETWOOD HOLDINGS I LLC Articles of Org. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY) 5/1/12. Office in Westchester Co. SSNY design. Agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to The LLC PO Box 359 New Rochelle, NY 11021. Purpose: Any lawful activity. Notice of Formation of ZANICK Seven, LLC a domestic Limited Liability Company (LLC). Articles of Organization filed with Secretary of State of NY on 7/15/2013. NY office location: WESTCHESTER County. Secy of State is designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. Secy of State shall mail a copy of any process against the LLC served upon him/her to DACK Consulting Solutions, 2 William street suite 202 White Plains, NY 10601. Purpose: To engage in any lawful act or activity NEMO’S VENTURE I LLC Articles of Org. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY) 5/7/13. Office in Westchester Co. SSNY design. Agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to The LLC 317 Cantitoe St Bedford Hills, NY 10507. Purpose: Any lawful activity. Registered Agent Robert Nemeth 317 Cantitoe St Bedford Hills, NY 10507. NOTICE OF FORMATION Merritt Capital and Consulting LLC. Arts of Org. filed with Secy of State (SSNY) on April 18, 2013. Office Loc: Westchester. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served and shall mail copy of process against LLC to principal business address: 5 Pheasant Dr., Armonk, NY 10504. Purpose: Any lawful act. Notice of Formation of ZANICK Six, LLC a domestic Limited Liability Company (LLC). Articles of Organization filed with Secretary of State of NY on 7/15/2013. NY office location: WESTCHESTER County. Secy of State is designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. Secy of State shall mail a copy of any process against the LLC served upon him/her to DACK Consulting Solutions, 2 William street suite 202 White Plains, NY 10601. Purpose: To engage in any lawful act or activity NOTICE OF FORMATION Harr-Ray Enterprises, LLC. Art. of Org. filed with the Secy of State (SSNY) on June 26, 2013. Off. Loc: Westchester. SSNY designated as agent for service on LLC. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to: 100 Riverdale Ave., Ste. 16-J, Yonkers, NY 10701. Purpose: Any lawful purpose. Notice of formation of Coopers Dog Training LLC. Arts. Of Org. Filed with Sect’y of State of NY (SSNY) on 6/20/2013. Office location: Westchester County. SSNY has been designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process served to: 22 Yerkes Rd. N. Salem, NY 10560: purpose any lawful ac EZRA STOLLER ARCHIVE, LLC Articles of Org. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY) 8/9/13. Office in Westchester Co. SSNY design. Agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to The LLC 222 Valley Pl Mamaroneck, NY 10543. Purpose: Any lawful activity. Notice of Formation of Stand Style Distillers, LLC Art. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 8/20/13. Office Location: Westchester County. SSNY designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: Stand Style Distillers, 38 East Devonia, Mount Vernon, New York 10552. Purpose: any lawful purpose. MAJIC MATTERS LLC Articles of Org. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY) 7/10/13. Office in Westchester Co. SSNY design. Agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to The LLC 12 Hageman Ct Katonah, NY 10536. Purpose: Any lawful activity. Notice of Formation of JMS MOVING & DELIVERY SERVICES LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 8/26/13. Office location: Westchester County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to Junior M. Soogrim, 601 Bellevue Ave N, Yonkers, NY 10703. Purpose: any lawful act or activity.
West Guard Cert F13 (Sept 19):Layout 1
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