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The Rob Report
Looking Ahead
THE HOLIDAYS ARE BEHIND us and the new year is here.
Wow! Where did ti me go? I’m sure everyone reading this can relate.
For some, 2022 was outstanding. Many clubs are experiencing record membership numbers, while others unveiled renovated clubhouses or redesigned golf courses. The industry, as a whole, is as strong as it has been in decades.
Others, unfortunately, have experienced terrible moments. We’ve reported on devastati ng fi res and Mother Nature’s wrath. From hurricanes in the Southeast to a prolonged drought across the West, clubs are fi ghti ng batt les beyond anyone’s control.
Yet here we are … in 2023. If you’ve made it to this point, there’s hope. Each day brings a new possibility. I’ve been accused of viewing the world through rose-colored glasses, but I prefer to look at it as eternal opti mism.
Look for the bad and you’ll fi nd it. While I’m not naïve and know there will be struggles ahead, I choose to embrace the positi ves in life. Take my visit to Atlanta Athleti c Club in November, for instance. While I lost three balls on the last three holes, I prefer to think about playing the previous 33 with the same Titleist.
Heading into 2022, I was handed the reins to Club + Resort Business from longti me editor Joe Barks. He was instrumental in building this brand and I had humongous shoes to fi ll. The seas weren’t always smooth over the last 12 months, but I made it through and now have 2023 to look forward to with a dozen issues in my back pocket.
So, let’s look ahead. The fi rst quarter is always a bit hecti c with the PGA Merchandise Show, GCSAA Conference and Trade Show, CMAA World Conference and Club Business Expo, and our own Chef to Chef Conference. I’ll become even more familiar with Orlando this year as the fi rst three events will be there, while I’ll travel a bit deeper into the Sunshine State (Miami) for C2C.
Beyond that, what does 2023 hold for me? I’m not sure, but I do know that I’ll be visiti ng more clubs and resorts this year. Reading press releases is helpful, but nothing tops a boots-on-the-ground approach to learning what the most successful clubs are doing to keep their members, guests and employees happy.
On a pair of my trips last year—Country Club of Buff alo and Atlanta Athleti c Club—I had the pleasure of playing golf with members. Their unique perspecti ve provides an authenti c view into what others are experiencing. Across the board, I could feel their pride in belonging to the respecti ve clubs.
To that point, I want to know what your club does that goes above and beyond neighboring clubs. Members oft en have multi ple clubs from which to choose. Why did they choose your club and what do you do to retain them?
While I have you … Staffi ng has been a huge issue across the country—not just in our industry. How did you address this in 2022 and are you doing anything different in 2023? Finding good employees is one thing, but keeping them is another. Aside from a competi ti ve wage, does your club get creati ve in incenti vizing staff to stay and grow?
I want to know what your club does that goes above and beyond neighboring clubs. Members often have multiple clubs from which to choose. Why did they choose your club and what do you do to retain them?
Rob Thomas • Editor